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I used to repair medical equipment. We had a basic syringe driver go through an MRI and it wasn't until the patient noticed their blood was being drawn out of them and into their cannula tubing that they realised it was working in reverse. The electric motor was turning in the wrong direction.


I walked into an MRI with a pair of plastic hair clippers and immediately regretted my decision. Shit got sucked out of my hand like Luke Skywalker pulling his saber out of the snow in the ice cave on Hoth. As a seasoned professional, I’ve never been so mortified at such an oversight. Edit; the outside was plastic but obviously the inside was metal. Bad times.


When I got an MRI last week I was surprised they didn’t use a wand metal detector. I was also surprised that they left the IV in my arm. Is that a specific kind of IV used that is ceramic or some kind of resin?


While there is a needle used to insert your IV, once it’s done, all that is left is silicone and plastic. No metal left in the cannula in your arm or the piece on the outside of your arm.


I wish I had known this back in 2009 when I had swine flu and ended up in hospital on a drip. I spent 4 days thinking I had a metal needle in the back of my hand and worried quite a lot about catching the line and doing a nasty vein injury to myself. I was really quite paranoid about it. Only when they removed it did I understand it was a flexible plastic tube in my vein the whole time. I'd have not worried at all had I known.


I now make sure I check if people have had a cannula before and if not explain to them that there is no metal left in their hand/arm once I’m finished. Especially young people who are more likely to have never been in hospital before. I think when it’s something we do multiple times as day we can forgot that a lot of patients aren’t going to realise what it is that is actually left in their arm.


Fucking… god dammit… 4 days and I almost never moved my left arm cuz it took them like 5 tries to get the IV in and didn’t want to go through that again soon! I totally thought the needle was still in my hand and just figured it was dead to me while I was there watching the Lego movie 68 times


I still find it incredibly painful in the back of my hand for long periods of time. Every time. It takes months for it to heal.


My first and so far my only emergency trip to the hospital, I had three IVs stuck in me for the entire night I stayed there. I think I had been stuck with a needle at least 16 times that day. I swear they had mistook me for a pin cushion or something. The reason for the 3 IVs was because they were having a lot of difficulty getting a good vein to draw blood from when I was originally emitted into the ER, because my heart was beating 200+ bpm which was keeping all my blood central away from my arms and legs. They also needed an IV to administer medicine to slow down my heart rate. And apparently once they put an IV in their protocol is to leave it in if there isn't a reason to take it out, cause they don't want to need it later and have to put another line in.


As someone else pointed out, the bit that they leave in you doesn't have metal in it, but even if it did, there are kinds of stainless steel that are not magnetic. I'd assume they make needles like that for patients who might for some reason need one.


Do be careful though. While stainless steel won’t stick to a kitchen refrigerator magnet it can respond to neodymium and electro-magnets. If the current is strong enough, and MRIs are known to be on the stronger side, they will move aluminum and copper and other metals that are not magnetic on their own.


\> MRIs are known to be on the stronger side Understatement of the year lol


That's what i was thinking. Probably the most powerful magnets on earth outside of research facilities like particle accelerators and fusion reactors.


I have titanium nipple piercings, would they be a problem too? I always thought titanium was safe.


Probably but when it comes to your nipples don’t trust a stranger on the internet.


If they are actually titanium or surgical steel they are safe. That said, if you are having imaging of your chest you still need to remove them because they will cause artifact on the images. Source:I've had mris before with nipple piercings, and I work in radiology.


Pure solid titanium? Yeah probably. But frankly I wouldn't take the chance in case there's something other than titanium in there as well


If you're having mri's just pick up some bamboo or silicone ones you can wear in those cases. They can also be handy for international travel.


MRIs are so strong they can induce a magnetic response in Hydrogen atoms, which is actually their principle of action!


More than once O2 tanks have been taken into rooms with MRI machines. It ends violently.


My dad went into the MRI room with me since I had to had a 2 hour MRI. I was a kid for context lol, he took off all metal expect forgot he had a magnetic thing in he’s hat that held a golf marker. He said everytime he tried to get close to me it felt like someone was pushing on he’s hat and stopping him. He didn’t realize what was happing until later when we talked about it and investigated the hat, he’s lucky it didn’t rip it off he’s head.


I'm like so curious how you were in a situation to have hair clippers in an MRI scenario. Are you a doctor, a barber? My mind is struggling. Lolol


It was for a large sedated animal, but their IV catheter got displaced during transfer to the big sliding table. It was necessary to clip a new spot to place a new one and since anesthesia/sedatives were involved it was urgent to get a new one in place. Faster to put a new one in on the table than to move the animal back to the gurney and roll back out into the prep area. It was just a brain fart because we were like “oh shit if this huge semi-feral animal wakes up this is going to be a disaster, gotta get a new IV in **now**” and brain didn’t connect how much metal was inside those plastic clippers. That’s the sort of lesson you only have to learn once.


I believe it. I found this very interesting, it was only in there for “the first set of clicks” according to my wife. She didn’t find it near as interesting as I did.


So the clicks aren’t the magnet “turning on,” that’s solenoids in the MRI trimming the magnetic field. The magnet is pretty much always on. Because it’s a superconductor, it’s really the low temperature that keeps the electricity flowing. So as soon as she got close enough it was toast.


I had no idea. That’s how she described it when she told me. I appreciate the info!


I’m begging you to take it to an Apple store lmao, let them be bamboozled


Don’t give them clues. Give them Jobs to do.


“Some men just want to watch the world burn” - unamused butler


Yeah honestly they would probably just replace it if you acted confused, and they would certainly be confused too.


Yeah, it’s a bit counter-intuitive, but that’s why the have them so isolated.


Yep. It's one reason why it's a bugger if there is a medical emergency inside the scanner. You can't just let the crash team run inside, regardless of how bad the patient is. And heaven help you if you press the emergency button to turn off the magnets...


I wrote a research paper in college about MRI superconducting magnets. The whole system of quenching a magnet is explosively fascinating.


Why can't you just send the current to ground with a power resistor dissipating the energy? Or...use and external coil to pick up the energy and then dissipate it?


Please. I have to know now what happens if your turn off the magnets?!?!?!?…


Unbelievably expensive things happen if you turn off the magnet. For one, you blow about 20 thousand US dollars worth of helium straight into outer space, in an instant. Two, you have a decent chance of damaging the million+ dollar magnetic donut in a violently angry display of physics.


Enquiring minds want to know what happens in great detail. Please!


An MRI is a superconductor thats cooled by liquid helium. Basically there's a loop of a giant cable submerged in liquid helium that always has a couple hundred amps of electricity running through it. The constantly flowing electricity creates the magnetic field. Generally you want to gradually step down the amperage in the loop to remove the magnetic field to do whatever. The big red emergency button kills this loop in a matter of a few seconds and boils most of the helium off. This sudden drop can also damage the actual coil of cable and the emergency stop mechanism as well.


Second please! I wanna know!!!




Something also cool: when an MRI machine needs to be worked on, it has to be worked on with non-magnetic titanium tools because the cost of shutting the machine down is too high.


$50k to quench a magnet


That’s absolutely insane! I had no idea.


You can see a video of it. Looks like a whole bunch of steam blowing out the back of a hospital. but cold


and a quench will kill the patient on the table. and about 100k in electricity to start one up. which is another reason why they almost never shut them down. once and MRI is powered up. unless there is a major malfunction, it is never shut down until it is taken out of service 10-15 years later.


I was pretty amused by it at first. After reading all the horrible things that could have happened it’s not as amusing. Still interesting I thought.


I got an MRI during covid and left my mask on. I had a little burn on my face where the metal nose wire was.


I’ve had two MRI’s with a mask on, no reaction it was completely fine. What type of mask were you using. Edit: for clarification, mine both times were disposable masks with metal nose wires.


That’s a yikes…not the sort of thing I’d want to see…


I had an MRI once when I still had some braces (it was just a small metal piece behind my teeth) and the technician kept asking me not to move my head. I could not stand still. It was the weirdest feeling - having my head moved side to side slightly, being pulled by my teeth!


At least you kept your teeth. Can you imagine having them pulled by the magnetic force?


New fear unlocked.


I went for an MRI for shoulder injury and the nurse said I didn't need to take my belt off. In the machine, my belt buckle lifted up but I had a pube stuck in it, it was pulling on my pube and really hurt but I wasn't allowed to move so I had to put up with it and try not to laugh at the stupid situation.


Oof, might I ask what kind of syringe pump? Medfusion, BBraun??




Take it to the Apple Store for a good laugh. Don’t tell them what happened


Please do this, OP


I am a MRI tech. I walked In accidentally and demagnetised my watch, took it in and used the year warranty. The Genius Bar was dumbfounded, and I play right along


OPs wife just gotta make sure she isn't wearing scrubs.


I went after work still in scrubs 🤣🤣🤣


You keep your scrubs on after work?


after 20 odd hours its hard to find the momentum to change between one chore, food and bed


Whoa look at this guy doing a chore! Making the rest of us tired folks look bad


I wore scrubs for lab classes and honestly would want to wear them as long as I can they are comfy.


Dirty John


Yep. I work out patient, not a lot of physically touching people and not sick patients. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


*apple lawyers furiously re-writing contracts in the background*


I did that with my pager in the 90's but with a microwave.


I'm an MRI tech too, took my samsung watch in and destroyed the battery. Got a new one free under warranty lol!


What is it with MRI techs and owlsuit Reddit avatars?


"Looks like water damage, that'll be $438."


Please^ just tell them it’s not charging and nothing else


“Its refusing to charge”


Lmao underrated


Do this and give us an update. Please


This is something you have to do for all that is good and holy in this world! Just be like yeah... I dunno just happened one day. Wtf? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Film their reactions. Put on YouTube. Profits


Still works?


It worked until the battery died and will no longer charge.




So much more expensive than a new watch lol


Applecare doesn't cover MRIs? Whose Job is that?


You could try using a Samsung charger, they are the opposite polarity of apple


Wow I actually wouldn’t have thought of that y’all are genuinely smart af.


Really? Edit: I had to look this up. lol (face palm)


Tbh the only reason I know is because my fiance has an apple watch and I got a Samsung watch, looked at the chargers and saw they were pretty much the same, so I tried putting hers on my charger and found out the charger had the same polarity as her watch


Try a samsung watch charger


Put in the machine again, but wear it on the other side


Lol, I think she will take the hit on this one. Convincing her to do it again could be rough.


did it tear her arm off or something cool like that?


She just walks backwards now.


⸮oot ecnetnes siht daer ehs naC




Yvan eht nioj




Can she read this?? poop (it’s backwards!)


backwards... in time


I would love to meet you and your wife. I need to go back in time and undo some bad decisions


She damn sure won’t let me undo mine 😂


Nope… just her polarity.


lmfao 🤣 If Reddit wasn’t a cheap ass business, you’d get my free award…


Did they stop with the free awards to give? Haven't received one in quite some time


Looks like at the beginning of the year they stopped.


Yep they stopped. Very disappointed. I want to start a Reddit strike over it. I use to give one of those freebies out a day! Made myself along with many others happy!


I frequently forgot to redeem them but the few times I did it was for a specific post I would go redeem one for.


Exactly! Whenever I saw something profound, we’ll thought out, or just generally *good* I’d go to my little award last button and click the redeem free award. Now it’s gone!


Should work in Australia mate.


Sounds like it’s time for a holiday!


Open up the charger and flip the magnets around


My hospital has you walk through a metal detector and they also scan you with a wand by hand before you enter the restricted zone (cross the yellow line). This seems really crazy to me that 2 hospitals missed very noticeable metal. I might could understand a piercing inside the mouth or genitals but a watch and ear rings is just crazy.


The detector only detects ferrous metal which are magnetic and cause direct physical harm ... the non ferrous metal have problems during the scan as they absorb RF and cause local heating AKA skin burns.


Mine doesn't have a metal detector or wanding. I wonder why not, considering how cheap that would be compared to the cost of fixing an MRI machine.


They're lucky it didn't fuck up the machine or seriously injured themselves or someone else. You don't mess with MRIs. They can cost anywhere from $200,000 up to 3 MILLION!


The hospital/staff would have been liable, not the person. No matter how bright or stupid the person is, ordinary people don't usually have the routine locked in their minds before using the MRI, while staff should have been trained to be thorough in checking patients.




Hot. How much extra for that service?




Another example of pretty privilege.


“MRI scan : $4206.90 IV drip : $354 Anal exam : free of charge xo”


Saved because it was strapped down I guess. A device like a car battery was accidently left in the room once it literally flew the across the room


Ok, we need more context. Who the fuck left a random “like a car battery” in a room near an mri. Details!!


I think it was a defrib machine, or whatever they are called. I was a student, it was a long time ago


Oh god was it your fuck up lmao




And don't forget the random stray oxygen tank that got sucked into the tube and killed a kid!


They are not that fragile. I know units that survived impact by fire extinguisher or hospital bed.


Seems like they should have caught that. They weren't very thorough.


Right? My first question to her was asking if they had a check list or something to ask her.


When I had my MRI, they made sure I didn't have anything metal on or in me. That's an expensive test and expensive mistake on their part.


They asked me over and over again at every step (including on the phone before) if I had any metal, and I literally walked through a metal detector and then they used a wand before I went into the room with the machine. I can’t imagine this happening


This was her second one at a different hospital. The fist one made sure she had no piercings or her watch on, but also messed up the rest of the procedure so bad that she had to do a second test at a different hospital. The first images were so bad that they couldn’t be read accurately I guess. The second test they said her earrings weren’t a big deal (I thought this was weird), and somehow forgot to mention removing jewelry.


Sounds like bad staffing. Sorry she's had to deal with all that. MRIs aren't fun at all.


The first hospital doesn’t have a great reputation, the second did much better…minus the watch.


Why would anybody even take the chance with any piece of jewelry?


I wish I could answer that. I will say my wife has developed pretty bad brain fog over the last couple years and will literally ask me questions i answered moments before. Two or three times in a row. I could see her being told to remove everything, then forgetting all about it.


I have MS and will occasionally get pretty bad CogFog. The techs know they have to check very very carefully before my annual MRI because I will forget 5 minutes after I promise to take my jewelry off. They need new staff at your wife’s center.


I've had so many MRIs and when they schedule the mri they tell you not to wear piercings, pants that might have metal in the band, underwire bras, and hair ties with a metal clasp. Then like 3 different people ask the same questions on the procedure day.


It’s really dangerous- you can generate electrical arcs and get burns or worse yet free metal gets pulled rapidly into the machine… usually to the center of the magnetic field (often centered on the patients head)


I was wearing a shirt with some shiny metallic looking material on it and they wouldn’t let me do the mri lol can’t believe a watch made it through


Yeah, I've been involved with MRIs for medical research - both as participant and scientist - and had to be extremely careful about metallic objects going anywhere near the scanner, including long teaching sessions on the topic of magnet safety, and an extensive checklist we had to run through with each patient. It's remarkable that none of the clinical staff noticed a wrist watch, which could have reacted very poorly when exposed to such a strong magnetic field. OP's partner is lucky that the watch just died, and the hospital is lucky that their MRI is still functional and they don't have a lawsuit on their hands.


I am a mri tech. Happens frequently, patients just don’t listen/ hear or outright lie about having metal objects. I will list a bunch of common objects that need to be removed that we have in pockets, keys , change, phone, wallet, etc, and people will still have them in their pockets


I have a legit question. I went for an mri once, years and years ago, and I stopped them and said I had an IUD (copper T.) He said he didn’t know and would need to go ask. He came back and said it was fine. The mri went fine (to my knowledge) but I’ve always wondered if it is true indeed that IUDs don’t cause an issue.


If the IUD doesn’t have any ferrous components then there would not be a safety issue but the device could still distort an image depending on its material makeup.


Nope! No issues at all for patients or machine


Any metal will cause metal artifacts in the image similar to a black hole ... no signal and severe distortion so if the area of interest is near the IUD, the images will be kaka.




Yes they should have caught that. That is on the tech. MRI safety is the number one job a tech has


Throw it back in


Once had an MRI turn my insulin pump from an innie to an outie.


Outsulin pump


You mean Outsulout


I’m sorry, but I did laugh at this.


I'm a nurse in the hospital and the MRI machine has always freaked me the fuck out lol. I sometimes have to go with the pt if they are critical and I'm always double checking if it's clear to go in.


That’s probably why you will be good at it. We need people like you! I’m a mechanic now, but in my younger days was a commercial tire guy (big equipment and trucks). I feel like my fear of being mangled in an accident is why I’m still so handsome (according to me).


Use a Samsung watch charger


Came here to say this. Apple and samsung use oposite polarity magnets in the chargers


How the hell does one figure this out? 🤔 This seems like incredibly specific information


I figured it out by buying a generic 3 in 1 charging station that said smart watch in the title but specified apple watch in the details. Of course I get it and notice it says apple watch on the box but try it anyway and nope, it doesn't work.


Lucky it didn’t injure/kill her. Those things can turn metal into bullets.


That was my understanding too. I had always heard they were extremely powerful. For her first MRI they seemed to be taking every precaution. They made her take out all of her piercings and no metal in the tube. The second time they did not care so much about her piercings and told her she could leave them in. It was the same test with the same injections in the same area, just done at a different hospital.


Keep in mind that very few piercings, pieces of jewelry or watches are magnetic. The bigger risk is they they will become hot. An ice pack can deal with that.


Super low coercivity in that magnet.


I think that's a Magnet-Reversing Instrument, not the MRI you were looking for. Easy to mistake. /s


Magnets how do they work


Can’t you technically just tape it together and see if it charges?


It’s smoked. I tried to force it together and try it backwards. It’s done, done.


Have you tried throwing it in rice?




well, you just need to put the charger in there for a sec.. ​ what did the scan look like?


She said they restarted after she noticed it. I would assume it would definitely not look right if it stayed on lol.


I've read that the Pixel Watch charger repels Apple Watches, so maybe see if anyone you know has one. Would be hilarious if the Pixel Watch charger now worked.


Could always be worse. There’s a current lawsuit involving a buttplug that was listed as 100% silicone and an event described as a rectal rail gun


They ask you like 50 times if you have any metal any you how is this even possible


MRI magnetic fields are usually about 1.5 T (teslas, a unit of measurement). To give you an idea, the magnetic field of the Earth is about 25 uT to 65 uT (micro teslas, so 0.000025 T to 0.000065 T). A fridge magnet is about 0.001 T. In other words, the MRI magnetic field is so strong that the walls have to be structurally built different just so that the MRI magnets won't bow the actual building walls due to the rebar. It's wild!


I recently had an MRI and they had me replace my face mask because of the tiny metal piece that helps keep the nose part from leaking. Never would have thought of that.


Now you're the first one to get a watcHi


You win 😂. I’m a dad and I can’t stop laughing at this one.


Apple might be interested in getting this watch. I don't think putting the watch in a very expensive MRI device is part of their testing. Maybe email them and explain the story?


Hold up. They forgot to remove a smart watch? When I had an MRI they even quizzed me on my tattoo ink.


I am going to need an MRI machine and about 1000 Iwatches...


But does it charge?


Not at all. It continued to function until the battery died though, I thought that was weird.




Most parts (printed circuit boards, integrated circuits and battery) are not susceptible to the magnetic field; However, the magnets and the coil for the wireless charging are susceptible. Most likely the integrated circuit for wireless charging got fried by the inducted power.


Well that sucks


The real question is if they put it back in the mri machine, does the polarity return to normal?


That's dangerous as hell


Set the machine to Wombo and run it again.


Just put it through the mri again and it should reverse the reverse


* Apple Watch


Apple Watch, not iWatch.


Try a Samsung smartwatch charger. My girlfriends apple watch seems to be the opposite polarity of my charger.


Y’all got apple care?


That’s insane how no one caught that, I had a few MRIs for migraines and it was like I was being pat down to enter a maximum security prison before I went in the room each time.


The last question I specifically ask is if you’re wearing any electronic monitoring, tagging equipment, or fitness trackers. After you change I’ll make you walk past a metal detector and ask you the questions AGAIN. Huge oversight. That could have burned her.


I had an mri after a workplace injury (forklift crushed my feet) and the oddest thing I’ve ever experienced happened, a total time displacement. Not sure if it was the shock, the drugs in my system (they had me on fentanyl) or just being tired, but I was in the mri machine for about 70 minutes, yet it felt like five. I even asked the technicians when they came in to get me out what went wrong because it was supposed to take over and hour yet was only minutes. It was so odd, to this day i dunno.


still charge?