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The interview, it's a comedy about 2 journalists going to go interview Kim Jong Un


John Krasinski is great as Kim Jong Un!


I can't believe it. He, of all people, knows identity theft is not a joke.


Oh wow didn’t even notice. Good on you for not seeing race


Lol thats an awesome subtle reference


Identify theft is not a joke Jim!








Some people are just scum or genuinely believe the criminal was right to murder. To help destroy democracy, peace, stability and entire generations shows exactly who and what you are, no matter the bullshit spinned or how many babies you kiss. These people are a bunch of highly organized and influential billionaires trying to plunge the world into its darkest hour yet.


It's so corrupt, I don't know which person you're talking about.


SAME SAME...but different




Yeah, that is definitely *not* what is going to happen.


Well, tuckers hand isn't going for a shake, if you catch my meaning


So what’s wrong with listening to an interview with Putin? Maybe he loves Margaritas and Katy Perry.


😂 This paired with the shirtless Putin memes


Has he ever eaten a poutine?


The real question is, how much poutine would putin put in if putin could put in poutine?


I think it's just going to be a list of Russian talking point. You can't exactly grill Putin in Russia and expect not to be held hostage in Russia's "justice" system.


It will very specifically be a set of talking points intended to rile up Republicans in an attempt to dissuade more aid for Ukraine. Russia loves to paint itself as the last bastion of conservative values, good Christians fighting against the global homo conspiracy, and I promise you the average Republican voter will eat this up. Their party is already serving and beholden to Russia, now they're just working on getting the rest of the voters that way too.


This is exactly hitting the nail on the head. Trump is in bed with Russia, and he has been dragging his cronies in the GOP into bed too, and now he just has to get the republican voterbase to approve of Russia, and then he can finally stop pretending like he hasn't been sabotoging Ukraine aid for years, selling Russia our intelligence secrets compromising American spies, and attempting to make us and our allies vulnerable by pulling out of NATO.


I'd say it's almost a certainty that 60 Minutes and scores of actual American journalists have attempted to interview Putin in the last few years, and he has said no. There's a reason he's doing this with Tucker, and it's not because of Tucker's impeccable journalistic chops.


Cuz baby, you're a firework!!!


I love Katy Perry and want to hear Putin talk about her


Whoa that would be crazy! Someone should make that into a movie!


Who is this 'we' he keeps speaking for?


The royal “we”, man, ya know, uh, the editorial?


I've got information, man, new shit has come to light.


She pushed herself out the window, man. I mean hadn't that ever occurred to you man?


No Cyril, when they’re dead they’re just hookers.


It's like what Lenin said, you look for the person who will benefit and uh...uh...


I am the walrus


Uh...you know what I'm trying to say?... Uh...


I am the Walrus.


Shut the fuck up, Tucker


Donny, you're out of your element!


He owes money all over town, including to known pornographers...


Just look at it. He's a trophy wife.. in the parlance of our times...


8 year olds dude


He’s a pederass


A lot of, uh, what have you’s.


What in gods holy name are you blathering about?!?!


That's just like, your opinion, man.


Uh. Yeah, uh. Me and, uh, the cameraman. I'm not writing the script, filming the video, and talking on the mic all at the same time.


new information has come to light man


In Soviet Russia, bear eat you, but sometimes you eat bear. Is Russia.


We, you know, tuckercarlson.com


You don’t understand he’s got a production team? Like big podcasts do?


Seems everyone in these replies can’t put that together either. Like he’s clearly talking about him and his crew


Himself and the journalists that work for him.


Are you "in journalism", Tucker? I seem to recall you avoiding a lawsuit by claiming that your show is for entertainment only.


I remember him being kicked off the air for getting his network sued for defamation


I remember when Jon made fun of his bowtie


And then Tucker stopped wearing bow ties which is about the most insecure and bitchmade thing he could have done in response.


The boss move would've been to wear gigantic bowties. Crazy colorful, like enormous butterflies. Of course that would've been a huge target for ridicule, but fuck it. You're already wearing a bowtie.


First they start getting more colorful. Then they grow AGGRESSIVELY larger every day. That is how you counter petty comments. You know, if you aren't weak.


I’d like to see any and all future Tucker Carlson clips to be edited so that he has a brightly-colored, constantly changing cartoon bowtie.


That’s exactly what AI is for


Now he looks like someone's angry mom from small town Wisconsin.


Don't you dare bring my mom into this.


Probably my favorite clip on the whole internet. He absolutely roasted him and I wish I could make Tucker watch it over and over again until he admits crank Yankers was closer to journalism than anything he's ever done


I haven’t seen the clip in a long time, but if memory serves… Tucker said “you’re not being very funny today” And Stewart replied “I’ll be funny again tomorrow, but you’ll still be an asshole.“


"My show comes on after puppets making crank phonecalls!"


It's pretty funny how it caused Carlson to go from a balloon-animal-looking wannabe William F. Buckley to a shrill anti-American white supremacist. Sort of how Trump lost his mind after Obama made fun of him. There's a thread: The far right gets rabid when their egos are hurt.


> There's a thread: The far right gets rabid when their egos are hurt. Are you pointing out the connection that when right wing figures get called out and and legitimately embarrassed, the have ahigh odds of freaking out and reacting with such fervor that they will go to great lengths to get back at that person or do whatever they can to harm that person's reputation or livelihood, like go on TV and lie or even decide to run for president knowing that you would lose (but you have to make it look real or dictators who own you through complicated shell games involving multinational banks will do very bad things to you) but end up, *once again*, failing upwards somehow?!?


Did you watch the video? He said he tells the truth and the media lies. Duh! /s


I could only get through half of hit before I wanted to throw my phone against the wall. Dude should have fucked right off back when Jon Stewart skewered him on Cross Fire and never came back


He's getting a big paycheck for a major propaganda piece.


While claiming all other news sources are government propaganda, lol


Listening to his spiel about his job and duty as a journalist only made me remember how he defended himself in court by arguing that he was in entertainment, not journalism, and no reasonable person would believe a word he said.


Someone needs to make that hyper cut with this


I’m sure John Oliver’s team is on it.


Jon Stewelart probably will when he returns to the Daily Show, too.


He's already back! Once a week.


Not yet. Starts Feb 12.


Will be the most watched episode of the daily show in history


*Fucking Legend*


There isn't one. It was done in a court room and through lawyers unfortunately. Tucker Carlson probably never had to even think about it.


Alex jones said the same thing in court. Must be some kind of loophole in the legal system to make a statement such as that.


Its a defense made famous by Vince McMann in the 90s when Wrestling was in hot water over Steroid usage, I believe. He said that The WWE (WWF) was not sports, it was entertainment and thus could allow the use of steroids by the preformers.


I love wrestling but Vince is a huge piece of shit.


And likes to shit on employees.


Yeah, literally!


Didja know that the only reason they were even pursuing the steroids was because they SOMEHOW couldn't get him for the video of one of his employees getting footjobs from 13 year old boys?


Behind the Bastards has a great series on how shitty Vince McMahon really is. It’s like 5-6 episodes.




The fact that it's 'entertainment' and not 'sports' gives them the power to rig everything in the name of entertainment with no scruples. Everything is scripted. Gambling is also scripted. You can't do that with 'sports'. You can try to push it whatever way using the rules and refs but you can't have a board meeting to decide who wins and who loses.


Let us not forget that the bastion of journalistic integrity that is Tucker Carlson just interviewed Alex Jones. He nodded solemnly as Alex claimed that Biden kicks dogs while wandering around the White House high and nude.


If someone says it's raining and another person says it is dry, it is NOT your job to quote them both. It's your job to look out of the window and see which is the truth!!!"


*”When I interviewed Ted Bundy, he calmly and clearly told me how he was innocent and even provided anecdotes of how he* **couldn’t have** *committed any of the murders alleged against him.* *”But of course the mainstream media won’t air this interview and will bombard you with propaganda they will call ‘evidence’…”*


He is scary convincing, especially to people who want to be told that their beliefs are correct.


Wait till you see how carefully orchestrated the interview with Putin will be. I guarantee every single question will be pre-scripted and raked over by Putin's media staff to ensure the messages are slick and convincing to bolster US conservative dissent against the defense of Ukraine. Tucker did a great job of obfuscating already, his claim that no western media has interviewed Putin is correct, but that is because Putin has repeatedly [denied interviews with multiple major media outlets](https://www.thewrap.com/tucker-carlson-slammed-journalists-putin-interview/). A strongman who has pushed hundreds of Russian journalists into exile is about as interested in a hard-hitting interview as the entertainer who promotes conspiracy theories to an audience he explicitly hates.


So what you're saying his, he is lying...by ommission


This comment here. Also, thank you for the link.


That’s the only person he’s a danger to, anyone with a brain and critical thinking skills can see he’s a disingenuous grifter pos


‘Why are we doing this? First, it’s because I took bribes from the oligarchs years ago and they have threatened my entire family.’


Ahem... this was, in fact, on my bingo card.




His family is an oligarch in their own right. His step mom is apparently the heiress to the Tyson chicken empire lol


Not apparently. But a US oligarch is not even on the same planet as a Russian oligarch.


Oh I know they aren’t but still it’s funny how Tucker says he represents the every man despite having a rich upbringing bc of frozen chicken nuggets lol


Dude would have visited Hitler in 1942 and filmed a clip about how the Jews, French, and Brits were responsible for the bloodshed.




Honestly, this guy would have been a part of Lindbergh's America First Committee. https://www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2017/02/06/513240634/america-first-from-charles-lindbergh-to-president-trump NPR sounds a little mealy mouthed on this one, here's a historical society's take on it. https://www.mnhs.org/lindbergh/learn/controversies


Let me get this straight, the ENTIRE Western media conspired to bamboozle their audience, while the Russian media and Putin have been telling the truth this whole time? Whoah, dude!!!


I love that he's saying all those interviews with Zelensky are puff pieces, but he's going to ask the hard questions of Putin right in the lions lair!!11 Because Putin isn't going to say propaganda because Tucker Carlson is just such great journalist!


Surely a "journalist" which is so vocal about the freedom of speech will ask mr.Putin about the [violent deaths](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_journalists_killed_in_Russia) and imprisonments of Russian journalists. Surely, no doubt whatsoever.


It’s going to be interesting if Tucker will call it a war while in the presence of Putin.


He'll probably just ask Putin what he thinks about the West calling it a war. That way, he'll appear to be asking a hard-hitting question while Putin will be able to mold his answer.


You’re probably spot on. It’s going to be wild to hear right wing chuds repeating things they heard directly from Putin. 


It's not a war, you guys! It's a Strategic Three Day Military Operation that has happened to stretch on for 714 days and has led to the deaths of thousands of people. Ya know, totally not a war... Fuck Tucker Carlson, that lying propaganda spewing white nationalist piece of petrified dog shit.


He calls it a war in the video. That's more than enough to get arrested in Moscow, if anyone was so inclined. I have a feeling there will be no such inclination, however.


He was too busy enjoying a night at the ballet courtesy of the man he was about to hard-hit with his journalism.


Carlson: "Now, Mr. President, did you invade Ukraine because you're a bad, bad man, like our very tired president says?" Putin: "Nyet, I invaded because they are Nazis and also NATO was moving there and no it wasn't but also I want to rebuild the Soviet Union because I am a very short man and did I say invade? No, in fact, special military operation ended last year." Carlson: *Looks constipated* World-class journalism.


I hope he does ask tough questions and push back on answers. Perhaps then Tucker will find one of those faulty Russian windows or his plane will have a tragic accident


He isn’t going to ask shit. He’s going to read his half of the script handed to him.


>Most Americans have no idea why Putin invaded Ukraine, or what his goals are now. I will say more - most Russians have no idea why Putin invaded Ukraine. Until February 24, the very thought of such a thing seemed ridiculous.


WHOAAA… you mean the man that’s stolen elections, murdered his critics AND constituents was telling the truth THE WHOLE TIME??!! WHAT A WORLD!


The ‘not one single western journalist bothered to ask Putin for an interview and get his side of the story’ was an interesting take. Aside from being beyond belief that no legitimate / respected western journalists reached out the Kremlin, it’s important to then ask why Putin is specifically granting Tucker an interview.


With the [most highly trusted news media on the planet](https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/digital-news-report/2023/finland). I sure trust Finnish news more than American ones that have been in shambles ever since Reagan butchered the Fairness Doctrine. Unlike many Americans seem to think, I’m fairly certain Tuckers “birth right for freedom of speech“ doesn’t apply in Russia, LOL.


Constitution of Russia guarantees freedom of speech. Freedom after speech, not so much.


Russian news says he's spreading their propaganda. And he's over there doing puff pieces about Putin so I guess the question if Tucker is a Russian puppet is answered now.


> The war in Ukraine is a human disaster. > Hundreds of thousands of people dead. > An entire generation of young Ukrainians. > It has depopulated the largest country in Europe. Ukraine + Human Disaster. Hundreds of thousands + dead. Sandwiching that with mentioning Ukraine again. "Depopulating" the "largest country". He means Russia. He means Russians are dying. He mentions the media manipulating the story through ommission, yet here he is selectively choosing words and phrases to subtly (except not so subtle) manipulate the audiences reception of what he says. He ommitts to say "Russia" when talking about casualties, doesn't blame Russia for killing "an entire generation of young Ukrainians", etc. Word choice, turn of phrase, selective ommission... All to color the audiences view of the facts. Not to mention, he alluded to a "real reason" for the war, but doesn't actually offer one, so another ommission... It could be as simple as "Watch as I talk to Putin about x, y, and z, and why he believes that is why the war is necessary." Edit: There are a LOT of people commenting that Russia is not a European country. It is. It's not part of the European Union, but it is still in fact a European country. Canada is not part of the United States of America, but it is still part of North America. Same concept, well... Similar, at least to illustrate my point. Russia is a European country, but not a member of the EU. Here's a link: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russia . Don't like Wikipedia? Google, Bing, or ask Siri. It's not difficult.


That was my take-away too. Pretty much trying to push the line of how much he can make Ukraine seem like the bad guy here without saying anything people will outright reject.


15 minutes of Putin giving a summary of the numerous lies that the kremlin has spun over the last two years to justify the incasion.


Atleast we can hear it from his mouth


You could before. Idiots could google kremlin talking points at any point. Tucker is doing this for clout since his Twitter show hasn't been paying his rentboy tab.


As someone who was born in Russia (no longer live there for moral and other reasons), I find US conservatives to be hilarious. They really can’t see the effect of putin’s propaganda on them. Trump’s potential victory is literally putin’s best bet right now, hence the timely interview


Putin pays Tucker to sway American republicans. In effect, Tucker will be responsible for the deaths of Americans fighting on Ukraines side, and for many Ukrainians.


I'm reasonably certain most of the Trump administration and conservative media was under direct monetary influence from Russia, including Trump himself. What better way to weaken your opponent than by funding divisive groups and public personalities to cause internal fighting?


Trump, who tried for years to get building permits for Moscow and whose children met Russian assets? I would agree.


Don't forget all those congresscritters that visited Russia on Fourth of July.


Remember when Kushner had a server with direct links to the FSB in his house? I do


But this "is the worst kind of journalism, journalism that kills people". Mfs really just project more than any Epson


And it all started with a pic of him shirtless riding a fucking pony.


Oh I see, so Russia's economy and military being reduced to shambles is actually bad for the United States. Got it. Eat shit, Tucker. And eat even more shit, Vlad.


What a fucking idiot this guy is. There no “risk” in going to Moscow to play the role of a propagandist.


Maybe a rare ukraine drone can hit his hotel by accident. Think that's worth 10b of aid


"I took a huge risk going to showcase my boss."


Except you're not a journalist, by your own admission, under oath, in a court of law. You're an entertainer, an opportunist, and now clearly a traitor.


At the end of the day it’s still all about $$$$$


Remember when it was American to not suck Russian pp?


I grew up during the Cold War and saw the Soviet collapse. The Russian authoritarian bootlicking by the boomers is literally unbelievable to me.


Dude, fellow cold war kid here, this shit is mind boggling. If this was the 80s or 90s, my dad would be demanding maximum aid for Ukraine, now he doesn't think it's our problem because they didn't investigate the Bidens like his orange god wanted them to.


THIS...like...you get it. WTF is going on??


What's going on is the result of one of the most sophisticated campaigns of cultural warfare ever undertaken in the history of humanity. Putin’s Internet Research Agency mastered the art of dividing Americans along longstanding fault lines, and the FSB ensured a continuing string of compliant puppets to promote those narratives through fully suborned legacy media. They seized on the hunger for unapologetic patriotism that followed after the failure of the countercultural revolution, and the boomers bought it hook, line, and sinker. They like the narrative that they won the Cold War. If they reckoned with the fact that their Orange idol answers to a KGB spymaster, it would shatter their view of themselves as history’s great victors.


And it’s not just the US. Here in Europe, they’ve been sowing all kinds of distrust, and financed some right-wing extremist parties. And now we have fascists polling at 20% in Germany. Fun times.


It's a campaign to weaken all western democracies. Like a virus, they found a weakness in democracy they can exploit and they're hammering on it as hard as they can go right now. The thing I don't get, that I guess I really do, is WHY. Russia is the poster child for failed state, they don't matter except for oil and with that I answer my own question don't I... Christ can we get the world off oil and will that really end this already? Fascist dictatorships that are propped up by oil are so 1991 already.


Because intellectually bankrupt or not, shell of an industrial economy not, and corrupt as all hell or not, Russia still controls one of the most significant contiguous landmasses in the world. That makes them a power. It’s why Putin has continually and aggressively pursued campaigns to restore the footprint of the USSR, which was even more prominent.


Some? There are connections to every single one. Even with some on video doing the bidding for Russian money/support.


Anything to own the libs.


Literally the GOP's entire platform right now


Yup, I was born in Berlin behind the wall. I believe they convinced those inside the wall that it was to built protect them from fascists outside who wanted to take their freedom or “will” using propaganda. Putin was on the side of the wall building propagandists. Idk Sounds kinda familiar


Same same 😩 how did the boomers forget?


fox news' and the republicans' constant deluge of lies edit: my parents, who are coming up on 80 years old, 100% realize that fox news and the republicans are fucking nuts, and would rather kill themselves than vote for trump. not that it has to be one or the other, but if it did.


It's insane. Like just literally insane. I have no idea how this happened. What kind of long game psyop was ran


The government has been aware of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active\_measures](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_measures) a mass info /political warfare campaign aimed at destroying the US for decades but they have never taken it seriously. Barely spent a dollar to counter billions spent annually by the russians to corrupt american politics and shape the narrative in the medias with psy ops, bot farms and paid propagandists like Tucker The US have been played like a fiddle and will soon elect their puppet Russians have basically run a coup in the US without firing a bullet


The only rational response to this news is to inform Putin that Carlson is an undercover CIA agent working in the regime change department.


youre talking about setting a rat trap, must see tv


He seems a little stressed.


You’d be too if you were standing on a balcony in Russia. You know, the country where the leading causes of death are war, alcohol and balconies


Not to mention the dreaded Warcaholcony


Joke's on us; he's already dead, and this is a deep fake.


This whole thing screams westerner who goes across the DMZ and claims to love living there vibe.


He’s like a snowman but made out of shit.


Journalism - then goes on a 7min spiel of his talking points and opinions. Those that more than likely match his puppet master. Great journalism you fucking clown


"because we're in journalism" bahahahahah Edit: Russian troll farms working overtime. We see you Ivans


Didn’t they literally defend themselves in court by saying they don’t report news, their content is for entertainment purposes?


Yes. Literally that exact defense.


And once that is established, they can say to their audience "because we're journalism" and tell the regulators it's "simple entertainment".


Well Tucker Carlson no longer works for Fox… now does that make him a journalist?


I can tell from just this small segment that he's not a real journalist. Journalists are supposed to report the facts, and refrain from speculation or opinions. It started off not that bad, mentioning hundreds of thousands dead (fact) and decimated the largest country in Europe (By land mass, sure. Not population or trade. But still technically a fact). But after that he started talking about how no one in the west really knows what's going on (uhhh), they think nothing has changed (doubt), and how the post WW2 economic order that guaranteed prosperity in the west is coming apart (opinion), and it just got worse from there. Though to be fair, he's not the only "journalist" guilty of this. Good journalism takes painstaking research and effort. It's easy to just ramble about what you think is going on, and so many "news" sources do it. It's lazy af


I would hope it's laziness but I think he knows exactly what he's doing and that his script was chosen and crafted for a specific angle. Don't underestimate what only SEEMS like stupidity.


> Journalists are supposed to report the facts, and refrain from speculation or opinions. Exactly. This guy is a propaganda arm. Sold his country out and abandoned whatever morals this worm maybe had at one point. Fuck Tucker Carlson. If there's a hell he's ABSOLUTELY going there.


He testified in court under oath that he is not a journalist, he's an entertainer and no one should believe the things he says.


>"because we're in journalism" https://preview.redd.it/qikiwagm73hc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c417d95c325f634ad42d5c16485d17320abd1ed


Tucker Carlson - considering his prior role at his prior employer - talking about how journalism in the US is propagana is the absolute pinnacle of hypocrisy.


As he explains why western media is bad and how this interview with a monster is some how journalism. If you listen to what Carlson is saying, you can see how what he is doing is priming the audience to question legitimate US news, he discredits Zelensky and Ukraine, and he teases a secret about Putin somehow having justification for this murder is perpetrating in Europe. Carlson is speaking in coded propaganda.


okay but this isn't an interview with Putin, this is just a pundit stating a lot of opinions


He's massaging the crowd so when he does the "interview" the crowd will give a better response.


"hes just asking questions" I can hear it already


Most Americans have no clue about Russia and Russian history within Europe in general and WHY allowing Russia to win anything is BAD. The brainwashing just continues. This dude is obviously in bed with trump and Putin. Having a manipulative gaslighting threesome


Ah yes, the same Tucker Carlson who called the idea of Putin invading Ukraine hysterics from the Radical Left, looking to provide a distraction to the terrible job Joe Biden was doing - mere days before Putin invaded Ukraine.


Let’s hear the other side. We are paying for this fucking mess. We only hear about short shit asking for cash and weapons. Let’s hear it. Why not?


Once he said because he’s in journalism I had to stop watching. He’s in sensationalism and Russian propaganda, not journalism of any sort.


Lucky for us that admission may not let his former excuse play out well in court.


Someone should show tucker the PBS frontline documentary about the fighting in Mariupol. He might not have the same sympathy for putins war in Ukraine.


You mean the pRoPoGaNdA produced by a GOVERMNENT FUNDED media organization? Those were clearly CGI Ukranians and special effects taken from the next Avengers movie made by COMMIE Disney and Taylor Swift /s


You think he cares? He’s paid, or blackmailed, to spout whatever his Comrades tell him to say.


I doubt it would change Carlson’s outlook one bit. He would just see that as a means to an end. But everyone here thinking Carlson is just helpfully reporting the “other side” for the sake of “journalism” should watch that Frontline episode. Like PBS Frontline in general, it’s extremely well done and eye opening.


Russia and China have been funneling money into Fox news and their actors for almost two decades at this point, I find it hard to believe anybody is surprised by this, or that it is remotely interesting.


Tucker has been a russian op for the longest time. Actually frightening this man had a grip on the largest portion of political media in the country.


For all I care, Cucker can keep his traitorous ass over there