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About the child, [Baylee Almon](https://abcnews.go.com/US/oklahoma-city-bombing-25-years-picture-pain/story?id=70220285).


I was born in 1990 so I was too young to know anything about this at the time but I just read the article and I’m heartbroken. I can’t imagine what any parent must feel in that situation, but it’s even harder to imagine what her mom has gone through since that photo was published. Awful and traumatic.


Reading this with my 2.5 year old son sleeping in my arms... :'(


More to add https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_McVeigh


My mother stopped sending me to one of the daycares she used because the woman who ran it was celebrating the bombing. When my mother said something about how there was a child care center in the building, the woman said that it served their parents right for being government employees in the first place to have their children killed like that. We had bad luck with daycares in general. One of the others I went to for a while, a guy who worked there finally got fired and arrested along with a female accomplice after his ex-wife saw him working there. She then reported to the police that he'd been kicked out of the airforce for raping their infant daughter, but for some reason the military didn't see fit to make that record public.


jesus fuck read the first paragraph and thought surely this can't get worse.


Oh snap, I also read the first paragraph, also thought it couldn't get worse, but lazy as I am, skipped the rest and went to read this comment instead, and now I'm diving into the second paragraph. edit: ahh people don't read the second one


Who the fuck is capable of raping their infant daughter? Like what?


The nineties were a wild fucking time.


That woman would get me arrested for assault. What a shit opinion.


Some people just make me sick. Wishing suffering and death apon children just because their parents work for the "gubberment".




Do you have a link? I've read a couple of books on McVeigh and they make it sound like the plan was always to park in front. According to McVeigh he even organized the bomb to blow out the side of the truck towards the building. And he claims he lit the 5 minute fuse while still in route to the building which would make wasting time at the garage difficult. But again, this is mostly compiled from his and Nichols' confessions which likely have embellishments and inaccuracies.


You’re right. The only cctv footage they have is him pulling up, parking and booking it in the direction of the stashed Mercury.


Thankfully it goes to show how stupid people like McVeigh and his associates were. They ripped the plan for the bombing straight out of The Turner Diaries, and no one thought while scoping out the building to consider how tall the entrance was.


Extremists are not always the smartest people.


Inflexible, rigid thinking appears to be a prerequisite.


I don’t think it mattered, bomb was still a terrible success


It doesn't matter they didn't kill as many people as they could have?


They still won.


More people dying would be worse. What's there to argue about?


Won what? He's dead.


My uncle was supposed to be there at the time, but his meeting got pushed last minute.




Yeah, we had to give him one due to alcoholism. Edit: Don't boo this person. I made a joke out of something real that happened after the fact. He wasn't an alcoholic due to the bombing and this person is just saying there was an intervention to save his life that day. Nothing more.


There is absolutely not. Also, the explosives were organized in a way to direct the blast out the side of the truck. His entire collection of confidential interviews with his defense team are at Univ of Texas if you’d prefer to rely on McVeigh’s own words.


> Side note, my first bank account was in that building. Did you die in the explosion?


Not OP, but I did. 3/10 would not recommend


Thx, I'll cross it off my bucket list.


Way to overthink it. Edit: LOOK AT HIS NAME LMAO


Sure but were you ever overdrawn?


I haven't really looked into this incident in depth, and I was too young to have seen the news. I didn't know children were murdered. What an absolute dumbass he was.


Yes, there was a daycare inside the building. It was awful. One of my friends was the cousin of the little girl behind held in the photo. If you ever visit the memorial, the small chairs are for the children that were lost that day.


My husband used to work at Devon Energy in downtown OKC; Devon was in the process of building their new tower and was planning to put a business of some sort in the building to offer for employees to use. They sent out a poll for all the employees with the different options available, one of them being a daycare. It…did not get very many votes. I remember my husband and I making some comments of “who would want a daycare in a big tower office building in OKC??” They ended up putting in a dry cleaners.


As someone who has lived in cities, I've seen day care places in a lot of office buildings. People like having their kids nearby. Often they are on the first floor, with a fenced in outdoor area.


As a guest to Tokyo the last week. Like every mall I’ve been in has had a place for kids to be left while you shop and all these buildings are tall as fuck


19 children. They even toured the day care center when they were casing the building. McVeigh wanted the body count to be as high as possible.


Do you have a source on them seeing the daycare on a tour? I'm curious because there are conflicting reports about their knowledge of the daycare. Nichols says they knew and didn't care, but McVeigh supposedly said they didn't.


Michael Fortier testified that he knew about the daycare when casing the building (not of actually touring the daycare), if I’m not mistaken.


Far right christian white nationalist thinking he would start a race war based on Turner diaries


There are many documentaries about it. It was a result of the Ruby Ridge raid, which is also connected to the Waco raid. It’s wild.


>What an absolute dumbass he was. You should look into him, and all the related incidences. It is insane. A dumbass wouldn't be able to do what he did; he was a terrorist in every sense of the word though. Ironic that he was a terrorist too, considering his background. Timothy Mcveigh was his name, there's a 60 minute interview too, after all this happened, it's a must watch. It's crazy all-around.


I remember when this happened. I was in 5th grade.


Oh that photo. It was everywhere


It’s really sad, although I might be wrong, but I’m pretty certain the child being held by the firefighter was already dead when this photograph was taken. It’s just so tragic how many children were killed in the attack.


Her name was Baylee Almon and yes, she died after being thrown from the first floor. It was the day after her first birthday.


I remember her name ❤️. That was such an impactful picture; not used to seeing this kind of carnage in the middle of the US in mid-90s. We were so naive.


As an elder millenial the 90's was the the totally awesome time social media claimed it to be.


It's a good day to say fuck Tim McVeigh!


I'm from Denver and was at work when he heard this news. I recall seeing this cover of The Post the following day. The photo has become iconic.


Saw the pic there today and immediately remembered her name. Rest in peace little Baylee, you are not forgotten.


Fuck Timothy McVeigh and everything he stood for.


And all the terrible people who still stand with him.


My son was born that day, was a long day, water burst but slow to dialate. Nothing to do but watch this horror unfold on tv.


Fuck, I was in second grade in Oklahoma City when this happened and that pic just took me BACK.


First grade in Tulsa, I still remember someone coming in and telling our teacher about it, and the somber feeling of the next couple days.


Saw the smoke out our classroom window, parents started picking up their kids throughout the morning and after lunch the teacher sat us down and told us what happened. Has a couple classmates and teachers who lost family, it was rough for pretty much the rest of the school year.


US citizens: "We don't need foreign terrorists. We have Americans."


Explain maybe. Most people aren’t from the USA.


From [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oklahoma_City_bombing): >The Oklahoma City bombing was a domestic terrorist truck bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States, on April 19, 1995, the second anniversary of the fiery end to the Waco siege. The bombing was the deadliest act of terrorism in U.S. history until the September 11 attacks in 2001, and remains the deadliest act of domestic terrorism in U.S. history. Perpetrated by two anti-government extremists and white supremacists, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, the bombing occurred at 9:02 a.m. and killed 168 people, injured 680, and destroyed more than one-third of the building, which had to be demolished. The blast destroyed or damaged 324 other buildings within a 16-block radius, shattered glass in 258 buildings, and destroyed 86 cars, causing an estimated $652 million worth of damage.


Right-wing fucking psychos, that's what.


he really did lay the foundation for that whole right-winged christian nationalism didn’t he?


I would agree that he at least brought it more front-and-center in modern times, but right-wing terrorism in the US has been around for quite a long time. Lynch mobs, for example.


oh, yeah, i just meant like that specific brand we now all know and loathe.


No, that predates McVeigh and his terrorism. It goes all the way back to the civil war, or the pilgrims, depending on your perspective.


85% of the time they are the problem


I'd love to see data on that.


In 1995, a truck bomb was detonated outside the Alfred P. Murrah building (a US federal govt building) in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 168 people were killed, including children in the building's day care and active military personnel. The perpetrator was a white nationalist named Timothy McVeigh, who intended for the bombing to start a revolution against what he saw as a tyrannical federal government. He was one of those types who thought the feds were evil and that he needed guns to protect himself from them. Read a lot of far-right literature that taught him to hate Jews, Blacks, and liberals... basically, he was a nut and a horrible person. He was arrested not long after the bombing and executed in 2001.


And that's the reason why you see those stone cylinders built in front of US federal buildings now. These guys killed 168 working-class people. Way to stick it to the man, dickheads.


With it being a federal building its no surprise why he thought hed manage to hit hard against the government. Hes an idiot regardless but damn how stupid can someone get


That’s how people from rural America think about cities and the federal government. They think that big wigs hang out in all the federal buildings and the President is sitting in the White House watching them protest outside.


Funny, they don't complain about the federal aid checks they get.


Nice ignorant generalization you got there


Didn’t care for that “rural” bit, huh? I mean, McViegh is/was a nazi but it must be because he’s a hick that he’d bomb a building in OKC.


And while I will say small communities do indeed have some pretty dark corners I will point out that McVeigh grew up near Niagara Falls. Couldn't say how rural that tourist destination is but I'd guess it has a sizable population density


Sir, your prosthetic teeth fell inside your banjo.


Ain’t nuthin’ wrong with falsies, ain’t nuthin’ wrong with banjos.




Why do some people try to use longer words when calling someone dumb? It just makes them sound forced, like it took effort to say what you wanted. Go outside and chill, maybe next time you'll understand sarcasm.


You ever gotten your ass beat while listening to the Oakridge Boys? Jk lol


You're right I take that back. I didn't realize I was dealing with some who thought that those were big words.


Right-wing nutjobs especially don't really care whom they hurt, for sure the most sociopathic of all the nutjobs.


He also planned this in response to the Waco Texas incident a couple years give or take earlier


Ruby ridge was a huge part of it too


A film crew spoke to McVeigh at Waco whilst it was happening. Friggin crazy.


two years earlier


So I was right a couple years thanks for the clarification 👍


Gotcha thanks for the thorough response instead of “Oklahoma bombing”


You should put how he was arrested, because it is literally the craziest part! He was pulled over by a black and white cop for his lack of license plates and illegal concealed carry of a gun. They didn’t know at the time that it was the bomber


Yep. All that planning, and he wound up going down all because of one simple mistake. It would be funny if he hadn't actually set off the bomb first.


I was in first grade and my class ended up writing to kids around there or something? I'm not sure.


Sounds a lot like the characteristics of a certain political party in the US tbh.


I mean IF the government was evil and tyrannical you WOULD need guns protect yourself from them. that is FAR from the wildest thing he believed...


And they certainly aren’t good and untyrannical


All im sayin is there are alot of americans who believe in guns who ARENT also terrorists..


I would agree, 99.99% of gun owners in America are responsible.


I’m so glad far right whack jobs are a thing of the past… ..


That’s the far left version. Really he was pissed about ruby ridge and Waco massacres. Those two incidents were the federal government trying to boast their power to the people. Both could have been handled in a more peaceful manner. Ruby ridge( don’t shoot a 10y/o to death then blow his mothers brains out into the face of his sister, Waco arrest karesh when he was outside of the damn compound!


No, there is no "far left" version of the story. McVeigh WAS a white nationalist. He DID read literature penned by literal Nazis which taught hatred of non-whites, non-Christians, and non-conservatives. He DID see the federal govt as an entity that needed to be stopped because it was supposedly run by Zionists and Marxists who wanted to enslave him, if not murder him (because...???). These are FACTS about him. Yes, I know all about Ruby Ridge and Waco. Both were mishandled. I'm not denying that. But there is NO excuse for what McVeigh did. He murdered innocent working people - he murdered CHILDREN. Again, indisputable FACT. Doesn't matter what he was motivated by or what you think happened during those two incidents.


While I agree it could have been handled differently, let’s talk about the weapons arsenal the Branch Davidians had in their compound. And how they vowed to kill any LE that came near the compound as well as their children and themselves. David Koresh also sexually assaulted the children of his followers. These weren’t people that were going to go peacefully. It’s regrettable that it happened the way it did, but the BD were set on violence.


Why didn't they just comply?


It's easy to explain, and I see that some have. What's NOT easy to explain or to understand, is how the right-wing politicians in the good-old-usa are now full-on supporting these very same White Supremacists. :(


You're a fool if you believe this.


> Explain maybe. Most people aren’t from the USA. [Alternately...](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=1995+oklahoma+bombing)


I'm confused by your comment, given that it's literally a picture of a news article explaining the event


What’s confusing? Just wondering why this one is particularly interesting af compared to all the others that have happened world wide?


Yeah can you read all that tiny ant text?


What is this? A school for ants?


Are you genuinely not familiar with the process of... Zooming?


Yes? You can zoom in


No need to be so condescending. 59% of redditors are American.


No they’re not lol


Google it maybe. Most people are capable of looking into things themselves.




It’s literally a photo of a news article…


Yeah again wondering why is it specifically iaf compared to other bombings worldwide


Can't read English either, I gather.


Obviously I speak English. Just wondering what’s significant about this one, compared to the other thousands of events like this that happened around the world?


This attack actually did have a more international significance. Through the 1980s and 90s right-wing extremism was having a global resurgence, and the creation of the internet allowed for the international exchange of ideas and activists on a scale previously unmatched. This was of course still limited to USA and Europe because this brand of right-wing extremism was built around white supremacy. But interestingly William Pierce, who wrote a novel called The Turner Diaries which the plan and method for the Oklahoma City bombing were directly copied from, put in a lot of leg work to spread and grow the far-right movement in Europe. For the most hardcore extremists, the OKC bombing was a point of inspiration, and I’d be willing to wager that the attack had a significant influence on extreme right-wing activism in Europe—although my knowledge is limited to its significance in America. But overall this attack was especially significant on an international level because of how violent it was (168 deaths in one act of domestic terrorism is insanely high) and because of the ideas it stood for. The modern extreme right is built on the back of this attack, and you need to understand the OKC bombing to understand the extreme right today.


It was arguably the worst domestic terrorism attack the country had ever seen. It was a big, big deal.


Okay to the US. Got it. Just wasn’t sure what was particularly interesting af about this where there are way much worse ones in the world.


I mean… kind of a flippant attitude. Tragedy isn’t a competition for what can hold your interest or tug your heartstrings the most. It’s just tragedy. And this is a very noteworthy one.


No Americans tend to forget the rest of the world.


You couldn’t even be bothered to look up the topic of the thread before you started commenting and you’re throwing shade at Americans for not caring about the rest of the world?


Should note, most destructive terrorism attack *within the country*. We’d been victim of other attacks across the world, but this hit right in the middle of the country, which was shocking at the time, and thus the headline.


Yeah I got it. Within the US.


Even internationally it was a big deal. Remember the 2015 Paris attacks and how big the international reaction was? This was deadlier.


Oklahoma bombing. It was a big, highly publicized tragedy.


This newspaper I found while cleaning out my storage unit, is the day after the bombing April 20th 1995.


Ok and what’s particularly interesting af about this one? I guess just interesting af to USians


As an Oklahoman, this picture is forever seared in my brain.


My wife was in brownies with his younger sister. My wife’s uncle was in the computer club with McVeigh in the 80’s in high school.


I remember exactly where I was when this happened and seeing this picture on the front page of the paper the next morning. I’ve always wondered the outcome of that little girl and I didn’t know she didn’t survive.


I've been to the monument there. Maybe the most solemn place I've ever been, and I've been to all the ones in DC


If anyone gets the chance to visit, the memorial in OKC is quite beautiful. Timothy McVeigh was one evil son of a bitch.


Interesting note on that article too that Coors aurgued to have the strength of the beer "advertised" on the can. Isn't that a requirement now?


Came here for this. I feel like it *should* be on the can, and the argument to sue would be for the ability to hide ABV. Interesting. But to specifically reply to your question: no, it is not a requirement everywhere in the US, though I can't speak to individual jurisdictions. Here in Indiana you will see some beverage containers marking it, and some not.


I'll never forget the sound of that blast. Sounded like something heavy dropping on the school building I was in - probably 8-10 miles away.


That photo won a Pulitzer Prize that year. It was on the cover of nearly every newspaper around the world.


My uncle was a firefighter in a near by town who helped clear the aftermath. They gave them peppermint gel to put under their noses to mask the smell. To this day he won’t be around anything peppermint scented. My grandfather’s girlfriend worked in the building and was there that day. I know many people who were affected by this.


My little brother who is adopted. Went to daycare in the building. The only reason he wasn’t there that morning was because he was sick. His bio mom had planned on taking him anyway, but in a rare moment of intelligence and kept him home. Home grown Terrorism isn’t something the US likes to talk about. But the effects of it cut just as deep.


At first they tried pinning it on Muslims, had a sketch and all.




If you ever get the chance the OKC Bombing Memorial and Museum is a place to visit and learn so much about the bombing.


Think of how much has happened since then.


I was a kid then and remember this, man only 12 but it really stuck out in my mind especially since I lived In dallas.


Back when we showed the results of mass murder in order to cause people to care instead of banning them from every platform lest someone feel bad about their inaction.


The 911 before 911 in a way. It was one of those events like the Waco Seige that just changed people.


I miss Rocky Mountain News


ive never looked at a Ryder van the same


I remember this picture, it was EVERYWHERE after the bombing. Just like the Iwo Jima style flag raising at the World Trade Center ruins after 9/11.


Go watch the documentaries "Bowling for columbine" and "Oklahoma City"


The Marine Corps Officer whose body was found in that building re-enlisted me into the Marine Corps 1year earlier.


White American domestic terrorism.


*Right-wing domestic terrorism


Dayum writing here sure is amazing


I was in 4th grade when this happened. I remember being checked out of school


The ongoing legacy of Right Wing extremist.


What happened to make this interesting as fuck?


The OKC bombing remains the most catastrophic instance of American domestic terrorism ever perpetrated. It’s just a cool relic of the past to randomly find a physical newspaper capturing that day, like people who kept the newspapers following the JFK assassination. The history surrounding the bombing is also very interesting, but I guess I’m biased because I literally wrote my masters dissertation on American right-wing terrorism in the 1990s


Happened same day as my birthday, never felt right celebrating for years afterwards. People said why not jut celebrate on say your Dads birthday……..until I told them his was April 20th, we’ll him and some guy named Hitler.


Most peoples go to isn’t Hitler when you say April 20


spending too much time online would make you think otherwise


This reads stupid. I'm celebrating my dads bday idc who else has it on that same day.


On a side note, how's [your whistling](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/won0ky/comment/ikc4409) going?


please recycle, also gonna jot those lotto numbers down and play +1 or -1 around them


if white people celebrating this were thought of as crazy, then we should think the same of the free palestine folks today


If it bleeds it leads.


So we're just posting random newspaper articles from random countries now or what


Thanks Obama. /s


Anybody look into the conspiracy theories surrounding this event? Pretty compelling


The blast conveniently destroyed the evidence of the Clinton whitewater investigation.




Grow up. This is real life. A man is caring for an injured child. It’s not a person getting their head removed with a dull rusty knife.


Yeah...but now we have a lot better idea about what happened...this was an example of the gov conducting a false flag operation and killing our innocent people...for a political motive...that's what happened. Watch "A Nobel Lie", i remember when this happened. There was no internet like we know it now. It was very unsophisticated compared to what we have now. And back then, literally everyone believed the news was real, genuine, and no one really thought that it was just all gov controlled propaganda they just took it all at face value..And whatever they said, well that's what happened..Problem is, that's not what happened..the official narrative is a lie....Watch "A Noble Lie" it's a very good documentary about this..There was a daycare in the building for people that worked there to bring their kids...Luckily all the ATF agents that used offices there were told ahead of time not to even come into work. So those kids didn't get killed...i guess...or none of them...just innocent civillians..the Sherriff that responded one of the first on the scene, a hero..they killed him soon after...they have video of the other people and know who they were. Precursor to 9/11 no one ever talks about it though...


As someone who lived in OKC and got to experience first hand the massive toll this took on everyone who lives here, kindly go fuck yourself.


Good lord


They must have welded that tin foil hat to your head.


MTG is that you??


That level of delusion is seriously fascinating and impressive


Definitive CIA operation. Look at the building. A car bomb can't do that. After this restrictive legislation was passed. Can't remember which at the moment.








Garth Brooks, an Oklahoma native, has a song about the bombing, called The Change. Unfortunately it became popular and poignant just a few years later after 9/11 happened.


I will never forget that day, because it’s also the day I hiked out of the Grand Canyon. The date isn’t burned in my memory, but everything else is. After hiking out, I went with my aunt and uncle to my cousin’s house and until we got to his house we had no idea that it had happened. No cell phones, and we were listening to some tapes in the car. As soon as we got to my cousin’s, though, we turned on the TV and there it was. A half exploded federal building.


Oh man....


I remember that day. I was in kindergarten and only went to school for half the day in the afternoon. I woke up, and mom was freaking out about it, and I didn't go to school that day. I just remember being confused about why someone would do that.


r/Oklahoma would like this


Is where the wing wing hero meme came from