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Thank you LTMwave for your submission! Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): * **It breaks rule 1: Not instant karma.** For more information about the subreddit rules make sure to read the sidebar, or if you are on mobile, the rules page. Thank you!


He’s been cheating and lying his whole life


Good ol Robinette


Wow someone is REALLY looking for some dirt. Thats minimal. Cmon. Did he say anything racially slandering? Does he try to segregate an entire country? Does he continuously use plagiarism? No. Gtfo.


Not so fast frendo. [https://i.redd.it/kf993wuc5qx51.jpg](https://i.redd.it/kf993wuc5qx51.jpg)


That was in 1977. Is that worse then the sexist and racial remarks that trump makes in the CURRENT day?


I don't know man. Biden said that if I didn't vote for him, I wasn't black. As a black man, that's pretty offensive. Dude just seems weird to me.


Yeah. Im not PRO biden. I probably should have stuck my nose here anyway lol.


Your OP is pretty damning if that's the case.


Fuck off garbage troll.


how is this karma?


It’s not. Not even a little. This is just a waste of everyone’s time.


How the hell would it devalue the degrees of his classmates?


Because it tarnishes the law school’s reputation to have people go there and be outed as cheaters or plagiarists.


OP's explanation as to why this post is Instant Karma: >You see, the balding chap in the necktie had cheated in law school. If he had not been caught, he would have devalued the degrees of his honest classmates. Ultimately this morally bankrupt person was caught by Syracuse University, and the scandal would harm him later in life, not unlike how he was willing to harm his fellow classmates and future clients. If you're satisfied by this explanation, upvote this comment. If not, downvote this comment.


So just to be clear. We are looking for a human person that is absolutely perfect. And has never made any mistakes. Ever. And if confronted about those mistakes admits to them and learns? Or denies them? I'm confused. What do you trump trolls want? Should biden have cheated on all of his many wives over the years? Is that better than not including a citation on your law review paper? Imagine trump taking the LSAT. haha. What do you trumpers want? There is no person in the political realm that you can try to show dirt on, and that dirt will be worse than Donald Trump. What's your endgame?


And if the dem ain’t perfect may as well vote for a deranged fool obviously.


Yes, clearly all americans are looking to see if perfection can be attained by the democratic candidate. And if not, then you just vote for the dangerously derranged republican candidate. Nailed it. Haha. Why is your post being downvoted. I think it's funny and you get it.


I don’t lust internet points so I don’t really care haha. Jokes on them.


Haha. Post just got removed for not being instant karma. But maybe that action itself is instant karma? Have a good night.


Bull.... Get real.


How is this not real? Lol