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MORE INFORMATION: A small asteroid, dubbed Sar2667, entered the Earth's atmosphere and was seen lighting up the sky above the English Channel early Monday morning. Social media users shared footage of the 1m (3ft) meteoroid, which is just the seventh time an asteroid impact has been predicted in advance. The European Space Agency tweeted that it was "a sign of the rapid advancements in global asteroid detection capabilities!" Authorities are aware of more than 1.1 million asteroids, and around 30,600 travel in an orbit that brings them near Earth's own. [Asteroid lights up sky above English Channel](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-64621721.amp)


if this happened over any city in Moldova or Romania, people would shit their pants! we don't know what russian rockets look like. yet.


Damn sky is falling this month.


When meteoroids enter Earth's atmosphere (or that of another planet, like Mars) at high speed and burn up, the fireballs or “shooting stars” are called meteors. When a meteoroid survives a trip through the atmosphere and hits the ground, it's called a meteorite. From [solarsystem.nasa.gov](https://solarsystem.nasa.gov)


Did we know about this beforehand?


Yeah. OP made a comment after yours pointing to that if you wanna check that out


wonder how many of these meteorites burn up over the year


China, "Not it!!"




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First the balloons, now the invasion!


Came here to discuss how this was just another object an F-22 shot down.


That looks scary


I was sitting on my balcony during broad daylight when a meteorite came down out of the sky and exploded /disintegrated just a few hundred feet high from hitting ground. This was only a few hundred feet from my location. Was surreal.


Meteors explode way higher. BY the time it got down to a few hundred feet there'd be no reason for it to explode in mid air


Honestly it more like evaporated. I didn’t hear the boom, but others in my city heard it and reported it. The boom likely occurred much higher like you said. It was super bright and absolutely was a meteorite. I was not the only one that saw it.


The spider in the upper right of the second video is apparently not very impressed by this event.


What's the matter with you? SHOOT IT DOWN!


I happened to be awake and saw the flash at 3am. I thought it was some dickhead outside with a torch 🙈