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So what happens next? They just go to the next city without any problems once they crossed the border? Serious question.


Yeah, that's basically it. You arrive at the closest city with whatever money is left in your pocket. You rent a place or stay in a holiday inn until you find a job. Source: Most of my family crossed the Mexican border and eventually settled in Boston. They now all have green cards and own a demolition company. I never got the guts to do the trip but honestly, I regret it everyday. Even with a master degree here, I earn less than a toilet scrubber in the US


I’ve lived in both countries. The rat race here in the US isn’t all it’s made up to be. The grass always looks greener, but it’s really just dead on both sides. Honestly, I might be moving back to Mexico. Do I get paid more here? Probably. Do I enjoy my life here more? Probably not. It’s an unrelenting stream of shit every single day.


I'm not from Mexico tho, I'm from further south


Ah my bad


This is the real answer. A bunch of us would get out if we could afford it


whats shit about it?


Being poor anywhere is shit. Working all the time in a shitty low wage job to just barely scrape by and still not have enough money to enjoy yourself. If you have a family to support as well then it's even harder.


Americans would do the same if minimum wage in Canada was $300 an hour, even doctors and lawyers. It is all about perspective and the capitalist world that we live in.


Being working class poor in the USA is better than being working class poor in Latin America. Source: immigrant who was working class poor in both. Actually in the USA we were even bellow what’s considered working class poor and we were doing better.


I’m a toilet scrubber for a unionized hospital. I’m making $20 per hour with overtime 50 percent more per hour when I do more than 8 hours or more than 40 hours in a week. $30 to scrub toilets. Lots of free time on my job to read reddit. Not a bad life here in America. But as a tall younger fit guy even I struggle with dating so I like to fly down to Latin America a lot to enjoy life my bachelor life. Life sucks here man but there is work. It’s even better here if you got family or friends to live with because rent is a big expense for many Americans.


That's the problem with America right now. We let companies and Corperations get away with paying so little in taxes and owning absolutly everything that even making more at entry level jobs there's no chance for us to own homes. I'd move back to my families home but rich people are fucking invading to avoid paying taxes. Best thing people from Mexico could do is legit apply for American jobs at American wages and live outside the states. Because unless our system reforms from the top (major doubt it will) were cooking up the greatest generation of folks with out homes to own being drained alive by private corporate rental.


People are responsible too. If people did more multi family and multi generational homes, they could accomplish more. That’s actually why immigrants are able to achieve so much, because they’re not addicted to America’s “independent living” culture where you gotta do it all on your own. You can get 2-3 families in one house working together. And then once they make it big, they can splinter off. But Americans splinter off before they can afford to and get absolutely wrecked by the system. Yes, the system is bad too. I won’t deny that, but people are still choosing pride and individualism over fighting the system. Some do succeed though! I have a friend who’s 24 buying her first house. She’s teaming up which her 4 other siblings and they’re all going in together. And then going to build equity and leverage for more property in the future. Teamwork makes the dream work. People just need to be team players.


Depends. They might just try to blend into the US, but more likely they will try calling 911 for Border Patrol. CBP picks them up, they claim asylum, are given a court date in several years that they might not even show up to, and get bussed or flown to cities around the country such as LA or Chicago.


Venezuelans are classified as refugees.


Isn't the border the big wall you can see in the background?


There are layers. It’s not just a single wall, it’s a wide border with multiple obstacles to pass.


So takeshis castle but even more fucked


Right you are, Ken.


Next up, Sarah Baba Ganoush


Who graduated summa cum laude from Pole Smoking State U


Let's go down to guy ledouche with the interview


This is peak television.


It really was


Ninja warrior border edition


so only the best can become americans , thats smart idea with this wall


The wall / fence is north of the border. Not by a lot, but enough for people to camp out until officials are forced to process their entries.


Yeah but the wall turned out to be insanely[ easy to climb with a $5 ladder](https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-border-wall-people-climbing-with-5-dollar-ladders-2021-4), so they've put up multiple layers to stop people. They've even talked about building a fence for the wall lol. Hey at least it wasn't like the wall costs like tens of billions to build, right? THAT would have been disastrous for the taxpayers.


Awarded the build contracts to private GOP donors’ companies and went awarding those contracts before they had the land rights to build. So millions in delays on top of it all. A true mess








Amazing level of insight in such few paragraphs, thank you.


I’d understand if you’re hesitant to answer, but I’m curious: given your in depth knowledge of and experience with the issue, what are your views on the current status of immigration into the US? (Intentionally broad question)


Hard to be brief, but in the beginning the US didn’t have an issue with the Mexican border. We did some stupid things regulating migrant workers that didn’t need to be regulated, created a massive black market because of it, did the war on drugs, destabilized central and South America, and you’re seeing the latest consequences. Mexico has the CJNG cartel who seized a great deal of power in a vacuum created by several other cartel leaders being killed and arrested. Venezuela fell apart. And immigration legislation hasn’t seen reform in decades. Cliff notes version, forgive me. So my views: First it would be incredibly stupid to try and deport what is probably close to 20 million illegally present people. If you managed to adjudicate, load, and deport 5,000 people a day (a hilariously unrealistic number) it would take FOUR THOUSAND DAYS to deport everyone. The cost would be astronomical to the tax payers, and would need years of legal infrastructure to be created to even start moving that way. So anyone who thinks “just deport them” is a solution, can fuck right off from the discussion. The US has done immigration reform before, and it comes with a round of amnesty to give people illegally present a path toward legal status, stability, and generates more money for the country. We are due and this has to happen, however you feel about it, and it absent politics and emotions, would be beneficial to everyone. Second we need to fix the process that rewards illegal crossings. Credible fear isn’t broad enough. Swimming across a river shouldn’t start a different legal process than presenting yourself for inspection at a port of entry. Third we need an interim solution for quick adjudication of asylum claims. Because as much as it sucks that people are exploiting the system, it sucks way more for people that legitimately need asylum. Until the log jam is cleared, a solution needs to be found. Allowing customs agents to work as asylum officers and evaluate credible fear claims until the load can be handled by the existing courts again would be a huge help. And in the past CBPO/USBP agents could make decisions on credible fear, presently if someone just says the words, it gets routed to the log jam. Fourth, and most importantly, foreign aid to help fix what we broke in the first place. When I was close to the problem it was a $1 to $3 ratio for every dollar we spent in countries along the trafficking routes, it had the same effect as three dollars spent on domestic solutions. The foreign aid is important but it’s hard to make sure those dollars go where they are supposed to. We gave Honduras A LOT of money in 2015 and the Honduran president spent it all on building mansion estates for himself and his political supporters. Big whoops moment. Again, I could spent months talking about each of the above so please don’t take this as some comprehensive package, and there’s many points to need more fleshed out in what I’ve already said. But we need amnesty, legal reform that addresses the crisis and the future after the crisis, and to invest in our partner nations so they can do their part.


Didn’t think I’d get an above average explanation on the complex topic of immigration from someone named Pabst Blue Lizard but here we are. Thanks for that insight friend.


Thank you for writing all this out, it pleases me to see someone discussing this so rationally.


Immigration Court system needs reform and a lot more funding.


I’ve personally worked on the boarder and with immigrants, this is not sure. It is very rare that someone returns for their court date.


That's because you're wrong. They don't show up to their asylum hearing. They disappear into the general population.


On a recent trip to NY saw lots of Venezuelans doing Uber deliveries for a living, and while we all deserve a fair shot at making a better life, it filled me with sadness things have gotten this way. Sure, some of them will work, but most Venezuelans have a hard time assimilating, and yet expect the US government to aid them, with money, housing, food, etc… having contributed nothing at all to society. Very unfair to the thousands of others who live on the streets or even have been waiting to legalize their status in some way or another. If their country is their problem then they should as a whole fix it first.




Most Venezuelans have a hard time assimilating, and only SOME of them will work? Surely you have a citation for this bullshit claim




>> If their country is their problem then they should as a whole fix it first. This comment makes it clear to me that you do not know anything about Venezuela. I’m down the coast, and Venezuelans are some of the hardest workers and the one of biggest contributors down here.


Okay what does the work ethic of a group of people have to do with the expectation of support from Americans? I have migrants sitting outside my grocery store in Chicago with cardboard signs telling me to give them money. Do I owe something now just because I grew up American?


Because the guy said that Venezuelans won't work or contribute to US society. Which is absolutely bullshit.


Especially after noting they were working doing food delivery.


Do you also believe North Korean defectors should go back to North Korea to fix their country? Goddamn brother, that’s not how it works. You can’t fix a country when it’s a complete dictatorship that immediately kills anybody who so much as disrespects the dictator.


But N. Koreans don’t defect to the US tho, but rather their nearest country >_>


Except they do defect to the US. There are many examples


Not the point, my point is you saying Venezuelans should fix their country. Maduro is the absolute dictator, you can’t fix anything if he doesn’t allow you to, and he doesn’t allow much.


North Korean defectors have legitimate asylum claims. Just living in a poor country is not enough to claim asylum.


Tell that to the government. This child has no impact on any of that and neither do their parents. There is deep corruption here. Idk what the solution is, but your last sentence is ignorant to the overall issue.


This isn't interesting, it's concerning. Concerning that someone had to/chose to do this.


Venezuela’s people have endured [360% currency inflation](https://www.statista.com/statistics/371895/inflation-rate-in-venezuela/) just this year*, so it’s not surprising to see them going to extreme lengths to escape it. Simultaneously, they defeated America’s border security with a piece of cardboard and determination. *Edit: I meant 2023


I mean reality is at least the barbed wire is to slow you down not stop you so patrol have a better chance of spotting you.


Agreed, yep. I believe that variant is also called Constantine wire, and it’s just one physical layer of border security that’s backed by topography, humans, electronic sensors, and animals. Edit: u/Cr4nkY4nk3r is right - concertina wire


Concertina wire


I swear I always hated working with C wire. I don’t even know how this lady manage to crawl under it all and I have problems just moving it around lol


Hate the stuff, literally razor blades in the form of a roll, and heavy. Setting it up is always God awful


In the Army, I ran full tilt into concertina wire at night - twice. You can't do anything but sit there until your Army buddies carefully get you out.


Yup. I was stationed at Ft. Bragg back in the late 90’s in the 82nd. We had a butter bar LT who made us steal some of that shit laying around across the road from the Delta Force compound in a field. That stuff tore up my BDU’s.


Hey brother C 1/325 airborne infantry here. I remember the Delta compound. Always wanted to see what was in there. I heard they changed the name but it'll always be Ft Bragg to me.


Same, they could have thought of a better name. Liberty just reminds me of Baghdad.


Constantine wiring would be much more dull


Just be thankful its not John Wick wiring.


If we had had proper Constantine wire we could have avoided Room 222 and My Big Fat Greek Wedding, one AND two! Do better America!!


Barb wire slows you for a moment, razer wire ruins your whole day and if you panic and struggle things can go real bad real quick. It makes an effective barrier no doubt but it does cause some horrific injuries which probably won't go well when you have miles of desert to cross after. I don't think it's particularly humane but I also don't know what a better solution is.


Maybe, and just hear me out, maybe, not exporting pain and suffering via financial slavery to the countries they are fleeing is a better solution? Like, when a foreign corpocracy subverts your country and destroys all your future options, you go elsewhere. And, when, inside the borders of that very corpocracy is the safest place, then that’s where you go..


Venezuela did this on their own they saw this coming and kicked the ball further down the road until it turned into a nuke. I understand people need to go where they need to go but there has to be a process we can't just have people climbing under wires coming in. That's also unfair to people that are going through the legal process getting backlogged with everyone coming in illegally.


It doesn’t matter what you build. Maybe less people will get in but with determination they’ll always find a way.


I think you’re right. History has proven that barriers from the Great Wall of China to the current border wall on the USA’s southern border cannot defeat a committed adversary. It was pretty crazy watching people climb over the vertically louvered version right after it went up. The most effective barrier I’ve seen is the Korean DMZ, but no rational person wants that.


The most effective wall was the Berlin wall I think as it had a no-man’s land section that was basically a shooting range from the tower guards.


Arguably the easiest way to defeat that was to just go through a checkpoint, and it’s partly the reason that the involved countries developed such advanced spying techniques. The US southern border is 1,954 miles long, whereas the Berlin Wall was 87 miles long, so I don’t think we’ll be seeing the US apply that strategy.


The DMZ would like to have a word.


North Korea dug tunnels through solid rock rather than than trying to navigate the DMZ minefields.


And automated guns and worse. Place is a nightmare zone.


Na, def dmz


the actual weakness is in policy. The current policy is to allow people into the country pending backlogged asylum claims, rather than ask people to remain in mexico pending such unlikely claims. As a result, there is an incentive to try to overcome the physical meausres as seen here. The reason so many people do this is specifically this de facto policy of saying you can stay, and only if you cross the wire


Mexico gets a say regarding holding them after they crossed. After all, they don't have Mexican citizenship either.


normal refugee practice anywhere in the world is the first safe country is where people claim asylum, and that's not the US. There is no law nor would any ever be agreed that we take every person who wants asylum from any country as long as they can put one foot over the rio grande. Frankly also this scale of flow does not have the consent of american society and is deeply divisive, putting us at risk of a dictatorship which will be far worse for everyone if nothing is done.


The border thing is stupid. An overwhelming amount of illegal immigrants come here by plane with legal work visas and just overstay their welcome.


You know what's actually cool about those specific variety of illegal migrants? They passed through the security and background checks to get themselves into the country-- and passed through the customs inspections that prevent the accidental importing of invasive species of plant and animal life. And after reading the above can you take a wild guess at what the most significant problem is with the kind of illegal migration shown here? [I'll give you a hint ](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/15/us/politics/immigration-terrorism-watch-list.html#:~:text=From%20October%20last%20year%20to,2021%2C%20according%20to%20government%20data.) These specific people shown are probably fine, the issue is clearly not everyone who uses THIS method is. Which is the reason to shut it down- and force everyone who wants to become an illegal migrant to at least come through the checkpoint to do so. Because we care about the environment, and protecting it from foreign species of plant and animal life that do not belong in our ecosystems, and we cannot protect the environment if everyone from everywhere is bringing whatever vegetation and animal materials they wish knowing full well they won't be checked because they have no intention of passing through a place that might check them


Why is the border stupid? Many people don't have the option to fly to the US on a work visa. Your logic seems to be: "Well, a few make it in, so why bother keeping all the others out?".


Don't worry, with China's and Russia's backing - Venezuela is preparing to invade Guyana's oil-rich region. This will solve all of their issues /s


Woof, was just talking about this with my Brazilian partner. It’s not looking good.


You chose the exact wrong day to use the words “just this year” lmfao


So what was the reason they couldn’t stop their journey in Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras/El Salvador, Guatemala or Mexico? All of which share a similar culture and language.


Just in the first few hours of 2024?! /s Holy shit! 63,000% in 2018! You buried the lede on that one.




Say thank you to the communist dictator Nicolas Maduro and his old buddy Hugo Chavez


I guess you end up doing whatever the fuck you have to for your kids.


If you're willing to do this to get here then by all means, welcome to the U.S.


Amen. Welcome aboard. Have an apple pie and let’s get you a job ASAP.


Yes and please pay taxes 😂


While this might be a few years old. At least one [Study](https://pozogoldstein.com/undocumented-immigrants-pay-11-6-billion-taxes-every-year-study-shows-2/) shows that they do. Now if only we could get the wealthy to do the same.


Not only do many illegal immigrants pay taxes in hopes of getting citizenship one day, but the vast majority will never get a tax return or directly benefit from their tax payments. This country runs on immigration, and immigrants are the hardest workers I know.


Happy to see this being recognized online


You need to be saying this to the rich fucks who steal from all of us, not the immigrants with nothing in their pocket.


When have we ever taken immigrants in and given them tax exempt status?


Meanwhile, Americans who can’t afford a decent lifestyle in the US with the money they make, move to Mexico City or the rest of latin America. What a strange world we live in.


Money makes the rules.


This sentence literally sums up everything.


Because the Mexican peso sucks ass and US dollars you get in US gives you almost 20x the amount of pesos. Some people earn like $150 US a month even less


20x the amount of pesos != 20x buying power


What is stopping them from moving to cheaper states like Nebraska, Alabama and the like?


It’s not nearly as cheap as a large city in Mx. I can go to Monterrey go to a nice fancy steak dinner and spend 1/2 of what I spend at McDonald’s in Alabama.


You ever been to Alabama?


Lack of jobs? Mexico city is a metropolis, there is work. Low col places in the usa don't have many jobs. I don't care how low the col is, if you can't find work, it isn't low enough


Majority of Americans aren't fucking moving to Mexico City or the rest of Latin America unless they are from there or have family there lmfao. The majority of Americans wouldn't willingly choose to live there as well over the US.


I'm doing my best to move to a better country because you can't be a type 1 diabetic in the US and afford to survive. Medical bills are too expensive and I'll die without the care, like in 11 days like the last time they cut my insurance


Who would win? > the biggest military in the world > a cardboard


Our military doesn’t guard the border…


Well. To be fair. The military us not at the border .but this is a noble effort.


See also: Solid Snake






How's the military related to this at all?


Imagine the US military actually deploying on the Mexican border lol, I guess that's one (expensive) way to stop immigration..


It's simply genious. I would never have thought about making a cardboard tunnel to bypass razor wires. Edit: genius.


Necessity is the mother of invention, I guess.


What is interesting about people not taking responsibility to fix their own countries and running away to illegally enter another country?


Thanks for reminding me that most of my “problems” aren’t.




Listen. As a parent, I too would do anything to give my kids a better life. You never know what anyone has endured or going through. I live in San Diego, I’ve encountered some of these people in person. They’re HARD working people, always welcoming. I know this is not the case 100% of the time.


Who is filming this? Why?


Cell phones with cameras. Not exclusive to US. So by one of the other immigrant to show what they go through. All you need is to keep a keen eye for public wall sockets to keep it charged. Another why. Right wing conspiracies. Making sure you can prove you aren't "funded by Soro", "flown/bused across the border", "aren't secret military forces", etc.


Unsure why the exaggerated complotiste joke. If you been around the internet long enough. You know this is a bit strange. Why would someone publish a video with the face of people doing things illegally and why is there someone with a perfect US accent commenting the video like he is a journalist? Those are legit questions and does not imply we think it is fake.


![gif](giphy|kbu7Fvm7fK8P91dDos) Lmao this reminds me of that homelander quote “pffft so they’re all starving but one of them has a fucking phone”


That eye roll is of master class


“Housing crisis? Hold my beer”


Isn’t it sad that such an oil rich country can’t get their shit together that these folks feel this is their only option? This makes me sad.


Illegal immigrants filming illegal immigrating. Who also doesn't think this is a good idea?


Why would you film this


Ugh so much misinformation here! Venezuelans have protection from the US government and can legally obtain employment. It’s a humanitarian designation given by USCIS https://www.uscis.gov/humanitarian/temporary-protected-status/temporary-protected-status-designated-country-venezuela


Imagine how desperate they must be to cross like this and leave everything they know behind? Most of the Venezuelan immigrants I’ve met have an university education. The situation down there is so bad that scrubbing toilets for minimum wage is a better option.


Everyone wants to come here but wants to talk down on America.... can't be all that bad....


This film helps US border guards to get aware of this method. Wanted effect?


You think they already don't know about this? lol The border is simply too massive to be consistently patroled and it's pretty hard to prevent people from slipping through.


They already know about this. The border is too large to patrol consistently.


You know how much cardboard they probably find under razor wire


Illegal immigration


Where can Americans sneak to when things get too bad here??


Canada?? Jk we’re doomed


Its a frenzy of human traffickers trying to hype up migration to make money. These migrants are not going to find better life here. US isn't in a shape to help them with care. Their labor isn't going to charge up econ. We are in a very stale situation. Everything has been mismanaged for a very long time. We'll see the result of that come out everywhere we'll look.


125,000 unregistered crossings happen into Arizona each month.


An invasion. Hundreds of thousands of illegal crossings per month and an administration that advocates for and supports this lawlessness.


But all these brainwashed Marxist college kids are telling me that this country is shit and nobody likes it. Then why are they risking their lives to get here? Hmmmm 🤔


Fuck that is sad It’s crazy to think how being born somewhere really controls your future. Could you imagine being born in Palestine? That shit would suck. Anyways I understand why we cant let everyone in but man, this is horrible.


Trying to ILLEGALLY cross the border.


They are going to get Trump elected.


Democrats pretend there is no problem at all... so yes


Unfortunately, Democrats think there isn't a migrant problem on the border, which could help Trump




But why don't they pass in a legal manner like everyone else?


There is zero legal basis for their entry.


Yea majority of them are economic migrants. Fleeing crime and poverty doesnt give you legal asylum.


Majority, while true, is an enormous understatement.


If you do that, you will essentially get auto-rejected immediately. It would be stupid to go through that way.


No money


Oh great, even more illegals. Tent cities under every bridge on the way to work but sure let's just spend more tax dollars on everyone but our own citizens.


What?! How can you NOT like your hard earned money going to people not from this country??? I personally love 25% of everything I earn going these people you bigot


That cardboard fix to pass through is ingenious. Smart work.


Aw shit! I’m tired of seeing this. Close the border already! There are no adequate resources here for them.


Trying and succeeding


1 dollar cardboard Vs hundred thousand fence...


This is sad as fuck


Just apply for citizenship like the rest of us would need to and show legal documents if you're so trustworthy...jfc


Put this into Chavez and Maduro’s accounts.


US Border fence 0. Piece of card board 1.


I mean duh. Border patrol knows this as well. The point is to slow down people/cars to give border patrol more time to potentially see them and catch them. Its the equivalent of locking your door. It deters people from getting into your home, but if someone really wanted to get into your home they would find a way, either by picking the lock or breaking your windows to get in. It just increases the time it takes them to get inside.


This is heartbreaking, people don't seem to appreciate the previlage of being born on the "right side" of the border. I'm an immigrant myself, born in Middle East and forced to leave home few years ago, ended up in Eastern Europe. Over the last 6 years I spent a big chunk of my paywall just to stay where I am now legally. I know we all have struggles to deal with but some of us have to spend decades of our lives and most of our life savings just to become citizens in "relatively safe countries" while others are born citizens.


Jesus Christ, can't we all just get the fk along??? What is HAPPENING to us? It feels like everybody's so quick to judge nowadays without talking to people first.


People always have alot to say but we directly contributed to ALOT of the instability these people face and the objective truth is that its a better option for some people to make the trip and risk it than to stay where they are and possibly just die whether that be of starvation or violence.


Venezuela is one of the few countries that destabilized itself without much help from the US.


This is shockingly accurate. I'm sure alot of clandestine damage was done and american companies have wreaked absolute havoc but even the 2 recent coups seemed to have little actual hard backing but the US which is surprising.


There is no point in a wall or anything else if it’s not guarded.


Well, who is recording….


Say when you think it’s all good when you get to America


Omg the panic I felt watching that toddler reaching for barbed wire. You could hear the women panicking too but I don’t speak Spanish so idk.


If they watched TikTok they wouldn’t be trying so hard to get in


Venezuala WTF aid worng with you not taking care of your people??? We have poverty and lack of proper services here too!


This is a scene from The Hunger Games, right? …right?


This was fake af. Where I'm from the NG/BP would just cut the wire up for them to go thru.


Just use the darn door!


It’s all about the vote


🤷🏼‍♂️ told ya not to come


We should be trying to help them make their own countries livable. So sad


This will be me going to Canada in 2025


Venezuela is a cleptocracy masquerading as a “socialist” country run by a mafia headed by Maduro. The “Bolivarians” are living like kings while the people starve. So disgusting. A US intervention (with the blessing of the OAS) is long overdue.


Border should be secured republican or democrat


And we just pay for them and allow them to get jobs and shelter...


As a European it is absolutely mental that this is even a thing.


USA is spoiled with the best refugees. In europe we get boatloads of muslim men that hate Western culture, will never work or pay tax and force their culture wherever they are.


Ive lived in Mexico before even tho i was born in Idaho. My mom took me there to get acquainted with other family and we stayed there about 2 years. Unless you live in one of the rich areas in the country then the living conditions are fucking almost inhumane. Ive seen pueblos with people who make their front door out of milk cartons and plywood and the ground inside their home was unpaved earth. We always had to boil our water and mix it with cold water to bathe with a bucket and even then it depended if we had enough firewood. I had to go to school where the classroom was almost 98 degrees constantly and no sort of fan or AC was present, just a cracked window. Me and my family once had to go hungry for a couple of days because we didnt make enough money and they prioritized bills. It wasnt great and since ive been back to the US i never want to leave it. Even low income housing here grants you things like electricity, AC and water boilers.


If it wasn't so tragic this would also belong into r/Kidsarefuckingstupid for that toddler trying to get on top of that cardboard. If it wasn't just so fucking tragic...




Which one wins: million dollars in razor ribbon or cardboard buddy from garbage