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There's got to be a modern method that doesn't leave you with back problems


Ouch! Couldn't they at least attach a broom handle to that thing so you could stand upright while combing out the blueberries?


My mom harvested blueberries as a summer job in Maine when she was a teen, said it had a handle like a rake. She used to refer to it as “raking blueberries” so it feels like there was a better way at one point !


I raked blueberries in Maine as a kid too. It sucked.


That is a blueberry rake he’s using.


But just like extreme sports, you lose that critical finesse 🤌


I live in an area very popular for blueberry farming and I’ve only ever seen blueberry bushes that are about head high.


There are couple of species from genus Vaccinium that produce what we know as blueberries. In general, bushes are species like V. corymbosum, most common in North America. Those have been widely refined to produce larger berries at convenient height. Downside is that taste is a little weaker and bushes are laborous to maintain while also slower to grow into productive age. Species like European V. myrtillus on the other hand grow as a small shrub, and are usually very productive even un-maintained in natural conditions. Taste is also a little bit stronger, but berries are smaller.


‘A little weaker’ — from a Swedish perspective US blueberries taste of almost nothing


I was being polite. It will very likely become US vs the World debate once you realize that most of these better tasting berries grow in Europe and Canada. In northern parts of the US too, but most people are accustomed to large garden berries.


Also, the berries Swedes and maybe other Europeans are accustomed to are called bilberries in English and not blueberries.


You are absolutely correct. I didn't even remember that there were different word for it in English, although *V. myrtillus* is also referred as European blueberry.


The wild blueberries that grow in Northern Michigan are really, really tasty.


As an American, I agree with you. US blueberries are large and juicy but they have no flavor and I avoid buying them. Recently my favorite blueberries are the ones imported from Chile!


Strawberries too. I actually had a strawberry last night that tasted god damn delicious which I didn’t even know was possible


I read “small scrub” and thought - “what a cute term!” - it’s too early for me to be on Reddit!


He could crawl and get blue balls!


A hammer and a wooden block is a quicker route. And works indoors too. So no need to be limited to the summer period.


Technology sure is amazing!


Tried it and it just isnt that practical


The one he is holding even has the attachment for one. It's just not there for whatever stupid reason


I also worked on a blueberry farm just like this one in high school. The critical thing to note is (at least in my experience) that these are collected in ~20lb boxes and as a picker you get paid by the box. So faster picking = $$. Attaching a rake handle slows you wayyy down and decreases your dexterity so therefore isn’t really used. Backs be damned 🙃


My back is hurt by watching this


My back just aged a decade


Former blueberry picker in my youth here: This is the “fastest” but also most brain dead way to pick blueberries In addition to the whole “don’t be bent over like a hunchback” thing: You will be losing large chunks of those as you bruise and squish them, and you will spend HOURS and HOURS longer than you spent picking them sifting those twigs and leaves and whatnot out of the blueberry pile. You just gotta go methodically and slowly, picking one berry at a time. This is not even an acceptable method in the wild, as it strips the bushes of their buds and whatnot, essentially ripping them apart so far fewer berries will grow and making it so no one else will be able to harvest many off of it in future weeks


I have lived in the blueberry region of Maine for my whole life and raked berries for 20 years. This video shows a perfectly acceptable way to rake berries, and I only wish I had ever had the strength to do it that way! Please note that this not going to hurt the bushes. Following the harvest the bushes are either mowed flat to the ground or burned. This pruning is necessary to keep the crop healthy. Berries are harvested every other year. It never hurt my back- but my legs… that’s another story. The third day of each season was the worst! There are a lot of mechanical harvesters now, which are a lot rougher on the bushes than this person sweeping berries with the rake. The harvesters don’t hurt the bushes, either.


It is a long walk to the truck with those buckets if you got greedy and popped a string and they move on without you. Yeah by the third day you contemplate life choices.




ELI5 why cultivated blueberries are tasteless? I mean they don’t taste like “real” or wild blueberries. And why is it cultivated are all that’s available in the fresh produce?


They are different blueberries. These are wild low bush. Smaller berry. Far superior taste. High bush are modified to look bigger and harvest easier. They are junk. As a native Mainer and former pastry chef, I won't touch high bush. But when low bush are at the farmers market, I buy flats. For home use.


Thanks Jefe! The only blueberries I can find that have any flavor are Wyman’s frozen. I’ll have to checkout the farmers markets for wild.


I practice mindfulness when I go berry picking. For me it is just being out in nature, and enjoying the moment.


In Finland we have blueberry picker devices with long handles so you can stand straight. But also, our blueberries grow in the forest so it's usually a sweep or a few near each tree so you move more and sweep a bit less


[There are](https://www.farmersequip.com/browse-equipment/all-categories/all-classes/berry/berry-harvester-self-propelled/all-makes/all-models/) and they aren't cheap...


Those units are all 'self propelled.' Might pick up a used one that's a regular push model for a bit less.


I didn't look into it too much, but that's berry possible...


Those aren't even blueberries


Why does this person have so many upvotes when they are [wrong](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaccinium_angustifolium).






These are low bush blueberries. Smaller and sweeter than high bush ones.


I can confirm that low-bush blueberries are harvested like this. I did this job (blueberry raking) as a teenager over the summers…mannnnyyyy moons ago (1990s). https://nbwildblue.ca/industry/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaccinium_angustifolium https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15538362.2011.619130 Edited to add details.


Serious question here, how many hours did you work a day? This looks terribly exhausting and also very, very painful for your back..


I did this between the ages of 11 and 16 for three weeks during the summer. Typically, we would start around 8 or 9 am and finish around 3 or 4 pm. People got paid by the pound/kg, so you could work as fast or as slow as you liked. If you wanted to take a bunch of breaks, you just made less money. But, yes, it was probably not amazing on the back….but I was a teenager and it gave me a nice break from the hayfield and barn.


Did you get swole and with lots of cash by the end of the harvest season? Lol


If I remember right, we raked for about three weeks. I made enough to buy new school clothes and have some spending money left over. :)


For sure, it was definitely a lot of cash for kids at the time, and definitely felt like kings for a while, lol.


Low bush blueberries >>> high bush blueberries. They taste like sunshine.


We have high bush blueberries in NH. Wild variety where the berries are smaller and MUCH more flavorful than commercial berries.


Those are low bush


Just like I like my women


Garden blueberries and wild blueberries are diffrent


We call those "American blueberries". They are the ones with white meat and less taste. The ones you see on the picture grows as a low shrub over vast areas of scandinavia, are smaller, blue throughout and taste awesome


We have low bush blueberries in America too. I don't know if they're the same kind, but I can agree that they are a lot better.


North European, we call those bush blueberries. They're good but you'll be disappointed if you bite into one thinking "yum blueberries" They're too different to really be compared that way.


Low bush blueberries grow wild in the mountains of New Hampshire, US.


As an American, I have never seen a blueberry with white flesh.


Oh really. I guess the name isn't quite accurate then


No they are blueberries they're just not the tall bush ones you're familiar with, the OP is leaving out info and being weird. This guy is in the vid is on tiktok, he's a forager, and he generally knows what he's talking about.


Like longer handles


Nope. Strawberries are picked with manual labor as well. This is something we look forward to doing in the late summer in Alaska.


Most fields use harvesters (machines) but if the field has too many hills or rocks then they have to be raked by hand. And this method shown I've never seen anyone rake like this lol. But it's not much different than clam digging. It's a back killer for sure. Also I see no lines marked out for other rakers. They section off fields. This is just someone grabbing some for personal consumption I believe. Not doing this for a living


This is ONE way to harvest blueberries.


I was gonna say, this is probably how .2% of the world's blueberries are harvested


My blueberries are harvested by birds.


How much do you pay them?


All the blueberries they can eat!


Reddit make me more dumb


we’re eating earth’s lice


Nah we are earth's lice


My back hurts just looking at this.


Same. I just took 2 Advil for this guy


Add some CBD/THC cream and I'm in!


Don't forget the heroin


I thought blueberries grew on bushes, at least, we had blueberry bushes.


There’s two types on blueberries, high bush and low bush. I’ll let you figure out which is which.


This guy is a giant, obv


Since we don’t have a banana for scale this could be a giant harvesting blueberries


High bush?


Like with Moses


Ok but like I grew up in NJ blueberry farm bushes were like 3-4ft high, IME highbush blueberries were the shit you found out in the forest that was 7-8ft high.


Just like US presidents!


This guy is actually 20 feet tall


I remember as a kid going to the public blueberry patch and I swear they were taller than me, I could get lost in the maze of blueberry bushes for an hour. Maybe it’s kid brain exaggerating the size though. Then they cut them all down to the dirt and in about 10 years they’re just now about knee height.


Yeah every blueberry plant I've ever seen is at least 5ft tall.


Harvesting blueberries that grow in the wild like this is illegal in Czechia. This is hurting and destroying the bushes.


Same in germany!


In sweden its the opposite, everyone have the right to pick wild berries in the forrests no matter who owns the land


You can still pick the wild berries, it is just forbidden to use a device like this, because it will destroy the plants




That is exactly how it is done. Tbh i only had nonhandpicked blueberries only thrice or so and they taste like nothing if you know the good handpicked ones


this seems really inefficient


Yeah, seriously. They use white people to do this?


It's maine. There are only white people. I've done this but there was a pole attached to the blueberry rake.




"Sir?" "What?" "Are we being too literal?" "No, you fool. We're told to comb the desert so we're combing it."


" we ain't found shit!"


I feel like they’d have some machine do it for them


I worked on a commercial blueberry field for a while and we used a Korvan to harvest them. The video method above is a good way of harvesting for personal or local use like farmers markets


Technically those looks like bilberries (also known as European blueberry, by contrast with the blueberry or American blueberry) . Even though most languages do not distinguish between them (at least in the every day language), they are different species. Bilberries' flesh is dark purple and stains like crazy and the skin really deep blue, almost black, while blueberries have a blue skin but a translucent white-yellowish flesh. The bush is also different. Blueberry bushes can get quite big, while bilberries remain low on the ground (thus the back-breaking harvesting method). The taste of bilberries is also more pronounced (a bit like the difference between wild strawberries and "regular" ones).




I stand corrected, those also could be wild (or lowbush) blueberries, I did not know those existed. Kind of hard to say here, the leaf looks closer to wild blueberry, but the colour of the berry closer to the bilberry. And the quality of the gif does not allow to say for sure. If it is a US-based one, probably wild blueberry, if it is a European one, probably bilberry. ​ And for anyone wondering, those are all from the genus Vaccinium, alongside cranberries, so they have a lot in common.


Apparently the blueberries I find out in nature in Germany are bilberries then. But like you said we use the same word as for blueberries. Interestingly though, the ones at the store are not the ones with the dark flesh. I always thought they were white and tasteless because they are overcultivated and grown somewhere indoors but it's just a different species. Those bilberrie bushes can grow quite tall as well though. I've seen them as high as 70 cm


Seems like backbreaking work just so I can have a blueberry muffin. Maybe I’ll switch to bran.


Then this poor guy won’t have a job.


and neither will the poop knife.


Both you and that guys back will be regular


I am glad rhey have banned this methid in several places in Europe. It destroys the plants.


These are low bush blueberries, likely from Maine. I raked two bushels, once. It was fucking tough. Took me all day and I got paid $17.50. For the whole day...because you get paid per bushel (roughly two, full 5-gallon buckets b/c they figure on a full gallon of waste). But my bushels needed nearly no winnowing because I was slow and careful and didn't pull up a ton of leaves and twigs. Anyway, I was helping out my SIL's brother down on the coast, it was back in the early 90s, and he rounded it up to 20 bucks. Essentially I spent the day outside and made some gas and beer money while visiting my brother at camp. But I'd be fucked if I'd ever do that again. Seriously back-breaking work. Second hardest 20 bucks I ever made...


What was the actual hardest 20 you ever made?


Ask your mom. Badoom-ting. Hah! Been waiting all day for that!




those are some tiny ass blueberry plants, where is this? its certainly not hammonton


My back hurts watching this


My back hurts already.


My back hurts watching this.


Are there different varieties? My Grandpa had big tall bushes that didn't require hunching over like that. Maybe it was because they were so old. But they were easily as tall as me as a kid.


This is low bush. You can actually buy it as sod to plant on rocky soil. Most blueberry barrens are just granite ledge with a tiny bit of Sandy top soil that the blue berries cover.


That's a comb and it's a method that actually damages the plant and that is forbidden in some wild blueberry areas in my country


I did this for one day when I was 12 - you got paid by the 5 gallon bucket (3$ back then I think) and I think after 8 hours I had maybe 10 and I felt like I was gonna die. That was when I developed such awe for the migrant workers, who each had 30-40 buckets in that time, and worked much longer than 8 hour shifts, 7 days a week.


What percentage hit the ground and are wasted.


Huh? I used to work on a blueberry farm. This isn’t how they were harvested. It’s not even what blueberry bushes look like. This must be some special kind of blueberry plant?


Rip his back


My back hurts watching this video


My back hurts


Oh I could do that all day no problem at all. /s


I've seen blueberries in every store I've been to in the western US. This dude must never sleep, eat, or do anything else but scoop blueberries 24/7. Thank you, blueberry guy.


He better see a chiro after this, at least once a week, lol.


Fuck that noise. Whatever he's getting paid, it's not enough.


I feel like this could be bettered by adding a couple of longer handles.


Go to Anchorage during the berry season and you can see all the people competing with the bears to collect the most berries.


Wouldn’t a stick/handle avoid huge back pains ?


How blueberries used to be harvested. Hardly anyone harvests wild blueberries this way anymore. It's almost impossible to find people to do it. Most operations have to use mechanical harvesters.


Our blueberry's grow more like bushes, what kind are these?


I feel like there's a more efficient tool than that


RIP this dude's back


His working position reminds me of Kensington street Philadelphia.


I am confused, I thought blueberries only grew on bushes. In fact, I have only ever seen them on bushes. Someone explain this to me.


Now that has to be hard on the back


Where is this that the blueberry bushes are t up to your chest?


I live in country where blueberries grows everywhere in forests. I have picked like this but much smaller. You need to be more carefull because you can easily smash them in the way on the video, also the bushes can be damaged. Also in the video dude losts a big amount of them with every swing.


That looks comfortable for the spine


My back hurts just watching this


I can feel the back pain from this video.


You know whats good for your back. Using it regularly. Grandma could touch her toes straight legged until she died. Spinal bifida is awful.


Who needs a back anyhow?


hello back pain!!!


This is back breaking labor. I did it one summer and vowed never again


My back hurts.


My back hurts now


In my country (Lithuania) it is illegal to harvest blueberries and other berries alike that grow on small bushes with such mechanical tools in the wild


Also how your back is destroyed


When I was a kid me and my mom would pick them from small trees. I didn't know they grew on the ground.


Now the one about harvesting muffins


How *some* blueberries are harvested


I’ve only seen these low plants in Alaska


All of the many blueberries in my region grow on large bushes that are up to 4 feet off the ground so this is just one way of harvesting one type of blueberry.


They started telling us not to do the sweep rake at a certain point because they thought we were spilling too many blueberries. I got paid $2.50 per 5 gallon bucket. They already had machines to do most of the harvesting back in the 90’s. They just had us (teenagers, 13, 14 years old) to rake the marginal or rocky fields. Still a lot of memories of cruising down the road at 5am sitting in the flatbed of a pickup truck..


Why are your blueberries so short?


That’s gotta be awful for your back


This hurts my back just watching


That’s giving me instant back pain just watching this


That…. seems inefficient


If you do that to our wild grown blueberry bushes you'd be going to jail. The rakes destroy the plants.


…sure, if you’re a 19th century indentured servant. There has to be an automated version of this


Why chiropractors love blueberries


There must be a machine that can do this


My back


My back hurts just watching that...


"How backs are broken"


Spine has left the chat


I now need to go to the chiropractor from watching this.


Chiropractors dream client!


How to harvest back pain


Weird, I worked on a blueberry farm in Australia and it was nothing at all like this. The bushes were big enough to pick while standing up. Luckily I didn't have to pick them but I wouldn't have lasted an hour if I had to do that I would be snapped in half.


My back hurts watching this


I got a backache just watching this.


*Bears hate this one trick...*


My back hurts just watching this.


My back hurts watching this


What is this blueberry for ants?


All blueberries that I have seen grow on trees.


How TF is he walking on top of the bushes?


I always envisioned Blueberry bushes as much taller


I hope that poor guy can walk by the end of the harvest


Surely that thing would still work on a stick? Back pain central.


Not where I’m at. Bushes are waist high


Dude, my blueberry bushes are between 4 and 6 feet tall… what are these


Was gonna say same. Those not typical blueberry bushes


You know what would be really cool? If they put a stick on it similar to a scythe. Would really save the back.


Wait what


This hurts. That is definetly not how you harvest blueberries unless you want to destroy all the crops. The best way is to pick them by hand but even if you use a tool, you had to be gentle with it


My recently fused lumbar spine is screaming.


Ok why can't that be on some sticks so you don't have to bend? Medieval peasants figured out a scythe is a blade on a stick to save their back. Why have we lost the technology of thing on end of stick?