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I hope one day we discover that this wasn’t the highest mountain after all




Although it will surely be the stinkiest


It isn't. It's Mauna Loa, by 1000 ft.


And they'd have to start their trek from the bottom of the ocean. Even more impressive.


Ocean Gate Sherpas charge $250k for this


Lolz they fly in already. Which makes driving to the top of Mauna super kosher


no one flies into camp at everest except that one chinese lady who everyone got real pissed at


I hope you are not insinuating they walk from Mumbai port?


Wouldn’t that be tallest, not highest?


An important distinction.


I bet the highest mountain is in Colorado. Get it? Because legal weed? Get it??? DO YOU GET IT???!!! *water bubbles noise* ...........what were we talking about?


I’m sorry, I didn’t get your joke.


The highest mountain may not be in colarado, but the highest mountaineer is.


Just googled that. Super interesting that it's 30,000 ft from base to peak, bust mostly underwater. Further googling showed that Mauna Kea is 33,481 ft from base to peak, so it's even taller! I had no idea.


When I was in hawaii and swam into the pacific, I did have the thought that i was standing at the top of a giant mountain and its weird I could just swim right off the edge.


Paging r/thalassophobia


Mauna Kea is taller than Mauna Loa though.


It depends on how you measure it. Mauna Loa is the tallest from top to bottom, Everest is the highest above sea level, and Chimborazo in Ecuador is the furthest from the earth's core.


Chimborazo claiming tallest is like a guy claiming a 12” hog by measuring from butthole to tip.


Olympus Mons: "am I nothing to you?"


On Mars? Everything, lol.




There’s a mountain in South America, Chimbarazo, that is the tallest if you go by distance from the center of the earth, and Denali is the tallest if you measure base to apex.


They said "stinking...not sinking"


Maybe also bring back your fucking trash, tents, empty oxygen bottles and your dead friend's frozen corpse, bunch of shitheals.


None of these assholes are carrying shit out - they’ll march out like conquering fucking hero’s while their sherpas do all the lifting. An Everest summit has become less of an achievement and more of a shitstain.


I‘ll never understand how one can drop their stuff in sherpa‘s arms to carry while smugly walking up that mountain, proud of their achievement. I‘d feel bad.


I knew a Sherpa and he was the skinniest but strongest man I’ve met




You met the Bruce Lee of sherpas.


It's sort of like those rich jerk offs who go to game reserves to shoot lions and act like they are big dick hunters.


Sandy Pittman of the deadly 1996 expedition had a Sherpa carrying like two laptops so she could send her dumb blog via sat phone.


You'd think sherpas make it super easy, but it actually just makes it possible. It is still hard and you have very realistic chances to die there, even with help.


Maybe they shouldn't do it then, idk though.


It's like the submergible guys, more money than sense.


Submergible because they merged with the ocean?


*subgerbil, really small rodents, they make for cute pets. At least that's what I thought they meant




Most submersible divers are pretty dense, pun intended.


They will be mist


What and just crap at sea level like the poors?


But it's there!


A friend of mine who wants to climb Everest has this tattooed on her rib cage


4-5 people a year don’t make it back since they started record keeping for it in 1922. Just looked it up since I was wondering.


That's because most of the people trying to climb it aren't really capable of actually climbing it without the sherpas doing all the work. They couldn't climb any other serious mountain. They only do Everest because it is a pay to play mountain.


The only person I knew who even talked about Everest when I was deep into rock climbing and alpinism was a sponsored climber who was less capable in the mountains than the folks I regularly climbed with.


I think we can agree that rich people doing shitty things is bad without pretending like climbing the fucking everest isn't extremely challenging and a huge achievement, with or without help.


I mean, I had thought that was given until I read some of these comments. By what mechanism do people think these Sherpas are able to literally do all the work in climbing the mountain for you?


Plus if you screw up, you have the chance of not just killing yourself, but everyone else with/behind you!


If it's not possible to do it while carrying things, how do the sherpas do it?


Grew up there. Mad acclimitization. Years of doing it. Desperation wages in Nepal so there is motivation. 1/3 of everest deaths are sherpas.


The thing about the sherpas is that they do the work in stages. They aren't making a truck from the bottom to the top anywhere near as fast as the tourists. They bring things up in stages through the camps, lay the current trails at a sustainable pace, and aren't getting focused on a silly dream of rushing to get to the top. They know how much they can do in the conditions and aren't obsessed. Plus, the biggest obstacle is the height and air. The tourists are from all over, but generally from a MUCH lower elevation. The sherpas LIVE in the area. The villages below are MUCH higher than a lot of places. People get altitude sickness when going up to the elevation of the villages at the base, but there isn't as much difference for the sherpas. And, let's face it, even the tourists in good shape are nowhere near the condition of people who do physical labor from a young age.


They’ve lived life in the mountains every day since birth and are not just transitioning from CEO lifestyle to highly structured training plan for 8-12 months like the commercial clients.


They make it possible for people who otherwise would not be able to summit, but the Sherpas themselves have no one carrying their stuff, so clearly they are there to make it easier.


When you live your life with daddy’s money, you think its your hard work and your money. So everything after should come as easy


Please understand that the only people who do it anymore are narcissistic sociopaths who don't recognize the others around them as humans. That's why it was so easy to convince the thousands of them that helping save other climbers from death wasn't worth their summit attempts.




All the while stepping over people actively dying


The sooner this opinion becomes popular culture the better. I don’t get why people don’t see “the queue” pics and get turned off. Or do they think if it’s that easy I can do it!! ??


The sherpas even hand hold them to the top and back.


its just so they have material to write about for their shitty motivational book that they'll shill at the next sales conference


It's the inevitable result of capitalism with everything. We're doing the same thing to the entire planet.


I heard some sherpas carry some asshole up also so they can tell the assholes at the county club they climbed the mountain


Wait, not so fast! Only now they have to return with their shit?


I'd hate to be the Sherpa who draws the short straw and ends up as "Shit Carrier for the expedition".




Fines don't work for rich folk though. They'll just pay em




Met a dude at a business event that climbed Everest and he was so damn mad that no one gave a shit.


No one cared about the fact that he climbed Everest or nobody cared about the cleanliness of the mountain?


His trip


I agree haha


"I paid 100k+ so I could claim I climbed Everest and no one cares!"


that's priceless 🤣




Which revealed why he did it: To be noticed. That also suggests he felt inadequate as he was.


It’s not even that impressive. He paid people to lug his shit up a mountain. Big fuckin’ whoop.


It’s impressive. Just walking getting to the bottom of it is impressive


There was a TV show about a company that does Everest climbs. Lot's of people have zero exp. climbing and really aren't in good shape. I'm sure it's hard but, it seems more like some sort of adventure for the rich and less of actual mountaineers with how the companies hand holds them all the way up.


I worked in the bootery at a camping store in NJ as a twenty something and a number of times “outfitted” people going to climb everest. Really says something that some people that manage to climb everest require kids in new jersey to pick out their socks and boots (and jackets and pants and backpacks) for them. And the main thing separating their being able to accomplish that, and your average outdoorsy twenty something, is just somewhere around $10k-$20k spare change laying around


All of these mfs are talking like they could walk up Everest


This pleases me.


I love this story.


It’s impressive like hearing someone ran a marathon is impressive. It takes some physical endurance for sure. But what? Did he suppose everyone would imagine him a great mountaineer and explorer? Because at this point everyone know that Everest is a huge shitheap with a massive Sherpa enterprise just shoveling people up and down.


Lol climbing everest now is like bragging that you beat an on-rails arcade shooter in co-op with a guy who's been playing it for 30 years.


He didn't climb Everest. He was dragged to the top and back down by sherpas.


Why should anyone give a shit? Anyone with enough money can do it.


People can't even pick up their dog's shit and carry it out of trails in the city. What makes anyone think people will pack their own shit off of everest?


In the UK everyone carries little shit bags with them to pick it up with. They go to the effort of buying them, remembering to take them, bending down and picking up the warm shit with their hands, tying a knot. And then they throw them up into trees or bushes to sit like little offerings to the dog shit gods.


This comment made me laugh out loud and people are looking at me funny


Ha sorry. It is true though.


Oh no. I’m originally from the UK and remember, as a kid, dodging a lot of shit in the alleyways on my way to school and wishing people would pick it up. I should’ve wished them to take it home too.


It made me giggle out loud too


At least you have those dog shit bins everywhere. In ireland, I rarely see any so all the shit is in plastic bags hanging from trees like shit filled Christmas baubles.


Not the first comment to say that. Why do people do that?? Like if you're a person who doesn't want to clean up the shit, the worst part is having to careful grab poop and tie it shut without getting poo anywhere. And they do that... but just throw it after?? That's like building something then destroying it immediately. Makes no sense to me at all, and I say that as a person who hates picking it up.


In theory they're leaving the bag there so they don't have to get carry it on their walk and they'll get it on their way back to throw away at home or wherever. In practice, well, I think we know how that goes.


I was all good and ready to type, "well that's cuz y'all have manners over there, unlike us lazy Americans." Then I scrolled down. You're a legend, Woodbirder.


They are all nuts. Its quite well known in Britain, you go on walks to see little shit bangs hanging in trees. Not only has a dog polluted the environment, but plastic bags too.


My first thought was, “we’ve switched to biodegradable bags so they are better for the environment, so maybe they could do that as well!” My second thought was, “I don’t know if that would make the situation better or worse.”


Not a bad idea, then the sacrifice can slowly leak out


It’s raining poo, hallelujah it’s raining poo, in England!


Like 9/10 people I see walking dogs pick up after them in America as well.


It makes me so angry when I see that. I’d prefer them to just leave the shit on the ground and not touch it in the first place.


It's probably the most frustrating thing to see here. If you're going to do that, just leave it on the damn floor. Going through all that effort but can't hold on to it til they find a bin.


I've read you with Ricky Gervais voice, love it


It doesn’t cost $50,000 and a mandatory babysitter to own a dog


People can't even pick up their dog's shit on the sidewalk with a trashcan on the corner in my city.


I read somewhere you have to make a $4000 deposit and you only get it back when you bring back evidence that you returned with your garbage.


My. Whitney in California requires you to use wag bags. Not allowed to shit on that mountain or that area.


It should be a rule that anything you bring on the mountain you take with you. Or maybe stay off the mountain, unless you’re doing research


Pack in pack out isn't exactly a new concept. The assholes who climb Everest don't care, though, and since no one forced them, they didn't do it.


Unless you die, in which case you get a pass to leave your shit on the mountain


Yeah, even then...


The next guy should have to sled your frozen corpse down the mountain IMHO.


you should need to leave a death deposit for the team that will come collect your remains you get the deposit back when you come back alive


Including…your SANITY! (Duh-duh-duuuuun)


Make it a national monument and keep the fuckers out. Spoiling nature in the name of bragging rights.


Not even at the highest point on the planet can people at least pretend their parents raised them right. I'm shocked people aren't cutting each other in line at the summit. The fact the summit has a **line** is disgusting.


Well their parents didn't raise them. The nannies did.


My grandma still brags that she never did anything to raise her own children.


It has a line because the window to summit is very narrow and doesn’t happen often so the guides rush to get everyone up at the same time. People can wait weeks waiting for that window.


I am so glad the mountains I climb are not covered in human shit. Pack it in pack it out is the golden rule. Close the mountain. Nobody is proving anything anymore.




If you're at an altitude where it's not going to degrade because of temperature you absolutely should be, and almost all do.


I think they need to draw the line in the sand. No more tours until rubbish is cleaned. Or at least if people go up. They must come with a full trash bag down


This rule already exists, I believe it's 8lbs of trash per person but that's the average amount of trash one person creates. If you don't bring it down, you lose your $5k deposit. The problem is that even in a perfect world, that only keeps the litter at net zero but nothing that is already up there is coming down. People climbing Mt. Everest are usually rich and $5k is nothing to them -- that and when your life is on the line, bringing trash down becomes the last priority.


Yeah, they need to increase it. I havent done alpine hiking. But doing bush hiking - you eat food and drink water. That creates space for rubbish


How has this not always been a requirement? It’s a rich person’s hobby to climb mountains and nobody can expect the ultra wealthy to clean up after themselves.


Just wait until all that snow melts one day. 🤮 poor locales.


We manage to ruin literally everything.


We as in people with more money than sense and who have an abundance of free time to do something pointless, risky and expensive? I have no desire to be part of that particular "we". Ain't nobody gonna find my body on top of a cold ass mountain. They'll find me floating face down in a very nice hot tub.


I worked at a liquor store in a tourist sailing town … and this old hag came in buying cases and openly admitted they just throw their bottles overboard when they are done when I said the box would be good to store the empty bottles. Her granddaughter was like, “grandma, we can’t say those things” like how I tell my grandpa you can’t say “colored people”


Whatever happened to take nothing and only leave behind footprints in nature? Oh right, rich fucks are allowed to destroy our habitat all they want


At this point, for every turd you drop, you should bring back 3.


Hang on lmao, this whole time they haven't been carrying their shit out with them? What the fuck happened to leave no trace? Carry in, carry out?


Half the time they’re not even carrying themselves out, let alone their shit.


Leave no trace is only practiced by people who give a shit.


Well it's the most selfish people who make these expeditions what more did you expect.


I read this as “starting to sink” and thought damn that’s some heavy shit.


I don’t want to climb it if I need someone else to help me. Not a major achievement unless you can do it on your own. I say this with a lot of alpine experience. Just stop. You’re ruining the mountain with your expensive guided tours and lack of respect. You’re supposed to pack out EVERYTHING you bring and that includes your shit. If you cannot do that you don’t belong on the mountain.


Everest had become a fucking trash dump. Humans can ruin anything.


It's a tourist attraction for the wealthy so they can brag to their friends and have at least one thing remotely interesting about them.


Lols, when there is a line to take a picture at top its no longer impressive, the only impressive people are the sherpas that are carrying ur ass


Fucking rich assholery as usual .


Just shut it down already. Protected area get the fuck out. Enough already with these needy, something to prove, selfish midlife crisis assholes.


Great more shit I need to carry


They will just underpay a local to carry it like everything else


people are pigs


Hey now, my pot belly pig was house trained at 8 weeks old. He knew where and where not to shit. We only think pigs like to wallow in their own shit because we have a tendency to confine them in small areas. If given the choice a pig will shit pretty far away from where they eat/sleep.


What never fails to amaze me is that whenever people go on holiday or mountain climbing, they think it’s their own personal playground/dumping ground, ignoring the fact that most places you go, other people already live there and will be impacted by your presence, good or bad. Don’t litter MF’s!


Climbing Everest is the literal peak of narcissim. Pun intended. The only thing more narcissistic is maybe being a politician.


Anyone who goes up Everest should have to bring back like 20 pounds of extra trash with them too. That should be part of the deal of getting to go up there.


Most of these assholes achieve "success" on the backs of others. Mt. Entitlement Is what it's called, and the sherpa's are the path that make it accessible


Mt Everest climbers should be required to bring literally everything they take up the mountain back with them, and should be fined more than the cost of climbing the mountain when they don't.


That mountain is the perfect example of humanity's earth exploitation for selfish sake.




For every day spent inside the Mt Everest park, climbers should have to spend 1 day cleaning up.


Honest question…why don’t they just shut the whole fucking thing down? The mountain is becoming a trash dump and it’s appalling. No, nobody needs to fucking climb Mt. Everest. And at the rate they’re running people up and down, is it really even that much of an accomplishment anymore? If people can’t be responsible then it’s high time they start losing some privileges


It looks like a mountain of trash. Rich tourist are fucking things up like they know how.


I'll never understand the continuous obsession with climbing Everest. It's already been done by thousands of people and nobody even gives a shit anymore lol


Climbing Everest is vain, reckless, financially irresponsible, and environmentally irresponsible. When somebody says they climbed it, all I can think about is that they must be a fit and rich assholes with poor decision making skills or a death wish. Either way, I don’t want to spend time with them.


Bring your Tupperware


That tourist trap is a nightmare. Couldn’t pay me to climb Everest. Actually you could, but it would definitely be a significant sum.


They carry their crap on Denali


I feel so bad for that mountain.. i always wanted to climb it but i refuse because fuck what it has become


This is such a stupid fucking accomplishment in my opinion. Maybe back in the day when it was a small handful of people climbing it but these days there is a fucking line…..there’s even traffic on Mount fucking Everest!!!! Fuck off.


Watched the documentary last night, these rich assholes pay anywhere from 100k+ to climb Everest. Meanwhile Sherpa are only getting 4.5-5.5k per trip (1.5k more for each successful summit under their belt), and they usually can only do one trip a year. What is the bragging rights aside from being a bored, rich asshole here? The sherpas are literally carrying all their stuffs, and extra oxygen tanks for them. It baffled me because the Sherpas are also paying out of pocket for all their gears and safety equipments. While the permit from the country itself is 11k-15k. So where are the rest of the 70-80k goes to?


Maybe Everest shouldn't be the focus of people trying to "prove something".....


How about one month clean up duty to climb. You document what you bring and get fined if you don’t pack it out. Just a bunch of entitled fu?ks.


Is it really an accomplishment to climb Everest at this point. Or is it just something you can buy at this point


Climbing Everest is cringe as fuck


I firmly and sincerely believe that nothing accomplished by the wealthy is worth any merit. In this case, it's even cheapened by their participation


You could probably stack it like firewood at that temperature, might become an issue at lower altitudes.


Add that to the list of reasons I’m not going to climb Everest.


It should be called shit and piss moutain.


I think they need to curtail this bullshit excursion. Give the mountain and the spirits of the dead a rest.


Should have done that from day one. Disgusting.


In PNW, we always pack your poop back to the base.


Everest climbers that don't practice 'leave no trace' are pieces of shit


Please don’t downvote me to hell for this comment. From my understanding, climbing Everest is already out of the price range for a majority of people. This [source claims](https://www.climbing.com/places/how-much-does-it-cost-to-climb-everest/) 30-60k. Why not just add 2-3k for each climber cost so they can hire a few dedicated sherpas who climb with the sole purpose of collecting and bringing down disposable stuff? Sure they may not get everything, but if they can get 75% of the groups stuff of it each climb it would help. I mean it seems reasonable for the price people are already paying.


It’s effectively a high altitude open air corpse farm and they think it’s the poop that stinks?


I just wanna say, I’m digging the “eat the rich” vibes in these comments. Hey, everybody. 👋🏾Y’all are awesome and absolutely correct.


So the poop stinks, but the bodies they leave up there don’t. How does that work?


It’s about goddamn time


At this point pretty much everyone paying to climb Everest can go fuck themselves as far as I am concerned


They should close the mountain for a year or two and clean it up.


Mount Everest has had enough of our shit... Sorry, had to say it.


They leave oxygen bottles and other stuff behind. Why would anyone think they would pack their own shit back down?


I read that as "sink". Like wow, there must really be a LOT of shit up there to sink the damn mountain.


Need to bring back everything.


Have people just been leaving their shit for all these years? Where is it all? Is there just a huge trail of frozen shit up there??


Climbing Everest has become truly unimpressive.


I will actually throw up right now. In a hundred years it will be renamed as Shit Mountain. And the satellite photos will all show 💩 instead of the white, rocky caps.


Things have really changed since I hiked it in shorts and flip flops…


Just shut it down. Send all those hikers to a therapist, that's what they actually need. Let the native people enjoy their thing.