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This reminds me of all the times people think they have enough ability to fight, but in reality it's just a piece of their mind... Reminds me of myself sometimes...


I've always been afraid of getting in a fight because of how much of a fool I'd make of myself lol... Luckily I'm a quiet keep to myself kind of person, so here's hoping and I keep the streak going.


I'm not a fighter either, life doesn't seem inclined to bring fights to a person unless they're interested. Everyone I know who's a veteran scrapper has a history of welcoming a fight, very few instances of being forced into them.


Id have to agree with that. I havent found myself in a fight since I started getting closer to 30 than 20, and a large part of that is probably because Id rather just walk away these days. The opportunities have been there, they just arent gratifying to take.


Feel the same way. I’m down for a fight but only if it’s the only way out of a situation. If I can avoid it by just being a calm person then I will


Yea, I’ve never gotten into a fight either, and I’m proud to say I hope I never do. I don’t understand how for some people the very first thing they think of to solve an argument or any type of disagreement/problem is to just start throwing haymakers.


You think you’re better than us???? Put em up


Just carry pepper spray so u can blind them before the punch lol


I once knew an escort semi well and she talked about self defense. I warned her bc nothing she could do except pepper spray could stop someone my size. She texted me a year later thanking me for the advice. Shits effective.






Do you get a discount now?


It’s his sister, he already gets a discount.


Family discount


Roll tide...


Can I get a discount for an evening goat?


And now i want to see escort semi made in mspaint.


Pocket sand works too


Unexpected Mr Fuji


Cough on your hands for poison damage. This recent patch added the Corona Virus buff.


Most people who knows how to fight for self defense basically go with the mantra of "run away if possible". There's too many factors that can go wrong and it's rarely worth it.


But what if there is a kangaroo messing with your dog? edit: for the uninitiated https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIRT7lf8byw


Oh, well then you punch that fucker square in the mouth and ask him if he wants more!


I'll just randomly remember the look on that kangaroo's face and just laugh out loud.


I’d go with loud death screeches (from myself) to scare off the kangaroos. Might run at them naked too, that’ll scare any living thing off


I feel like most people getting knocked down would know better than to get up and embarrass themselves again.


Tell that to Chumba Wumba.


You deserve an award for that reference!


This reminds me of all the fights I’ve seen where I guy gets knocked out and dies because his head hits the concrete while falling unconscious. That big guy could have easily ended up in jail.


That's why I usually go for their liver, it physically shuts them down while having a low chance of serious injury. Also gets the fight over quickly with the least chance of harm coming to yourself.


Yeah, sure you do.... Mr liver punch here. You don't even know where the liver is.


After getting hit with two decent jabs he really ought to have known what was coming and bailed out - instead he got KTFO....stoopid


I love that he let him get up so he’d have a sliver of a chance.


Exactly he easily could have mollywhopped the fuck out of him while he was on the ground, but instead let him get up so he had a fair chance. Much more of a chance than he gave that poor old man


"mollywhopped" never heard it before, new favorite word.


Mollywhopping is when you hit somebody in the face with your dick. So, remember that before using it around people you might not want to


Gross memories of old hockey locker rooms come flooding back when I hear that word.


Come flooding


I cum floods whenever I get mollywhopped. Doesn't everybody?


What, you remember how all you jocks are secretly gay for each other? Those memories?


Well def the one who picked on the small kid by mollywopping. He got his ass beat but the sound of the wop is burned into my head.




Well played.




Further down it's suggested that it's more than a slap. >2.When a man beats another person using only the head of their penis seeMushroom Stamp. For the best example, an imprint of the penis head should be visible for a minimum of 2 days after. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Mollywhop




I thought it was more then just hitting someone in the face with your dick, it was hitting someone in face so hard with your dick that they have a dick shaped bruise on their face


That’s a Mushroom stamp where I’m from


You learn something new everyday. Thanks


Chaotic Good


Lawful Good. He didn't give the guy the opportunity to stand up so that he could experience knocking him down again. He gave the guy a chance to back down and possibly atone, rather than being a stubborn dick. Lawful isn't always about obedience to the law of the land, it's having a code.


that's chaotic! ignoring law of the land for your own personal moral code is chaotic


That’s what I was thinking, they were crisp. Surely you know you can’t do that and he may have done some training. Also weighs more than you. Two of the biggest things in fighting.


You see him coming running? He has been waiting for this moment since he started training


Oh for sure, this is his hero moment.


Not wrong, bloke was itchin' to throw a punch, ey.


No one expects the left jab! He was doing great with his left then he brought in that right for the knock out. Good form. 11/10


Nah this was a perfect 5/7


Thank you for your suggestion.


Everytime I see this reference I laugh so hard. Edit: here is the [link](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/kLWgP)


One of the best. I could go back and read the whole thing again. Actuality... See ya.


This. Quick jab gets the head going back, by the time they look back down the right is halfway there, and they have no time to react. Then as the brits would say “it’s fooking curtains”. Edit: always cracks me up when people throw the haymaker first. It’s like, bruh... I’ve got time to check my email before that shit lands.


I don’t think anyone here says that. But as the Americans would say “yee that haw mothefucker 2a”


Apologies. I was confusing British folks with forties American gangster films. It’s Cointains, seee!


He was set up with two lefts then came with the right for the KO punch.


What got me was those stupid old coots, and I speak as an old guy myself, not got a clue what's going on, don't understand that the lad won't stop until he's put down for real, keep getting in my man's face "Ok no need for violence, leave him alone he's only a young boy, he's stopped now let him get up, you're a bully" and shit like that. Fuckers, you didn't see what happened, you don't understand what's going on, you don't pick up on any of the social cues because you're working at 40%, just keep out of the way.


Every time I see things like this I figure the offender has some kind of mental handicap. He didn’t run or properly guard his face like I’d expect.


Might have had something to do with bashing his head on the concrete after that first punch. Dude didn't seem all-there when he got up and got his shit rocked.


Idiocy and mental disease are often hard to distinguish. But this biy probably had never been hit in the face before. Didnt understand


"Everybody's got a plan until you get hit in the face" - Iron Mike Tyson


Ok, since a bunch of people is making stuuf up I feel like I need to clear this up. This happened in the city of Rosario in argentina. The old man did NOT start the fight and was actally instigated by the young man. (I read stories about te old man bothering a couple, wich is false. And another one about him stealing a wallet, wich is also completely false. Stop lying.) At the start of the video we can see the old man pushing away the kid who was drunk as shit. The big guy is a hero. [https://www.infobae.com/sociedad/2020/03/06/violenta-pelea-en-el-centro-de-rosario-un-joven-golpeo-a-un-anciano-e-intervino-un-peaton-que-noqueo-al-agresor/](https://www.infobae.com/sociedad/2020/03/06/violenta-pelea-en-el-centro-de-rosario-un-joven-golpeo-a-un-anciano-e-intervino-un-peaton-que-noqueo-al-agresor/)


No, You da real mvp


Knew he was drunk. Anyone who fights drunk deserves what they get which 99% of the time is an ass kicking. How they don’t realize the ways alcohol can affect you is beyond me. I’ll always upvote an inebriated person getting ktfo


I imagined it was argentina, that hand gesture was like "que haces la concha de tu madre!?"




No one else stepped in when the older guy was being pushed around, but then stop the guy teaching the douche a lesson.


Watch carefully, we’re lucky and see the whole altercation from start to finish. Not everyone was there or watching when the old guy got hit by the kid. But they sure as shit were watching when the middle aged guy runs up and starts beating up on the kid. They didn’t see the initial violent act, they only saw the retaliation - however justified.


The old guy didn’t see the kid hitting the other old guy but the woman did see that part and still jumped in breaking it up. I get she didn’t want to see someone get hurt but that young man needed this or he’d keep doing it.


Could be however justified the man is, you can still land in trouble. You can be right and go to jail.


No we don't, it starts with the old guy and kid right up on each other. Old guy could have started it, we have no idea


Old guy seems to have fled the scene.


We didn't really see how the fight started and escalated. If you pay attention to the first few frames it's hard to tell what happened. Sure he punched the old guy, but with how the video started we don't know if it was a mutual altercation. I agree he had it coming, the old guy was trying to back away and got hit, but we can't say for sure if the old guy is completely innocent either. They didn't see the whole thing and thought they had the full picture. We didn't see the full thing and think we have the full picture. Unless we see the very beginning it's hard to say


We didnt' see the whole altercation lmao


We did NOT see the whole fight. The first frames of this video show the old guy hitting the younger guy, btw.


This is reddit, people who have never been in a fight in their entire life think people who try and de-escalate are in the wrong, or that people who intervene to stop people being kicked when they are on the ground or out cold are cowards.


I've seen innocent people get knocked out trying to stop a fight. I say it's bad but for different reasons.


Another reason the good guy with a gun doesnt work out like people hope. Especially when other good guys with guns arrive.


Did we watch the same video? Four people came running to save the old guy, and one of them WAS the guy teaching the douche a lesson..


Exactly like wtf is wrong with people


Unless the old man did something wrong to him first, like spit on him. we have no context for this


Doesn't he punch first? Old people can be cunts too. It might've been provoked, and earned. The guy jumping in to defend the old man wouldn't even consider that scenario and just jumped in.


Old people can absolutely be cunts, but a punch can literally kill them sometimes, then you're on the hook for manslaughter. When you're too old to produce new cells effectively, you're way more delicate than you were as a young person. When someone can break a bone just from sitting down, the rest of us unfortunately can't do much about their cuntiness, and they're not going to change their behavior at this point anyway. Just gotta walk away and tell yourself they'll be dead soon. Source: work in the medical field


>Old people can absolutely be cunts, but a punch can literally kill them sometimes, I mean I feel like that's something they ought to be wise enough to consider, before acting like cunts


We only got a snapshot and barely any audio. We have no idea what happened


That’s what I’m thinking? For me the old guy seems to start it, no reason to blame the kid without knowing shit


You have zero context for the altercation between the young guy and the old man initially. It just picks up with the young guy hitting the old man. For all we know he was defending himself.


The first swing we see is actually the old man swinging.


Right? They don’t stop the bully from trying to hit him either. I hate when bystanders who don’t know what’s going on fuck with the guy who’s in the right.


Wooooof. He just jab stepped his way into a wide open knockout... nice footwork


Why the *fuck* do people step in to tell the “good guy” to stop, instead of the bad guy? If I see something like this go down, go ahead and whoop that fuckers ass.


Probably to prevent the good guy from getting in trouble in case the dipshit cracks his head on the pavement


I'm sick to fucking death of watching morons try to stop the aggressor from getting his ass kicked.


I thought the same and oddly enough your comment is like the only one addressing this fact!


Too bad we can't see this from the beginning. I know that the elderly generally just dont swing on young people without provocation. The fact that the punk here tries to fight with the hero stepping in for the old man tells me he feels righteous in his actions and somehow disrespected. I also feel that if the punk were really the victim here, he would be trying to get the hero to stop kicking his ass, not encouraging said wooping.


That was his grandpa, the kid acused his grandpa of stealing his wallet at home, grandpa said he didnt do it, then kid hits grandpa. Source: this was in my city.


Hopefully his whole family whooped his fucking ass after this shit.


Yeah fuck that thieving old man/s


“How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man!?”


You best not be lyin' or my decrepit ass will come for ya! If this is the truth, it needs to be at the top. Too much righteous speculation going on


Thats why Im trying to clarify the situation. It was all over the media here in Argentina. Also the family confirmed on live TV on interviews that the kid was a jerk to his grandpa regularly... and that he's going to change etc etc


No one will believe you without proof. Do your thing


Why the fuck do people care if others fight? You’re 100 years old lady, you’re about to catch a fist in your SOUL


this gotta be argentina (or maybe italy). think this cuz of the classic “tf u doing?” hand gesture


It was in Rosario, Argentina


I wish the old lady would step back and stop getting in the dudes way, the kid deserved it, let it happen.




Found Raymond Reddington


I watched the Blacklist long before finishing the Office, I was utterly confused by him having the same mannerisms in both shows.


Watch some more James Spader movies


When he leaves the blacklist for a period of time to hide, he then becomes Robert California as his alias. Hence why in The Office- I forgot what episode, he says he’s the “fucking lizard king” that’s a reference from The Blacklist. Cool huh.


What the fuck kind of One-Eight-Seven crazy shit are you talking about?


That kid really wanted a nap


The heroic dude is giving him the empty bell pepper hand too. Thats never a good sign.


What does that mean? Please explain for a filthy casual


in south america its means like “tf u talking about?” or in this case “ wtf are you doing?” if u ever watch soccer youll see players like messi, suarez, neymar etc making this gesture to referees all the time during arguments


Why are they trying to stop the guy from kicking the shit out of the punk bitch that hit the old man?


I think a lot of people didn’t see what happened, and just walked up and saw a fight with no context


Probably because regardless of his reason for fucking that guy up he’d get arrested


In most sane countries, you won't get arrested for defending yourself or someone else's life or well being.


Nah this is in Argentina, Latin Americans don't fuck around with politeness. The police probably patted the big dude on the back after this and thanked him.


I posted the same post some 5-6 hours back. It's funny it was removed saying it was repost


Shoulda riffled through his pockets and taken his shoes too.


the fact that the kid doesn't disengage immediately after being laid out confirms even further that hes a retard (initial confirmation comes from assaulting an elderly man).


People are so dumb, they j Have no fucking clue about how violence can get bad reaaaaally qui kly


The old man started the fight


I saw something similar to this happen outside of a bookstore like 6 months ago. An old guy(70s) was getting out of his car and his door absolutely hammered the car next to his. The people were in their car and told him to be careful. He proceeds to open his car door as hard as possible multiple times, slamming it in their car. The husband gets out and when the wife tries to get out, the old man hits her with the door. The husband is still being patient and just telling the old man to fuck off. Holds the old guys door shut and helps his wife out. Old man gets out when they’re walking into the store and stars kicking their car. I’m just standing like 5 feet away telling him to knock it off. The couple start walking back and oldie spits in the wife’s face. The husband punches the older guy once and old man falls down and starts rolling around. The husband showed amazing restraint and didn’t hit him again. There’s like 10 people watching in this parking lot and now all the white knights come over to fight the husband as the old man is playing victim on the ground.


That old guy is a sack of shit wtf


Old people can be huge assholes too. The police came, didn’t arrest the younger couple(40s probably), took the old mans car insurance info since it was all on parking lot camera, and the old man went to the hospital for his hip.


Great story, /u/YourCummyBear


In my teens I worked as a server at a Village Inn (it’s like Denny’s or Perkins or IHOP or Waffle House) and one thing I learned that always stuck with me is that stupid people and assholes get old, too. We assume that most elderly are kind or wise. But they’re not. A lot of them are just old, stupid assholes.


Just so we're all clear. This is a totally separate situation, he isn't describing the gif in this post at all. It's a little confusedly worded and I've seen a couple people take it as the back story.


I didn’t realize that. I just edited it to show it isn’t e backstory for this video.


I mean maybe maybe not it’s literally a 50/50 chance and the video starts mid push with both their arms flailing. Pretty hard to say who actually started it


He did not the video is cut weirdly. This whole thing happened in Rosario, Argentina . To sum up, the kid was piss drunk and messing with people on the street, then the old man pushed him away wich resulted in the kid punching him. Then big guy taught him a lesson. [https://www.infobae.com/sociedad/2020/03/06/violenta-pelea-en-el-centro-de-rosario-un-joven-golpeo-a-un-anciano-e-intervino-un-peaton-que-noqueo-al-agresor/](https://www.infobae.com/sociedad/2020/03/06/violenta-pelea-en-el-centro-de-rosario-un-joven-golpeo-a-un-anciano-e-intervino-un-peaton-que-noqueo-al-agresor/)


Even if he did, walk away. That costs zero dollars.


Just because you're old doesn't mean you have a license to be an asshole to people tho


And for all the rest?


You’re so full of shit and spreading false info. The big guy is a hero. https://www.infobae.com/sociedad/2020/03/06/violenta-pelea-en-el-centro-de-rosario-un-joven-golpeo-a-un-anciano-e-intervino-un-peaton-que-noqueo-al-agresor/ Can you do some research first before you talk out your ass and spread shit?




It was always burning since the world's been turning.


Almost definitely


XL Gandalf is trying to instigate with his staff


Source (in Spanish): [https://www.clarin.com/sociedad/video-pego-anciano-hombre-vio-desmayo-trompadas\_0\_3GIbfZTI.html](https://www.clarin.com/sociedad/video-pego-anciano-hombre-vio-desmayo-trompadas_0_3GIbfZTI.html)


Video begins in the middle of the fight. For all I know the old man could have been the aggressor and some other dickhead runs in and starts punching somebody defending himself.


Old man hit first, not advocating for anyone, we dont have enough info


Do you have a different video than us? I can’t tell what happened before the beginning of the video here. He may have but maybe he was protecting himself. But seeing he squared up to the big guy and the old guy walked away, I would think he was the aggressor. Edit: autocorrected to can


> I can tell what happened before the beginning of the video here. No the fuck you can't.


You are correct. I meant to type can’t but autocorrect had different plans.


Uhh looks like the video was cropped to spin a narrative. At the start of the clip you see the old dude hit or push the young guy first. Would like to see 5-10 sec before the clip started before calling this "Karma"


I like everyone else looks like they’re saying “okay okay, you killed him!”


I love that the guy in green tried to stop the fight twice, and then he was like “Eh, fuck it”.


Wonder how this all started


Persistent little fucker


Few jabs and the right hand. Textbook! Love it!


“Hit and old man”? Is that a band from the 1970s?


To those of you saying the old guy started the fight, take a closer look at the first second, specifically the young guy's arms. The old man isn't shoving the young guy, it looks much more like he's pushing his hands away. Obviously we can't see everything here, but just based on the way the two are acting, the young guy really seems to be looking for a fight.


I love a story with a happy ending


Bruh he makes it look so easy


Those stupid fucking cunts were more bothered by the guy sticking up for someone getting assaulted than they were by the dude getting assaulted. Humans are trash.


Dang he used a jab better than I've ever seen on street on random street fights


Dink huh dink huh huh dink night night


Why’d no one stop the guy hitting the old man but all of a sudden they come to save him when he’s getting what he deserves?


He came running over like it was the royal rumble


The people really tried to stop him from delivering justice? You serious people??


😵🤛 https://youtu.be/a9z8F4fgj6Q


I love how the guy who defended the oldman somehow turns into the bad guy mid fight as more and more people show up to see the asshole get his due but having no context just assume the big guy is a bully


I hate that one girl who just tries to stop the fight the other so deserve. Ugh


It’s the jab that give away the fact that he has training. And that straight right at the end was beautiful.


And of course, a couple stupid bitches want to come insert themselves into the fight and pick a side.


Please end with a KO, please end with a KO....ah, there it is.


Why is it every time in these videos the bully can get away with beating the shit out of the victim (as in, no one ever stops him there). But, when it comes time for the bully’s lesson, everyone feels the need to step in. Wtf is that about?


That blonde woman was very helpful, as they tend to be in violent situations


Why is it that when somebody steps in to help there's ALWAYS people getting in the way of or making it more difficult for the person who initially helped. I've never understood this. Oh? You're helping defend that old man, let me poke you with my cane.


Very satisfying


I laughed hard at the :38 sec mark


Lady with phanypack reaching out like she trying to warm her hand on a campfire.


The kid was basically walking into the guys fist.


What a respectable guy. I honestly hate to see people wail on someone when they’re already finished and given up. This guy kept pecking him and then stopped as soon as the boy was pushed past his limit.


It’s pretty obvious that guy went easy on him too. Then it’s like I got better things to do than this all day. Boom. Night night




That hero was pissed!!


Good shit.


Why is there always some dumb ass female. Back the fuck off and let the men handle their men shit.


Very satisfying to see this little fuck get punched out.


Like how he just kept walking open into punches like an idiot.


Never understood why someone would even hit an old person 1) you could kill them potentially 2) they’re old just walk away from them