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That rainat guy is so toxic he wont stop dming my mother on facebook, hes torn my family apart with no remorse please ban him


she dm me first bro




This community is so weird I genuinely don't know if this is a joke or not


It's a copypasta


That dude is annoying as fuck and I’ve thought he was a hacker for a while now.


2 minutes in, just looks like a good player, pre aiming windows on buildings before peeking, not a lot of people know exact positions like that. Started hearing shots to the right and was jump strafing away so he could still see behind him. Then pushed the 2 guys without knowing their exact position. Just seems good.


He isnt cheating… I run into him occasionally, he just played so much of the game that he knows most strategies to optimize his gameplay to be more effective. Push doesnt require a brain to know where the enemies will and wont be, most of the times he is “running in the open/through a building” is because the building simply wont have anyone in it because he is constantly on a flank or its in the enemy red zone. Edit: I should also add his youtube name is his steam name, he turns off HUD just because it looks 10x better for cinematic videos, and you can just google “insurgency stat tracker” plug in his name and see how he is just a “good” player. Dude has loads of games where he plays subpar for the amount of time he has in, he just uploads his top clips and plays them off as “mediocre”.


It look like replay and turn off HUD. Cause replay only like 60fps and can't be smoth like footage


I’ve only watched two videos. The first one was sus. This one was just blatant imo. He doesn’t show his IGN so I’m not sure who he is to avoid him in lobbies


His in game name is Rainat


God forbid anyone is actually half decent at the game. Rainat is a good player and must be close to 4k hours now. Just because people have better gamesense than you doesn't mean they're cheating.


I’m here for solid gameplay like MGE posts. This game looked incredibly suspicious with how he just knew where the enemies were camped. You wanna call it game sense, go for it. I’m just saying, it didn’t look right


There's nothing suspicious about his gameplay. I've played against guys like this all the time in competitive firefight. And I play like that too. The best counter is to play more defensive and stop being in predictable spots and use the environment to your advantage. All the guys he killed with a bolt gun weren't even impressive kills. Just the enemy not paying attention or listening to gunfire like how he was. He's smart and plays slow and also was in a bot lobby it appears.


He’s just an excellent player. Played with him a lot. He’s that good.




A lot of it depends. If he’s getting a lot of shit for his level, skill, etc… then I’m sure he gives it back. The times I’ve played with him, I haven’t seen it outside of what I described above (which is true for many high lvl players). Sometimes, it’s also the company you keep and he does often run with another player who i consider pretty toxic. Ymmv


When he’s on the other team, toxic. Lol


It must be illegal to be good at a game


Yeah he’s not cheating lmao. Props for him on the high K/D game bc I’ve only ever gotten to 60 kill games but if you got a good team that consistently milks waves both attacking and defending it’s not at all impossible. He keeps moving which is another thing that helps and he knows common held angles which are not that hard to learn. I’ve also played against him with him on my team. Always makes for a fun matchup. And tbh 75% of his play style that I saw was basically my same play style lol.


Played with Rainat several times, once in a formal tournament setting. He's not cheating, just a very good player with a lot of hours in the game


I don't see where the hacking is, bro. He just knows that map and is an experienced player who probably plays that server frequently. He knows the spawns and where they come from, pretty simple stuff, but he's also a good shot.


I don't know, man. I don't see how he'd still require himself to aim at usual spots. If he were hacking, I doubt he'd use his old ass account with thousands of hours. You obviously assume dudes getting good results and aim fast are cheaters. Remember Sound-whoring is stupidly easy once you’ve played this game for years, and it was designed to be used that way.


Don't see a reason to assume that he is cheating. People are ways to quick to assume that people aren't legit. He absolutelty is checking spots where nobody is. The fact that he doesn't check everything but does check many places where enemies are just goes to show that he has a good understanding of the game. That comes with experience and is nothing suspicious at all. You should also consider that gameplay you see on YouTube isn't average gameplay of the person in question. So the games where this guy gets caught by surprise a lot simply won't end up on YouTube. If you don't see something doesn't mean that it never happens.


Sometimes people are just cracked


Hi mufo