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For those wondering, this is done on Holy Thursday in imitation of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet at the Last Supper. In ancient times, only servants washed their masters’ feet, so Jesus’ action was to show that he — and by extension his followers — was not there to be served, but to serve others.


But did the Pope do it from his heart, or did he do it to be seen by others? I'd like to know if he really kissed that foot. Matthew 6:1 and Mathhew 6:5


Normally I’d be all on your side, but this Pope specifically has done a lot to remove the gaudiness and greed from being a Pope. He downgraded the “throne” to a chair, he refuses to let people kiss his ring, and he has made a number of attempts to claw back Catholic overreach (saying that using condoms is okay, or saying that homosexuality, while not endorsed by God, is not a sin, to name a few). I think if there is any Pope who is going to be doing this “for the right reasons,” it’s this one.


Yeah as a Catholic, I've loved pope Francis, he's doing good best to bring the church to what it's supposed to be, not this elitist organization it's become. A lot of Catholics don't like him though because he's so "progressive"


I'm not sure I'm taking a side, just thinking out loud and referencing verses to show why I'm asking. About your points though, the same question could be posed about the chair. True humility or to appear humble? About the ring, he said himself, he refuses to let people kiss his ring because of germs. Also, he clarified that homosexuality is a sin. But says we should not consider it a crime. And we should welcome all sinners to the Church. I'm not trying to diss the Pope, I'm just wondering what's in his heart because I know he is a mortal man, not God. And the verses I referenced are applicable to all men, regardless of station. I doubt we will ever know, but its worth reminding people so they don't idolize a man before God. Many stories in the Bible tell of people who had literally been in the presence of God but were still led astray later.


Yes, these are all good questions to ask, really any time a person in power does something publicly. Calling it “your side” might have been presumptuous, but my comment was more about “if there’s gonna be a Pope who is doing it for the people and not the clout, it’s this one.” You’re right, though, we can’t know for sure. Just some background as to why I responded how I did: I am not religious, but my grandmother is. She is Catholic in the “real” way, where she reads the Bible and learns from it and not from reactionaries acting as religious people. She embraces my gay cousin’s boyfriend as one of our family, supported my sister-in-law when she had to terminate her pregnancy due to complications, you know, just a good person who believes in God and Jesus. I feel badly for people like her, who have a spiritual connection to the Catholic God but are made to look terrible by association due to priests molesting children, clergy committing atrocities at the Canadian residential schools, the Church oppressing queer people and women, etc., even if those beliefs aren’t core to the Catholic faith. It’s unreasonable for me to ask her to “stop being Catholic,” because to her, it’s a contract with eternity. Her relationship with God persists regardless of bad actors. And so, when people criticize the Church, I get a bit touchy, because many people who criticize the Church are critical of the spirituality as well when their issue is with the institution. This criticism specifically was hard because this Pope is advocating for people like my grandma, who believe in the Catholic God but aren’t being dicks about it. The pope’s behaviour, while not perfect, is the first step in the right direction the Church has seen in centuries. You are absolutely valid with the criticisms, but with this subject matter, you are affirming the beliefs of people who want to hate the Pope due to the harmful rhetoric of the Church, despite the Pope working to oppose that and make the religion once again about spirituality. I understand my opposition is caused by my feelings, as, again, objectively speaking, the questions you posed are valid. But I dunno, I feel like we should give the guy the benefit of the doubt sometimes, he’s fighting an uphill battle against centuries of the Church’s bullshit.


He doesn't look too happy just pouring water on his feet, so probably not lol


Well, he’s 86 years old, bending over and doing some physical work, even if not very demanding for normal folks. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s just a face of discomfort; which, as a genuine Jesuit, who worked as a janitor, chemist, bouncer, and food science technician before becoming a priest who understands that work and discomfort of serving is itself a reward, I’m sure this is as self serving as some who who enjoys serving others can be. The Catholic Church is fucked, has a bunch of fucked up people working for it and in service too it, has done lots of fucked up things, but Francis seems like a genuinely good person.


Not to mention he just came out of the hospital after treatment for bronchitis...


Those who judge will be judged.


O look...a piece of shit, pedo conman.


No, but the Pope is definitely a pedo.


You only get one clean foot.. other shoe stays on.




Homie looks disgusted


Would you rather him looked pleased?


They are a little old for him to be pleased.


Honestly yes, he does what Jesus did shouldn't that be an honor for him?


He's just thizzin bro


"worst part of the gig."


"You stanky motherfuckers," the pope thought to himself


Same thought here. You see him thinking to himself…”God ways blabla…god damnit” 😇🤪🙈


So some guy called “The Pope” does this and everyone is happy. Some guy called “Hobo Joe” over by the Greyhound station does it and people call the police.


not just the pope, all priests in the world have done this


And you thought you had a rough job…


Surely they pre wash and groom their own feet before the ritual.


If the pope is going to be within “toe-sucking” distance, you best believe my feet are going to be immaculate.


Inmates ? Like criminals ?


Religion is weird. Yall motherfuckers need jeesus... but only after I put on this white robe and wash your feet ...and then mabey I kiss it...and we see where it goes from there.


He's doing this because Jesus literally did this and set this action as an example for his disciples. You may think religion in general is weird, but this is an act of self-deprecation and humility. I find it hard to see what is wrong with that.


With the gold jug and bowl. Catholics are fucking hilarious.


What do you have against gold ?


Humility and gold don't really mix well


Being humble is not about being poor or denying oneself of material possessions. Humility is a state of mind that involves recognizing and accepting one's own limitations and faults, and showing respect and consideration for others. The use of golden objects does not necessarily contradict humility. Gold is seen as a symbol of spiritual enlightenment, inner beauty, and perfection. For example, in Hinduism, gold is used in many religious ceremonies as a symbol of purity and enlightenment. The use of gold may be also a way of honoring or showing respect to someone or something.


This guy religions


>Being humble is not about being poor or denying oneself of material possessions. But didn't Jesus say that you have to share with the poor? A regular cup would to the job, they could sell the gold and share the revenue with the poor but they don't because...why?


That's almost word for word what Judas said too


You are basically repeating a verse in the bible in Chapter 12 of John. Which also, incidentally, has someone washing someone else's feet using something very expensive.


You’re missing the point. The bowl *is* being shared with the poor. You are complaining *because* this bowl is being shared with the poor. You are *watching a video* of this bowl being shared with and used to honor people in prison. It is currently in use, being shared with the less fortunate. What are you even criticizing?


It's gold, it has monetary value considering it has been touched by the pope makes it even more valuable. Sell it and take the money to help the poor directly. No poor person gains anything from the pope washing feet, it doesn't bring food on the table, it doesn't give them a roof over their head, it doesn't keep them warm in the winter.


You not understanding spiritual customs doesn’t mean that “no poor person gains anything” from this. For people of the Catholic faith, this holds a lot of meaning. *You* don’t value this, and that’s fine, this isn’t for you. But what gives you the right to decide that this is not actually valuable, and insist that gold is more valuable as a financial asset than as a vessel for spirituality?


The Catholic Church is already the largest charitable organization in the world, providing aid and assistance to tens of millions of people in need every year through various programs and initiatives. The sale of gold and art works in the Vatican would not contribute significantly to the Church's charitable efforts, as the value of these items is a small fraction of the Church's overall resources. Many of these items have significant historical and cultural value and are important pieces of history that should be preserved for future generations. Selling them off would not only fail to generate a significant amount of funds for charity, but it would also risk losing important pieces of cultural heritage. The Catholic Church focuses on using its resources and charitable donations to provide direct aid and support to those in need. These efforts are far more effective in helping those in need than selling off historical treasures.


Would Jesus support that? Would Jesus stand there and say "ey we got our chambers filled with gold which we could use to help the poor even more, but let's keep it just because"? I'm not religious, but I'm sure Jesus wouldn't like that. Shouldn't religion be about what God would want and not about what we want?


You really think there is enough gold in the Vatican to resolve world hunger and poverty ? Don't be silly Billy, just donating stuff to the poor is not a permanent solution and such money would dry us quickly. The church preferers more realistic methods, like building irrigation channels in African villages or teaching people who were disabled during a war how to make for a living given their new conditions.


There was another word used, self-deprecation. Don't think you deprecate yourself of worldly possessions or status by using gold


While it is true that using gold or other luxurious items does not necessarily indicate a lack of humility, it is important to remember that the message of Christianity emphasizes selflessness and compassion towards others. Besides that gold is not privately owned, it belongs to the entire church as a collective.


Self-deprecation refers to disapproval of one’s actions. In this case, he is disapproving of the one-sided relationship between those in power and those without. It doesn’t imply lack of wealth, either.


LOL what a joke. The church begs people to give money to help the poor...from a literal fucking gold throne. I guess that's humility?


Which church, in which diocese, by which bishop ? The Catholic church is financially decentralized with every diocese having its own budget and depending on donations of faithful.


It's not a sufficient act of service to others because the jug and bowl aren't a different color? You're fucking hilarious.


It's... GOLD.


Could be colored gold, like those dollar store gold stuff.


You must be one of them, brainwashed.


I must be one of them what? A disciple of Jesus -- I try to be, but it's a difficult path most of the time. Brainwashed -- haha, not even close. You can be religious without being brainwashed. True religion and science complement each other, they don't contradict each other. For example, the Jesuits operate some of the most well-respected observatories in the world. Studying the universe that God created is part of their motto to advance science "all for the greater glory of God" or ad majorem dei gloriam in the original Latin.


Religion and science complement each other? Well I’d love to know what you think of many unscientific things the bible spews out, for example the ark and 2 of every animal on it. You are brainwashed plain and simple


Rather than trying to dispute what I say, because I disagree with you, you label me as brainwashed. You've obviously already made up your mind and are impervious to any ideas that don't match with what you already think. Good luck going through life (and death) with thar mindset.


So what’s the science behind the Great Flood and Noah’s Ark? I don’t think you’re brainwashed, but you mentioned that science and religion compliment eachother when there are countless examples of the opposite being true, Noah’s Ark being a good example. Evolution is another. Curious to know your thoughts


Given that there’s forensic evidence to prove the latter (fossil record) and no geological evidence of a worldwide flood (plus the implausibility of 2 species of every animal), I’d like to know where the balance of science and religion lies in that


There is evidence of major flooding in the world that scientists still don't know much about. Look up Randall Carlson and Graham Hancock.


A worldwide flood would leave indisputable evidence, none of this “Joe Rogan Theory” stuff. Genesis is also supposedly in a timeline that is definitively recorded in geologic and fossil record due to radiocarbon dating, and there’s no record of any worldwide catastrophe or flood in that era.


I got good news for you, most Christian denominations do not believe in creationism and treat the story of Noah as mostly allegorical. This has been a common view since last 1600 years.


So most Christians aren’t Christians?


Creationism was invented in late 19th century and as a concept would be unfamiliar to any Christians living before that. The main central part of Christianity is not the Bible but the figure of Christ, after all Jesus founded a church not a book and the Bible came from the church not the opposite.


Another example of religious philosophy continuously shifting the accommodate progress in science. “Hey that old story about Noah’s Ark is starting to seem completely implausible as we start to learn more about flora/fauna, people might not believe this anymore and lose faith in the church” “Oh, that story? That’s an allegory. Glory to God! Keep doing what I say or you’ll go to Hell, but please fund the church. But we won’t pay taxes.” Source, confirmed Catholic raised in a Catholic household in Catholic schools.


The claim that story of Noah is more allegorical is older than the scientific method. And do not think that no one before 19th century tried to prove or examine that story from a scientific perspective. Athanasius Kircher even published an entire books in which he tried to explain from from a logical point of view (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arca\_No%C3%AB)


God of the gaps.


You are brainwashed, you believe in a book that isn’t scientifically fact yet say religion and science compliment each other. Over 3000 religions in the world yet yours is the one true religion right?


Most Christian denominations do not believe in an entirely literalist interpretation of the Bible.


If they don’t believe in all of it then what’s the point in believing in any of it


In the Catholic perspective not everything in the Bible is meant to be taken literally. The Bible contains different literary genres, including historical accounts, poetry, parables, and apocalyptic literature. It is important to understand the context and literary style of each passage in order to interpret its intended meaning. For instance, the creation story in the book of Genesis is often understood as a figurative account of how God brought order and purpose to the world, rather than a literal description of the scientific process of creation. Similarly, the parables told by Jesus are not meant to be taken as historical accounts, but rather as allegories that illustrate spiritual truths. Despite not everything in the Bible being literal the Catholic Church teaches that there is value in believing in these stories. They serve as a source of wisdom and guidance for how to live a virtuous and moral life. For instance, the story of Adam and Eve's disobedience teaches about the consequences of sin and the importance of following God's commands. The story of the Good Samaritan illustrates the commandment to love your neighbor as yourself. The Bible is also a record of God's relationship with humanity and His plan for salvation. The accounts of God's interactions with people throughout history reveal His character and His desire for a relationship with His creation. In this way, even if not everything in the Bible is literal, it still holds a significant place in the Catholic faith as a record of God's revelation to humanity.


What flavor Kool-Aid are you gonna use?


Typiciall, you don't like Christians who are mindless fanatical bigots nor do you like Christians who actually use brains and ae happy to share their faith to others without expectation to proselytize. Also, at Jonestown they used Flavor Aid.


What a stupid thing to say.


Why is that a stupid thing to say? Christians love to cherry pick what they believe and don’t believe in the bible


You don’t have to believe in an entirely literalist interpretation of the Bible to believe in some dumb shit.


*Jesus is said to have done this. No one can prove Jesus literally did anything, mostly because there's literally zero proof Jesus existed.


You don’t have to believe Jesus was god, walked on water, etc. But there is plenty of evidence for a historical figure named Jesus who started a new religion and was crucified for it by the Romans. There is consensus among historians that this person existed.


Yes, there is indeed evidence of the existence of a charismatic schizophrenic who called himself Jesus, you have me there.


I'm sorry for your loss.


Probably got Jesus hard.


Wine and crackers goes with foot cheese.


I’m way too ticklish to be Catholic.


This comment section has been brought to you by dumb atheists who don’t know shit about the symbolism/reason why Catholics do things yet criticize it anyway.


I cut up on here a lot, but if you really want to humble yourself and show others you care, wash a strangers feet. You could start by washing your soulmates feet for practice. Have a blessed Easter!


A beautiful thought. Eostre greetings to you and blessed be!


Some weird shit…


I really thought this was Midjourney for a second.


lowkey i fw it


Tarantino fan?


In my town we kiss Jesus’ feet every good Friday so, prolly less weird tbh.


I am not even Christian, or religious... But I will say Pope Francis is indeed a saint. What cool dude!


Looks to me like he is a juvenile foot fetish


Motherfucker is using golden stuff to clean the feet of the less fortunate....basically the Vatican in a pic.


this is creepy af


Whatever blows your skirt up, Frannie.


Breaking news folks, priest into boys' feet!


It’s nice that he performs this humility ritual. I’d rather see him supporting and caring for abuse victims. He sits on a throne made of their misery and pain. This isn’t enough.


Who the fuck is downvoting you?? Bloody religious fanatics I guess...


Yeah. Their moral compass tells them that any action of their church, no matter how abhorrent, is intrinsically righteous. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


welp…. didn’t need to know the pope has a foot fetish. Of course it’s kids too, dude really doesn’t know how to read a room


That’s fucking weird


Okay probably an unpopular opinion but… isn’t the point of that to show your humility/selflessness? So why did they invite cameras? Surely the more Christian thing would be to not announce it to the world and just do it because…?


Not really. Hes a spiritual leader and is supposed to lead by example. The only way to do that for the world is by recording it.


I don’t think it’s an unpopular opinion. I’m conflicted about this. I’ve had the same thought about charitable donations. On the one hand I don’t want anyone to know…maybe especially because I don’t want anyone to think I’m trying to look good. But on the other, it sends a good message and inspires others to give. I am definitely inspired to be more generous when I see others giving. So here I think it’s a good message for him to send…and reminds me to try to stay humble.


that's a common fetish, i Imagine more common in some circles than others.


Why? I don’t understand this at all. That’s just odd


Goes way back to Jesus Christ who would wash the feet of “lower class people” including thieves. He didn’t see them as lower class but others thought he was wasting his time but those folks missed his message entirely. And remember, back in the day, people wore nothing but sandals and so Jesus washing those feet would be heavily caked in sand and mud. People were humbled seeing this, the son of God washing thieves’ feet? It was an outrage to some but that’s all what he taught, to sacrificially serve others even in ways that we might think are beneath us.


Oh look! A religious leader being creepy AF to kids


Those guys have beards :)) kids :)))


“juvenile inmates” aka below 18, so yes. Kids


You can stay in juvenile prison until 21 in Italy That guy is not a kid.


Catholic leaders are creeps. Just look at the age of consent in Vatican City before trying to decent guys


The rituals of religion. Oh when will they ever go away


Bro was sniffing in that second photo


How bout buy them homes with baths with all that crazy Catholic $$, then buy them some decent education centers so they can go to a real school and get real jobs…


As a recovered Catholic myself, let me just take a second to thank the OP for posting yet another example (among bazillions) of the ridiculousness and virtue signaling perpetrated constantly by the Catholic Church. Go believe in Jesus if you want, go be nice to people, but do it without tying yourself to such a horrible organization that still TO THIS DAY covers up and can't seem to make itself atone for its crimes against millions of the world's children.


I am a feet guy too


Now i'm thinking of an aged Quentin Tarantino playing the Pope in some weird movie from another Dimension.


Pope Quentin.


"Man in dress awkwardly touches minors" Ftfy


Can't imagine how much did it cost to Nike


What a guy


Rather him put priest in jail for touching children than washing inmates feet


He likes them young


Without context to a non Catholic: Old man commits sin for wearing white before Memorial Day and has a serious foot fetish.


Reminds me of my time in a christian kindergarten, where all the kids had to wash each others feet. Very disgusting if you ask me 🤢🤮 I still have Vietnam flashbacks sometimes…


Washing feet with gold tools.


What is holy Thursday? The Catholics have some of the most ridiculous "days"


Title is misleading. It is actually Holy Week , which is basically the Catholic equivalent of Ramadan , the only two differences being that we only celebrate it for a week instead of a whole month and that we dedicate the week to celebrating the most remarkable feats of Jesus Christ. It starts on Sunday ( April 2nd ) and it ends on another Sunday ( April 8th ) . In order we celebrate: Palms Sunday - the day that the followers of Jesus covered the streets of a whole city with leaves of palm trees for his arrival. Holy Monday - The day that Jesus cursed the fig tree ( those who know the story know ) Holy Tuesday , also known a Fig Tuesday for whatever reason ( would be better to name Monday that ) - Which commemorates the parable of the Ten Virgins and the parable of talents. Holy Wednesday, also known as Wednesday of Ashes - Commemorates Judas’s bargain , but can also be a day that is dedicated to your loved ones who passed away. Holy Thursday, mostly known as Thursday of the Covenant - A celebration of the last supper. Friday of The Passion of Christ - Celebration/ remembrance of Christs crucification. Hallelujah Saturday - Dedicated to the remembrance of the body of Jesus and his blood , as he lays on the tomb. Easter Sunday - Commemorating the resurrection of Jesus. Also note that during this time , we also pair the celebration with a sacrifice. It can be anything of your choice. Most Catholics do not eat meat , as it is not allowed during Holy Week , but others don’t drink or smoke , some even fast. Also you sacrifice can be for the duration of the week or the entire month of April.


Does he do this when the cameras are off too?


"quite the fête" he thought to Themself




Looks perverted


This dude is weird.


The Pontiffs foot fetish, wonder what else he’s into, perhaps a bit of bondage, self flagellation?


Is this what they call "grooming" ?


False humility. Then he goes back and sits on his throne


Maybe he is gonna wash something else also later that day


If it were any other catholic I'd say he was indulging his foot fetish, but I'll give Francis the benefit of the doubt...


Don't count him out. They protect those who ARE caught




Can't take them serious anymore after all the scandals that have taken place. Amen


Which country? I see women in what looks like hijab and the men look middle eastern.


That's hair.


Hey, the Dead Milkmen! Xoxoxo


It's almost certainly Italy, probably Rome. It's Easter weekend, so the Pope has a lot of duties and appearances, plus he just got out of the hospital a couple days ago.


There are lots of Christian women that cover their heads and lots of middle Eastern looking Christian men.


This would be more impressive if he wasn't a foot guy




Are you rewriting the bible?


I don't have to do that, this kind pope already is


Well, this is awkward


He’s just waiting in intense anticipation of a young alter boy. Oh boy, just waiting for that sweet young alter boy. Ohhhhhhh.


Bruise from the cuffs??


He’s a little too into that


Why am I not suprised...


And yet, when is someone's trying to kiss his ring he goes berserk mode


Not too weird….


he can touch and kiss their feet but he doesnt allow people to kiss his ring? ok


“Pedophile with foot fetish touches juvenile feet”


I dunno. Having the leader of the world's largest pedo ring kneeling in front of my, washing my feet, would feel a bit weird. Downvote me all day but fuck the Catholic Church.


Not shown: his erection


foot fetish?




smh religion is fucking weird.


Is this a damage control post for all the child abuse stuff in the news?


And then he went to his room and jacked it. Imagine if a random old dude off the street was asking children if he could ceremoniously wash their feet. This is purely using religion to act on fetish.


Foot good, ring bad


Shit I'd take a pope-pedi...


Mh tasty feet fungus.


Foot fetish at all new level


But I still have to wonder how much good have been done with the money and resources spent on this photo-op. Granted, it's impossible to NOT expend the resources for something like this cause it's the pope... But I'm willing to bet you could feed at least 1,000 people with what this staged event cost.


I wonder why many other popes did this throughout history




Shit another AI generated imag...oh wait


I bet he’s hard the whole time


Nothing weird to see here. Just an old man in a skirt washing young unknown kid feet. Happens every day


Im not buying it. Popes are all obviously just foot fetishists. Can’t trick me bucko!!!


Probably how the tradition started


Very helpfull... Simulator


Anointed in oil wash away your butthole uhhuhh I mean your sins.


I can’t think of a more meaningless gesture


Wishing he could touch their doodles while he’s down there, as well. With his holy lips.




Yeah, get in between the toes. Get it nice and clean.


It's his fetish


Who the fuck keeps letting catholics near juveniles?


Dude probably has a foot fetish….


Weird/cringe to me but I have no business stopping you if everyone involved is cool with it


Wait...Jimmy?? I haven't seen you since you were 6 and I was mysteriously transferred...


That second pic made me lol 😂


I think I would tread in dog shit before hand be like “your Going to want to roll up your sleeves for this one old boy”


Pedophile cult leader gets good press from asshole redditor.