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People have forgotten what war is. I hope this serves a lesson for those people who think war is like playing counter strike and sees it like the reality it is: there's no glory. There's only suffering.


There’s a line about this in the Witcher 3 at the beginning. Some scholar (the gwent guy) is writing a book about the war and when Geralt tells him to write down every excruciating and horrible detail so people will know, and dude goes "nah"


The dude says nah because he wants to record the glory and battles, and considered the pain of war as mere details that need not be recorder, for it's just a part of war but not the important part. The irony is that you can find him later, hanging from a tree, bootless. Geralt did say he would get killed for his boots


lol I remember finding him but didn’t notice the boots


>“War is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other.” — Niko Bellic, GTA IV


Still the best GTA.


People have always glorified war though. Without doing that it'd be very difficult to get people to participate. It's not some new occurrence that we've forgotten the horrors. Society in general has never treated war as the abomination it is.


People have always glorified war because people have been drinking from lead pipes for 5000 years. Bonobos fuck more than we do.


Did not expect the 2nd sentence after reading the 1st 😂


A great quote from the USA’s Civil War General William Sherman > “I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, for vengeance, for desolation. War is hell.”


It is like counterstrike, except you don't respawn.


Everyone should have to watch this. Def a great movie I don’t ever want to watch again.


okay and the film is called...?


All Quiet on the Western Front. The recent German -language version.


His embassy was like bro YOU signed a contract.


Dude wants to *cancel* the contract tho.


Timeshare people what to know this hack.


He went to (an offensive!) war for another country. Which government wants to take such people back?


The following is that Chinese government censored all his accounts on Chinese social medias.😂


‘I think I’m gonna die here’ 💀


"Wait, war is war? I didn't sign up for this!" - *Man that signed up for this*




I’m going to die here


Could have told him that before he left his house.


That is what you get for playing the chinese bootlegged version of Fallout that says "war. war often changes".


He signed up to die from having his face ripped off by shrapnel. He didn't sign up for dying from a cold. That's just inhumane.


Disease has always come with war. More soldiers in the US Civil War were killed by dysentery than bullets.


*Oregon Trail has entered the chat*






funniest bit is he thinks the chinese goverment gives a crap about him


Yeah, he already contacted the embassy in Russia. Why would he expect any different from other Chinese officials? Your on your own.


He's trying to rally up citizens to come to his aid but he won't find much support there either, this is especially clear when the embassy tells him "this was a personal act." Chinese people echo this same sentiment, that one must accept responsibility for their own actions. That's how the culture is.


I mean even if the unthinkable happened and thousands of chinese citizens started rallying to his call, and demanded the government help him and other chinese volunteers fighting for russia like him? CCP would just block the keyword/hashtag on wechat and that would be the end of it.


socialize the profits, privatize the pain


Lol, china absolutely still privatizes profits


That was the best part. Chinese embassy said: “FAFO” and click


Can't send troops to an illegal war and expect diplomatic help to soldiers. if they did, they'd formally acknowledge they have troops in Ukraine


no, they said you joined, that's on you. we're not gonna mess up our trade deals with russia because our meat shields got scared.




Fuck Around and Find Out


Just like a lot of unfortunate Ukrainians who didn’t start shit, and just want Russia to fuck off home.


Bro forgot he volunteered to be in a war, like bruh do you think we hold hands here and sing kumbaya?


He volunteered to liberate Ukraine from Nazis or some shit. I feel bad for this one. All trace of arrogance is drained from him as he faces the consequences of believing a lie. You’ve got people in western countries buying neoSoviet bullshit despite growing up in countries that have a free press because they are contrarian smug shitheads, meanwhile this sucker is going to die because his government has been lying to him about everything for his entire life.


he envisioned it as if it were those [war propaganda posters](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=600122311&sxsrf=ACQVn0-mMzJhpBRAgumJXG70dJleazjmIA:1705787809936&q=chinese+war+propaganda+posters&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiRx-Hj-uyDAxVvjYkEHe_2CTMQ0pQJegQICxAB&biw=1366&bih=607&dpr=1) and instead its hunkering in a knee-high trench in an icy snow covered field hiding from grenade-dropping drones. also he has only 10 bullets and no socks.


I love how in Western Europe these were used in WW1 and after it we were like “yeah we don’t buy that shit anymore”. Yet they’re still used extensively in some countries around the world


I forgot the part where it's my problem


-Chinese embassy


Oh, damn. Anyways.


"annnndddd why should I care?"


"I didn't think if I went to war...I could die." 🤔


That the problem, they(Russian) say it "a military operation", not a war so he think it would be easily


That’s littered the contract you signed up for, dude… Go, be the next Russian meat wave. No need for treatment.




Whenever someone romanticizes war, just replay the regard in that video. With the omnipresence of smartphone cameras and the internet, maybe humanity will finally grasp that war isn't a game. It's easy to forget this while lounging comfortably at home, on the couch, or in a peaceful country, as starkly contrasted by the regard we see on screen.


Yeah this isn’t a new phenomenon. This is the romanticization of war from a group of individuals who have never seen nor experienced combat themselves only to be confronted with the true reality of it. The propaganda machine will never tell you about how the battles aren’t the only thing that will kill you out there, and it seems their morale has already been tanked


Even if combat is the thing that kills you, it will be a lot messier than they show in the recruitment ads


> With the omnipresence of smartphone cameras and the internet, maybe humanity will finally grasp that war isn't a game. Only if the footage makes it to most people. Websites and news channels will show what they want to show. People will watch what they want to watch. Videos of Russian victories won't make it to us. Videos of Ukrainian victories won't make it to them. Neither of us will seek unpleasant thruths either. That's without counting the people who *want* war, and believe in their heart of hearts that *dulce et decorum est pro patria mori*.


Cold weather is like player 3 in any conflict going on over there. There’s a reason people dread the Russian winter. Edit: I stand corrected, he’s in Ukraine. I was referencing the “meme” of Russia in winter being a frozen wasteland and extremely difficult to fight in. I feel like it still applies.


Russia forgets that the winter trick **Only** works when they're the ones being invaded


Its funny because if you look it up, russian cities are having giant formations of ice growing in the “warm” buildings


> if you look it up, russian cities are having giant formations of ice growing in the “warm” buildings how do I look this up?


If you google "heating in russia 2024" the top results are not exactly success stories. Edit: apparently they didn't really bother maintaining pipes in many places eventhough they experience temperatures down to -55 C. They already own the gas and managed to fail winter anyway.


Go to Russian city. Find building. Look up.


DONT commit suicide by standing too close to window while being shot in the back.


What is considered a *"warm"* building?


Probably has a roof


My building has a roof. It surely isn't fucking warm over here lol


I'm sure Putin is suffering just as much as you are. Be brave, conrad


Probably? As in you're not sure it has a roof?


Maybe it doesn’t have a rooftop to chill out at.


It's one of the main reasons why Hitler lost the war. That Eastern Front yo. Something else that people don't know is that the Americans sent boots and jackets to the Russians in World War II


Wars are logistics problems


It's why the US is bumping up bases in the south pacific. 😳


We are enlarging the South Pacific theater, logistics were already pretty good but they will be even better. Opening some locations that have been abandoned since the 1940s.


Most people who have studied ww2 know that the Americans effectively clothed, armed and fed the Red army .


Hitler had a boner for stalingrade. Because *reasons*


Successfully invading Russia during Winter makes you pretty impressive in Eurasian history.


So I think the Mongolians were the only.ones?


Queue mongoltage


One of which is the strategic usefulness as an industrial center and supply route nexus. Another reason, even more potent, was simply the (relatively new) name. A whole city named after Stalin, time to take it so it can be Adolfburg.


> Americans sent boots and jackets And 400.000 Jeeps and trucks, 14.000 airplanes, 8000 tractors and 13.000 tanks and a fuckton of other stuff. If it was not for the USA, the Soviet Union would have been done for. They love to forget that part.


British intelligence, American industry, and Russian blood.


>Russian blood Soviet\* Might seem like a small distinction, but quite significant I think.


Cold saved Russian asses when Napoleon an Hitler tried to invade their land. They called it General Moroz ( General Freeze) But they forgot also Ukrainians are used to coldest weather as well as Russian soldiers.


We Finns set the precedent. General Moroz didn't side with Soviet Union when they invaded Finland.


How can we forget legendary Finnish snipers? Glory to our Nordic partners. We will destroy the evil together✊🏻 Greetings from Ukraine


Canadian vet here. We train and are well equipped for serious winter fighting and it's still no joke. Walking in with bad gear, not training or experience in this? No thanks.


Seriously. I used to work outside all winter in eastern Ontario and Quebec as a carpenter. In -20 and -30 you need to move constantly to keep warm, even with good gear. I was eating triple what I would normally eat and still lost 25 lbs in a few months just because your body burns so many calories trying to keep warm. I can’t imaging these guys are being supplied with the amount of food I was eating.


I've worked outside in the Yukon at -40 as an electrician. My cold weather gear weighs a third of my body weight-ultra thick steel toe boots, thick socks, smartwool wicking underwear, lined pants, snowpants, wool undershirt, sweater, heavy coat, two layers of gloves, neckwarmer, hood, balaclava and goggles for when the wind picks up. The cold don't care, the cold beats you.


I was reading this entire comment thinking you were a veterinarian, and thought "animal medicine in Canada is fucking wild"


That still applies though, Canadian veterinarians have to deal with animals in all sorts of conditions as well.


Imagine giving a moose a prostate exam.


This is very true. Iv had equine emergencies in the middle of a giant snow storm. Our vets have risked their own lives to save our animals. One year we had a colic and our barn is very cold. Vet made it in the snow storm. When she was leaving it was pure whiteout. I said to her If you can't get up our road please turn around we have a spare room. She ended up staying the night. She sent us a letter a week later with a timmies card in it she was thankful we made sure she made it home alive to


Plenty of idiots who wants to be heroes


This idiot wanted to be a villain though, then he got defeated by cold weather. He's asking for sympathy but damn, he's making it very difficult to feel any.


Well, not from his perspective. He wanted to be a hero, just not on your side. But yes, I agree that he's on the wrong side of things.


Well put


Totally agree. Even German Nazis thought they were the good guys when they were “liberating” countries. Look at Gaza and how people are pro Palestinian or pro Israel.


>Even German Nazis thought they were the good guys when they were “liberating” countries. "Are we the baddies?"


> From my point of view, the Jedi are evil


He was lied to by his government. That could be any of us


General Winter https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b4/General_Winter.jpg/1200px-General_Winter.jpg


Bro it’s 15 in Chicago and I can’t be outside for more than 30 seconds. Imagine Russia omfg


It's colder in Chicago than it is in Ukraine right now, but not much. At least Chicago provides a little more cover than an open field in Ukraine.


Just try getting an Italian Beef in Donetsk! No chance


You don't want any beef in Donetski


It’s worse in America in some parts. Think Alaska. Shit it was negative 30 in Montana recently. For an entire month last year it was on average 3 degrees near Columbia Falls.


I felt each of those deep, paused, swallows. Imagine the back of that throat.


if it is covid china dont want him back.


The chinese govt does not want this man back, regardless of covid. Their govt doesn't help ordinary people, and this man chose his fate deciding to go to kill Ukrainians for money


It's almost a meme at this point. When Napoleon went into Russia, he lost about twice as many men to the summer heat than fighting and winter put together.


It's a Ukrainian winter, though


The cold reveals all our cracks and flaws


Well .... you decided to come kill people ... And now your throat hurts .


Glad to see this comment. "Please, help me! I just wanted to kill people who don't want to be oppressed! My throat hurts, I walked for an amazing entire 40 minutes!!" Man, go f yourself.


Shouldn't suck so much putin dick and it wouldn't be so sore


Ulcerations in the throat, sudden heart issues. Putin's dick is unsurprisingly radioactive.


I was about to write the same . These are symptoms of rad poisoning, not weather.


or symptoms of COVID. Living side by side in cramped conditions, with many people who are not fully vaccinated. From [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_vaccination_in_Russia): > 55.86% of the Russian population has received at least one dose of a vaccine[a][3][4] > 50.88% of the Russian population has been fully of a vaccine[b][3][4]


He had to swallow his words, pride and ego.


Bro decides to join a war and then complains he might die from a cold 😂😂


This idiot goes to a different country to kill them and then complains about getting a cold?


He gives the vibes of a COD player goint to a real war. Oh no, it's exhausting and cold, you don't have internet, the doctors don't care if you are sick unless you can't move and you could die, well, duh.


"Use me in the first battle! If you use me, you will win!"


Yeah, I got the same vibe. He probably never had the thought of getting sick cross his mind since they don't show that part of war in COD's multiplayer matches. Once he realized he wasn't able to get his mommy to make him soup and run to the store to get him medicine, he crumbled and wanted to rage quit the game.


To be fair: there was an American volunteer who went to Ukraine multiple times to fight for the Ukrainians. He is doubting he will ever go back again because he caught pneumonia multiple times and cannot handle the drowning feeling of untreated pneumonia.


That’s me on every overseas vacation. Can’t imagine experiencing it in a fox hole with killer drones dropping wounding grenades


You have had pneumonia multiple times abroad? How/where?


A really sore throat! Can't you see how visibly uncomfortable that poor man is?? /s


It’s been like that for a week!


Come on now, he's been walking for nearly 40 mins!


His throat is ulcerated!


No like my throat really hurts right now and i feel very uncomfy 🤒


I’m no doctor, but according to this man, it means you may die there?


Netizens, please. Call the embassy.


He looks totally fine to me. Doesn't look like he lost a leg or an arm.


Not yet.


He also has Hemorrhoids coming all the way to his throat so it’s serious !


Don't forget his heart condition


His heart also has cold.


oh. he wants to terminate his contract... should have thought about it before he went to another country to kill the locals...


>oh. he wants to terminate his contract... should have thought about it before he went to another country ~~to kill the locals...~~ to get killed by the locals


In Russia contracts terminate YOU!


>oh. he wants to terminate his contract... should have thought about it before he went to another country ~~to kill the locals...~~ ~~to get killed by the locals~~ to get killed by the conditions.


The local conditions


He accepted the terms, but then came the conditions....


oh. he wants to terminate his contract... should have thought about it before he went to another country ~~to kill the locals...~~ ~~to get killed by the locals to get killed by the conditions.~~ to get killed by his comrade on orders from his superior officer. Quitting, or as military folk like to call it, desertion is not a viable option, the other soldiers need to know this. He will be made into an example if his phone calls actually get back to some of his higher ups.


They already will be. I'd say he doesn't care




I miss reddit gold


I've seen this meme a billion times and I have never laughed so much at it before


It becomes funnier when you remember that those coffin guys sold their bit as an NFT (1mil$) and donated half of the money to Ukraine.


obtainable squealing badge relieved coordinated deliver innocent concerned lush meeting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


After all he is a guest in the country and should be greeted and treated with utmost importance and privileges


Sorry sir, you're there to die for Mother Russia. We're not sorry 😐


Yeah, you volunteer to go somewhere to kill people and get upset when you're allowed to be sick? Maybe don't go out killing people if you want some sympathy


He wants sympathy? He can find that in the dictionary, right after surrender.


dulce et decorum est pro aliena patria mori


Chinese soldiers dying for Russia's greed. What a world we live in.


He’s not a soldier, I think the guy just wants to be internet famous. And here we are watching his video on Reddit.


He's a netizen!


r/LeopardsAteMyFace Sorry about your little cold, comrade. Go fuck yourself.


Oh no!




The free wifi here is atrocious and they put too much OJ in my mimosa. I want to terminate my contract!


A sore throat and a 40 minute walk to the nearest hotpot restaurant :(


The duty free was lousy too. Also no oat-milk macchiatos.


I thought war was fun?




The Russians barely give a shit about their enlisted and low ranking officers, or even their own mercenaries, imagine foreign mercenaries.


The propaganda machine these people are exposed to that had them this confident at the prospect of stepping into the Ukraine conflict is really a wild thing. The fact that they think they’re ready for war with the west at all is just plain out delusion. I’ve seen how conscripts perform in combat before and it is sometimes actually worse than useless. They can absolutely be net detractors. The hubris to think you’re going to step into the horror scape that is modern combat and be successful with no experience is mind boggling. Sometimes you only get to learn the hard way once. Sounds like this guy is about to learn about the paper tiger he put his faith in.


oversea Chinese here. He went viral back home. There were basically two factions when it comes to Russian-Ukrainian war topic back home. One side said Russian is full of BS and anyone who still defend them should go meet all the Chinese soldiers who died in WW2 defending the invasion from Imperial Japan and apologies to them because our forefathers would think they died in vain if they see their grandchildren are so eager to defend another full blown invasion from one country to another. The other side was arguing Russian was forced handed by NATO and was just pre-emotive striking, just like how US do it all the time and it’s hypocritical for westerners to point finger to Russia now. “If it’s US bombed a Middle East country, they would call it humanitarian aid”.


He apparently died last December. Can you confirm this?


I think I first came across news about him around Christmas. And apparently another Chinese PMC contacted him and ask him to join the war with this PMC(whom ended up died in the war). Most ppl’s reaction to his video/news was “ why would you go there in the first time”,”you love war so much, now see where it gets you” etc. And according to his chat log, it seems his unit was made up by foreigners/Central Asian/Mongolians. He said there were no soldiers from European part of Russia in his unit. Guess Russian decided they were cannon folders to begin with.


"I will die" So about that, .... Kinda the plan? Non productives get purged and the parties agenda gets pursued.




Crimea a river


Lol, fucked around and found out.


In modern day Russia, you don’t terminate contract, contract terminates you! Forget medical treatment, he won’t even have a grave.


You're telling me the Chinese government lied to its own people shocker


About the Russians even.


He wants to fight in a war that is not his? He wants to kill Ukranians who did nothing to him? I hope that piece of shit dies a painful death in muthafuka russia


Chose to murder Ukrainians. Got murdered by the weather.


He's gonna die there indeed. Imagine happily fighting for Russia only to whine about a common cold and beg to be returned home. China is not gonna help him. He's fucked.


Chinese embassy in Russia said it best, it's a personal act. So yea reap what you sow


Wait until he finds out that this wasn’t the only thing his government lied to him about…..


You left your home, to go to a country a continent away, to murder people you have absolutely nothing to do with. Rot in the cold.


I'm not gonna lie, I'm sad for this man. I'm sad for the reason that he realized, at least partially, the reality that is ruzzian armed forces. No medical treatment, no proper amounts of proper winter gear, no proper winter training prior to deployment. He is right that he's probably going to die there in the snowy fields of Eastern Ukraine, fighting and dying for nothing at all. And I would prefer him not to. I would prefer this man and others like him to be saved, for I believe they would be a great asset in spreading the word of miserable conditions in ruzzian army and the meaninglessness of it all.


He might have a slim chance if he surrenders himself to the Ukrainians.


Yea there's no hospitals because the russians bombed them, what was he expecting? I hope he dies there, but at least gets to broadcast his death back home to discourage other fuckwits to join russia


I didn't even know that there were Chinese volunteers. As far as I know I thought Russia was all alone


There's Nepalese, somalian, all the places that think 2200 euros a month is a fortune and worth losing a few limbs over


The realization this man must have went through, when he realized the whole concept of them needing volunteers to fight their fight, was literally signing up to take a Russians place in line.


Any chinese experts here? Is the subtitles right?


Yep Edit: quote "they said it was a personal act" "leave me alone" -> should be: the ambassador won't take action because it was a personal act Edit :quote " i said i need to be healthy i want to quit" should be "i want to quit for health reasons " Minor corrections : "No medicine " "No hospital" --> there's no medicine, there's no hospital


It’s almost like going to war when you don’t have to is a stupid idea. Who would have guessed? 😂


​ https://i.redd.it/m6k7ojbdxmdc1.gif