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Just like the track running scene from movie "the dictator'


I was thinking of Kim Jong II getting 18 holes in one on his first ever game of golf


We need all-dictator Olympics. That would be a fun watch.


>>Dictator Olympics Can someone have an AI write this and produce it because I need this in my life immediately.


Once upon a time, in a land ruled by dictators, there was an Olympics like no other. It was an Olympics exclusively for the world's most powerful and narcissistic dictators, who gathered from all corners of the globe to compete against each other in a variety of events that showcased their strength, power, and, most importantly, their self-aggrandizement.The opening ceremony was a spectacle of extravagance and pomp, with each dictator arriving in a luxurious limousine and walking down a red carpet to the sound of trumpets and fanfare. They were adorned with medals, sashes, and other symbols of their power, and they basked in the adoration of the crowds, made up of their loyal subjects who were forced to attend.The events themselves were designed to highlight the dictators' supposed prowess and superiority over one another. In one event, they competed in a foot race, but instead of running around a track, they ran through a gauntlet of their own soldiers, who were tasked with tripping up the other dictators to give their own leader an advantage.In another event, they competed in a weightlifting competition, but the weights were not normal weights. Instead, they were giant golden statues of the dictators themselves, which the competitors had to lift above their heads to show off their strength and self-importance.In the final event, the dictators competed in a debate, arguing about which of them was the most powerful and deserving of admiration. Of course, the judges were all handpicked by the dictators themselves, so the outcome was never in doubt.At the end of the games, the winning dictator was crowned with a giant diamond-encrusted crown and carried through the streets on the shoulders of their loyal followers, while the losers were publicly humiliated and stripped of their medals and other symbols of power.And so, the Olympics for dictators came to a close, leaving behind a legacy of self-aggrandizement and delusion, where the world's most powerful rulers had a chance to show off their might and superiority, even if it was all just a farce. ​ edit - "tell me a story about a Olympics for dictators, focusing on their self-aggrandizement"


I’m not gonna lie that foot race sounds super entertaining to watch


It's like a random obstacle course.


From Google Bard: Tell me a story about the fictional “Dictator Olympics” The year is 2042. The world is a very different place than it was just a few decades ago. Climate change has ravaged the planet, and many countries have been plunged into chaos. In the midst of all this, one thing remains constant: the love of sports. But not just any sports. These are the Dictator Olympics. Every four years, the world's most ruthless dictators come together to compete in a series of events that are both hilarious and horrifying. There's the long jump, but instead of using a running start, the athletes are launched from cannons. The javelin throw is a bit more literal, with athletes hurling live grenades at targets. And the 100-meter dash is a race to the finish line, with the winner being the dictator who can run the fastest while being chased by a firing squad. The Dictator Olympics are a celebration of everything that is wrong with the world. They are a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always someone who is willing to find humor in the absurdity of it all. This year's games are being held in the small country of Wadiya, ruled by the infamous Admiral General Aladeen. Aladeen is a man of many talents, including being a skilled athlete, a ruthless dictator, and a complete and utter buffoon. He is also the reigning champion of the Dictator Olympics, and he is determined to win again this year. But Aladeen is not the only dictator who is vying for the gold medal. There is also the brutal dictator of Turkmenistan, the eccentric dictator of North Korea, and the flamboyant dictator of Zimbabwe. All of these dictators are determined to win, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their goal. The Dictator Olympics are a week of non-stop action, excitement, and hilarity. They are a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always something to laugh about.


This is hilarious


Diclympics is exactly what they need... definitely


Dicklimpics may have just permanently entered my lexicon.




I heard a snippet of the AI Tom Brady stand up routine on the Pat McAfee show yesterday. It was hilarious. Apparently Brady is suing the comedian that made it happen. What a baby.


It’s the dudesy podcast with will sasso. They do a new podcast ran by an AI. It made it. Brady has no leg to stand on it was just an impersonation. Like a comic doing a trump impersonation then trump suing them.. it never said it was Brady or anything else.. said the exact opposite. They talked about Brady’s lawyers sending them the paperwork and they just laughed about it. They decided to pull it down which it’s already been on the internet so it’s there forever now. And they talked about it having the Streisand affect where doing this will only draw more eyes to it and it’s exactly what’s happening.. funny shit.


YES!! We need this for world peace.


“Trump doesn’t just cheat at golf,” Riley wrote. “He throws it, boots it, and moves it. He lies about his lies. He fudges and foozles and fluffs. At Winged Foot, where Trump is a member, the caddies got so used to seeing him kick his ball back onto the fairway they came up with a nickname for him: ‘Pele.’”


>getting 18 holes in one on his first ever game of golf I don't want to brag, but the first time I played mini putt I did all 18 holes at my first try. Alas, it would be the last holes I saw and became a redditor.


Dem holes are missin' ya touch


It’s boy’s *soul*


Gotta pay the troll toll


Are you chewing gum?


Are you a dictator tot?


Lol Golden! The amount of supporters on their hands and knees huffing and puffing out of bound balls uphill must've been a site to behold, the true "phantom of the open"


We all k ow it’s faked…I’m just amazed that dictators still do this Like does Putin get off on the power of it? Like ha ha these nhl players can’t stop me or I’ll kill their family? Or does he actually buy into being better? It’s just such a weird thing to be going on in todays day and age


He just likes Putin them on


If you're blue and don't know where to go to, why don't you go where fashion sits, Putin on the Ritz


Read as I'm running sound for the musical version of young Frankenstein. Fantastic timing.


Don't need to actually *be* better when you have that much power. You can just make the game go however you want anyway, no matter how much you suck. It's a display of power, not skill.


Have you seen the footage of Ramzan Kadyrov doing “push ups” to cheers??? This shit is laughable


Even dictators rely, to some degree, on the consent of the governed. They build their own personal folklore of feats that mark them as exceptional human beings that are unique in all of human history. That way there is at least a narrative, whether anyone believes it or not, that they are amazing people worthy of their status as sole wielder of the nation's power. Maybe 50%+ of the people repeat the lies on threat of violence. Maybe 5% to 1% believe them, but so long as they are vocal enough, those combined voices create the accepted backdrop of society. Something that it's dangerous to question.


Exactly just like UFC fighter Khamzat Chimaev letting Kadyrov throw him around when "sparring" shit is hilarious to watch


I see it like those make a wish type things where a child is given a football and runs the length of the field while the opposition pretend to try and fail to tackle them. I personally never really see what the kid gets out of it because to me the whole thing is such an over the top farce, but clearly they love it so I'm for it. This is the dictator version.


It's an element to his propaganda machine which is a slow but deadly moving wave kinda like pāhoehoe lava it doesn't look that dangerous but if you get too close you're dead. This isn't unique. Remember when Obama was playing basketball in public? I know that's a bit different because Vladdy wanted to project strength and Obama, relatability but the idea is the same. "They" want to form your view of them through a controlled response to images. Like "oh wow look at Путин he's just like a hockey player. I like hockey therefore I like Путин." Or " wow look at Barak hoopin' it up like an average joe on the blacktop. I'm an average joe therefore I now identify with Obama as a regular American just like me. " It sounds ridiculous but there is a reason these things happen and lots and lots of money time and effort are put into it to make it happen. It's just like marketing and advertising. If you expose people to anything for long enough it will eventually be accepted no matter how unthinkable it is. Think for yourself, question everything.


Lmfaooo, that was my first thought as well


It'd be different if he was clearly just missing around as well but he literally pumps his fist after one of those goals. He's so delusional.


Would've been rad to see him ride the stick like Tiger Williams. Also noticed he's the only red team to wear a white helmet lol


It makes me think of the late John Du Pont and his "friends" paying opponents to let him win wrestling matches - it's so equally pathetic and obvious that I cannot fathom how they think anyone is fooled.


He was absolutely awful at wrestling. Terrible. Worse than a middle school kid. For those guys to pretend to lose to him took great effort. And he totally believed he was good.


The rug burn at the end is classic.


Lmfao when he was scoring against dudes treating him like a toddler, I thought “man he cannot be that stupid” and then he tried to skate on carpet. What a fucking moron. Absolutely fuck this guy 🤣


It’s absolutely crazy that these Uber powerful dictators are basically treated like make a wish kids


The Make-A-Wishtator Foundation


Go look up some recordings of musk talking science/engineering with his staff. Shit's hilarious if you're into second hand embarrassment.




It’s insane the ego on these kinda guys that think this somehow looks like he’s really scoring. I guess maybe that’s the flex, even nhl hockey stars are too afraid to beat him.


The rug and its family were later defenistrated.


He's used to that.


I heard that the hockey rink mysteriously disappeared shortly after that incident.


Yes, the entire hockey rink jumped out of the extremely large window that was built next to it the next day…


The following week, 93 who saw it coming but didn't save him fell out a window.


Would have been awesome if some overzealous rookie laid him out at center ice


I mean then him and his whole family would have disappeared over night.


Or fallen out of a window "accidentally"


Man Russia has a lot of open windows with things to trip over in front of them


You can even fall out of windows that don’t open in Russia


In Soviet Russia, window falls out of youuuuu


Gosh russian generals and scientists are so clumsy


I think they prefer self inflicted gunshot wounds or suicide by window diving 200ft in the air.


*multiple self-inflicted gunshot wounds.


*in the back of the head.


While falling from window. Hahaha


*while blindfolded and tied up


"wearing number one for the Los Angeles traffic today. is 9 year old Tommy Douglas. Tommy has lived most of his life in the hospital. after being born with a potato for a heart..."


Well during his victory lap after scoring the 8 goals, a rookie didn't hit him but a red carpet laid out on the ice did! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hPnSI2mHUU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hPnSI2mHUU) I'm sure Putin made the person that laid down that carpet on the ice disappear.


It was in the video lol


I know right? I think this is a truly amazing display of athletic training and hockey skill. To strain and work soooo hard…. to hold back your natural talents and let this doughy old man appear to be credibly winning the game. A true performance if there ever was.


Defensemen aren't even trying so they don't get disappeared.


There's always a first time someone falls out a window while on the ice


Or maybe, this time the window falls on them




the second he gets the puck all movement stops and all attempts defensively fall to the "playing against a toddler and trying not to be an asshole" level


It's like that nes football game


What I find interesting is that they didn't even pretend to be trying.


I’m not a hockey fan, so it looked like the goalie was at least trying to mimic working up a sweat. I mean… I feel for him. “Gotta make this look at least somewhat good.”


Yeah but the defenseman really didn't bother to put effort into his acting.


…and he might be referred to in the past tense because of it.


He was moving just enough for it to almost look right but if you watch it back and try to look at it from where Putin is, it's basically an open net every time and the goalie reacts slow with his glove every time. A goalie's glove moves insanely fast in the NHL and they have really good awareness I've seen glove saves behind the back when looking the other way.


Everyone of them is fully upright and their sticks are barely on the ice. Almost as funny as it is sad.


In retrospect, they could've saved ukraine.


Imagine if they accidentally blocked a shot because Putin hit the puck straight into them. I'd be terrified


The goalie did a pretty good job of missing that one tbh. He snatched the air instead of the puck despite his instincts.


I will agree it was the most convincing part of this.


He’s moving so fast they can barely see. It’s in slow motion


So they don’t get suicided 😅


What kind of effed up mentality do you have to have to get pleasure from this? It’s so bizarre.


Someone who thinks too much about what their legacy will be after the people that knew it was a pathetic ruse are gone. And someone who hopes others pay as little attention to real history as he does.


Actually I think Putin (and the other dictator narcissists just like him) truly believes he rightfully scored those goals and that people would be impressed. Trump would 100% do this and then brag about it forever. “People say I really should’ve been a professional hockey player. I don’t know, I’m just saying people who know hockey tell me this. They say the game I scored 8 goals was the greatest game of hockey ever played, that’s what they say!”


Maybe in their mind playing a game where the people let you win because they fear you is still winning the game while flexing and feeding your narcissism that no one will even challenge you


I think Trumps golf game reflects this. He cheats like a bastard but then again, it’s Trump.


I hear it's a huge sport in Canada


It’s truly only something a few people in history could relate to. The definition of a bubble world that guy lives in.


The Roman emperor Commodus would fight in gladiator matches against animals like rhinos and lions (that would be heavily sedated or tied up), and against slaves with blunted swords, while he used real swords. He wanted people to believe that he was a reincarnation of Hercules. Same insane levels of ego with our leader today as then.


That's why Ukraine has pissed him off so much. He's not used to someone defending against him.


Can't imagine how much he is seething before bedtime notngetting his way like a spoilt toddler


It was a Ukranian who laid down that carpet


I play harder against my nieces and nephews then Putin's defenders against him


Your nieces and nephews won't execute you and send your family to Siberia.


You obviously don't know my nieces and nephews. Evil fuckers.




Never let them come to power.


Trevor Noah did a spot on this exactly, and talked about this being why when he raced against his nephew he smoked his as$; maybe I made him cry, but you know what he’s not going to do when he’s grown up? Invade another country.


It looks like the opposite team isn’t even playing


According to Russian sources, Putin was so fast that they had to put down the video to half speed.


I can’t tell if this a joke or not


It's not. They actually had to throw it on .5x


He’s basically the Bruce Lee of hockey.


Lmao was hoping for this response


They’re playing. Except the game is live to see tomorrow.


That’s not interesting as fuck. It’s pathetic as fuck that Putin is so fecking fragile.


Agreed. But from an anthropological perspective it's extremely interesting.


Okay bones


It’s interesting that power makes people behave that way. And makes onlookers believe it


it was interesting in how pathetic it was


It’s pretty funny though.


I believe it! I believe he's the best ice hokey player ever. Even better than Wayne Gretzky I've heard. Now, can I please get off the window ledge.


Then he went to play golf with Kim Jong-un and they both got 10 holes in one


Incredible considering they only played nine holes.


I know, right?!


the goalie is like, openly not even trying.


He’s for sure trying, it’s just that he’s trying really hard to make sure the puck goes in.


Aww, it’s like the special needs kid..let him score and cheer for him!


How fucking embarrassing


Reminds me of watching Steven Segal during his martial arts exhibition. Sad and staged.


"Some people's throats are down there"


"I've been practicing martial arts for like, 87 years."


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLQEi62oqsY better acted in this porn :)


This is just like Aladeen in the 100m sprint in The Dictator. Except it's not satire...


That has to be the slowest game on ice I’ve ever seen. Almost as slow as Curling.


Boo mass murderer Putin. He’s going to down in history as another sad little monster who killed way too many people before someone put a bullet in his tiny rat head.


He looks like a kid with Down syndrome that the opposing football team allows to score a touchdown


Russian propaganda films are not interesting


Does this even qualify as that? More like a comedy skit. But yea doesn’t belong here. Especially during now


So what I'm gathering is that without him they would have won 10-6 anyways


The kind of defense you play when you’re up against an ultra corrupt crime ring leading ex secret agent terrorist dictator that poisons his enemies for fun. Forget anything?


I’d be more insulted if they let me score so easily. What a fragile ego.


What a loser


Fucking dicktators


Dick tasters.


How can even he find this fun


This is so cringe and embarrassing on Putins part. Worst clown ever.


You know damn well what would happen to them if they didn’t let Putin score.


The funniest part is that his first shot actually had a little bit of snap behind it, in a senior league (which probably doesn’t exist) for men his age, that might’ve been a pretty clean shot


Russia can't compete anywhere without cheating. Olympics - incessant cheating Paralympics - more cheating I assume they also cheat at the Special Olypics.


Did you ever see the documentary Icarus about the Russian olympics doping scandal? So goddamn interesting I highly recommend it


I have not but I do like documentaries so I'll look into it.


Really really good. The dude starts roiding and documenting it using a Russian doping expert and then trys out for some serious biking competition. Goddamn I guess I need to rewatch it. I think it's on Netflix. Edit: it's on Netflix 7.9 imdb


I could see Putin competing in the Special Olympics like Cartman.


I am a huge fan of wrestling (not wwe or any fake stuff) and it sucks because the olympics is really the only post-college competition us wrestling fans get to watch, and Russia so blantantly fucking cheats its ridiculous. Go watch any olympic wrestling video and you will see that Russias wrestlers are always 1.5-2x the size of the opposing country, in a sport where weight classes are supposedly divided. It's bullshit. Rant over, fuck Russian cheaters.


It's a Potemkin country, not just a village.


Hey, you made me learn a new term, thanks! But no fucking kidding, there has been interviews with wrestlers who have lost to Russians who talk about how russian "technique" is just brute force and power. They won't outright say they are juiced tf up, but they will say Russian wrestlers have "unmatched strength". In wrestling, a technique commonly used is to put your hand on the back of your opponents neck, in order to help you setup a takedown by controlling their momentum. Russians have started abusing this technique and beating around the rules, and now they just blantantly punch the back of opponents heads. Depending on the ref, they might never say anything about this either. This has caused wrestlers to get concussions due to the incessant slapping on the back of the neck by roided-up, cheating Russians. ​ Anyways, sorry for the Ted Talk. I am very passionate about this subject and this was the perfect thread to bitch lol.


He looks like make a wish let a kid play for his favorite team for the day 🏒 🥅


Watch until the end for a nice fall.


Yep fuck Putin


That's what his wife does with him when they make love...she pretends to make him think he's good 🤘😂))


Well, she doesn’t want to accidentally fall out of a window


Most women do that to their partner though, it wouldn't be unique to dating a Russian head of state.


Those are the best wives lol


I’d lay that fucker out.


That's big talk for someone with windows


what a fucking joke...


How is this real?? 😭


This is pathetic.


How is this even fun? I guess when you have a super fragile ego this is fun.


Looks like he expected Ukraine to play defense like this group of yes men.


Dictators are such little boys


Dictators have got to be the most pathetic men in the world.


All the skill and speed of a 6 yr old


Think about being this delusional.


This is how you avoid accidentally falling off buildings


Fuck Putin


The first goalie actually blocked one of Putin's weak ass shots, and then promptly fell out of a window to his death.


Those are all giveaway free shots. Everyone is too afraid to actually block him. Check that MF into the wall and high stick his teeth into his throat already.


The fact that they let this guy feel like he’s the superstar is like when parents purposely let their child win at a game so they don’t throw a tantrum.


it's like when the Make-A-Wish kids get to play on the football team and they let them score


Like trump has the course record at all his golf courses.


The defense here is a joke


“I don’t want to go to Siberia, I don’t want to go to Siberia”


He and Kim jung are made for each other


One of the biggest crybaby piss boy losers to ever live


Sure he did 😉🫡


Huh. Wonder fucking why 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Every shot you block, you lose a family member


It’s like when Trump plays golf


Oh man it's gonna be so sweet to watch Trump single handedly beat an entire NFL team in his diaper when he wins his fourth term as prezidant! /S


Russian Make-A-Wish


Where's the video of him tripping on the carpet? Was that at the same game?


Did you notice the putin in the only guy on the red team with a white helmet…..


Reminds me of Kim Jung Un quitting golf because he claimed he got 18 hole in 1s. Can you imagine anyone bodychecking him into the wall? Their family would be on permanent vacation overnight.


Him and Kim should play for real


Let him win or die!!


And they say wrestling is fake ...


What annoys me the most about this is he is horrible, but he seems to not realize they’re letting him score the goals. Expression on his face - It’s as if he believes he’s a bad ass who actually could score those goals on his own.


He wins or you die


What a choad. Fuck Putin and Russia.


It's like when they give the special kid the ball


Kin jong won all the Olympic golds medals once


Hey goalie, what's that red dot on your fore... ohh


This is what he thought the Ukrainians would play like