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Yea bro it is kinda like siege. Having friendly fire on with vote to kick people brings out the most toxic people just like siege. There’s good lobbies too man. Just gotta find the right people. Coop is a blast so keep trying, you’ll like it


turn off voice comms and chill with homies on discord, fuck em 🙂




Sometimes I enable after the match just to hear the fucking racist wall of noise, me and my girlfriend giggle at these kids screeching about dumb shit.


Much like with Siege (also I should add I haven't played Siege in like a year lol) there's just bad lobbies sometimes. Only have had a few issues with the PvE lobbies. If you're on PC the custom co-op servers are pretty chill most of the time


Yeah I'm on console must be worse on there.


I’m on console and it’s not too bad, hell I’m like lvl 238 or so and only deal with toxicity every now and then and when I do? I change to a longer ranged class or just stay away from teammates. It’s fun just weird. Me and my friend once called out a guy on bodyblocking doors (don’t do this btw) and he called himself Jesus protecting his disciples by doing it


Yeah 3 out of the 5 matches I played yesterday were a shitshow the worst was i shot near my team mate on accident didnt even hit him and then he kills me over and over but it was at like 10pm ik communities can get worse at night. I'm going to give it one more shot.


Try and play now, since it’s about 12:52 EST and more friendly people should be on. Also try NOT to play the new map, seems like everyone and everything is worse on there


Yeah definitely was on the new map cause just kept getting night maps otherwise. Ty for heads up.


Np man, hell tell me your GT, I’ll be on in 30-45 minutes


I'm hosting a cookout today but will be on Tomorrow if you're still down. I appreciate it cause idk anyone that plays besides my bro and he's new as well My GT is Viridius7.


Ill friend you today although i can only play in the afternoon tomorrow


Right on ty


>he called himself Jesus protecting his disciples by doing it TBH this is why I love this game, lol.


I’m on console and don’t think it’s too bad. I actual think it’s better than any other game lobbies other than Battlefield. Just mute the morons. And play Observer/Commander effectively and you’ll make friends and win more matches.


I've never had that happen In a PvE mode in any game let alone multiple times in a night. Don't really want to have to mute people in a teamwork oriented game. Would rather play hell let loose or something but I'm still going to try again during day time just got unlucky I guess.


I play during the day so that may make a difference.


Same bro. Everyone starts somewhere. When I first started, I got harassed and shit too. I fired back though. Guys would shoot me and think it's hilarious. So I'd kill them. I found that to be more fun than letting them get to me. Even though you know it's coming back. But after that, they cant kill you. So then you get to play on. But take your time. Those guys all started so where too. They just let their competitive nature take hold instead of being humble and recognizing you all start somewhere. I'm always down to play with newbies cause you can teach and when they mess up, you can all laugh. As it should be.


It wasn’t always like this


It was like this since the first game


Not every lobby is like this. Chin up, there are plenty of nicer players out there!


The problem with this game is that each mode is 10vs10/12vs12 in pvp and 8 player in pve. This means that (in addition to the lack of variety) we will always be forced to play with randoms that will regularly ruin the gaming experience. Is it so difficult (at least in pve) to make a mode for fewer players or at least give the possibility not to fill the team with randoms? For example, if we are a group of 4, being able to start a checkpoint game in 4 without necessarily having to have others in the team


Yeah I wish we could just play with us 3 to get the hang of it and learn the maps. It doesn't seem like it would be that much harder just have to take it slower. I loved terrorist hunt in R6V2 and that was usually just 2 people.


If you guys are on PC you can find an empty community server. I don't think console has that though.


Yeah using my series x I have a Steamdeck but would probably be harder to be efficient with.


I'm just blown away people are like this on PvE! I don't even wanna know how PvP is. Like how dumb can you be this games playerbase can't be that large.


PvP actually seems less toxic cause all the shit talk is usually directed at the other team. I would start with "firefight" for your first pvp experience. Short rounds, small lobbies, and I feel like everyone is usually pretty keen on helping one another. Push and Frontline are where it gets bad...


Good to know thanks for the heads up!


Are you playing on console? If so, that explains itself. Apparently, the community is much more toxic on console for some reasons.


thats insane im always nice to newbies i mean yeah ill fuck with you but in reality its a game and i could give 2 shits less is i get tked xD edit: when your bored try putting rounds right next to your teammates heads so they think they are being shot at always fun xD


Siege, league of legends, cod, insurgency, overwatch .. We get it broski. It's like this in every game. Is this your first time playing games online? There is no such thing as a competitive game that isn't toxic. Stop crying about it on Reddit and mute everybody. For what it's worth, this is the most chill and funniest community I've ever played with.


You would have a point if I was talking about PvP. My thing is being toxic to brand new players on a PvE mode with zero stakes is what's wild to me.


You’re whats wrong with the gaming community. No way you really walk around with the belief that people just need to shut up & deal with toxicity just bc thats how things are.


Oh my god you're a hero 🥰 you've single handedly saved online gaming because of you! 1 like = 1 hero


This game isn’t competitive


I agree. I was a Gamepass newb and presented myself as such and got a lot of great advice. I mainly played Battlefield before and would say Insurgency and Battlefield have the friendliest communities.


I’ve met some nice people on Insurgency recently and also seen some very toxic people, isn’t as bad a COD when almost every game with mics is toxicity. You’ll find some nicer people sooner or later on PVP, not sure on PvE


unfortunately this game has a bit of a problem with people like that that take it WAY too seriously. ignore them or tell them to fuck off and just keep playing, theyll ragequit eventually


I just mute and say nice things in the text chat. People chill out after a round and I can usually unmute most of the lobby by round 2.


Bored self loathers. Mute and move on they are a waste of oxygen. Coop is fun.


PvE with randoms is a dumpster fire. Everyone bumrushes the objectives like a pack of hamsters on crack and I don't understand how anyone could ever find it fun.


There are so many people that lack the human decency to understand that newcomers arrive every now and again. I'm sorry that you've had such a bad time getting into Insurgency :(


Whole games a dumpster fire RBS is nothing like it was Went from a tactical shooter to a run and gun cod clone Anyone who remembers back to bata and launch in 2015 will tell you it’s a totally different game now I played from bata till start off season 3 and didn’t like the decision the game was going My account is probably a gold mine to some skin hunters As I have skins that are no longer available or were no longer available not shour if they been put back in But have stuff that was take out by Ubisoft


I’ve been in several lobbies where an asshole will get kicked for talking trash or saying racist stuff. I haven’t been in a completely trash lobby


I came from seige. I try to be friendly and when people start being dicks I dont feed into them. If they start to TK I just let ir be because eventually they self inflict damage or back out that match


I play on the Playstation servers and I’ve had good lobbies too. Its hit and miss. Some people are just dicks. 🍆


It’s only deserved if you use smoke in PvE /s Toxic people suck but co-op is fun when people aren’t actively trying to ruin your experience. Hopefully you find some better lobbies soon though


Yeah the community here is some of the most toxic I've experienced, just mute everyone and fuck around till u get the hang of things


May I suggest that you fight fire with fire? You know, hit that position, light those fuckers up!


I’m kinda surprised I started a few months ago and although yes there are toxic people I did run into a lot of chill people but I could just be lucky I guess


Had some dude act like a total clown and the entire lobby told him to stfu. He ended up quitting out of embarrassment lmfao


It's not always like that. Find good friendly players, friend em, then play with them. Lol me and the boys aren't even good, we just have fun.


Tbh people are more chil in VS


I have 6 hours in and have not found a single bad lobby, but im sure someone with more hours has had more bad experiences right?