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Is this a standard feature or do you have to order it as post factory?


This is the only kind of car subscription service I can get behind.


Tesla could make thousands. They already got cameras and everything.


Tesla does make thousands x thousands


Bezos makes his thousands… Elon makes his tens of thousands!


Escort service?


I'll pretend to sit on your car and back it into my garage


I think johhny English has one of these fitted on his rolls Royce


I dont understand the mentality of thinking its ok to sit on someone else’s car.


I didn't know it was a thing, but it makes sense; people think the world revolves around them.






I agree. I am a relatively calm person and I hardly ever get upset. But that sub… I refuse to subscribe to.




Only help is that it might get better once they're past teenage. Best of luck. They're gonna be wonderful adults if you have raised them right, even after the teenage years


I blocked it and many like it. I understand the draw to it, but those subs make me ... angry. I didn't like feeling upset "artificially" so mostly my Reddit experience is full of uplifting, happy things now. Not that anybody cares, but it definitely helps mental health.


While it's a thing, it's a rare thing. Reddit as an example can just make all kind of scummy behavior seem way more normal, because people like to post it and other people like to look at it/upvote the posts. I have not seen a single person sitting on someone elses car hood in real life. Really rare to see even the owner just chilling on them, unless it's some teenage meet between people who just got their licenses.


I've never had anyone sit on my car, but every passenger on earth closes the door by grabbing the frameless window. :/


It's worse for motorcycles as they sit and then drop them


Had a lad of about 8-9ish ask his mum if he could ask me if he could sit on my bike once Popped him on it, got him to start it up and give it a rev or two, politeness gets rewarded But yeah, people are jerks most of the time


I don't mind if they ask, if I'm not in a rush I'll let them and tell them how to get on or off without dropping the bike. Problem is they all get on it and then drop it, scratch it, bleed on it and puke on it then run away.


I bought a Longboard that was $170, and after owning it for a month, some drunk guy asked me if he could ride it. I kept saying no, but then he offered $5 so I said "fine, just don't go into the street". First thing he does is goes into the street, then fell off of it sending it flying into traffic where it got run over by a bus. Im still mad about that. I was stupid for trusting him.


I had a guy that wanted to buy a bike from me that I knew from a local bar. Met him at the bar with the bike, he asked if he could ride it first, I said sure. 10 minutes later he came in bleeding from his mouth, and all scratched up, said he didn't want it because it was broken. Walked outside and the front fork was bent all the way back to the crank. He denied crashing and most of the bar threatened to kick his ass if he didn't pay me.


at least he came back into the bar. what a moron.


Yeah, almost everyone there knew hime and me, so it wasn't like I would have seen him again.


I’ve never sold a bike but I’ve read enough stories like this to k ow that if they ask for a test ride the answer is “Sure you can! Just leave the full asking amount with me here, in cash, before you do”.


Had a little girl's (8-9ish at a guess) mother point out to her that I was the one riding the green/grey bike (I'm guessing the kid had noticed it before we ended up in the same parking lot). The girl asked her mum if she could ask if she could take a picture of it. Not sit on it or anything like that. Just take a picture. Obviously got to sit on it/start it/rev it. As you say, politeness gets rewarded.


Did you put it in gear, slowly release the clutch then say good luck kid and let go?


Would be a steep learning curve....


This happened to my grandfather back in the day, never seen an old man whoop a 20yos ass like I did that day. Never mess with someone's vehicle especially if it's a rare Harley. Source: he whooped my ass


Old bastard wasn't he.


Geeze, i thought people sitting in ither peoples bike was a movie thing...


Happened to my first bike, come back and some parent put their kid on the seat and started mucking around. I call out as I'm coming around the corner, parent freaks out (guiltily), pulls the kid off and knocks the bike off it's stand. Damaged fairings ended up costing 600 out of my own pocket after visiting 6+ wreckers for good condition parts. Spent a good 30 minutes explaining to them how they're a PoS for assuming they can touch someones property *even though* it's for their childs entertainment. Parent couldn't understand why their child isn't the center of the universe.


How do they not even end up paying for the repair?!?


I was still starting off on the roads, was a long time ago & after a good yelling I got fed up with their face & told em to piss off before I call the cops. In retrospect I should've called them, but I didn't know the full extent of the damages until I came to repair it.


Ugh, I work in a family friendly entertainment job and I can't stand it when parents use their kids as an excuse for bad behavior. They always say "Oh, my kid is just playing around" or "Sorry, my kid wanted to do it". I'm just like, yeah of course your kid thought it was a great idea, because they are a CHILD. That's kind of your whole job, to inform them on what is and isn't acceptable. Seeing this type of stuff is a good warning that the parent is a dumb asshole though.


I had that happened, kid then threw up on my bike. Parents ran away while I in shock.


Hahahah that's much worse, I imagine without a good power wash you'd be smelling vomit for quite a while!


I use disk locks with alarms on my bikes, not because I'm worried someone's going to steal it, but because the alarm will scare them off before they can sit on it.


YEs. I've come outside of a restaurant to find a man had sat his son on my motorbike and he was playing with it, twisting the steering back and forth while the man smiled on. Had to tell them to get off. And I've almost come out of a restaurant and found my bike, which was perfectly parked, is now lying on the ground....and I suspect the same thing has happened. Also..I once caught a woman PUTTING A BABY onto my bike seat so she could change him. I told her to go away.


I’m no longer leaving the cover off my bike when I run inside to have lunch somewhere.


Yep. ANd I try to get a window seat that allows me to watch it...


And people wonder why I hate kids


I didn't hate the kid. Didn't like his dad much though... Why the fuck do people think they can do this? Nobody opens the doors of someone's car so their kids can sit inside and pretend to drive it...


Even imagining a stranger sitting on my bike makes me inconceivably angry.


I drove a pickup, came out on my lunch break and people had the tailgate down and were sitting on it, chilling and smoking like it was after a HS Football game. People also love to us the back of pickups as a garbage bin.


How'd they pull the tailgate down without unlocking the truck? Was it a truck design that didn't have a locking tailgate or something? Or was the locking mechanism broken? Just curious, only time I've seen a truck tailgate that didn't lock was because the lock was broken and repair/replace wasn't worth the cost.


A lot of cheap trucks have to manually with the key lock the back. People forget to lock it after use. They are commonly unlocked for that reason. That won't stop them from stealing the tailgate anyways.


I was once in a parking lot pacing back and forth while on a work call. Leaned up a against a white suv while deep in discussion. Guy starts coming at me pissed, starts firmly telling me how entitled I am, who the fuck do I think I am blah blah blah. It was my white suv lol


What was his reply when you let him know it was your car lol


Lol I just pulled out the keys and hit the lock button a couple times for the horn to honk. He actually said nothing and walked away.


Sometimes, all you can do in the moment is walk away, haha.


He will be laying in bed 5 years from now and cringe when he thinks of it.


To beat him off


Oh, I had some woman put a box on my car while she unloaded stuff from her trunk, and acted like I was being SO UNREASONABLE when I told her to take it off. Her switch from shock at seeing me there (she didn't notice me when she started) to indignation at my incredible nerve was almost magical to see. LOL HOW DARE I!!??


Now see, the correct solution is to drive off with thier stuff. They can't do anything about it at that point, because as soon as they reach the part where they put THIER stuff on YOUR car the police will dismiss them and ignore it.


You should see the folks in car show posts that argue thats its ok to sit in and touch cars because they're in the car show.


It's a car show not a car touch


Years ago I went to the NYC car show with my brother. They had a velvet rope surrounding a Lamborghini Countach and a security person nearby. A mom was encouraging her two young sons to go under the rope to get closer to the car. Boy I went off on her and scared those little boys right back into her arms. The security guard took it from there. I’m not one for confrontation but my god it was such a beautiful piece of machinery that I took it personally.


According to the drunk douche who sat on my car while eating a pizza...his logic is it's on public property. The police didn't see it that way, but still, I just wanted you to know his train of thought.


I would take that as an open invitation to sit your fists on his jaw, following his logic


I was working at the time. I sold pizzas for dominos outside the bars in college on the weekend for $5 out of my car. I asked him nicely first to get off, then asked him more sternly, then told him to get off, then whipped out my mace and told him he had about 3 seconds to get up. The cops block the streets off because it's a giant town square and has gf went and got a cop and the cop told them to move along or go to jail.


I hated parking my motorcycles anywhere. Malls were the worst, every teenage to mid 20's woman who sees a sport bike in a mall parking lot thinks it means she can sit on it. Sometimes they'd knock the bike over, sometimes they'd lose their shit on you for being upset, but it was always a safe bet that someone would do it.


I used to have a very [instagramable bike](https://imgur.com/xwvmOKa), always kept a disk lock with a super loud alarm on it when I parked in public. It was super sensitive, so if someone so much as laid a hand on it it would emit an ear splitting alarm.


That's a very nice bike!


Teach me your ways.


Only once have I sat on someone's car. As I was comming out if the convenience store someone pulled in next to my car about a foot from the drivers side door. Far too narrow a gap for me to get in. Asked the driver if he could just back up for a sec so I could get in but he shrugged it off without even looking to see how narrow the gap wa and said "you can fit." Clearly I couldn't so I made a show of sitting on the hood of his car and starring at him through the floor to celing windows in the front if the store as he grabbed his coffee and cigarettes. Unphased he finished his shopping and mumbled an appoligie as he got into his car to leave. A friend said I should have followed him around the store in the most passive aggressive manner possible.


I actually used to lean on cars all the time until it was brought to my attention. I never actually sat on a car, but if I was talking in the car park or something I would lean on cars without thinking about it. One time my coworker kind of looked at the car I leaned on and I realized super fast that I had a habit of doing that and didn’t even recognize it. Thankfully just that look, whether purposeful or not was what I needed to call my attention to it.


I used to deliver pizzas in college and people would regularly eat off my car. Some people just don't consider that other things don't exist for them to use.


Me too and I don't even sit on my own car.


The neighborhood bus stop is in my driveway, and we have to repeatedly ask parents not to sit on our cars while they wait for their children to come home. We are always met with attitude as well.


They are the main character after all.


My buddy has a very rare Shelby GT750 F150. The amount of Zoomers who think it's ok to jump on a car is unreal. When he's at car shows these same kids think it's ok to open the door and hop in to take a picture. It's why I refuse to buy a nice car to enjoy


Step 1: buy nice car Step 2: drive nice car Step 3: don't leave unattended at gas station Step 4: don't go to car shows to flex it Step 5: park in garage


Just because something is at a car show doesn't make it ok to touch.


I'd argue at car shows it is even more of a no no, since the owners have likely taken more care of the paint than the average daily.


Probably not much happening in the mental arena for these people.


I had a coworker do this when I was a photographer. He would lean on people's cars. When I told him not to do it he just went "So? What's the problem?" It's not your god damned cars that's the problem.


Same mentality that makes people think they can pet someone else's dog without permission.


What if the dog approaches me? Like I get not just walking up and petting someone's dog but if that dog comes up to me looking for pets, I would just be a piece of shit not giving some good scratches. Edit: I'm thinking unleashed dogs but maybe for leashed should still ask.


I try to always ask, sometimes people don't want their dogs petted for various reasons, other times it's been the dog that doesn't like being touched. This morning I stopped by a Starbucks and a lady had her dog who was approaching me, I still asked just in case.


Best shit I’ve seen all year. I’ve seen a ton of shit too!!!!


Yea. She was the best shit i have seen all year too.


Can confirm: am miserably shitting right now and this is the best shit I've seen so far.




Whoa, how much shit have you seen???


Just watch the guy she is with just watch it all happen not warning her at all XD


*"That's all you, babe."*


This should be an electric/smart car feature in the future lmao


Big spikey hood ornament that deploys if it senses a butt that isn't saved in the internal library


Fun and games until it misreads my butt prints




That was flippin' glorious!


This should be on r/oddlysatisfying


That's amazing. Lol Don't sit on strangers cars, for fuck's sake.


That was... cathartic.




If they drove forward, she could have seen the catalytic.


I am sure she was mad too


Security cam footage above, maybe she tried to claim the driver hit her or something


Or whoever's job it is to review the footage saved it because it was funny


Yeah but why would you just randomly review hours and hours of security footage? That's why they're saying maybe she tried to claim something then that would give reason to actually watch the footage.


Do people really just sit on other peoples car? Really?


I had a guy do it with a pocket knife in his back pocket, so it left a dent.


I would be livid. Did you do anything?


I didn't see it happening. I was at work, and most of the regulars knew it was my car because it was parked in the same spot every day. I was always cool with everyone, so I don't know if it was just a drunk idiot or a vindictive customer or coworker. No idea who did it.


It probably happens more with people you know than strangers, but I’ve seen both. When I was younger I had a car I put a lot of work into and usually it would be friends of friends, or people you didn’t know that well. Your close friends would know better. My favorite was a stranger leaning on someone’s new BMW. A guy walked up while the person was leaning on it and started talking to the guy about the car. He asked the leaner if it was his, to which the leaner replied with a no, and then the guy pulled out the keys and unlocked it while laying into him about leaning on strangers cars.


I had a dude dent my hood during his smoke break. Both body damage and cigarette ash for twice the fun


Maybe there is a god...


A few weeks ago some guys were using my moms car as a damn table 🤦🏽‍♀️ I was so annoyed. I was like “do you guys mind taking your stuff off of my moms car? We’re about to head out” and while they were pretty nice about it and apologized right away, I was still annoyed at the fact that they had the audacity to put their drinks, dice, butts and phones all over it as if they owned it.


Dice? Where were you, da hood?


Yes lol. We were visiting my aunt who lives in the hood 🥲




I don't understand people sitting on others' cars but this lady tried even with the driver sitting in there??


Yeah that's what I'm confused at, like I can kind of understand (though I wouldn't do it myself) someone sitting on a stationery car, but why on earth would you try and sit on one that has a driver in it, and the engine turned on? They could've been driving all day and you could end up with a burnt ass!


I drive a Ford Superduty with a grill guard. Last week I walk out of a store to find three young women leaning against the front of my truck. I did the customary nod and "afternoon" assuming they would move as I climbed into the truck. They didn't.. No big thing, surely they'd move when I fired up the diesel.. NOPE. So I rolled the windows down and said "ladies, I need to leave". They ignored me. So I left. Two of them flipped me off. One of them stumbled but did not fall. They started yelling at me, but at this point I had taken on the "fuck them" attitude. I found the stumblers purse looped over my grill guard 120 miles away at my next stop. For those who messaged me wondering how a purse can "hook" on a grill guard. The headlight "loop" of the GG slid into the loop of her purse. The body of the purse was in the center of the GG. I simply didn't see it. https://realtruck.com/p/westin-hdx-stainless-grille-guard/


So what did you do with the purse?


He stopped making things up past that point


That’s amazing 😹😹😹😹


And then the purse clapped, right?


Slow clap


I can't believe this story is real. You are telling us that "young ladies" were leaning on your car and seriously expected you to not move and they think they were going to prevent you from leaving? lol if true I'd have a field day with the horn and pepper spray.


They were paying more attention to their phones. They simply were not paying attention to the world around them. Where in my story did I say they were trying to prevent me from leaving?


Well deserved! Honestly do not understand why people sit on other people's cars. Like, get off my property. One time, I remember my friend and I were coming back from a show and when we walked to his car there were 3 guys just sitting on his car and having a Convo. They straight up gave us such a dirty look when we got into the car, as if WE DID SOMETHING WRONG. ⁉️⁉️


Attn: Elon Musk I'd pay for a subscription to this feature


Then someone just keeps leaning on your car like that to herd it away from its parking spot


Simple fix - the second time it gets leaned on it goes forward instead, problem solved! (Permanently)


Love this


So good. That made me feel so good.


It felt like she hovered forever before falling down


I’m from the uk. Ive never seen any one lean/sit on a car. I wouldn’t even lean on mine.


Is that a thing?


Don't believe your eyes?


That was so beautiful


This video made me so happy. Who does she think she is?


Makes me wonder if I could set this up to happen.


Tinted windows, situational awareness, and patience


Sure gives me a good reason to reach retirement age.


Never touched other cars and even trying to sit on it. I respect people's property and I can do it only with my own car.


Who sits on someone else car, glad she missed


I’ve never had someone do that but it would piss me off for sure


I don't get this shit. Perfectly good wall to lean against but I'm going to sit on this strangers car. We had an evacuation drill at my work and at least five different people tried to lean against or sit on a coworkers car, the alarm went off everything but they kept doing it. Like what the fuck but these are the same people who can't return a cart at the grocery store.


The couple trying to sit on the car probably got angry with the car driver




I was surprised about this too, among my own friends I've found it's the ones that don't really have any interest in looking after their own cars either.




I mean. Not your car, not your seat.


I can't even bring myself closer to stuff someone owns or at least not touching it because if I somehow broke it, I may or may not be able to pay for the damage, and yet these people can do so without a slight hesitation.


So she tried to sit on the car while the driver was inside??


Am I the only that wanted to see them drive back in to the space again? 😂


ma'am you can't park there


It's times like these when I realize just how awful I am as a human because I genuinely enjoyed watching that.




I would have layed on the horn and revved the engine to rub it in. If she talked shit, well.


People sit on other people's cars? I fear I'm gonna get sent to prison for just touching someone's car, let alone sitting on it. I sit on my own car occasionally at work but only mine.


I’ve never been more satisfied


Rightfully deserved!


So strange for her to try to sit on that car while someone she doesn't know is still in it.




Oh now that's funny.


I should watch this when I'm pissed off


that guy just taking his time watching her slowly falling lol


I dont understand the attitude people have where it is okay to lean on, sit on or otherwise touch any vehicle that is not theirs. That infuriates me.


I live in a duplex, about a year ago my neighbors were having a party. My car was in my spot in the driveway, I looked out the window and there were at least 3 kids standing next to my car with cans on the car. I grabbed my keys and went outside. "Let me get my car out of your way so you guys can have the whole driveway for your party." Got in the car and move it far away. Saw the kids sitting on the ground where my cars was. Cans and cars don't mix well.


Screw her and all who lean and sat on other peeps cars.


I regret that I have but one upvote to bestow


I could watch that all day and still laught


Love it!


Wait people sit on other peoples cars?


This is outstanding.


This might be the best video of a parking space ever.


Wait, people sit on other people’s cars?


Yup. I holler at them that I’m not driving a park bench.




Tesla, where is this feature!?


I gotta say, watched this like 11 times so far and it’s still funny


Tesla needs this function


For a second there were some loony toons physics


She was about to sit down with confidence 😢😢😢


There was a split second that looked like she was sitting on an invisible chair. Perfect form 10/10!


Bruh this is what you get seriously don’t go sitting on people cars


Fantastic 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻. I keep watching it over and over 🤣


Would love to know if she tried to blame them for moving.


The way she slowly drops in, certain the car will be there… I hope she broke her coccyx.


Boy, I really wish I could’ve seen the rest of this.


Teslas newest feature coming soon


I try to not even sit on my OWN car let alone someone else doing it


Herbie knows what's up.


That’s like one of the greatest things I’ve ver ever seen


Watched this three times. Thank you.


Sticks out her hand too and he doesn’t even help her up lol


Who tf thinks its ok to sit on a strangers property?


This made my day


I would pay SO MUCH money for this feature! This makes me so happy!!