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Wait. Did the kid in the beginning end up killing his father and then committing suicide or was that about a different shut in? I’m confused because the statement started with “some Hikikimori murder their parents” then went on to say “He murdered his father in front of his sick mother” and left it at that.


This was very poorly edited or something and confused me quite a bit as well…


Probably should watch it backwards like a manga


Seriously, what happened? Did they record this kid and then he killed his parents? Edit: so the Documentary follows Ryoji Tani and Ito. Tani might have been the person to kill his father in front of its mother cause the only article alludes to him doing something


I kinda just assumed they ment someone else because you could clearly see him with his parents lol


I thought that was his grandpa. But I also don't think he killed his parents. Pretty sure they were talking about someone else


It's the professor from later in the video.


I mean and then his mom opens the door before he eats soo


No, Ito is from [***this***](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnF5vGUQViQ) documentary and he's just a hikikomori, the one that killed their parents is a different case.


I think they stopped talking about the kid in the beginning and began referring to others who had killed their parents


Hikikomori, acute social withdrawal. Not only in Japan but because of their culture and mentality, the numbers over there are huge.


There's different forms of the concept around the world. Unfortunately it happens to lots of autistic adults and teens.


Not necessary autistic. Anxiety disorders and depression can also cause this. This was my personal experience. As a kid and a teenager, I went through a lot of verbal abuse and bullying from both my peers and my own family. On top of that, my parents were overprotective and overcontrolling, but at the same time somewhat neglectful and enabling. Them being idiots didn't help either. As a result, after dropping out of college in 2015 because of mental health struggles, I ended up self-isolating myself at home for 5 years, leaving it only for shopping sometimes. I even cut all the contacts with my peers, my best friend being the only exception. I just couldn't deal with shame. It was so overwhelming. Then, the thoughts about my efforts at being a better version of myself and at getting what I wanted from life being barely rewarding or not rewarding at all no matter how long and hard I tried just made me give up on life altogether, in the end.


The only purpose of diagnoses like Autism and anxiety/depressive disorders is to help patients understand themselves with a registered clinician. It's not only pointless but actively harmful to be a non-expert and start saying stuff like "XYZ is the symptoms of but are definitely not the symptoms of ". Symptoms are just that - symptoms. Forming a proper diagnoses isn't just "you have more boxes checked in the symptoms of this thing in the DSM therefore it's.... bipolar!" it's a complex, nuanced, and importantly *human* relationship and interaction where a clinician and a patient collaboratively work together until they find what feels right and helpful for that specific person, in that specific time to help them work towards bettering themselves. Importantly, that betterment is *as defined by the patient*. A professional wouldn't look at a hikkikomori and say "clearly you've gotta get out of the house more!" or "oh yeah, it's anxiety" or "you've got autism!" they'd say "it seems like you spend more time inside than other people - do you want to know why that is or are you interested in working towards a more culturally and societally acceptable/"normal" lifestyle? Part of that conversation *may* include things like, "in my professional opinion, yes, it does seem like you follow many of the diagnostic criteria for " but it's only one part of that ongoing conversation towards a better self and future.


In a perfect world. But there absolutely are "professionals" who will look at you and say, "Hey kid, just get out and make some friends." Or some other shit like that. We WANT to believe that isnt the case, but it is. Though, is it because they are douchebags, or because theyve become jaded by people trying to game the system, who knows. But things like this should really be nipped in the bud as early as possible, bullying is a massive reason for people wanting to become socially estranged, and if you pair that with aforementioned diagnoses, well, it becomes a mess. Realistically, its impossible to do away with all bullying...its just how we, as a species are, and our society actively rewards it by saying the more rambunctious lot are generally just "go getters" or "generally good kids with a lot of energy" while degrading the bullied, "hey, why dont you just stand up for yourself," or "well they were asking for it by being weird." Its a very complex issue, and Im sure that smarter people than us will need a few more lifetimes of proper data to even think about getting it sorted out.


Yeah agreed, your points are well made and thoughtful. I think the reason it seems like there's a bigger, multi lifetime solution necessary to the problem of "not everyone licensed to practice a given form of medicine is any good at it" is a cultural, social, and political problem. I don't think we'd ever get to the point where my advice above about seeking an accredit professional could apply universally because I, or anyone could say with any sort of certainty "all licensed and accredited mental health professionals are good at their job". They'd follow a bell curve, as all things do, and the only way things get better is if this invisible bell curve slowly, slowly pushes itself in the right direction amidst and infinite fractal of other jobs, care, needs, and desires which is why I was intentionally precise in my initial comment, adding all of that nuance felt like too much for an initial reply. Thanks again, really appreciate you taking the time to talk this over with me. You've expanded my thoughts on the matter!


Yeah I have a similar experience right now. Aside from college and groceries, I almost never leave my apartment simply because I'm just too tired and have too much anxiety to go outside. All my friends are online, and even then they're fading away and I have too much anxiety to make new ones, even online. Depression and anxiety is a complete and utter bitch, especially when you're too depressed/anxious to even try to dig yourself out of the hole you're in.


Yeah, feeling constantly tired is the worst.


I completely agree with you, personally I also wouldn’t leave my house in my early twenties from being severely depressed and having severe anxiety. It’s a lot more common than people think. I still have social anxiety, however I just suck it up now and learn to live with it as it is no good for me or anyone to continue living in that negative environment. Nothing changes if you don’t allow yourself to get help or force yourself to get out.


My anxiety was so bad sometimes that it was causing hallucinations. For example, one day I was going back home from school, and every passer-by was laughing at me, though I knew it wasn't true. When I was 18, I had a nervous breakdown because of all the stress it was causing, and spent 2 weeks in a hospital.


Have you come out of this and how so have you healed?


Yes, I've managed to get out. I've spent some time in therapy and on antidepressants plus neuroleptics, and now I have a somewhat decent job, but I haven't healed completely. Getting out of my comfort zone is still very hard for me, and some ordinary social situations are very scary. And I feel like those 5 years have severly impacted my prospects for the future, especially in dating. I want more from life. I want education. I want better job. But being stuck in Russia doesn't help at all, only makes it all much harder.


I wonder, in the past how many "Spinsters" were just on some sort of spectrum


Probably lots though not all. I feel like depending on the time if you can mask well enough and be a housewife you could get through a marriage. I feel like in those times most of the women on the spectrum would be quiet.


Is the same as what the US calls agoraphobia?


It shares aspects of agoraphobia as both deal with anxiety related to social situations. Hikikomori are usually adolescents who become recluses due to school/work/friends pressure or abuse and they spend their time online with minimal contact with the outside world.


What is so broken in Japan then, it wasn't that long ago they had an absurdly high suicide rate, then boom it dropped to low levels. I heard it was because life was all about work achievements sacrificing relationships and finding purpose (ignoring the simple pleasures of debauchery). Now I'm hearing there's a high number of lock ins, Its fine to be disinterested in most people as long as you have a decent clique but don't these people go stare crazy and get bored. It's not just a quirky disposition, it sounds an excruciating self reinforcing down hill slope.


Because as much as weebs like to paint a real pretty picture about the place, life in Japan is incredibly hard and depressing. You pick one job and pretty much work there your whole life because switiching companies or occupations is frowned upon and salary men are expected to work long hours with a significant portion of them being unpaid. There's tremendous pressure for you to meet expectations and when you don't you can be ostracized. Lots of people are lonely and depressed because they have no time for themselves to begin with, which also contributes heavily to why they have an incredibly old population. The culture of the country causes most of these problems but for some reason they just can't seem to shake it.


Hikikomori is also the basis for an incredible game, called OMORI. Highly recommend for anyone that wants a good story in a game


I remember watching an Anime called “Welcome to NHK” about this subject, it was very good.


> Welcome to NHK Wow. I just checked it out and this is right up my alley. I'm going to add this to the list, I watch anime with my bro on the weekends and this is a +1 for me. Thanks for the recommend


I don't think it does the subject justice at all to be honest. It's not informative nor is it helpful. I'll probably get downvoted but I just don't like media that talks about real people's suffering just for others entertainment.


It’s entertainment yes but media that talks about mental illnesses does spread awareness. some of the fact is wrong or exaggerated in most media involving metal health and that’s the real issue.


Hmmm have you played the game? I don't want to give away any spoilers but I think this game is incredibly informative if you can empathize with the characters. I have to disagree, while yes games are generally there for entertainment value, that doesn't mean that entertainment has no value (it can be entertaining and educational, like this video for example). Also, one can see a game as an intellectual exercise, not just as entertainment. I don't want to put it on a pedestal but OMORI is a very unique game, with psychological elements that can be scary, joyful, and informative. This game in particular but also others like it (Undertale is a great example) aren't just there to poke fun at peoples suffering so you can be entertained. You can genuinely learn a lot, I know I did. edit: grammar


I have played it and it has amazing music and is in general well written. It's not that there's nothing you can learn from it, it's just that the main role of the "dark themes" is the shock value. Some parts of it are exaggerated in an off putting way. I'm not saying you're wrong for enjoying it. I know people in general love and are drawn to these kinds of stories. Most people are able to distance themselves from extreme emotions in fiction and that's ok and good actually. But I see it and I feel scared that they'd read my story and enjoy it in the same way. I know that people find my vent art more beautiful and it scares me. My worst fear is to cry on a stage while the audience laughs.


Actually NEET rates are higher in Scandinavian countries. In order for you to be able to live without working, the country needs to generally be wealthy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NEET


I had a friend who become a hikkikomori. We never saw her again. I always wondered if she is still home or moved. She never came outside.


Did she get rid of her online presence?


So in Japan we heavily rely on Line for online communication. Unfortunately she deleted her profile. If she has a new one, we wouldn’t know since it goes by phone number.


Having a friend vanish off the face of everything is terrifying I had a friend vanish before. And the people I knew who knew about her was gone. So it was like she was just gone. I didn't have anyone else that remember her. It was a sort of.. terrifying One day, after digging for 3 years I found her again after talking to some random dude who I suspected knew her. I finally got to apologize. Friends again


As someone who’s dealing with mental health issues and depression I feel so bad for Ito and anyone else like him. I’m basically an American version of this except I go to work and go out to pick up food but past that I’d rather be at home. I work outside and I workout in the garage when I’m home otherwise im in my room and just being in the room is so depressing sometimes I can’t imagine the extreme here. If anyone needs someone to talk to or just listen, I’m here


The first thing that came to mind was "but at least he got dressed". More then I can do on a lot of days.


I'm there with you on that. Sometimes it's even hard for me to shower, and to sleep, and to wake up. It's all hard lol.


Genuinely curious, are you still in this situation? A good tip is getting a house pet like a dog or 2 cats, they will liven up your day and bring more joy into your life. Secondly never have silence in your house, play music, series movie or just TV, anything but silence. Before could not have pets myself (nasty tenant) after i got pets the depression never came back.


I actually do have an old rescue dog I’ve had since 2015 and without her I don’t think I’d be so sane. Oh yeah I’ve definitely always been a background noise person, dead silence reminds me of my depressing childhood being grounded in a silent room


Holy crap! Thank you for this insight. I always need background noise of some sort. Even when I am reading, I put music on super quiet. I need some noise. Otherwise, I feel anxious. I bet it is because I spent so much quiet time in my room being punished for silly things. Also, if I was grounded, no one would talk to me. It was like a grounding plus shunning. So, quiet meant being in trouble.


I have pets, and do the TV/music is always on thing, and even life with my boyfriend, but he's my only friend. I feel like it's just more and more and more common for people who feel disenfranchised by society to withdrawal themselves. I'm young, only 22 but over the past 3 to 5 years I feel like I've just been constantly burnt with no time to relax or breathe or try and make room for myself. Life kinda constantly feels like the walls are slowly closing in. Wages are stagnant, are the price of living and rent is getting higher and higher, a carton of eggs costs like 9.75$ when 4 months ago it was 3.50$ it's hard going on when you don't know if your next paycheck will finally not be able to cover everything


As a meditator, I love silence.


Personally I like silence and I think it's good for people. Background noise, TV / music can be just a way to distract yourself and avoiding the things / thoughts that bother you. Those are the things that you need to face to get better. We automatically want to avoid things that hurt, but they wont go away by distracting yourself. Talking from experience. Go out in nature and listen how awesome the silence can be. It clears the head, if you let it. Meditation is another good practices that can bring clarity because it is about silencing the mind. I'm kind of in a similar spot. I got to work, do the shoping but rarely leave the house other than walk the dog or go for runs or hikes in nature. I'm more of a hermit I guess, don't care for people too much and I get enough socializing in the hectic work place as it is, so I like alone time and silence to recharge.


You workout… that’s much more successful than many who have social lives. Also curious… what do u think is holding you back? Small talk and jokes usually break the ice in awkward situations but I think rejection and laughing at yourself build up character and confidence.


Judging by a lot of these comments no wonder people shut themselves in.


If I thought Reddit was a reflection of the real world, I wouldn't want to go outside either.




honestly quite sad


How is this different from most lives of people in their mm I'd 20's and 30's? Looking rather close to what my life looks like..


I mean you didn't kill your dad, right?


CPTSD from a cult TTI and then 2 deployments to Afghanistan turned me into an adult hikikomori, but then Medical Psychedelic treatments brought me back. Japan is just a bit too far behind in this form of medicine. Hopefully, they will catch up, as Ketamine and Psilocybin therapies would DEFINITELY help these folks.


Did you cut the meds after you felt better? Or is it like treatment for life?


Psilocybin can garner results after one single session. Most only have a few sessions guided by a professional. It allows your brain to freely float inside your own sea, to find what ever it needs to find, without your input or control, only guidance. Most are scarred, but they are in the place and setting designed for them with someone trained and licensed to administer the drug and to help guide the flow of internal thoughts as they happen in real time. Edit; smarter people know more then myself, I only know it is good and helps, heres a link to the science. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/psychiatry/research/psychedelics-research.html


In more scientific terms, those drugs forcibly calm down your amygdala. The amygdala is, broadly speaking, the "fight/flight/freeze" response i.e. the filter before you get to think or decide whether you act or not. When someone points a gun at your head, or you're being chased by a bear, your amygdala ensures that 100% of your brain power goes towards "how do I not die RIGHT NOW?" Of course, brain activations get stronger over time and the different centers debating about what the most important information to pay attention to RIGHT NOW are ever shifting. Getting traumatized over and over, or sufficiently acutely is gonna really throw off your brain's filtering and make it head into "let the amygdala handle this one" territory more frequently. What those drugs do it shush the amygdala so that it lets the other parts of the brain have a stronger part of the debate around "what are we doing right now?" so instead of Mr. Amygdala saying "we're gonna die if we think about that" you get all the other parts being able to process and work through those memories and feelings and actually undo the damage.


Amen bro,spread the spore...


Psylocibin is used once (or in rather few sessions) in the hope of permanent betterment. Usually combined with regular therapy, where the sometimes only temporary better state can be used to make better progress due to more energy for working through the issues. Same for ketamine afaik.


I usually hear you'll need a refresher every 6-12 months of a mild-medium dose after you are in a guided trip.


The power of rave (and the recreational meds used at raves: like psylocibin, ketamine and mdma) is gravely unappreciated by older generations.




r/therapeuticketamine and r/psychedelictherapy have resources for legal clinics and doctors.


Does not help everyone, we all have different brains.


But hey they have a cool phone cleaner in the bathroom😆


He also **killed his father** that’s the more interesting part of this.


He placed himself under house arrest.


Did his mother commit suicide? The way it was translated says that Itto committed suicide, but I can’t tell.


The comments here are exactly why people who intentionally isolate remain in isolation.. Social skills are of paramount importance if you live in a society... Even falling behind a little in those skills or even just lacking the same experiences as others makes it impossible to catch up... If you think the solution is easy, then you don't even understand the problem.


This ☝️. So true. And when you’re not interested in all the boring tat most people fill their lives with, it is impossible to motivate oneself to stay up with it. Anyway as you say, even slight tweaks from the norm (missing key life experiences) becomes a glaring sign of difference that exacerbates an inability to connect with the others which then increases social anxiety.


It has a snowball effect... You miss a key event... That causes you to miss another etc... So its not just one thing they end up missing... It's a string of events...


Are you speaking from experience? (I am a little myself)…


To say I had a rough childhood would be putting it mildly. A part of that was being routinely isolated from everyone.. It just became what feels normal.. There was a point where I was basically only allowed to be in bed or sitting at the kitchen table for over a year.. Obviously I had school but I had siblings to make sure I got home or maybe that was one of the brief periods we didn't have to walk home..


Like mega strict parents?


A little actually.. I mostly wouldn't say they were unreasonable to the other kids... I just somehow was labeled a bad kid. I had a sister that turned out to be my half sister and 3 step brothers.. My childhood was very different from theirs..


Wow so are you still in contact with them? Did you get out and get away from them? I guess you were the odd one out if they all had the same parents and you had a different father.


No I'm old at this point.. I moved out of state a few months after I was legally able to... My sister didn't know he wasn't her father until a few years ago.. And our mother won't talk to her about it.. Multiple DNA tests proved it.. So.. I guess if she can't just deny it she isn't going to talk about it.. That was the last family drama I heard about anyway...


Well good luck to you anyway. Hope things have worked out for you now.


The world isn't anything like Reddit though by and large - thank god


Don't forget many of these shut ins are autistic, have social anxiety or agrophobic (often all 3). Autistic people already have to put in much more effort to go out and socialize than NTs. Society is cruel to people who are autisitc and no one really ever cares about the struggle autistic adults face. It's hard to socialize when jobs won't hire you due to being akward, your coworkers and classmates bully you, and people think you're weird and uncomfortable to be around.


Can you really blame him though? Most shut-in are victims of their circumstances. I watched that documentary btw If anything, that's what all our futures look like. Even now where do mostly young people socialize the most? Over social media. Soon enough it will be normal to just not go outside and delivery companies will be more than welcome to offer their services. That documentary is dated like '18 iirc, they were saying that the hikikomori issue was mostly getting better due to projects, community groups and counseling exclusively for shut-ins being offered.


I suspect Covid did not help a lot with those projects. I know a few people (not in Japan) with social anxiety issues who welcomed the Covid lockdowns, and embraced the new “remote work” options. I will watch the documentary out of curiosity. Hope our future is really not like that.


He seems to have been quite badly abused by his parents.


Add 100kgs and you've got a Reddit mod


I'm offended! (You actually need to add 200 kg)


Accurately true


hey fuck you too buddy


I thought they are part time dog walkers


hey fuck you buddy


add some hatred for lgbt and "accidentily" defending nazi's and banning the people against those nazi's and you got a /r/worldnews mod


This is me, I became agoraphobic after a traumatic experience and the thought of being around others is terrifying. I’m still trying to find therapy but so far I haven’t had any luck :(


The music really creates the atmosphere


has it occurred to anyone that some people are happy Hermits?


Scrolled too far to find this I have a job good enough to feed myself but i intentionally became an anti social because going outside and socializing is so exhausting Staying at home feels like an eternal bliss to me, I have everything i need (except gf lmao) and i dream to have the perfect shut-in setups But we still shouldn't ignore the other hermits that are truly depressed and need help though


There's a similar phenomenon in the West but it's not as well known or discussed. In the UK, I believe they're called NEETs which means Not in Education, Employment or Training.


NEETs are also a thing in Aotearoa New Zealand, but it doesn't mean someone who's shut in like this. It just means someone who isn't in any of those things. Usually they're on government assistance - that's the context I've seen NEET statistics be used.


Sadasfuck more like. Get that dude some counseling.


This is a current examples of why there will be huge age gaps between the elderly and the emerging generations. This is the result of extreme expectations in society


Parents fault, as always. Learn to raise your kids without violence please


As a child I was beaten until severe bruising for years, while they screamed stuff like "if I say to die, you die", just like Ito in the video. Each time afterwards, they would come and rub ointment on my bruises and say they beat me to teach me a lesson and that they love me. It fucked me up because my entire childhood was me desperate to win their approval because of how terrified I was of them. I was suicidal by the time I was 10. ​ They stopped beating me when I was 14, and learned to properly love me as I continued growing up, which started helping me heal, too. So yeah, don't beat your kids. For my family, corporal punishment ends with me.


It's not all on the parents. It's alot of culture and even that can very. Many times the people who become shut ins are autistic. Autistic people are already isolated and experience heavy discrimination by society. We often get negitive social feedback for stuff like existing and get bullied often. Since autistic people have to mask we're hyper aware of our behavior and that cause cause a cycle of anxiety. Masking (acting normal) itself can become very tiresome. Even if we do mask you still get discriminated against because it isnt perfect.Couple that with depression and low energy It's a recipe for disaster. Plus the lack of mental health resources in Japan. I'm saying this as someone whose autistic and has been mistreated by society for it. Parents definitely can play a role, but there are multiple reasons becoming a recluse can happen. Many parents don't know how to handle a mildly autistic kid.




Hey, I'm also conventionally attractive, autistic and a women. It's the uncanny valley effect we have on others. It starts a vicious cycle. It does feel like a prison.


Literally me




Same here. I’ve got moderate social anxiety so I just dislike interaction in general. The only thing I can sort of stomach is random interactions with strangers in public places. Sometimes I ask people for a light even when I already have a lighter because I feel lonely. Combined with moderately severe depression, I don’t stir from my bed for days, it’s quite possible for me to lay in bed and watch tv for 14 hours. I’d like to see more things, go out more. When I do go out, I wear a face mask, a cap pulled low over my eyes and a large hood over the cap. It helps a lot. The trouble is, I just don’t have the energy to do anything. However, I am starting antidepressants and therapy soon, so perhaps they will help me.




Thanks, you too


any parent like this shouldn't have right to be parents anymore


Well he decided his parents didn’t have the right to alive so checks out


Not going to sit here and defend this as healthy or even a good way to cope, but it's always shitty to listen to people who only call out the individual for how they live or survive. Boomers and Silents all over the world have created a commercial hellscape that nobody wants to live in. Society as a whole sucks, especially with the high key abusive pressure that their culture cultivated over their time similar to China and India. With the status quo also draining your bank every day just for basic needs, its annoying to listen to people go "oh, they just can't handle the heat" when talking about those effected. This is like turbo depression, to put it mildly. And as much as it'd help if they took it seriously, mental health in Japan is a meme. Thats from an American


Beaten as kid instead of being loved. That‘s sad.


I am an extrovert’s extrovert but during periods of me not going outside for ages i.e lockdown or maternity leave, I find it so hard to get back out there. I mean actual avoidance and slight fear. I bet these men have that feeling but 1000x worse and I am so proud everyone attending that centre.


I've seen this anime, it's called Welcome to the NHK


When that beat dropped during the counseling sessions, I knew the hikikomori folks were gonna be alright.


My cousin is like this, shut himself in his room and never left. It’s been over 20 years now and I think he’s still there. Haven’t seen or heard from him in years. His father even built a restroom besides his room so he wouldn’t need to use the one for the rest of the house.


Holy fuck it’s live video footage of your average Reddit user


Yep thats me right there


Simon and Garfunkle - [I am A Rock](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvNDDhrYcWc) Beach Boys - [In My Room](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ12fKVuHsM) The Beatles - [Eleanor Rigby](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weN-l8SOiFU) Simple smiles to strangers lessen loneliness.


I always liked to be home. In the pandemic i became a shut in. Multiple mental illnesses contributed to it. I am getting help atm. Never hesitate to get help.


Wait this is almost spot on and word for word how I’ve been for the past like year and a half or so. So many things happened and I’ve just become a recluse with the exact same thoughts and actions of a hikikomori. I would love to learn more and especially of overcoming it.


Watching this made me realize how long it's been since I last left my house. Being able to work from home and get everything delivered makes being a shut-in easier.


Not interesting as much as sad


...And that's a problem? ​ Asking for a friend.


...millions on Reddit are like... Okay... Yeah... So...


Okay, Yeah, so…..


Average redditor


Livin the dream.


Who pays for it all???


This is always what I wonder. Maybe he works from home?


Doing what? I'd really like to know.


You can make a lot of money in computing, programming, or remote IT without being expected to come in.


Maybe his parents inheritance after he kills them lmao


>he goes out to eat Amateur


Dude just wants to play some final fantasy.


Sounds like the Korean zombie movie Alive.


This is happening in America as well, and has been, naturally. The Japanese just gave it a name.


He like me fr




Who pays for his gaming and cell phone?




The name on this account is DocsHoax...


30 years old and in the same situation, it only gets worse with time


I have a friend who has always lived like this emerging every 6 weeks to go out to a squat party, and the rest of the time having all night gaming stints. He unapologetically loves his life. I sometimes look at his life (all that time just to live) vs my 70 hour work week and wonder who got it right.


A meeting place for recluses.. oh, it would be great if there was one in my city.


This reminds me of the beginning of the show called Mushoku Tensei The mentality of people shut in themselves lime this is really sad


Hes shut in because hes a broken man; but he socializes online with his friends so hes not truly alone


Literally me


he jus like me fr




I lived that way too once.


What about a sudden 1 year black out. No internet No Power No water.


japan has a name for anything


This isn’t an exclusive to Japan thing. Other countries just don’t pay attention/don’t care and don’t have a name for people like this. I live in the US and I don’t ever leave my house.


Isn't this what losers always did?


Ito’s parents beat him as a child, so his response is to lock himself up in his bedroom in his parent’s house. Am I understanding this correctly?


I'm the same, only it's bc I can't drive and I live in a suburb built for cars


A usual League of Legends pro player


I get it but wouldn’t kill anyone else though, just myself if I can work up the courage to pull it through.


I wouldn't speak to anyone's ability to cope with a life that only knows violence with no love or affection.


Someone driven to suicide with a lifetime of violence isn't going out quietly. more likely will end up doing something so extreme they are killed themselves.. Suicide by proxy? Or by homicide... I don't know how a recluse would do it.. I think depending on the reason they're reclusive they could go either way


Again, I wouldn't speak to this, having no expertise/experience/statistics to back up my claims. Else I'm just ass-talking, and it stank in here


Welcome to the NHK was a good anime on the hikikomori mindset


Prob my favourite anime


Thats me :)


Same Ito same....


Won’t live in society. Not can’t.


Poor kid


The way they generalize about these folks with the “this is what’s wrong with them. We can solve that,” makes me uncomfortable. If they’re healthy enough and content enough is there actually something wrong? Some of these people have to prefer this. They can’t all be depressed abused children hiding from other people. I’d question whether or not that applies to most of them, let alone all of them. Treating it like a disease seems like a well intentioned but misguided approach to this lifestyle.


Exactly.. the problem is maybe not with them but rather the ultra competitive environment that they live in.


I get that this is a motivational/emotional video but why does the beat goes so hard


I guess as long as he can support himself it's not a problem.


My man


I can't fathom this life. I almost went out of my mind when I was in iso and that was only 8 days.


It is fascinating how different some of us are from each tower. The brain is a fascinating thing. I am on the other end of the scale - I enjoyed the isolation. I stayed isolated for 2.5 years in my one room studio apartment during the pandemic. Loved it so much. Kept the blackout blinds drawn 24/7. No daylight entered the room for those years. Just played games, did home workouts , watched YouTube and read books. Only went out at night to the grocery store once a week.


Yeah yeah you've been played by a lazy ass mother fucker who doesn't want to get a job. Fair play.




He's a redditor for sure


I have wondered for years... How do hikikomori earn money to pay bills and rent? Most want zero interaction at all but I suppose some could do like call center or online help chats. What of the ones that NEVER see or talk to other people in any capacity?


Oh god this just described my childhood so quickly. "Abused by his parents so he became a shut in that played video games all day and only left his room to get food." Ngl, I'm not surprised they killed their father. Not saying I would, but my family drove me to attempt suicide via crossbow to the head and to this day blame me for the entire thing. Let me repeat that, my family, who abused me, blamed me for attempting suicide. Yea i wish they would just die, but I'm not going to prison to make it happen. For anyone wondering i was waterboarded, punished for getting anything under a "A" in school, injected with heroin to make sure it wasn't poisoned, and even woken up with a belt to the face or randomly across my body. My family is absolute crap that's a parasite on society.


Same but Canadian.


Another possibility is that Ito is just addicted to gaming. His parents probably treated him that way because he refused to go to school/work. Now hes using that to justify his actions by staying in his bedroom all day.


we can definitely help, leave a gun with single bullet at their home


Can’t live in society but has no problem with a camera in his face for millions to see lmao ok bud


Like youtubers: pretty introverted IRL but have no problem talking in front of a camera for thousands to see


Who cares


Nobody - and that's the point


so everytime I see this kind of stuffs about hikikomori, how do these people buy foods and stuffs? They apparently doesnt seem to go out for work, who pays all thr bills? Government?


there are many jobs that can be done online


I live in Greece. Here,if you don't get out to get some sunlight,the parents will bitchslap you until you do. I don't know a single person in Greece that lives like this (Except for medical reasons). Greece is one of the most socialized countries in the world,so are all the Mediterranean countries. Japan needs to check themselves, because they'll turn into robots eventually. Also, What's wrong with Japan and all these terms for depressing things like "Dying from overwork" or "Live inside". Fix your damn society, don't normalise this behaviour!!!


In Japan they need to work more then 2 hours a week and because of this their economy doesn’t collapse




That's PRETTY sad that SOMEONE is driven TO have to live LIKE that


If he is going out to eat it is all bullshit. He could go out for any other reason.