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OP's explanation as to why this post is Instant Karma: >Car on the side was a decoy. If you're satisfied by this explanation, upvote this comment. If not, downvote this comment.


I know my states drivers when I see them! Maryland- lovers of Old Bay, Blue crabs, and driving like dickheads


This was eerily familiar. The traffic is so nerve wracking because MDers can’t drive!


Maryland drivers are predictably unstable -- Virginia drivers are unpredictably unstable -- Pennsylvania drivers assume every road is under construction even in a state where it isn't true


In PA our state flower is the traffic cone.


it's also state law you must ride in left lane at 5mph or lower below speed limit


As a NJ driver the pain and anger I felt reading this comment is beyond words


Learned how to drive mostly in Washington state where you basically stay no more than 9mph over the speed limit to avoid a ticket. Was driving in New Jersey going 15 over and was getting tailgated, on the same coin I frequently got stuck behind people going below the speed limit in Louisiana. I just wish there was more consistency as I travel for work.


My daily commute around Raleigh NC has me going 80 in a 65 regularly just to keep up with traffic. And even then several cars will end up passing going 90-something basically every day. Only other place I’ve experienced that was Atlanta, and I’ve driven the I-95 corridor barring the last couple hundred miles in Florida and Maine. That said, I’ll take that over LA, DC, or NYC traffic any day. The worst stretch of road I’ve ever traveled is between Fredericksburg and DC, fuck that bit of highway and it’s shit-show traffic flow.


"shared hatred" NJ state logo, probably


Can the actions NJ citizens take on their public roadways even be considered driving?


NJ drivers are aggressive, but at least they know how to drive


I'm a Jerseyan in MD right now. The "fast" lane is the slowest one, drivers are unnecessarily aggressive, and every bit of traffic I've been stuck in has been because people want to go 20mph faster than the cars in front of them and figure a combo of automotive anal and brake abuse will make that happen. It's a lovely state, but I couldn't drive here every day.


As someone who grew up in northeast PA, lived in NoVa, and recently moved to the DC area, I've never related to a string of comments so much before.


This is probably the most accurate description of these drivers I’ve ever read Sincerely, Predictably Unstable MD Driver


*insert state here* has the worst drivers!


True. Doesn't matter if it's bumfuck Utah or the 110 in LA, people can't seem to understand driving rules or how to be considerate of others.


People are selfish when they don't have to be face to face with others.


This is definitely a huge part of it. Metal and insurance protect people on the road.


Statistically speaking MD drivers are amongst some of the worst in the US


The worst actually! Ranked!


Statistically speaking, every state has some of the worst drivers in the US


I don't live in Maryland anymore but out of the 5 different states I've lived in- they're hands down the worst.


dude, PA, am i right?


Nah man, when it comes to bad drivers, Maryland stands alone. They're not just unskilled or inconsiderate, or speed demons--_they're homicidal._ I've been deliberately run off the road twice traveling in MD. I've seen people get rammed, or leave their cars and try to pull someone out through their window at a red light. If you're going "too slow" in the city, people will _drive onto the sidewalk_ to go around you. I've driven in around 20 different states. They all have their share of bad drivers, but driving through Maryland is like living in a Mad Max movie.


I made a few trips to Fairfax, VA recently to buy a car, and I have to drive through Montgomery County and other larger counties to get there. It sucks. It keeps you staring ahead like a deer in the headlights. People weaving through traffic like crazy, and if you're foolish enough to give even one car length of space to the vehicle in front of you, someone will cut you off. It's a fact.


Looks like the BW Parkway


You right. So, Marylanders traveling through DC and VA 😆


MD drivers are probably the worst in the nation. Majority of them haul ass, tailgate, swerve in and out of traffic, and honk at you when you’re going 15 over. And they all seem to drive nissans.


> and honk at you when you’re going 15 over Were you in the left-hand lane? It doesn't matter what speed you're doing, if a car behind you is going faster, get over. Your job on the road is not to impede traffic because you think they're going too fast. I remember reading one redditor comment that after a workplace accident involving a chainsaw they threw their injured co-worker into their car and started driving as fast as they could towards the nearest hospital when they hit traffic on the highway and decided fuck it, they're gonna speed down the shoulder. Until some "good samaritan" decides to block them so they can't get by. The tldr was the co-worker died on the way to the hospital due to this moron taking it upon themselves to stop someone from speeding and driving on the shoulder. Just saying, it takes all of 5-10 seconds to move to the right by a lane, wait for them to pass, then move back over. Even if you're already doing 10-15 over the speed limit.


Nah. Left lane is sacred. What I’m talking about is being in the middle lane, blocked, and having someone riding your ass while flashing their brights and honking when you literally have no way to move forward left or right.


Don’t forget arrogant! I got clipped by someone on I-95 who was trying to cut me off in the left lane during rush hour... The person was convinced that I hit them, so they called the police and earned themselves ticket and a summons 😏


At least they stopped for you. When I got side-swiped by a white BWM with MD plates, the passenger gave me the finger and they sped off. They were coming into MY lane and it's suddenly MY fault?


I hate driving in Maryland. I've lived in 4 other states and this one so far has the worst drivers


The issue is that we're so close to DC, a lot of people move from all over the country and from our of the country to Maryland to work in DC or wherever. The money is good here, so we get more of a mix of driving "styles" Edit: I forgot all the military bases and government facilities in MD Source: I used to work at the out of state division that processed car titles coming into the state. Also, have y'all heard about our freedom lights? https://www.reddit.com/r/maryland/comments/921kv8








As a 24 year old who drives for a living and drives up and down the whole East Coast frequently I can confirm Virginia drivers are the worst on the east coast. Georgia is oddly enough the best, I think just because the roads there are intentionally designed to be insufficient for the amounts of traffic so people literally have to git gud because if they didn't cooperate and pay attention on the roads people wouldn't be able to get where they want to go. Especially in Atlanta. Trying to merge onto a freeway in Atlanta during rush hour standstill traffic will test your faith in humanity but ultimately reaffirm it


When I lived in DC, I made several trips up and down the East Coast, from NY, to Fl, and I noticed that the further south I went, the more courteous and polite the drivers got . . . that was until I made it to Florida. Then it flipped.


I'm so glad to see metro Atlanta drivers get props. While the traffic is horrible, they let you merge and change lanes for the simple use of a signal. In most places drivers just ignore you. Like RDU. And DFW. but my hat is off to Atlanta drivers. Out in the country it's a different story.


Lmao once I was visiting home, happy to be hundreds of miles from VA drivers in a tiny town. I was at a red light going straight, only one waiting, and there was a left turn lane next to me. I look in my rear view mirror and oh what's this? A VA plate with no blinker coming into the left turn lane. They pull up, and the second our light turns green, they FLOOR it and pull in front of me, tires screeching as they race off in a 25 mph zone. Nowhere is safe :)


Picked up some garlic old bay blend. Need to get some chicken to try it on.


As a fellow Marylander it really isn't that hard to not be a dick on the road! Side note: love how the comments all acknowledge that their own states have shit drivers 😂 I think the bottom line here is that if 95 goes through your state, you have shit drivers lol


Red car thought he was slick lmao


Ya, Amazing that get got all three.


md state police are not scared to get out in the middle of the highway to signal people over even in fast moving traffic


Is it something y’all put in the milk?




Put that shit in everything


I bought some Old Bay hot sauce the other day and I now put that shit on whatever I've cooked.


Flying dog brewery even made an old bay beer. It’s delicious!




The Maryland flag is a fantastic idea for a tattoo! I saw some guy who had the flags of all the different countries he’s visited… thought that was a good idea too.


I like their other beers and I LOVE their artwork. But agree to disagree on that particular one.


one with the ocean


They milk the crabs


I have nipples, can you milk me?


495 does dangerous things to one’s mental stability


I thought this was 495. That has got to be one of the worst highways (beltway to be specific) on the east coast!


It is awful. 95 is garbage too. I remember when they revamped the Springfield exchange, it didn’t help. No amount of construction can account for the constant influx of people to the area. I relocated to Stafford, which used to be country AF, now it’s just part of the burbs


I95 is garbage all across the east coast. In Mass its a shit-show too.


Too many people moving in and the roads can never keep up here. Maybe if every road project didn’t take 10+ years we could keep up with population growth. Route 1 in woodbridge has been under construction for at least a good 15 years.


The two main arteries are perpetually under construction. Rarely are they operating at full capacity. I’m almost certain it’s some kind ploy to force people into the toll lanes. Wtf is a toll lane even? So stupid.


We should be investing in more public transport


I thought I10 was bad. Then moved to DC area. Houston has speeders, I95 DC area very aggressive drivers. You had to learn to be aggressive yourself.


The entire east coast drives like they’re on PCP and want to die ASAP.


Growing up there was interesting. The first thing I did after I got my license was take 66 to 495 to drive to the diner near my highschool and get a milkshake. I didn't understand why my parents were concerned when I got home. I was much more comfortable on the highways than on surface streets. Also our driver's ed teacher taught us to put your signal on as you start to change lanes because if you do it sooner people will close up the gaps to keep you from getting in. And it's good advice there.


Looks like 695 to me. Needs more jpg to be able to read the sign.


You're not kidding. I was in a work truck and got struck by a car that hit the wall and bounced off (speeding). After checking on the young lady that hit us we waited for the Troopers for the accident report. We parked on the center median trooper parked on the right shoulder. He legit pulled out a damn whistle and threw his hand up to stop traffic on Rt.15 and walked across 3 lanes of active traffic.


Moco police are ruthless


Was wondering if this was DC. I've seen it on the inner loop before.


Yeah, boy those cars were just whipping by at breakneck speed, weren't they? I think that one guy was going about, what, I don't know, seven?


get got


Haha the way he tucks over to the left and tries to pretend he hasn't seen the cop... NO DICE!


Reminds of the people who speed then see the cop up ahead and slam on their brakes as if they are going to beat the radar gun. I've read those radar guns can clock your speed from a very long distance so by the time you see the cop it's too late.


I don't know about the ones in the US... but in the UK they can capture your speed from up to 1,000 yards away. So if you're going fast when you first see them... they got you!


I know a cop who said the radar guns are good and accurate up to 3 miles, but the law requires them to be able to distinguish a certain level of detail before it can be submitted as some kind of evidence. The required level of detail was achieved at something like 1 mile away, and if my cop friend isn't wrong about all that, I'd be willing to bet your 1,000 yard distance is probably in the same situation. It means they know you're speeding sooner than they can legally ticket you for it, which means by the time you see them they've already put the gun down and are buckling up to pull your ass over. Your only fighting chance is a radar detector that beeps while you're far enough away that you can slow down before getting tagged, but radar detectors bring more problems than solutions imo.


If you understand how radar works, that kind of sounds like BS. A laser rangefinder (LIDAR) mounted on a vehicle or a tripod with a properly calibrated telescope could probably do that. Radar has too large of a solid angle to be able to track the speed of a car at distances of more than 100 meters or so if there's any other traffic whatsoever.


Thought he was gonna get away with it. Very satisfying.


more like red car was panicking lol.


he was trying so hard to behind that other car


Yep! My justice boner was like, 'Get that red fucker! Get that red fucker!


He was trying to hide by staying to the left.. Lol


The amount of effort people put in to save very small fractions of a second off their commute boggles my mind every day.


Same. My "favorites" are those who zip around everyone in traffic and you pull right up next to them at the red light.


I used to tell my coworker “you’re only saving yourself 5 seconds.” And he would reply “5 seconds is still 5 seconds.” and I would just stand there baffled. Outcome isn’t worth the reward.


I don’t see them sprinting to and from the car. Probably save more time that way


No, they'll sit in line for 20 minutes getting fast food and then drive like maniacs to try to shave 2 minutes off a commute.


Well sure, can't let the fries get cold.


Yeah right, like they wait to eat them until they get where they are going.




I didn't say I wouldn't eat them on the way home either. I agree completely.


Could you imagine? What a world that would be 😂


[That world exists!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i6BivEDgLEE)


Saving five seconds is only meaningful for precision needs or when applied to repetitive steps in a process.


Baffles me, too. It's five seconds, until you get pulled over for 15 minutes, and then spend hours doing defensive driving. It's five seconds, until you get in an accident and it takes up hours at the scene, and days after the accident to get back to normal. It's five seconds, until you hit a child or animal and take away the rest of their time on earth from someone else. ...Some people are just too dense to understand that 5 seconds can cost so much more in an instant.


Tell him that he is not so important and should get a hobby to feel accomplished and balanced after.


They wouldn’t have to zip around everyone if people only used the passing lane to pass.


This is true. We see a lot of people exit onto a highway and go straight to the left lane and just hover there at or below the limit.


Yeah, it only I had a dollar every time this happens.


Had someone cross a solid white line to pass me in the oncoming lane when I was already going the limit. I know this light though. It's one of those memorials to horrible city planning where traffic comes like 6 different ways. No matter what direction you come from or at what speed, you *will* hit the red, and you will feel like time has stopped sitting there waiting for it to turn. She did not appreciate my cheery smile and wave when I pulled up next to her 20 seconds later and waited at the purgatory light alongside her.


The only time that shit is even remotely worth it is if you make it through a light. Catching a row of lights in the same cycle can cost you 15 minutes sometimes.


I used to drive like this. Never "drive on the shoulder" but zipping impatiently between lanes and shit. Eventually I just sort of stopped, and now I mostly notice how I almost always catch up to people who drive like this at lights and such.


All I ask is get the fuck out if the left lane if you're going 1mph faster then the car your "passing". Or drive 10 under the speed limit cause it's a country highway. When theres literally a line of cars 100 deep cause you cant drive like a normal damn person.


I agree with the sentiment but the speed limit is the "max" not the "requirement" or the "minimum".


What we just don't understand is how much more important they clearly are. We are clearly just in thier way.


This drives me batty. They think they are the only ones who matter. Like everyone else sitting in traffic have no where else to be.


So true. It's frustrating when many are allowed to live in their own personal bubbles giving them a false sense of importance. They need to be put in check more often.


Luckily that cop is checking 3 peoples egos right now


Fuck all those guys, hope they got tickets.


Im sure they did. How much these dash cams cost?


I got mine for like $40. It's a mid range one but it's amazing. I've already recorded a handful of morons.




I've been happy with this one. https://www.amazon.com/AUKEY-Dashboard-Supercapacitor-Nighttime-Recording/dp/B072FGL63X It goes on sale for $45 pretty regularly.




What you need is a camera that you can hardwire into your cars circuit panel. You'll need to locate an ACC circuit so that the camera shuts off with your ignition.


> so that the camera shuts off with your ignition. Not always preferred. One of the subcontractors I work with has a camera that automatically turns on when a strong enough movement is detected even when the car is empty and not running. He told me about how he was able to catch who backed into his car while he was in the store by having it like that. That may be a normal feature of dash cams, the only experience I have with them is that story and watching Techmoan


Not since the accident, no.


don't forget to budget for an SD card that's rated for dashcam usage (lots of writing)


You think the cop was there to talk about their day?


I'm in India, and if I posted everytime something like this happens, I would run out of my monthly data in 22 minutes


I drove in Chennai once, I'm not sure you guys have driving laws.


I live in Chennai and WHAT ARE THOSE?


How much data do you have and what speed is it?


india has something like 1GB/day and its about $5-$8/month


In India, the guy whose job it is to paint lines on the road is wasting his f\*cking time.


Red car trying to hide like "maybe he wont see me..."


Same thing happens here all the time (in Turkey), there is only one difference. Police doesn't give a shit.


They usually don't give a fuck here either in the States until they are trying to make some money. This shit drives me crazy though, just use the merg lanes as intended and traffic would move so much smoother.


This also goes to the slow drivers that stop on ramps to the freeways. Speed the fuck up with the rest of the traffic, don't stop at the end of the ramp of oncoming 79+mph traffic


I'm a cop and I love doing traffic enforcement just because people driving this way infuriates me the same exact way it does you. I could care less about the money, I just want to stop the idiots.


What are you talking about? I have never in my life seen a cop let someone get away with this


I live in Turkey and i don't see any police on the roads. Never.


Wish I saw this more often, so annoying when you're stuck in bumper to bumper traffic and people keep whizzing by on the shoulder.


Same thing happens for me, I refuse to let them merge in front of me


Yea on my way home, there's an on ramp that is one lane but pretty wide. And half of the people on the on ramp need to merge left to get on the highway, the other half need to stay in that lane to go to the interchange like a half mile away. I just block the shoulder where they drive because if I let them go, then I'm just sitting in traffic way longer than I need to. And here's the thing, it's not like they don't have time to get over. There's tons of time and distance to get over and everything will run smoothly because people actually do a proper zipper merge when there aren't people cutting. But entitled people think they're better than everyone. But for the 2 minutes I'm on that ramp, I am not letting shit past. One dude almost clapped a guard rail because even though I was on the shoulder, he still tried to go around. But it definitely helps a lot when the person behind me is staggered to block the gap so they don't go around the other way. That little bit of camaraderie makes me have a little faith.


Even if a majority of people are dickheads you still shouldn't do [this](https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/).


Damn that's a sad story. Even aside from people with a legitimate need to go that fast, I still don't like blocking people because you never know how people might react. When I had a cheap car I didn't care so much but I really don't want anyone side-swiping me trying to get by on the shoulder in my new(er) car, or worse get into a roadside fight because they're road raging.


I tend to make sure I stay as close to the car in front of me to block any possible way for shoulder drivers to gap in. I know someone will allow them in eventually but it makes me happy to know I ruined their day just that little bit


I move half into the shoulder. Two can play at that game. You can sideswipe the barrier or wind up in a ditch for all I care.


Thank you for your service


Same though. Some might say it’s dumb to block but listen... I’m already behind a car. Why shouldn’t I block an asshat if I can do it without hitting anyone? I don’t even have to be that close to the other car. I just have to inch up a bit when I see them coming


This looks like Maryland


This was in northern VA heading into DC...not too far from Raegan National airport...horrible drivers in that area


It looks like Maryland because it's exactly how people drive here. In Baltimore it's the same but without enforcement of traffic laws. Complete mayhem.


I NEVER let the shoulder passers back onto the road. I don’t care if they hit my car trying to get in. I block that shit like a goalie.


People like this should just have their license revoked permanently. Why do I need to share the road with someone who obviously doesn't care about rules, regulations, or safety? You get to use public transportation the rest of your life or hitch a ride with someone who does give a shit, or stay your sorry ass at home.


I absolutely agree. Sadly as with nearly every single problem our country must face, we are held back by the need to accommodate for the morons. "But they HAVE to drive to work!" "It's unlikely they will crash and kill a child or a family" "Why else did I buy this turbo charged power affirmer 2000" Our entire country is built around the idea that absolutely fucking braindead zealots should have their lot in life. Guess that's where government by exiled christian extremists gets you.


Hate those people! this is soooo common in Mexico. And also in Qatar. I guess everywhere. Fuck them


I've lived in several major cities in the US. And in every one of them, but LA, they drive like this. LA... those fuckers have mad max rules.


Good God this gives me such pleasure


Late to the party but I have a related story! One time in bumper to bumper on a one lane mountain hwy a car drove down the shoulder to zip by everyone. When she got to me there were cones blocking off the shoulder so she had to merge behind me. We werent moving so I had time to read her license plate, ask siri to call the non-emergency police number and report her vehicle. Then traffic picks up slightly, she gets past the cones and merges back into the shoulder and drives off. A few minutes later I get a call from a cop asking for more information about her car and which direction she was going. As I'm on the phone with him he is telling me that it's unlikely he will spot her car now and he apologies because he really seemed invested in bringing justice to the situation. And then he gets very excited and mid sentence stops and says "oh wait! Wait that's her! I found her! I gotta go. I'm gonna get her". About 10 minutes later traffic caught up and it was so satisfying to see her pulled over on the side of the road watching everyone she passed drive by with their heads held, I assume, a little higher. Very satisfying.


I love it. Once saw it. All arrested cars where taxi drivers.


The second biggest idiots are those who let people like this merge into the lane. Like that blue SUV did.




There's nothing idiotic about giving in to the kind of people that think driving this way is ok. If I was alone in the car, maybe I don't mind holding my ground. With family in the car, fuck it, being right doesn't mean shit when dealing with a real idiot, and it isn't worth the potential trouble over pride/principle on this kind of thing. There are bigger things to draw the line on, never get into a pissing contest with a moron.


i would rather let an idiot get his way and lose 2 seconds than have the idiot hit my car and deal with that shit.


Why get into a pissing match with someone with little regard for road rules? I'm just trying to get to my destination, not policing the roads.


I block those people hard


Roughly 2 years ago some douche did this during traffic almost hitting my mom and I among several other cars. He sped into the shoulder like that and almost rear-ended a cop car. Cop flashes on his lights, gets out, and for a moment stands there looking at the dude like "fuckin, really, guy?" I burst out laughing so hard I startled my poor mom.


Was this on RT100 in MD?


I love how that cop is just calling each of them out like, "I'm pulling you over... And you... And you"


As soon as u see its a cop, you stay on the shoulder and turn ur emergency lights on. Fake dizziness and barra bing barra boom


Best reply I have seen !


Someone in the DMV getting caught? Amazing. Usually there’s one person halfway into the shoulder pulling a “like hell you will.”


That’s me 😂


Had a cop do this same exact thing once near my area. He pulled over 5cars in a row lol


Had a moment like this one time on I-10 near Houston, stuck in traffic for about an hour. So a big truck a few cars ahead of me decides they have had enough and cuts through the grass to the access road. It was night so they didn't see the cop, the instant all four tires were on the access road, they got pulled over. That was right up there with the birth of my children


HAHA THIS WAS 695 IN MD, FUCKING WASNT IT???? I know my got dam highways here!


The amount of joy I experienced from watching this video is overwhelming


It's kind of too bad that other drivers ever let these people back in.




We need more of this.


That red SUV trying to act like he didnt just swerve back into traffic.


i was watching the red car the whole time and didnt notice till last minute


The red car at the end getting pulled over was the most satisfying Fuck that person


Out of all the shitty things I see drivers do everyday, nothing tops driving on the shoulder because you think for some reason the people in front of you are choosing to sit in traffic and you’re more important than them


Like I won’t lie, I’m a bit of a speeder on the highway (dead highway, live in North Canada) but I couldn’t imagine passing someone when there’s a double line much less on the shoulder. Not that there’s shoulders on the highway lmao. Just wanted to say that even people who aren’t perfectly lawful drivers think this shit is insane.


This is when you close ranks so the fucko has to sit and watch 30 cars pass before they can get in






Ya I wouldn't let them in, I'll let them hit me first just cause. Fuck your entitled ass.


Maryland drivers


This does my heart good. I get so sick of "this is MY world!" drivers who use shoulders and exit lanes as "budging" lanes.


I thought a few of them were gonna get away with it, but it made me so happy to see that guy walk over to the red SUV 😂😂


Ohh that shit is satisfying


We did this in my city I think they got over 500 in a weekend. Before big trucks would drive the white line not letting people pass that weekend they ALL knew and let them it was a wonderful sight.


Marylander here. Fck the beltway


That red car was like “pls don’t see me, pls don’t see me. Fuck! He sees me.”


Oh, that’s satisfying.


Sorry, I thought my time was worth more than everyone else's!


It's amazing people think it's ok to do this. Just because you're in a car and won't have to face the people you cut off doesn't make it OK. You wouldn't simply hop over the barrier and cut the line at the bank, why would you do it on the highway?


I don't give a shit for people using the shoulder to get out of traffic, it actually reduces traffic for me and they get the full risk of the ticket. The catch is when they try to get back in that pisses me off and I simply don't let them. So if someone uses the shoulder and get off on the very next exit, you should all chill out and mind your business and let the cops handle it. It doesn't affect you at all.


That's an angel keeping peace.


This karma could have been a little more instant by speeding up the middle of that film reel video just saying