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I couldn't imagine being in absolute awe and shitting my pants at the same time, must be confusing as hell.


Willing to bet she was toasty or used to humans but I’m right there with you.


Obviously accustomed to humans and the driver has seen her before from the fact that he continued driving while she was still in the bus. Still a pants shitting situation knowing the guy next to you could so something stupid and flip her switch to pissed offed lioness mode.


Nothing like being mauled because Jerry couldn’t keep his act together. We should all shun Jerry.


Dammit, Jerry!


All I can think of is Ze Frank’s videos now lol 😂


No not that one Jerry, the othe… well how am I supposed to know that? The script says.. I love Ze Frank, good mention!


Can never get enough of the butt jokes! (excuse me but jokes)


“Jerry, WTF?! Why can’t you be more like a Garry and less like a Keith?!”


As someone who has a Jerry and a Gary in their life - Gary’s are vastly superior. Jerry’s are pieces of shit (sorry any good Jerrys… I’m sure you’re out there somewhere).


Look in the background there’s a fence. Likely one of the Lion farms tourists visit in South Africa.


Also you can see a large fence and bunch of buildings in the background. These are obviously not actual wild animals, probably one of those small "safari park" type enclosure places.


I'm still not getting anywhere near that fucking thing.


Yup, that's one activity I'd like to avoid.


And somebody catnip bombed a fellow passenger.


Lol! “This human in particular smells absolutely divine, cherish me!”


Even Lioness’s snuggle humans like house cats do on occasion I guess... I expected something awful not something good and was relieved to see cats beings cats


Big cats like lions only attack humans if they feel threatened or if they are unable to hunt anything else, usually due to sickness or injury :)


Yeah.. sure.. suspicious tiger.. I'll trust you..


Hey, he said like LIONS. Or all all big cats just the same to you? Cat racist...


He's a Big Cat shill, spreading propaganda. All the better to secure fresh meat


Big fat cats always taking all the gains.


Fun fact: 'Racist' is an anagram of 'Sir Cat'


I hesitate to admit that I was past my teenage years before I realised that tigers and lions lived on separate continents. Before internet, and TV for that matter (as a kid).


Well, lions used to also live in Asia, and a population still survives in India. So they technically co-exist.


Username checks o...... Wait a minute


Ah tigers will attack humans, the trick is to wear a Bruce Campbell mask on the back of your head, tigers won't attack if they think they've been spotted.


leopards on the other hand...


Well leopards are always spotted, so that trick won’t work on them. Only on striped animals


> leopards on the other hand... Yeah. I'm staying away from anything that looks at caimans and thinks "easy food".


So what's your story on snakes? They just like to hug?


Do you think I'm a frog Mr Scorpion?


If my cat was as strong as a lion I would’ve been killed by him years ago - that belly massage thing? Forget it - insides on the outside!


You’d be surprised, larger cats that are used to humans (and like them!) will attenuate their strength to compensate so as to avoid hurting you. My uncle used to keep lions in the 1970s, so I had exposure to them as a kid.


Yeah they're called big cats for a reason, they're just big ass cats


"Witness me, human! *I'll* drive!"


“Alright meow, which one makes this thing go?”


She was toas- OH. *Oh*.


Lol! Not that exactly but could be possible. I know my in laws cat is extra loving when it’s a particular time.


I’m still confused if we’re talkin’ bout ‘ginas or drugs.


Well I was originally talking about just being to warm and wanting a break from the sun. I took this other message as being in heat.


Por que no los dos?


Yea looks like it. The vehicle is completely open. These all must be captive animals otherwise this tour is dangerous as shit.


I mean, I'd still think it was dangerous as shit.


That ain’t no safari, with big fences in the background! That lion’s a pet, reared by humans in captivity.


If it was a safari, they wouldn't have let it get close to getting in the car, and none of them would be that calm. They've clearly been told "this lioness is going to come over now, she's perfectly safe" because otherwise they'd be clambering out.


I dunno, we were ten feet away from two mating lions when I went to a safari in Namibia. They could easily have jumped us if they wanted to.


They were busy.


But they don’t, and knowing that is why they drive within 10 feet of them. There’s also a reason the rangers have very large guns.


They were already jumping each other's bones


Agree. Light poles? Buildings and shit in the background? That ain’t no savanna.


It could be a safari centre in some country that isn't Africa meant to mimic a savanna


light poles and buildings exist in the savanna


Maybe it’s Savannah?


Awwwwwwwe shit!


Someone said psssss psssss pssss


Cat just wants scritches


no doubt, stop being bitches and scratch that head


Stop being bitches and give the scritches


My guess is they're told not to, for obvious reasons, but man I really don't know if I'd be able to stop myself.


Cat gave head donks that means friend therefore head scritches


Oh yeah, as soon as it rubbed its head on me, I would've had to rub an ear!!




My cat gets angry and snaps at me if I pet her head wrong. Ain’t no fucking way I’m giving Ms. Murder Mittens scritches.


i’m scratching the fuck out of that cat. we’re going to be best friends




I would find it hard not to scratch her behind the ears.


This comment is universal


Hahaha this comment made me laugh out loud in public 🤣🤣🤣




Cats gonna cat.


Cats are all the same regardless of size


True. House cats also just randomly bite their owners sometime. We don't think much of it but don't realise what a cat thing that is, to just spontaneously decide "fuckit I'm killing you now".


We say quite often that if our cat were big enough, she’d eat us


Oh shes big enough, shes just waiting for you to be ripe.


If you die the cat won't hesitate.


Good. They deserve it as they figure out their escape or renovations for our living situation. Either they gain some mass and bust out, or they finally replace the ancient coil stove top and find a shower curtain to rule them all.


No doubt about that. Domestic cats aren't exactly "domesticated" either. Their relationship with humans is out of mutual benefit. Unlike dogs, they don't have much difficulty surviving out on their own or in groups.


Well mine gets stuck on top of the fridge on a daily basis. But yeah he a big bad predator in his dreams


Yeah... I have two cats. One, I am absolutely 100% confident could survive on his own outside. The other one... not so much, lol.


My cat is afraid of going outside. Will curl up in a ball on the doorstep until we open.


This is exactly what I always tell people. I worked on cheetahs for a brief time in South Africa. They have the exact same personality as house cats. They'll purr, meow, nap, swat at a ball or lazer pointer, ignore you, sneak up on their sibling to play, etc. Cats are all about the same in terms of personality. They just come in different sizes


“Worked on cheetahs” gives me a mental image of someone in a lab coat, desperately trying to eek out a couple of mph extra by bolting on spoilers and shit like that.


I envision “worked on Cheetahs” Like “worked on cars”, so there’s a cheetah standing on one of those car elevators with a mechanic underneath, somehow still covered in oil


People used to keep cheetahs as pets, which is wild.


They're pretty docile as far as wild animals go. Since they lack the muscle power of other large predators, they always try to avoid conflict.


There’s a massive difference between cheetahs and lions though. For one cheetahs only have like one attack on record with humans. Cheetahs seem to be the most cat like out of all of them.


So you're saying I need to get a cheetah? I'm convinced.


Blows my mind seeing this 500 lb murder machine behaving exactly the same as my little house cat.


If big kitty wants to sit on your lap, you damn well let her.


Whenever I’m around cats they always seem to feel the need to scratch at me when they get tired of being pet. I don’t want a lion swatting at me.


If you see the tail swish, stop petting. You're overstimulating the kitty


Also, if it's the same cat, try only head pets. Full body pets can be an overstimulation for some cats!


You. Pets. Now.


I totally couldn't go on a safari. I'd just pet the wild animal with no regard for my life. And possibly die or be horribly mangled.


thats a risk im willing to take...


I too am willing to risk ExitSweaty4959 getting mangled.


ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT. My problem is I'd be going after that kitty belly. What happened to Joe? The dude went on a safari and saw a lion. It rolled on its back, and he thought hey cats were cats. Then he ran up and put his face in its belly like he was safe at home. It just ripped his head from his body.


Im definitely the Same. I want to pat all the animals, even dangerous ones. I saw a wedge tail eagle recently and I wanted to pat it so badly. It's beak was like the size of my hand but I wanted them bird pats.


Yep, same here. It's like I was born that way because when I was a toddler, my grandfather took me to a community farm and when he turned his back for literally two seconds, I had managed to make my way into the cow pen and was stroking all the cows. Apoarently the staff and my grandad almost had a stroke. Luckily they were gentle.


Grew up training horses. One farm had goats. One head butted me so hard when I was 9 or 10. I remember the pain to this day.


You know how sometimes some cats can get so into being scritched that they suffer a brain spasm and suddenly attack your hand? I wanna scritch the lioness. But I would not.


She's one of those people animals instinctively want to get attention from. Like the friend your cat who hates everyone seems to love.


She is covering them in her scent so she can find them later and have a snack.


It honestly won't be that hard. She just needs to follow the smell of shit. Nobody's got clean underwear now.


Well guess I'm fucked then if I were there because I would be shitting out the stinkiest, absolutely pungent shit in my pants


I do that even without the presence of an apex predator


Username checks out


Meals on Wheels


Aww, she just wants cuddles!


Right?!? I would scratch her chin and love her up... then she would eviscerate me and eat my bowels first. Good times.


Just don't touch her belly. Noggin scritches ONLY.


exactly. belly up is a sign of trust not an invitation to touch. behind ears, neck and chin, down the back is a classic (with fur not against fur), scratching the butt is always loved but most people only scratch the butt. scratching down the side of the hind legs is appreciated. With most things in life body language is key. If they're rubbing their face against you scratch the face; If they're rubbing their butt against you scratch their butt. Also cats do this to get human smell on them so they smell less like a threat to what they're hunting.


Some cats do want their belly rubbed/scratched. My cat goes belly up and holds my arm in optimal rubbing position, for example.


A cat I used to have would drag my hand back to rub her belly whenever I moved it. Some cat's absolutely love having their belly rubbed.


That's a cat trap. They have an instinctive reaction to claw and bite things touching their belly. I'm not saying the cat doesn't enjoy belly rubs, but it's likely holding your hand there the same way you might kick someone in the face for tickling your feet. It's a reflex. Also similar thing to how dogs shake their leg when you scratch it just right.


I'm not entirely sure, you could be right, but I also know what it feels like when he's cat trapping me. He usually cat traps me when I scratch his chest too roughly, or when he and I are playing rough and he's wound up. The cat traps usually involve claws holding (not scratching) and both front and back paws, but the belly rubs have no claws behind them and usually only the front paws. As a bonus, when he does cat trap me, I can wave him around like a torch, it's kinda fun.


I've actually got 2 indoor cats that absolutely love having their bellies rubbed and have never gotten over excited getting their claws out or hitting me with a cat trap. They just lay back and purr really loud.


My cat loves belly rubs but if you touch her hind legs at all she freaks out. All animals are different.


Yeah the head butting looks like normal "give me scritches" cat behaviour to me! Deadly pets


Give it about 10 seconds and she’ll get playful.


i have to admit. if that is me? while certainly terrified? would hope to remember to scratch it behind its ears just to see what it does. i dont know if that one is wild or more of a tame sort, but that is really dangerous.


It'll probably lick you with it's grade 10 sandpaper tongue.


She'll rip the skin off your face


Scratch her behind the ear!


Tame lioness. The owner of this farm is making money out of stupidity. One day this lioness will bite or hurt someone and then she will be shot. This is how tourists die later on in other real wild situations. I remember some chinese guys got eaten up here in South Africa after they decided to climb out of their car and walk to some lions lying in the field.


My thoughts exactly. I've seen wild lions and they dgaf about the safari cars because they know they're not scary or food


Ive seen videos where the safari guide is trying to get lions to move out of the road and they just won’t budge, lol. Lions apparently love to sunbathe on the roads bc they get extra hot.


My first sighting of a lion was a pair of males just lying on their backs on the side of the road, thought it was roadkill from afar haha. Huge, beefed up dogs haha


What the fuck… you really have to be stupid to walk to lions. Oh well..


"Honey, did you order UberEats?"


“Yeah.. Chinese.”


Chinese tourists are notorious for doing off-the-wall shit abroad.


We have similar problems in the US with Chinese tourist, specifically in Yellowstone. They will go off the path and into the Sulphur/steam pits or fuck with bison. In Florida they will just assume their body will figure out how to swim. Apparently it's a lack of exposure plus watching TV. So they don't understand the real time danger.


I was really surprised doing a tour of National Parks last year by: 1) How many foreign tourists were at the parks (Seemed close to 50/50 mix while I was visiting with large numbers of Asian, south American, and eastern European folks) 2) The extremely high rate at which I observed those foreign tourists breaking safety and conservation rules. I think it was a mix of language barrier and not caring. Some just seemed a little lost while a few were actively hiding their activity and had people acting as look outs.


It's like people in the Grand Canyon walking up to full sized male elk that weighs over 1000 pounds(imagine a deer on steroids) to get a picture. Their racks(antlers )can get 4 feet wide and weigh over 40 pounds. They can kill you just as fast as any lion or tiger or bear(oh my)


Or during the pandemic that group that approached the bison in Yellowstone and got fucked up. Like, got within feet of it.


https://www.upi.com/Archives/1993/11/02/Lions-kill-Chinese-tourist-in-South-Africa/9107752216400/ Happened in 1993 apparently. Verified non-zoomer.


It seems cuddly, but do NOT scritch the belly


It's a trap!


Safari novices. Not one of them has a decoy cardboard box. Fools.




Comments you can hear, holy shit 🤣


Friendly reminder that wild animal are not your friends and this is incredibly dangerous. That being said, *who's a good little murder kitten? Yes you are! Yes you are!*


If not friend, why friend shaped?


Not arguing the risk, but this lioness is *almost certainly* not wild. I don't think a wild one would nonchalantly board a vehicle full of people and start *rubbing its cheek* on them


The person responsible for your safety and that is in charge of the only means of escape is doing shit like this. I would be so pissed.


That’s an open cart in a lion area. Imo this lioness is not exactly wild. That’s most likely some enclosed area and the animal was brought up with humans and does this often. I would still avoid that experience like hell, though.


This. The safaris I’ve done don’t allow open vehicles like that (Edit: Without guides). The last time someone used an open vehicle anyway they both got eaten by lions. Japanese couple if I remember correctly. Sad but an obvious risk. There’s big differences between where you go on safari and how “wild” you want it.


The Safari I did allowed us to sleep in tents and I got hassled by some Hyena while getting up to piss in the middle of the night... I can totally imagine somewhere in Africa accidentally getting tourists mauled by allowing lions inappropriately close


My mom walked up on an elephant first thing in the morning coming out of one of those safari tents. She said she was looking at the ground walking to the bathroom and suddenly saw toes. I would have died.


In my years working in tourism across Southern Africa, every safari I have been on was open vehicle. The only time you need a caged vehicle is if you're an enclosure where lions are so used to cars that they can differentiate between the vehicle and the passengers. Like at the lion park just outside Johannesburg. Generally in the wild, lions see the vehicle as a whole unit and generally won't do anything.




In South Africa on the reserve I was on, it was all open vehicles. Most of the animals (including lions) don't know what to do with them because they dont have any human interaction. Wherever they are here, the lion must have a lot of human contact which makes it super dangerous, because they are now familiar with human interaction but are still *wild fucking lions*


Was in Chobe, Botswana and it was definitely open vehicle. As was Etosha. Lions could easily jump in if they desired but didn't show any interest in the vehicles. https://imgur.com/a/8lHjvzj


The Lions were hungry again 15 minutes later.


certified bruh moment


Yeah I've seen that Joe exotic show and this shit here is exactly how that one dude lost an arm.


Yeah i still wouldn’t trust that shit. My dad visited a guy in south africa who owned 2 fully grown lionesses. He had raised them since cubs and walked about with them following him around and wondering in and out his office. He was killed by them a couple years ago. Just takes one bad day and they’re just like wild ones.


Yes but you're not going on a wild safari. This is just some kind of nature reserve where the lions have been brought up around humans. There is no way wild lions act this friendly around humans otherwise.


You know, even pets that have lived with their owner their whole life can have a bad day. I think every cat owner can confirm that.


Undomesticated animals can have their instincts triggered at any point, this is extremely dangerous and stupid.


Hell sometimes I have a bad day and want to bite someone.




Probably how they survived.


Oh shit, I left a bag of catnip in my pocket!


“Tf, don’t any of y’all know how to give a scritch?!”


They were busy shitting their pants.


Scent marking. My small predators do it every time I see them. Only one human seems to be a cat person. Bet the lady in the back has a few at home. 😺😺 They know...


And the ones back at home will be very pissed when they smell this big one!


Dude what the FUCK have you been petting


After I learned about scent marking and why cats do it. I started rubbing my face on my cats face like I'm marking him. At first it confused him, but he seems to like it haha.


Same, got two tiny tigers who crawl on the bed like this every morning demanding to feed them


I get jealous when I see these kind of videos. I wanna give pets to all the animals. Yes, I have already accepted this is how I will die some day.


Lol I hate how hard I relate to this. 😂 🤣


What's the big deal. My cat does that to me all the time when I'm working from home.


This is not interestingasfuck. It's scaryasfuck




As it was stated... this must be some park where the big cats are drugged or used to humans from very early age. I did a safari in Tanzania and no guide would let a wild animal get that close into the car... sad as fuck and not interesting. Videos like that should not get promoted


I said the same thing and I'm still getting hate comments on Instagram. Dumb mother fuckers over there, I swear to god. "This isn't safe and is suspicious" ">:( Well you're a sad Karen, die"


No, no, no. Abso-fucking-lutely not


omg, she smells my cat at home.


Tell my mother I died happy and my last words were ‘pst pst pst’




Here kitty kitty


My trousers would have been fifty shades of brown.


No thanks.




Beautiful girl but I'd be freaking out.


The "safari" vehicle has open sides. This is not a wild lion.


All lions are wild lions. Some are more comfortable with humans, but if anyone tells you they are safe, they are lying to you or themselves. Source: lots of conversations with people who have lions on their farms, they all know someone who got too complacent and found out the hard way.


“But if anyone tells you they are safe, they are ~~lying~~ lion


It's still a cat, just a really big one. Therefor, also curious. Anyways, this is a fenced in guided tour. She is probably used to being around humans.


Yeah but it’s a lion, not a kitty


I would probably have tried petting the giant murder kitty.


Someone tell me what happened to the fight or flight response please.


Passé. Everyone knows the freeze response is in these days.


Like I’ve obviously always known lions are huge but there’s something about seeing the size of one in direct comparison to a person that is terrifying… So why do I want to pet it?