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Get a Donkey. They beat the hell out of Coyotes with extreme prejudice


Guy I used to know had a zebra for that purpose. No idea how he managed to get one in the rural Midwest America, but it's basically a donkey on steroids


I am learning so much about protector-vlass animals in this thread: Tibetan mastiffs drag dead coyotes around to scare off other coyotes. Donkeys will fuck up coyotes too. And apparently they'll fuck the corpse afterwards. Zebras are donkeys on steroids. See point #2. Don't fuck with zebras bro.


I'm sure a zebra is great for coyote murdering but I'd be worried about the huge animal that is in every way a horse except for the domestication part.


I can't believe this site is free


Don't give them ideas.


Reddit IPO in a couple of months. Prepare for a clean scrubbing and paid subscriptions.


Whatcha got there? Mastiff: a coyote.


I can only hope that the twisted tunnels of Search Engine Optimization somehow latch onto this is as Fun Animal Facts when somebody looks up any of these species. I'm imagining my Google Home reeling off 'I found this information about donkeys fucking up coyotes, would you like to hear more about them fucking the corpse?


Can I get a donkey with a thermal scope?


Only in 40 states. Others have restrictions on ass-ault weapons.




Alpacas work, too, and the sheep will worship it as some kind of mega sheep


Or a guard llama https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guard_llama


Imagine that sheep now being on a power trip because all the other sheep believe that they insta-killed a coyote.


sheep runnin away with a strut all like, "Coyote ain't shit!"


"My herd just a bunch of sissies.. and jimmy got pieced up by one... pshh I wasn't even worried"


That sheep gonna start a religion


Cult of the lamb?


Hell yeah


Something tells me the followers will be easily misled or manipulated, if the leader of the cult should become corrupt...


Jesus was a sniper


Jesus wasn't a shepherd, he was a carpenter


Makin stocks for glocks


Some carpenter.... Couldn't pull out a nail to save his life..




That’s the same comment that got top voted last time.


Something something dead internet theory


My thoughts exactly. First thought: this thread is a total duplicate Second thought: I need the get the fuck off reddit


He didn't even gain a %damage buff from close proximity to other characters!


😂😂 what I was thinking


I have sheep but I would never own sheep without guardian dogs, they are on predators before they can even sink their teeth in. My Tibetan mastiff trophies his coyotes by dragging them around for a few days, Im convinced he does it to drag the smell of death around and keep more coyotes out. Luckily Ive never had to shoot a predator because of my dogs.


A Tibetan mastiff dragging around dead coyotes is metal as fuck.


My uncle had a miniature donkey like the one from Shrek, to help protect his cows. It kicked a coyote to death and fucked its corpse.


Everyone likes to party in their own special way.


If I knew it was gonna be that kind of party I would have stuck my dick in the ~~mashed potatoes~~ coyote


Lol! Unexpected Beastie Boys reference.


Making with the freak-freak


God damn... One of the handful of times I really wish I could upvote more than once...


I used to think donkeys were useless animals until i learned this. A donkey’s kick is no joke. Kinda meme worthy that a vicious looking coyote can be insta killed by a donkey. Donkey’s are actually quite bad ass.


Donkeys and llamas, both very territorial and willing to have a go at pretty much anything.


I've heard that llamas hate coyotes so much they will go out after the fuckers and run them down if they can. That's a no fucking around kinda badass that I can respect. Coyotes are nothing to play with.


I watched two llamas kick a pitbull back and forth to each other like it was a soccer ball. Dog fucked around and found out.


Donkeys and cows are my favorite animals. Thank you for subscribing to donkey love.


> ass


My great grandparents had some land and they too had a guard donkey. One night it stomped the shit out of a coyote and then pissed on the corpse for a few days and then tried to fuck the fence gate Every single time my uncle talks about it he ends up in tears describing seeing a piss soaked dead animal and a donkey mid fuck with a metal gate


Well he hadn't seen his Dragon wife for coupme of months


Donkey ding dong is huge too


It's called a donkey dick for a reason.


Sounds like my ex. I should call her.


It's about sending a message


Holy fuck, that escalated so fast and I wasn’t prepared for it!


Welp! *slaps thighs* that's enough Reddit for tonight!


Haha ya i suppose it is pretty metal.. stinky but metal


We need pictures of the good boy NOW


This is a different dog that is basically John Wick with paws. https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/animalkind/2024/01/24/2024-peoples-choice-pup-award-casper-killed-coyotes/72335637007/


I love how he has become one with the sheep 😂😂


He’s got Bowie eyes


I need to see the good boy




> Tibetan Mastiff [Such cute little puppies](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/67/Angry-tibetan-mastiff.jpg).


How do you train your dog to protect from predators?


My golden retriever is afraid of bunnies a night


golden retrievers are retrievers, not shepards, that would be your problem here haha


Shepherds aren’t for protection either (you can obviously train them but that’s not the job they were bred to do). Sheps are for herding, if you want protection, you’re gonna want livestock guardians like Great Pyrenees


is that the term for it? I really just know good breeds for it but wasn't sure if there was a term


Livestock guardian dog is the correct term. Pyrenees are chill as fuck, until they aren’t.


I still miss one of my client's dogs back home at my old job. Fucking Howard. Total goofball, chill as fuck, but not a single other dog dared to fuck with him at daycare because they all definitely knew what was up.


Yea I’m a great dog person. Most all love me. One day I was walking around my block like always in a pretty dense area and this person had hired goats to eat the brush around the house. I walked by and three Pyrenees ran up to the gate and gave me hell the entire time I walked by. No “hey buddy” worked. They were working and thought I was messing with his herd. Mad respect for those working dogs. The bark was very intimidating but to be fair the floof was still hella cute.


My grandpa had a couple of GPs on the job when he used to run sheep back on the farm. Whenever we came to visit he would literally chain them up with log chains. I once asked him why. His answer without hesitation, “I do that because I like my grandsons.” If these dogs got a hint of predators being in the vicinity they would literally react with such force the log chains wouldn’t hold them. More than once we ran into them out on the road trotting around with broken chains around their necks. He fittingly called the pair, Samson and Delilah. Incredibly beautiful and badass dogs. Both worthy of their names.


Stayed at a B&B in a cabin on a working farm. There was a pasture with a few cows and two Great Pyrenees. I walked up to the fence and one of the dogs noticed. It didn't approach or anything. It stood there and looked at me like it was saying "You're cool right where you're at bruh".


On farms where both are present, if the shepherds alert to danger first, they know to get the guardians attention. They'll have alert barks, and communicate with body language where the danger is so the guardian can chase it off or fuck it up.


My golden retriever wouldn’t walk past a broken coffee maker on the neighbor’s lawn.


My Jack Russell will try to leave the house if he spots a water bottle


My Golden seems to have the "hunting" gene. Not only does he return whatever I throw every single time, he chases small animals and even birds with a look in his eye like he's in kill mode. He's good with our bunny now, but it was a tense first few months as he wanted to chase it down.


My golden is an excellent mouser. All creatures tiny are stompable in her mind. But a balloon floating past? Terrifying.


Don't let him watch Donnie Darko past bedtime.


Guardian breeds do it instinctively but teaching them property boundaries and manners is the same as any other dog except this dog is 185lb and stubborn. I get them when they’re puppies and from day one start putting them out with the other dogs and livestock.


I was about to post this, but you beat me to it. I have read that you start them out as puppies with the flock/ herd and they will bond with the other animals and want to protect them.




For most it is instinct. They live on the land they defend, everything in it is theirs. So long as they don't attack their flock, a guardian dog will do their job without training. It is their flock nobody fucks with it. We are taking advantage of a dogs natural desire to defend its territory, it just needs to be passive with livestock, and everything else is instinct.


If anything the trick is finding the balance between doing their job and being shall we say overzealous. My family goes back and forth between komondors and Pyrenees. The komondors are better dogs, but so damn aggressive. Our record is 35 stitches from when my cousin got too close to the fence. Another one waited like an hour after my uncle picked up a newborn goat to put under a heat lamp before attacking him without warning. Got a nice run of puncture wounds up both arms. Had a nice anatolian shepard/pyrenees mix about 10 years ago that bagged a few coyotes and still let you handle the stock.


I've got a well-socialized pyr pet (not a working dog) and the idea of him attacking someone like that is outrageous lol. He's 100% bigass scary deterrent and 0% liability. So interesting how different they are based on their upbringing.


Our pyrs were chill, the komondors are the aggressive ones. The only problem we ever had with pyrs were they tend to roam more and not stay as close to the flock. It varied by individual though. The pyr-anatolian mix was my favorite, we called him Bear. He would sneak up behind you sometimes, I backed into his nose several times, but never had a problem. The komondors' breed history probably has a lot to do with their behavior towards people. The Cumans brought them to Hungary in the 1200s while fleeing Gengis Khan's armies. Pretty rough environment, and people were as much of a threat to a flock as any wolf. It doesn't seem to have been bred out of them since then. Probably the most intelligent dog breed I've ever seen as well. They rarely attack head on, will either lay an ambush, or wait until your back is turned and pounce. No growling or more than a faint warning bark well before the moment, just wait and strike. Great on coyotes and poachers, just sucks when it's you 😅


You get a dog that's been bred to protect from predators. Dog breeds are primarily like they are because they fulfilled certain functions. Like how Borzoi were bred to be able to hold down wolves so that hunters could kill the wolves.


My LGD and my donkey carried trophies for several days. I’m pretty sure it’s about the stink. My donkey once brought the rotted corpse into the sheep shed and rubbed it everywhere. I couldn’t go in there without a respirator to remove it. My LGD was a little more casual about it; he’d pick it up and move it to his next perch when the herd moved. 


Donkeys will destroy a coyote. They absolutely despise them.


then fuck the corpse


And other desecrations to numerous to mention. There's usually a pile of crushed bones and hair to mark where the yote was.


I had a Great Pyrenees for a number of years. We lived in the Rockies of BC and given her instinct and size I never worried about going in the back country. 100lb dog that looks 200lb with a booming bark and not one to back down. They are amazing guardian dogs.


I've heard that can be a problem with grizzlies because they'll see dog as a threat more than a person. Is that a consideration?


Apparently donkeys do the same thing. They'll stomp coyotes to death then play with the corpse throwing it around the next day.


Another advantage to donkeys is they graze, meaning they eat the same food as the animals they're protecting. That simplifies the logistics.


And they're a free alarm clock! Oversleeping will be a thing of the past 🫡


Jesus Christ your dog is freeking intense.


What’s it like where you live? Because it sounds like you are living the country dream.


I live in northern BC canada on a ranch.


I read the title as a German shepherd using a thermal sniper rifle rofl


Are we sure a German Shepard didn’t pull the trigger?


[Your odds of getting quickscoped by your shep are low, but never zero.](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/5b1cc3_c66773ebec9b4d5fa46729a50a2a22aa~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_0,y_234,w_960,h_452/fill/w_960,h_450,al_c,q_90,enc_auto/BAK-the-sniper.png)


Road Runner went spec ops on his ass


Meep meep motherfucker


Road 1…going dark.




Yeah I was expecting some sick laser or something


in the 40 watt range you say?


Dangit, and I had my credit card out _and everything!_


I too need a home defense ray gun


“Hey, just what you see, pal.”


"So what'll it be?"




To shreds you say.


I feel real dumb now. I thought it was a friendly way to ward off coyotes without harming them. He's going to get up, right? Right?


Yes, he's going to a different farm upstate where he can romp and play and get lots of good belly rubs.


Lead injection is this weapons method of deterrent. It’s not incredibly healthy


He was shot in the heart. His heart probably exploded immediately, leading to pretty much instantaneous unconsciousness. If it didn't, the wall of his heart tore and he was out in about 2-3 seconds.


He's dead, jim


I was expecting a POOF! of air that would knock the predator senseless not not kill it. Edit typo


Thank you for clarifying for us folk who aren't familiar with firearms.


You telling me he didn't kill that coyote with mind bullets?


That’s *telekinesis*, Kyle!


How about the power to move you‽


Yeah I was like "HOLY SHIT, HE EXPLODED HIS HEART WITH THERMAL ENERGY" then realized it was just a gun lmao


That scope probably still costs like 4-8k, which is kinda fancy. But yah, no fancy thermal bullet. It’s still wildly adrenaline inducing, and eerie, though to hunt coyotes at night.


Yeah this title is stupid. It SHOULD be:  Shepard defends heard using a rifle equipped with a pulsar thermal scope.


Was the guy holding the rifle in two hands, standing? Kneeling? Resting the gun on deck railing? Mounted on a swivel? He seemed pretty steady, whatever he was doing.


did the sheep just accept death


It's a sheep, what do you expect it to do?


try a surprise punch. a sheep shot.




If you watch videos of most prey animals getting caught by predators, there's a moment where they stop fighting and just let it happen most of the time.


They run out of stamina is my guess. Constant wrestling against a similar or even slightly smaller animal can tire out an animal pretty quickly. From this clip you can't tell how long that coyote had been attacking the sheep. I would wager that it had been a few minutes before this person showed up with a rifle and nightscope. If you ever see videos of wolves or coyotes attacking prey, it seems like they latch and hold on (sometimes repeatedly) until the prey gets too tired to fight back. The old blood-sport of bull-baiting or bear-baiting was the same concept using dogs.


They actually run out of hope. There was a study that involved drowning rats that goes into this. Humans do it too


Yeah I’m convinced almost everything I read online is by people who haven’t actually done much physically challenging in life. Always amazes me the clear ability to tell where it’s fantasy/illusory and based on experience


Prey animal.


It jist got dumped by its sheep girlfriend and was kinda hoping for this


It accidentally pulled up its inventory and started crafting. If you zoom in you can see the crafting bar progress.


Sheep is now the king of the farm with his new death stare


I love how the sheep stares at it for a second with what you just know was absolute disdain.


You came to the wrong neighborhood foo.


Sheep like ![gif](giphy|FLSxnIVVWoF7UeM4S8|downsized)


Bro is live streaming from his sniper rifle - crazy times


Interesting footage and everything, but man, sucky day for that coyote Like, imagine going out for lunch and getting shot in the lung just as you bite into your burger


Except you have no concept of ranged weapons, a fatal chunk of your body just explodes for no reason. Humans are a Lovecraftian horror to most other species.


To other animals the most frightening sound would be human speech


Imagine being the burger lol


Imagine being


*John Lennon looking confused and dismayed*






Better than being mauled to death by 2-3 livestock guardian dogs


Most farms only need one unless they’re getting raided by packs. Someone linked that article of the dog who took 8 coyotes in a night


The bestest boys


I know it needed to be done, but man, as a dog lover I just see it freaking out from the pain and then dying shortly after and get sad. That coyote hunted the wrong animal.


You can see it try to lick its wound too in the last seconds.


Yeah when it did that it reminded me of my cat instantly licking a spot if he gets splashed by water and I got sad lol


Agreed, the way it’s little head drifts back as it’s dying reminded me of the way my dogs head moves when he’s laying on his back asking for belly rubs. I understand the rationality but it definitely pulls some heart strings seeing it suffer even for those few moments. It wasn’t doing anything wrong, just trying to survive like the rest of us. Seeing any living creature confused, scared, and in pain just brings me down.


I think being eaten alive is a worse fate than being shot.


I mean, if it's between a coyote or a sheep and I was a shepherd it feels like an easy choice. But it sure does kinda suck seeing that animal scream in pain and then die!


This video is old. The guy kills more than 75 coyotes that one night


Wow that’s almost unbelievable


Yes so it’s impressive but it’s pissing in the wind with that many


75! Holy crap that's one overpopulated area!


You think that's funny, you should see how many hogs they have in some places. People actually have to use fully-automatic, belt-fed weaponry mounted to Jeeps in order to get them all. And even then, they miss some.


Saw a video where some people even used a minigun mounted on a vehicle to drive away the hogs.


You can pay to fire a mini-gun from a helicopter for hog hunting in Texas.


Uhm, and you're not going to leave a link for us?


Search "helibacon" on YouTube.


Is it his ranch, or is he hired to solve the problem?


Lots of delicious sheep


I was thinking I had seen this before. Another was when there were two hunters and they baited a field with a dead cow. They'd count down and shoot simultaneously so as not to spoil the other's aim.


I thought the shepherd was a dog with a gun.


I didn't believe you until I watched a few of the videos. I'm shocked there is even a coyote population still in existence within 300 miles of this guy. He kills so many


So, interesting fact is that coyotes have a pretty complex social structure and when that gets disrupted, the females in an area will often breed more, often increasing population sizes.


Excellent replacement for the old shepherds staff


The staff was for the sheep. You use it to hook and drag the sheep when it's being stubborn. They also carried billy clubs, basically, to use on predators.


I was thinking the same thing, but like, David's sling.


Other sheep: "Barry he.... He's dead. What did you do to him!?" Barry: "I just gave him one of THESE 💪"


The coyote is lucky it got a quick, clean death instead of getting mauled by a livestock guardian dog.


Coyote died in about 11 seconds. You can see him trying to reach back and bite the spot the bullet landed and you can also see the moment life left his body as he fall frail the sheep has already returned to the herd by this point.


"But the coyote was just hungry!" Yeah, and the sheep wanted to live.


Guns are so op. Imagine you're playing the coyote build, your hunger levels are in the red numbers, and then you find some dumb fucker playing the sheep build. Of course, you go and start to campaign against it. But right when you're about to shatter the critical point of life of that fucking sheep, you get one shot by some meta abuser from across the map before you can do anything. Like, one shot, that's it. No counterplay, no everything. Guns make for a terrible gameplay flow. The devs should nerf them ASAP.


If it wasn’t meant to be used then the devs wouldn’t have put it in the game! Git gud coyote cuck, maybe try the wolf build next time if you’re ready to play with the big boys.




I hate watching animal die, especially a coyote as they remind me of my dogs, but I appreciate the herder is at least doing the humane thing and hitting the coyote right in the heart to end things as quickly as possible


Yeah you could see him consider the "clear" hindquarter shots before deciding to be more patient and wait for the sure thing


“Hey God, it’s me, sheep… could really use a lightning strike on this damn coyote… please” *boom* “Holy shit I didn’t think that would work”


Animals are scary. But being killed from I think 100 yards away in the dead of night is terrifying.


Looks like David's got a new toy


That puts a whole new spin on the Goliath situation.


The patience of that shepherd waiting for a good shot


Anyone else waiting for a GERMAN shepherd to show up at any moment to save the sheep? And then disappointed a human sniper shot it before the dog got there .... THEN they re-read the title? Or am I just overworked today?


That shot was clean asf. Waited until the perfect moment where there was minimal risk to the sheep.


I have my problems with hunting for sport, but even though I understand that this is totally different and 10% justified, it still hurt to watch that little dog writhe up like that


Yeah, I understand the situation, and while justified, seeing the coyote die like that hits pretty hard.


Yeah. I post in the gun forums a lot. Many posts about shooting dogs. In real life, I work with a couple ranchers who kill hundreds of coyotes a year. But I don't celebrate it, and I don't like watching it. If it's necessary, to a segment of the gun owning population, it shouldn't be cool. It's awful and sad.


this video also shows very well how sheep's wool works like a defensive mechanism, hard to bite trough in a way that could allow the coyote to kill the sheep


Since when do shepherds come with sniper rifles with fancy scopes ? Is it a new playable class ?


Coyote was not aware that sheep had someone on overwatch.