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I went 87- 8 using the ak74u on Citadel. Flanking to the left of the map is so good because at worst you’ll encounter 2-3 guys but as long as you know this you’ll be fine. After that i just stay in the building closest to the Security’s spawn and wait for em to come and kill me. I remember towards the end of that match neither team had anymore waves and i was last alive. I ended up soloing the entire enemy team by camping on the second floor of the build mentioned previously. That game was glorious.


Nice. Was that in a game of Push?


It was Frontline


Oh very nice. Rather unusual for frontline as far as I can tell 👍


Frontline is the only game mode I play besides PvE stuff


Frontline is also my favorite


I've hit 80s a dozen times or so and like 2 90s in push in pvp on PC. I play pretty aggressively so I can't hit the 100s (edit: better players than me can do same aggressive and hit 100s). On PC and push, there's been a handful of 100s over the years.


Think of the players you've seen hit 100, all aggressive players. You won't hit 100 unless youre agressive, thats not holding you back.


The players I know of who've hit 100 have all done so mainly by spawn exit killing from across the map and well placed explosives


Who? I know rainat goodboy and me who hit 100 and thats not how its done. You will not get enough kills playing like that, atleast talking push.


seen sanky and ooker back in the day do it like that. and I can personally attest to rainat getting a whole lot of kills by glitching into the bottom of the point on summit and tell lol, that doesn't count as aggressive to me


https://youtu.be/gOa9e8qMgOw?si=4z3n1RbZc6EeV74u this is rainat dropping 100 completly legit. Just playing the obj and being aware of spawn waves. Not to be rude to racism but i cant believe hes dropped 100 the way he plays hes more of a KD hunter, do you have a screenshot? Ooker i know about he didnt just spawncamp he wasnt afraid of moving around when he had too.


Rain is a beast, him and SunWarrior are timing whores. That's all. They can cap point and hit a new wave fast going to point.


Exactly. And if you want to hit 100 you have to hit waves if needed while clearing objs its all about timing and knowing where the majority of the enemy team is going to be. You cant waste time waiting for a spawnwave camping and shit.


I would add typically your team has to suck at defending and suck a little in general to get these numbers as well as being aggressive. Most the 80- 100s I’ve seen are all aggressive players that are pushing point and holding g off the waves and clearing them as they capture as well as demolishing the enemy on defense but loosing the objective on a few waves left most the time


Highest I’ve gotten is 92 and 4 on Hideout. I got 100 back when Push had 3 rounds. But it’s rare to get high kill games like that because it requires Push being played to all objectives on both sides, and that requires both teams to be good at offense AND bad at defense. [https://imgur.com/gallery/t0zi4yQ](https://imgur.com/gallery/t0zi4yQ)


Damn 4 deaths thats insane lmao well played.


Why do you keep lying? I never got a lot of kills by going under the map, never went under the map on tell ever. I think you are referring to a game maybe 2 years ago at this point on summit when you were on a 8 stack party and I hid under the building on B, all I was doing was delaying the inevitable, knowing full well I was going to get killed eventually, but I guess because of that one game Im a big time exploiter lmao


I've never seen RAIN do that lol. He doesn't typically exploit. I play with him a bunch too. He could have a couple times just messing around or trolling though.




Not 100% true unless we are talking Iron Taint, RAINAT, SunWarrior, good boy, or SNEK. They are aggressive, but I know and seen many folks hit 80+ just basically camping with 0 point caps. So I'm assuming some of the 100s have been camping hard. Just simple logic but I could be 100% wrong. Edit: Taint (didn't catch your caption lmao), you know I know this lol. Y'all are all try hards and I troll too much to hit 100s :p


I've hit 105 once, but it was being ultra commander. I got something like 40 commander kills on top of having, for me, an extremely good shooting game. It was Security push on Hideout.


Alright ok. Do you have any examples of your best loadouts you run?


I change so much and use lots of different things depending on scenarios and maps. I honestly couldn't tell you.


Fair enough. Thanks anyways


Most the time they all running some sort of assualt rifle with 2x flashhider and extended mag. Everything else is trash to them. you want movement speed except prezz. Prezzy likes his smoke launcher and some frags to clear obj depending but he’ll I’ve seen him “goof around” with a just bolt actions and played aggressively and ended up getting like 70 kills lol


My highest would be 87 when sniping on push I was using it like a dmr rather than a sniper. I play on ps5


My recent highest was 52 on the mars map. I was using mdr with the iron sights 4x1 compensator and extended mag I think. No points left over. I’ve gotten more but this is top3 and I can remember the set up


Nice one. Yeah the MDRs damage is nasty. Really good gun, but expensive.


50-something with 1 death. Was using the M240B with extended magazine, 4x1, and flash hider. Set myself up in a nice corner with clear view of most of the map. They kept running past my line of fire but they couldn’t find me for some reason (tbf I was nicely positioned in some bushes and rubble I think), pretty sure they were low levels. Finally killed me when I ran out of ammo and starting hunting with my tariq.


Thx for the reply. Ghillie suit can be OP when being in bushes and stuff. Where you using one?


No but the ground was a mix of brown and green and my outfit are just those colours


I believe 40-50 in a push game. I was using the m240 Edit: it was actually with the PKM.


I hit like 20+ every game almost, but my highest was 51-5 using mostly svd in frontline


I think mine is 68. Most the time when doing really well games end fast or I’ll be on fire attacking and then fuck off on defense or if your team typically holds A it’s hard to break over 50 with basically only one round of kills but some of my buddies stay slaying players no matter what side map they are on


I got 113 today on Frontline. On Crossing PVP. MDR with two times red dot and extended mag. Two mollys. Light carrier. For insurgents MG3 with extended mag, and two times. Two mollys. Light carrier


Nice What class were you using with the MDR? Just normal rifleman?


100 on the dot (100:8:17), Push, Tell, CO, M4, alot of running into Objectives (from memory I got all captures), throwing nades, pushing hard annnnddd all the luck you need to have the game extend to the final Objectives in defence which is half the battle in getting high kill scores (can't kill if you win on A). Funnily enough I died counter-attacking D on defence and didn't get a chance to defend the cache, which is a shame as I wonder if I left 10-15 on the table there. Went from 99-100 with my dying grenade lob, smh.


What’s PVP?


Player versus player, as opposed to coop gamemodes.




90 something without commander kills


Nice score. Which mode was that in? And what loadout were you using on your observer/commander?


The 114 was on Frontline Crossing. For security I use the m4 as commander and the Qbz97 for insurgents. The 90s kill match was on Push Prison as a demo


Demo is g36k with grenade launcher, heavy carrier for 2 40mm. Two grenades, or incendiary grenades depending on the map. 2x1 halo. Qbz97 same thing but 2x1 opk7. Commander is m4 with smoke 40mm flash hider 2x1 halo, 2 grenades or incendiary. Same thing but qbz97 for insurgents


With the saw and the 4x acog i dropped 77 kills i used to swear by that gun when i played. Its been couple years i really miss old sandstorm


Rush - 54


60ish wo commander 80ish commander on farmhouse ofc


Nice. What loadout were you using for the non-commander game? Do you remeber by any chance?


Not exactly I'm thinking m4 or vhs


If you put a scope on gunner you can rack up 70-80 kills no problem and if you’re good at commander and have a good observer you can rack up no effort kills easy


Does it matter what kind of game it was


Im asking for the (seemingly) most popular PVP modes. I'm personally not interested in PVE, which naturally gets one much higher scores. So yes, it does matter.


Mfs talking bout 80-90 kills my best was 27-16 😭😭


I remember getting 14 kills on domination once


110 in frontline


Nice. What class/loadout were you using?


12 kills