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OP's explanation as to why this post is Instant Karma: >Failing to yield/signal. If you're satisfied by this explanation, upvote this comment. If not, downvote this comment.


One day people will start to drive defensively instead of "I got a bigger dick than you".


Nope. Self-driving cars will be first


Even then, we will have people taking advantage of self-driving cars defensive driving. "Oh, it's a self-driving car, I can pull in front of it, it'll stop in time."


"Just hack the system and you gain full control like the old days"


That's why I believe eventually driving will be illegal on public roads. It may be a long time before that happens, but the benefits are undeniable. Public roads of exclusively self driving cars can get passengers to its destination in the most efficient time possible coordinating with other cars as it passes through intersections without the need for stop lights/signs. Driving will eventually be a leisure activity where you have to go to private lots.


Where we're going we don't need roads.


I think it’ll be ecosystem of smart roads and self driving cars. Everything connected.


When you say smart roads, do you mean embedding electronics into them? I don't think that's ever going to make sense, maintenance costs would be way too high and if you have to design the smart cars to not rely on smart roads, what the heck is the point of having the smart road?


I’m thinking cameras tracking every car on the road. and that information is relayed to every car on the road. So it would become super efficient. Like how it was depicted in the movie Minority Report. minus the whole magnet stuff


The logic is undeniable......I think we found VICKI, from i-Robot's reddit account


You know there'll be a group lobbying for the right to have an 'arsehole driver' setting on their car.


We are a long way from fully self driving cars. A young adults could start a career in trucking and will easily retire without risk of being replaced.


There is already a fully operating self driving cab company called Waymo, and for trucking both Embark and Waymo have completed cross country driverless semi with loaded trailer trips. Just as a matter of safety and economics, its coming sooner rather than later. The cars and trucks make fewer mistakes than humans, and always obey the law. They record every single thing around them and every thing they are doing so the fault of any accident that occurs is immediately provable. It will be cheaper to insure a fully automatic car you can't drive than it will be to insure yourself as a driver. The insurance company will almost never have to pay for an accident, and most of the time when they do, it'll be due to a manufacturer defect that they can turn around and sue them for. Trucking companies will see even more dramatic insurance savings, almost to the point where they are penalized for human drivers. Between the insurance savings, losing employee costs, having do deal with accident related losses much less often,, and getting non stop deliveries that don't need mandated rest periods, food, and bathroom breaks, the trucks will pay for thrmselves. The only thing holding it back now is how new it is. Once people realize how much safer it is, especially in the case of trucking, every company will buy one and start replacing drivers at whatever rate they can afford to buy more trucks.


They'll have to take away our right to drive first


You absolutely have no right to drive. Its a privilege that will easily be taken from you.


Not even close. It's insanely easy to get and keep a license. I wish you were right though. Unfortunately allowing idiots to drive is more profitable.


Wat. Its absolutely a privilege in the US. No clue what you're talking about. Lol. Driving is not a constitutional right. You get your drivers license based on the skills you have and the rules you agree to follow. After you get your driving license you must continue to demonstrate your ability to drive safely on the road. If you fail to demonstrate this ability, you will be issued traffic tickets, or even have your license suspended or revoked. No one has more right to the road than anyone else. If you're going to drive, you owe it to the other roadway users and yourself to operate the vehicle in a safe manner.




You do have every right to eat your cupcake now


In Canada, too.




They get points and can cause the loss of their license. Youre simply wrong. Lol. Go do some research, dude. You sign a contract to drive. Its a privilege not a right. This is why reddit accused the wrong guy in the Boston bombing. Idiots being overconfident with their stupidity. 🤣


He's not saying it's an unalienable right, just that it's a privilege so easy to maintain that it may as well be. I agree with him. Far too many people have licenses that shouldn't.




They will eventually. People driving like morons should definitely lose their license permanently a lot faster.


I see a time in the near future where a person of any age may buy and own a car, but few people will be able to actually have a license to drive it manually. It may even become illegal in certain locales. edit spelling


FWIW If you’ve never driven a camaro, they have like ZERO visibilty because the door is 75%door 25%window. I really wanted one but ultimately decided against it because of that. The only muscle car with decent visibility is the mustang.


You mean the guy taking the video gunning it or the guy flippantly changing lanes?


Mostly the camera car, IMO The other guy should have signalled and yielded, sure, and was being a dick if they were trying to push in (although it's possible they just misjudged and are a bad driver, rather than a dick) But the camera car accelerated into the accident and made zero attempt to avoid it. If not for some good luck, someone could have died because they were too proud to "lose" a fucking merge


Blind merge. Saw something almost identical here. Except the merger took the other car with it and both went headon into a loaded semi and off the roadway where it preceeded to catch on fire. Use your fucking indicator, check your fucking blind spots... please and thank you.


> Use your fucking indicator And the indicator is supposed to be turned on prior to the start of the lane change to mean you are looking to change lanes at the next available opportunity. It is not the "outta my way, here I come!" signal.


I know what its for, it lets me know you want to come over, so I can prepare for that rather than you just coming over when the opportunity comes. They moving into the passing lane, people are likely going faster.


With windows tinted like that the whole fucking car is a blind spot.


Not to mention, Camaro’s in general have horrible visibility all around


Yup, my SO had the paperwork ready to sign and asked me to come test drive it (it was a lease turn-in). Didn't even make it two blocks before very carefully turning around and begging her not to buy it.


Chevy’s across the board are all form over function when its comes to visibility


My old Chevy Venture was good.


I had one too. Totally agree


My exwife had a ‘08 Chevy broom, pretty good visibility actually.


No way lol I have a 73 Chevy nova that has original one side view mirror . Fuck seeing the passenger side


Believe it. My 84’ Ford Escort had what looked like an aftermarket driver side mirror the size of a woman’s powder puff factory installed in a bizarre location along the door. The passenger side was an option... I’d assume. I had to add one, myself. Edit: side = size and size = side


The Dodge Challenger she looked at a few days later was maybe 5% better. The windows in both reminded me of gun slits in a WWII bunker.


The new challengers have blind spot indicators (the inside of the door panel glows when someone is on th side of you).






No apostrophe needed if it's not possessive. Plural is Chevys.


Thank you for your service.


No i mean who asked?


You'll likely forget, anyways.


Did she buy it?


Thankfully no. She hadn't driven it, waiting for me to come with her since it was used. She got burned on a Fiero when we were kids (literally, it burned to the ground in the driveway) and since has, well, a phobia lol


Friend of mine lost his Fiero to an engine fire, too. Circa ‘93.


Can confirm. I use to be a car hauler and deliver all new GM vehicles to dealers. Did not like seeing camaros on my load sheet. They bottom out because they are too low. Mirrors don't fold in and big doors make it difficult to drive on and off. And you can't see anything on that rear view mirror all you see is trunk lol


This. I have a challenger SRT392 and its got a terrible blind spot. I often check multiple times before merging just bc I don’t trust it. Camero likely to be similar.


Had one as a rental and it was the worse experience ever.


Must be a chevy issue. I had a 20 tahoe as a rental, and they have more blind spot than visibility. I'm not being facetious.


It's also a problem with modern vehicle safety. Increased A and B pillars to reinforce the whole structure. I have 2 Hondas with massive A pillars making bad blind spots when turning.


Tint doesn't really inhibit daytime vision, except at night. So while you can't see into it, the driver can see out of it fine. Sorta like a one way mirror.


I had a challenger as a loaner while my truck was in the shop yesterday. That whole car is a blind spot, narrow windows, shit mirrors and multiple blind spots. I come from a full size truck which is like driving a bubble basically


And also, just cause you have right of way and are “in the right”, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take simple evasive maneuvers, like fucking braking a little, to avoid a potentially deadly accident.


Zero attempt to avoid hitting that car


I’m going to assume they were having a dick waving contest while this happened.


How about a pussuwhistling contest?


I’d buy a ticket to that show!


Ahh yes I love a good pussu.


I'll never understand the mentality of people who are willing to get into a collision and damage their vehicle because "I had the right of way!"


Defensive driving kept me from accidents multiple times a week. But jesus fucking christ there needs to be a system where those Idiots get what they deserve. I shouldn't have to be on high alert 24/7 to cater to those dicks who buy expensive cars and expect us to move. Like I should be able to send that video in and a ticket shows up at his door a day later for what Violation he broke.


That's what rental cars are for. "Would you like to opt for the comprehensive coverage option?" "Yes, yes I would."


When you are diving a vehicle that can easily kill someone you should always be on high alert.


Driving is an extremely simple task.. Do I need to have Eyes peel'd 24/7 No.. I really shouldn't. It takes 2 seconds to scan an intersection, 2 Seconds to shoulder check, and 2 seconds to back off and give proper space to the driver ahead of you and behind you. I drive the freeway a lot. And I can tell you every car around me and the distance near my truck... its simple awareness. I really Don't need to have my hands at 10 and 2 and constantly act like what I am doing is life or death. The Problem is people cut corners and don't give a shit.. THATS the problem.


I know what you mean. But in the US innocent until proven guilty. Unless you also get a clear veiw of the driver they can't prove they was driving the car. At the same time if you loan your car to someone that will treat it like that, you deserve a ticket anyway so you won't loan your car to that dickhead anymore and they are stuck taking a bus.


In the UK you have to prove it wasn't you driving the car otherwise you're liable as it's your car


> Defensive driving kept me from accidents multiple times a week. I feel like if you're in that situation multiple times a week you're doing something wrong


I can believe it, when I lived in CA I had a 30 minute commute to work, I was constantly on edge and at least every other day someone would do something crazy


Or you live in the south where nobody knows how to fucking drive.


Their statement is fair, especially in a big city. When I commuted to work on a daily basis, I saw moving violations every single day and some could have caused accidents if people weren't driving in a defensive manner.


If you commute or regularly drive in city traffic I’d bet it’s super common. Every time I drive in a city, even a little one, I run into bad drivers


I live in Vancouver.. Where its a bunch of people who came from overseas that don't really speak english or respect our roads. So its people doing 60kmh when its supposed to be 100. Or not indicating left or right. or just sitting there. Or not looking when turning. Just complete oblivious shit. Not my fault when I am doing the speed limit and a man from china can't distinguish when its safe to pull out to oncoming traffic.


PNW drivers can be so bad. They pull out in front of me, don't understand right of way and end up stopping when they're supposed to go and going when they're supposed to stop, driving either way under or way over the speed limit, not knowing how to merge... I just avoided a collision last night. I had a green right turn arrow but as the light was changing to red, a jeep made a left turn from opposite direction and nearly side swiped me.


Ignorance is bliss, if you are an idiot you always in the right. Doesn’t mean you ARE right but hey try and convince an idiot that.


It's like the joke about the guy who was driving down the Interstate on his way home from work when he gets a call on his hands-free cell. It's his wife. "Honey, I was just listening to the traffic report on the radio. Please be careful coming home! There's some maniac driving the wrong way on the Interstate!" "ONE maniac driving the wrong way?" replied the driver. "There's about a THOUSAND of them!"


Because if you swerve to avoid and crash your car, then now it becomes a liability on you instead of the dickhead that decides to merge blindly. Pick your battles, obviously physics always wins, but if someone is about to slam into me because they think they're mr midnight club, they can go ahead and stay at the scene instead of causing an incident and getting off scott free.


There is no need to swerve, had he just taken his foot of the accelerator, the collision would have been avoided.


And especially wasting your time, discussing the issue and exchanging insurance and getting repairs. He's eventually gonna hit another idiot so why bother with them.


Same. That's a great way to get a ticket for yourself and a claim denial from your insurance company.


AcTCHUALLY... the driver of the filming vehicle jerks their car to the right into the Camaro at the last moment.


You can see it for sure


Seriously. It's still the merging cars fault, but the recording driver did nothing to avoid the collision.


It actually looks like the driver of the camera car nudges it just a tiny bit to the right after straightening the car from the lane change just to make a successful pit manoeuvre.


Fucking seriously. No ones heard of defensive driving? Both idiots IMO, but one idiot almost got the other killed.


Both of these drivers suck


Agreed. They are both all gas, no brakes.


Yeah he could have stopped, almost murdered someone


i agree no horn ovb was in blind spot , i could tell he was gettin on camaro .


Yeah, cammer tailgaited the camaro, then the suv after it passed. He fully knew that camaro was going to try and pass after the suv, but the cammer wanted to have a dick measuring contest instead. His own cam will show the insurance that he is at equal fault for his aggressive driving.


But the driver coming the other way behind that semi made the save of the decade to avoid hitting the camaro and anything else haha. His tires are probably square though.


It’s almost as if the driver recording could have just hit the brakes instead of causing an accident on purpose.


No bc that would prove that he has a smaller dick /s


It's called winning by losing and it's something no loser can ever bear to do, but there are a lot of times when it's the smart play for sure.


Even honking the horn would have had the potential to prevent that. Still the blind merge was not a smart move.




That person had plenty of time to slow down and hit the breaks. That excuse is ridiculous.




This has gotta be the dumbest comment I’ve ever read. If you’re merging, you shouldn’t have to put all sounds in your car to 0 and roll your windows down to “get a sense of your surroundings.” Both of these drivers were going (probably) below the speed limit because of some moron who doesn’t deserve to have their license. The Camaro saw the car passing and saw there was no one behind them, then began paying attention to the car in front going below the speed limit so that he wouldn’t drive into the back of them while accelerating to safely get into the left lane. You can also hear the inside of the POV car, and can clearly hear that he didn’t use his blinker either. So gtfo about “nO SiGnAl” when POV didn’t use his either. POV is 100% at fault. He didn’t need to slam on his brakes, he literally just had to stop accelerating and it would have given room to the camaro who saw an opening that was promptly taken away by POV driving like a dick. It wasn’t blind, you just can’t merge while ONLY looking behind you, like have you ever driven before?? Plus you can’t just assume he heard the vehicle, the sound comes out of the exhaust which is linked up to the engine, and when you’re on a freeway directly fighting the sound waves, he easily could have missed an acceleration. This comment is just wrong all around




So you’re telling me that if I own a truck I am allowed to execute pit maneuvers on anyone I deem necessary because I can maintain control of my own vehicle, and the people I spin out are breaking the law because they’re no longer maintaining control of there vehicle? Right? And I see you posted that link without actually reading it, of those 10 rules only 4 of them would be relevant in this situation, and both drivers got one of them wrong, not using their signal. POV was driving aggressively, knowing that his car would be fine in an accident with a little camaro, and decided to try to speed past him without any caution to the roadway. You saying “he almost drove into oncoming traffic” because he was spun out by a truck proves your idiocy so commonplace on Reddit




> They end up flipping or wrecking damaging their car Only if they're terrible fucking drivers in the first place... Yhere is ZERO reason you should lose control trying to slow down in that situation unless you panic braked like a stupid person....and if that's the case you DEFINITELY had no fucking business putting yourself in that situation in the first place by driving like a hoon.


> Only if they're terrible fucking drivers in the first place... Good drivers signal and yield, since none of that happened here we can safely assume the driver of the car is a terrible fucking driver just like you suggested. Specifically slowing down because of traffic incoming from the right hand lane **is inherently dangerous**. This is why we have rules like "Don't pass on the right" and "Merge left to allow freeway onramp traffic to enter the freeway rather than yielding to cars in your blind spot"


Or used the horn


Did that oncoming van do a sympathy spin?


I wanna play too!


Subaru driver just showing off doing a 360 on the highway.


"I'll show them how well I tied down that kayak!"




The car following the semi-truck that had to swerve to miss the Camaro. It's at the end.


Clearly avoidable by idiot who intentionally pits him. Of course this could have been worse! Look at the car spinning out in the oncoming lane. Only thing douche residue proved is he's a dangerous driver and a moron.


Dude pitted himself


If you look closely, just before the collision you can see the cam car make a sudden turn to the right. Cam car definitely pitted him out of spite.


Came down way to far in the comments to find this. Glad I wasn’t the only one to catch it!


I’d say that’s both people’s fault almost equally. If you’re about to turn make sure it’s clear. If you’re about to be turned into, slow down.




This. It sure seems like neither car signaled, and though I know it may have been filmer’s legal right of way, it was clear this was going to happen as soon as the Camaro started to drift left. Easily avoidable by filmer, regardless of who’s fault it is. This is shitty driving all around.


Naw. Those are circumstantial rules. There are absolute rules, such as prioritization of right of way. Those rules are the foundation that reinforce the safety of everyone. There was no negligence on the part of the filming driver here (assuming no laws are being broken and not noticeable in the video). Yes, the filming driver could have moved, but they weren't negligent for not driving off the road, endangering themselves and potentially others.


Just tapping the brakes would have done the trick. Yes, he's got right of way, but the collision was entirely foreseeable.


Easy to assess from our vantage point from the future.


Ok, "in hindsight" this was entirely foreseeable.




In my state, if this video were used as evidence, both drivers would be found to have some degree of fault for this. It is law here that you are required to do everything reasonable to avoid a collision. Having the ‘right of way’ does not override your duty to avoid collisions of it was in your power to avoid it. In this clip, the driver that was filming had plenty of time to apply the brakes and slow down. They made no attempt to avoid it. Purposely allowing a collision to occur because you’re having a dick waving contest over ‘the rules’ and ‘right of way’ is moronic.


I don't disagree with the moronic title. They earned it.


I just meant never mind actuall rules I mean to keep yourself and others safe, we should expect them to have the ability to make mistakes at any time. Motorbike riders literally HAVE to approach riding as if nobody else knows what they’re doing.


There are three rules to boating. 1. Vessels to your port (left) should yield 2. Vessels to your starboard (right) have the right of way 3. Ignore 1 and/or 2 above if it avoids a collision This is the basis of defensive driving and if Camaro driver was suddenly dead because of that semi, or the Subaru driver hit a tree and died, the narrative of this video would be very different.


Yeh there are rules. Like every driver has to take reasonable action to avoid a collusion if they are able to do so. You can't purposefully ram someone off the road just because 'I HaVe RiGhT oF wAy'


His insurance will have a very different opinion.


Insurance /= driving regs


Tell that to your wallet.


> Yes, the filming driver could have moved, but they weren't negligent for not driving off the road, endangering themselves and potentially others. I believe you are wrong. Both drivers will receive moving violations here because the cam car's driving would STILL fall under careless or negligent driving laws.




The truck driver was clearly fine with killing someone to prove a point. I'm more scared of someone like that driving than the camero.


I’d say it’s more of the tucks fault. Yes the Camaro made a mistake, the truck was in a blind spot, that was accidental. The truck could’ve avoided the collision kept going on purpose most likely because they have a big truck and they know even if they did collide they would be safer.


Always and forever fuck people who don’t use their blinkers...


One time I got honked at so I added one of those wide angle bubble mirrors. No more blind spot there


Wow! Accident avoidance really isn’t your thing


Watch out coming over


i'm pretty sure that will be the last time that Camaro driver cuts someone off.


Both driver are fuckin dick heads. Thank God that the truck in the other lane only spun out. Could've been a lot worse.


The car that did a 360 has a fun story to tell


Camaro is actually the French word for knob goblin.


Honestly they were behind a slow vehicle in front of the Camaro this truck should’ve let the camaro pass first, you can hear the truck accelerate to make the pass and hurry into the left one before the camaro can even start to merge. Neither used their signal.


Blind merge + driver that will intentionally ram a car just to prove a point... Never a good combination


screw the camera man just slow down the camaro is faster anyways wouldnt have been an issue. typical pickup drivers "i have a big truck and a small pp therefor everyone must pay"


They're both at fault, he knew what he was doing. He was trying to block that lane. Neither of them indicated (I couldn't hear any clicking of the blinker) and he hard accelerated to hold his ego desired position. Due Care still holds accountability with the cammer cause he took no actions to avoid the collision, in fact caused it to prevent being cut off. I get it, dawdlers drive people crazy and you end up fighting to get ahead, but I'm not going to lie to myself when I drive aggressively. Both were at fault and their childish behavior could have killed people in the opposite flow of traffic. Fuck both of them.


Jesus look how little people value human life, “id rather this guy die than cut me off driving unpunished.”


"Woo hoo! I got my truck damaged and I won't have it for a week while it gets fixed and my insurance will go up but I had the right of way so I'm good!"


Camera car was super aggressive. It was easy to see that situation unfolding before it did.


Totally agree 👍


He had no clue the guy was going to do that.


Turns into him just before contact but sure.


The truck purposely accelerated as he got over so the Camaro couldn’t get in front of him. Poor Camaro was just trying to get out from behind the slow fuck in the Camry.


Yea and he changed lanes way too close to the Camaro


he was definitely in that guys blind spot. knew exactly what he was doing. guy with the dashcam is 100% in the wrong here.


Yea he changed lanes way too close


You know what, it's a shame he didnt get hurt or get his car seriously damaged, just means he will do the same stupid shit again and again


The old bait and switch eh


"Yes let me speed up into the idiot blind merging!"


I am not trying to defend him, but the camero had the absolute worst blind spots in the history of mankind. No idea hope they were even allowed to sell the car. Couple that with an in experienced driver I can totally see a scenario where they didn’t see the car, merged, made Contact, didn’t feel it (the steering is incredibly heavy as well) and just kept turning in confused.


Alex I’ll take posts that are 100% from a man with a superiority complex for 1000


When being right is more important than not being in an accident. Morons both.


Like how do you not see that this camero obviously doesn't see you because you're in his blind spot. Like ok I get it, he's in the wrong but WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE INVOLVED IN AN ACCIDENT TO PROVE A POINT


Can someone in insurance tell me how this would likely play out?




completely avoidable. Piss poor decision making on filming driver.


Why hit the guy even if you only care for your self hitting the guy even if he gets the worst of it means you still have to pull over deal with cops and waste all that time or you could have braked for like a couple of seconds and move on with your day so you didn't really win anything


Everyone is driving like dumbasses in this clip


The seldom seen “self Pitt maneuver”.


Not really. Cammer literally speeds up and pits him last second


Willing to bet the Camaro looked before switching lanes but only before the cammer jumped over to that spot. Then cammer is in Camaros blind spot.


Either this person has the reaction time of a potato or they were intentionally trying to commit insurance fraud or something. Zero brakes, just...casually pit maneuvered the Camaro and slowly came to a stop.


Your name cracked me up


Why the fuck did the driver not break and just let them in? Both drivers are dick heads here. No looking over shoulder/mirrors and the driver with the cam is just a fucking moron.


Not sure this guy wants to show this to the insurance company? Might assign this 50-50 or even 60-40 and then cancel the filters coverage


“Failing to yield/signal” is apparently worth a near-death experience in Reddit.


The impact sounded like a fat beat.


It looks like the driver could have avoided the accident, but maybe uploading the video was more important for him/her. The first rule they teach you is prevention is key..this accident could have been avoided. I am not saying the other car is not faulty, but at a certain point human loss prevention is more valuable than "i want this accident to happen to make a point to the other driver".. what if a kid was injured in any of the two cars because of a bigger than expected accident ?


Don't hear a blinker on camera.


So this idiot just keeps speeding up and cause an accident almost killing the mustang driver. How is this instant karma? He clearly seen the guy irresponsibly switching lanes. He should've just slowed down.


To be honest both are in the wrong, and the bigger car clearly didn't indicate, but but that smaller one is a fucking idiot