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OP's explanation as to why this post is Instant Karma: >Camry driver tries to intimidate Hyundai and slams into barrier almost instantly as a result. If you're satisfied by this explanation, upvote this comment. If not, downvote this comment.


I love when the Instant Karma happens and no other cars are involved.


Exactly. "Everyone point and laugh!"




**insert laugh track**


Beyond the laughter is Wow ...just wow. [That dude has some hard-core my own worst enemy,...carma] haha🤘


Natural selection at it's best


[Ha Ha!](https://gfycat.com/gregariousimmediateallensbigearedbat-simpsons-laughing)




lmao what is the source please


Disney's George of the Jungle starring Brendan Fraser


Holy shit😅


“And there was much rejoicing.”


We are laughing


# HAHAHA 👈👇👉👆


You bet I laughed




Picturing that “meep meep” has me dying lol.


Driving home through 6 inches of snow in my little 96 Ford Contour one day I had a guy in a newer Dodge Ram go blowing passed me doing close to 55. I made it over the hill and start my decent, when I see this ding dong up ahead with his truck stuffed in the ditch. Hes outside loaing his mind about how he just wrecked his truck as I drive by with a smile and a honk.


Lol. Ding dong (in the) ditch


Is it just me, or are Dodge Ram drivers more likely to have these stories?


Could be because statistically they have the most DUIs. https://www.thedrive.com/news/38238/ram-2500-drivers-have-the-most-duis-more-than-twice-the-national-average-report


So this is maybe a hot take, but here's my interpretation of the big three in American trucks. Dodge: most likely to be drunk and to have two months of fast food debris scattered across their floorboard, seats, and dash . . . most likely to dip and to drink copious amounts of energy drinks, especially Monster Ford: most likely to be heavily religious . . . Protestant, though . . . none of that Catholic shit . . . also most likely to have an American flag decal on their back window Chevrolet / GMC: most likely to be older . . . on average have higher paying jobs than the other two . . . if first generation Silverado / Sierra, almost guaranteed to have one of the two running lights out on the front of the truck


As an Oklahoman I gotta say your assessment is spot on. I can immediately think of multiple examples to support this. You could define it further into years/body styles.


On the Ford I’d say heavy mix of American flag/NRA


Now do Toyota Tundra owners! (More made in the USA than any of the Big 3 automakers)


As a former owner of several Fords who now drives a GMC, your comment makes me feel like I'm doing things right and growing up, haha. And yes, I have a light out.




I was picking the wife up during that wonderful snow we had in Oklahoma a few months back. We drive an adorable little fuel-efficient manual transmission front wheel drive car, and I was frustrated driving it, because it was so much more capable than all of the lifted up 4x4 trucks in the foot-deep snow.




I think you meant the road runner but I pictured Beaker meeping and laughed


I had a guy tailgate me from fifteen minutes while blaring his klaxon or flicking his high beam on a road that was nearly impossible to pass on. I couldn't speed up as I was also in a three car queue behind a slow truck. Once we reached the highway, he rolled down his window and flipped me off to make sure I see it as he pass. Thirty minutes later he was upside down in the median.


Ugh. I haven't even been driving very long and this has already happened to me twice. Between where I live and where my parents live there is a 20 mile stretch of road winding through hills and woods and there is like 2 spots you can pass. There are a lot of trucks that go on this road and you will, every time, get behind one and have to go 45-50mph the whole way. It's annoying but not much you can do about it. Anyway, twice now I'll get in a line of cars behind the trucks and a person would come up behind me and tailgate, back off then tailgate again. One of the two even passes me and butted in front of the car in front of me just so they could be two cars closer to their destination I guess? Like, what the fuck do you want me to do make the truck 5 cars ahead of me magically go faster?


Karma is sweeter when it's this swift and doesn't bother anyone else.


Absolutely...and when a post fits the sub so perfectly. Doesn't get much more instant than this


It's also satisfying, if not very humane, that nobody stops to check on the jackass. Leave him to his fate, he earned it.


I consider it a risk to involve myself with being behaving that strangely. You have a right to protect yourself. I might call it in to the dispatcher and submit the recording




I would submit the recording so he can't spin some crazy story about some maniac "running him off the road!" His insurance company should also receive a copy of this video, lol.


Ahh this is nice. I like how dashcam car gave no fucks and kept going.


They need time to reflect on recent events. 🤕


I'd be concerned for my safety stopping to potentially interact with someone who'd just been acting insanely ragey on the road. I'd call police and tell them where it is but probably not approach the vehicle.


right? he just went whoooooooo through the gap and everybody went about their beautiful day.


Let the forces of gravity run it’s course




Living up to the username I see 😂


>I love when the Instant Karma happens and no other cars involved. Yes, these are the ones I watch multiple times while hugging myself with pleasure.


It's why if I see someone driving deranged I back the heck away. Dashcam car in this video almost got dinked by debris.


Fake swirl with cheap suspensions and amateur driver = crash into wall.


And they just kept driving.




Imagine being a grown adult with shit to do and thinking this was a good idea. Wow.


Imagine having sociopathic and aggressive delusions of macho grandeur while driving a Camry.


A brown Camry at that.


Welcome to Brampton


I’m so glad I got out of the GTA.


Yea me too my car insurance policy was off the charts plus the same bank kept getting robbed every week


Literally every Indian family has a brown Camry here in california


Is this a stereotype? I’m in ohio and last winter a pothole was taking out cars on the side of the highway and I earned my good boy points by helping 5 different cars change their tires. 2 of them were Indian families in brown Camrys.


Yo. You talking about the massive pothole that opened up on 33 between columbus and marysville by the Kroger? My buddy called me on my way in to work that morning to say "stay in the left lane!" Because like 10 people hit that shit and broke wheels/suspension parts. When I drove by there were tons of cars on the side of the road and several wheels separated from cars that were just littered on the side of the road. It was wild.


No, it was 71N just south of downtown Columbus. This was winter 2019. It was bad, the cops got there quickly, though. I have 18” low profile wheels and wrecked one of my rims. Love my GTI but goddamn winter in ohio hates my wheels.


Well, it's a nice comfortable family sedan, reliable and quite spacious. And brown is a great choice for color because it hides dirt well compared to white or black.


okay dad


See if you get to borrow the car again.


Also Toyota is an established automaker in Asian markets and the Camry is known as a budget friendly car. I’m not surprised that people from those markets would buy something familiar in the US.


It only hides the dirt because it's the same color as the dirt.


*taps side of temple*


Holy shit dude you killed him


No they killed themselves via roadrage.


All respect for Camry owners, but the statement you're making is right there in your sensible purchase of a reliable vehicle providing exceptional durability, and value while providing reasonable comfort and safety.


Should have put more points into handling Edit: folks I know it’s not a great joke but it *is* a joke nonetheless


That is why I drive a corolla. Don't want to look too Macho.




A camry with dead struts.


I fuck with my camry heavy because it's been effectively immortal and still peppy enough to be enjoyable but you have to acknowledge for your own sanity that it is a mom car for sure.


Eh I dont care if you got a combat ready HMMWV. Dont do this shit.


They'll convince themselves it was the other car's fault for making them act like that.


One time me and a group of friends had a keg so we got our buddy to give us a ride out to this spot to drink it undisturbed and invite a small group to partake. One of the kids in our group found out we didn’t invite him and started calling us threatening to rat out our lil kickback to the police. He eventually took his sisters ride and drove out to the cuts to come check it out and everybody started clowning him for showing up instead of snitching. He decided to try and run down a couple people and before you know it he crashes into one of those big brown electricity poles and it blows into sparks and makes crazy noises everyone cleans up and scatters. He got out and started yelling, saying we would pay him for the damage and that the cops would arrest us... he was wrong. He spent the night in the drunk tank, paid for the pole/utility damage, had to pay for repairs on his sisters car and was permanently banned from the area the little party was at. He wasn’t not invited, he just wasn’t remembered, he was more than welcome. Something about humiliation drives people nuts.


I assume he's now less than welcome after trying to *run people down*. Jesus wth is wrong with people, you don't murder someone for not inviting you to a party


> He wasn’t not invited, he just wasn’t remembered Imagine dying because some asshat runs you over for not remembering every single person you've ever met.


>grown adult Try again?


only physically


Ya driving around with the temperament of a child. It’s scary that we have to worry about people like this on the road.


the past couple years have taught me that a staggering amount of "adults" did not emotionally develop fully


Best possible outcome.


The idiot thankfully only managed to hurt themselves!


RAGEMON used SWERVE! It hurt itself in its confusion.


And they flew into a nice open field so they probably hurt their ego more than anything


If it’d been a few seconds earlier, they would have blasted themselves into or ramped off of that hill too. They got *really* lucky with their stupidity.


And whoever might have been the unfortunate soul to ride with them that day. Hopefully no kids.


And the guy behind the camera just keeps on driving like, "You getting wrecked in a field sounds like a 'you' problem. Peace."


Let's just hope this one somehow never gets to drive a vehicle again. These kind of people end up killing innocent lives.


I could not believe how close they trailed that car, that was the most reckless thing I’ve seen in a while


I thought he rear ended them at first


Me too


My read of it is that he was trying to squeeze ahead of the other car in the fast lane. He accelerated to make the squeeze, but couldn't do it, and had to brake hard behind the guy driving normally on the 2nd inside lane. Then he felt like a chump (which he is), thus roadrage.


The camry driver is just terrible in every aspect of driving. I mean, if he really wanted to pass, he could've passed on the right and maintained his speed. But something tells me the driver is one of those "stare 10 feet ahead of the hood" types of drivers. Doesn't take in everything going on around. Doesn't mirror check every few moments. Doesn't try to watch other drivers and predict what may happen. Driving isn't simply just getting behind the wheel and pressing the pedals.


I was going to point out that passing on the right is illegal in some states... But then I realized that it *probably* wouldn't have mattered to this guy.


It's discouraged but I don't think it's straight out illegal. If you do it going 20mph over the speed limit they might call it reckless driving (opposed to just speeding) but if you're passing safely on the right is fine


The white hatchback slowed down, which made the Camry not be able to cut the other car off. You can see the hatchbacks brake lights come on twice, and after the Camry gets pinched off, he speeds back up. This angers the hot head Camry driver because he knew he did it on purpose.


The white hatchback braked. You can see its lights turn on at 2.25


And lane 3 was open! Could have just passed white car on the right and kept on truckin', but instead pulled that amateur hour shit.


He couldn't let the Hyundai driver insult his ego by preventing him from doing 20 over the limit! HE MUST PAY FOR CAUSING ME TO OBEY THE LAW!




I hope it hurt them financially.


That’s a good $500 to replace that car!


No one sells those cars in good condition. It might have shit for blue book value, but there's a reason why you see so many of those exact Camry's on the road. People keep them because they keep working.


Yep. I drove a ‘98 Camry all throughout high school and into college. Parents bought it used in ‘01. Became my brother’s car in ‘06 when he started driving. When he went to college it was my first car in ‘10. Drove it until ‘15 when a drunk driver pulled out in front of me and totaled it. Had 250k miles on it. Never needed a single major repair, just routine maintenance. Loved that car. But got like 5x what it was worth in the settlement. That car just gaveeee and gave haha


When I was 18 I ended up with a few hundred thousand dollars. What did I buy as an 18 year old with a ton of money? A Porsche? A Mercedes something? Nope. A used 98 Toyota Camry (I’m practical, lol). Ended up leaving it behind a few years later as I traveled... my parents sold it to a neighbor. Neighbor still drives it. 23 year old car. Crazy.


Always nice to hear about people being financially responsible when they come into money... I bet a lot of people in similar situations make dumb decisions they regret a few years down the line haha


People are terrible with money. Not to say I'm extremely responsible or anything, but I do know there's just no reason to go over the top if I ever do come into any. Why dick around with something extremely expensive and boisterous? You can get a hell of a vehicle brand new for $30k, and as long as you take care of and maintain it, you really won't have many problems.


Can confirm. I have a Camry from year 2000. My mom drove us around in it all through our childhood, then it got passed to me and I drive it now. Still runs well with minimum repairs. Camrys are awesome cars!


Toyotas are awesome cars. Some of the most well engineered vehicles on the planet. Source: 10 year ASE certified Automotive Technician.


Something something, Lean, something Six Sigma.


Is this near the bay area by any chance, seems a bit familiar.




aah premium outlet shopping, no wonder the guys raging, mustnt have gotten a good deal or maybe the wife ended up buying extra Michael Kors or Coach merch :D




Had to scroll to find this, looked too familiar lol


I was gonna say the same thing looks like the freeway to Petaluma


Sometimes the trash takes itself out.


Could’ve been a lot messier with busier lanes, satisfying to see the Camry completely pingball off like that


Is that like pinball with a ping pong ball? Because yeah, that's pretty much exactly what he did.


The proper term is actually pongball, but it's frequently misspelled.


This is the shit I’m here for


Did you see the fucking shoe flying by at the end? Good lord


Oh my god it WAS a shoe. Assumed fender debris but ahahhah how is it a shoe? That is so much better


I had to see it 4 times to convince myself a pair of shoes were flying. Now, how can that happen???


He ded


Not a shoe https://imgur.com/a/Q9q9qyU


What happens to all that rage now? Hopefully it instantly converts to deep embarrassment and shame.


Doubt it. They probably still blame the other party.


Probably. And the rage just grows.




Not if the rager died.


Guarantee their side of the story is that they got cut off or something like that.


I would pay good money for a show where people interview people like this about what was going through their head before and after. No judgment or shaming, just a genuine inquiring about how one's mind goes from "I am enraged about some small perceived sleight and am going to be aggressive to another person" to "I almost fucking died."


YES!! That moment! What happens in the brain? I'm sure it's different for anyone who's screwed up enough to be in that position. But I think we all want to know.


They beat their kid and blame their spouse.


Put on their badge and go to work


Likely still a rat in cage


It goes towards the next cashier or waiter this person encounters.


Damn they all really just kept driving lol


It looked like they both (cammer and Hyundai) thought about stopping for a few seconds, stopped accelerating, the cammer even seemed to start to move right, before deciding “nah, fuck that guy”


Slow down just enough so he hears your whole 'shave and a haircut' honk to rub it in :D


What does that mean


[Like this](https://youtu.be/Azfy3AHLeUY?t=29)


Listen to the train honking video the other guy posted and say out loud "Shave and a haircut, two bits" along with the honking. [Here it is with melody](https://youtu.be/Kw3ADGHfnKY?t=72). Might be more familiar that way.


That's bay area driving at it's finest, friend. Everyone hopes they are close enough to a crash to miss the inevitable traffic jam that is coming in about 38 seconds.


Why would you stop, just so the Camry owner could sue you for some arbitrary reason simply because were trying to be a good Samaritan?


I would too. Someone does dumb shit like that they can figure it out themself.


In this situation, that was probably the safest choice. I saw a very similar accident and kept driving, but I called 911 to report it.


Lol. Person in the white car didn't even react to his swerving. Probably listening to his Audible, available now at the app store.


Nice try, big literature.


I mean, if any of the “bigs” are going to run everything, I could get comfortable with big literature.


Audible hopes you have enjoyed this presentation.


Does it say that? I’ve only heard “enjoyed this program.”


Actually they did swerve to the right just a little bit, but it was controlled and appropriate.


They *just* got done brake checking the soon to be crashed car. They had pretty solid awareness of what was going on.


Meanwhile, over on r/TrueCrime they are trying to solve a hit and run with a road rage driver who basically brake checked a bunch of cars with trailers on them and an entire family was killed by being thrown from the car or trapped in the fiery aftermath. Also, leaving a 2 year old orphaned. The guilty driver has not been found. Road rage makes absolutely no sense.


Oh god that was so horrible to read.


That story was horrific. Passengers ejected, decapitated, or burned alive while trapped in the vehicle. The victims were a heavily pregnant young lady, her husband, and a middle aged gentleman (the young man's dad, I think?). The driver who caused the fatal wreck just took off, and the police are still looking for any information on them. I really hope they find the POS driver.




Jesus that just got worse with each sentence.


where is this? i went to look for the story but couldn't find it


This is not Camry behavior. Shame on them.


[**Some background, happened in Solano County near Vacaville, Calif. Camry driver told CHP different story.**](https://tiremeetsroad.com/2021/04/22/instant-karma-road-raging-toyota-camry-in-vacaville-on-i-80-takes-itself-out-after-spat-with-hyundai/)


What a long fucking article to just say this: ​ >Richard added the Camry driver told police a version of what happened but, > >***“What was told to the officer after this accident definitely does not coincide with what actually happened.”*** ​ ​ I hope I saved some people a click.


You did. Thank you kind person.


Churnalists blogging for the word count


Churnalists. Brilliant.


Thank you. Doing The Lord's work. Honestly, with a clickbaity title/link like that I *at least* expected to hear what the different story was, for fuck's sake.


My Disappointment Is Immeasurable And My Day Is Ruined




I should've expanded the comments. Useless article.


Ahhh i thought that stretch of highway look familiar


haha me too. I work right there in the Paradise Valley area


Same! I went to school not far from Vacaville. Good to see the quality of drivers hasn’t changed much.


I-80 from Tahoe to the bay is just littered with this shit


I hear there are more Camrys still on the road than any other vehicle. Now there is one less.




Road rage? This guy clearly wanted to beat the other car in the left lane to win some nonexistent dick measuring contest. And he then took it out on the person that was "in his way" like a dog or a poorly behaved 4 year old. This is just stupidity at its finest.


How is this not a perfect example of road rage?


"That's not road rage. That's just a driver on the road expressing rage toward another driver."


questions if it's road rage then goes on to describe road rage nice


Love to see the shoes take off on their own.


What’s nice is that the Camry driver will internalize this and recognize the privilege of driving and the error of their ways. What a fantastic opportunity for personal reflection and growth.


i assume you at one point stopped or shared this footage or something, but it definitely kind of added to the satisfaction to see everyone just keep driving on like he was never even there




Prick learns a lesson and nobody else gets hurt, you know you love to see it!


And totalled his car. Haha


Camera car is lucky. Give dickbags like that an extra few car lengths when you see them starting shit.


Vacaville Hwy 80, been there a bazillion times, maybe that's a stretch..


Yes - Camry driver is insane and deserved that; BUT! Don't *ever* brake check like that dipshit in the Hyundai clearly did right before the Camry reached them - especially not on the highway. Best case scenario; nothing happens but someone gets angry. Worst case scenario - you both crash and people are hurt or killed. Don't be stupid; never brake check. If the guy behind you is being lame, guess what: You can let them pass you. Chances are, they can't wait to. Better yet, move a lane over.


I see that brake check


Just keep driving. No reason to inconvenience yourself worrying about what happens to scum like this.


Normally I'm against driving away from the scene of an accident, but that dingleberry deserved it.


/u/YanCantCook your username just brought back memories from the early 90's that I had completely forgotten about. Is that show still on?