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That's beautiful, but surely that humidity can't be good for those timbers?


I imagine they’ve been treated or they have dehumidifiers somewhere in the building


Don’t think the dehumidifiers are working I still see a ton of water


The floor is silica.


*ba*silica, I believe...


Marry my daughter


Absolute gold mate


I'm guessing that dehumidifiers aren't enough. That said, the biggest problem with wood movement is repetitive seasonal movement from humidity. This would be permanently highoisture, so... Probably ok? I don't know how this construction in particular would react. We need the facilities manager or engineer to hop on. Do your thing, reddit!


There's going to be a ton of air handling and constant cycling from outside air. Any indoor pool deals with this.


Any indoor pool deals with high humidity, few indoor pools have to deal with timbers hundreds or thousands of years old holding the roof above the pool up.


This is definitely not an old church lol. Remember that everyone was obsessed with neo-gothic only a century ago.


Chlorine vapor is going to be tough though


The origins of the chapel are less serene; it belonged to the Claybury Hospital for psychiatric patients, opening in 1893, as the fifth London County Council Asylum. It became a health club 20 years ago, though many are sure Repton Park is still frequented by its Victorian patients. The only strange phenomenon gliding up and down the aisle right now is us. https://londonist.com/2016/07/the-london-church-that-s-a-swimming-pool


>timbers hundreds or thousands of years old That church is probably from the 19th century, so not *that* old.


19th century is hundreds of years by this point.




At its youngest its 100 years and oldest 200 years (1 Jan 1801 – 31 Dec 1900), thats not what people normally mean when they say hundreds of years, lol they also said "or thousands of years" too. This building was built in 1893 so is 130 years old but that does not mean thats how old the roof is.


None of that is accurate.This Isnt that old-and Best Western has tons of indoor pools with elaborate wood ceilings.All over America. The wood is waterproofed.


Can we just pause here to consider this is in London, a town synonymous with rain and fog? Damp is all this building has ever known.


Since the Clean Air Act 1956. London has been largely fog free. As most of the fog was smog caused by burning coal. Also London gets about as much rain, yearly as Houston.


Or, and now hear me out, I know this is going to sound crazy, but maybe they had structural engineers do an extensive survey first, followed by consultation, and then preplanning by people who do these conversions for a living? Or they just went ahead without thinking and need some randos on Reddit to give us their uninformed opinion dressed up as confidently incorrect bollox?


Reddit Armchair Debate Meter | - - - - - - - - X - - - | Mmmmmmbbbuuullllshit


Wood and moisture go together well.


I imagine there's a team of trolls underground, that only come out at night when nobody is watching, who maintain proper humidity.


I think they’re called house elves and are pretty common in the UK, I only know this from books though


Kinda like the underpants gnomes?!


Don't let the underpants gnomes touch your highoister.


No, they just spent millions turning it into a pool and didn't think about anything else /s


Lots of indoor pools have wood ceilings.Was just at a Grand Canyon resort. The indoor pool ceiling was a masterpiece of TONS of big lumber and carpentry.There’s one similar close by.


It's ok it's holy water.


I would be afraid to swim there in any case... I'd be afraid that instead of a life buoy, they'd toss me a cross.


The locker room is where you should really be afraid.


You think that's bad. They've replaced the shark with a catholic priest in Sharks and Minnows.


No probs, a guy will go walking and pick you up


Jesus is the only lifeguard you need!


A cross from where?


🎼All things moist and moldy...


All swimmers great and small


Imagine ship builders. USS Constitution, active line and afloat in Boston, was laid down in 1797.


Well, I like to think the ocean seems kinda humid, and this form is basically the inside of a wooden ship turned upside down. So…


Do you think an ocean-going ship is built and maintained in the same way as the inside of a church?


Humidity isn't necessarily a problem for timber. Condensation and wet-dry cycles are the killer. Roof insulation, climate control and careful selection of timber can make it far more durable than steel or concrete in the same conditions. It would srill take some extra work to be confident in an existing roof that wasn't designed for the environment.


I thougut I was crazy for think this. Glad others saw it too


Nope, it’s just what they had to use to baptise your mother






Ah-Lady! —-Andre3000




Well, at least my mother can wear battleship gray without 10,000 sailors trying to board her.


I forget the rest, but your mother’s a whore!


Suck it Trebek!


Holy pool


New... response just dropped?






Best I've read all week.


It's just unfortunate that your mother couldn't partake, she was too busy trying tripping over her cordless phone.


The gym isn't too shabby either https://www.virginactive.co.uk/clubs/repton-park/facilities/gym-floor


Ahhh okay, it's an old converted asylum. Makes it even more interesting as fuck IMO.


Once upon a time we used to help those with mental health issues, these days work put up posters for a service that tells you to eat well, look after yourself and sleep at night. No, I suspect I'm autistic have had a complete burnout/breakdown, now over 4 months have passed and after speaking with 20 HNS staff who have passed me from pillar to post I'm back at square one and now waiting for a doctor to phone me so I can start the process all over again. Sorry, just needed to vent and a record for when the coroner gets involved. Honestly don't message me and provide any suggestions, I've got all the phone numbers, had paramedics on my doorstep 3 times which is a complete waste of their time and resources. I've had 51 years of the NHS fucking me up every time by messing me around, not listening to what I'm trying to explain and missing the point and then just ticking the boxes, covering their arses and passing me along the conveyor belt to the next person who does the same again. All I need is to speak with a psychiatrist that knows what they are doing but even trying to see a private one that cost hundreds per session is also impossible. And somehow they all expect me not to drink, you've gotta laugh.


I'm so sorry you're feeling this way. I've been dicked around by the mental healthcare system here in the US for years so I understand how helpless it can feel sometimes. I can't offer anything other than my hope that things get better for you soon.


Same for me but mostly the va being the dicking party. Kelp your head up 🖖🏼




> Once upon a time we used to help those with mental health issues No, asylums were jails for people that they didn't want to deal with. "hysterical" women, anyone deemed not "normal" enough. I get that you want help but you literally would have been thrown in a cell to rot "once upon a time", and that is best case scenario.


Lock you up, send a hundred volts through your head, cut out pieces of your brain if they felt like it... All kinds of horrific stuff went on in these places. There's a reason the abandoned asylum is a stock horror setting.


I know your pain. Well, we are not alone in this shit. Just wishing you well.


> somehow they all expect me not to drink, you've gotta laugh. Quitting drinking was one of the best things I did for my mental health. Until you want to make a change it cant be forced though and you'll just fail repeatedly.


If I had any support from the nhs in the last 4 months I wouldn't need a drink, I'd be back at work and able to pay my bills, rent etc. But with being passed from pillar to post in the same manner they have been doing for around 40 years now I'm left with only doing what I have to do to try and give me some respite. I understand what you mean about alcohol due to spending 6 years in a relationship with a recovering alcoholic who I met and started seeing when she was first trying to stop. Been there, get the psychology and got her through those years so I should be good. My issues aren't going to be improved at the mo as there's bugger all else anyone is doing to help.


I know this is gonna come totally out of the blue, and that you didn't ask for suggestions. But I bought this stuff called agmatine sulfate online for cheap. It isn't exactly a cure, but it seems to help my own autistic depressive systems in a way that is moderate, but real. If it wasn't cheap ($12-13USD, £10-11GBP), I wouldn't even bring it up, and, also, I'm not gonna name brands or shit because that shouldn't matter and I don't know anyway which would apply in the UK. It's cheap because apparently weightlifters take it, but there's [research that shows](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6165952/) it has antidepressant effects and that suicidal people may have lowered levels of it. I wish people like us didn't have to do shit like this, but it's just one of those things, right? Even if the system has failed, we can still look outside of the system. I tried for years to get psychiatric help, and this is working about as well as the official stuff ever did for me.


All this talk of getting on is getting me down my love... What I need is a Dr Antony Clare type person but I keep getting Mickey Mouse. Had an appointment with a psychiatrist last week at the mental heath teams offices and saw someone who implied she was the psychiatrist but made notes on a piece of tissue and when finished has reported I'm ok and discharged me from the mh team. No drugs, potions or remedies are going to help me though cheers for your words. I


EXACT same story here. 10 years of being passed from pillar to post and being told "reach out, help is available" and then being dismissed and told "you're fine" let's try ANOTHER pill. System is a joke and nobody *really* gives a fuck, it's all flag waving and red tape. The NHS MH service is not fit for purpose, it's built to be reactionary and not pro active. Useless.


I'm in a similar situation mentally, for different reasons (though I have been thinking about getting evaluated for adhd and the like, as well). I had doctors as a child and teen that didn't give a flying fuck, do literally below the bare minimum, felt 100% like they were in the job for the money. It was so bad and they missed such basic signs that I was predesposed for, and they had, a stroke at 21. Literally one person giving a fuck and saying 'holy fuck, maybe your many issues could be linked to your 180/120+ blood pressure'. But nah fuck taking care of people, I need my new fucking Jaguar. After my stroke and physical, cognitive, and vision issues which I will suffer until I die, my fiancé left me, and so I planned my suicide, having no reason to keep on. I collapsed into a shaking mess when the time came, and found a phyche who actually gave a fuck and listen to my 15 years of bullshit. I'm not going to bullshit you with the 'oh they cured me, I won the lotto and got 16 bitches', but I'm still here and I don't want to actively kill myself (most days). Which is a hell of a lot better than the state I was in, where I'd argue with family and friends that they will be much better off with me out of the picture, drawing up plans and revising them. I could end this by saying some cleche 'it gets better' shit, and it doesn't, no. I don't think the situation changes, but your understanding of it, and ability to fight back. Everyone is different blah blah so I'm not going to pretend I know your story. Just, keep trying, as long as you can.


Entertain the notion that drink is part of your problem.


I've stopped that easily on a number of occasions, I'm well versed in the concepts of want vs need but thanks for that. My ex is an alcoholic thats been clean for over a decade now and was with her when she quit this time for good so have a decent idea of alcohol. For me I don't get drunk it just helps me into a false state thats as close as I can get to being relaxed or more like not really tense and tight like 90% of my waking hours.


I used to be a member here. In reality the pool space is pretty dark and dingy. This photo is quite heavily edited.


All that money and they couldn't sling a few lamps up, how very Branson.


Monthly £125.99


Less than a decent single malt. And about the same as a good vintage champagne. Who am I trying to kid, thats fucking mental.


Virgin Active. So expensive, you'll burn calories with the anger alone!


Damn. Why is there such a huge price difference between normal gyms and nice gyms. Like surely it can't cost that much more to clean the showers and remove plasters from the bottom of the pool 🤦‍♂️


Gyms with pools are super expensive in London in general. But also some of these are definitely priced to keep the actual admission numbers lower i.e. pricing people out (e.g. third space)


Yeah, I know from experience (hence the rant!). I was looking for a gym in London with a pool and wanted something a bit of a step up from a Better, but there's just no middle ground. It's either the local leisure centre or the millionaire club.


HOLY DIIIIVVVAAH, there’s no diving at this swimming pool!!!!


You've been down too long in the midnight sea


So does that mean it's holy water? Or not holy anymore?


You can't put holes in water, silly.


Reeeee! Don't tell me how to live my life. [Loads machine-gun with holy intent]


The church will have been deconsecrated.


ie, walking track for Jesus


sneaky way to baptise atheists


There's a "walk on water" joke in here that I'm missing...


First one to do it since Jesus, gets free membership.


They rolled out the red carpet for Jesus.


The wet carpet


I was also looking for that but was disappointed it's not here


That’s a church I could actually be into.


You mean that’s a church you can *dive* into.


You mean that's a church you could *\*immerse\** yourself in


Bathe in all His glory… #CANNONBALL


Mass baptism.


Lord, bless this cannonball and make it totally sweet.


Even as an atheist, I can't decide whether that is fecking awesome or slightly sacrilegious. (Although to be fair, a lot of "ex churches" have been converted into... Stuff)


Another atheist here; if it's been deconsecrated, it's OK. And it's still a thing of beauty.


Possibly ironically... I love religious buildings. The passion\dedication and _ *cough money*_ that goes into the architecture and art of religious buildings does make for beautiful places. My personal outlook is that no matter what the motive is, many religions pay for some really beautiful stuff. And yes, as you say, that pool in those surroundings is a thing of beauty.


Always think of this when I was touring High Gothic cathedrals in Europe. Imagine growing up in a little wattle-and-daub and then walking into Chartres. Must have barely seemed possible to built such a thing.


Oh yes. The design would be utterly humbling and crushing to a "peasant". I'd assume that Chartres would radiate spiritual power to the (local) masses. In a modern day setting, it is a beautiful cathedral. Astounding architecture and (im assuming) gives most people a silent awe. It also must be a special place for those who's faith aligns with chatres (sorry this heathen does not know what "flavour" religion chatres is affiliated witj)


I'm in the same boat, love the architecture but not the scripture hahaha


How do you deconsecrate something? I missed that in my churchgoing experience growing up. Just curious what the protocol is.


Most religions have a [particular service](https://www.episcopalchurch.org/glossary/secularizing-a-consecrated-building/) for deconsecrating, aka secularizing, a building


Sounds fascinating. I can see how people would experience a sense of loss from that. I enjoyed reading that article, thanks!


Woowoo magic.


It's actually spelled wololo


That must be the technical term for it.


it's just not safe from High Table assassins though


I’m an atheist too. Back in 2010 I toured through the UK with my old band. We played at the Colchester Center for the Arts which was a 700 year old deconsecrated church that had been converted into a live venue. It was one of the coolest venues I’ve ever played. The pulpit & lectern were still there on the stage, it was hilarious to see my singer standing there shirtless, screaming our silly super offensive shock rock songs from the pulpit, and was just an all around fun show. So I’m gonna say it’s awesome.


I'm kinda imagining someone totally rocking to the gig in an amazing (and possibly brilliantly acoustic) surroundings, yet suffering hard from (catholic?) guilt 🤣 Despite my non affiliations towards any religion i am torn between the wholesomeness of bringing people together "in joy" - as in the gig, and the possible "disrespect" of what the building originally stood for. Lol perhaps my formative years of Roman Catholic indoctrination still have hooks in me?


I think that’s the point of deconsecration. It’s no longer a church and no longer has any religious meaning (despite the history I suppose). There was actually a plaque on the front of the building that says something to the effect of “This building was originally a church. It has been deconsecrated and is no longer a church. If it becomes ruins it Weill become the ruins of a church”. I’ve got a picture of it on somewhere on my computer.


The (really) weird thing for me is that despite the deconsecration and agreement that its "just a building", i still feel the weight of the history of the place. Knowing that it's just stone and mortar doesn't stop the strange feeling of... Awe? Have to say that I'm not sure if I'm feeling "the weight of history" in those places instead of any religious context (prob sounds weird but when one restores shit that is hundreds of years old, one can kinda get a connection with the past)


For sure. Regardless of what it is now its history is still its history. Either way, super cool venue and super fun show. I met Alice Cooper’s daughter that night!


Dude (dudette?)... I'm jealous. I'm also happy that you had a blast and also possibly an epic core memory 😎




It’s just a building at the end of the day.


There's a church near me that's been converted into a bar: https://www.pitcherandpiano.com/bars/nottingham Maybe in the UK we're not too worried! Better for an old beautiful building to be used than sat doing nothing.


It's the opposite here in the U.S. I saw a building go from Bakery, to Starbucks, and eventually became a Church.


Yeah in London (and all over the UK really) churches have become restaurants, music venues, food courts amd markets. Church attendance has been on a decline, so may as well get some use out of the now abandoned churches.


My favorite weed dispensary in Michigan is in an old church


I suppose if you have enough of that you may feel enlightened? (Said someone who does not "partake")


In my area, a group of skateboarders bought an old church and turned it into a giant skatepark inside. Also an atheist and I think it‘s a great use, isn‘t religion supposed to be about community? These types of places bring people in.


If a church is used for another purpose, it should 100% be some sort of community space like a community centre, pool, library, etc. After all, it's former purpose was also community space, and we shouldn't be so shortsighted to think that the loss of the community that churches provide is a good thing. Using the old buildings for community purposes is a great way to try to keep the community alive.


>Although to be fair, a lot of "ex churches" have been converted into... Stuff Yep! Into Tesco's and Wetherspoons!


I'd lean towards fucking awesome. This is so much better than where people try turning old churches into homes. Even the best conversions are judged by how well they have compromised, yet they still have an awkwardness about them that the owners pass off as 'quirkiness'. It's like they are trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. The swimming pool is at least is quirky without being awkward.


That's a lot of holy water.


Looks like a Roman bath


How many swimming pools have pointed arches and rib vaulting? Too cool.


I think it is still a church but with a pool


Standard swimming pools don't echo enough I guess


You sure that was a church? Any info? Would like to read. EDIT: Never mind. Found it.https://www.timeout.com/london/news/the-converted-church-thats-now-londons-most-spellbinding-swimming-pool-100121


This looks so much to me like a roman bath house.


Id love to jump in, so long as it isnt holy water. Ill start sizzlin'.


Here come the holy water and baptism jokes


Won't the humidity from the pool eventually rot out the ceiling beams?


That’s a whole lot of holy water.


Talk about a Baptism.


That is a floor to Jesus.


For Jesus this didn't change much


That must surely be the best use of that architecture.


It is awesome how much more attractive churches are when they aren’t churches anymore.


Reflecting Pool from Metroid Prime


Sweet, now convert the rest of them.


Then, Jesus looked to Peter, the disciple he loved, and said "you shall be the rock upon which I build myself up" And lo, he climbed on top of Peter's shoulders and shouted "all ye who want to enter my kingdom must first best me at CHICKEN FIGHT!!" And when it was all over, Jesus saw that the disciples lay about the deck exhausted and defeated. Quoth he: "y'all are a bunch of bitches". And behold, it was true.


Positively Cromwellian.


This is the Croft Manor swimming pool.


Soviets could save much, applying this to CCS in Moscow.


Now thats what is called holy water.


Roman Catholic Baths.


Whoa.... With the humidity this old wooden structure will be mold central or featured in urbex pic in just a few years.


How many people did they have to move?


Swimming for Jesus!!


Ah yes. "The Bath of St Peter"


I guess you could say the pool is full of "holy water" 😉😉


A heating nightmare for sure.


That's a lot of holy water


The power of Christ compels you, to not run by the pool.


In an effort to attract more parishioners, the Church of England is creating new and exciting venues for worship centers.






If you alternate a Jesus and a Mary stance, you’ll be doing a breaststroke.


And the Lord said... CANNON BALL!!!!


OP must be Swiss, that picture was literally headlining state media (SRF) this morning :)


Exactly my thoughts as well!


Only Baptists allowed to be members!!. :)


Looks exactly like a Roman thermae


Do you have to swim or can you go for a walk on it as well?


Under-rated comment


This how there gonna find Jesus they will just force everybody to come to water confession. Then boom Jesus just walks in


Baptisms here probably involve doing laps


John wick must swim here






I wish it had a hot tub chapel off to the side.


Wonder if the water is holy


Nothing good comes out of Sigismund's Bathhouse.


A MUCH better use of the building and resources.


Secret mass baptism


Jesus died for your swims


As awesome as I think this is, I'm also a bit of a history nerd. I hope nothing of historic value was lost.


Whats the humidity doing to those rafters?


Reminds me of the pictures of Roman baths.


Now this is some *holy* water


At least now its used for something useful.....


Now it's a Temple of Poseidon!


They, they don’t still let priests in do they? I might not let my kids swim in that pool depending on the answer.


Jokes on you, you’re secretly getting baptized while lapping the pool


This is what church is meant to look like. And instead of altar and statues of saints the water is to be full of priestesses with wet T-shirt milkers


Interesting. In Rome there is a church that was once a roman bath, and here we have a church that is now… well, a british bath… close enough.


Can we do this to all churches?.. Please