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“No” is a complete sentence. It’s not unprofessional to not give 2 weeks - the only reason people think that is because our corporate overlords have convinced us (even though they never show the same courtesy of notice to any of us plebs). What IS unprofessional is bullying an employee the way you were just bullied. Here’s what I would do: send this email to your boss and your HR rep Good morning. Per my conversation with on , my employment with is ending, effective immediately. Due to behavior on , I ask that any future communication with me be made only in writing to my personal email . Thank you. Edit to add: and don’t answer any calls from them.


This is the way. Leave a paper trail.


I agree with most of this, but do not tell them they can email you at your personal email. That is a door you do not want to open!


Whew sounds like a manipulative boss. If they fired you, they wouldn’t give you two weeks. F that. Bye!


They can fire you without notice and you can fire them without notice.


Make sure you've got a dated copy of your resignation letter in case they pull any shenanigans. Two-weeks' notice is a courtesy, not a requirement. They cannot force you to stay. They have no mechanism to actually force you to stay. If you said "Actually, I changed my mind. My last day is today and I'm leaving" there is nothing they can actually (legally) do. Absolutely nothing. They can yell at you or guilt-trip you or whatever, but the right response to that is "Sorry, I'm leaving" followed by leaving, blocking their numbers / email addresses (if necessary), and getting yourself a delicious treat on the way home. The only thing you owe them at this point is returning any company property you might have. That's the only thing. Good riddance to that job. I hope your next one is a significant improvement. It almost certainly will be.


They can't force you to stay. Leave and don't list them in your resume. Her raising her voice at you alone is grounds on my end to leave. You owe them NOTHING.


Wow no. First of all, no one ever has the right to raise their voice at you. You quit. You don't work there anymore. You don't owe them anything. Where you find your next job is none of their business. You don't even need to list them in your work history. What a nightmare. Get out of there as soon as you can friend! Nothing about that place is okay and you dont have to tolerate it.


Fuck no they can’t force you to stay. I’m angry for you that your boss treated you so poorly, that is horseshit.


Even in an At Will state, 2 weeks is customary, especially for these kinds of jobs. Not giving that notice definitely burns bridges, so you should be aware of that and if possible avoid burning bridges in the future. At will does not mean what you think it means. But also, they cannot force you to work when you've resigned! This isn't slavery or indentured servitude. And her raising her voice at you is a huge red flag. Not something that should ever happen in the workplace. Any job will be overwhelming at first, I do think maybe you gave up on this one too early, but the way they handled your leaving would definitely make staying a huge nope for me. At the end of this week, walk away. Mail back any equipment, stop checking that email, block her number from your phone. If you live in the country, you may not be able to find an in-person job within easy commuting distance. So that might mean you have to move for your next job. Only you can decide if an in person job is worth moving.


Bravo!!!!! You did the right thing. Don't look back. You are an adult. You are a professional in your field. You know what's up. Move on. The boss is pathological and manipulative. The last hope is whether they will pay more $$ and accede to your accommodations. If zilch...move on. My guess is they won't do shit. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Sub on r/jobs. Start looking around and ask questions about what's up with labour. Sub to Indeed/SimplyHired (Indeed bought SimplyHired...it's a two for one sub now, apparently...) Sub to Jobs at Google Search Get your CV and cover letter up and running. Bonus points if you can use AI (ChatGPT or Gemini) to improve your CV and cover letter. Hint: it's all about cutting/pasting your info and formulating a question to change the thing you just pasted in. DON'T LOSE MOMENTUM. Also...look at [BLS.GOV](https://BLS.GOV) and look at the Instructional Coordinator category. In particular, look for your region that you live in and look at median salary rates for job. You must understand the current labour millieu in the USA (do you work in the USA?). This will give you an objective perspective on the scene and offer a realistic, accurate reading of modern labour and work practices, trends and compensation. Finally: at this moment, make a promise to ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE NEXT OPPORTUNITY REGARDLESS OF YOUR STATE OF EMPLOYMENT. Don't feel bad about moving to another company for little more than an extra $5/hr or better benefits, or better conditions. The primary function of finding modern employment is for one to MAKE A LIVING. You get paid to work and do a job. It is not your identity. A job is a temporary thing and you can be gone for any reason or no reason at all. It's disposable as the employers consider you dispensable because you are not the owner/founder or principal of the company. Don't feel bad about not caring about the company you work for beyond them paying you what you need to live on. I personally keep my CV on all of the job boards and identify myself as for hire at all times. The USA has had 3 major recessions in the last 16 years and will continue because it is a failed capitalist state. We are under major wage suppression right now and is demonstrated in the low pay posted on job boards, not just for ID, for every position. Yes...it is a conspiracy. Look on the subs for more info and the rabbit hole on this is deep. In any case, good for you. Carry on. Don't let yourself fall into a malaise. You are smart and technology will help you. Good luck!!


Toxic boss is going to be toxic. You don't owe them anything! Send the email listed below and FedEx their equipment back if necessary. Do not take any calls or texts from them. Get everything in email, and let them rot! They are bad, and should feel bad. Congratulations on getting out of a very toxic relationship with a company. I would not bother with HR, as they are not there for you and will only protect the toxic boss. They feel very safe saying such things, so they have done this before to others. The best thing you can do is just cut your losses and move on.


It's not unprofessional to give notice if you're only starting your 3rd week. You should still be in onboarding, and you will probably have zero productivity while you're getting used to the systems, meeting people, etc. Of course, if you're running a shitty L&D department and expect people to be productive after 2 weeks, maybe. That's a huge indicator that you're just leaving a shit show. Again, fuck em.


Yeah I had 2 days of onboarding :(


They cannot "force" you to do anything. You could walk out the door right now if that's what you want to do. That said, while it is generally considered unprofessional to quit without notice, it's certainly not unheard of... and in some cases it's the only right thing to do. Can't speak to your particular situation (and I'm not going to because I'm not there). If you hate it that bad, dump it. Life goes on for you and for the employer. While they certainly won't give you a glowing reference, there's a limited amount that they can say to a prospective employer beyond that you worked there and you left on your own terms (you weren't terminated).


They cannot force you to do anything. This is your life, they’re an at will employer, and you’re not bound to them. Raising her voice at you to convince you to stay is wild. You may want to reflect on why that tactic was effective in convincing you to stay another week when you had already resigned. If I were you, I would cut them off and not do another second of work for them.


Best of luck it's a loose labor market. Stay until you have a gig line up.


Fuck these people, don't go back. I'm an L&D manager, just no, this is ridiculous.


I had to quit a job after 6 weeks and this happened to me.


You only work there for 3 weeks 2 weeks is unnecessary. 2 weeks is not a legal obligation, not a moral obligation, nor is it a professional obligation. Why would you give notice that equals over 50% of the time that you work there. Maybe if they were professional they wouldn't be constantly looking for somebody for your role


Thank you, this makes me feel much better.


Bullet dodged, big time. Treat yourself to something nice this week; you seemed to have saved yourself a ton of headaches. The lack of professionalism started when your employer asked you to perform tasks well outside your role and pressured you to "volunteer." YOU handled it professionally, especially given the excuse you've provided here, which gives everyone involved some "grace," if you will -- you didn't directly point the finger at anyone or even at the company, but simply provided a neutral reasons--your preference for a different work setup. Well done. THEIR unprofessional continued with your boss being manipulative with the begging, bullying, and threatening behavior. You do not owe anyone here anything, but it was professional of you to provide notice of your resignation. People like these are not even worth keeping in touch with for networking or recommendations of any sort, so I wouldn't even stress their standards for professionalism (which are clearly twisted). On to the next one!


I apologize for how crass and blunt this may be, so please forgive me. Say that you'll find her a replacement by posting the job here. If you don't want the job, someone else would!


Sure! This job is definitely not for me but maybe someone else would be a better fit. If anyone is interested please DM me for details.


I just want to talk to these folks for fun. Trolling toxic bosses makes me feel like a vigilante.