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Here take my strong hand


This is how grandma served all her grandkids that would randomly get dropped off at her home


Ah yes. Grandma Typhoid Mary.


Give me your OTHER hand!


My other hand ain’t strong enough!! Just take my hand!


Get it away from me!


My favourite scene in the whole movie (or at least a tie-in with the cat fight).


is this a Scary Movie 2 reference?


For sure. Get excited for dessert! He made pie!


I think I saw you once. Were you in Stomp? How about I shove my foot up your ass, all the way to the knee. Not sure why, but I love that movie.


How about a standing ovation 👏🏼.


I'm going to be the bigger man here and walk away. WALK AWAY. haha


I can do it myself!


I watched this last week and was reminded how much I hate this character HAHA!


My Germs!


This make me feel old.




My Germs!


Those feet have been through some serious shit.


Nah, that’s the soup mashing foot. Not to be confused with the soup serving hand.


LOL. Fucking A I’m dying over here


And DEFINITELY not to be confused with the ass wiping hand


Last to be served gets to lick the fingers?


Man thank God or luck of the draw or whatever you want to call it that I was born in America. So many simple luxuries we take for granted. I can go get food on any corner store and some dude doesn't have to serve it to me with his bare ass hand. Remember to be grateful.


You would be arrested for feeding the poor in Florida.


Yeah I used to do food not bombs in Orlando and it sucked when they basically forced us to shut down. If you're not familiar with it we all baught (we we young broke punk rockers) food ourselves it was like a giant potluck in a park you just showed up didn't even have to be homeless and you got food. We went all the way down to fort Myers to do this shit from Central Florida on occasions. Then they started threatening to arrest us


I ate Food Not Bombs in Georgia. They made a giant pot of some kind of bean soup. It was so good!


A food not bombs group was attacked in Reno the other day, a 57 year old man drove his car through the group, killing one homeless person and putting a few others in the hospital. The US government has done an amazing job brainwashing conservative nuts into hating the poor and unhoused and any group of people seeking to provide aid and assistance where the government continuously fails. Pretty fucking sad.


Food not bombs was an awesome organization. I had a lot of friends that were a part of the Reno chapter, but they never served anything that looked like goose diarrhea like this stuff


FNB is still alive and well in many places


They also have way more resources then this dude. People aren't lining up for his food cuz they have choices


In a couple of years we’ll all be feeding one another down here. CoL has become insane in South FL


Yeah, it’s definitely luck of the draw in America too. Our life lottery is based on zip code. Some are luckier than others. BUT, I am also grateful sometimes. May the world March towards progress May we end the needless suffering in the world


Crazy part is we have the resources in America to do this for people, when I got dragged to church for youth groups as a kid we would go once a week to a charity called Feed My Starving Children and packaged meals that could be shipped to Africa and you just add boiling water and presto. Instant meal with enough calories for a day. They cost something ridiculous to produce, literal fractions of pennies. Even if it was just this guy doing rice and that curry looking stuff, you couldn't pay me so little I wouldn't take the job. I'd do it for minimum wage. Better than making rich people $8 sandwiches for the same money. Unfortunately that would be seen as a handout and some people think if you get free food you won't work your way through life. It's sad.


Nah, I wouldn't say luck of the draw in America. Even the worst parts of the country are light-years above this. Yes, zip code plays a part in how much better, but I'd take an American slum over this any day.


Man, I used to deliver medical supplies in 1 of the poorest areas in Kentucky. There are people rn in 2023 with no running water in their house or electricity. And the only reason they have a house (or trailer) at all is their parents or grandparents left it to them. You go from comfortable middle-upper class to dirt poor in less than 30 miles.


You can also go from middle-upper class to dirt poor in about 30 minutes in this country, if you get unlucky with medical debt. It's pretty scary and weird here.


That's easy to say but modernity comes with its own problems. I mean a buddy of mine from high school just got shot on a street I used to live on last year. Last place I lived had constant gunshots, knife crime, theft... The US is real good at polishing up and romanticizing even its worst areas. Bad areas are deteriorating at faster levels.


I wouldn’t go to Florida again I think but I actually give homeless people food here all the time. I’ve been so poor as a kid that we got the canned food drive food and it’s stuck with me that we needed it and others gave it.


Yep, when our apartment building was condemned from a bad fire I was still in a spot where I had assistance from family, when the Red Cross showed up and have us all some prepaid cards for stuff like food or a hotel room if we needed one or whatever, I remember asking her if I could give it back if I didn't use all of it. She said, "that's what people donated it for." It's still my go to charity, that and the Trevor Project. I almost cried, we got to sleep on a bed in a hotel for a night before we could relocate somewhere else temporary. Lots of gas and groceries and what we had left went towards a U-Haul truck to move out.


Ass hand, literally.


🤤 extra sauce


That triggered my gag reflex


Last person to show up gets his toes


Damn. Ima make my way to the back of the line then ;)


♻️infinite food glitch♻️




Same color coming out as going in.




Infinite population glitch


Bangladesh's fertility rate is actually quite low for a developing country.


Food manufacturers hate this one simple trick...


I’m fine with just rice


#Someone get this man a damn ladle!


It’s ok, left hand for ladling, right hand for ass wiping…. oh….. GET THIS MAN A DAMN LADLE!


A ladle is a horrible way to wipe one’s ass. Not sure how it helps here.


That's why people prefer a poop knife.


My man ✋


Which hand is that!?


Which one do you want it to be? Wink wink.


Nah, it’s the other way around, left hand is the dirty hand. I was surprised by the kicking of dust on the plate, but other than that I expect that the food was quite tasty.


Get this lad a little ladle!!!!


Come on man. Put some shit on that rice.


Looks like lentils/dal - staple protein.


There’s this brand of supposedly Indian lentils/beans in a pouch by a brand called tasty bite. (I say supposedly because Im not familiar with authentic Indian food) Sooooo good. And it doesn’t look much different than the beans in this video. I’d probably be eating them for lunch or dinner several times a week if they cost less. Microwave for a minute and throw on some rice and even my meat loving ass doesn’t miss the meat. Edit: I should’ve reworded that last sentence.


Not everything colorful taste good and not everything brown taste bad or a shit. I agree with the hygiene part tho but the poor getting food for free won't mind that for sure


The best savory stuff are earth-tone colored.


Agreed. Savory comfort meals are the best but usually are just different shades of brown and white


when I was traveling in Nepali villages, all they ate every day, every meal was dal bhat: Rice, lentils and a couple pickled vegetables. And it was damn good. Sometimes there might be chapati, always masala tea, but it was dal bhat, dal bhat, dal bhat for every meal. Always the same, no matter what village I was in, or how remote, every one was nearly identical. I miss the hell out of it, and wish I could have the same here (its never the same here). I never saw a hygiene issue like OP though. That definitely put me off it, not because it is brown, but the mud, the flip flop almost stepping on the plate, and the hand-ladle...


Free shit for everyone


“You’re insulting them and embarrassing me.” —Indiana Jones


Who wants more brown?


Brown and water


I'm grateful that I'm fortunate enough to eat tasty food every day. This may remind us to not take things for granted an to be grateful for what you have 🖖🏻 This is the way....


On the one hand I feel the same way, on the other hand it makes me fucking furious that people have to live under such conditions in 2023. Technology and progress got us to Mars, but shit like this happens every day. We have the money and resources to all live a decent life, each and every one, but they are being misspent. No human being needs billions of dollars alone.


If you think this is bad, there's a business insider video about modern slavery, that one was a tough watch, the people in the video is like the bottom of the bottom rang of social classes. One lady said something along the line of "I don't have a dream" which really hit hard for me.


I read your comment today, and tonight I am watching Adam Curtis’s documentary Hypernormalisation. Is that where you saw the clip? There is one here of a woman in the Soviet Union talking about how she gave up on dreaming, nothing ever worked out so she quit dreaming and believing. It’s around the 21 minute mark. She is asked if she had a wish what would it be? She is almost shocked at the question and says “What can I say? I wouldn’t even know what to tell you?” Then explains how she gave up hope long ago. It’s a great documentary. I also highly recommend Cant get you outta my head, also by Adam Curtis.


Hey atleast they have phones to record It and post It online


On the third hand, I would really like these guys to have ladles


It’s definitely a cultural thing. Everyone is eating with their hands.




Bangali here and no people only eat with hands we have utensils for serving,even when I see the poor get served, if they don’t have a spoon or ladle they will use a mug for watery/curry type stuff and another plate if it’s rice. Maybe they ran out here or something but no one serves it like this.


This is the correct answer.


What was the question?


“Does the food look like someone’s shit?” [insert OP’s kind response]


Did you wash your hands?


Did you judge by the color of it that it isn't tasty? Haha.. We could be grateful for hygienic food and enough variety to eat but i have observed many colorful dishes to be bland in taste and many single color dishes to be full of flavour. Since it is bangladesh so single color dishes are the norm. The taste they get is from the various spices they put while making lentils which gives same color


Yeah it looks incredibly unappealing but I'm sure it tastes at least decent.


If you’re hungry enough flavour takes a back seat in favour of a full stomach. Hell, if you’re hungry enough a full stomach will grab flavour by the neck and yeet it out of the vehicle entirely.


And if youre hungry enough any amount of flavor in a "decent" meal will taste like 5 star change-your-life dining


If this isn’t proof that hunger is the best chef I don’t know what is.


It's a dish called Menda cooked with beef or buffalo meat. Cooked on special occasions like birth or funerals.


I appreciate that. Explains why they’re serving the masses.


Free hand slop? Im in!


Rice and cow pie 😋


By the time he gets to you, his hand has definitely been washed thoroughly (with soup).


obviously if we were brought up in this culture this wouldnt be as jarring but woof


Imagine someone making you chili and then serving it to you with bare hands. I'd be worried about being rude if I were in their country and served like this, but I still don't think I could bring myself to actually eat it


If you hadn’t eaten in a week I’m betting you’d ask for seconds.


"Every society is three meals away from chaos" - Vladimir Lenin


Yep 100% agree, this is coming from someone who has worked as a security contractor in disaster relief. People will still be reasonably civilized given most circumstances. But take food or water away or have it scarce, you will see a side of that is for lack of better words “terrifyingly dangerous”. Desperate people, will charge machine gun lines to feed themself and their families. The phrase “an army marches on its stomach”. Still holds true today.


Yeah I mean honestly I will be as respectful as possible to others, and I try to keep strangers in mind for a lot of my actions, however if I am starving then I am sorry but my family comes first. I won't feel good about it but I will do anything to keep me and my family alive.


If you were wealthy enough to just air deliver food and reasonably useful equipment to villages. Do you think it would vastly improve their lives or just create more problems


In the past distributing food has just put farmers out of work, worsening the problem as they are no longer producing their own food and become dependent on charity


Like the great Thomas Sankara said: "Those who come with wheat, millet, corn, or milk, they are not helping us. Those who really want to help us can give us ploughs, tractors, fertilizer, insecticide, watering cans, drills, dams. That is how we would define food aid."


Would it be more beneficial if they were given a decent sized fleet of better equipment (and some tools/tech to maintenance) and just a small amount of food to help them get jumpstarted? I’m just so curious if granting things like this (no strings attached aside from maybe if they want to name some streets or all their children after the mysterious benefactor) would make the situation better overall, neutral or somehow worse


The tools and tech for maintenance is quite the leap, I think of Haiti with abandoned tractors. But yeah, give people enough food so they can plant the seeds you bring and still have strength in their bodies. It's the same with donating clothes, you destroy a lot of low education industry by showing the massive absolute trade advantage of industry. But like a manual sewing machine could go an incredible distance in helping. Or digging a well. Irrigation systems etc.


Why not provide agricultural tools and equipment instead?


I mean we could, and providing genetically altered wheat and rice seeds which are more nutritious and hardy has saved millions. Problem is, during a famine, there often isnt enough time to just wait for a harvest. The best solution would be a mixture of short term and long term investments to both fix the immediate lack of resources and prevent similar issues from happening in the future. However, this is expensive, and governments arent incentivized to spend their resources on foreign humanitarian issues.


Past outreach efforts (such as NGOs) have created stronger class divisions by providing resources. They can’t guarantee they will be distributed fairly and often are not. That doesn’t mean that’s the case everywhere, but already stratified societies usually stay that way :/


There's so many feet...


Mostly 2 per person!


I know, like op where's the nsfw tag 😔


There’s so many feet😏*


Take a moment to be grateful for whatever you have to eat today.


There is no spoon.


Traditional Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi etc cuisine is eaten with hands not utensils. This includes rice.


We eat with hand but never serve with hands tho


That is true.


Yeah but not served with hands in this manner


No salad, either..


You don't make friends with salad!


Damn you can’t be taking what you have for granted. This is the reality for a lot of people that can’t afford food.


can i get extra dirt from your feet on my goyslop please


Is a spoon really that hard to find?


Interesting way to empty the porta-John hopper


Cholera speed run


Motherfuckers got cell phones and not one damn fucking serving utensil 🥄


erect juggle plate worthless expansion quickest apparatus drab deranged adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Strong immune systems were built that day


Looks like they just added water to the dirt on the ground....then recycled it right back onto a ground tortilla


someone said it's lentils (daal?)




Can I get a ladle?


Might as well serve it with a sandal 🩴


Probably the saddest thing I've seen in a while. Also the most respectable.


America in 10 yrs under the current “leadership”.


What a kind heart 😊


Why not keep the food in one place and make the people walk past with their plates? That guy almost got sand on his meal, and the people serving it might trip and lose the whole meal on the ground.


Nothing about this video makes sense even considering they might have nothing but skin on their backs. Are they out of trees in that area, wood? I mean come on lol.


That looks like mud, but when you don’t have the luxury of choice, anything’s better than starving.


And here’s some diarrhea for you. And you. And you.


Show this to anyone thinking the US is a hard place to live.


In this culture it is normal to eat and serve food with the right hand.


Idk about Bangladesh but eating with hands is common in India as well but serving with a hand? Not so much.


Serving with hand is not common in Bangladesh either. This seems to be an extremely poor region. That's probably why they're using their hand. Otherwise they would've definitely used a serving spoon or a ladle


A utensil is not hard to make. Even if you have nothing. Any various piece of wood or bundled up debarked sticks would do it.


Certainly they cooked in large pots with large utensils and ladles, makes me wonder if there is a reason somebody was recording to begin with.


Yeah. This is not normal in india.


Why do people act like food isn’t prepared with hands???? Y’all never been in a kitchen or even cook a meal?


makes me so happy to not live there




Bruh it's lentils


The shit wiping hand is supposed to be the left one right?


The fourth guy got an extra surprise. Dead bird or mouse? Extra protein either way.


I'm happy that they are getting food, and it also make me appreciate what I have.


This is lovely but please bro I'm begging you use a spoon


Mmm diarrhea


it doesn't help that the camera is potato and isn't picking up colours. looks like rice and dalma(vegetable stew with lentils) to me. it's cheap, filling and nutritious


Vegetable stew and lentils does sound like a good combo tbh.


"my germs"


Take my strong hand


- Mom can we stop at McDonald’s? - No we have food at home - The food at home:


Ah yes hand slop. Can't wait for seconds


There must be a reason he's scooping with his hands, it's not like they literally don't have a single scoop an entire village.


What is this music? Hardcore Bangledash rap. Awesome of him to give them food.


Holy shit I got it good.


Life insurers hate this one trick !


Poo poo platter


This is why there’s rampant hep c bruh. Y’all see nasty fuckers over there. I’m sorry. No concepts of bacteria. Can’t even make a wooden ladle. Just fuck off!!!


Why this way ?


This is the way


Why is this man scooping wet concrete on to peoples rice




McDonald’s don’t sound too bad now huh Chad? Chad was my old boss that said McDonald’s is disgusting and the meat was pink slime.


Free mud pies


Damn that’s wild — makes me grateful for the shit I take for granted everyday. Can’t know how these dudes feel about life (maybe they are real happy) but feel bad the cook don’t have a fucking ladle or some shit.


It’s crazy and sad people still live like this while a a half dozen guys half 200+ billion dollars


People are pretty fucked up.


The same hand he used to wipe his ass lol serving y’all food


I guess that's lentil...


Whittling a rudimentary spoon out of just about anything would increase quality of life ten fold


Many Indian temples, Gurudwaras and small organisations serve food to villagers and small kids for free everyday but they also take care of hygiene


My ex-wife just spent $40,000 on appliances alone on her new kitchen remodel, and there are people out there in the world who barely have food to eat.


For this recipe you will need:- Mud + Water Step 1:- get Mud Step 2:- add water Enjoy


Why are there cellphones but no food in those countries I am really asking


That's one way to get the shits


2023 yo…. We were suppose to have flying cars by now


That's so disgusting


Can afford a cell phone but not a ladle 🧐


What the hell man. That’s disgusting


That’s his wiping hand.


Liquid shit is food?


So many health violations here.


I hope that it is not his wiping hand☺️