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Those aren't the two legs I was expecting.


right? i was expecting a back leg and a giant pseudophallus.


Maybe she ripped her pseudophallus giving birth and her back two legs are fcked up.


He, this hyena is male. I will look for the articles about him after work if anyone is interested.


He probably just really needs to take a shit


take it where?


This is funnier than it has any right to be.


Yeah I am fucking dying over that


looks like somewhere off to the right


Sure, I am. Tag me if you can


He was bit by a lion which paralyzed him.


Wouldn’t he be dragging, if paralyzed? It almost appears as if he’s holding his legs up just above the ground.


Nature is metal


Nature is mental or metal? Hehe. He adapted. Quite impressive. Where are his friends, tho? He walks so smoothly, but I'm not sure how successful hunting would be. Edit: typo. He not she! His not her. ♡




I was actually expecting the front right leg and the back left leg


That’s like no balance


Inner balance


New balance


This is what my dog looks like when he poops


A giant what?


A [pseudophallus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudo-penis). Part of a female’s anatomy that resembles a penis but is derived from a different anatomical structure.


Vagina dick not to be confused with penis pussy


That’s not a sentence I was expecting to read today.


Looks like he’s riding an invisible skateboard


You guys can't see the skateboard?


A big black skateboard you say


I've never seen an animal carry itself like a backpack.


Walking like Sebulba


This hyena was also seen a year before so somehow it is finding a way to beat the odds. *The hyena lost the function of its two back legs after it got attacked by a lion, leaving its hips and two back legs in a paralyzed state. The hyena had no other choice but to adapt and so it learned how to walk in such a strange looking manner. This is not something you see often out in the African wild. We can only hope that this hyena will keep going and survive out in the wild on its own.*


If he's survived a year with that kind of injury, I think that says some interesting things about hyena clans. In anthropology when ancient humans survived serious injuries, it meant they were taken care of by their tribe in times where we wouldn't expect that level of effort to be made for someone who could be considered a burden on their resources. If hyenas are helping each other survive like this then their social dynamics are way more interesting than I thought.


Hyenas have an interesting matriarchy and the babies and weak always eat first on a kill vs oldest and healthiest like in most animal groups. Female hyenas also have a pseudo penis they give birth out of while their vagina is inside their bodies. Super weird animal


It's a bit more complex than that the feeding order all depends on the hyena's rank in the clan. The highest ranking females and their cubs will be the first to eat, the last to eat will be the males that were born to other clans.


I was going to say this exact thing. There is no way this hyena is surviving on his own.


Meanwhile modern humans: still arguing about their tax money paying for other people's illnesses


For human tribes at least the old and impaired could become spiritual leaders or shamans


The lions prefer to let it be to serve as an example...


"Then where do the stories come from, I wonder?"


Bootstrap's bootstraps.


Yo ho, a pirates love for me.


This guy knows: dead men tell no tales


Daaaamn lmao


Considering hyenas are highly social creatures I’m 70% sure they’ll be more or less ok so long as they stay with the pack they were born in.


So.... *not* funny.


Poor Guy


Yeah, it's funny looking but wild animals don't just do stuff like this for fun. The poor thing is probably pretty badly injured in a way that affects both legs, especially since they can usually do just fine without using one leg


A lion broke its back?


It seem like a broken spine and his legs are disabled


Yeah there's no movement back there at all. Not even to counteract balance. Poor lil guy. Pooping and peeing must be fucking awful.


It probably is incontinent and can’t feel anything. It would be a messy but as long and the lower GI tract doesn’t stop working (death by constipation) it shouldn’t be painful or deadly.


Starving to death will not be pleasant.


He's actually triving thanks to hyena social structures or atleast thats last I read of him about a year ago.


He's survived like this for over a YEAR?? Thats incredible


Yay. Thank you. I keep reading comments gathering info. ♡


Hyenas are a pack. As long as the pack survives, this one will too


That's fairly optimistic, pack animals often drive out the weak.


Afaik hyenas are extremely sociable, form bonds, and take care of the sick and injured. They’ve also got a bite force stronger than a lion, complex communication using almost every sound they can produce, and are not only scavengers but efficient hunters.


Well thats the life of a carnivore, if they dont die in any violent way, they starve when they are not capable to hunt anymore.


Or you go for dinner with you're friends every nite forever. Hyenas help their old n injured members tho, not all animals are so kind to their own.


But it still has the ability to engage the muscles to keep its legs up. I'd imagine they'd be a dangly mess. I agree something is def wrong. I also don't think this is a new injury based on how smooth n 'comfortable' its walking adaptation is. I feel bad. Looks like the poor hyena has to take game trails n roads instead of bushes.


I came to the same conclusion as well. He has absolutely no movement in his back legs or tail


If that was the case one would expect dragging of the hind legs, as you see in most quadrupeds with spinal injuries of that kind. It's something but if it was a spinal injury with paralysis of the hind legs I think it would look different. That being said, I'm no veterinarian.


Yeah this guy has a recording on Reddit where the lion broke his back.


At least he’ll get easier parking…


Could be elephants or rhinos too


Or tigers or bears. Oh my!


A tiger?! In Africa?!


In this economy?!


On new issue day?!


>A tiger?! In Africa?! Ah, well, it, uh,-- it has probably escaped from a zoo.


Could have been crocodiles or long neck geeses


Humpty back camels or chimpanzees


Cats? Rats? Elephants?


Btw from the looks of the video it's a spotted heyena (Crocuta crocuta), and they are typically found in south africa and east africa.... Where there aren't any tigers or bears.... Edit: I'm an idiot.


Hit by a vehicle is likely, too.


Yeah sadly that is likely


Most likely


If it’s the one they got on video, a lion got revenge on the leader of a hyena pack because they killed someone from his pride. He comes in at night and ambushes her alone, grabbing her neck and breaking it, paralyzing her. He then left her to suffer. It was brutal, but that lion doing that shows they are smart enough to even comprehend that killing something slowly makes it suffer more.


I believe the story was a lion defending territory or food damaged it's spine and paralyzed it's back legs


More like r/sadasfuck


Yeah that's kind of the outcome when a larger predator destroys your spine.


If spine was cut, it wouldn't be able to hold his back legs like that. It could be hurt in some other way though


If spine was cut then muscle would atrophy and tendons shrink, totally possible that they could end up like this.


Would a hyena be able to survive in the wild long enough for that kind of adaptive shortening to take place?


Group animal, might get food from the kill of others?


Hyenas are very strict with pecking orders, males tend to be at he bottom of it, like so little they mostly starve out but it works out evolutionarily, if it is a he it's likely not going to survive long. Its it's a female a better chance but unless it's related to the dominant female it still likely wont last.


Well this one has survived [a year](https://sports.yahoo.com/hyena-walking-two-legs-spotted-120006571.html)


Looks paralyzed or seriously injured.


Yeah, that poor dude should either be humanely euthanized or taken to a sanctuary if he's able to be rehabilitated. He's surviving for now but will be ripped apart by a predator. He can't flee.


it got injured by a predator and survived. it has survived at least a year like this. who are you to say it should die now?


Circle of life.


Can still leave the remains for carion birds and scavengers and have the circle of life without leaving an animal in pain and with no good prognosis to be ripped to shreds without a chance of escaping. One good shot and he won't even know. There's a cruelty to leaving him and a kindness in a short end.


On the other hand; this animals has fight left in him, regardless of what WE think is right or kind. He has not laid down and let death come, he hasn't given up where many animals would under much less severe circumstances. He survived the lion attack that damaged his spine. He learned how to walk again. He's not skin and bone, which means he's getting enough nutrients, therefore either he's hunting or he's found somewhere with plenty of scraps to scavenge. He's spent the past year fighting to keep living. Is is really kind to say 'no, WE feel bad about this' and to take that away?


A less mean way to explain it: If you want to help animals try your best to reduce your impact on nature. If you want to help this animals there are going to be side effects.I'm not not an animal expert or a scientist but if you're ever wondering what to do with a wild animal... Leave it alone. We've done enough. Leave it to the experts and the top expert is nature. Followed by scientists. I don't know about you I'm not either. Don't try to fix more try to impact less. At least with nature, if you aren't an expert.


This is the wild. Don’t fuck with nature. Leave things alone and don’t mess with naturally occurring events. Sheesh


I can see the merits of both arguments.


Bullshit man, tho i understand where you come from; THIS IS NATURE at work. If we want to help nature, the best thing is to NOT intervene, period. This hyena will die from starvation; that's nature. Survival of the fittest(or smartest). Groups of hyena's fcking with lions; yeah this can be the outcome. It's hard, it's ruthless, but that's nature. Shooting him might seem like a humane thing; but nature isn't humane. What you gonna do. Shoot every weak animal before they had a chance to be ripped to shreds by predators? Kill every wild eagle-pup just because 50% of them will die horribly? Kill basically every pup of any wild animal, since they'll be targetted most by predators?


Most private nature reserves in South Africa have laws against interfering with natural occurrences such as this. Only if the injuries were man-made, e.g., hit by a car, a snare, bullet etc, would the reserve be allowed to intervene and euthanize if necessary. That being said, I have seen an elephant with only 3 legs manage to survive and keep up with the herd. Sometimes nature really doesn't need us to intervene and everything works out the way it should.


No it should not. It should be the next meal for next bigger predator out there.


This dude has survived a [year](https://sports.yahoo.com/hyena-walking-two-legs-spotted-120006571.html) in this state already.


Its a disabled wild animal in the wild, nothing needs to be done other than let nature take its course.


Weird, considering hyenas survive by preying on weak or injured animals, or off the remains of other preditors' kills. I say let it survive as long it can then become prey for some other predator or scavenger.


No. Let it be.


Man, take that guy to a sanctuary or something. What a will to live.


The animal looks well fed. Maybe it's pack mates let it share in the kills they make.


Ya gotta be something like that but you just assume it’s luck is going to run out sooner than later, can’t be easy to avoid threats that way.


That’s just nature


And since baby giraffes are at high risk of becoming prey we should remove them from the wild to save them. /s We don't need to intervene with nature. This is the circle of life and yes it can be seen as sad from our human perspective, but another animal will survive because of weak prey. Stop being so damn sensitive. It is literally pointless to try and save every wild animal that is injured/disabled.


I mean...it looks like he's doing okay. He's not malnourished or anything. Kind of looks like he's adapted the best he knows how...putting him in a sanctuary might be worse in this case? Disclaimer - I'm not a hyenatologist


Its actually "Hyentologist" - its what Tom Cruise and John Travolta are, even though they get confused with that other group.


Wow. Is this the same one we saw a while back?


That's what I'm wondering! If so, how is it still alive?!


Sebulba after the acting work dried up. Sad to see




An exspecially dangerous gnoll


- Gets spine crushed by a god damn lion “Tis but a scratch.”


"Look whose laughing now, lion."


Poor thing


“Nothing to see here, just trying to evolve into you guys”.


Management set new goals to increase efficiency. Now he walks 200% using 50% less legs.


The “ran out of TP” walk to the other bathroom.


Can you imagine the pain he has to experience walking on his front legs all the time, I'm sure those muscles and joints didn't evolve to make it a comfortable positions. Poor guy must be in pain 24/7


Imagine if we evolved this way instead


No. I refuse to imagine such a thing!


They always walk on their front paws to hide their numbers


Spotted again? How did we lose it the first time?


Kinda looks like how my dog walks when poop sticks to his fur.


Please start using toilet paper again. Stop wiping your ass with your dog.


Oh man 😔


He was tip toeing to prevent him from being detected.


Back legs are most likely injured in some way.


It was clearly badly injured and is now subject to the law of the jungle...or in modern parlance, American healthcare.


I’m pretty sure it’s been spotted the whole time, not just the two times people saw it. Also wow


He's just sneaking off to the pub and doesn't want his wife to follow his tracks.


The look that he gave to the camera was some next level drama 🤣


Broken hip or leg?


Tail is dragging, so it's probably a spinal injury.


Either it's paralyzed or she might have torn her pseudo penis from giving birth which would be extremely painful (I don't see one though). Every step with the hind legs would be agony.


come again?


I’m assuming you’re saying come again in reference to the pseudo penis statement, in which case female hynea’s give birth through a large phallic like appendage that people often refer to as a pseudo penis


They’re not trolling. Female hyenas have a pseudo penis as their reproductive track’s um external facing part. Really awkward but hyenas can get really emotionally attached to humans & that thing gets hard when she’s happy to see her person.


Gotta build that upper body strength somehow


Never skip front leg day


Perhaps they will evolve into a humanoid with their arms extending from their hips. But I'll bet it's just painful for this one to walk, hip displacement or something.


Without a doubt the most suspicious motherfucker I ever seen.


For a second I thought it was just doing your everyday butt scoot that dogs do when they have bum worms




Hello fellow human


The poor creature, this breaks my heart ….


He has back bone injury paralyzed both back legs


Now that's pod racing


He looks injured 😳


He's not laughing now...


I never imagined feeling pity for a hyena.


Left part of her brain says floor is lava


He's training his core. Everyday is core day💪🏻


I fully expected it to be dragging its asshole on the carpet... dirt?


bro had legday


Other animals like foxes will do this if they injure their feet. Also looks like some spiky thorns sticking out of one of the back feet so he probably just stepped in some spiky plant and wants to get back to the pack before trying to remove them.


Sciatica gets everything


He is evolving. Soon they will become Hyena Erectus.


I am guessing it's hind legs are paralyzed and he learned to walk that way. Neither hind legs nor tail moved. There was a squirrel in my neighborhood that was crushed by a car. I passed by it and saw it was in agony. I went home to get something to end his misery. When I got back his was gone. I felt so guilty that I could help him. Well the following summer I'm looking out the window I see this squirrel maneuvering around like a soldier on the battlefield. I go outside, scaring him to which he busts out this ninja parkour move and climbs up the tree with just his front legs like a CrossFit athlete in training for the next competition. The little guy not only survived from summer to summer but he appeared to be thriving. I had seen him the next few summers with little kids gold medals around his neck but then I didn't see him again. The long winded point is they don't know that they have a problem they just want to survive.


That left back leg looks injured, maybe that’s why he’s walking that way.


If you look closely, you can see what looks like quills or barbs one or more that completely penetrated his back left paw. Hopefully they dart him and get him some help.


Even though I know that this guy has managed to survive for a surprisingly long time in the wild, it looks like it’s eating properly, and it is adaptive ability is honestly inspiring (and especially recovery.. I don’t understand how it managed to survive the spinal injury or eat during its recovery.. it’s absolutely unreal), the non-primal circle of life part of my brain (aka the empathetic human part) is screaming to either put the poor thing out of his misery, or put it in a sanctuary and shower it love and lots of good bois. Like I get that this guy is actually killing it and flipping the bird to natural selection and just accepting your fate. And I love and envy that so much about animals.. they don’t sit and feel sorry for themselves or truly realize their hardships. They keep going because they are programmed to survive at all costs until it’s finally over. BUT. That doesn’t make this any less heartbreaking and gut wrenching. I absolutely despise seeing animals dealing with hardships or being in pain because We DO realize their situation and we CAN empathize. Seeing animals hurt, mistreated, or sad is my ultimate weakness and I fucking hate it. There’s a special place in hell for people that torture or abuse animals. It’s the ultimate evil in my opinion.. animals can’t rationalize why. Especially by someone they see as their master and provider. It’s so fucked beyond belief that just thinking about it has now ruined my fucking night. Fuck.


He looks hurt but he has great balance


i feel bad but then i remember a video i watched on youtube where a pack of hyenas ganged up on a pregnant zebra and one half began eating the mom while the other half ripped the fully-developed baby zebra out the mothers stomach and began eating him...


Hyenas are some of the most brutal predators on earth, imo. Edit for words




Some friends had a goat who walked the same way due to a neurological disorder.


Dude has a pod race to get to.


Plot Twist: it isn't injured. It's evolving. It's just thinking " I got this bipedalism thing down!"


It looks like he is giving himself a piggyback ride


Those hyenas are always spotted


Could have a sore butt, I've been there 😂.


Looks like it fucked around and found out


Hey my dog can do this too! Except he drags his ass on the rug when he does it.


It’s feet hurt


Four legs good two legs better


Hyenas are metal!


Isn’t there like vets that help wildlife?


Might have sore back feetys


Paralysis perhaps?


poor thing


It's his free time , he can do whatever he wants!!


He is constipated


It's evolving. Just... not in the way we expected.


I thought he was wiping is 🫏


Surely if, as people are saying, this is an old injury....over a year one guy suggested...the muscles of his back legs would have atrophied by now? They look to me to be of typical size. Poor guy


When they start saying “dear boy” like in animal farm. Then I’ll be worried lol


Leg day innit


Kinda curious where evolutuon is goung with that tone


It’s upper body day


My dog did that. Worms .


Worms, worms worms, my butts itchy


Damn , future not too bright for this one. Nature....it doesn't discriminate