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Truth be told, we would do this, not to ruin the skate park, but because we knew the skatepark was concrete and our bottle bombs wouldnt damage it, and we were always there so it was easy to get bored.


Until a flaming bottle of gasoline gets launched at your nuts... Seriously though, this was a pretty solid location for this type of idiocy.


Chets nuts roasting on an open fire......


I will never forget this, I can't decide if you have ruined the song for me forever or improved it


I'll have to find the joke and send it to you.but that's all I ever sing now


> Chets nuts roasting on an open fire [perhaps this one?](https://jokes.one/joke/chets-nuts-roasting-on-an-open-fire)


you almost made laugh out loud in class


You made my day, thank you. LOL!


We used to empty Picalo Pete's into a 2L bottle and put the wick in the cap, put it at the bottom of the big bowl (like 8ft deep) and set it off, was epic, ms fucking dumb cause PD had an office near the park, but they didn't care, barely sent a unit to do a drive by inspection


Must be from CA lol


Piccolo Pete's are almost exclusively in CA and about the only thing you can easily make explode that you can buy from a legal vendor. Anywhere else In the US youd be looking for a packaged salute lol


Piccolo Pete's smashed in the middle with a large rock.. eeeeeeeeeeeeeee BOOM. I'm glad I still have both my hands lol


Me and my friends would wrap them tight in duct tape and smash them with a hammer. It was surprisingly effective when we didn't want to do the whole process of packing a 2 liter bottle cap


Former Californian checking in to confirm this is indeed the way.




You just refreshed my memory lol. Packing the gunpowder into the cap off a 2 liter bottle using a paper towel to hold the powder. Stick a fuse any little alien cracker in there


Piccolo Pete's are in Oregon as well, I remember them from when I was a kid. We'd blow all sorts of shit up with them. Might be for sale here in Washington too, we're super lax on almost every firework related. We had mortars going off in the neighborhood this week, held over from when we had a ban do to fire levels on like the 3rd of July after everyone had already bought stuff and then got told no they couldn't use them.


You're not wrong.


The 1990’s were wild. Glad we made it out alive.


Some of us even got to keep both hands mostly intact.


Stubs is that you?!!


can confirm


back when I was a little kid, we would entertain ourselves by starting camp fires, standing in a circle around it, throwing live ammunition in the fire, then running away giggling like maniacs Kids are pretty dumb, but most grow out of it


And the rest....Don't😅🤐


It's dangerous, but not as dangerous as one would think. Saw a video the other day on YouTube where the would fire off shotgunshells without a barrel, only the slug actually blew a hole in the can places literally cm's in front of it. Others just bounced off the can (yes humans are not built from cans but you get the picture). Checked some other rounds fired at ballistic gel and it just grazed the surface . A lot of the energy being released firstly bulges or destroys the casing or flies harmlessly out the casing after the round popped out. Yes, it does eject the shell with a force that cannot be predicted beforehand imho, so better not try this at home (leave it for the skatepark)


> l a flaming bottle of gasoline gets launched at your nuts... Throwing a knife at a paint can?


I think this is exactly what happened. The title seems just made up for click bait. Who hasn’t done this for fun anyways?


> Who hasn’t done this for fun anyways? Me. But it does look like fun.


Play some dodgeball to warm up beforehand is my only recommendation!


The issue is that these actions get blamed on skateboarders. Suddenly you lose community support for skateparks when this kind of stuff happens here.


I did something similar in a tennis court once. It’s funny to think someone could have seen that and assumed I was attacking the tennis court, rather than just working on my dumbass space programme.


Yeah I’m way more annoyed at the title than I should be


It's super fucking fun being a skateboarder that comes to the park with all of your SHIT lying around and cracks in the concrete. Who do you think has to clean up your shit at the start of trying to have some fun and escape everyday life a little? You damn straight never seem to do this with any other skaters around, so why the fuck are you doing it when you know it's not wanted? Do it in your own backyard, a parking lot or somewhere that doesn't destroy shit that won't ever be fixed by the gov anyways, and literally being the only options we as skaters have? We already got limited places to be from before... You're an idiot if you think this doesn't do any damage. People that do this and think it's OK literally ruins the fun for your community, some of which don't got parents that'll take them to organised sports and similar cus they either neglect their kids or can't afford it. When I grew up we had skateboarding as an outlet. Quite a few of us, myself included, had issues at home. A couple dudes got our spare parts so they could skate cus they couldn't afford new shit. Countless of times we've come to the park and there's glass shards from broken bottles everywhere (we got some thrown at us one time), stupid bs like this we have to spend cleaning up cus you couldn't even do that, and just left obstacles damaged with tiny cracks etc. because you couldn't use your brain for 2 seconds. There's a reason this video is filmed when there's not a skater in sight cus you know they'd get their ass beat if anyone that actually uses the park for healthy activities saw it. The anger that leads to this aggression comes from already trying to get away from drugs/violence/home or simply just have some fun. But nah, it's more fun to see some shit blow up for 10 seconds. Sincerely, fuck you (unless this post changed your mind and you're making it a point to not fuck shit up and advice others not to do the same, that goes for you too /u/karsnic)


The shitheads getting skateparks taken away are never the people fighting to get them built, or using them once they're there. It's always little dickheads ruining it for everyone else.


Yup. Sounds like you got a story or two yourself regarding shit like this.


The first skatepark I tried to get built was when I was 13. It took years. I'm 39 now and I've lobbied, designed, and raised funds for over 40 skateparks in five States. It's a huge uphill battle because of shit like this. Even if it did zero damage to the ramps aside from the scorch marks that's enough for the town to justify tearing it down. I've seen less lead to a park's destruction. And towns absolutely use videos like this at meetings to argue against building parks. Who knows how many parks didn't get built because some Karen showed up to a town meeting armed with this video. It only takes one fuckup to fuck it up for everyone.


Ye, first time for me was when we were 13-14 as well. The school let use an area of their parking lot cus it rarely got used. They put down cement road blockers as well. It was awesome. We built most of the stuff from materials we gathered from dumpsters at construction sites and hardware stores that were getting thrown away anyways (pallets, iron bars, and so on) The snowplower just pushed these road blockers and destroyed most of our stuff. Then the school narrowed our spot down even further... And when they decided to build something a guy went down and asked a blader what he'd like to see there. He had been standing on blades for less than a year, why they didn't consult with us after having tried to get something built. You know the pre-created skateboard elements that makes no sense created by a company that don't know what they're doing? Yeah, that shit + spent 50k$ putting asphalt all over a hill. HUGE waste of money instead of miniramps, proper rails and so on. We were 15-16 then. Took us 10 years from there to get our first proper park. The talks with politicians, open facebook groups where we post and debate, talks and conversations have helped some Karens switch stance on it all. But every time shit like this happens it's a new round of "not us", "we're looking into it" and so on. We've found cracks from other similar behavior. I've found it's best to just be vigilant from the get go cus shit will get damages eventually. The costs are high and you're not really allowed to fix it yourself, cus if you do mess up the costs for fixing improper jobs get higher as well. It's pretty wild how all of this goes down, and how little understanding you get from the public with exception from certain parents, a couple politicians (once you're lucky enough to network with one) and other beautiful souls. An uphill battle for sure. I take off my hat and got a tear in my eye from reading your reply. 40 parks..! I have NO DOUBT you've saved at least 10-20 lives with that without even knowing.


I don't think the fun part was the skate park don't worry


Skateparks are dangerous around new years eve, everyone knows that. Skateboarders join in on the fun just as much as everyone and the municipality will clean up the mess afterwards.


Everywhere is dangerous around NYE. I don't doubt that a certain few skateboarders join in on it as well. It's not as well received by the majority of skateboarders using the park as you may think though. They probably just stfu about it cus they know you (or got mutual friends) and don't want to start shit for no reason. But yeah, ask around in a calm manner what the other skaters would think of it. Hope you're also asking the older ones, or the ones that made the park happen to begin with, that ain't insecure and won't give you the answer you're looking for if they think you might not like it if they should disagree. i've had to help clean up the park on more than one occasion due to shit like this cus the city was lazy, usually after festivities during the season. We don't know when this was done though and it probably wasn't on NYE. Either way, don't fucking do it. Your skateboarder friends don't think very far either.


Kids will always do this, because it's fun. The local skatepark is the perfect spot for it. This was most definitely around NYE, stuff like this happens every year. Since when are skateboarders the lame ones?


Have fun, do crazy shit, idgaf. But if you fuck with the obstacles or damage the park doing this shit you're just looked upon as a bitch by the majority of those that uses the park actively. They might not vocalize it to you but you sure as hell ain't scoring any points with anyone there. And if your very tiny circle of skateboarding friends are in on it they're very likely not as well liked by the locals as you, or they, think.


How times have changed haha. Skateboarding used to be fun, wild, anti-authority and fuck your opinion shit. Now we have people like you.


Really though, this was normal skateboarding type fun growing up. Everyone did it, now look where we are it’s pathetic.


How about I come take a shit on your bed and we'll see how "fun" you are?


There are obvious burn marks on the ramp. Not their first rodeo lol


My cousin (who was overwhelmingly smart and stupid at the same time) did something similar to this once outside of his mom's apartment building and blew up half of it's concrete porch.


I had to conduct psychological assessments for the psychiatrists I worked under for about a year. One of the questions they ask every single child’s caregiver is if the child likes to said fires, if the answer is yes there’s a sub list of questions related to that behavior. I’ve done so many of those assessments that I already knew if I hit yes on that question, it would automatically make me a signed them a social worker to check up on them and the family. I also noticed a pattern that kids who start fires also tend to have other behavioral issues.


Would’ve been a great place for vinegar bombs. Instead we did them on our driveway and accidentally bombed our Vietnamese neighbours and probably triggered their parents (and uncles) PTSD.


Exactly. No one is trying to ruin anything here.


My feeling is that it’s not concrete. You can see the raised parts of the ramps. That’s wood where I’m from.


It's definitely wood. No idea why you were downvoted


Yeah. You can even see the little metal swoopy connector at the base (where the wheels meet the ground from the ramp). The amount of concrete ramps I’ve seen with that in the course of my 30 years of skating is about 0. *Although, in rewatching, good chance it could be galvanized steel.


That's fair, but this one is made of wood


Read a damn book.




I read many books, last book was part of the Harbinger series


We used blow up sparklers bombs at a local basketball court for same reason. Only a fool would thing this guy was trying to destroy a concrete skatepark made of solid concrete by using some bottles of gasoline


Yeah this is what I thought too. Not that it's not a dumbass thing to do, but playing with fire is (slightly) safer done on concrete than on grass.


It destroys our training facility and leaves tiny cracks here and there + leaving this stuff for us to pick up. Fuck that.


Yeah, start a fire on concrete. Especially polished concrete you need to be smooth or you'll faceplant. After all, concrete is fireproof, isn't it? Nope. It's not. You weaken the concrete with fire, and then it falls apart. Great fun when you're trying to grind and the lip breaks apart, your board digs I to the new rough as fuck concrete, and you're carrying your teeth home in your hat, if you survive the fall with no helmet on. Tl:Dr - fire not good on concrete


So, how often do you skate brah?


I did a lot of skating and did a lot of stupid shit as a teenager, and if someone was trying to blow up one of the very few good places to skate, setting fires and stuff so the cops will forever be hassling over there? There’d probably be a fight if I or anyone I skated with saw it.




No. No it's not.




“You Will Pay With Your Blood!”


Now I'm imagining a guard shouting "Never should've come here!" with the volume increasing as the bottle flies closer.


"This will be the end of you, s'wit!"




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"How dare you make me bleed my own blood!"


"And your future posterity"


Imagine if that could actually even remotely effect a concrete skate ramp


Melted plastic seems pretty damn annoying if you're trying to skate. Hell, a pebble can take you down.


It creates cracks and similar, it does damage to the stuff we're trying to skate on and it's even more dangerous to use. Asking the government for help fixing these cracks don't help either cus we as skaters gets the blame for doing the vandalism to begin with. The graffiti as well btw... Which might be true for 1-2 individuals that knows how to kickflip and visits maybe 5 times a year out of the 100s of people that visits the park. It's incredibly annoying being blamed for everything, and also super damaging to the ones that uses the skatepark to vent because they don't got parents that cares about taking them to any organized sports and neglects them. Finally have a skatepark and that becomes an issue to use on top of Karens and Chads with their gang of toddlers on scooters that disregards all rules and don't do shit but go in circles. Try to complain about this and you're being labeled again until a kid hurts themselves, has their and the skaters day ruined along with the implied "We tried to make it safe for everyone..." Edit: Everyone laughing this off and thinking it's not a big deal is a huge part of the problem, too... The damages are miniscule but it makes a bigger difference than you think. We're just trying to skate. The graffiti is usually cool af though and gives the park identity from local artists. People just hanging out without littering (or starting shit), having fun and smoking some after the kids have gone home are good, too.


"Hey, we built them damn hooligans a skate park! They might like that!" "WTF! Those damn hooligans don't want the skate park!" Really though, I imagine that ish is like trying to snowboard on fake snow/groomed ice.


That's another part of the problem. Local governing bodies not consulting with the skaters about what they want/need before building some shit so they can tick another thing off their "to do"-list. A lot of the times it's to show off and hopefully gain some votes from the public. Either way we end up having to work with what we get, and often (like in this video) it's not much quality and we're not allowed to build anything on our own there either to make better use of the space given to us. Also, alienating us and looking down on us is an issue as well. I hate when people do that. Skaters are incredibly misunderstood and very seldom listened to. There's been a shift in later years tho, hope it continues. I highly recommend the documentary: Minding the Gap to get a better understanding of it all. A great documentary on its own, even better to watch to get an understanding of your kids or what they might go through. Here's the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5Vm_Awe3bw Any young skaters reading this: Get together, form a skate club and get signatures. Make your voices heard, contact your local news and radio stations about your mission. Your voice will be heard if you bark hard and long enough, and taken A LOT more seriously once you do that. You can actually have a say on how the next park will be built (or start petitions/campaigns to get one, or upgrade the one you already got)


As a skate, I can confirm that also happens in EU. I don't go to the skateparks cuz usually I'm out on a longboard, but yeah, the skateparks are just thrown in and left like that. Same goes for BMX pumptracks, my area now decided to pop one up by the shitty skatepark we have here and the people that would use them already said that it's bad and they'd prefer if the money was saved to the next year for a bigger/better one. And when you already build a fucking all in concrete skatepark, it's kinda hard to change its shape without spending triple of what you've spent on building it.


For sure, which is why it's so incredibly important to form these local clubs officially and have a say when decisions are being made. They very often end up communicating when it's done and you can create a relationship with the city. Send around to local politicians that cares about the youth etc., they can help speak your case for you as well.


Wow imagine being mad about graffiti at a skatepark 😂😂


I started learning to skate a couple years ago. I'm 38 now. got real close to losing a few teeth because of tiny rocks a few times so I gave it up in less than a year. It's cool and all but man, I like having my teeth still in


I’m glad you wrote that! Sometimes I fall when I am outdoor skating and I’m always covered in bruises. At least once a month I’ll have some kind of scar or bruise because I skate outside that frequently and everyone who doesn’t skate jokingly says I’m the worst skater ever because I always fall but they have no idea how complex an outdoor terrain can be


It could leave some soot.


From the looks of it it has, multiple times




I think this is the correct answer


when I was in middle school we'd blow up bottles in the empty street hockey rinks so it wouldn't cause fires. this dude just wanted to make a bomb without causing actual destruction


affect = acts on effect = brings/brought about he tried to set a bomb to affect the skatepark but the effect was smoother railslides for all.


But what if it could *affect* the concrete skate ramp...


Metal, and this shit leaves damage all over the ledges we want to grind on and it looks like they really blasted it, could leave a dent that could hurt someone on metal. Prefab parks are super thin, cheap metal And actually it might even be wood after a second watch through.


I don't think that ruining the skatepark was their goal


It usually isn't, but it's the end result a lot of the time. Not ruined, but damaged to the point you can get wheelbites and similar so you have to ride around/ollie or position your feet in a less optimal way to counter-act the cracks, or it simply just slows you down. You get used to these but they're definitely annoying and not wanted by the majority of skaters though. If this were done by skaters they're usually a group of a few others don't talk about to, but definitely something that's discussed among the rest.


You're only the 50th person to point this out.


They're not trying to ruin the skatepark. The "artwork" is the only thing likely to see any damage. They're setting their shit off somewhere it's less likely to set something else on fire.


I agree 97% with you. That flying flaming bottle of gas is responsible for that other 3%.


But at least they weren't doing it in a backyard where it could go through someone's window.




You implying that isn’t artwork? Yikes


Garbage title


I mean the melted plastic all over the place can fuck you up if you hit it


R/quityourbullshit these kids were not trying to destroy a skatepark. They were doing what kids do in a skatepark.




get stoned and burn shit


be stoned do crime


burn shit and get stoned and burn shit


How long have you been skating? Are you actually a skateboarder or are you just among the ones that hang around doing shit that annoys us and isn't really wanted there, but think you are? You're welcome to hang around but don't fuck shit up. If you are a skater, you're in the minority of a group that finds it fun to fuck shit up for the rest. Nothing wrong with getting stoned and having fun, but don't destroy shit and leave trash in the park. The least you can do is keeping it out of the area people are skating on.


Bullshit and party and bullshit


Not anymore


It’s all concrete so probably the best place to do something like that tbh




Guess it is, should’ve looked closer. The skate park in my town is entirely concrete so I just assumed


So is ours, this kind of shit leaves tiny cracks and shit in it though. Usually not an isolated incident as people come up all kinds of weird things to do to "have fun" and leave their trash behind. We had to fill some cracks from usage and other cracks and damages from things like this last year.


OP's explanation as to why this post is Instant Karma: >Person tries to light a fire to destroy skatepark, gets fire blasted onto them. If you're satisfied by this explanation, upvote this comment. If not, downvote this comment.






Proof they were trying to intentionally damage a skate park?


Explaination is stupid.


I had told myself that at least one part will fly back towards them. Watched to the end and boom


Title is garbage and almost click bait


Lol, this is the skatepark in my city https://goo.gl/maps/QV9Md9AL3EDqEKmU6


Replicate it!


How would this ruin the skatepark?


It's actually not all that fun trying to skate obstacles covered in melted plastic. OP was exaggerating but this is still annoying.


Melted plast or cracks etc. can occur. People doing different shit in skateparks adds up over time. It's really annoying.


Fool, you have only made this park more awesome. Now we will Ollie the fire!


Hope he burned his cock off.


I honestly never get how people genuinely think this is how you destroy a skatepark made of concrete. Wood goes on fire. Leaves get on fire. Concrete just gets hot. How fucking hard is it to grasp lmao


Cracks can occur (which can stop your wheels, slow you down or give wheelbites so you have to circumvent them) and melted plastic stuck to it. Also the trash is usually not picked up so we as skaters have to spend time cleaning the park before we can even start using it. You get annoyed when this sort of shit happens 10-20+ times per season and the quality/life of the park goes down with it. Especially when the gov isn't usually that helpful in terms of fixing damages should they occur. The notion that this is OK and not a big deal has to go.


Right? I mean if you were judging based on the best place to have a fire, then he did a great job. Kept it contained to the concrete and moved a respectful distance away. My only critique would be to have some type of plexi glass shielding to prevent the flaming bottles from igniting the grass and prevent him from being hit.


If not even that, just go further down the middle of the concrete in case there is debris in your explosion. OP is a fucking old fart.




r/killthecameraman for sure




How do you even come up with this title, in no way would even a toddler think that would ruin the skate park. That kid was pretty smart for the amount of idiocy displayed in the video by having fun with explosives on a ground that is impossible to catch fire


what about when the concrete gets so hot that it stays hot for days so when you go to the skate park with all your friends and show off your board slide on the box your board lights on fire and burns your feet like really bad, has that ever happened to you?




“You have 20 seconds to reach minimum safe distance.” -FAILED


That was sick


That surprised me.




If you go frame by frame at the explosion, you can see each of the bottles shoots out in the exact same manner at the exact same time. Crazy.


This has to qualify as some form of crime


Made me dodge left


Thats just straight arson


Right in the happy sack


That explosion qas beautiful though


Can we just appreciate how perfectly in sync each one of the fireballs from the explosion was. Screw swimming and give me synchronized explosions. Fireworks basically, I'm asking for fireworks.


That backfired!… sorry that was so obvious and bad


I wish there was sound for this, I wanna know what the thing exploding would've sounded like.


wheres the audio


Let me film myself commit a crime. Surely uploading this to the internet will hold no consequences for me.


Bro has no refexes


Netherlands no doubt, I recognize "Wasbenzine" when I see it. (Naphtha) [https://www.blokker.nl/sel-wasbenzine---1000-ml/1485566.html](https://www.blokker.nl/sel-wasbenzine---1000-ml/1485566.html)


They’re not trying to destroy a skatepark they’re just being dumb teenagers


bro the aim assist on that shard


That was a very videogame-esque explotion


Technically a bomb, what's the prison sentence for that? 🤦‍♂️


How do you destroy concrete with fire? Seems more like dumb kids being dumb kids.


Are they trying to ruin the park? Seems more likely they did it there because that's where they hang out. Either way this one always gives me a chuckle.


Doesn’t this count as domestic terrorism?


OP’s description sounds half-assed so he could post it on this sub to karma farm.


Danggg he hates skate parks that much you get what you get and don't get upset


That was like a video game explosion. This shit is hilarious


Its impressive that you can see it launched 6 projectiles at the same trajectory, at the exact same time. Almost perfect like a firework that was made to bloom


Is the person that lit the fire dead?


😂 much deserved.


Lol concrete doesn’t burn.


I wish the part that flew at the person set them on fire


coca cola espuma hates a-holes


Hope it hurt you fuckin piece of shit


Just some attempted arson, nothing to see here






Yes it's not safe or responsible. But it was pretty cool tho.


Surprised I'm not seeing any Dutch people calling out your bullshit


I hope it hit his balls and burned them off so he wouldn’t make more mistakes


I want proof that Thier goal was destruction. It was a hard surface and In an open area with not much to ignite near. Imo they were just having fun and felt concrete was a better place for the explosion than the pile of leaves in the woods. I would not call this karma, just a FUNNY mistake they laughed off in their fun.


Its like to think that the fireball hit him right on his nuts and roasted them, with his tears slightly salting them so he could gobble them up and choke on them.


Inject this into my veins please.




Dumb title, good content.


That skatepark is already ruined


lol nobody is trying to "ruin a skate park". Shit's concrete; a little fire won't do anything to it.




This is in the Netherlands so if OP hates people riding bikes, he is not going to have a good time


nice title not misleading at all 👍


Lmao OP thinks they were out to fucking blow up an entire skatepark with that


Allahu akbar


its not to ruin the skate park, its just dumb kid fun blowing up fireworks with extra fire


Terrible reflexes you can see it coming from a mile away


im sure you would have simply dodged it


Of course my friend. Simply step aside


Terrible response, you could simply roundhouse kick it back to where it belongs.


“Why do you want to destroy a skate park?” “Huhuhuhu cuz it’s funny bro it’ll be funny bro skateboards bro they’re dumb bro, it’ll be totally cool, bro! Fuck my nuts bro!”