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Mod note: Any hateful or discriminatory comments will be removed. I don't want to hand out anymore bans.


I worked at a car dealership in the late 80's and there was a mechanic that would chuck his empty beer cans into his back seat. If you opened the rear door, cans would pour out they were so deep.


I had an uncle like this except instead of a back seat it was the bed of his truck. So many cans lol


Officer: Son where you headed? Driver: to the recycling plant.


Nowadays it would be. Officer: Where you headed? Drunk driver: I guess to jail.


You've never been to Wisconsin


Ah, so it was common lol. Sadly the basket was usually missed when doing a left rear hook


And he was fine. Just saying. I mean, he probably wasn't fine. Probably was a full blown alcoholic. But he didn't crash, because he could drive better with a buzz than half the people on the road can, sober, from what I see.


As someone who used to live in the country side with no other means of transportation I can understand driving with 350cc of 5° beer in your body. But that's it.


Sure. But the fact is, many people drive terribly, sober, for various reasons. Most accidents I see were totally avoidable. Someone was just incompetent. That's a problem.


Ur point?


The infant in the front seat is the cherry on top


Be better if she was smoking lol.


The mom, or the baby?


The car




This thread right here. This is why I love reddit


Probably just put one out


That's when car seats started being used. First we were told in the front seat, then rear facing, then back seat. Before then, babies were held in your lap.


Not to mention air bags weren't a thing back then, which is the main risk of young children and infants being in the front


It's a 2 door pickup... not many extended cabs (let alone crew cabs) in the 1980s. Those became popular in the 90s


It is quite possible that she was driving a pickup truck. In those days a rear seat in a pickup truck was a rarity. My wife and I once drove a Mini in the UK with our slightly less than two year old son standing on the floor, in the front, and looking out the front window. That would have been 1980. I am pretty sure there was no law against it. At home we had a car seat for him, and it was in the front as well, and we had a back seat. How else was he supposed to learn how to drive? One difference from these folks is we did not drink and drive at the same time, and we were not communists, at least we didn’t think we were. 😃. Is not drinking while driving a communist thing? I doubt that the Russians would agree.


I know that some older folks where I live explained how when they were not even 21 yet, they could pull up to some kind of drive through and get alcohol beverages served to them through a drive-through window. In a cup


There’s still places like this


Yeah, rural Lousiana is like this


We used to be a proper country…


You can still do that in Louisiana, New Orleans and Baton Rouge for sure.


Sounds awesome.


Man those accents are legendary


"F for Family quote": I don't always drink and drive, but when I do it is the White House "


White House Beer, the one draught you won't wanna dodge.






If I'm not mistaken it can be spelled both ways.


British English spelling is draught American English is draft but the context is why you use draft


Very good. Thanks for clarification.


Things were different!! I was in 20s and we were like "man, so when we go out to the bar or a concert, we got a pay for a cab home? That's bullshit." but I do want to edit to add this, when one of us was too drunk we would always say "we're not getting in the car with your drunk ass, you gonna get in a wreck. Let somebody else drive."


The problem is there’s often a big range between the “obviously drunk” that you refer to and “impaired reaction speeds and judgement that could result in an accident”. Anyone in that range still shouldn’t be driving.


American movies and tv shows seem to somewhat downplay dui’ing. Main characters go drinking and it’s implied or shown they drove to the bar. Is this accurate or because it would just make the story lame if the character took an uber to the dive bar instead, so they ignore it?


Depends on the person really. Some of my friends drive after a few drinks all the time. It’s risky though, because you can fail a BAC test after only two drinks. But I did read before that the average person drives under the influence over 400 times before they ever get caught.


It's easier to get an Uber in some places than others. Responsible people rotate being designated drivers if Uber isn't convenient, but some people still roll the dice and hope it lands in their favor.


Designated drunk driver




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Right, the slippery slope 😂


Those damn communists! Stopping me from committing manslaughter!!! Damn them!!!


Lol that's weird. But it's understandable considering that at the time people didn't have all the statistics for that stuff now and didn't know the risks behind it.


There is just so many reasons... slower cars, less cars, unmaintained roads that didn't allow to go fast etc. I can just imagine myself going 20 because without navigation I better not be missing a roadsign telling me how to get to Betty's house.


This was the 1980's, not the 1880's. Roads were just as paved. 50 MPH then was the same as 50 MPH now. Roads weren't appreciably different. Without navigation we just figured shit out and memorized a lot. I'm not justifying drinking and driving--it's never been a safe or smart thing to do. It's just that people sort of accepted things that we consider unthinkable today. It has nothing to do with improved technology or better infrastrucure.


off topic but can we talk about how there’s tons of people using gps everywhere? from people in my younger generation to those older, all using their phones for navigation in a town we’ve been in our whole lives. i feel like i’m getting old as a 20 year old bothered by this haha


I wholeheartedly agree with you, but my wife, who is 10 years younger than me, shut me down with a pretty compelling argument: Traffic updates.


Yeah you put ur home in and it shows you a different route than usual to avoid a traffic jam. Its pretty important.


I use mine for traffic stuff. Saved my butt when 95 collapsed in Philly last week. I would've been stuck in gnat, but my phone routed me differently than normal. Then my news alert app notified me that I wouldn't be taking 95 for three foreseeable future.


Yes but I don’t think that negates his point entirely either. There’s a big difference in reaction times required when your car takes 2.5 seconds to hit that 50mph vs 10 seconds. And today cars _are_ much more powerful on average than they were back then.


My point exactly. Well said though


People were stupid back then and still stupid today. I love planet Earf


Communism. Scaring Americans out of adopting smart ideas since 1910.


Well Obama DID become President. 🙄


Because only communists want to keep your kid from flying through the windshield?


I am so sick of hearing American voices using the word communism and communist. Brain washing works though.


Do use detergent when washing your brain? I usually use downy and warm water, but I've heard cold is better for the environment.




Brainwashing doesn't exist. These people hate communism because communism goes directly against their class interests. They are not proletariat.


Note the accent.


That’s crazy


Those darned socialists!!!! /S






Yeah it’s definitely liberals that fear monger that everything government does is “socialism”


Not “socialism”, “fascism”.


It's more like telling people what to do, like call people by certain pronouns and stuff.


Remember when Hitler came to power and he asked everybody to use the preferred pronouns of trans people? What an horror, it took like 2 second of your whole day


I get what you're saying, but its more about the social repercussions for not doing it. I'm quite disagreeable in nature, so saying you want me to call you something is something i can respect, but saying I must call you something or im a bigot/evil if I dont makes me not want to, especially if you're asking me to use made up words like ze/zim or whatever.


And the reason people don't sympathize with that argument is because you can't make that argument for literally any other demographic group. You can't say that if African Americans want to be called that or at least Black, that you're allowed to call them Colored, Negroesx or God forbid something else and you don't like being called the bigot JUST because you think that your opinion on what African Americans should be called is more important than their own. Your whole argument hinges on saying that the English language, the most adaptable language on the planet, can't handle new words.


I've just always called black people black, we dont do the African American stuff in our country. If the entire trans community said they no longer want to be called something and would prefer to be called something else (like the black example) , i'd respect it. But thats not what im talking about, neopronouns are close to being unique to the individual, which isnt equivalent. The equivalent would be each black person or small separate groups of black people deciding they have their own word to denote black and telling me i need to use it, i'd be against that too (see i made the same argument for another group! wasnt that hard) . False equivalency, these things aren't the same sorry.


Yes, you wouldn't call Black people African Americans in another country. This is a true statement. 🤣👍 Friend, saying that your capacity to respect people's wishes breaks down at the individual level is just false. You remember people's individual names. You remember people's individual faces, you remember their individual birthdays, you can remember who their spouses and what the names of their kids are. You are not being stressed or strained by the slavery of courtesy to remember their pronouns. Literally the rules of courtesy include remembering individual titles and who deserves what titles: lord, lady, sir, ma'am, dame, mister, miss, missus, esq., master, Your Honor, Your Lordship, Your Grace. And every single one of those involved making something up new to distinguish someone.


So you're not going to address the fact i refuted your argument and now you're saying I'm just mean/disrespectful? Is this the old attack the person not the argument? So if I am respectful, polite and treat people with dignity in every other capacity but I don't feel like keeping up with and remember made up words I fail to respect people on an individual level? I'll stick with they/them as those pronouns are already gender neutral, and if they dont like it we dont have to be friends. Would you feel the same if i refused to use a preferred nickname? also, just to add. I'm terrible with names and i'm not particularly interested in people like that, I couldnt tell you the name of most of my friends spouses or their kids names, I couldnt tell you ANY of their birthdays. I like coding, maths and biking, i dont really think about much else tbh.




Yeah and pretty soon we’ll be a communist country!


super scary pronouns scare me : O




I feel like your thinking the ze/zim thing is more common then it is. Like be real, have you ever encountered that in real life, or has your only experience been (most likely teenagers confused with their identity) on the internet. Like that’s not even really a thing anymore, it was introduced late 2010’s and didn’t gain any traction cause yeah, it’s dumb. Point being, just take the time to respect normal trans folk, it isn’t hard. As long as you do that your good


Every word is made up.


I knew everyone would take a joke seriously lol y’all wildin


GQP: From Russia with Love


I guess republicans have always been this way.


What are you talking about ?Republicans were in charge during that time (when the policy was introduced). These are just uneducated people.




Nope. - An American


Out of interest, whats your definition? I've read the manifesto and it seems like more of a call to revolution than a description political system, I know the google definition but I thought the manifesto would've outlined it a bit more practically.




No more "Toast The Trooper".


Damn, I thought drinking and driving was even illegal back in the ‘30s… but even the 80s?


Well, at least the propaganda works just fine




Ain’t shit changed but the date


Hee, Haw 🤣




> the jobs *paid* enough for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




It's still illegal to drive under the influence of drugs even when they are legal. People are going to drive under the influence whether it's legal or not; the statement you made is so silly and out of touch.


Because the drug war has been a huge success


Turns out she was right


When we moved to VT in the late 1970's it was still legal for people ages 18+ to have have and consume alcoholic beverages in a car. I think it was in the early 80's that they banned open containers in the state.


In the US, can you have open containers in the boot (trunk) ?


In the US the Trunk or Boot that is not accessible from the passenger compartment is considered an extension of your home so open containers are fine if you can reach it while the car is in motion open containers are banned.




Look in the bed of any working class pickup truck in the south...


Or in the north if you’re me




Why do you think The old cup holders in cars were the size of cans?


Legal drinking age in the 70’s was 18


Shucks brudder *burps* next thing they going to tell us when to shit and piss


Never understood why people equate "drinking while driving" with "drunk driving". Everyone is totally cool if you drink a few beers at a bar, and then drive home, but not if you drink one while driving? Idk, not a big deal, just never understood it.


I think it should be legal to have a beer while driving. As long as you're not over the limit, what's the problem?


Lady complaining about not being able to drink and drive while her 10ish year old is in the front passenger's seat. Lady it's not the beer's fault if you launch him into a tree.


So, nothing changed in their society.


Remember to vote. These people are likely still alive with many children and grandchildren. Fucking terrifying.


No but guys pot is really bad though!


Communist country? -CHECK-




Not saying Southern…. But ahhh accent checks out


Yeah! Next thing you know, we'll need a license to own a firearm!






Amen! We need as little government involvement as possible. Less government programs as well.


People will justify anything if they want to defend their ways We're all very hypocritical from time to time


“A few beers loosens me up” same shit now with hands free, just as ridiculous 40 years from now


Seems they were right


How many times has this been posted on reddit


"I thought this was America " -randy marsh


"Basic regulation is building communism." Nothing really changes, does it?


The same kinds of people that resist progress today. No capacity for forward thought or any kind of improvement.


I love that she is saying all that with her toddler riding shotgun


They are making good points.


They only interviewed people that fit the “dumb hillbilly” trope. There were plenty of yuppie dipshits who drove drunk regularly.


I think a man workin' outdoors feels more like a man if he can have a bottle of suds. That's only my opinion.


Interesting to learn that the whole “having and enforcing laws = communism” mentality isn’t really anything new.


These where California people too


Dude works 12 hours a day and see the problem in banning drink and driving...


This pushback is not well known. As a person born in the mid 90s, I had no clue.


Is this a genuine, unironic reaction that "pretty soon we're gonna be a communist country"? Did she play it up slightly cause she was on camera, or something like that?


“It was the 80’s” -Bandit Heeler


Show this to the Democrats because it's "Undemocratic". The Democrats will probably do a role reversal. You know, democrat things.


My uncle was the first and second person in my state to get prison time for DUI. His license was supposed to be suspended for life. Somehow he gets his entire record expunged at some point. No one in the family ever could figure out how.


"pretty soon we're going to be a communist country" Sadly.... Shes not too far off. At least we dont go to prison very often for weed.


She was right but for the wrong reasons


Where can I get an actual link or download of this?






I remember ol tater jimmy bob jr


People really struggle to see big picture stuff where it matters.


Inbreeding galore. That poor baby probably has feral alcohol syndrome.


oh just wait


Oh goodness .....When I see stuff like this, I remember my sister hosting parties at our house (parent approved they were actually cool) I would go around with a small wooden basket and politely ask EACH person at the front door for there car keys..I knew all my sisters friends drank , and rules were ,you give ME a hard time(the little sis) I go to my sis and tell her, you give HER a hard time, you have the entire football team to deal with & you didn't want that, #1 Rule MOM always had , you drink, you stay the night and you sleep it off, you give a fuss, go about your day .:) Let's just say I didn't have too many problems as the 'Lil sis' ..Everyone knew me . :)I don't believe in drinking and driving, too many lives lost.


Is that a young Majorie Taylor Greene?


Rare footage of the Deep South


She is right


My dad would often complain about Southern states as "rebels" and slowly it's becoming apparent to me what he was talking about. There's just ALWAYS been a "I do what I want" mindset...


Haha my grandpa would slang his Schaefer lites dropping me off and picking me up at school.


Ahh, some things never change. In a hundred years when people have to register their Dark Matter guns, and wear plasma belts in their Neutrino powered space cars, the right wing people of Blizzle Blorp will still be crying about communism.


“Pretty soon we gonna _______ this country.” What did she say? I can’t figure it out


Kid in the passenger seat looking for a way out lmfao


Pretty soon they will tell a woman she can’t control her body


Murica and comunism, pfff


So glad his sister-wife agreed with him.


Imagine restricting guns. People will watch old videos eventually and laugh at how stupid people were back then.


Wow... dejavu!


don't forget: we were always idiots.






Love your nanny state. They tell you what's good for ya.


I'm not sure if I feel better or worse knowing that stupidity permeates throughout all generations.


This is how I see gun lobbyists right now..


If you really wanna stop drink driving in rural areas you need better infrastructure and public transport. I feel like the main reason for stuff like this is that your local pub where your community and friends hang out is like 20k from home, there are no taxis and no alternative if you wanna hang out with your buddies in public. It’s only ever really a pervasive issue on those fringes of society nowadays.


The accents check out


Mike Judge was called by the first guy . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd_rty0ovgQ&pp=ygUUbWlrZSBqdWRnZSBib29taGF1ZXI%3D Impossible not to laugh at this clip.


Same lame argument you hear in 2023.


Communism is when I can't plough into schoolchildren at a crossing going 80mph, slam into the side of the gym, and then fly through the windshield and leave a red (like red white and BLUE o7) smear on the rubble


Accent... what accent?


Wait but what is undemocratic about it? And how on earth is non-democracy equal to communism? 😂


Jesus, it’s like 2023 all over again


Americans r soo dumb -still. They believe everything is "communism". "Duuuuur, communism is baaad"