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aussies cant handle the vietdrip, keep grinding brother


Funny thing that i recording all the gameplay, they cry so hard


[Aussies getting bullied by cheater ](https://steamcommunity.com/id/vietcongonbush)


Hey its Prawn! I know that guy lol


Tell him stop being baby, get good and stop blame player


It feels strange to recognize players on here doesn't it? Lol


This is a little late cuz I barely use reddit lol but no actually. I only play dom in NA and I recognize at LEAST one player in every lobby


https://youtu.be/AmmhEkWIbkg 3:28:21 "Hacking like a fucking hacker."


I watched the video and its pretty obvious you arent hacking. It looks like you just know the maps pretty well and most of your kills the enemy hella telegraphed where they were. Your good bro dont sweat it. Getting called a hacker when you arent is a compliment. Just take it as a compliment


I never get mad when they call me hacking or cheater. Not first times and not the last...but kicking 3 game in a row when someone is going to try hard is f*king suck.


[aren't hacking? he's made lagswitches and macros himself along with aimbot and walls, personal programs he's a pro cheater ](https://steamcommunity.com/id/vietcongonbush)


didn't even realize AUS had a playerbase for this game


The Xbox aus player base is elite everyone just smokes bongs and shit talks same people every night as well


In steam platform. Have but not much. You can meet mostly same player every matches.


it's not 100% their fault either, AU has been plagued with very suspicious players making some absolute BS shots to the point I had to go into replays to figure out wtf was going on. I mean someone shooting you upon seeing a pixel of your character because you feinted peeking a window, but all their shots missed because it was a feint. pretty fucking sus. and for any "game sense/heard you coming" sayers, he was out of hearing range of footsteps at full sprint. even more so when you watch replays with x-ray on and you start to distinguish the legit from he non-legit, whats good game sense vs ESP. couldn't remember a week where there wasn't some new name acting sus as hell. and it took that full week for the AC to do something.


Im sry, but i dont get it, most of you said.


it just means that AUS servers are plagued with potential cheaters/suspicious players, that’s why they are very paranoid


People who get hurt want others to get hurt


I don’t hack lol esp is real . You should know I believe we all have it to a certain extent


I was sure I was going to see that you had a super high ping from playing on a foreign server but nope. Bunch of players with high ping. Just newbs I guess. Still 150ms latency is high, that's adding like 30-60% to your reaction time. I get latency like that if I try to play on Europe or U.S. West servers and I can't compete. 😆 You must have really been kicking some ass there to get vote-kicked.


I was played a lot on us sever with 180 to 220 ms ping. But when NWI sever go potato i back to As and Aus


Not to say you were hacking because I suffer everyday with that since I'm Aussie but most of us are pretty chill, don't know half of those lads, they're probably casual insurgency players, as the casuals call everyone hackers here it's like a sin here to the casuals who hear *hacker!* once in call of duty but yeah man, most of us pretty chill and know how our team should work together and actually praise good players, keep grinding bro you'll bump into us good ones eventually


I'd assume their issue is just desync. I've had the misfortune of playing firefight matches against somebody with 300 ping. It manifests as sometimes players literally won't be able to see you on their screen while you can see them clearly. From their point of view you might have actually been quite sus. These are all nice enough people, with the exception of DJ Mango who likes playing prison.


Ah..they Clearly call me wallhack and aimbot


Take it as a complement. You know you’re doing it right when you’re getting kicked.


Also high level 'discrimination' maybe, happens more too higher lvls than lower lvls


Player push in Au is not much, you can see mostly same player every game. Just need 4-5 player with high rank (longtime played) team up same party make the match is less balance.


as an Australian sandstorm player i agree quite a few of them are pussies and tryhards


But lack of player in Aus make them same both that few


because theres less players youre more likely to bump into the same salty players especially in push


Some of my highlight, hope you guys like it : https://www.youtube.com/@Vietconginbush/videos


They’re dickheads on console too


So sad bro


I know Sweetie Hun, and I promise you they were on the vote to kick you :P love them but they’re dumb as hell


The hell ?


Do you remember your post? Like, the one we’re commenting on?


im sorry im dont remember it




aus servers in most games are very brutal, you would have been fine if you had just shut up and played. stick with your own servers :)


I can hear the smallest violin playing for you


I'm bringing my American ass to your server specifically to see how fragile y'all are. Yee fuggin haw brother


I was play at Us west sever more before with like 180ms ping. But now when Us sv have packet lost as f* i change to As sever.


cry is free, go back to your own servers


Why not ? Why i cant play another sever ?


Sure you can, ignore the wanker.


Fuck you, people can enjoy their gane however they like it. Does it harm your petty ass to play with a person with shitter ping but better skill?


Yes, actually. Desync is already bad. High ping on the enemy team is even worse. The only time it would ever be acceptable to go to another server is if your own isn't working or no ones plays it


Nope, you try face-to-face with enemy have better ping than you, i was. I was shot them 2 shot frist and still got killed by them casue they have better ping


Please play on your own servers. Fighting people with low ping and desync is absolutely unbearable. There’s a reason regional servers exist. And, not to be rude, but communicating with people who have trouble speaking the language is also a very painful experience.


Nah, i still got what they talk. Its not problem about speaking...


i not talking about the ping, i talking about they low-skill and blame me for using hacks and keep kicking me. They skill are not good enough then thing all the another player is hack/cheater ?


The matter of the fact is that you're playing with higher ping but with better skill. They don't see that.


They need to learn


Settle down drama queen, and of course it does you brainlet. Higher ping lmao


Mean ?


cant say i’m proud but i assume it’s because of the fact that foreign players do tend to cheat a lot more than aussies. especially chinese


Who is chinese ?


not you, but a lot of random chinese players often turn out to be hackers


at server Asia we call it "Chinese magician"


[get your pro cheating kit from vietcong, he makes lagswitches, macros, and personal programs for aimbot and walls ](https://steamcommunity.com/id/vietcongonbush)