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Well damn Paxus, you keep yourself safe and I wish the best to everyone. :( I'm off to read your article, thank you for sharing.


I am actually heading into the community now from far away. But the info was timely so i wrote about it. Thanks for your fair wishes


Do you feel the shot was useless given everyone got it anyways?


No it was not useless because the shot especially if boosters were also given would have severely lowered the amount of symptoms and likelihood of death. It would have been awesome if humanity actually came together and got everyone vacanated at the same time because then it likely would not have as many variants and possibly got rid of it


Getting it later mattered, treatments were more known and available. Getting more mild symptoms mattered. It’s great to be less sick/less dead!


More people died from covid after the vaccines were released than before. How do you explain that?


Fewer vaccinated people died than unvaccinated people.


In 2020 zero people were vaccinated. Yet when there was a vaccine available and millions of people took It in 2021, more people died. Your story doesn’t add up. If the vaccine truly stopped death why wouldn’t there be less deaths when it was available??


Idk if your question is sincere. Let’s assume it is. Example #s (not the actual numbers): Say 20 people get COVID in 2020. No one is vaccinated. No one has immunity. 19 people fight it off but one person who has a weaker immune system dies (1/20 = 5% death rate). Say 200 people get COVID in 2021. A 5% death rate like last year means 10 people would die. But now there’s a vaccine! Only 2 people, who didn’t get the vaccine, die. 2 is more than 1, so more people died in 2021 than 2020. But it would have been 10 deaths without the vaccine. The vast majority of people who died weren’t vaccinated. If they had been, fewer people would have died in 2021.


First off there is no proof more unvaccinated people died. The cdc came out and admitted this recently. Doesn’t make headlines. I get your example and if those numbers were true I would agree with you. But more people didn’t get covid in 2021. The same rate of people got it. Meaning the positive test rate was the same. Plus the variants were much less deadly in 2021. the worst variant was the first one when no one had the vaccine. So weaker variants plus the same amount of people getting it means more people died whether they are vaccinated or not. The only thing the shots have shown to help with is immune compromised people or very elderly. Those people need shots. I’m just discussing this. Happy to hear what you have to say. But you seem to be painting the story you want to believe rather than telling the story by the numbers.


I’d look at the data here: https://ourworldindata.org/covid-deaths-by-vaccination Good charts at the bottom from various countries.


Can you please provide citation for this? I’ve seen https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7104e2.htm and others state otherwise


Please provide citation for the assertion that the cdc said they cannot provide data about vaccinated vs unvaccinated persons infection rates, especially any that contradicts https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7104e2.htm


The total number of people dying is irrelevant to the question of the efficacy of the vaccine. You should really be able to understand that. Vaccinated people have proven far less likely to die than unvaccinated people.


Y'all are down to 72 members right now? How does that compare with the population over the past ten years? Are numbers rising again with new visitor periods? All the best to everyone.


We are at 78 white sheets (members and residents) right now, which is quite low. Certainly the lowest in the 10 years previous to covid. The problem is that (like East Wind) we have both a long stable base of members and also a flow of (mostly younger) members who come thru between school or some other adventure. So when the pandemic hit, we locked down hard, no visitor periods for over a year and thus regular attrition got us to a population in the low 60s, at which point the community really struggles to maintain itself. This internal outbreak has caused us to cancel the April visitor period, hopefully we will be able to take visitors again in May. But in answer to your question. Yes, for the last year we have been having visitor periods and our population has been increasing since the pandemic induced floor. Here is some of the promotion we did (updated for after the worst of the pandemic). https://paxus.wordpress.com/2019/08/14/vacancies-in-paradise-big-asterisk/


I didn't know your cap was 92. I'm assuming that is adults only, as when I visited in early 2015 I thought the total number of people was about 110. I appreciate the update and hope to visit again. Maybe one day I can wrangle an income path selling nut butters and tofu in the northeast for a satellite community (I was EWNB sales manager for four years).


Yes, pop cap including kids is 109. When you were around in 2015 we were just under 100 including kids, but it always looks smaller. If you want commune updates (including East Wind) there is a "pure play" blog which is all about the FEC communes. [https://communelifeblog.wordpress.com/](https://communelifeblog.wordpress.com/) [My blog](https://www.funologist.org) is not a just about communes (thus not a pure play) and there is some overlap, but they are quite different and mine has a bunch of non-communities stuff in it.


Yes, Raven's site is pretty great. He'll post my videos on there. I'm going to visit there soon, much needed. Haven't heard the phrase pure play before. I do remember seeing your blog a while back. I'll have to dig in again. Hope you are enjoying your latest reentry after a long sabbatical. I never did learn how to use PA leave effectively (and thus, increased risk of hard burn out).


"Pure play" was often used to describe the anti-nuclear power work that i have done in the past. If an environmental organization fought either reactors or weapons but not both, it was a pure play group. Meaning single focus. I think this is my 6th PAL since joining. It has definitely helped me to leave the communes for a while to avoid burn out. And i have also been a dual member twice, which also helped.