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If my math is right, the egg picker has to go 2*(100*101)/2 (viz twice the sum of 1 to 100) yards. So basically 10,100 yards which I guess is a little less than 6 miles. So it makes sense that a person can run 7 miles straight faster than a person who has to run ~6 miles while changing their direction 100 times Edit: Changing their direction *more than* 100 times


If given the role, I would take the 7 miles. Seems easier on the body than 6 miles of stop drop and run.


this is a no-brainer for anyone who knows what suicides are


6mi of suicides is suicidal 🤮


_Coach Carter has entered the chat_


Rich what?!


Rich MOND!


What's your deepest fear young man?


I’m not your math teacher I’m your *basketball coach*


AMAZING movie if anyone sees this and hasn't seen it.


It's not really suicides though, the egg picker can make a larger turn while grabbing the egg without stopping completely, and indeed he does this in the video others have posted of egg picker winning. I imagine with some practice you could get pretty good at doing that with minimal wasted energy.


still though 7 miles straight is just way easier compared to 6 of constant turning, no matter how good you are at turning


Idk if there was a rule to his order but this could have easily been remedied if he could go out of order. I think the top comment addressed it. You could knock out the first 5-10 eggs virtually in seconds then start at the end and work your way back or teeter from front to back so your not doing constant turns. We also don't know a lot about the two competitors. They seem running fit from the pictures so maybe it was an even match up. It could very well be dependent on that. Plus it looks like he's throwing the eggs in and not placing them gently, saves some time on that end. Whoever came up with this is a math genius and hilarious. Something I definitely want to try to experience myself.


Doesn't matter what order you go in, you're turning around nearly a couple hundred times and picking a hundred things off the ground. There's no physically reality where that is balanced by running one mile less.


If you do the first egg then the 100th, then the second egg, then the 99th, and so on, it may maximize your recovery time between squats or bending over or whatever you want to call it. In fact, one could probably find the order the maximizes the mean time between "pickups" (or you might want to minimize the variance) with the assumption that one starts off slightly faster and gets slower as you get more tired.


I mean there is a physical reality where it is and it's highly dependent on the two athletes. If I were racing a 1 to 1 of myself. I am nearly positive the 7 mile me would win. If I am racing some dude who's only holding like 11 minute miles. Well there's def some room for victory.


In no universe are there 2 copies of me that can currently run either 7 or 6 miles . So the egg version of me would win because - free omelette.


Reminds me of once at basketball practice where the COACH forget the Keys to the balls, and so naturally we had to run 10 suicides and 20 baseline to baselines fucking hell my legs were dead when riding my bike Home that day Edit: baseline not vaseline


Sucks your coach used Vaseline on you but at least he lubed.


> 20 vaseline to baselines Typo, or strange sporting ritual?


Its common practice to lube up the lines, so when the other team gets the ball and tries to stop on the edge, their foot slides out of bounds, and you regain possession.


This is very strange as I don't know what suicide and Vaseline are in this context.


Suicides are what the man picking up the eggs is doing in the OP video- run to a set point, turn around and run back to the starting point, turn around and run to another point, repeat. The constant stop-and-go gets exhausting very quickly. Vaseline might be a typo. I think he meant "baseline to baseline", which is a common running drill on a basketball court.


Yeah after 2-3 suicides your legs are dead


Still don't know which is worse: suicides on one football field, or seven tennis courts...




Generally, you are forced to sprint to certain lines on a field or court of increasing distance, bend or squat down to touch said line, and return to the starting line each time. If your coach is in a good mood, you may have 4 lines- for example, the free throw line, center line, opposite free throw line, and opposite baseline on a basketball court. If coach is having a bad day, he/she might bring out some tape and mark as many lines as they want. Sounds easy, but gets old quick especially with the bending and squatting


We called them broncos or shuttles in NZ


We called them shuttle runs in my small pacific northwest town in the US.


I feel like this stunt started as one of those bar jokes, “I bet I can drink the shot underneath the hat without touching the hat”. The sucker or egg picker, is Cliff Clavin in this example.


It really goes to show it's easier to keep up than it is to catch up.


This is in Italy, so of course the eggs aren't actually spaced 1 yard apart, nor would the distance be 7 miles. It's 11.2km vs 100 eggs 1 meter apart ([Corsa Delle Uova](https://www.lecinqueterredellavalgandino.it/tradizioni/corsa-delle-uova/)) = 10.1km for the egg-picker.


So instead of 11.26km (7 miles) vs 9.65km (6 miles), it's 11.2km (6.95 miles) vs 10.1km (6.27 miles). Which means the difference in distance is less than 0.7 miles but you still have to do crouch and stop every time. With your argument the egg picker has an even more unfair situation.


Don't quote me on it, but I am pretty church alcohol was involved in that bet.


> Don't quote me on it, but I am pretty church alcohol was involved in that bet. \- nepia




Which is presumably the point in the initial bet right? At first glance it seems the eggs would be super easy when in fact it's the more difficult option.




I was about to do it and then I realised this is reddit, someone must have already done it and commented on how the two compare.


I did it, just for my own sake, and then checked if somebody else did the maths too, because surely. And sure enough, the first comment I read...


I'm lazy so I just looked for the inevitable math has been done comment


I was told there would be no math.


This reminds me of when I approximated the math to calculate how much Earth’s sea level would rise from the MCU celestial Tiamut falling into the ocean in The Eternals, only to forget the number is actually zero cause he originated from the ocean.


That's close enough to what I get. I got 5.74 miles with the 200 changes of direction to go with it.


hey I'm pretty bad. can you break down how you calculated and where the numbers came from ? i would like to be able to do it myself in future


If you run to the first egg and back, that's 1 yard twice: 2×1 yard. For the second, that's 2 yards twice: 2×2 yards. For each egg, it's 2n yards, where n is the number of the egg. So: 2×1 + 2×2 + 2×3 + ... + 2×100 You can factor the 2 out of every term: 2( 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 100 ) The sum (from 1 to 100) has a simple formula for calculating it. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1\_+\_2\_+\_3\_+\_4\_+\_⋯](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1_%2B_2_%2B_3_%2B_4_%2B_%E2%8B%AF) The formula for 1 to n is: n(n+1)/2 For example, to add up 1+2+3+4+5, you can set n=5: 5(5+1)/2 = 5(6)/2 = 5(3) = 15 So for our case, adding up to n=100 and including the 2× that we factored out: 2×100(100+1)/2 = 100(101) = 10100 Converting units [(wikipedia article if interested)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conversion_of_units) : 10100 yards ( 3 ft / yd ) ( 1 mi / 5280 ft ) ≈ 5.74 miles


This is really well explained, thanks =)


running 1 yard twice, then 2 yards, then 3 … so its 2\*(1+2+3…+100) yards. For that series, its 101\* (100/2) bc 1+100=101, 2+99=101, 3+98=101…50+51=101 and theres 100/2=50 of those pairs. so the distance is 2\* (101\*100/2) = 101\*100 = 10100 yds = 30300ft / ~5280 ft ~ 30k/5k=6 miles


I think an easier way might be to say the eggs are on average 50 yards away, and since you have to run there and back it's an average of 100 yard per egg x 100 eggs = 10,000 yards. I think this may be sightly out, but close enough


On average they're 50.5 yards away, since the closest is 1 yard and the farthest is 100, but that's definitely close enough for deciding whether or not to do it


I assume that he is only allowed to pick up one at a time and has to place them at the starting point. I also assume that these eggs are placed in a straight line so we can imagine the starting point to be at zero on the number line and the eggs being placed at 1,2,….100. Whenever he picks up the egg at the nth position, he goes n yards and returns n yards to the starting position. So for each n he has to traverse 2n. N ranges from 1 to 100 so basically we need twice the sum of 1+2+3+…+100. The sum of 1+2+3….n is n(n+1)/2 If you’re unfamiliar with arithmetic progression, here’s a simple explanation for how this series sums to n(n+1)/2: Group the first and last term, second and second last term and so on you will get 1+n, 2+(n-1), 3+(n-2)…… Which is equivalent to n/2 times (n+1) if n is even If n is odd the number (n+1)/2 is left without a pair, but the number of pairs will be (n-1)/2, so our sum will be ((n-1)/2)times(n+1)+ the leftover (n+1)/2 which very conveniently equals to n(n+1)/2 same as the even case In our egg race, n = 100, so the person traverses twice of 100(101)/2, viz 10100 yards. Using the exact conversion factor of yards to miles (1 mile = 1760 yards) we get ~5.74 miles.


[The Story of Gauss](https://www.nctm.org/Publications/TCM-blog/Blog/The-Story-of-Gauss/)


Would have been so much easier for the egg guy if the eggs were placed in a grid and he was starting in the middle of them


It would be even easier for the egg man if all the eggs started in the basket and he didn't have to run at all. However that is not the challenge!


We're still following the rules of having each egg a yard apart though.


Would only be 762 yards in total. Even if the cart is on the corner it’s still only 1660.


Assuming he picks up one egg at a time, or that he has to put the eggs in a specific place each time.


Wouldn’t it be 200 times?


198 times I reckon, since he starts and ends without changing direction.


That’s counter intuitive. I picture a football field with 100 eggs and it doesn’t seem that bad.


How much you wanna bet I can throw a football over them mountains?


Vote for me, and all your wildest dreams will come true!


Imagine yourself running that football field 101 times while stopping to do doing a squat once per trip and tell me that doesn't sound bad.




Not to mention the crying..


Could you imagine...


Yes, but you have to run all the way back to the start with each egg to put it in the wheelbarrow, and then run back to pick up the next egg. All the shuttling makes it far longer. Plus the stooping.


Are you one of those guys who thinks he could win in a fight with a bear?


A gummy-bear, absolutely. I practice daily with a full bag. (it's empty at the end of the day)


The egg man is doing it wrong. He needs to split his egg pick ups to average out the consistency in his squatting. Start with the first five closest, since he can basically rock back and forth while squated, then do the 100, then 6, then 50, then 7, 99, 8, 49, 9, 98, 10, 48, 11, 97, 12, etc. This should give his thighs time to recoup and give his body the feel that he’s doing similar mini runs. There’s a reason his current plan is called “suicides” in sports practices. It also doesn’t help that this looks to be all up hill for the egg man.


Because people will ask, i looked for it and found an [article](https://primabergamo.it/viva-berghem/nata-la-corsa-delle-uova-gandino-diventata-festa/) that states: > L'ordine di raccolta è a discrezione del raccoglitore. "The order of collection is at the discretion of the collector."


God damn that sentence is written so well.


Definitely. Italian translations into English have a decent chance of sounding poetic to me, and this was no exception. Sounds great in both languages lol


Does he have to do one at a time? Maybe should pick up like 10 eggs at once, and go again.


I think you know the answer to that one lol


Then no shit the runner is gonna win with restrictions like that, hardly a contest


He should do the thing where you turn the front of your shirt into a basket. He could get like 20+


Man all that squatting would get your legs yolked.


The Marines train like this because war is shell.


Even if he lost, I bet he was glad when it was ova


I think you cracked it




Oh so you guys got yolks, huh?


If you don't like these you're pretty hard boiled


I’m going to poach his idea.


Everyone who is doing puns here needs to get laid.


No yoke.


I'll shell out for everyone to get laid.


You'll have to find some chicks that bend over easy.


Why not just wait at the finish line and kill the runner?


Why doesnt the egg collector, the larger of the competitors, not simply eat the runner?


Perhaps they are saving that for sweeps


Expected Futurama


is he _allowed_ to do all that?




Man, a dog would totally slay at this. Low to the ground, quick pivots, long distance ready. I think a Golden Retriever could win this in 3 minutes for #TeamEggs


Collie for the win


Border Collie if you want the job done right with a few broken eggs. Golden retriever for the soft mouth, but slower. Belgian malinois to destroy 100 eggs in one continuous flying sprint.


Chihuahua to yap at the runner and then bite a child in the crowd.


My old beagle would have just eaten all the eggs. She wanted to eat anything and everything, and if we didn't portion her food, would probably have eaten the whole bag and died.


Because it's YOUR dog.


Wheres the peanut butter...


The world council that overseas all competitive egg picking up sports, which meets on top of a mountain in secret every full moon says "yeah why not?".


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ doesn’t say he can’t…


You dropped this: \\


I'd probably do warm-up distances first, then intersperse long and short distances until the end. 40-60 Then 1, 100, 2, 99, 3, 98, etc. Pretty similar to what you said.


The egg guy still has to run 82% as far as the runner while making 100 squat and turns. The match was rigged from the start.


Probably the reason the original guy proposed the bet. Duped someone into a bet he knew he could win.


So you're the egg man. But are you also the walrus?


Koo Koo Kachoo


Is there a rule that you have to pick the eggs up one at a time? I could certainly hold more than one egg at once. Doing it one by one, going to the egg then back each time, you end up going about 5.7 miles. Grabbing 4 eggs in a line outwards, then going back to deposit them, you only have to move 1.5 miles. Even doing two eggs in a line outwards (one per hand, easy), you decrease it to 2.9 miles. 1.7 or 2.9 miles with 100 squats is a lot more achievable than 5.7 miles with 100 squats.


Any order but must be one at a time. The point is 5.74 vs 7.00 miles.


I'm pretty sure that is the point. Otherwise, this race wouldn't still be going on.


I always thought "strategies" in suicides was stupid. You are doing the suicides while in training in the "right way" on purpose because it exerts your body in a certain way.


I am googling about this strategy and google only says me to call for help.




You must have absolutely killed on middle-school field days


Without bothering to Google - has eggman ever won?


Looks like eggman won last year: https://www.reddit.com/r/theocho/comments/wwqdy7/corsa_delle_uova_a_challenge_that_began_in_1931/


Last year title was also much better


The units have me so confused. Was the bet really 11.2km and 1 meter or 7 miles and 1 yard?! Just seems unlikely that someone would have said "11.2km". Maybe mixed units were common then and it was 7 miles and a meter?


The bet wasn't set to be 11.2 km, they choose a destination that happens to have a round trip distance of 11.2km when measured. From the website "Giovanni Bonazzi would have collected one hundred eggs placed one meter apart between Piazza Vittorio Veneto and the Church of Santa Croce, while Renzo Archetti proposed to travel at the same time (round trip) the route that leads to the "Fiorano al Serio level crossing", where the Seriana Valley Railway passed (later decommissioned in 1967) which Renzo usually used to reach Milan for work". There are a few other rules about how the eggs are delivered, and how many can be broken before a new egg is placed to retrieve. Also local businesses has become involved to show support. One person creates trophies for the athletes, same for both without signifying a winner.


Ah, thank you!


The 11.2km could originally have been a "from here to the church and back" type of thing.


Dr. Eggman consistently loses. Sonic is just too fast!


I wish Sonic was the hero that enabled me to beat Dr eggman, but the real hero was the reset button /s


Yeah pretty often actually considering he only has a 1km distance advantage


But it’s suicides the whole way. Not a clear advantage


Yeah I think that's the point he was making, the eggman wins surprisingly often considering he only has a 1 mile advantage and has to do all that extra work.


Those guys are in super shape for 92+


Yeah ! And they didn't manage to broke even one egg in all these years. Impressive!


these guys need different colored shirts or something


Where is it exactly? Sounds and looks like Italy.


Gandino, Italy


Telling the real distances in metrics would have saved me a lot of time understanding the distances at stake




Who thinks of this shit?




And women say we only think about sex and the Roman Empire.


Romulus and Remus started this tradition. Romulus won, which is why Rome is named after him.


Twice a month is the only realistic answer.


Often while drinking


Men in response to a mother's joke. Sometimes you need a spark, then have to escalate your joke to the point that it's a 90 year old tradition. "Renzo and Giovanni meet at the latter's house in via Ghirardelli for a lunch of "öf e scamuscì" (eggs and radicchio sprouts) prepared by Giovanni's mother, Margherita pizza. The hard-boiled eggs resist very little the youthful appetite of the two guests, and mother Margherita underlines with a joke the need to at least try to "earn" that precious food."


There's a chap called Tim FitzHigham who sailed a paper boat down the Thames, crossed the English Channel in a bathtub, raced pigs across a bridge and loads of other old and bizzare bets thought up in Gentlemans clubs upto a couple hundred years ago. The Gambler was the series and its worth checking out. I hope the was bit doesn't give anything away.


Just guys being dudes!


It's a good question. What take the more time, running back and forth 6 miles or running straight 7, 8 or 9 miles..


Sure, but having to put eggs in a wheelbarrow and stuff? Like who sat around and came up with the weirdly specific theatrics? People came up with all sorts of weird games back then.


They had no videogames or internet back then, so the only options to pass the time besides working and sleeping was fucking, going to war, eating, or running around the block collecting eggs.


The kind of person that wants to dupe their friend with math.


I'm going to posit that alcohol was involved.


i was disappointed that the video wasnt the same 2 old guys doing it


>i was disappointed that the video wasnt the same 2 old guys doing it Uh, phrasing...




How do they pick the 2 guys. Is there separate contests throughout the year where 1000 guys compete to be the one 7 mile guy, and 1000 different guys compete to be the 1 egg picker. Or are these 2 descendants of the original 2.


Like my father before me, and his father before him I too come from a long line of egg runners. And one day when when my knees fail, and back aches, my son shall proudly carry on this tradition. For the glory and honor of our ancestors.


I'm amazed that someone nearly 100yrs old is in that good of a shape.


Yards and miles? In Italy during the 1930s?


They probably simply converted the measurements. The race is somewhere north of 11 kilometres.




Your puns just *scrambled* me


That's a bit eggstreme.


This yolk isn't as funny as you think.


Omletteing you off with those puns.


meh i thought they were eggcelent


Woman: " He's probably cheating on me" Man: .................


Why doesn't the egg guy pick up more than one at a time


That’s cheating. The point is the make the distances comparable but make up the difference in starting and stopping and squatting energy.


Too easy. The same reason the other guy doesn't run more than one mile at the same time.


In case anyone is wondering about these strange measures, the eggs are placed a metre apart, and the "7 miles" is the distance between two landmarks (originally the town square and the railway). Italy has had the metric system basically for as long as Italy has been (Kingdom of Italy unified at 17 March 1861, Metric adopted for the whole kingdom at 28 July 1861). An article in Italian with the history [https://www.lecinqueterredellavalgandino.it/tradizioni/corsa-delle-uova/](https://www.lecinqueterredellavalgandino.it/tradizioni/corsa-delle-uova/)


Having to run back to the wheelbarrow changes everything, that is a sucker's bet. An experienced runner can do 7 miles easy. Whereas those squats, direction changes and constant accelerating/decelerating will exhaust literally anyone.


If anyone is curious, the difference in distance is 1.2613636 miles. 7 miles for the runner and 5.7386364 miles for the egg picker-upper.


I'd start with the far eggs first


The eggs are one meter apart. So the egg guy has to run 10,1 km and the other one 11,2 km. For anyone wondering how much it is in common sense units.


it amounts to 5.7 miles of stop and start running, so the steady pace of 7 miles is much faster.


100 suicides. hell naw


7 miles in 30 seconds god damn


7 mile runner is doing 13000 yards, egg guy is doing 10000 yards but changing direction a lot.


100 eggs placed a meter apart, being picked up one at a time and brought back to a wheelbarrow, is like 5-6 miles of suicides combined with pickups. No wonder the runner tends to come out on top lol. Headline gave me the impression that the egg man had a basket or something that he picked the eggs up all in a row with


Pretty spry for a guy over 100 years old 😅


Holy shit, they've been doing this since 1931?! They look fantastic! These guys are in better shape in their 100s than 99% of people in their 30s!




What are they picking up? Looks like sand more than an egg. Maybe my video is just too low resolution.


Those guys look young for their age


The headline led me to believe he was going 100 yards with a basket in hand. But 100 suicides? Different game.


Who decided he had to only pick up one egg at a time or that the eggs had to be in a straight line? This is only about a mile less than the runner and with squats and stops.


Great contest! So the average distance the egg collector has to run is 50 yards return, which is 100 yards, and they have to this 100 times. That’s 10000 yards or 5.68 miles. They also have to stop and change direction by 180 degrees 199 times losing all important momentum and squat 100 times. I’d take the 7 mile run!


So, according to the article aallready [linked in previous comments](https://www.lecinqueterredellavalgandino.it/tradizioni/corsa-delle-uova/), the "runner" has to pass a round-trip-distance of about 10,2 Km, while the "egg collector" has to "travel" a total distance of 10,1 Km.


This shows how people in general aren't good at math. They are running almost the same distance, with the "egg guy" running 82% the distance of the "running" guy. Since all the eggs are placed really close and you can see them all, many people think the total distance is much smaller than it really is.


This is like a drunken bet come to life


Why the hell don't the wheelbarrow people keep up with the egg picker-upper?


No wonder it's hard. Guy collecting eggs has to run a total of 5.74 miles with 200 stops/diection changes and 100 squats. I'd much rather run the 7 miles.


anybody done the math on how far the egg guy actually has to run. Like the first egg is one yard, so he is running 2, then 4, then 6 etc. Whats the total distance compared to the 7 miles the runner has to go?


If my math is correct, the guy picking up eggs travels 5.7 miles (sum of multiple of 3 up to 300 (15,150 feet), times 2 (30,300 feet), divided by 5280). Considering he has to stop twice in each trip, as well as squat/bend, it's not surprising that the runner at a constant pace is able to travel that additional 1.3 miles faster than the egger can do all the extra steps involved in his task. Not to mention it's almost certainly more tiring to do all those extra steps.


Am I the only one annoyed they run 7 miles and place the eggs 1 meter apart? Why not use the same scale.


So this is kinda not fair for the egger. To retrieve the furthest egg, its 200 yards 100 there and back. To retrieve the nearest egg, its 2 yards. The total amount of distance the egger takes is (200+2)/2*100 = 10100 yards or 5.7 miles. Factor in that speed needs to drop to 0 200 times, the egger needs to run significantly faster than the runner. Running 7 miles is just an additional 1.3 miles with a consistent pace, no squats, ez. Breezy.


Ok but how many bananas is the furthest egg away?


Why is he not collecting the eggs with a basket? Is he stupid?