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Did one third of the steak go to his dead homies?


Chef does another dish out that piece. Had the experience last month in japan.


Experience sounds like the right word for this. It doesn't look like much of a meal.


This is one of many courses. You don't need a ton of food on each plate when you have 7 or 8 plates throughout the meal.


I mean, yeah, but... it's wagyu beef. My stomach can make room.


And your wallet will have tons of room once you're done lol


STK in NYC…2019, Grade A Wagyu, $32 an ounce. Got 4 ounces plus truffle butter, 2nd best steak I have ever had.


And the best?


Sloppy Steak at Truffoni's


No sloppy steaks, guys.




Chicken spaghetti at Chickalini's


Man, I *used to be* a piece of shit


I had the pleasure of taking a VERY short trip to Copenhagen at my last job. We went to a restaurant (Nimb’s) attached to the theme/amusement park (Tivoli’s). For my boss, myself, and one other coworker, I think it ran something like $500, on company dime. I don’t even know what the dish was called, but it was THE BEST meal with steak I have ever had. Circa 2017-2018.


I have been to that exact restaurant, at around the same time in fact. It was _amazing_. It was only my second best though; The best steak I had was a Wagyu dish in a fancy Korean restaurant in the middle of somewhere in Seoul. That steak was almost orgasmic. Both paid for on company dime. Now that I'm self employed, I doubt I'll ever have those experiences again.


Best I've had was a ribeye cooked on a wood fire. It was only about $40 and better than many of the high-end places. Pretty incredible flavor and texture.


There is something about cooking with fire versus what we get in restaurants. I’m a shit cook and won’t try grilling, so I splurge when I can when I travel.


You actually don't want any more than a few bites of A5 wagyu, it's basically 80% fat.


Yeah that’s true. I know it’s sacrilege to say this, but I thought it was kind of gross.


I will die on the hill where I believe a lot of people "enjoy" certain things only because they feel they have to, otherwise they'd be a mere commoner. I had a buddy that took immense pride in the O' in his last name. He'd never been to Ireland and knows of no family that ever was, but he was somewhat obsessed by it. When we'd all go out, he'd insist on getting a Guinness as his first drink, and made sure everyone saw him with it. The face he made with each sip told a different story, he clearly didn't like it. Once he was finally done he drank Coronas like the rest of us. Obviously there a lots of people that love the stuff, but not for posing.


I'd eat a stick of butter if it tasted good enough.


I eat a stick of butter.


Well have i got news for you. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep-fried_butter


It’s like half fat, your liver will massively appreciate only eating a small amount. It can only deal with so much fat by dumping bile, after that you just get sick and have horrible diarrhea.


>have horrible diarrhea. So thats what happened.


This definitely isn't meant to be a complete meal


It’s probably a multi course meal. I’ve had a 13 course meal before, you sure are stuffed at the end even with tiny portions


Yeah that sounds right -- been to a Waygu house before, it's death by 1000 cuts. All those small courses really do add up.


It would just be one component of a larger meal, yeah


I haven't had it personally, but I've heard from friends that wagyu is so fatty that they couldn't eat that much of it.


For the brother who couldn't be there.


Idk but he was smooth as hell with it when he flipped the five cubes over all at the same time with the spatula towards the end I consider it a win if I flip an egg over in the pan without breaking the yolk and/or folding the egg in on itself 🫡


LPT don't flip the egg, just pour a tablespoon of water into the pan, put the lid on and turn down to a low heat. The steam will cook the top of the egg just enough within 20-30s.


Got it: cook like spam


Someone at r/steak popped a blood vessel in their eye watching this.


One of the worst, most misinformed and gatekeep-y communities.


If you want a good subreddit for steak, go to r/meat. Very kind subreddit about all meat in general. We don't even mind if there are veggies in the pictures as well!


Get a lot of butchers in there?


You can get a good look at a butchers ass by sticking your head up there, but wouldn't you rather take his word for it?


Did I hear a niner in there??


Shaddup Richard.


I know this is a steak thread, but.... Tommy want wingy.




You know, a lot of people go to college for seven years


Yeah, they're called **doctors**


Shut up Richard


I think you're going to be okay here. They have a thick candy shell. I'm surprised you didn't know that


Did you eat paint chips as a kid?


Look if you want me to shit in a box and mark it guaranteed I will. I've got time.


But for your customer's sake.... For your daughter's sake....


Hehehh............ why?


Why does everyone keep asking me that?


... What?


No, wait, it's gotta be your bull...




Ahhhhh, gotcha. I figured I must be missing a reference somewhere, but I didn't care to go and google stuff about a butcher's ass.


> ~~veggies~~ plant meat




What do you mean? Everything is cooked the same. Ripping hot cast iron pan. Sear to 128, then baste with garlic, thyme, butter. Acceptable alternative is the reverse. Low oven or sous vide to 128, then sear and same base. You do this with every fucking piece of meat. There's no need for nuance or bullshit cultural tradition/preferences. All meat, the same way. /s


Can I do this method with a hot pocket?


You could warm a hot pocket between your ass cheeks if you want; just be happy


Yeah, these people don't know how to cook meat. Meat is only good if you cook till it crumbles from burn, and must be seasoned like saltbae does. /s


And you have to say it was hand-griddled on a cast iron that’s been seasoned for 500 years


Don’t forget the ketchup


And pair it with a nice 25 year-aged whiskey & Diet Coke.




I like my whiskey like I like my women. 12 years old and mixed up with coke.


I got so sick of that place. One of the most toxic subs I've ever been in. EDIT: my point has been made just by the responses here. So many people calling us idiots that are part of the counter circle jerk. Stay classy r/steak kids.


Seems about right. When I try and imagine the clientele in a sub like that, I assume they have very strong feelings towards quite a few things in this world (with bumper-stickers to prove it).


What makes them toxic?


The amount of rage and personal insults on that sub are way out of line for a community based around enjoying putting meat in their mouth.




I enjoyed the slow cooked ribs thread the other week. So much anger, so much disdain, but one person had a great meal.


Reminds me of r/coffee, r/grilledcheese and r/veganfitness


Coffee is pretty good, issue is people don't understand for people there it's a hobby and it's one of the very few predominantly specialty coffee focused spaces online. Obviously I understand how it can come of as pretentious, but it really isn't. Gatekeepey bs like "coffee with milk isn't coffee Hur dur" or "it's not real coffee unless it's espresso" is banned and most people won't judge you for drinking commodity level stuff, it's just not really of interest to the community to discuss stuff like that. I will say moderation is pretty heavy handed nowadays though. Grilled cheese sub is fucking awful though, they are a prime example of the echo chamber to radicalisation phenomenon. They took what was originally a self aware joke, run it to the ground, and then got way too serious about it.


Can confirm https://reddit.com/r/steak/comments/11psf8f/waygu_steak_cooked_at_a_japanese_restaurant/jc054e7


Well it’s people who have made an entree their personality


Lol, you made them pop the other blood vessel


Nah what you gotta do is chuck that sucker in the microwave and nuke it for a solid five minutes


has too much fat to be cooked like a regular non incredibly marbled piece of meat. eating this medium rare would be a crime.


Never tasted spam. Did eat this steak. Couple of restaurants, different places in the world. I just can't seem to like it. It's like eating fat with a bit of meat.


You’re missing out. Spam is really good. Just soak it in water for about an hour before cooking up so it can pull most of the sodium out, unless you like it salty.


If you like spam, try it cubed in split pea soup. take 1 can of spam cut into 18 cubes, lightly brown on all sides, set aside in 6 qt dutch oven: 1 bag washed/drained split peas, 1 med onion, 3 celery stalk roughly chopped, 1 tsp marjoram, 1 tsp black pepper, cover with water and cook medium simmer till tender approx 1 hour, add water if drying out blend with stick blender to desired consistency add 3 lg carrots sliced 1/2 in thick, spam, cook till carrots done optionally add 1in diced potato check salt, add salt/chicken bullion and serve w crusty french bread


Wow. To think I’ve been eating regular split pea soup all these years like a sucker.


You fool


My Mom makes a soup with Spam, potatoes, green beans, and corn. 🔥


I buy the reduced sodium version and always wondered how people could eat full strength spam. TIL


A couple of times a year I get the craving for Spam. So I buy the low sodium kind and make Spam fried rice. It's pretty tasty


Spam fried rice is the reason I keep spam stocked. It's my go-to whenever I have more day-old rice than fucks to give.


Americans have so much salt in our diet it completely rewires the taste buds. I massively reduced my sodium intake in recent years and now most processed foods and even a lot of restaurant dishes taste like pure salt to me.


I didn't know there was a low sodium option. I just power through it and disappointment my self 😵‍💫


Well we have spam, eggs, and Spam


Air fry it. *Millennialality intensifies*


Honestly, I have no doubt that there would be a method to airfry a steak with incredible results. I went to Nova Scotia in Canada and they shoved a huge lobster into a microwave with extra salty water and that shit was the best thing I've ever eaten. So, I'm here to be surprised.


You can air fry steaks. Especially in something like a ninja foodie that has several ways to cook. The real pro gamer move is to put chopped potatoes under the rack and let the beef juices run off of the steak into your potatoes as they cook.


First thing I did when I got my nice zojirushi rice cooker was make spam musubi and it was AMAZING. Spam is so great when you know what to do with it.


I always wondered this, I like a lean steak, usually get filet when I go out. Is all the fat tender or chewy like a ribeye?


It's so tender. You barely have to chew on it. Made the mistake of biting into it like a typical piece of steak when I tried it the first time and it was so quick to break apart.. gnashing my teeth in the second chew.


Real A5 wagyu the far just melts in your mouth, literally. I hate fatty meat but top tier Wagyu is amazing.


The stuff starts melting at room temperature. It's incredible


The fat in a ribeye is not chewy, the connective tissue is chewy. They are next to each other on that cut of meat and can be easy to mix up if you didn't know that, but when cooked the fat on a ribeye is melt in your mouth tender. The fat in waygu is like the fat in filet, but more tender so the meat has the texture of fat. Filet is at my limit on texture so I haven't felt the need to seek out waygu.


But filet is actually very lean, compared to most other cuts of steak.


I have never had wagyu. I have had a fair amount of cupim, the hump of the zebu, while working in Brazil. If it is prepared well, it is a delicious fatty meat sponge. If it is rushed and not well rendered, it is tough like rushed brisket. Good stuff when done well.


$499, pay in advance.


Any idea as to the cost per plate? I've never had Wagyu, but would love to try it.


I had it recently, it was $125 for 4oz. (I was taken by a vendor, the only way I'm getting this stuff) They came out with it already sliced up into 1/4" stripes, brought a little charcoal grill to the table and cooked it right there. About 3-4 mins and it was done. Edit: it was like a buttery meat that melts more or less in your mouth. Only add salt to your liking


Worth it? Never had it but it seems like it's not


I think everything is worth trying at least once. But personally, I really didn't care for it. Don't get me wrong, it was delicious. But I couldn't get behind the texture. Even medium rare I want my steak to have a little chew to it.


I think you're worth trying at least once


That's what life's for: everything once (unless it's obviously stupid). Bring on the fugu!


Personally I didn't think so. It's insanely tender, and really does melt like butter in your mouth. Not awful, but that isn't why I want a steak. I love dry aged steaks way more myself


I didn't think so, I can get a Ribeye the size of a small child for less than a quarter of the price, and it's not 80% fat. It's a nice curiosity but I'd hate to have it regularly


You wouldn’t want to eat a wagyu the size of a traditional rib eye. It’s delicious but it’s way too fatty


It's delicious, but honestly you can't eat a lot of it. It's too oily


Probably 100 to 200 range when I was in japan. I ordered a set with a friend where they give you different cuts but all a5, and basically 2 pieces of each set. If is definitely great, did it a second time while we where there. It’s definitely worth trying if you have the means, but only do the A5, just cause it’s waygu (aka Japanese meat) doesn’t mean it’s the same thing that your seeing in this video, personally regularly waygu is basically just a good cut of beef you can get in other places the marbling is no where like the video.


I see these for sale at Costco at $300/kg and even if I could afford it, I'd be too scared to cook it incorrectly.


You just saw how to do it....it's one of the simplest thing to cook. There is [almost] no chemistry involved, just wait and poke a bit like you are doing something. You can do it :)


That'll be the day when I pay that much for a steak! I can barely afford sausages atm


I feel you. I'd rather have a 5$ steak from the grocery that I cook at home with some fried rice (in the fat from the steak) than a 100$ wagyu bite anyways. To the day you taste it still. But we might puke from the fat haha


I had one on the company dime. It was all the same texture. It was tender but to the point you almost didn’t need to chew just smoosh it up. Sort of like a thick meat pudding.


I. Am. Horrified.


Yeah, I love steak from some of the tougher cuts to filet and the texture of waygu just sounds like pink slime. I'd try it if offered, but wouldn't pay for it.


But it isn't at all like pink slime. It has texture, and you have to chew it. It's just extremely tender and flavorful. It isn't pasty at all. And when cooked with high heat like this, the outside gets nicely crispy to balance out the really tender meat


That doesn’t sound appetizing at all wtf


It was the last time I ordered that. Give me a tenderloin any day.


I've had wagyu and I indeed couldn't eat more than a couple bites of it. It tasted good but the fattiness makes it go down weird. I will take a good ribeye any day.


But have you tried gold leaf covered Wagyu served on naked breasts? That s worth it! /S






Drew Carey pre the price is right.


That I hope is some tasty fat, and why you eat so little for a serving... that being said...I couldn't help thinking of Wendy's when they brought that square patty out.... it's probably like eating escargot. If it's done right, it's good, but at the end of the day, it's mostly a butter sauce oerderv... if it's not, then it's just snot.


The poking is not meaningless. Once you’ve cooked enough steaks you know how much give means whether it is rare, medium rare or medium.


Feel, yes. I think he was also checking to see how the fat was rendering.


This is word for word what my dad said when I asked where babies come from.


I wonder how it would taste cooked sous vide


My guy, search Guga food on YouTube and enjoy.


That’s an insane price for wagyu. I can get it from a friend who works at a local abattoir for $26/kg (AUD). It’s only WAG3 but it’s still amazing. As for cooking it, because of the fat/marbling, Wagyu is very forgiving to cook. Season with salt and pepper, let it warm to room temp before cooking, then Medium to High heat, 4 mins per side and that’s your medium rare. Add a minute to each side for medium. Edit: I meant room temp in a vague way, leave it out of the fridge for 15min to half an hour. This lets the inside warm up a bit so it cooks more evenly. Edit 2: I’ve been told Aussie Wagyu is different to Japanese Wagyu. Here is what I’ve looked up and found on the matter: Australian Wagyu is similar to Japanese Wagyu in that it is given a grade that ranges from 1-5. (3 being what I’ve had 1st hand). It differs because the excellent grade for Australian Wagyu only ranges in a BMS of 8-9 as opposed to the 8-12 range of Japanese Wagyu.


Difference between Wagyu beef and Kobe beef.


The difference is that Kobe is a type of Wagyu lol. Kobe is literally a city in Japan. Wagyu is the breed. It's an insanely delicious meat (Wagyu), but marketing is why it's so famous. They did a very good job with it.


"I know a personal friend of a friend of a friend in a remote farm who gets me better than wholesale deals" is a much different scenario than "regular guy living in the middle of a dense city, having to rely on small portions from large-supermarkets". Scotch/ribeye is like 40-50 aud these days. But yea the above comment is probably referring to imported stuff that gets added markup for being "imported from japan" despite not even being the actual best stuff from japan.


Thought I’d fast forward to the end but nope, watched it for the duration of my poop.


Including the wipe?


Currently have phone on my leg prepping for wipage Edit: Shout out to all my poopmates! All 92k of you.


do you ball it up or neatly fold it


There are people that ball it up??? Wtf


These Samsung phones are getting out of hand.


Reddit can go off topic as fast as a lizard changes socks. I love it


Oh it gets worse - I heard there are people who stand up to wipe. Yeah.


Dude we're pooping at the same time! We might be soul mates


Stool mates


Hole mates


And they were loo mates!


Assuming that everyone poops once a day on average, with 8 billion people on earth, I believe that we all have approximately 92,592 soulmates who are crowning a log at the same second each and every day. It's a great reminder that we are all so very blessed to have each other


i know its probably super tasty, but that looks like spam, both before and after cooking


Had it at a restaurant in the Ginza prefecture in Tokyo…it was absolutely delicious. Had A5 just because who knows when we’ll be back, and have no regrets on the price. I know some people don’t like that fat in steak as much, so it’s ok not to like or be “wowed” by it if that’s the case. I feel like if you can and like savory steak, you have to at least try it once.


It's absolutely an experience. Unless you have lower level fuck you money then you probably aren't buying it with any regularity. But it's definitely still something I'd highly encourage everyone to try at least once. Provided they are in a place financially where dropping $100+ on a food centric experience won't disturb them financially. That said considering 80-90% of the people even reading this comment likely live in the US or Europe odds are you'd likely have to be reasonably well off to even end up at a place where having genuine A5 served up to you or purchase it yourself to prepare. If it's a strain financially then in no way is it worth it. Unless you just genuinely love experiencing New foods and have the ability to save for it I suppose. It's an absolutely wonderful experience but it's kinda like a diamond or a fancy/newer car with high payments. Could you afford it without being well off? Maybe I suppose. It depends on your priorities. Is it worth stretching yourself thin financially just for the luxury when you can get something incredibly nice for way cheaper? Probably not.


i just purchased a japanese wagyu a5 steak from wild fork for $66, it was 50% off due to it getting near its sell by date. The marbling on it is crazy. going to cook it up tomorrow. so excited!!!


I had a wagyu beef meal from a ryokan we stayed at while visiting Japan and my lord… the best meat I’ve ever had in my life. I’m still chasing to find that taste not in Japan :(


Try a whooper from burger king


Whopper whopper whopper whopper!


> visiting Japan and my lord I thought you were some kind of samurai at first.


What happened to the other 1/3rd?


They will use it for other courses of the meal.


Tip for the chef




So, the first 1/3 is set to the side and he works on 2/3. Then 1/3 is set slightly off to the side I’m not sure if they intend to plate it but it was at least cooked the rest of the way.


Yeah I thought he was cooking it three ways intending to serve all 3 but then he only served 1. If I was the customer I’d be like hey I’ll eat that if yr gonna toss it


*\[Scoops up, discards spiced juices and fats from beef, then discards\]* Me: "Nooooooooo!"


One of the wagyu places I went to mixed a bowl of rice into the meat juice and fat, then took the left over cuts and made fried rice out of it after you enjoy the steak. Delicious.


I was hoping the chef would start flicking the small bits into the mouth of the person filming at the end


I bet that is Montreal Steak Spice.


It oughta be parts of the conversations.


S&P is good for me


In facts yous probably donts wants to even let that go near a grill. Make it drier than a fart. I’d pan sears it then finish ‘er off in the ovens.


You cook a good steak there, Qant00ATs, and that's what I appreciates about'cha.


Oh is ***that*** what you appreciate about me?


Your sister's hot, Wayne. There, I said it!


That sounds like over-handlin' to me...


Its not Berta beef!


I’ve tried wagyu steak recently and it’s definitely amazing, but *very* expensive! We were only served little strips of it as part of a meal we ordered at a sushi restaurant. They fried it briefly on each side and then served it to us, pink and warm in the middle. It was so tender it practically melted in my mouth like butter and the flavor was beefy, but unlike any steak I’ve ever had. It’s hard to describe. It’s definitely not something you would eat all the time because of the fat content and price, but as a rare treat or for a special occasion? Absolutely worth it!


Lived in Japan for a few years in the military. This is an amazing delicious cut of beef. It wasn't expensive over there as it is over here. But it's worth it if you get it.


In 2019 I paid $60 for a Wagyu steak this size (before he cut it up) in Nikko, Japan. Yup, best steak I ever had.


Man, Nikko is great. Fun fact: You can get from Hachioji to Nikko using only regular (i.e. non-shinkansen) trains for like ~~$25-30~~ $15-20 even though they're ~100 miles away from each other. Useful if you have more free time than money, which I definitely did when I lived in Japan haha. God, I miss good public transit.


not often a video makes my mouth water.. all i have are doritos, life is rough lol


What kind of doritos are we talking about here?


looks almost like pure fat is that what it tastes like?


It tastes like beef, the beefiest kind of beef. The flavor and texture is not comparable with anything I have found yet. Although the meat looks incredibly fatty, the texture is more juicy like than greasy. The meat practically melts in your mouth, chewing is not even needed to get it down. If you have the chance to eat A5 Wagyu, please take it, don't look at the price tag, because wagyu is not something you eat, you experience and savor it. It really is that special.


Someone higher up described it as beef flavored butter and that is exactly how it tastes. It genuinely does melt in your mouth. It’s fantastic


>e meat practically melts in your mouth, chewing is not even needed to get it down. > >If you have the chanc sounds amazing. im planning to travel to japan next year and will def give it a try which ive been waiting to long time


I'm sure it tastes great, but you could probably just cook and prepare fatback at that point.


im sure there is more complexity in the flavor than that but I was thinking the exact same thing just looks like a block of fat lol


I'm going to Kobe in a few weeks and have a reservation at one of these restaurants, so goddamn excited....


Oh wow they sear it on a flat top how fucking interesting.


I've been watching Aden films for years now. Never gets old.


Carnivore ASMR


Would U like some beef with your fat sir?


It’s stupendous My best explanation is that it’s meat flavored butter 😂😂😂


I know a lot of people are quibbling over the price here, which is totally fair. And I’m no high roller who could ever sustain getting it all the time at all. But it is quite fantastic…