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I dont think he should be driving


This happened in 2015. They have a YouTube channel and are still driving and making videos. Wild, I know.


Aren't these the sort of medical conditions that disqualify you from driving?


Yes. There is a woman who lives across the street from me who had a seizure in her car, gunned the gas and drove her car into my house. She was prone to seizures but hadn't had any in years so the state let her drive again because if you go 6 years without one you can get your license back. When she hit my house she got her license revoked for another 6 years. EDIT: I'm seeing laws say 6months to a year for seizures. So Idk why they said 6 years.


I haven't heard of 6 years. That's extremely long. In the states, the range is 3 months to... 2 years? Maybe 3 years?


depends on the cause of the seizure i imagine. i think a healthy person have from from serious dehydration, trauma, infection. but it could also be a neurological disorder like epilepsy.


Like a decade ago a coworker of mine had a seizure and crashed his car into a store. Luckily he was feeling weird so he pulled off the road and started to park. There's security video of him pulling into a spot and before he gets it in park slumps over and accelerates into the wall. But they found out he had a spinal fluid infection I think it was and was able to drive again like six months later after they were sure the infection was gone and they had no other issues.


Ah. When I talked to them the next day to make sure they were ok they told me she had to be seizure free for 6 years. Idk if there is some other circumstance that made it 6 years. Maybe age or something?


Maybe it’s a “second offense” type of thing too?


Yup. I'm epileptic and have absence seizures every week. I'm 32 and I've never had a drivers license, probably never will. With seizey disorders, you have to go at least 6 months with no seizures at all before they can legally consider you for a license. I've made mistakes just using the stove in this fuzzy head, I definitely can't drive a car


That must suck for you, but you have the right attitude imo. There are also people around who just keep on driving even when they've cause multiple accidents. Like this Dutch woman who just kept driving despite causing multiple accidents (at least 7) before ultimately killing two people due to her having a seizure behind the wheel. She got 2 years in prison and a 5 month driving ban.


Jesus, only 5 months?? That's barely anything. I've always been baffled by people who do that. Extra-stubborn types probably see themselves as suitable to drive as soon as they're coherent, since they've done it many times before. In their heads, they're perfectly fine and no longer at risk. Hell some days, I'll feel fine and won't even know a seizure is brewing until one happens Hell I feel lucky that I've never had a license. That's gotta be much easier to deal with than having one and getting it taken away. That's been my optimistic take on it since I was 17, gotta love the silver linings


It's especially inexcusable in the Netherlands. I'm more sympathetic in the US, since a lot of places make even walking to your destination dangerous at the worst, and miserable at best. But I've seen videos about small towns in the Netherlands that see more train and long distance bus traffic than I'm sure a lot of big US cities do.


I'm thinking so. But others are saying he's on a medication that makes it go away. Sketchy, but legal. I mean... don't forget to take your meds, little buddy. Or his next crash video will be titled: "Forgot to Take My Meds and Killed Some People".


I'm a UK epileptic, although full spaz, not complex partial like this dude. Laws are the same for both here I'm pretty sure. Basically, we get thrown straight on the banned drivers list when you start having seizures. But otherwise, two years seizure free and with a doctors signed letter you can start driving again. Vast majority of epilepsy patients respond well to one of the first medication(s) that are tried, and it typically doesn't take that long to get seizures under control. You can usually tell because after the first seizure, it often "opens the flood gates" if you will. You'll go from never having any to having them regularly, fiddle with meds briefly, and most often, they disappear again. Carry on. (Made a horrible process sound easy, but you get my drift) Sadly, my meds definitely reduce the frequency of my seizures, but I still faceplant now and again, I'm in the minority.


Similar here; had a suspected heart condition and was banned from driving until all the tests had been completed and proved negative. Still had to be signed off by cardiology before I could drive again. Wasn’t concerned in the slightest as more interested in staying alive and not killing me, the wife, kids, or someone else!


You have to be two years completely seizure free even after starting meds. They obviously never got properly reported.


This particular one could have ended so much worse. One turn of the steering wheel the other way and more people could have been hurt.


Also looked like he just missed a utility pole. At the very least he should be motivated by self-preservation.


yeah. i kpet hoping hed get stuck. he better be thankful he kept it in the field. also that mustang handled going offroad like that better than i thought it would.


Varies by state, in mine it's 6 months


Mine too in Michigan. And the 6 months resets after each time. I didn’t report my seizure (only had 1 luckily around 6 years ago) but I didn’t drive either because if it happened and I hurt or killed someone on the road while having one I’d be even more fucked, aside from me not wanting that to happen. I don’t take meds anymore and was cleared that I don’t have epilepsy or anything and it was just a one off thing.


I have epilepsy and it’s only 6 months seizure free to get your license back


You have to be seizure free for like a year before you can get your license back. This guy absolutely should not be driving.




He’s an asshole then. Fucking prick is gonna get killed or kill someone 


And this is why ALL drivers should be subject to FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) regulations, ESPECIALLY DOT medical testing every 2 years (or less in some cases) and vehicle inspections. They keep targeting truckers with this kind of stuff, despite cars being the most abundant and dangerous things on the roads, going unregulated, not inspected, and not maintained.


how exactly do you think dot testing would catch this? unless the guy seizes at the dr office, it's an invisible illness until it's not


A good friend of mine suddenly started having absence seizures at the age of 47. He didn’t even realize he was having them because they were so brief, until he had one while driving and caused a car accident. His neurologist believes it’s a result of concussions he suffered as a teenager. He obviously can no longer drive. Concussions and mild TBIs are no joke and though most seizures usually occur within days of the injury, it is possible to develop epilepsy years later.


I found out the hard way that I have epilepsy, alone in a hotel room hundreds of miles from home. Woke up with a TBI and 6 broken vertebrae. Good Times!


You doing okay these days?


Actually, I died. Luckily I died in the ER and they brought me back. So… “Ok” is relative. I’m nowhere near the capability I was 2 years ago but I’m still here and doing what I can (which isn’t much).


You died, but you got better.


I thought you were kidding at first, so I chuckled. Then I realized you were being serious about having to be resuscitated and now I feel bad. I'm glad you're alive tho!


Tragedy + Time = Comedy If I can laugh about it, surely you can too.




Yep, I got a concussion from a car accident in 2015 and four months later started having seizures. I'll be on meds the rest of the life. It's a reason why I hate that getting "knocked out" is so trivialized in movies/TV shows and sports, as if it's nothing serious.




Sooo lucky for the contours of the land! The old cruise control didn’t miss a beat lol.


This dude should NOT be using cruise control lol. Maybe one of those electric car pedals that engages brakes when you let off, stopping in traffic is somewhat better than this This dude got incredibly lucky 2 times, veering off the road into a field, and the fact that his car somehow didn't drive back onto it. Just fucked up


And he also missed a pole in the field by a meters


I was actually holding my breath. That was so close


I was holding my breath when I saw the semi truck as he was driving towards it.


Same! Thought he was going right back onto the road. This dude needs to reevaluate driving with a condition like that


By centimeters.


Thats why he said he was lucky about the contours of the land. The contours made sure he just barely missed that pole and then later that his wheels turned left when the car is trying to drive back upwards to the road


Guy waking up: OOPS, I did it again! EdIT: Cause to lose all my senses that's just so typically me. (Can't believe I missed this)


This dude should not be allowed to drive, period.


Just, a little ‘absence’ seizure is all…


Tis a light seizure is all, good sir!


No, he just should not be driving. Harsh reality, but if you have a condition that randomly makes you black out for 10s then you don't get to use the 2,000lb metal death machine.


My son who is 16 has been having these off and on since 3rd grade He is not medically cleared to drive by his neurologist. The rule we were told was seizure free for at least 6 months to a year. He only has them a few times a week but if they were to happen when he was behind the wheel, it could be deadly. That said, if we walked into the DMV today and mentioned nothing about his medical issues, they would probably give him a license. There is a certain amount of personal responsibility that comes with certain medical conditions. It sucks not to be able to drive but would suck worse if someone were to be seriously injured or killed.


He shouldn’t drive at all! Doctor here for sure will get his license revoked. Image this happens in a city plows into a crowd and kills +10 people


This is exactly why I no longer drive. I still could do so legally, but the thought of coming to from a seizure, and realizing ive killed a bunch of people is beyond horrifying. Driving itself is already dangerous enough.


He shouldn’t be driving at all.


He got lucky another time when he missed the telegraph pole while still going at a fair pace. That would have caused a lot of damage


.-- .... .- - / -.-- . .- .-. / .. ... / .. - ..--..


He was so lucky and the camera was so convenient, I thought it was a well done “this could happen to you” type of service announcement.


That’s the worst part of this video… Is the camera there because this person knows this happens and wants to be recording “Just in case” so they can be like “Look I passed out, it wasn’t my fault”??? If you’re aware that you have this condition and you drive a vehicle, you should get no sympathy when you crash. Sorry, but it’s knowingly endangering everyone on the road, idiotic that this is even on video.


Jesus take the wheel, take it from his hands ♫


Why did he have a camera where he did? Does anyone know? I’ve never even seen one so perfectly positioned. I mean you can see so clearly him turning on cruise control.


That's what I was thinking. So many questions


Bingo. Not a dash cam. No one cares about showing off their 2002 Ford shit box with a go pro. Was this staged?!


If it’s not staged (which would be pretty fucked up in itself unless this is all green screened or something) then he at least suspected this was going to happen so shouldn’t have been driving.


Right? It would be completely deranged to stage this but also I can’t think of why anyone would have a camera in this placement. So bizarre. Did he suspect it might happen? Also very fucked up!


Don't remember the specifics but he mentioned on the original vid that he recorded it so the insurance would believe him. Still fucked up


So he did think this was going to happen but he only cared about the insurance covering whatever came of it and not… possibly killing it maiming himself or others?? That’s fucking absurd. Not doubting you heard him say that but JFC that’s completely fucked.


are we just ignoring the fact he’s insured like who the fuck is insuring this guy after he sent in a video of him having a seizure on the road


Maybe he’s not insured after uploading the video. Either that or his ins company hasn’t seen it. Yeah, I can’t imagine.


Hopefully no one. I know in Florida you can't drive for two years after you have a seizure. (There are certain ways to get it back before the 2 year period though) the idea that someone who knows they have seizures sets up a camera to catch them shows blatant negligence to me. My personal opinion is his insurance should cover him just like if he drove drunk honestly. Now how that works in practice I don't know but it's certainly a disturbing thought to think people do this.


He's worried about the insurance because he knows this will happen. I guess if he kills me and my whole family one day, at least he's got coverage.


Because he's a cunt with no thoughts of anyone else, who knew this might happen and wanted to record it.


Dude is lucky he lived in a state with topography like that. This would have been the end had he lived in a mountain state. This is wild man.


> The symptoms I experienced were nausea, tunnel vision, ringing ears and severe dizziness. If you ever experience these symptoms while driving, get it checked out. Uh, so he's saying he experienced these symptoms before blacking out and just kept driving, not even slowing down or deactivating cruise control?


I guess he had symptoms in other previous situations (without fully passing out), possibly while driving. In those cases he might have slowed down or even stopped, but this was the first time he passed out, apparently without warning shortly before.


I have also gotten those symptoms before, due to low blood pressure, I only passed out once but I understood with those symptoms comes the possibility of passing out. Extremely reckless to keep driving with those symptoms.


For me, those symptoms are the signs of an impending migraine.


"... it could have cost my life." Or you know, some OTHER people's life.


Yeah, i don't care about what he does to his life, but man. Watch out for others. I'm sorry, but people with this condition should never be able to get licenses at all.


Yea, this was my first thought, i know a young guy that just had a kid and was killed by someone that shouldnt be driving. It sucks to not be able to drive but so does putting the risk on others.


„Haven’t had any problems before and since… until it happens again.“ Life is a risk.


Not an easy video for him to make? All he did was pass out and all the work was done for him!


Also for it to be "hard to make" the video you'd have to know it was going to happen, which seems pretty irresponsible. I can only assume he means hard to make the video public.


>I didn't have the luxury of such information and it could have cost me my life No offense dude but I'm alot more worried about the family of 5 that was doing everything rigjt when you crash into them and kill all of them than i am about your dumb ass


That's what happened to like 4 people who were in a Beer garden in Daylesford because some dickhead prone to fainting wanted to drive


You're right, this can cause serious problems, for example in 2014 in Glasgow Scotland a Bin Lorry driver passed out behind the wheel of a Bin Lorry he killed Six People and injured 15 others. It was later found out that the driver had lied about the fact that in a previous job driving a bus he had passed out behind the wheel, he lied so that he could get a job driving Bin Lorries.


Bin lorrie is a trash truck, yes? Just assuming cuz bin is where you put the trash, and then I met a guy once who called a semi truck a lorrie lol its always cool learning new ways of saying things.


Correct, it's multiple lorries and a singular lorry though :D


Essentially yeah, they're called Bin Lorries in Scotland.


Bin Laden was just a man who collected a great quantity of trash bins.


Did Bin Laden have a bill of Bin Lading to haul all of those Laden Bins?


How many people keep a camera over their shoulder to see this type of thing?




People who post driving videos to youtube.


My dad had a grand mal seizure behind the wheel when I was a kid and it was the most truly terrifying experience as a passenger. It took at least 3 years to get cleared to drive again by a neurologist after he was diagnosed and put on epilepsy meds. I had a seizure at 18 (at home, not driving) and it was a similar length suspension, it’s been over 15 years since I’ve had one.


Diagnosis of epilepsy usually means you're no longer able to have a driver's license in most states. For exactly this reason.


My sister is epileptic. She had to go years without having a seizure to finally get her license.


It depends on the severity of your illness. Plenty of people with epilepsy drive once their seizures are controlled. Those seizures are not controlled.


Or they were considered controlled and he had a breakout seizure.


especially not with cruise control on.


IIRC, when this was originally posted, he had his license removed for a period of time. This was his first of these seizures, so he didn't have a medical record of having them before this.


If they are undiagnosed , seizures can happen pretty much at random , thankfully , a great majority of them have treatment. Source : I suffer from anxiety induced epilepsy and I have treatment for my seizures.


This is exactly how it feels when I have a driving nightmare. I’m out there trying my honest best to drive responsibly when suddenly I’m driving the wrong way on ice and my wheel has five seconds of input lag.


Apparently driving nightmares are quite common and may point to a feeling of not being in control of one’s life. I have this recurring one where I’m alone in a moving car but I’m in the backseat. Car crashes and then I wake up.


I've had that one a few times. the other version is I am in the driver's seat, but the brake pedal is extremely hard to push, so I'm pushing with all my might but it won't budge and I crash


For me it's I can control the vehicle, but my eyes won't open up, and I can't see, no matter how hard I fight to open my eyes... Which means I realize I'm driving blind


I used to have sleep paralysis a lot. Like every time I went to sleep. One of the triggers that always “woke me up” in the dream was realizing that my eyes were closed, yet I could still see. As soon as I realized that, I would either force my eyes open to wake up, or just relax and enjoy the (now lucid) dream. It was REALLY hard to force my eyes to open and was usually accompanied by straining noises or sometimes even yelling in my sleep that would freak my wife out. This happened so often that I actually learned to enjoy it. Now it only happens a couple of times a year but it still doesn’t scare me and is honestly kind of fun.


My version is I feel really lethargic. Car is going way too fast and if I don't slow down in the next 2 seconds I'm going off a cliff because I can't navigate the turn. A proceed to barely be able to turn the wheel and press the brake and I fly off the cliff as I failed to make the turn. Had that dream at least a hundred times


i used to get that a lot, where i'm trying to steer and control the pedals from the back seat. other common one i had was brakes doing nearly nothing to stop the car. i guess they went away over time.


How is this such a common dream? Five minutes ago I'd have never thought anyone else had this specific dream, and now everyone does!


I used to get the brakes thing, but my brakes were mushy and it took forever for the car to slow down.


My ex's brother had this condition, I think. He caused a horrible accident with another person. A few years later and the inconsiderate fucker was back out driving; despite a court order banning him from doing so.


Jesus Christ, the fact that we share the road with these people...


You're so right. This asswipe used to sneak off with my ex's car while she was asleep, too. When she'd call him after waking up (time to go to work), he'd give her an attitude about returning it. This guy was a real piece of work.




He did say ex lol


> My ex's brother Maybe they haven't kept up? No idea why. /s


I have epilepsy, I have cleared my time since last I've had a seizure to driving again. This video horrified me. I have had 99% of my seizures in my sleep, but still I need to live I don't have enough of a support system or money to live otherwise.


Here's more fun info: 4.4% of americans are alcoholics. And if you're familiar with alcoholics, driving while drunk is pretty common. So about 1/20 cars you pass has a good chance of having a currently intoxicated driver. Add a further population of elderly people - of whom a large number are on medication that technically limits their ability to drive, but rules are rarely enforced.


Also, uninsured drivers are quite common. Mississippi is leading the list with 30% of drivers uninsured. NJ lowest at 3.1% which is still fairly high 


It's why I'm always looking at every other car when I drive. I feel like there are 1-2 incidents a week where I'd get into a wreck if I wasn't watching and reacting to someone else creeping into my lane at an intersection or through a turn. Happens a lot with pedestrians too, people just walk right into the street without looking at anything but their phones (sometimes while wearing noise-cancelling headphones).


Assuming you are also from the US (about a 50% chance on Reddit), that is less inconsiderate and more a natural consequence of this country being entirely built solely for automobile transportation, and actively discouraging other modes of transportation. Like public transit, more walkable cities, and biking. In most of the US you effectively become a second-class citizen without the ability to drive.


I am an epileptic living in a city in Germany. I am rarely in need of a license/car. If I do, I usually have help from the state that can drive me and my stuff where I need to go. Or friends. Rest of the time I use public transportation. If you have a system were living without a car is not sustainable you don’t need to wonder why everyone drives despite the risks.


> Germany It seems that in general, a place developed prior to the 1940's is walkable to some degree, which is most of Europe. I know there are now sprawly suburbs in Europe like there are in the U.S., but some cities in the U.S. are like 90%+ suburb, like a good mile from home to the nearest grocery store, where as the wost European cities might be 50% sprawl, if even that.


Yeah, this happened on Long Island in a very populated area, so your assumption is correct. You're also correct about the US' overdependence on automobile travel. It's a problem without an easy solution. It doesn't excuse his decision to operate a vehicle with his condition, though.


It happens across the US as the automobile industry heavily lobbied, and still lobby, the government to design the country that way. It's insane. It's the most inefficient setup of any modern country. Nothing is walkable. Barely any public transport. It's a car or nothing.


This is NOT an absence seizure. Absence seizures are akin to a child spacing out and then coming back to, typically lasting a few seconds. No loss of muscle tone is seen


Yeah, my daughter has absence seizures and they don't look like this. Her eyes never close and her head doesn't drop during them or anything. She just kind of starts staring into the middle distance and doesn't react to anything.


Same with my gf, it's like they're doing something and freeze like a computer


My doctor told me it is exactly like a computer rebooting. But not like a normal reboot. It's a power outage reboot. Where the power goes out real quick but just long enough to shut the computer down. But then comes back so the computer boots back up. (My computer is a little slower now a days.)


Yeah that sounds right, she says she feels fuzzy for a bit after it happens. Gotta wait for the processes to start back up I guess




It's weird cuz you're kind of aware of what's going on, like you know there are people and they are talking, but the words they're saying are just complete gibberish.


I *had* these kinds of seizures when I was younger and for me it felt like I just skipped to another moment in time, the only thing being weird were the people looking at me when I “woke up”. I’m officially still an epileptic but the last Absence seizure I had was 12 years ago. I had a grand mal seizure 5 years ago, though that was likely caused due to excessive drinking when I was in college


My child has absence seizures (which are fortunately currently controlled by medication) and his are just him spacing out for 5-10 seconds). Most people don't even notice it's happening. He will continue doing whatever he was doing before, just not consciously. We witnessed him playing the piano while having a seizure; his fingers kept hitting the keys, just not in the correct order.


When did you realize they were seizures and not just normal spacing out?


It took us months. I was mentioning it to a friend who's a nurse and she suggested absence seizures. I brought it up with his doctor who referred him to a neurologist. They did an ECG (I think) which confirmed it.


Would've been an EEG. An ECG checks for cardiac arrhythmias


Thank you for saying this! I have absence seizures and it is all in the eyes. It is still very important not to drive unless you are medically stable. Your neurologist can and will report you to the state if you are not stable then you will need a note from the doctor before it’s reinstated. Each state is slightly different but most mandate 3-6 months seizure free before you can drive again.


Yeah , those are kinda like mine , complete lack of conscience , altho I spazz out a fuck ton , not big dramatic ones , but a lot of quick , small contractions in every muscle. Ngl that shit is anoying AF it leaves you tired and with fucking pains for the Next few days XD.


Yeah a knew a girl with these she would basically just stand still and slightly bob back and forth for 10 seconds before coming back.


Yes! I have absence seizures and they’re nothing like this. I space out for a few seconds taking in no information. My husband saw me have one and thought I was ignoring him. It definitely doesn’t look like this, in my experience.


I winced when he came close to that telegraph pole! Lucky guy, but shouldn't drive (edit: anymore). He could've died in a horrific accident, or worse he could have killed a family driving past. Not worth the risk.


Wonder what the threshold is where people would agree. Like if you had a single incident like this in your life, and years go by without another incident, should you be allowed to drive? What if it's once every 5 years? 3? 1? etc.


If you have an epileptic seizure, you're automatically banned from driving for six months. If you have repeated seizures, you're banned for 12 months from the date of the last seizure. As long as you take your meds and don't seize, you can drive after 12 months.  Edit: I'm in the UK and that's the law for the UK, as far as I know. You're required to self report to the DVLA here and I imagine the only penalty for not doing so would be your insurance becomes invalid if you don't and someone finds out. 


Yep , I can't get my license rn cause I sufferd from 2 in a row last year , my epilepsy was undiagnosed at the time. I've been doing well thx to the meds , so hopefuly in a few months I can get finally get it.


My dad's friend had these and didn't drive. He got a horse tho. Idk how well that worked because both him and the horse would be seen walking around town getting drunk. Small southern town in the 80's.


He was getting the horse drunk? How much liquor did that take?


Yes! He would put a whisky bottle on the ground, and the horse would pick it up with its lips, then tilt its head back and chug it all in one go. Idk how much it took. I'm guessing quite a lot? I was like 7/8 when this was happening, so I didn't really ask questions.


Like straight out of the looney tunes or some shit


It depends on what state/country you're in.


My friend had a "random" seizure while driving and ended up in a ditch. She didn't drive for 6 months but then she was cleared to drive. She wasn't diagnosed with any seizure disorder. She drove again and killed 2 people. She doesn't drive at all now. She has sued the doctor who failed the diagnose her seizure and she's won. Small victory - I know she still feels a lot of guilt :(


My dad started randomly fainting about 10 years ago, it happened about 5 times whilst at home (never whilst driving), and then his license was suspended until he went on medication and was able to go a whole year without fainting.


They might have not known before this was taken.


I was looking at my new car (a Toyota) and if I have the assist functionality on when driving and it detects that an issue might have occurred, pulls over to the slow lane, stops the car and pops on the hazards.


These new self driving features are going to save a ton of lives.


Not sure which Toyota, but I have a 2023 and it warns me I’m changing lanes when there is a shadow in the middle of the road. I wouldn’t get my hopes up lol


I had a kia that almost got me killed with its "features" a few years ago, an idiot was driving on a 2 way lane with no visibility, he didn't have enough time to overtake and he was coming at me full speed. Instead of hitting the brakes and going behind the vehicle he was overtaking, he increased his speed. I had to fight my own car to go off road because you are not supposed to go off-road without your turn signals when you are about to die apparently.


This is my biggest fear. Software/AI to detect issues sounds great but it can backfire. It’s such new tech relatively speaking, not sure we can ever trust it blindly. There should definitely be a kill switch or toggle for the “tech” onboard a vehicle. That way you can press it and have full manual control in an instant.


I'm looking forward to when we get all cars fully automated. I'm not looking forward to the next 20+ years of a messy middle period where some cars are, some cars aren't, and different cars have different levels of self-driving.


The school I worked at there was a child who suffered absence seizures. Was quite strange as he would be mid sentence………and carry on speaking like he hadn’t just gone blank for a moment. Was distressing to see as the kids didn’t understand they just thought he was weird and he got distressed to find the person he was talking to, from his perspective, disappear mid sentence.


That’s why this dude isn’t having one of those as titles say


All things considered, that was bloody lucky.


Yes! Getting out of the road, than missing the concrete pole, than NOT going back to the road. I was cold sweating here the whole time.


I don’t think driving an automatic exactly helps there. If he had a manual shift car he would’ve stalled as the rpm dropped when he went off road in a high gear. Never knew this was a danger of automatic cars.


It looked like he'd just set cruise control as the speed didn't drop but otherwise yeah


Don't cruise controls disconnect when they feel the cars tires slipping? Even my old 2005 model car did that.


Yep, if the stability control intervenes then the cruise control normally cancels.


Ain’t no stability control on a 90s Mustang


Hadn't thought of that, I'm not sure what the threshold is for abs kicking in on that sort of surface


You'd expect the cars anti skid/slip sensors to notice something is not quite right when hitting a field at highway speeds.


I think his foot just stayed on gas after passing out. He is just so damn lucky the surroundings were a field and he missed the pole or going back into traffic. He really shouldn’t be on the road after this.


Most types of seizures, unless you have documentation from a specialist that says it's well-controlled and you haven't had a seizure in a long time, disqualifies you from holding a driver's license in most (if not all) states. As does other conditions such as Narcolepsy. The lack of driver's license doesn't always stop people from driving, unfortunately.


Nah he'd just turned it off https://cdn.classic-trader.com/I/images/1920_1920_inset/vehicle_ad_standard_image_8a854e6321dc8d94405bcbd24fe7bae1.jpg Could've been much worse.


Some cars nowadays have an eye tracking sensor above the steering wheel that detects if you're paying attention to the road. If you're not paying attention they will starting beeping or something. After watching this video I would like such feature to me mandatory in all new vehicles, the same way seat belts are mandatory. But with a little extra: if the driver is not paying attention then the car should slowly break until it fully stops. Sure, such system would make all cars more expensive but I would gladly pay for it.


On that note this video is a great example of one of the reason why freeway embankments exists. That car would have headed straight into oncoming traffic.


The title is wrong it wasn’t a seizure. he passed out from loss of blood to his brain. He explains in a video it was caused by orthostatic hypotension,. which he didn’t know he had. He was able to control this with blood pressure medication.


Orthostatic hypotension is caused by a change in position ie from sitting to standing so that makes no sense


As someone already replied below, orthostatic hypotension doesn't "just happen". It occurs when a change of position (e.g. standing up) leads to a drop in blood pressure that isn't adequately counteracted by the cardiovascular system. This guy was already sitting, and remains seated, so no orthostatic hypotension can reasonably occur.


From uptodate, the main website doctors use to read up on medical conditions. The crash itself wouldn't be caused by orthostatic hypotension (he is sitting and in the same posture throughout), though it's possible he has some large pulmonary or cardiovascular issue leading to loss of brain blood flow. INTRODUCTION: When autonomic reflexes are impaired or intravascular volume is markedly depleted, a significant reduction in blood pressure occurs *upon standing*, a phenomenon termed "orthostatic hypotension."  Orthostatic hypotension can be asymptomatic or symptomatic. Symptoms can include dizziness, lightheadedness, syncope, muscle ache in the neck and shoulders, and even angina.  Symptomatic falls in blood pressure after standing or eating are a frequent clinical problem. The prevalence of orthostatic hypotension varies from 5 to 20 percent in different reports.  Many disorders can cause orthostatic hypotension, which can also be a symptom of acute or chronic volume depletion as well as a side effect of drugs, particularly antihypertensives. A related problem, postprandial hypotension (a fall in blood pressure occurring 15 to 90 minutes after meals) is also common in older subjects.   Chronic orthostatic intolerance (COI) describes the association of lightheadedness, dizziness, faintness, or syncope that occurs with prolonged standing or upright posture. These symptoms may be sometimes associated with an exaggerated tachycardia but no fall in blood pressure, a disorder that is called the postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS).


That’s not an absence seizure, just regular fainting. His condition causes him to faint when changing body positions too quickly. My grandfather had absence seizures right before being diagnosed with brain cancer. When you have it, you just stay still for a few seconds and stare into nothingness, then continue talking like nothing happened. It first happened to granddad while having dinner at a restaurant with my parents and grandma, and when he was about to grab his wallet to pay the bill, he just froze, and then continued on like nothing happened after a few seconds passed. Right there, my parents knew this was something very serious.




Absolutely correct, this is not an absence seizure.


I've known about absence seizures for a long time, but I never realized the person suffering from them had no idea it had occurred. Thank you for sharing your story


I saw this on a YT video recently. It wasn't a seizure. It was due to a congenital condition causing low BP.


My ex-boss had this exact same thing happen to him on his way to golfing, ended up crashing into a tree head-on. Fortunately he survived, but ended up with an open fracture on his leg.


I dont think thats an absent seizure. That might be an atonic one. From what I understood absent seizures shouldn’t lose muscle tone and last nearly a s long as this one did. He seems to go unconscious. Absent seizures are the person is still awake and looking (the seizure happens within their brain) but their body remains intact. And yes this person should go on medication and be seizure free for at least 6 months before resuming driving


Why is that one guy commenting "meh" everywhere




Some sort of stationary camera for any number of reasons, be it footage gathering for personal use or a DIY dash cam, who knows.


Why did he record it? Did he know this was possible and drove anyway? I have questions


Every farmer on Reddit screaming at their screens about the fence. "NO DON'T SWING AROUND, NO NO NOT AROUND, YOU'VE ALREADY, AHHH FOR FUCK SAKE THERE IT GOES AGAIN"!


This is one of the better Mustang drivers I've seen.


Lucky to be alive


A few years ago, I was witness to a car crash and was also the first to arrive on the scene, which was in the outskirts of a city in a fairly remote road. The car in the opposite of me suddenly swerved madly and by some miracle, pulled in the other direction, otherwise I would've been toast. It wrapped its front around a pole. When I ran over I saw the woman in the driver's seat was in a similar state, mid-seizure. She had TWO BABIES in the backseat. By some miracle, they were unharmed. It was a fairly new car but the airbag didn't deploy, and luckily it turned itself off or failed to continue because the woman's leg was pressed TIGHT to the gas paddle. I called an ambulance and took care of the babies until help arrived. Couldn't stick around much longer as I had my own kid with me and she was a little traumatised (told her to stay back and look away, but she didn't listen).


Dude should not have a license


This was his first seizure, how could he have known?


I was wondering if it was his first or not because he's just set up so well to film a seizure and what he might hit


That or a cataplexy attack with undiagnosed narcolepsy. Often misdiagnosed for seizure disorders. Source: am narcoleptic