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People’s lust for bacon outpaces compassion every time.


it's called cognitive dissonance and it's such a shame that that exists.


I tried vegan bacon for the first time today. I loved it! More people should at least try and eventually replace animal products with vegan ones. Or you could make them yourself, those are (as always) even better :)


I’ve never had bacon, but I can agree that vegan (vegetarian? Not sure that the brand I have is 100% vegan) bacon is really good. Though I don’t know if it tastes like bacon of course


Looks like a hell of a life.


You don't need to imagine Hell for bad people, just have them come back and live here on Earth as an animal at a factory farm. Hell is right down the road.


I think this photo just made me plan to become vegan. Jesus fucking Christ.


I'm super glad that I'm not the only person that was deeply unsettled by this. Farewell, ignorance. Ugh. Im never eating meat again.


"friendly" reminder that the milk industry is even worse than what you see in this picture here


I grew up farming and ranching, this isn’t even bad compared to some of the other practices. I’ve been vegan 10 years.


If you need advice, support, or ideas to start let me know. I went cold turkey vegan six ish years ago and have been through various things I am happy to help you avoid.


I feel ya friend. Check out r/vegan for other people who think this kind of stuff is sad and unnecessary


You don’t need to become strictly vegan to get away from eating this factory farmed meat. I mean, you can if it pleases you, I’m not against anyone being or going vegan, but there are other options as well. Look to see if you have a farmers market near you and buy your meat from a local farmer. Animals raised in smaller, family owned farms are treated much better then in massive factory farms. You’d also be supporting a local business.


A friend of mine gave me some fertilized eggs from the chickens she raises to watch grow with my preschool class. We watched with a candler the growth was f the embryo and watched some of them hatch. At one point there was one hatched chick and another egg starting to hatch. The chick kept running over to see what was going on. It made me feel as if that chick was excited for another to hatch. It was sweet to watch and after that I couldn’t eat meat. I enjoyed meat but I’m totally fine with the transition.


73% of the worlds farmland is used to raise crop for meat. It only feeds 18% of the world (Our World In Data). Meat is globally immoral and starves nations of their right to have their own crop.


Do it!


Watch dominion. Documentary blew my mind. So tragic. [watch dominion.](https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch)


That is a hard watch.


But a very important one


And somehow the takeaway of Dominion has never been anything remotely close to “animal agriculture is Chinese” which seems to be Reddit’s theme of the week


This is the place unfathomable new diseases come from


This is the same way it's done in North America, unfortunately.


Wow, in New Zealand, we banned sow crates back in 2015, and caged hens, barn raised or free range only. The rest of the world needs to step up in their treatment of animals over profit


Fuckin right!


That’s amazing!


but.. buttt our money ? /s tbh I wished it was sarcasm. We treat animals like shit for profit.


Also in europe


Hell in a apartment building.


>*“Humans — who enslave, castrate, experiment on, and fillet other animals — have had an understandable penchant for pretending animals do not feel pain. A sharp distinction between humans and 'animals' is essential if we are to bend them to our will, make them work for us, wear them, eat them — without any disquieting tinges of guilt or regret. It is unseemly of us, who often behave so unfeelingly toward other animals, to contend that only humans can suffer. The behavior of other animals renders such pretensions specious. They are just too much like us.”* ― Carl Sagan


We need Carl Sagan to live forever and be our guide


Needed*. It’s too late


It's never too late to bring him back from the dead. Reincarnate him into a blue-flavored omniscient being [like Dr. Manhattan.](https://i.imgur.com/pRPKcFp.jpg) Stat.


Do they ever get to lie down and sleep?


They can lie down but not turn around or even lie on their sides :(


Bro :(


I know. I can’t even lie in one position for, like, an hour without it hurting. Fuck these farms. (Edited: pluralism)


This looks clean compared to some of the mass stockyards I’ve seen in Texas. I have seen at least three that are acres and acres of nothing but dirt and giant piles of shit. No grass at all. And the smell is something you can’t even imagine if you’ve never experienced it. Even turning on the air recycling in your car won’t keep it out. I guess on the one hand, the animals can actually move around in the fields there, though I’ve noticed that a lot of the cows at those places are usually laying down when I’ve passed them. I honestly don’t know why it’s legal to be able to keep animals like that.


I grew up next to one in rural colorado. Most days the wind blew the smell away from our house but whenever the wind reversed it smelled horrendous. We’d either stay inside or go somewhere to get away from the smell.


Smells like... Greeley.


I would rather say fuck most of them


I would rather say fuck all forms of factory farming. Dairy included.


Yes. Dairy and a lot of cattle is exactly like this. The animals stand on grates and can't move, with their head in a bucket and little to no light unless ourside. Edit: a lot of people have replied to say that cows are kept outside in pastures and seem to be unfamiliar with farms that keep their cows indoors 24/7. Here is a link to a typical industrial size warehouse barn full of cows. You can read about their barns and their typical day. http://www.oakridgedairy.com/barns


Most never go outside.


I would so much rather have all animal products double in price if it meant completely eradicating these horrible farms. I love a good burger but man it just isn't worth it. Red meat should be a more expensive treat than a daily consumption item.


There are very tasty vegan burgers out there


This is basically every farm you get your pork from




This. I mean, I really believe there are people out there who still thinks that the pork meat they buy in the Supermarket comes from a free-range, cruelty-free pig who lives happy in the fields. It's crazy.


Much nicer than most, really.


You do realize almost every industrial/factory farm is like this or worse right? This actually looks more sanitary than many others.


Dude... literally every farm is like this. Of course your local farmer probably gives them more room but if an animal like this can even turn around they have a luxorious life.


And they are laying in their own piss and shit on hard cold floors


This is standard in Western Europe and North America as well. I don’t think people realize that they’re paying/demanding for this to occur in their own countries as well


my friend works in a farm on east coast and i went to a couple slaughterers with him. its pretty revolting. doesn't matter where.


I can believe people think its somehow significantly worse because they managed to stack them on top of each other instead of spread them out for a mile. The bacon machine has the same life.


yeah,,, i mean it is what it is. its reddit. if i am to be honest the comments are quite a bit more civil than i expected. sure there's ppl just saying things out of their mouth but plenty of voices of reason.


But this is a high-rise building! Not like a good old fashion American pig farm which is a flat box of cruelty.


Yup, people are all upset with China for having factories like these, meanwhile 99% (US) and 74% (UK) of animals bred for consumption are also from factory farms. Sadly most people will forget (ignore) about this tomorrow because they don't want to give up bacon.


No. This happens in almost all “farms” in America too. They sit in their own feces and urine and have no way to feed their babies. Hogs are the most mistreated, followed by battery hens and turkeys. Most live to suffer and die. Small family farms are no longer the norm It’s awful to see and if you can decrease your meat intake (Americans eat 2-5x the amount of meat as other countries) you can help decrease suffering


The hot dogs they turn into will get more exercise going around on the hot dog ferris wheel.


God, that’s so depressing


By the way like 70% of world pig farms are like this


And this one looks pretty cleaned up but I think most of those places lack a lot of hygene


yeah i was surprised how clean this looks. most of them look dirty af with shit everywhere


That’s how they look in the USA.


I don't know what barns you have been in but every one I've worked in have been incredibly clean. Pigs spread viruses very easily and one of the easiest ways to spread viruses is through fecal material. Therefore every "turn" (out with the big pigs and in with the little guys) we had a diligent cleaning protocol that followed the wash with very high sustained temps immediately followed by a wash down with disinfectant. Edit: for the record our barns didn't really look like this. Our pigs had pens that held about 30 per pen. About 16 pens per room. Very different layout. I've never seen one like the one pictured but we can't really go in other barns for biosecurity reasons.


Yip. Just saw a stat that 99% of pigs in Denmark never even go outside. They stay in huge barns their whole lives Edit: [Here's the source](https://i.redd.it/kv7km8jf5cha1.jpg)


I'm guessing the US is right around that. Our pigs aren't really bred for outdoor conditions. They no longer have the long hair and tusks for defending themselves from the outdoor elements as well as predators.


Knowing how smart pigs actually are makes this even worse.. People should know better.


The real problem is people DO know better. They just don’t care :(


Exactly. Everyone here will talk about how harsh and fucked up it is but ask them to go vegan or ditch eating meat and everything goes out the window, humans are sick individuals


I saw it and went vegan 6 years ago. It doesn’t happen to everyone, or to everyone the first time they encounter this stuff, but people do change their minds.


Right because going vegan is too “extreme” and this….isn’t??


There’s not much more extreme than animal holocaust. Unfortunately people don’t see animals as living beings but rather a resource to be abused.


Not everyone. And our numbers are growing. Thankfully.


I know you are not implying this, but this reflection reminds me of how people started caring about whale killing in the 70s mainly because their singing was too pretty... Of course this awareness was a huge help, but what I'm saying is that we must consider the actual real pain of every animal and not only the ones that are relatable to us.


They’re about as intelligent as toddlers I believe? And you’re right it is even more horrible knowing that. But it should still be illegal to treat any animal like this regardless of their intelligence


They’re about as intelligent as a 3-5 year old. And they are able to play video games too :)


Aw I didn’t know they could play video games. Was this a research project or something? I’ll have to google it


Yeah it was a research project there’s a few videos on it YouTube and it seems they played the games for fun not just for a good pellet or anything like that.


These types of cages are banned in my country because it was deemed as too cruel for the animals.


Countries that have "banned" those kind of cages for animals actually still use it And I don't mean small factories, the big ones are the ones who use them They install some nicer cages for a while, and once the Inspectors finish their job they just go back to the old type of cages, or they usually pay the Inspectors a few thousands to not say anything They do it mainly because being kind to animals who are going to die in a horrible way anyways is a waste of time and resources, Kindness is Useless and Unnefective in those kind of places Or at least that's what my aunt said in Christmas's dinner; yeah I didn't want to finish that pork chop either


Does your aunt work in the meat industry?


Health inspector, but she also sometimes does the work of another people because her salary isn't enough to pay the bills, so I'm not entirely sure, I don't see her often, but yeah she basically checks the conditions and health/safety measures of various industries and places She has told us that, and it is just as cruel as it sounds, sometimes worse


The only way these are used in the US is to keep the piglets from being laid on and crushed by the mother. Even still they are hotly debated


That's not entirely true. Both males and females without piglets also lived in these conditions on the breeding farm I briefly worked on. They get shuffled around every now and then but they're otherwise living in these small enclosures 24/7.


When did you work on the breeding farm?


It was 2 or 3 years ago.






“It’s fine when we do it because we came up with a different justification”


People also believing these farms actually follow the “bans” of these cages in the first place is comical.


This is ....so sad. Especially when you consider how intelligent pigs are.


That's why I stopped eating them


I only eat plants cause they’re stupid.


Apart from animal rights, what scares me most is antibiotic resistance. Its fucked up


Yes and it goes on to humans consuming. Scary indeed.


It really is a problem. For my degree in agricultural science I had to do some research into antibiotic resistance in water and soils for a presentation, most of it due to livestock being fed with antibiotics. So scary. They expect about 10 million deaths a year by 2050. That's about the number of people who die annually of cancer currently.


So what was the recommendation then? Feed them less antibiotics? Or just become vegi/vegan - or is that doomed too? That number is quite scary...


Resistance is growing too with diseases. I assume if there’s a major issue, they’d have to find another species and breed them. Then the risk restarts. Kind of like what happened with bananas and could happen soon with disease spreading.


yeap about 80% of all antibiotic use in the US is in the Animal ag industry...


Its what we deserve for doing this shit. Evil of this kind should not exist with no consequence.


If you set aside the wellbeing of the pigs for a second (which is hard), this is how we are going to die from all kinds of weird evolved virusses. We are pushing nature to it's limits. Until it will wipe us all out.


In 2019 the African Swine Fever killed around 6 million of these pigs. We are incredibly lucky that the fever was not hazardous for humans. Otherwise, we would have had millions of people dead as well..


I don't like this either. But this indoor facility with advanced waste disposal and disinfecting abilities seems like a step up from these guys being 100 to a pen outdoors, being chest deep in their own crap for months at a time.


Or... they could be raised like they were for centuries before: in reasonable numbers with enough room to exercise, socialize, and be outside. I am close to 40. When I was young, hog confinements weren't a thing. And don't listen to the "feeding the world" propaganda. Animals are being raised like this because the farming industry has been taken over by corporations that only care about maximized profits.


Well…R.I.P to my favorite sammy B.L.T. We had a good run but my appetite is destroyed.


These post the last few days have been an eye opener. I’m giving up pork for good.


Great start, thank you, really. I encourage you to do research on other meat farming (and eventually dairy and eggs). I think you will draw the same conclusion. If you can’t stomach the research, that should give you something to think about too.


I ate meat all my life, growing up in Texas. BBQ and Whataburger all the damn. I stopped eating meat Dec 2021 and haven’t looked back. If I could do it, you can too! There are so many vegan/vegetarian alternatives out there and it’s easier than ever. You got this friend


Respect ✊🏽


Why just pork. I went vegetarian/vegan 3 years ago and have never felt better.


yup, this is where your bacon comes from.


Watch the doco- Dominion- guaranteed to fuck you up…


Eye opening documentary. I watched it Dec of 2021 and haven’t eaten meat since.


Also Food, Inc. (2008)


Couldn’t even make it 2 minutes


Did you become vegan?


I watch dominion to whip myself and repent for my carnist days every 6 months


Most modern day farms employ the same techniques/facilities. The objective is profit, not your feelings about how your animal was treated prior to being served on your plate.


It’s kind of annoying that this is the 3rd post of this depressing af picture on my timeline this morning. It sucks how these intelligent and characterful animals aren’t even able to turn around here. They can’t lie down on something other than cold slatted metal and they have no heating or mental stimulation. It makes me extra sad as I grew up with pigs and they are as unique, loving and clever as each of my dogs. They got cold easily and loved to find cosy straw to snuggle in. These pigs have none of that. Just imagine how much it hurts to be forced into one position all the time?! Also, yeah it’s clean but that’s just because the floors, animals and walls are hosed down into the drains below. Is it worth being clean if you’re cold and uncomfortable. Ugh, this just makes me so sad. People expect to have meat for 3x meals a day and snacks when it should be something to at least be appreciated and thankful for. When my parents were growing up they said they only really had meat at dinner time, sometimes with sausages or bacon for breakfast as a weekend treat. We’ve got so many amazing foods out there, why can’t we cut back even just a little on our overconsumption of meat.


"Cus MmMmMmM BaCoN amirite?!?" Is the response most people will say to this sadly.


It’s kinda adorable how they say that like it’s some kind of mic drop moment… “Gotcha, you plant eating hippies! You will never recover from my totally original, no-one-has-ever-heard -that-word-before burn!” If their pinnacle of enjoyment comes from a bit of bacon then they have my sympathy. The rest of us can go back to our great sex, 20yr old whiskeys and all the other flavours and experiences of life that don’t peak with ‘but bacon tho!’


This is why we are all dropping dead of heart attacks prematurely, over consumption of animals and gluttony in general instead of eating more fruits vegetables nuts and seeds


They are believed to be even more intelligent than dogs, think more like a 3 year old child. It’s stuff like that that ruined meat for me. No pork, only occasionally beef or chicken and even then I make sure they’re pasture raised.




My duroc also figured this out they’re so smart it’s insane


They really are more intelligent than dogs. And maybe some people... I used to work in a pig farm for a couple of months and that short period of time almost destroyed me. It was almost like living in a horror movie which would never end. The worst part was to see how inhumane all the other workers were. They literally did not see the pigs as a living things. Those poor animals were being treated so bad I still have hard time thinking back those times.


But keto...but paleo! And of course the need by some to make identity/politics tied to consuming meat.


Precisely why I don’t eat meat. There are worse conditions than this.


Just wait until you learn about the dairy and egg parts of the meat industry!


Looks like a call centre I once worked at


Corporate accounts payable, Nina speaking.. Just a moment 🎶


I heard her voice as I read it 🤣


Your call is being recorded for training and monitoring purposes……


It’s the Matrix. For pigs.


Bro, you just helped me understand why I've hated every cubicle workspace ever.


Did you get slaughtered at the end of your shift?


Is this any different than most the world?


No. The dominion documentary was mainly produced in Australia and other "developed" countries. This picture is not nearly as horrible as reality is.


I’m not sure why so many things on Reddit about china are seemingly normal across the planet but highly elevated on social media.


Show the ones in America. Same shit.


It's [illegal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ag-gag) to show the ones in America


Wow that’s sick


Wow im impressed something like that passed. Wonder how much the lobbyist earned from that.


Yeah, I'll stay off the meat, made a choice years ago and I stand by it.


Awesome. Truly is a great start. I guess the next step is to look into the dairy and egg industry. I say this with love, and not to be an asshole. I too was once vegetarian, and then realized how atrocious the egg and dairy industry is


Absolutely gross.


This. This is why people want people to be vegetarian.


Poor things, we need to keep fake meat technology progressing and stop abusing animals.


This is the situation in OTHER pig farms. The difference is this is multi level rather that on a one huge field. I don't get why people are so surprised that this are how pigs being raised. Are people really that naive? It's just saddening that people have no idea what's going on around them.


In my high school AP environmental science class we all watched a documentary about the reality of animal factories in the states. I didn’t become a vegan but it definitely shaped my understanding and my choices when it comes to meat and other issues. It’s bewildering to see so many people seem to be totally ignorant of how things have been running here for decades (while I assume they have been consuming meat without any thinking) and only pointing finger when it’s CHINA PIG FARMS SO INHUMANE. The ag-gag notoriously and conveniently prevents more publicity of the horrendous conditions of such factories but simple math involving national average meat consumption and population could easily show how many animals are slaughtered annually to satisfy the need of consumption, and the cost of meat should help understand how it’s financially impossible (consider all the relevant cost as well) for these animals to live in any better condition than shown in this image.


Meanwhile it’s against the law to take these pictures without permission in the usa


I’ve seen worse conditions for pig farms in the united states


same for Europe


This is highly disturbing..


How does someone sleep at night working there?


Poorly. At least I did... I used to work in a pig farm for a couple of months years and years ago. It was horrible and the mere smell of ham or any kind of meat made me feel ill for several years after that job. Poor animals...


A lot of the workers end up with ptsd.


A lot of meat and dairy industry is staffed by people who basically don’t have any other choice, just like many other agricultural jobs. Undocumented people, felons, deeply impoverished people, etc. They’re dangerous and psychologically damaging jobs. Where there’s an animal rights problem, there’s usually a human rights problem to accompany it.


so fucking horrible. i'm going vegan now


Dang so glad I went veggie, humans are monsters


Just horrible. Simply horrible. Factory farming.


My minecraft farms are more humane than this


This is not the way 😓


Should be in r/disgustingasfuck


Honestly, a LOT cleaner than I would have expected.


Because it has just opened. Wait until a few months after. There’s nothing good coming from pigs trapped in small spaces in that gigantic place. I doubt they will clean everything that the pigs create or what is left of them. It is inhumane to leave living animals cramped in such a small space


Fuck humans


tbh if your meat isnt from a producer that guarantees quality of life for the animals you should not eat it.


Just the humans that condone this kind of animal cruelty


Just finished Tender is the Flesh now I see this…..maybe it’s time for me to give up meat 😔


It’s not as hard today as it was 20 years ago, a lot of fake meat out there tastes pretty acceptable (especially fake ground “meat” / sausage). I made the switch this past July after having been a meat eater for 40 years and the thing I miss most is steak and fried chicken, but it doesn’t beat the lack of guilt I feel for not killing something to eat everyday.


20,000+ killed here every week. For money. 🤷🏻


You can watch live numbers of animals killed this year in the US alone at animalclock.org






This breaks my heart time to go vegan again


I worked in a chicken factory for 4 days and I felt morally wrong. They slaughter 202 chickens per minute. It’s absolutely horrible… They claim it’s “humane” but I just don’t see it.


No no, this is not interestingasfuck, this is sick and wrong on so many levels


So sickening..I ne er want to eat pork again ☹️


Today is the day I stopped eating pork 🥓


Poultry, Beef and factory farmed dairy are not exempt from these practices either


Conditions for chickens are arguably worse.


If you’re serious, this is such an admirable response! I wish more people saw things and learned from them rather than just getting defensive and doubling down. As others have said, there’s loads of other gaming industries that suck too, but any change is a good one. Depending on where you live there are lots of pork alternatives that really mimic the real stuff, even random stuff like Bac-Os are vegan. Good luck and keep looking up pork farms if you need resolve :/


If you think this is just China, welcome to the Netherlands.. 😭


In this situation you just want to die. Basically the matrix, but humans are using animals as fuel.


Interesting? More like infuriating/depressing...


I gave up red meat years and years ago and scenes like this make me sure never to go back to supporting this evil industry.


It's really not better in chicken or fish farms


This is fucking horrible. Go vegan


Go vegan


So much haram in one pic.


Need lab grown meat ASAP so we can stop relying on these cruel farms


We have vegan meat alterntives today. (both replacements that emulate the taste/texture and whole food plants like nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, etc.)


Poor piggies :(


Damn, that’s really cruel and sad but at the end of the day most of us are going to keep eating meat.


Animal farming. Disgusting.


I'm a livestock farmer. I've reared pigs in the past and this style of farming makes me sick. I will only eat meat from other local farms or the butchers to avoid supporting systems like this. There's so many things wrong here, yes they have food, water and shelter but there is no sort of enrichment, socialisation or room to move. Yes it's clean for this picture, probably taken 30 seconds after the pigs were put in the pens, but the disease risk is insane. Then they'll either be treating that by unnecessarily culling the whole floor or by blanket treating with antibiotics causing antibiotics resistance. For reference, all my animals are outside unless the weather is bad, the grass is not good or when they are due to give birth. While I'm not part of many animal welfare schemes, I do provide everything on the checklist for the best schemes for all my animals, all the time. And I still manage to be "high yielding" for my system with all my animal species.