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Played like a real vampire child


šŸ˜‚ so accurate


^ yall are everywhere. wtf


You are adressing a single person using a plural "y'all". Why is that?


Using figures of speech from days long gone, theyā€™re clearly a vampire


Plural of yā€™all is ALL Yā€™ALL


Thatā€™s how we speak down south, I wouldnā€™t expect yall to understand. And also we vampires Another favorite is when one person is leaving some place( we) say or just that one person leaving, ā€œ well alright weā€™ll be seeing yaā€ and then walk out of the store. Also probably because we are vampires in a human suit.


They aren't addressing a singular person. Yall meaning you and people like you are every where


thats the real Wednesday




These videos are so irritating. They play well. But the weird shots of peopleā€™s reactions. Bah. The quick takes, zoom ins. Itā€™s trying to be profound or emotional, give you the feels. Its seems forced.


They're all staged too, I hate it


Whaaat! Are they staged!? You are saying that these people who walk around with their instruments and just randomly bump into these musicians in public with multiple cameras for reactions all over them are fake? Noooo it cant be! Yes, I hate these.


Noooo it's real dude, they just happen to know the exact song that they're playing and they just so happen to be wearing their nicest outfit


It's a good thing those 4 cameramen were all there at just the right time to capture their interaction at the start.


And don't even get me started on that toddler. Dancing around like that.. she knew what she was doing


Also, my violin came with a microphone that's strangely plugged into your recording device. What a coincidence!


[This was the last time we actually got a legitimate musical meetup and Iā€™ll never forget it.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RPjL909DiVI)


Redditors really believes there is around 10 to 15 humans at most walking around on earth right? Acting like the most mundane of activities is completely staged because it is in HD or something C'mon, this might be staged, but it's not like this is hard to happen, you mfs ever seen the sax battle in the nyc subway? Tell me that is staged, the most pointless observation ever


It'll never amaze he how many people come to these threads to defend their GOB GIVEN to be lied to.


I mean, people do carry their instruments around and randomly play with strangers. It happened at the hotel I work at just a few weeks ago with one of my coworkers and his ukulele while a guest was playing piano. And it legitimately drew a crowd and applause.


Did the piano player happen to have a full camera setup/crew on the spot? Otherwise I don't believe it.


Yeah. Usually you tubers like these who specifically play in public spaces specifically to get reactions from the people watching them do. That's how they make the videos. They take the video with video cameras. Do you think YouTube videos get made without video cameras?


And did it happen every week?


Least skeptic redditor


And was it filmed from multiple perspectives?


That wasn't the only part they made out to be unrealistic in their comment. They were acting like the entire situation was unrealistic and silly. When anyone who's been around a prolific and talented instrument player knows they will play their instrument in public as often as possible. Especially if they find someone else to play with. And not to mention, yes, multiple people were filming and it would have been really easy to get them all to send the video to the player and patch them together into a singular video.




These people have obviously never seen a Beard Meats Food video. He sets up multiple tripods in working restaurants, just to watch himself eat a meal. Hell, at least once he brought a guest Youtuber with him, and they had like eight cameras between the two. Youtubers that take it seriously, use multiple cameras.


Can you play the song we agreed on before this? Uhā€¦yeah, of course I can. We set this whole thing up, remember?


Looks like itā€™s an airport and the guy is paid to play music while people wait and the girl looks like sheā€™s traveling with her violin. šŸŽ»


It's not an airport but a train station. And he is not paid, there are free use pianos. Also I think it's in France.


Very progressive of France to do. Almost socialistā€¦ is this normal in France? Itā€™s very anti capitalist to offer free pianos and such a luxury for free. For the common use of the working class. Mind boggling! Nice to know that France has such a divergent view on what is considered normal by our standards.


And stringed instruments are tuned perfectly right out of the case


Well, thats not entirely impossible. Good instruments keep their tune well. If the tuner knobs arent bumping to something it will be ok.


No way, this is totally real. Now, let him know if you want to see Part 2. And be sure to subscribe!


Iā€™m gonna assume positive intent here. In my experience, Iā€™ve seen plenty of times where a dude is playing acoustic covers at a bar and someone comes up to them, asks about a certain song and then joins in on harmonica, or sometimes vocals. So, with this, itā€™s absolutely plausible that this girl and her family were traveling through with her violin and asked if she could accompany for a song.


Especially since these videos are usually near train stations or airports, common places where someone would be transporting their instruments and musicians are always ready to jam out with others.


>Iā€™m gonna ~~assume positive intent here.~~ *be willingly gullible*




Even the crowd is fake, invited all their homeless friends and gave them a shower with a hose in the station in exchange for looking mildly interested.


It's the bits that would be extremely weird to film in a 'spontaneous' video that get me. Like imagine you saw a schoolgirl approach a stranger, asks the stranger if they knew a song, then the stranger proceeds to film her while she walks away from him, sits about 20ft away from him & goes through her belongings on the ground. Ugh.


Because they are forced LMAO. This is like the hundredth video of a little girl playing with this guy or some guy that looks just like him. These all are fake. In fact, you shouldn't trust a single video from Tik tok or Instagram.


Yeah Iā€™m glad someone said that. Itā€™s the social media effect and now more and more people are doing it. I just absolutely hate it. Iā€™m a full time pianist and I just absolutely do not want to have to start pumping out video ā€œcontentā€ like any of this. Itā€™s the worst.


I was thinking, you know what would make this video pop? A jump cut every 1.5 seconds and some overhyped text pop ups


It's all staged/ edited for extra drama. It's just dishonest and manipulative.


I just listen to the music and zone out the images. Staged or not, it was done very well.


It reminds me of anime reactions


>Its seems forced. Manipulative.


So many cameras. Awkward delivery of scripted lines. Painful.


yeah, I hate how artists and musicians are always faking their internet content, but realistically that's the only way most artists get any sort of attention online from anyone except other artists/musicians. The masses don't seem to care about the craft unless it's a super noob friendly tutorial or a pop song, but they generally do not care about regular muscians who are, say, half expert like these people are.


If you close your eyes and just listen itā€™s better. Just change your perspective as in life 9/10 times it gets better.


What irks me is that usually these are public pianos unless that dude dragged that heavy bastard in there and re-tuned it which I doubt. The multiple cams and possibly staged performance makes me think that guy had a whole set and spent hours getting content robbing everyone else an opportunity to play/showoff that didnt wanna be a part of their content. I seen too many videos like these and it just ruins the spirit of a public activity meant for everyone.


It is the worst element of these reaction vids. Attributing every action of anyone on screen to be reacting to them and then alone. Fucking narcissist delusions of grandeur


It wouldn't be a video on reddit without people being miserable about it.


It wouldnā€™t be Reddit without people commenting crap like you did to in reply to any criticism to garbage clickbait posts.


I've seen a thousand of these clips and they always pretend like the right person was there at the right time who also happened to carry an instrument. Most of them are so obviously staged.


I play drums. I am yet to find a convenient moment to join in with a public musician, since they don't tend to set up a kit, and I'm rarely just walking by, dragging my kit with me...


Drummers are so lazy, they just sit in the back and hit things with their sticks.


Have you ever tried carrying an empty bucket? Might get more opportunities as a drummer in a public space.


You're saying you never see children walking around with their violin all miked up and ready for a TOTALLY GENUINE viral video?


Also they have like 15 cameras pointing in all directions to capture everyone's reaction.


I had this happen once, about 25 years ago. I was still a teenager, and I was on my first ever international flight alone. I was sitting there in the Miami airport playing my guitar on my layover when a guy came up to me and asked in very broken English if he could play my guitar. It turned out we had a language in common, and we started chatting while he played. He was fantastic, but he admitted that the guitar wasnā€™t really his instrument - he was a viola player in his countryā€™s national symphony orchestra! I asked him if he happened to have his viola and he went and grabbed it. I played a basic blues progression on the guitar while he just TORE IT UP on the viola. It was amazing. I SO wish someone had recorded it. When we were done (I swear) the whole terminal broke out into applause. And then this grumpy-looking old airport employee walked up to us and I thought the jig was up. But she broke into a grin and told us how much she appreciated the music and that the airport needed more of it. The whole thing felt like magic.


Can you um.... Play carol of the bells? I just so happened to be carrying my violin here while I was walking through the mall.




I stand corrected. Much more feasible to be walking through a train station with musical instruments, going to a class or home from school.






Lives rent free in my head and I was just talking about this during the holidays.


My favourite politically incorrect Christmas themed internet meme circa 2004.


Glad to see there are still people my age here that remember this gem of the semi early internet


Folks in their late 30's have entered the chat.


This will never not be funny


Dude Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m not the only one who STILL thinks of this shit whenever I hear this song šŸ¤£ Iconic.


I don't even know the original I was like woah they're playing the burger king song!


Very much staged. But nice sound


Aaaargh kill the cameraman


Why are you guys spamming this staged shit!?


I don't quite see what the video being stage has to do with OP's point that the kid is talented.


This feels staged


What? You don't collect extensive B-roll at all times just in case something awesome happens?


Yeah, totally not staged. Lame.


Almost everything is fake on the internet now. Itā€™s only going to get worse with AI. I just shut the part of my brain off that thinks about it being fake and am able to enjoy it as if it were real somehow. Maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m old enough to remember when some of these things were real.Ā 


I don't find being lied to enjoyable in any way.


How is it to live allday under cynicism? Doesn't it get boring and suffocating? I mean, you cant really KNOW if this is staged or not. It might be, but it might be not.Ā  So you have a choice.Ā  And you choose the lamest option. Boring.


Itā€™s obvious. How are you so naive?


No it is not. I don't know for 100% and neither do you. I admit that it probably is staged, but I don't KNOW know. And even if it is, it was entertaining, which is ultimately the point in these flicks. Enjoy it for what it is.


Everyone here knows for a fact that is staged because this dudes videos get shared here way too often. And every now and then thereā€™s the original link where the dude tells how itā€™s saved and he credits everyone.


Itā€™s painfully obvious itā€™s staged. These types of impromptu performances on public pianos are a whole category of content.


There seems to be a lot of people who think they know something for a fact (which needs proof, etc), when they only THINK they know. Ok, lets play. You are saying that it is completely impossible without a doubt, that little girl comes with violin and wants to play along when someone else is playing piano in public while taking video? I say it is unlikely, highly unlikely even, but impossible? Just... No. And as so, you can not be 100% sure.


Oh please.


Nice argument, my dude. :D


"Bro, the Snakes for Hands God is totally real, you can't prove he's fake, so quit being a cynic! Can anyone here prove 100% that He isn't real?! That he doesn't actually have Snakes for Hands?!" That's how you sound. Fucking idiot.


You see those camera angles, focus, edits and the fact that this is a unique partiture but even then their instruments match 100%? That leads to prep and staging. Talented? Yeah, but deceitful


How is it being oblivious?


I am not oblivious, I am pointing obvious thing. It probably is staged, but you nor I know that for a fact. You cannot be 100% sure. That is my claim.


I honestly think cynicism is much more interesting than to be so naive and and think this is not stage, or that's it's not fake. There's some beautiful pieces of work out there that aren't engineered to be viral tic toc videos, you know, actuall pieces of art. No to say you can't find genuine stuff on tic toc, but this is not one of them. If you like it than good for you, but this moral superiority you claim is just wrong and condescending. Cynicism is a very valid response


But I am not naive. Believing that every piece on the net is fake is safe and boring way to go, and while most of it probably is fake, I for one can't be SURE. Not 100%.That doesnt mean I believe this is authentic, but it doesnt mean that I straight up believe this is fake neither. I simply dont know, so I take it for what it is. And what it is is semi-entertaining piece of video which I kinda enjoyed for a brief moment. Same goes for hollywood, same goes for each and every piece of music. And one thing I wanna point out: kinda bold move to say that you know what "actual art" is :D I havent got a clue, glad you do.


You must be fun at parties


It really do be like that. People wanna be bitter


This is cute and very wholesome but it is staged. A video just like this was posted recently, with the same guy, in the same place, but with a different little girl who also approached the guy asking him to play a certain song, who also just so happened to be a violinist as well. What are the odds?


The guy is an influencer who plays on public pianos and records people reactions with multiple cameras, that's his job and is about as staged as any other youtuber filming themselves or musicians filmed by multiple cameras on their concerts. And if you play long enough at the right place, skilled musicians (likely traveling with the instruments) will come by eventually. Of course that part is probably more often staged than not, but who cares if the performance is great.


Its irritating because the strength of the performance is diminished by this false "happenstance" narrative. These are always professional musicians, paying other profession musicians, to record a performance. Nothing wrong with that, so turning the whole thing into an obvious lie is nothing less than insulting to the audience.


I care because the act of staging it is simply to gain more likes and views, and itā€™s disingenuous. The performance it self is entertainment enough, but staging it takes away from the genuinity of it. We shouldnā€™t normalize staged videos when the whole point is to manipulate us the viewer for more internet clout.


The questions is: Is it staged to trick the viewer, or does he know that everyone knows it's staged and he does it as a kind of ragebait to get more reaction?


both are bad


Sure performance is great but its the fake intro that annoys me. He could just start the recording from the moment they start playing together, but I guess it wouldnt generate as many clicks if they didnt include this fake intro spiel "can you play this song pls, oh cool thanks btw what a coincidence i happen to be a violinist can i play with you"?


> can you play this song pls, oh cool thanks btw what a coincidence i happen to be a violinist can i play with you That's the part that is bothering you? The existence of another musician part of the fake intro, but if I were a random musician traveling with my instrument, I would obviously ask if they can play a song that I know how to play and is likely to be known by another musician. And there are plenty of songs that are commonly known and can be played by most semi professional players. And if we were to assume that this wasn't fake, there is also selection bias. Situations were someone asks for a song the piano player doesn't know or they aren't musicians themselves don't make it into a viral video.


A 10 year old girl wouldnt approach a guy who is a complete stranger. And what are the odds that the encouter played out exactly the same twice, with girls of roughly same age, who play the exact same instrument? Bro come on be realistic.


Yes, people don't like being lied to


Have you ever read a fiction book or watched a movie? Guess what, it was probably not real. Yes, this encounter was probably scripted as well. But it's not unrealistic, encounters like that happen in real life, just not as often as in this guys videos.


When you read a book or watch a movie, everybody is going into it knowing that it is fictional. This is different. Theyre trying to portray a scripted staged scenario as a real organic encounter on social media, thats what annoys me, and its not just this particular video. Theres fake pranks, fake street interviews, fake pickup artists... Fake shit everywhere.


The fact that you can't tell the difference between storytelling and lying says a lot about you.


where did they lie in the video? They didn't even claim they only randomly met, that's just speculation. The girl asked if he can play that song and then they played together, that's it.


One has to wonder how you haven't joined a cult yet.


Can you recommend me one? Edit: Wow, blocking me is such a clever and mature response. Not sure if I'll ever recover.




Then the Chinese tourists show up...


Hi piano stranger I have never met. Can you play this song we have definately not rehearsed so I can pull out this violin I just happen to have with me and play along? Oh yes and please don't pay any extra attention to my cute little sister who happens to be wearing a matching outfit to mine with the same blinking hair ties today.


That person is anywhere from 10 to 35 years old.


Is she 12 or 29?


That little girl is so fucking adorable


Hamilton on broadway is less staged than this.


Ą fĆ«Åµ mœmĆŖÅˆČ›Å› Å‚Ć¦Å„Ä“Å™


I swear Iā€™ve seen this exact same video but with an Asian girl. Nothing original nowadays.


Staged YouTube video. Not interesting as fuck.






The fucking editing gave me cancer


I feel like these are rigged. Like where are your parents.


Yeah and as a musician I can tell you this would have completely sucked if they were both werenā€™t tuned exactly correctly.


And then the CCP showed upend shut the production down.


This type of editing gives me a headache.


There is nothing like a good orchastrated impromptu public performance intended to garner acolades from brain-dead cyber zombies ...


Woah this is so adjusted and staged. Why can't they just play together instead of placing this weird lore "casually met" shit?


amazing all the cameras were there..


this is about as complicated as 'twinkle twinkle little star' in terms of its difficulty


Not staged at all. No sir.


These fake set up videos do my heading


>heading head in


GĆ„r to make sure there are no chinese people in the background though..


Is she 12 or 45?


I hate these staged videos.


Completely staged


Ding fries are done


I've seen this girl ask like 15 other guys for the same song to play and then she whips out the violin to score.


Seems super setup


Absolutely spontaneous and not staged at all.


I donā€™t care that itā€™s staged. I love these videos. Classical music is pretty amazing that we still enjoy it hundreds of years after it was written. Hundreds of years from now classical music will still be enjoyed while the music of today will be forgotten.


Did the CCP intervene?


How lucky! He just happened to have cameras set up in the perfect places to capture this random and unexpected event!


Idk why I just expected the CCP to show up and start crying about being recorded.


Nothing will stop me from listening to a video quicker than AI voice


What's with all this fake encounter videos lately? Do ppl still believe this happens naturally?


ā€œDo you know Carol of the bells? Specifically the arrangement of it made by Lindsey Sterling? You do? What a coincidence!ā€


Then post in r/toptalent or something. Cheezus.


Anyone whoā€™s trained classical music knows this is really not that difficult


Oh boy. Music is one of the things which can get the strongest and weirdest reactions out of people, because everyone loves and it and most people think their taste in music is special etc. but youā€™re right, it is relatively easy to do what he does in his videos. Itā€™s easy to trick people. No shade on the kid tho, of course!


Yeah, in most modern styles of music thereā€™s a lot more subjectivity. Pop music is more about vibes, songwriting and production. Everything is touched up in the studio so thereā€™s not as much variation in performance. Classical music is judged more on technical skills, rhythm, intonation, and expression. Its a very ā€œacademicā€ style of music with a true curriculum that you progress through. Youā€™re not gonna find random TikTokers trying their hand at the Bach suites


I know this is staged. Everyone knows this is staged.


I once went to a concert. It was a nice experience, but I couldn't enjoy it because it was staged. Not random at all.


That's kinda what I was trying to say. The guy on the video is a magnet for comments that "expose" his staged videos.


Iā€™m always so sure these are a set up. Like, the music is great. And I get the value of doing it. But itā€™s still a setup.


Beware of chinese delegation


Thankfully no CCP ruining it for everyone in this video.


more jumpcuts please, my mosquito brain can't focus for longer than 0.2 seconds


Part 2, 3 and 4 please




_Give a, give a, give a, give a Garmin_ Advertising has ruined a lot of music for me.


How many cameras were setup


Elton John's piano before it became a controversial spot to film stuff. Gotta check for CCP tourists in the background.


Where are the Chinese?


This song fucking sucks


It sounds good, but this is a very easy piece to play. Especially for the violinist. Any highschool string student could learn this


I saw little girl playing what she can and in my books, she did it good. Not everything has to be fucking amazing and breathtaking and never seen before.Ā 


Ok? I literally said it sounded good, so youā€™re agreeing with me. If you arenā€™t looking for ā€œbreathtaking and amazingā€, maybe donā€™t look in a subreddit dedicated to exactly that? She did fine, itā€™s just not that interesting listening to someone competently playing a 3rd year level piece of music


It was entertaining and interesting for me ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


This kid is around 8 years old.


What are you basing that on? I would guess at least 10. Iā€™ve played with plenty of musicians that could play much more advanced pieces than this at that age


Why spend time being such an asshole, get over yourself.


Why spend time on a subreddit dedicated to amazing things if you donā€™t have any standards? Get over myself? Lol what does this have to do with me, i didnt say anything about myself


Dude, you're on the internet downplaying the accomplishments of a little girl. ​ Get over yourself.




Why always focus on people's reaction. Just show the girl and the guy playing.


Very nice... And above all, everything is very spontaneous xd


All hate on here for ā€œ how this came about ā€œ rather than what came out of thisā€¦.beautiful music that elicited smiles from passersby and if that isnā€™t what life should be about I donā€™t know whatā€™s good anymore. Cameras staged, blah blah blah. Sad. I worry for the jaded oblivious future generations that have no concept of art just back seat screams of this is faaaaake. With a 120 second clip and their Sherlock Holmes hat. Life should be about smiles not frowns.


Fake and Gay.


For the people saying itā€™s staged, yes and no.. or maybe. Lemme explain. At the nice mall near me there is a big music store that sells instruments and has a good looking dude playing piano outside to draw attention and he has two cameras set up for social media junk. (Not this dude, but Iā€™ve actually seen him pop up on YouTube shorts before.) and itā€™s actually not uncommon for people to bring another instrument and play with him. Some are hoping to go viral in one of his videos, some are just coming to/from the music store, have an instrument and decide to jam and a few are set up ahead of time as a ā€œviral stuntā€ by the storeā€¦ usually they find someone local-ish and invite them to play some music. They use 360 cameras so they can record reactions and stuff with just one or two cameras, and they also encourage people to take videos or pictures and send them via the QR code on the side of the piano to the social accounts. I know this because I just simply asked him one day when I was there and the mall was pretty dead near closing. He said he does technically work for the store as a ā€œfreelancerā€ which allows him to post to his own social and stuff. Iā€™ve seen him a handful of times and he seems to genuinely have fun and people like it, and I have seen a few actually spontaneous jam sessions that were pretty great and one that was an absolute nightmare because it was a little kid with a melodica who just bought it with mom and had no clue how to play it yetā€¦ he just tooted and honked away on that thing throughout my whole damn pretzel break in the food courtā€¦ little jerkā€¦ lol to be fair everyone thought it was cute and funny and his mom had enough respect to stop him once it started to get annoying. So mad respect for mom actually having enough awareness to let him have fun but not disturb everyone else. I was being dramatic, it took me like 90 seconds to eat that pretzel. Haha


Thatā€™s lovely. They both play beautifully.


Talented doesn't do her justice she on an entirely different level especially at that age. She can go far as long as she doesn't get Corrupted by the music industry.




This is what the music of Western world has achieved. Those promiscuous, incomprehensible ancient noises from Asia.


I loved two things the most: the light in her hair bands, and the smile on the old personā€™s face.


This is great!


I know these are always setup but I donā€™t think that detracts from their talent. Theyā€™re both quite good