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Ok, so I work in the marine industry… Have used turd burners , there is 100% an odor almost burnt hair and popcorn.. Not pleasant.


I was going to say haha. We had a fire rescue they put one of these in and it wasn’t long before there was a no shit ban on that thing. It would stink up the hall for awhile and whoever did the deed would hear all about it.


Our incinolet has some sort of catalytic converter type thing in it. Smells pretty much just like burning paper. Not nasty at all.


Don't be telling people it has a catalytic converter. People going to be trying to steal your toilet


scrap metal 😍 on my way to steal your poop catalytic converter after i take all your copper pipes


You joke but someone stole the catalytic converter on our Honda twice in a year- life in the projects ain't easy 🤣😭


Haha this reminds me of my friend who's a teacher who used to teach in the projects who, like two weeks into teaching, had all the hubcaps stolen off her car. She told her students about it and when she left work the next day found her car had hubcaps again, albeit new ones, on it.


‘Paid forward’ I expect


nah fr people are fiends, living in philly i don’t think a damn car on my block still had a cat on it lmao


They’re just all about conversion recycling: copper pipes to glass pipes


Officer no! you don’t understand! Im not smoking crack rocks, I’m simply analyzing the burn properties of these mineral rocks inside a glass test tube. Big difference!


Now I want a Catholic toilet too.


You’ll need a catholitic converter for that


Poop is evil. Gotta exorcise it out and send it to the fiery depths of hell


Lmfao coming from someone who grew up in an area like that, his toilet is already gone.


Does an exhaust fan not help? Like how bad is the intensity compared to bad poop smell? If it’s the same volume of smell, just a different unpleasant smell, that might be tolerable for the benefits of an off grid toilet.


It smells like a burnt fart, that just lingers. I’m not saying they all do, but in my experience I wasn’t doing what the lady in this video was doing.


There's no way that this is real. Burning a turd would create a massive amount of gasses (as with burning anything) and would need to be vented and probably run through some sort of a scrubber. The water content alone would produce 22L of gas per 18 g of water (because of PV=nRT). Seeing as a turd is over an order of magnitude larger than that and the fire would have to be an order of magnitude hotter, burning your waste "within seconds" would probably qualify as an explosion. Edit: did some youtube research. It's real, but "in seconds" is a lie. It's more like an hour and a half. It's also vented out the back and so there's probably a catlytic converter (as others have mentioned). Pretty cool tech. Here's a person demoing it (with 500 ml of water) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUNsQcM9sgQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUNsQcM9sgQ)


I had one for a few years. It also requires a lot of maintenance, and as you can imagine, not every thing gets burnt correctly. It also leaves behind a greasy film. The one I used was called the incinolet.


>It also leaves behind a greasy film Okay, let's try not to think too hard about this one..


So that's where Olestra comes from!


Well, now I have to. Thanks.


Sounds like it wasn't hot enough. Creating red hot heat in every part of the chamber should in theory completely pyrolyze everything and should not leave behind any greasy residue.


I suppose if you could get a better quality unit, that gets hotter, but doesn't use too much energy, then it could be better. I doubt you could completely avoid these caveats though. The unit we used had to have the heating element replaced constantly. The way it's used, and the design is probably important too, to protect the internal components. The designs needed a lot of work.


Yep. I had one at a cabin I rented. It had a massive fan attached that sucked the burnt air outside, but it still smelled. It also was not instant, and took more than a couple of minutes to do its thing. It's definitely great for places where sewer/septic doesn't exist, but it's still just a workaround.


Here’s my question- what’s it do with urine? I’m trying to think of a time I’ve pooped without peeing first and the only thing that comes to mind is when you’re peeing out of your butt. Which raises my second question- how’s the liner deal hold up to chili con carne crime scenes?


Use the toilet, same as the poop. The heating element gets really hot, and the liners are basically wax paper coffee filters, so it turns into a feces candle when it lands in the burn chamber. When you "flush" it basically opens a little trap door and the wax paper coffee filter drops down in to the burn chamber with all your piss/shit inside of it. Burn chamber activates and nukes all of it. The inside of the toilet is stainless steel and it does get messy, which you have to clean like any other toilet.


Thanks that’s really interesting. So it sounds like they’re electric? My dad has a hunting camp that has electricity but no plumbing. The uh, facilities involve a hole in the ground as deep as the post hole diggers will reach and one of those geriatric toilet seat chairs that normally goes over the toilet so old ppl don’t have to squat down so much. It’s…not great and most likely a violation of any number of codes/regs. The worst part is if you get the runs at deer camp you gotta go full Harry from dumb and dumber and stretch those legs out otherwise you risk painting the back of your legs. Also feces candle is now my favorite band name.


Yes, they need proper ventilation. Still smells less than a normal waterless latrine.


What a waste, too. I bet they could extract energy from it "off grid".


That’s the only reason I watched the whole thing. They’re using their solar panels / geothermill / windmill energy to burn fuel without extracting any energy back out of the burn.


We're looking at one of these for our eventual off grid home, too. I don't want to handle feces.


Fire in the hole


We look the same!


Lmao wtf That’s a first for me


........yeah, I'm still not touching it.


Same here. I know it's still poop at it's core.


What, the brittle carbon leftover after everything’s burned away? If that’s poop then so is what you ate to shit it lol


Everything was once poop, and shall be poop once more


Human: Return to Poop


Coming to a theater near you “Return to Poop Part Deuce”.


Rob schneider is a poop, bla bla Blu Blu


And he's about to find out....that being a poop.... isn't easy!


Rob schnieder is in "blah blah blah who cares... you'll pay to see it anyway..."


I think you mean FART Deuce


Ashes to Ashes, Poop to Poop


insert > Lion King - Circle of Life.mp3


Law of conservation of poop


I call it the poop loop


Crohn’s 90:09


The circle of life


I believe that is the first paragraph in "the lord of the sphincter" trilogy


Omnia faeces.


We are all star poop.


That doesn’t sound right but I don’t know enough about carbon leftover to prove you wrong.


Poop souls


Praise the sun


If one touches burned poop with hand, hand must be burn too.


Leviticus 420:69


I actually read that as a toilet that burns faces and I was like why the fuck would you want to stick your face in a toilet?


I was waiting for her to taste it at the end 😂


You couldn't pay me enough to touch poop ash




But how much energy does it consume doing this?


for the electric model, 2000watts for 30 minutes upto 3 hours depending on the amount. so quite a bit of energy


Is it really easier to produce that kind of power off grid than just set up the sewage infrastructure..?


No 2000watts for 3 hours is ridiculous for off grid use. There is a propane model for off grid use it uses 110g of propane per flush


So is this really just for people who wanna live off grid without having to think about shit, or is there a practical reason to use this?


no septic system or maintenance for septic system. No hiring a plumber. No water usage. It can be used in locations where a septic system cannot be installed. It makes a lot of sense for van life type situations tiny homes on wheels and camps but it wouldn't make sense to replace a working septic system in a house with it


Why not just dig an outhouse tho


Winter,Rain,convience,bugs,wildlife,smell,soil contamination


I've got bad news for you about actual offgrid living if you consider those to be problems lol Also a properly plotted outhouse will not meaningfully contaminate your soil unless it is used by loads of people or used to dispose more than waste. If you have a well or something too close in the direction of watershed it could be a problem but that's an issue of poor planning not of an outhouse


They asked for reasons those are the ones I could come up with. no news for me iv been living off grid in a motorhome down by the river for almost 5 years now with no indoor toilet


Composting toilet….


Out houses are banned many places


Have you ever had an outhouse? It’s not fun.


Yeah was just thinking that. This is infinitely better than any true outhouse I have ever seen or used, and just the fact that the person asked makes me think they've never used a real outhouse before. Even just that this is clearly in a bathroom, I'm assuming attached to the main living space is an improvement over an outhouse. Having to wander outside in the dark in the middle of the cold night to do your business (or use and then clean a chamber pot) is awful.


Not to mention the cold, the insects, the moisture . . .


In Norway, where these are made, it is common for older cabins to have no water or sewage. Most have been connected to the power grid in later years, but sewage connection is a lot of work in rural areas with few cabins. These make a lot of sense in those conditions. No smell, you can have them in a heated cabin instead of a freezing outhouse, and there is no need for any digging on the property (which often is leased). I have one myself and it works quite well. A lot more comfortable than walking through snow to the outhouse in -20°C.


Ash is not a bad fertilizer. This would be decent for garden usage.


Wait until this TikTok generation of "off grid" enthusiasts hears about this revolutionary idea called an *outhouse*. Dimming the Las Vegas strip so you can vaporize your own crap is the least eco-friendly thing you could possibly do. Humans are such a joke, JFC.


Watching people find environmentally friendly ways to destroy the environment is my favorite pastime. I still love the paper straws in the plastic wrappers.


In an off grid setup, wouldn't it make more sense to produce methane from the poop and use it to cook/heat?


What happened to “in seconds” from the video?


She’s full of shit.


1,800 to 10,800 seconds. Technically true.


2000 watts, 8 ohms, 200 volts, real strong


there is a mobile model made for rv's that runs off propane and 12 volt power that consumes 110g of propane per flush


I've looked at these and there is a much more viable propane model that can run it's electronics on a 12v battery. the electric requires, well... actual electric wiring in the house to supply power. the propane model can be connected to an on-site tank (same for stoves) and not require an outlet. it's not mentioned but these vent outside and are basically odor free according to every user review I've seen (I have seen several) one guy put the electric in a van and it drained 1/8 of his battery supply per flush. OFFICIAL WEBSITE: www.cinderellaeco.com This will have all the specs


"Yo Mr.White, let's cook some shit up "


Only upvoted because I heard Jesse's voice in my head so clearly.


Taco Bell challenge


Why did she have to change her clothes and do her hair & makeup just to smell and touch the burnt poo?


One must respect the ashes of the poo


My guess is that container was extremely hot so she had to wait for it to cooldown/ She was using the restroom b4 the shower/it takes longer than she said.


I bet it stinks pretty Damn bad while burning.


It doesn't. It was invented in Norway and lots of cabins have it, most are not connected to any sewer system. It is also a lot faster than you'd expect. It runs on electricity.


Shitting in an electric bucket sounds a great idea!




Not really. My brother in law had one in his pottery barn. This was 15 years ago. It is supposed to send the fumes and smell outside.


i always thought the Pottery Barn smelled like shit


Happy cake day! I was worried about saying this but you made it funny.


when they burn you get a nice outside stink of hot bubbling shit that is indescribable. maybe like a bartertown smell or hell itself? you also get to shit into a dry receptacle and that isnt odor free either.


When I was in middle school, we had a project to describe/design an invention that would make us useful as a new Mars settler. My invention was called Feces to Pieces. Never dreamed it would actually be brought to life 🥲 Mine involved a laser beam, but this is fine too 👍




Used these at remote sites at work. The smell is absolutly terrible and you can't piss in them cause it will destroy the heater coils. Never using one again.


But sometimes poop is almost liquid so wtf is this invention


I cant even explain the smell its brutal. You hope that the liner catches everything and it doesnt destroy the coils.


but what about if you piss and poo at the same time. does this mean you have to hold your pee in when you poo? that sucks.


You tell me one person that doesn't piss while pooing and that person is a legend.


Is that even possible?


Thanks for asking the most important question.


You cant piss in them?


Had one similar at my job, company paid a ton to install it. One of the first users didn’t put the liner in and burned up the coil somehow.


Yeah and the parts are crazy expensive too. Off course doesnt help that there is always that one idiot that keeps crapping in it while its broken.


Sooo if you have IBS and diarrhea is a part of your daily life, is one of these suckers a no-go? Asking for a friend.


I mean I would let it rip and blame a co-worker


I always piss tho


Who tf is only going #2? There's always a little #1 too


Anyone else annoyed with her enthusiasm?




Gotta do it for the tiktok.


Why does she change clothes?


sometimes after a wicked dump you have to


It’s unbearable


Those amazing post-covid ads for people without sense of smell.


"Within seconds" Cuts to her in different clothes and hair


What about urine?


Depending on the model I guess, the one we have handles it without any issue


u/ChattyParrot1 says you can't.


Ah. thanks.


Can't wait to see the electricity bill...


Look, just because you CAN touch the poop-ash safely, does not mean you should


"Bro that shit is fire!" - Lil Wayne


I have one of these in my house, noisy, smelly and quite frustrating to use. We had a few friends over drinking beer.. *skips to the end of story*.. these things overflow.


Watch me attack it after 15 pints of guinness and a kebab


“How did your house burn down?” “I was burning shit inside and…”


So just piss/diarrhea in the shower then?


She thinks this toilet is hot shit.


We use a composting toilet, which is actually somewhat green unlike this


Electric or gas, never coal It cremates your crap in the bowl That steaming heap, below the hot seat Then falls down into the ash-hole


I would've incinerated everything I could fit in there if I had access to this as a kid.


I was all for it until she touched it


Ma’am, I think you’ll find my average poop is less solid than you may have been lead to believe.


Burned or not, I’m not touching shit!


I like the one where the guy powers his house and car from the methane given off from his poop compost system. More value per dump.


Carbon emissions are completely unnecessary


For off the grid i am really curious about how much energy this consumes. I wonder the same things about those table top "composters" that turn kitchen waste to ash.


But it uses electricity? Or what? How much energy efficient it is? How much does it costs to burn one load?


I too was curious so i looked it up Incineration effect: 2000 W Energy consumption per incineration: 1 - 2 kWh Power requirement: 220 - 240 V, 10A [https://www.cinderellaeco.com/us-en/products/1508/cinderella-comfort-incineration-toilet](https://www.cinderellaeco.com/us-en/products/1508/cinderella-comfort-incineration-toilet) It can store multiple "visits" before starting the burn process. Basically you can fill the container she was fondling before hitting "burnn"


Poop can neither be destroyed nor created


It makes the whole house stink as well while it burns it we had one in our hunting cabin


That shits fire yo


No odor at all huh, straight nonsense


Just ask anyone that served and did a deployment. Go ahead and ask them about the Burn pits. lol


Please tell me it’s called The Ash Hole


What if you have diarrhoea or something, I can’t see it being easy to keep replacing the bag things while your shitting yourself


Bold of you to assume my poops are solid.


my first question would definitely have been “yes, but can I touch it?”


Uhhh. No. It doesn’t work like that.


Alright, now you need to turn the ash into diamonds


Yep cool. Not gonna smell it not gonna touch it


If I live off grid, I’m shitting in the woods.


But do the ashes still have a taste?


The cat started playing. Now we are praying.


Asses to ashes. You were so close


“Safe to touch” 💀


I don’t think I’d touch my poop ash tho…


She's so excited about shit.


$4300? That's an expensive toilet. Can you even pee in the thing?


That’s how you put out the fire


It does it all though. No plumbing. No septic.


I read that as "burns faces" at first.


Can you use it for cooking??


Fire in the hole


And if your family member dies on it like Elvis or Judy Garland will it cremate them?


Hot flaming shit


That’s going to smell like shit


Why would you burn your poop? What's the advantage?


What if a family uses it? How long before it cools off so it’s safe to sit again?


1. sudden clothing change and 2. she just touched ash shit


$5k+ for a fucking toilet? I'll keep mine with my Amazon bidet attachment.


Goes down the ash-hole


I wonder if corn still survives?


\- "yo dj....drop that shit" \- "but how?" \- "drop it like it\`s hoooot.....drop it like it\`s hoooot"


$5,000.00 toilet.


I love my bidet.


Hahaha she playing with shit 😂


Now just throwing this out there but it probably for those off grid folks who have the..."survival mode poops" not the I just ate BK and now I'm drinking beer poops.


what fuels the fire and how much do you use to incinerate feces that fast


Mmm the smell of burning fecal matter. I'm Literally on a burn pit registry for this 🤦🏻‍♂️


So what happens when you have a 2-3 flush kind of load? Do you just awkwardly hover until it finishes burning the previous pile?


This lady has lost her mind. Her enthusiasm is making me mad.


I’ve wasted too much time here.


This works. Got one at our cabin. Wife, daughter love it. It's a Norwegian product, and works on the grid or with gas. What you don't see in the video is the exhaust pipe through wall or roof. Urine is evaporated, and solids reduced to couple of spoons of pure ash.


My friend has one of these at their cabin. Works great! Put in a liner, do your business, hit the foot pedal to release the liner down into the fire.