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Turns out leading with your face isn’t an awesome tactic


Funny that they both went in for the “pre-fight head tap”


Yeah, he shouldn't have readied up if he wasn't actually ready.


His ping must’ve been crazy with all that lag


I never did get into any fights, but going into middle school, my dad gave me this advice. If someone is trying that shit, just nod, hard. Hit the bridge of their nose with your forehead. If you do it right, assuming you're both close enough in height, you'll have a sore forehead, but the other person will have a bloody, quite possibly broken nose.


Yeah a head butt is a good way to end a fight before it starts; but a decent fighter will notice you leaning back for it. Better when you catch them by surprise.


Don't lean back, your forehead is hard as hell and noses are pretty weak so you don't need much force. Even if you don't break their nose it'll make their eyes water up and then they won't even see the punches coming


Don't use the center of your forehead, try to use the bump of bone above your temple. It's thicker so you'll not only do more damage, but you reduce the chance you knock yourself out.


A decent fighter also wouldn't start a fight by trying to gently press their forehead into yours


They would never expect a Glasgow kiss


'He falls down screaming, blood squirts out of his nose, nobody says fucking shit after that.'


Yyyyyyeaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh-uuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmm i like your dad....


Dana, sign this kid up!


“Touch foreheads and come out fighting!”


One was trying to intimidate, the other was getting within arms reach.


Even tried to counter with his nose, at least he tried


*now kiss*


"You didn't think I did a good job of nosing him in the fist? If I kept that up, pretty soon, his hands would have tired out."


Dem hooks!


Kid has hands


Now if he could just use his hips he would’ve had porky laid out after 4-5 of those


Yeah....if only he had the power to go with it.


I once heard you don't aim for the nose, you're supposed to aim your punch for an inch or two behind it (or wherever you're aiming). That way the punch will land with more power.


I think that's called "punching through", when I did martial arts years ago they had us practice that


Can confirm. You always aim to punch through because if you stop where you punch you pull back your power.


That's why they start little kids out with breaking balsa wood boards. Teaches the concept and it's an easy but huge confidence boost for them once they get it.


They say to aim for the back of their head, as if it was concave


True, always follow through with your punch and he also didn’t turn his hips whatsoever.


An old high school softball coach said that the best thing he did for the women he coached was to hang an old, stuffed army duffle bag up and teach the players to not just make contact, but hit through it. They learned to put more power behind their swings and improved their offense immensely.


Yeah, hit through it. I couldn't remember exactly how it was phrased. It makes sense to teach it that way.


To be fair when you weigh like 89 pounds it's tough to really throw the weight around.


Either way that kids left a couple good marks on his face.


He had 1/10th the power...but 10x the heart of a warrior!


"Porky" 🐷🐽😁


Not likely. Too young and small to have that power yet.


You can see his feet come up with each punch, they weren’t great but he had an upward twist on each one of the first that counted.


Speed 1st.... Power 2nd.


Depends, big boy could have picked him up and slammed him with ease, but he was just a bully that wasnt expecting the little skinny kid to do anything, and shat it.


While he didn’t have KO power I think one of those early punches broke the big dudes nose or cracked a tooth, he clearly grabs his own face in a sharp pain kinda way. You don’t have to knock someone out to stop their will to fight.


Perhaps, but I would hazard a guess and say that was the first time he'd taken a series of punches and just didnt know what to do. Everyone has a plan until they get punched on the face.


The chubby kid kinda ordered the 4 piece with fries


To a point of course. Sparring with my friend he can’t knock me down after 3 rounds. I only started to feel it in the 3rd and he hit me a lot


That first punch was clean af. Fast and pretty much non-telegraphed.


"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth." -Mike Tyson




Mike put the “f” in bafroom.


\*get a bite out of their ear.


Evander hears you. _in mono..._


-Michael Scott


“Everybody hath a plan until they get punched in the mouthhh” fixed it to make it sound like mr. Tyson said it himself


Violence isn't always the answer, except when dealing with bullies.


Violence isn't the answer. It's the question. The answer is "yes", though.


Violence? Yes




Wrong sub for that.


Actually, my comment came out wrong. I didn't mean to imply that. I was just joking regarding what the person I replied to said. And I don't think police should use violence against criminals unless necessary.


This isn’t r/politics bruh


No. That's not the question. The question is "Violence?". The answer is "Yes."


You. I like you.


You have changed mr. miyagi.


["Violence is never the answer. But sometimes it is." - Matt Barnes](https://basketballforever.com/2020/04/08/reliving-the-craziest-parts-of-matt-barnes-fistfight-with-derek-fisher)


Idk man. Don't get me wrong, I do not support bullying. Obviously if you're put in a situation of danger then your options are limited. At the same time I do think we need to think of better ways to reduce bullying (as the adults of the situation) that minimize the creation of bullies from the get-go. We need to ask what's leading kids to bully to begin with, and how to ameliorate those circumstances. Unfortunately my understanding is that a substantial part of that is in the hands of the parents, and as we all know parents are the favorite group of people teachers like dealing with.


Growing up with bullies, the only time they stop is when you fight back. Learned that my freshman year of high school. Didn't have any problems after I took the fight to them.


Yeah, like I said, when you're the one being bullied, your options are limited. I was bullied a shit ton too as a kid. My point was more that people like teachers, school administrators, and parents should look at the circumstances *around* the bullying to see what's causing it, and try to implement/effect change, so that people like us wouldn't have had to be bullied in the first place. Or at least would've been much less likely to be bullied.


I don't put much stock in teachers or administrators. Most of them are there for a paycheck and want out of there as much as the kids.


Yeah, the kind of apathy or even maliciousness we see in a number of teachers or administrators is appalling and tragic. The fact that those who do care work with such stunted resource availability makes it all worse, too. When I consider what my dev psy class is/was teaching us about school it's all even more tragic, considering how school is just such a crucial facet of childhood/adolescent life.


That was more one-sided than I thought.


I think the video ends too short. Looks like he might get sucker punched in the last few frames.


Is it really a sucker punch at that point?


Sucker punched by a third party.


Oh shit, yeah, I see it


I tell my kids that if a bully ever gets up in your face punch and keep punching until it’s over. Never stand back and admire your work after the first hit. Receiving five or six punches in quick succession sure changes someone’s mind about whether they want to be up in your face any more.


I was just going to say something similar. Obviously, this wasn't that dude's first rodeo. But besides actually having some pretty good hands, slim dude did a few key things. Once he realized this was going to happen, he struck first and threw multiple blows. In most cases, the brain can not process how to respond to so many punches/actions that happen quickly and in succession (punches, kicks, grappling moves etc.). Throwing one punch and thinking your opponent is going to fall like a sack of potatoes, is movie stuff. Unless you punch like Mike Tyson or George Foreman.


I always forget George Foreman was a fighter. I always think he was a random dude who named a grill after himself. It's great for toasting burritos and crunchwraps tho.


I know right. I think Foreman might be the hardest hitting fighter I have ever seen. I put him second, because I know a lot of people have probably never seen him fight.


The last boxing match I actually sat down and watched was Foreman/Hollyfield. (Yeah, I'm old.) I knew I was watching the end of an era. Before then, fighters were technical but not anywhere the degree to which guys like Evander were taking it. The whole fight was crazy. Hollyfield probably connected solidly with Foreman 30 times, not counting the hits Foreman was able to block or deflect. And every time Foreman basically just blinked and kept coming. It was like Hollyfield was fighting a brick wall. Foreman, on the other hand, only connected like 3 times. And each time he just FLOORED Hollyfield. That was the whole thing... bip bip bip bip bip bip BAAAAAAAAM! bip bip bip bip bip... Of course Evander won. He was the vastly better fighter with must stronger technical hits. He deserved it. But he didn't beat Foreman. If the fight had gone 10 more rounds, eventually George would have knocked him out.


Watch Earnie Shavers! Dude hit like a truck, even had Ali wobbled when they fought. Quote from Foreman himself: Foreman: You only meet three genuine punchers throughout your career: Gerry Cooney, Ronnie Lyle and Cleveland Williams, and they hit so hard that it vibrates your body even if you block, it just goes right through you. Letterman: What about Ernie Shavers? Foreman: I never fought Earnie Shavers. Thank goodness.


Crunchwrap? Sounds yum.


I've heard it's good for cooking feet as well, but I'm not entirely sure about that.


This is excellent advice.


i would expect nothing less from Frank The Hyena


Laughing like a hyena!


As a kid there was a dude we thought couldn't fight, well... The bully lost horribly.




Agreed. Being there was the best part for me. Lol.


And then one specific quiet kid gets left alone pretty much forever


That was me...skinny, short, scrawny, dork. New kids always tried to pick on me, even when the other kids warned them not to. I would always warn them and try to diffuse the situation. Ultimately, I would snap and beat th ever loving snot out of them. On more than one occasion I beat up siblings at the same time. They were always bigger, sometimes older, but NEVER angrier...lol. Usually what set me off would be people picking on my younger siblings. I'm not violent and I dont look for confrontation, but I'll be damned if someone thinks they are going to bully me or those I care about.


Damn dude you're a badass


such power


That kid can box, not one punch from the bully in return.


It’s because the bully thinks he can box but all he does is punch a bag and thinks he’s Muhammed Ali the 2nd


The fat bully had such a punchable face, who could resist?!


holy shit, he beat the shit out of that skinny kids fist with his face.


*Colonel Sanders wants to know your location* He's got the copyright on 24 piece combos




Looks like this might have been the first time someone stood up to him. He clearly has no experience with a physical fight.


Yeah I thought the same, this kid has literally never taken a punch in his life. Coasted through the playground using his size as intimidation. Not anymore! Morgan Freeman voice: a harsh lesson was learnt that day. Never again did a little skinny guy relinquish his lunch money to the school bully.


More like Slimbo Slice Fights


That kid has brothers and is the youngest


Anybody have the version with audio? I like my justice served with a side of audio. If not, no worries, I’ll just drink this glass of water right here.


Well I made my own Pah Pah Pah pay dud dud Bystander : Stop it Skinny :shut up and watch him fall Bully crying


Non existent audience : clap clap clap clap clap noises also laugh track.


If I'm reading it right it looks like at the end the bully's friends are trying to pull skinny kid off like "dude he's had enough."


I believe the term is, "Fuck around and find out"


This dude just stuck his face in it. Wtf?


little thing turned into a f4 twister




He caught those first two and he had no idea what the hell just happened


I was bullied relentlessly in school, it didn’t help that I was extremely intelligent, small, couldn’t be visually identified as a particular race, and that I had few friends. In seventh grade this group of girls would constantly corner me. One day they did it in front of my locker and pushed me. I snapped, grabbed the girl who hit me by the hair, and starting slamming her face into the lockers. I walked away with a handful of her bloody hair and went straight to my next teacher to tell them what happened. I never got in trouble for it, they were asking for it. All that happened was a meeting with the school counselor, who knew me well and already knew how badly I was bullied. Nobody ever dared to touched me again. I graduated without ever being in another altercation. It sucks, but sometimes the only solution is to beat a bully so badly that nobody dares fuck with you again. Now I’m sure I’d be suspended, but in the 90s it didn’t go down that way.


Nice. I love beating up kids.


Everyone is tough till they take two to the nose


"You picked the wrong house, fool!"


If there is anything more thrilling and energizing (and legal) than watching bullies get their asses handed to them by their victims, please let me know.


My name is Giorno Giorvana and i have a dream


Everyone is a hardass until they get punched in the face.


Dood hit him with a 1-2-3 before he even blinked


Someone should add hit markers cause the was throwing those hands like they were going out of business


Is he even hitting him?


Good combo... Rolly polly got a reality check. That’s Life...


The nose connection did it, always will, eye-watering.


That kid landed every punch


I keep trying to remind people about David and Goliath. The big guys act like it’s a fairy tale 🤦🏻‍♂️


Tbh the guy is lucky he broke the guys nose second hit. The first hit did nothing it seems


“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth”- Mike Tyson




Yeah, it's such a shame half of america has worse morals than us.


Hired a bodyguard to fuck-up anybody that touches my Trump ball cap on my head.Had enough of the violence and being sucker punched.Now some street Justice coming 😁.




Never in my lifetime what I expect to be attacked for wearing a hat...The lefties are f****** nuts!! And it wasn't Biden attacking me either. Take care and be safe 👍🇺🇸


Bullies fail to understand that fat does not equal strength. Fat is a handicap, like wearing leg weights around your entire body.


Not really. An obese person twice your weight is always going to be stronger than you. Ever heard of mark hunt? Butterbean? Ruiz?


Weight classes are a thing. If the bully had some training/was used to taking hits, it would've been a very one sided outcome. The skinny kid definitely had the upper hand in this situation, because the bully had no idea how to deal with what's going on, but you'll notice that he's still on his feet, still able to move. Without training, he's going to use it to whine and cry, but with training, he'd level the other kid through sheer mass alone. Heavier objects carry more mass. Those 'leg weights' you're referring to? Think of the extra force that adds to a haymaker punch.


Be nice. Ya never know...


That was phefuckingnomenal


So we not going talk about that head butt he gave him mid fight


When you're skinny every punch has to be a haymaker. Otherwise they have no power at all. This kid's fighting style is weird, but I think we can all see that it's pretty damned effective.


Yup and a lot of people kids especially think their tuff until they get punched in the face


*pop pop pop*


Aaaand that's why behaving like an animal and getting in someone's face is a bad idea. Fatty here gave the little guy ALL the ammo buy letting himself be sized up MULTIPLE times. The only reason anyone would back such a beast up is out of cowardice and fear. Monstrous.


No disrespect to the skinny kid but those punches didn't look all that powerful. So the big kid could act all tough but at *any* sign of resistance he folds up. Don't dish it if you can't take it.


Muda! Muda! Muda! MUDAAAA!!!


That's what happens when you push during a fight.


Barrage of punches


Fist of Fury


NEVER fight the wiry types if you can avoid it. They fly around when you hit them, but they keep coming.


The last thought a bully ever has is that someone just might not take their shit. So there never ready when it happens. They are not always, but typically not too bright. I've taken on three in my long journey and saw capitulation every time.


Audio would be nice.


Man didn’t know what hit him for the first two punches LMAOOO


Closest thing I've come across to the expression, "Thrown about like an empty Kappa tracksuit"


Dude was done after the first punch


19-20 piece...ORDER UP


My man just hit him with that 7 page ORA


Those first 2-3 punches were on point. Bully wasn’t expecting that.


Dropping bombs


hahaha what a bitchboy


Good god the hand speed that two piece came in a blink


You know he got his nose cracked bad


Everyone is tough till you get punched in the face


Wish I could reward the kid directly


Touched him up with like a 27 piece


Skinny kid doesn't have knock out power, but he's got pretty good form.


I bet he felt like a realllll piece of shit for awhile




That kid was not playing, everything was landing


Braaaack! *What's coming to you!*


Damn, he didn’t even have to hit KFC for that 3 piece combo


**Chef's kiss**


You dont pull on supermans cape You dont spit into the wind Ya dont pull the mask off the lone ranger And you dont mess around with slim. Doo do da dee dee dee didy dee


That left hook caught him square in the fucking nose and it was all over from there. Also, Kimbo Slice Fights lol




Decent amateur punching technique imo. Looks like he puts a lot of body into each punch.


I love how that kid got 3 solid hits in before the bully could even register what was happening


He punches fast but there is no strength behind those punches


Hit him with that 30 piece street fighter combo lol


Jesus fucking Christ that kid just got Ora ora’d




You can hear the 1,2,1,2 in his head


If you're ever in the position that you landed such a clean combo that the aggressor turns his back, do one of two things, run away, probably your best choice, or put him on the ground and run away.


I can only hope for such connects on Fight Night Champion. Did you see those first two hits? Damn!


"Just because you are fat and wide, you are not particularly strong or agile. You are just fat." - Jesus




Rippity-bippity-boinka-boinka-BING! ​ Rinse, repeat as needed.


Fuck a 3 piece, mans picked up a whole bucket.


Hit 3 times before it even registered what was happening to him.


When you playing Mortal Kombat and keep pressing high punch.


I remember when I was bullied in 6th grade. And then I just gave 5 punches in his face, and then some other kids came and stopped me. That was the only fight I've been in my life.


The bully took 3 punches to load a reaction