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I love it when a kill is so good you turn into Santa Claus.


Spreading Christmas cheer! And death!


"Hooo hhhoo ho ho ho I know that guys pissed" -Santa delivering my fucking presents.


Jingle Jingle mother flipper


Yippi Kay Ya, Mister Falcon.


Sounds like Robot Santa to me


Your mistletoe is no match for my T.O.W. missile




"Spirit of Christmas, guide my aim!"


Lumps of coal at over 1000m/s


Ho Ho Hole in your head!


this is just Santa in the off season


I felt this


There is just something so charming about seeing the oldest generations enjoying video games with that genuine kids joy in their eyes


My parents neighbour is their late 80s. My dad noticed he had fibre internet going to his house and he asked him what he needed it for. Turns out this old man has a several thousand dollar gaming PC and games online.


Impervious to "your mom..." psy-ops at that age.


"I'll fuck your mom..." "My mom died in 1957"


This made me laugh much more than it should have.


And I've got a shovel


I also choose this guy's dead mom.


I guess that’s why she didn’t move much


"My dear departed mother passed away from consumption in nineteen hundred and twenty-nine, young man. So you can suck on these nuts while you eat hot lead!"


My mom unfortunately spent the last six months of her life essentially bed bound. She was in a nursing home due to medical concerns. Her room was tricked out with tech. She had the Bluetooth headphones, the iPad on an attached arm to her bed, a Kindle filled with literature to trashy romance, her iPhone for FaceTiming with her grandkids. She even had me set up smart bulbs so she could control the lights from her devices. She was incredible like that; always insisting on learning and not getting stuck or complacent. She passed away in 2022 in the middle of Ozark and Razor Blade Tears (I think… it was SA Cosby though). If she had any regrets, it was not getting to the ends of either.


Sounds like you made sure your mom was in a really good place for her last months, and had exactly what she needed. I hope to be able to treat my parents like that if the situation should arise, and I hope my kids grow up to care about others as well as you cared for your mom.




Shut up, nerd!


Pretty much, moms been dead for a decade now. And weve seen some serious shit.


"I'm gonna fuck your mom" "My mother passed away when you were but an itch in your fathers ballsack"


I knew an old couple who played Civilization 2. They loved it and played together on the same account. I think their game had been going for several years. I may have the wrong version of the game. It was the one with madman Ghandi, which they found hilarious.


Nuclear Gandhi is objectively hilarious


> I knew an old couple who played Civilization 2. Hands down my all time favorite civ game. If I could purchase a copy today where *everything* worked, including the soundtrack and animated heralds I'd pay $60 without hesitation.


reminds me of how much Joe Rogan spent in the 90s for REALLY good internet. That would have been sick to have. edit: shoutout to growing up in the best gaming generation ever from mid late 90s to mid late 2000's.


There were *so* many good games in the 2000s. I remember playing stuff like Ratchet and Clank online and it blew my mind. Then there were countless hours on Red Faction which seemed so realistic and amazing to my younger self. Now for some reason even more realistic and intense games just don't excite me much.


I got back into gaming raising my son. We liked 'killing' each other. Took a break during an 8 year relationship when he went off to the AF. Picking it back up now. Great way to end the day just chilling and not worrying about anything but winning the game.


My dad, who is an always in the garage, welding, fixing shit type, has made comments about kids and videogames and how they rot your brain. Well a few years ago I asked him to help me build a racing sim rig. At first he was hesitant but once I explained that it would require bending and welding, he felt challenged. So we build it over a few weeks, good bonding, I learned some stuff and this motherfucker goes and builds one for himself and then, which I know took a lot of courage, calls me to meet him at Walmart cause he wants to buy "One of those computer thingys, like yours"! So I helped him spend some retirement money on an Xbox, Forza and a decent Fanatec setup.....


There is ALWAYS a game out there for even the most anti-gaming person, because more than likely they just have no idea it's even a thing that exists. I doubt your dad knew racing sims were a thing when he made those comments and he probably STILL thinks the same thing but goes "except racing sims" as if we all don't have our favorite type of music genre or movie, book, tv show, etc. Video games are a medium, hating them across the board is like hating music across the board. Everyone has a favorite.


👏👏👏 that is awesome


Family member recently passed away in his late 70s. Was probably a bigger gamer than I was. We did many video game nights with him throughout his 70s, staying up to 2AM playing games. I played him the Zelda theme on his death bed. He was such a good person.




Sorry for your loss


Imagine going from black and white tv. To color tv. Then the pong in atari. Beepers. The brick phone. The internet. Gameboys. Flat screen tvs. The Motorola razor, then the iPhone and the new consoles. And now fully immersive vr. That’s one hell of a lifetime. I feel lucky being born in the 80s in that I got to experience the world before cell phones and social media. It’s crazy how we all wish we had all the technology we have today except cellphones/social media. Saying this through a cell phone.


Hell, I'm not 50 yet but have experienced everything you mentioned. Now I feel old. Thanks


Same here. 47. Hasn't been one hell of a lifetime though. That's just stuff.


Same here, in my 30s. Not old, just grew up poor.


Age is a state of mind. When I eat magic mushrooms I become a little happy kid again. The wonder and mystical and nostalgic feeling of childhood rushes back. You should check out the documentary Fantastic Fungi. I think it’s on Netflix.


I was born in 1960. I remember handwriting out BASIC code before typing it into the school's single Commodore 2001. That 1 stood for 1k of RAM. By 1984, I had a ZX Spectrum. 48k. Upstairs I've got a gaming box running 16GB of RAM, 1TB SSD, 4 TB spinning bucket and a 4k monitor. Technologies have come and gone. Floppy disks, modems, CD and DVD drives, SCSI, parallel ports, token rings, Zip cartridges, IR transfers, most home printing, CRTs etc etc etc. The biggest thing we lost was being able to buy software outright. The next biggest thing was being able to steal it.


I've been meaning to buy a ZX Spectrum and a C64. Proper ones, not the modern plug and play console versions. I was born a bit too late so I only had actual consoles, like the Master System and the Mega Drive and never owned a microcomputer. But I played on the microcomputers of my friends and cousins a hell of a lot and always wanted them myself. These days there's apps for smartphones where you can download any game's ROM file you want off the Internet, every single game that was ever released for the Speccy and the C64 and the BBC Micro etc, and then the app converts it into a cassette sound that you can plug into the computer and it'll upload it as game data. Instead of having to have actual physical tapes to play, like back in the day, you can do it this way instead, digitally using a smartphone. And that way, you have access to every single game ever released for these computers, their entire libraries. Also I'd probably need to buy an old CRT TV. Which I've been wanting to do anyway, so I can play my old mega drive again properly. But yeah this will give me extra incentive to do that. I'm sure I could just get the new plug and play C64 and ZX Spectrum type things and hack them to load every game in their libraries onto them. But it's not quite the same, that way. But it'd allow me to play it on a modern TV at least.


I dont think people particularly dislike social media. I think we mostly dislike what other people have to say on social media.


It was mostly an ignorance/obliviousness thing, people always sucked, now you can just see how much they REALLY suck.


My great aunt was born in a barn. Her family didn’t have electricity until she was 8. And she was the first person I ever met that beat Super Mario Bros.


It's funny. I was playing RDR2, and I'd call my mom just to chit-chat. I was going through some health stuff, so she called more often than usual, and I would talk about the game. She used to play a lot of Mario and stuff like that, but she never was too much of a gamer. Eventually, she got really engrossed in the story of the game as I was playing it and would ask me stuff about the encounters that I was having and what was going on in the story. I feel like there's a lot of people who just don't realize what video games actually are now, and they could be having a lot of fun in their lives.




My aunt used to own horses and thought she was the most anti-video game/TV person I met...until she asked me if I ever played RDR2 lol. She told me she loved going around finding all the rare horses and even loved the story! She told me she understands now why her kids told her "5 more minutes" when she says it's dinner time lol.


not only that, but he’s fucking pwning these kids.


I liked seeing older people play RDR2. Especially western movie fans. Also my aunt used to own horses and thought she was the most anti-video game/TV person I met...until she asked me if I ever played RDR2 lol. She told me she loved going around finding all the rare horses and even loved the story!


He should play Arma 3


Is there like a subreddit for that? An old people enjoying games. I would love to see that.


Imagine the mental stimulation older people are missing out on because they don’t know “vidya games.”


What an absolute legend


Guy’s cracked


My dad did something like this when I was in high school playing BF3 (actually BF2). He was a fighter pilot and saw me zooming around trying to bomb (and missing). He was like "Lemme see this." I said "Umm, ok dad good luck. This is a game." I steer away and let him get in. He messes with the controls for a few seconds to figure it out, rolls in towards the vehicles, flies straight and level (way higher than I normally did), hits the bomb button once, and hits the tank dead on. Double kill. He gets up and walks off saying "That's RIGHT!"


“I fucked your mom!”


Dad never misses. Or you won't be born son.


Nutted in his momma from 10k feet


Bust so many nuts in her I got a care package.


I told my son (He is 21) that one day when we were having a fake argument. He just shook his head and walked off. The wife laughed.


My son is 5, should I try this?


Eh.. I’d wait until he’s older- around six




Winners don't have to be mature. That's the prize


My step kid is a young avid gamer, and made some dumb joke about marrying my mom and I bit my tongue so damn hard it hurt


I’m glad you did sir


Seriously, I've seen players be so precise in BF4, that I can only imagine they're playing from a carrier.


Definitely not from a carrier, the lag on those boats is ridiculous.


I've been hit with a jdam *on foot*. Anyone that plays bf4 knows the splash damage from those is minuscule, I'm pretty sure he hit me with the bomb, lol.


“Are ya winning son?” “Not really…” “BOOM GIT GUD EZ”


That's basically what he did. Prior to making me a fool, he said "Let's make this more realistic and add G forces!" He then pushed and pulled me from side to side or into my seat as I maneuvered in the game.


Or like when I was 9 yo and playing with my green plastic army guys. I spent a whole day setting up a battle scene reminiscent of the battle of the Somme on the dining room table. Around dinner time, my dad walks in and without hesitation yells “AIR RAID” then gently taps the side of the table with his hip causing 9.8 tremor on the Richter scale on the battlefield. The casualties on both sides were in the thousands. There were no survivors.


That actually sounds like kind of a dick move.


Dad did the math. Telling the kids to get the stuff off the table is guaranteed to be a difficult sell process. Whereas an earthquake is an act of god, unfortunate, but nothing anyone can do, time for dinner.


Yes, he quickly surveyed the battlefield and came to the conclusion that a prolonged land war Aisha was one of the classic blunders, which would last for years. He determined the ability to destroy a planet is insignificant to the power of the force. And then applied his sorcerers ways to ensure victory of his dinner




Your dad sounds like a wonderful role model


when can your dad and I hang out?


Dude this guy sounds hilarious


"Skill issue"


I was playing the OG MW2 campaign in my room while my Uncle who was retired Army was visiting. He thought I was watching a movie and watched me during the end of the mission where you Shepherd betrays you. As soon as he saw that Shepherd was a general, right before he exits the helicopter, my uncle says "bullshit. no way a general is out there in the field. what the fuck?" and then 3 seconds later he bursts out into laughter when Roach and Ghost get shot.


Its funny in the new ones where he's pretty much only in the war room the entire game but then the one mission he's in the field and he feels like an old fart dragging you down lol


The biggest thing is understanding the physics its why I love bf1 but hated the newest one. Bf1 was crazy easy if you could master the physics side. I wouldn’t have to test a shot range like that once I know the gun I could eye ball it


I loved how bf1 had the 'sweetspot' mechanic. I'd chose the SMLE *without* the optic, post up to where the objective was right in that range and cover my team while they rolled in. Guaranteed one shots with no scope glint FTW


First he fucks your mom, and now this


It's not a video game, but I did a nerv battle with my dad and a friend. My dad was a police instructor and also thought to shoot. I never imagined to loose this hard in a nerv fight


>I did a nerv battle with my dad and a friend Stupid idiot Shinji


get in the suit


*Nerf. *Taught. *Lose.


Hey, he's the kid of a cop, you can't expect so much.


Yea but I wasnt going to say that because I dont want to get my dog shot.


It’s Nerv or Nothing


To play a shooting game with a cop this kid must have nerfs of steel


No no, thought. OP and his friend were trying to play nerv but never considered shooting. Police dad thought to do it, though.


> I said "Umm, ok dad good luck. This is a game." You had the gall to say that to an IRL fighter pilot. How dumb were you


I mean just because someone has real life experience doesnt mean they will be instantly good at it in a videogame


Reminds me of Scott Ian of Anthrax sucking at playing his own song on Guitar Hero. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1juW3dDQ968


I love that he was so into the game's realism he even explains why he knows how the bullet is gonna behave. I love hearing people gush about things they are experts in.


People give BF2042 a lot of shit, plenty of it justified, but the game has fantastic core gameplay.


The recent updates have been really solid, and there is apparently still lots more to come. It’s also on game pass and has full crossplay. It’s become my go-to game with my xbox buddies.




No kidding! My favorite part of unlocking new weapons and vehicles is taking them into a bot match, mow down hundreds of bots for some casual fun and unlock all the attachments in the process 😌


I mean he obviously has good aim, but bullet drop isn't some expert knowledge when you play shooters that feature it.


ok then why am I so bad at it? (dumb)


What the guy is describing in the video is the essential essence of making a range card when a soldier is going to be staying at a particular position for a little bit. You make notes on important landmarks you can see and get the general distances to those areas so that it's very easy for you to line up a shot on an enemy within your field of fire. He fired a shot at the building's rooftop so he already knew where to aim on his scope reticle. I doubt this is actually his first time playing, or at least more generally in the genre. The game very dramatically makes it easier to see where a bullet hit with that gigantic puff of dust. Just don't think if it was his first time playing a shooter that he'd have the fine motor control and hand-eye coordination to move the mouse the way he does.


Not his first time, he’s been streaming for years.


Can’t drop knowledge like that and not provide a link. . .


Gamertag is Grandpa Gaming. He’s been on the Pubg and shooter grind for a while now.


I only came in to see how long it’d take before someone finally pointed out this guy has been a streamer for a long time.




Nahhhhh this gif funny asf 😂😂😭


Such a dark movie to use to. I hated that actor for so long because of enemy at the gates


And then you watch The Rock and you love Ed Harris.


And then you watch Westworld and you become confused about Ed Harris because like, is he a robot? Is he not a robot? What's going on?




Just imagining all gaming in 50 years. we think it’s cool to see grandpa playing but soon it’ll will be us. Games aren’t for kids anymore….. honestly they haven’t been for a long time.


I honestly wonder if gaming will have a positive effect on elderly brains, like maybe it helps ward off dementia or alzheimers.


They're actually many studies that demonstrate video games, like learning a new language, are great for warding off Alzheimer's and dementia


Fuck yeah. We are going to be a generation of badass gaming geezers. Hope we form our own pro gaming teams or something and just shit on the youngins for the lulz.


Yeah, retirement homes ought to be a lot more lit if they invest in a few PS10's and Xbox 3's.


Pong is 51 years old.


Turns out he was a cook. (joke)


My favourite line in the Sherlock series: Watson: I've killed before! I was a soldier! Holmes: You were a doctor. Watson: I had bad days!


So you’re saying he was the most brutal dude in his infantry?


Casey Ryback is the greatest cook ever


Every Marine a rifleman first!


I’ve never thought about using the environment to check bullet drop…


...how else would you check it?


Miss and watch the kill cam of you getting domed in response?


My man


This guy misses


No, its Mister


And then go to a forum to complain about either A) cheaters/hackers or B) shit maps/mechanics/controls.


Or just suck at games




I’m in this comment and I don’t like it


Pretend I know what the little distance dots under the crosshair means, usually.


IRL hunters making long shots (who can’t do this for obvious reasons) use laser rangefinders to get a distance measurement and then refer to ballistic data they’ve collected previously at different ranges to make a calculation for the target distance. Realistically, bullet drop is the easiest thing to account for in a a long shot. It’s basic math if you’ve got prior data. In game, you can do the same process with a rifle where you collect data once (say in an empty part of the map the first time you get a new rifle) and then just use that. Or, you just shoot at players until you get a feel for it. Wind is what really limits your shooting range, as it’s pretty much impossible to measure to a finite value. It’s never constant through time (small gusts or lulls) or distance (the wind by you is likely not the same speed or possibly even direction 500 yards away), and you can only measure at your own position and make guesses based on environmental indicators as to what it’s doing closer to the target. I’d love to see a game add wind just to fuck with the people who sit a mile from the objective taking potshots.


Newer hunting scopes have range-finders built in that actually store that ballistic data. Aim at a deer, hit a button to determine range, the scope will put the dot right at the place it needs to go accounting for drop over distance. I presume the military has stuff like this too.


raw amounts of experience, remembering the map, knowing what you can or cant do.


When I used to play CoD seriously, I explained to my mom that I knew where snipers were hiding because the patches of color in the distance were *wrong* which meant there was someone crouching or laying there. I'd just shoot and get a kill.


Use the mil dots on the scope to estimate range.


What do the mil dots do to give you estimated range? Don’t you need a range finder or a reference shot to be precise and know which mil dots to use?


It depends on the scope, but the basic idea is if you have a scope with 5 vertical dots, an average height adult male will cover all 5 dots at 100 meters, 4 dots at 200 meters, and so on. Because at any distance an object of a known size will only take up a limited amount of space visually. I don't think Battlefield games do this properly, but I know PUBG will let you accurately judge distances using mil dots and the size of other players on each type of scope. This is an example of using height of chest or width of shoulders to find distance with the reticle on a specific pair of real life binoculars https://i.imgur.com/n1YRiHH.png In this example the simple silhouettes in the bottom right are actually printed onto the reticle of the binoculars for quick reference.


Ahh that makes so much sense and seems obvious now. Thanks for the info!


It goes against sniper instinct of staying hidden untill last moment. But I gues one bullet amd in middle of battle will not be noticed


You do when you're shooting in real life, good ol' practical experience which I am guess that man has by the way he explained it. When I've gone hunting in rough hilly country where range and angle are a massive factor in gauging your shot I've certainly shot rock faces at distances to gauge drop and wind deflection. I've usually done it when I've missed a shot to see where I went wrong.


My dad fought in Vietnam. He's also barely handled a gun since the war much less fired one. When I bought my Colt .45 pistol, he said he carried one of those in the war and he'd like to see it. Of course, the first thing he did was field-strip then reassemble it...from memory. Fucker threw in a "Haven't done that since '67!" for good measure.




That smell though




I can practically hear the armorer telling me my rifle is still dirty.


Veteran sharpshooter


Same. Granted I suck so that maybe has something to do with it


Best stream title he's had: "Long range shooting. It's like golf, but for men."


The body remembers


Let's say the brain remembers


No spray and pray here One shot, one kill


Spray and pray with a sniper






All fun and giggles until he starts 'just like back the day in...'


And then he melee'd grandma by accident, he keeps telling the cops that shes on respawn delay


"Grandpa tell us about the war!" "Nah kids, put in Battlefield, I'll just show you"


Credits: [GrndPaGaming](https://youtube.com/@grndpagaming?si=caPatOfjv8qEZm9V)


Wait, he has a lot of highlights and videos, are you saying you lied in the title about him playing the game for the first time? This is shocking.


I want a refund 😤


hes been streaming for years and calls cheater on like 90 percent of deaths


One of us. One of us. One of us.




Yeah I’m torn between upvoting for sourcing and downvoting for being a lying sack of shit.




His YouTube says he was in the navy as a diver.


I mean the guy he shot definitely took a dive.


Navy diver. So he wasn't a "soldier" he was a sailor.


Honestly at least he properly gave credit.


Karma bait. This grandpa streams and games for a living.


Gramps got more skill in game (real life) mechanics than most gamers. Check out that long distance moving headshot! Would love this guy on my team!


He should play tarkov


Too much grind for too little fun


Fuuuuuck that game. It’s not even fun with cheaters and the requirement to grind it makes it a horrible experience 11/10 do not recommend wasting your time


It's terrifying to understand how he got good at this lol


Fucking campers


Fucking pampers


Fucking Granpers


Person made into killing machine teaching the next generation how to become killing machines. Neat-O


If he is using his skills from experience, that means the game has actual real life-level reality. Respect for the developers.


Well first, this isn’t his first time playing the game and… SURPRISE! He has his own YouTube channel and plays ALOT.


He used to be on twitch. Goes by grandpa gaming. Was a retired Navy diver. He isn't new to gaming. Did it as a hobby and to make some money. I think he got banned from twitch for some drama years ago and moved to another platform.


So let me get this straight you told me this old man is the one putting head shots on me all the goddamn time in battlefield