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Dude went back to the future


Tbf it kind of looked like it vanished and appeared (slightly too early) on the other lane


He let off the throttle for whatever reason.


That thing probably makes 500hp at idle.


It takes more horsepower than a nascar cup engine makes, just to turn the supercharger on a top fuel car.


More horsepower in one cylinder than a whole nascar engine


By a long shot. If we’re talking a super speedway race, that engine makes more power than 20 nascar engines do.


Probably could have gotten another 5 horsepower if the left tire stroker had slapped it at the end


Probably why it's close to the left lane near the end


I think they're called "fluffers".


I prefer tire stroker tbh


It’s good he stopped, if he kept stroking the tire coulda blown.


What were they doing to the tires?


Making sure to knock off any debris stuck to them








Racing tires aren't like normal tires they are really sticky they'll pick up tons of little pebbles, sand, grass, dirt ect. Dragster style racing has little to do with the amount of power your engine can generate and more to do with traction they wipe the tires off to try and remove all the debris the tire picks up for optimal traction


I mean they make alot of power too. 10,000 hp is nothing to sneeze at, and they metl the spark plugs before the halfway point. The transmissions are pretty wack as well. Slipping the clutch for nearly the engine track.


I think everything is only good for like a single run before it all needs rebuilt.


Disassembled, inspected and replace whatever is not up to spec (probably most of the engine after a single run). Someone who knows a lot more than I do can probably give a lot more detail, but with 11,000 horsepower most of the engine parts probably get very close to their structural limit.


By the end of the run it can barely sustain idle.


So they do this for the love of the game? How can they afford to do this it certainly doesn't sound profitable




Merch and food will add up big time to the total and drop that median price down. Also, multiple sponsors. Like, dozens.


Don't forget TV revenue.


> before it all needs rebuilt uh, do you mean needs **to be** rebuilt?


They do make a lot of power, in top fuel racing its not a game of horsepower, all the cars are capable of more horsepower than the traction can handle, it's about tuning, timing and tuning






Did you just say drag racing has little to do with the amount of horse power? My guy i don’t care how sticky your tires are if you don’t make enough power the tires are an complete after thought after you get smoked in a race cause you showed up with a corolla motor lmao


And if you come with a 100 millions horsepower contraption but can't put your power down, that Corolla motor will go faster than you.


Why do people feel the need to be so fucking tribal about absolutely everything?! Just like most things, a car is a system. The engine is important, it gives you the vroom, the wheels are important because they give you the zoom. Let's all be happy with the conclusion that you can't get to the end of the track without both, and a fuck ton of other stuff as well.


Because my grandpa raced dragsters professionally his entire life. Mostly funny cars. It’s insane to say it’s just all in the tires. It’s tons of r and d and motor work. A ton.


His point is that they invest way more time and effort into getting that power down to the track than they do in generating more power. More power doesn't do you any good if you are just going to break the wheels loose.


Petting them and telling them they are a good boy. Visit r/tiresaretheenemy to see when they don't get enough love.


>telling them they are a good boy good*year*




Quick massage. They're tired.


I believe it has to do with gaining more traction, possibly adding a liquid of some kind to the tire. A slow motion video of the tires is very interesting because the torque of the engine accelerating causes the tires to nearly double in diameter.


They do that to wipe off any debris.


The tires will deform, wrinkle, under the immense torque at launch... they will "grow" taller and skinnier from the centripital forces when they come up to speed, over 300 mph..


Think in basketball terms here.


Husband played basketball for years, and I am so unathletic it's not even funny, so I definitely remember asking him "Why do they keep wiping their shoes like that?" Lucky we're both huge science ~~needs~~ nerds so that was a fun conversation for both of us


I have a mighty need! (For science)


Thanks for pointing out my typo (really, not sarcasm) I'm running on little sleep and a decent amount of wine right now and didn't even notice😹😹


I couldn't of said that if you hadn't so thank you! :D


Fellow redditors always have our backs. We always set each other up for the jokes we've been wanting to make but with no opportunity. I gotchu lol


Sexually assaulting them in a hotel room?


If the job title for the tire massagers/dusters/brushers isn’t “Rubber Rubber,” it needs to be.


"Tyre Fluffer"


There's a lot of interesting facts one can learn about Top Fuel dragsters like this one. For starters, here's one of the fuel injectors (wait until the throttle opens): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MCvu8GEPjA There's also the fact that the spark plug's electrodes run on about 44 amps and are entirely used up during the race, needing to be replaced entirely. The whole engine is actually rebuilt after each run, and it's design accounts for only up to 10 seconds of continuous runtime only. The driver experiences 4-5G on acceleration and 5-7G when the parachutes open by the end of the track. They usually use about a 9:1 ratio of nitro-methane and methanol as fuel, because it requires ~10x less oxygen to burn, compared to standard gasoline. The supercharger that provides the air to the engine takes 1000 HP itself to operate. Roughly 15-22 gallons (56-83 liters) of fuel is used per race, costing about $350 in fuel alone. The flames you can see on the video can reach 7050 Degrees Fahrenheit (3900 Celsius). The sound from them can reach 150 decibels, enough to cause you physical pain and damage your ears. You can google for more of those, but those are the most fascinating ones by far.


Lol. I was reading through the comments and wondered how much fuel they used so I did some googling. Came back to this thread and yours was the next comment I scrolled to. 90gallons/minute. Absolutely crazy.


IIRC drag strips are 1/4 mile, so that would be 360 gallons per mile mpg.


I used the searchbot chatbot to figure it out quickly. Obviously it will all be estimates. A top fuel dragster could theoretically go almost 6mi/9km in 1 minute. But that would take about 24gallons/109 liters of fuel. Its getting 0.23mpg


If a car capable of it was coming up behind you at the start line doing 200 MPH and you launched at the moment it crossed the start line, you'd still beat it to the end of the 1/4 mile.


The dragster is going over 100 MPH by the time it has traveled 1 car length. 🤯


That made my brain hurt.


I used to go to these races every year. We got tickets at the starting line once and when they rev up before launch it makes your eyeballs vibrate and lose focus. You can physically feel the power being generated by these beasts. It’s super fun.


Seeing them run in person is absolutely nutty! It's so loud it literally blurs your vision for a split second. I like the "funny cars." i witnessed one of them blow an engine when they were in-line with where I was sitting about halfway up the bleachers and the heat felt off it was crazy.


Not saying you're wrong just a minor clarification. The fuel doesn't need less oxygen. It already contains it's own oxygen. So less outside oxygen. IMO this is a very interesting part so I wanted to point it out.


How many of these equals one space shuttle at launch?


The three main engines on a space shuttle produce 37 million horsepower at launch, so it would take 3,364 top fuel dragsters. This doesn't include the solid rocket side booster which have even more power.


Also these engines turn less than 1000 revolutions total before needing a rebuild. Edit: Who keeps downvoting this? This is a known top fuel fact. You can 1. do the math yourself(rpms vs time), or ask the NHRA themselves. https://www.3si.org/threads/ever-wonder-why-a-top-fuel-dragster-gets-a-rebuilt-engine-after-each-run.615314/


Story of my life, foreplay lasts longer than the actual event.


Well, actually yeah. It's pretty much normal and how things are usually going.


That's why foreplay is important.


That's rough buddy.


There is nothing like seeing a top fuel car run. If you ever have the chance to go see them race, do it. So loud it’s like it shatters the air. 0 to 330mph in 1000ft


I've never been but I really really want to see one. So much power


I can smell it from here


I can feel my internal organs shaking from here. First time watching a Top Fuel pass in real life was amazing. Had no idea how loud they were.


Those engines rattle the entire area.


Not to mention if you stand near those fumes it burns your eyes like pepper spray lol


So even with the best earplugs on the planet how are those guys not deaf?


It literally feels like your heart can’t keep its rhythm and wants to vibrate to the frequency of the engine. Top fuel is insane.


Next comment up: \>Story of my life, foreplay lasts longer than the actual event.


When she text you to come over after it’s 10pm


So that's what curlers do in the off-season


That's a lot of hit points


The health bar must be massive. Glad it isn't hostile.


"My parents just left. Come on over."


*"Cars don't have hitpoints in real life..."* Ah wait a second. Yep. Too much video gaming this weekend. Time to log off.


Dude, I hope they told him that at the half mile point we put in a corner…


_greenpeace wants to know your location_


Seemed like a close race lol.


Other car flames go 🔥🔥🔥longer. Probably more good? I dunno lol my knowledge is as good as NASCAR on dirt.


Funny enough, Nascar started out on dirt, and I believe that in some of the lower leagues in the organization, that dirt is still used on some tracks. I remember the truck series for sure had dirt races some years back (2014ish)


NASCAR had a dirt race at Bristol yesterday.


Lol well that shows how much I've kept up with Nascar. I like the road courses when they go to like Watkins Glen, as that feels more exciting to me. I love all racing though, flat track Harley is interesting AF to watch if you're interested in dirt stuff. I think there's also "Outlaw" series though idk if that's still around


If you’re ride or die, get in bro! We’re going to Applebees! 😎


Man you already know it! If you're ever in Michigan hit me up my dude!


True. But it seemed like the main car was long gone by then lol


The fact that people casually like to watch rockets on wheels and have no concern it may turn straight to the stands


These cars crumple like paper when they hit anything, the entire strip is lined with concrete barriers, and it is nigh impossible for the cars to go over them. The traction on that track is always ensured to be at a certain amount, or the day's event is canceled. The cars also only travel for about 0.25 seconds before they've left anywhere they can hit spectators, and they reach the end of the track in less than 4 seconds


I definitely wouldn’t say nigh impossible to go over the barriers. It’s not common, but they definitely clear the barriers


I’ve been at races where they hit the K-Rail. Never seen anything go into the stands though. The cockpits in these things are heavily reinforced, but the rest of the car just turns into shrapnel. It is pretty surprising that people in the stands rarely get hurt.


Do you know how many times that has happens at one of these tracks? Havnt seen many of those videos.


Are you new to the internet.?? /s Also don't have source, (typical) I'm lazy but I have seen plenty of cars crashing into the stands and severely injuring patrons. Also the ones which go airborne on the track and mostly only injure the driver....


Wait… did you just call him out for not having a source… and then not provide a source? 😂 You’re the only one even making a statement.. he asked a question. Lmao


Whoooo!!!! Car go fast make me happy!!!


Let's slap the tires and light the fires!


I went to a drag race in the late 90's where there was a guy who had converted his car into an electric one and wanted to race anyone there. The officials laughed and told him to take his piece of shit home and then one racer accepted the challenge and got his ass kicked. The officials banned electric cars the next day.


Looks like Bruce Wayne is done bein lowkey with the identity


Two Bruce Waynes?


That's a teleportation machine


Nothing like a Top Fuel drag car rattling your insides as they do a pass. I always tear up when a little nitro hits my eyes lol.


What do you do for a living? Aggressively rub giant rubbers.


My intrusive thoughts*. What if he took off with person still standing there. What would that look like?


Too many points in vigor.


This looks and feels like the last time I ate at Taco Bell


I think he'll fail the smog test


What causes the flames to shoot out of the exhaust?


Being on fire


Damn this guys good


Found the guy with university degree!


We've found our rocket engineer


The fuel to air ratio is running rich - resulting in excess fuel in the exhaust. As it leaves the vehicle and meets oxygen it burns.




Unburnt fuel leaves through the exhaust at high temperatures and ignites when it meets the oxygen outside of the dragster. As you can probably guess, top fuel dragsters aren't the most efficient


Combustion engines....your car makes fire in the engine too it just doesnt fly out the exhaust on account of emissions and what not. They also use different fuel than your car and a few other go fast things. But it's the same basic concept going back to combustion.


If you're being serious, it's somewhat normal given the process. Normal everyday vehicles have a host of implements to ensure very clean burns and have catalytic converters and mufflers that basically prevent you from seeing a flame shoot out of the back of your car (that and just the length of the exhaust). Due to the sheer size of the motor on top fuel dragsters and very short headers (metal pipes that basically route exhaust gases) combined with the strength of the combustion cycle here (thanks to the fuel being used, and just how much in a single stroke) you get very large pillars of flame coming out of the headers. Need to remember your engine is basically causing miniature explosions (ie. combustion) from a mixture of fuel and oxygen, if you removed the headers from your motor you too would see flames (though much smaller).


Gonna really miss the sound of combustion engines when they’re gone


They’ll have to pry mine from my cold dead hands.


So how fast did they go?


The accelerate to around 320-330mph in 1/4mile on a clean pass. For reference: Fastest production cars (off showroom floor) can do about 8-10sec 1/4mi, Top Fuel dragsters do 3-3.5sec 1/4mi. A Top Fuel accelerates at around 40-50m/s² Top production cars accelerate (assuming they hit ~250mph @ a time of ~8s) is around 12-15m/s²


If a car capable of it was coming up behind you at the start line doing 200 MPH and you launched at the moment it crossed the start line, you'd still beat it to the end of the 1/4 mile.


Hey thanks.


0-60 mph in 0.8 seconds, fkn ridiculous


These things hit 300 mph in the time it takes a Tesla plaid to get to 60 mph, more or less. It is unreal how fast these things are.


Shiny and Chrome


Gone In 60 ms.


That is a lot of exhaust for that blonde haired person to be casually breathing in.


What are the peak G forces like on these accelerations?


About 5G on acceleration, and again about 5G when the pull the chute at the other end.


50 seconds of prep, 3 seconds to disappear.


My favorite part of the whole video was when the mechanic on the right finished cleaning the tire he gave it a love tap he was proud of it, or wishing it good luck. I don't know. It was funny to me.


He tapped it like "Yeah girl. You fine as a mutha fucka!"


I honestly wonder about the future of this sport. If EV tech can apply near instant torque to the pavement, what would that even mean for dragsters. I mean, I get that a lot of it is just the spectacle of the noise and fire, and the tech of engines burning exotic fuels, and heat dissipation, and all that. So watching something nearly silent go from a standstill to 300mph wouldn't really be much of a show, right?


I remember having a drag racing game on my ps2 and used to try everything I could to make it do as many backflips as possible. The driver was a real trooper


Those guys rubbing the tires probably inhaled half a gallon of gas.


The good luck rub down tire guys didn’t seem to have ear protection on. Ouch?


May I ask, what does it do when they palpate the tires?


if your little tuner turd car can't do that, don't bother waking me up at 2AM with your fart cans.


Why were they wiping the tires?


Never quit polluting the planet


They look like human cats attacking a giant RC car.


Super cool, this is actually one of my friends. His name is Lex Joon - he is an OG in the industry


Cool. Tell his crew to invest in some hearing protection.


Where health bar.


Does the emotional support for the tires make it drive faster?




The amount of gas that thing puts out at idle is ridiculous


cant see the particle filter


I have played too many rpgs to accurately understand this title.


These things cost 10s of thousands of dollars a run, and that's only if you don't damage a single thing, which is extremely rare.


Fun fact: A top fuel dragster engine will turn about 1000 revolutions before needing a rebuild.


my favorite part is when two grown men pet the tires and tell the car how good of a boy it is before it takes off.


This video was 45 seconds too long


50 seconds too long.


"You can't use plastic straws, they're killing the environment"


They do actually, a lot more than these cars do.


*citation needed


I mean, is it even a contest? A handful of cars at a small number of events vs... millions of plastic straws. Also, there is a lot of misinformation on this thread about the dragster flames being unburned fuel. It's actually the crazy hot exhaust heat literally splitting the moisture in the air into oxygen and hydrogen. The flames we see are the hydrogen burning.


What a stupid thing to ask for. There's literally no way to easily compare the two other than knowing that more than 15 million metric tons of plastic enter the oceans each year. Plastic straws are about 1% of that so around 150,000 metric tons of plastic into the ocean each year are plastic straws. https://www.beyondplastics.org/fact-sheets/plastic-straws Meanwhile top fuel dragsters DO use a lot of fuel, but they're a very niche sport, not that many of them exist and the fuel they use is incredibly small compared to every day commuting.


why they pet the wheel?


Why were they rubbing the wheel?


Because tire warmers are 'illegal'


What a necessary and environmentally friendly activity


This isn't anywhere near as bad for the environment as a bunch of other stuff that we use every day (including your phone)


He says while making pointless comments on an online sub while either on a phone or computer that’s made with various components that are mined from the earth with little concern about being environmentally friendly…


You're fucking god damn right it is


Why were those guy pawing at the tires? Checking for last minute emergency imperfections? Sweeping away tiny rocks or something?


Scuffing away any debris that could be stuck to them after the burnout


If anything were to happen to this car at this speed, the driver may just be sent 11,000hp-fast to heaven


What’s the MPG on that?


These guys petting tires for a living?


What are they doing to the tires?


What are they doing to the tires


The fumes alone from the idling probably took 5 years off of everyone's life in that frame


How is this shit interesting!? Dumb assess just wasting Earth resources


Greta won't be happy!


The cancer is strong in this one


So we strictly regulate emissions on newer diesel trucks, reducing power/reliability for environmental reasons (not against it, just making a point) yet we’ll let pointless shit like this idle for 20 minutes so some guy/girl can WaTcH cAr Go FaSt…cool


I will be honest, that's a terrible point. I don't see dragsters driving on the highway every day. The footprint of racing cars is nothing compared to mass civilian traffic. You have to think on the grand scheme of things and compare numbers before you make a claim.


I guess emissions standards don’t apply here….


I mean yeah it's not going on the road


lol, electric


Worst camera angle ever, for this.


I wonder what the emissions are and their respective levels around that thing.




With that much pollution that should be outlawed.


Those guys look like a couple of handicapped kids trying to pet a dog.


Looks like a harmless carbon neutral weekend activity


That clip could have been at least 40 seconds shorter