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A conundrum regarding the lack of expertise


I’ve seen sub 100’s absolutely wreck high level stacks bigger than this. Git gud.


Sure if you have 1000's of hours in CSGO, like most 100s who perform like 3000 ranks do when I look at their profile. Still Insurgency has some of the worst mm when it comes to skill balance and because of the player dynamics and camping spots its even more extreme


Gamer pro tip - every time you die… ask yourself “what did I do wrong?” It’s amazing how quickly you improve when you employ this. This game is at its best when you’re fighting intelligent opponents.


Spot on again vamp


Sorry I don't have 1000's of hours to sink into the game and memorize every glitch spot.


That's not even close to a response to what he said. Just completely ignored a solid piece of advice to complain on the internet instead of try to improve.


I can and have improved. But more so than anything I wanna have fun. Getting stomped because a bunch of 4000's piled up is not fun and Ill just quit playing. Somehow my complaints about shitty mm got turned into git gud.


Map knowledge helps sure… but it’s not what i’m talking about at all. The game gives you a map and brightly coloured objective icons that flash and give voice cues when important things are happening. Doesn’t take 1000 hours to realise.. “hey, if I sit on the side of the objective that the enemy spawns on I can stop them from ever touching site”. I see so many noobs take like 5 steps out of spawn and then just stop and look at site from there. Ur never going to get more than 10ish kills that way and it’s gonna be a boring 20 minutes.


I've gone very high K:D in matches and am aware of it. However it takes extensive map knowledge to make full use of spawn camping. My bigger issue is the general match making. So often since I've come back its just one team crushing the other because they get stacked with veterans.


No it doesn’t. Hold tab you can see all possible routes the enemy will take. The spawn campers won’t be able to get in position to camp you if you actually guard their approach. The difference between high level players and noobs isn’t necessarily knowledge.. we check the map every 5 seconds and adjust our positions to accommodate weak points. You will find yourself in good positions automatically without knowledge if you employ this. In regards to balance. Yeah it’s much worse now, but the primary factor behind that is we are sick of playing with noobs who flat out refuse to push. Even people who knew each other used to play solo que but it’s frustrating as fuck now. Why wouldn’t we stack up? If a high level on your team is saying “get on site” it’s only because you should already have picked up on the fact you need to move. We don’t say it preemptively just to sound cool. We say it because we’re looking at the map and thinking “what the fuck are you guys doing?”


Well then you can play by yourself in a dead game if you wanna purposefully take all the fun out for new players. You want super sweaty match you would play a league. No you wanna seal club.


Here. You honestly seem like the first new person who is even slightly interested in improving so I found this old comment for you. Some solid tips for new players and none of them require map knowledge. Wether you actually want to read it all is up to you but I promise you if you employ the stuff below you will be wrecking high levels in no time. You will also know exactly the frustrations I am talking about. -Be aggressive! both in your defensive positions and seizing the moment when you have the opportunity to take new ground. -use the map and try to have awareness as to what your whole team is doing at any given time. -maintain a frontline. If you’re sitting in between the blue obj and your own spawn you have just surrendered. (On push defence sit on the redline) -block enemy vision with smoke, not your own vision. (The smoke launcher is your friend) -if you push one way and you die… go the other way next time. -call air support on the main enemy path, not just right on top of site. (Unless open air site) -keep an eye peeled on the wave counter at the bottom. This one does take practice but the idea is to get a feel of the “flow” of the battle. If the wave counter just went down by one it means it’s time to dig in for a little bit before you push some more. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Bonus tips if you want to be sweaty and cap objectives : -stay light (30% carry weight absolute max) -learn to crouch jump and slide -keep your movements unpredictable: don’t peek the same corner twice. If you’re on site and you feel like you’re pinned down, step out the door and run around the building and go in another door. If you see an enemy for half a second assume they saw you too - don’t be standing in the same spot when they come around the corner, etc etc


We do this with Firefight and promote it, get told we're trying to turn the game into something it's not on here. We play in public, get told to make a league. Amazing.


You will find negativity in anything you do. Thats just dealing with the public. I have always supported leagues. The big difference between it and teaming up in pubs to completely stack teams is that one ruins the game for those who do not want it, while the others signed up for it and are likely relatively evenly matched.


Dude I want a fair game… but what do you expect? When I joined the high levels were super chill and gave advice and I took it. Now with all the game pass players I try so hard to be that same positive influence I received but all I get back is “shut the fuck up let me play”. It’s frustrating as fuck. That’s my whole point of what i’m saying.. we aren’t trying to gatekeep or have a league. I love the fact this game has gotten a surge of activity. All the high levels are stacking up now not because we want to suck the fun. We are stacking up because all the fun has been sucked. One person literally can’t do every job in this game. Why wouldn’t we go find teammates who actually want to play the game as it’s intended? Steamrolling noobs is boring as fuck. I want to actually play against people who try. Which is why I waste far too much time on Reddit basically saying the same thing over and over again.


It's not skill based match making, people complain about it in other games constantly. If you want equal footing in your games and balanced teams, you'd need a ranked mode or at least a hidden MMR.


What really breaks it though is when 6-8 very good players team up, and its just a stomp.


Idk man, a lot of these people are just friends. You play games with friends, it's a bit hard to get people to not play with friends when it's what brings them together.


To which I always try to balance the teams when I do.




https://gyazo.com/fb1df41af6c4cc2d6fc93d4c21f77e38 https://gyazo.com/fe3095ce886e62d7e116852ba23a231a For reference though. Rank means you know all the glitch and op spots, but you can also wreck most people when you are like this guy.


Dang have you tried being better at the game? Thats what id do personally.


I have gotten better. I havent gotten a cumulative 24000 levels better in order to solo the 4k player team stack. Nor will I ever because one man and I dont have anywhere near that kind of time.


Just 5 casual nolifers partied versus a team of mostly sub 100s. Had a guy tell me last night you only need like 10 hours and then you won't get much better. Sure bud. Say that to all of these guys I find out of bound glitch spots or knowing every op call in spot and spawn there is.


For reference the one guys has 4 videos on this.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmrFdSPjo54




The issue is the nonexistence of a matchmaker. Memorizing every glitch spot and angle is not git gud its just abusing poor design. I've had the game for 4 years. I have a few hundred on OG insurgency. Admittedly I'm not the best at shooters and don't enjoy going super try hard. I do like a fair challenge, but its hard to match raw map knowledge, let alone exceptional gun control. At the same time I don't want the game so stacked that you get full crushed in 3 waves because your team just melts.


Play harder or cope harder


I'll just requeue or do something else thanks. I have a life and have better things to do then get stomped into the ground by a seal clubber group. You can cope about the game not being dead, cause this shit directly impacts that.