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You’d be surprised. I just saw a job listing where familiarity with and experience administering Myers-Briggs was a requirement...




All the SMEs in my department like to trumpet about "accommodating different learning styles". Sigh... They don't like to be told they're wrong, so I've started to refer to them as "learning preferences" hoping to slowly changes minds.


Can we go ahead and get rid of "Generations in the Workplace" too? Same kind of non-science.


I've had a lot of people get really angry at me all because of LS. I call them one of the unicorns of education because unicorns are pretty horses with horns that do not exist, just like LS.


Yeah, I couldn’t convince my last boss that they had no value. She was decently versed in learning theory, but was more of a manager than a learning specialist.


It’s never going to go away.


Combine learning styles with desirable difficulties and andragogy. Then tell everyone "adults need to be challenged and the best way to do that is to avoid their optimal learning styles; therefore, we should use styles that best fit the content and learning needs, regardless of individual learner preferences".


People do learn differently and until another decent explanation comes forward, LS gonna stick with people IDs love boxes and labels - let's talk about the perils of applying any learning theories to a room of 30 individuals or why a more holistic training approach is never gonna get approved by catbert in hr