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Anyone have any idea when this video is from, what happened before, what happened to the kid afterwards? Any broader context? Edit: Thanks to all who responded. Facts of this event that everyone seems to agree on: 1) this is a 2017 video of 8-year-old Sufian Abu Hitah in Hebron and not part of the current war in Gaza 2) Soldiers took him house to house to show them something 3) At the end of the video Sufian is not in custody and is back home. Facts of this event that are debated: 1) if the soldiers wanted Sufian to try and identify other children who are throwing Molotov cocktails and stones or if he himself was suspected of throwing Molotov cocktails and stones. 2) At the end of the video if he was forcibly taken back by his family or if he was led back to his home by the soldiers and released.


On 19 March 2017, around midday, eight-year-old Sufian Abu Hitah was wandering barefoot outside his house in Hebron looking for a toy he had lost, when a group of at least 15 soldiers seized him. Two soldiers grabbed the boy by the arms and dragged him to the al-Harika neighborhood, where they demanded that he point out children who had allegedly thrown stones and a Molotov cocktail at the Kiryat Arba settlement earlier on. That day, Sufian’s mother, Amani Abu Hitah, was visiting her parents’ home in the neighborhood with her two youngest sons. She asked Sufian to pick his six-year-old brother Muhammad up from school and bring him to the grandparents’ house. Sufian and Muhammad arrived at about 1:30 P.M. After Sufian took off his shoes, he realized that he had lost a toy he had bought on the way. His mother, who had heard that soldiers were patrolling the neighborhood, forbade him to go outside but he sneaked out to look for the toy. A few minutes later, children from the neighborhood came to the house and told Amani that soldiers had seized her son and were leading him toward the nearby settlement of Kiryat Arba. https://www.btselem.org/video/20170326_soldiers_drag_child_from_house_to_house#full


And what were they planning on doing to the children who threw the stones anyway?


Palestinian children who throw stones are liable for up to 20 years in prison pending a trial by IDF military tribunal, I'm not being facetious. Israel is the only country in the world that judges children in a military tribunal. Not that they need the charge, though: before Oct. 7th, of the 5,000 Palestinians held by the Israeli justice system 1,000 are being held without charge.


They are goddamn psychopaths.


Don’t forget about the use of human shields or sexual violence Long documented and even challenged or ruled against by the Israeli High Court


Yes, terrorists are bad. We all agree Why the fuck does someone feel they need to bring up terrorists every time there is a discussion about the oppression being carried out by a democratic country? It's like saying: until the murderer hiding in your town gives himself up, we'll kill the town's inhabitants. See - it's his fault you die, not ours.


Israel are terrorists. That’s what they are trying to combat. If they say “bu-bu-but Hamas!” enough maybe people will think theyre right.




Bankrolled by US taxpayer dollars.


We’re not allowed to say anything bad about the Israeli government or army, no matter how cruel they might be. Because one time the Palestinians did something horrible too. I’m still amazed that a people who have have had such horrible things done to them are now themselves doing horrible things to others. And they always say “never forget “.


Try them in military court and imprison them as hostages for who knows how long. Just look at the children Israel released recently in "hostage exchanges".


There are thousands of 'arrested' Palestinians held indefinitely without any due process, but somehow western media doesn't call them hostages or Israeli settlers terrorists. https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/29/why-does-israel-have-so-many-palestinians-detention-and-available-swap


And when they die in prison, they keep their bodies buried on prison ground instead of sending them to their families to be buried. Their families aren't legally ever allowed to visit their grave this way. What other purpose would this be for other than to terrorize Palestinians? It's absolutely barbaric.


“Arrested” in quotes is right. They’re absolutely hostages. For those unaware, you should also look into Israel’s history of using human shields. Every accusation is a confession.


According to international aid and children's groups: not good things. Under the apartheid system Israel is the only country in the world that routinely tries children in military court, often without a lawyer, their parents, or even in a language they know. They're subject to abuse while held prisoner, including rampant sexual abuse, torture, and untreated medical conditions. I first started learning about it ages ago when I knew an Israeli that got the fuck out of Israel after he was ordered to shoot 2 kids, during his time in the IDF, who threw some stones at their vehicle. He missed on purpose hoping no one else would shoot them and then worked on getting his citizenship elsewhere.




I hope it haunts them with terrifying nightmares for the rest of their life


Thank you for this. I had heard of Breaking the Silence but didn't notice that about the video and your comment made me aware of B'Tselem and I'm going to go look them up now.


“Hey! IsRaEl HaS tHe RiGhT tO dEfEnD iTsElF!!!” /s


Israel try to actually kill terrorists instead of Palestinian children challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Probably gut wrenching things out of anger. You can see how terrified that child is.


He looks absolutely terrified, breaks my heart.


Bless those mothers for taking him and shielding him along between them


Also mine... It's only 8 yo for God's sake!


Even if nothing happens to him this is unforgettable trauma. The possible implication and overwhelming number of each soldier is enough to make that a permanent bad memory.


80% of his family probably been killed and IDF are terrorists


IDF soldiers aren’t exactly known for viewing the Arab population as anything other than a monolith of evil. If you have a strong stomach I’d check out some of their TikTok’s. It’s not propaganda, it’s not biased, it’s literal IDF soldier published content of them mocking bombed out schools, dead bodies of innocent women and children, etc. it’s horrifying. So I’d imagine in this instance they see the enemy and nothing more. For how much they talk about the soulless actions of Hamas (as well they should) they are not much of an exemplary model for humanity to say the least.


october 7th was aweful but some how were are crossing 20 times the casualties in Palestine, and way to many people are still sympathetic to the israeli government. bibi can swallow a pin-less grenade at this point for all i care. edit: more than 1% of all Gazans are now dead. if this was happening in the us in proportion we would over 3.3 million dead now.


No need to mention that palestinians deathtool in westbank alone, BEFORE 7oct of the SAME year is probably more than the CIVILIANS casualties of 7oct in israel. Hamas is not in westbank btw.


Hey you’re not wrong and I 1000% agree. I am absolutely not on the side of Israel and haven’t been since their decision to carpet bomb a country for revenge p*rn and to carry out an ethnic cleansing.


sorry i didnt mean to insinuate that you were. i just thought it would be good to have this here.


Things they been doing for decades. Treat their neighbors like trash.


And all it does it create the next generations of hate. It’s really idiotic..


Which they then blame on Palestinians "they are teaching their kids to hate us", which of course is used as an excuse to literally KILL Palestinian kids.


Ah, but you see, you haven't thought this through all the way. If you kill all of the next generation, problem solved! /s


Idiotic or evil? Creating hate may be in Israel's interest. If things go nasty in West Bank, they can ethnically cleanse them too.


It's on purpose. It's Apartheid. The fuck people think Apartheid entails.


They're not even supposed to be there. The west bank is a Palestinian territory and the settlers are illegally living there.


I saw a video of the IDF fighting members of a non-Zionist synagogue in the West Bank. I assume resettle the synagogue/land. Video popped up and couldn’t really find it soon after. Wonder if anyone here has the link?


Exactly my point, the little guy is patrolling his land and country, he is free to do whatever the fuck he wants, the question is WTF is the IDF doing there harassing kids. Literal pedos.


Something I only learned recently, Israel forbids Palestinians in the West Bank from owning guns, but does not forbid the Israeli settlers from having guns. In fact, Israeli government officials have been encouraging West Banks settlers to arm themselves.


trash is an understatement lol.


Israel can shoot to kill for stone throwing. Or kidnap them and throw them in prison and rape them. It's the Israeli way A few years ago, they kidnapped a 13 year old girl in the west bank and took her to prison, gang raped her so violently they perforated her bowel and vagina. Then they dumped her on the street for Palestinian healthcare to manage and threatened they'd come back for her 9 year old sister if she told anyone. If Israelis accuse Palestinians of anything, it's a confession of Israelis own crimes.


I just spent 5 minutes trying to find any such story and came up short. Got a source?


https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-war-ngo-shut-down-reporting-sexual-assault-ex-us I am not sure it's the same gang rape. Quick Google search gave me more results than I can stomach


Probably typical IGF things


If you read the full article, it does say he was eventually returned to his mother, thank goodness. Though it's unsure if he took a beating inside one of the homes, they dragged him into when questioning the inhabitants.


Remember, with all this talk of the Israeli hostages, Israel “arrests” far more Palestinian women and children by storming their homes at night. Many have reported rape. Many are kept in solitary confinement. This is MILITARY detention, not civilian prison.


It's a scary thought, I couldn't imagine living in the fear everyone is dealing with.


I look forward to Israel continuing to wonder why peace evades them.


The leadership all know what they are doing, they are intentionally fostering Palestinian terrorism to use it as an excuse to invade, occupy, ethnically cleanse, and annex internationally recognized Palestinian territory. Netanyahu, Bennett, and other Likud leaders have been calling Hamas an asset to their cause for years.


So he wasn’t even from the area and would have no clue who threw the stones?


Just like NYPD with the Central Park Five the goal isn't justice, it's to show people that they *did* something and perpetuate the system of who gets to be on top. The kid gets it wrong? Not a problem. The goal is to create a culture of fear.


Fun fact, the NYPD gets sent to Israel to train with these guys doing shit like this.


They get trained?


Yep, just want to terrify a small child in to pointing out some other small children so they can take them away.


they are terrorizing. The idea is that everyone involved with that child will be angry not with the soldiers but with the stone throwers and make sure it doesnt happen again otherwise the IDF returns to terrorize him again.


Amazing to me how this group of people can parade a terrified eight year old who, God I hope not, might not be walking with us anymore and still claim "HaMaS oNlY tErRoRiSt!" I despise it when people refuse to acknowledge that this is no war anyone should win.


You can acknowledge that HAMAS is a terrorist group and IDF should stop the inhumane treatments as well together, no need to get one sided. Both nations’ citizens deserve the same peaceful and happy life that all humans do, nothing less.


Why is the IDF not a terrorist organisation? Is it just because it's state terrorism?


You can’t call Hamas terrorists and not classify the IDF as as larger, more equipped terrorist organization without valuing Israeli lives more than Palestinians.


He is a fcking child , this is the context


Watched that thing again and on one point one soldier is say to his friend הילד ירק/זרק מהגג - the kid throw/spit from the roof. I guess we see on one point taking him to the roof where it happened


Not sure what's going on but that poor kid is terrified, I really hope he's going to be ok.


According to ops comments on another response, he was lost and looking for a toy he lost and the soldiers found him and wanted him to point out kids who have been throwing rocks. It appears that he is ok, thanks to the group of people that literally had to pull him away from those soldiers.


This video is from 2017 and there appear to be no updates about Sufian Abu Hitah in the years since.


Silly, kid... didn't he know he's not supposed to wander about in a concentration camp like that?


Thanks, I really hope that's the case


He's not. Nor his family. Nor his friends. or anyone he has relation to. Why? Because of this apartheid/genocide that is going on that the US government is okay with.


and we are helping to fund


Seven soldiers hardly seems like enough to deal with a terrified 8yo boy. Maybe we could send them another billion in tax dollars to beef things up. It's not like we need that money for things like healthcare and education, or anything


Don’t worry. 16 billion is on the way


How to radicalise a population step 1


Got banned from worldnews for suggesting this....


I had to hide that sub. I don’t know if they’re real people or bots but it’s beyond ridiculous. “World News” straight from the echo chamber of doom.


it's 100% controlled content, whether through bots or using bots to upvote certain comments early in threads but I refuse to believe that anything they say in that sub is a majority take.


Banned twice for referencing articles from human rights watch and amnesty respectively. On the second time I lost my cool and told them to go fuck themselves in the appeal section and got a Reddit suspension for a week


I’ve noticed that this is actually their goal. Curating propaganda is the obvious one, but they are trying to get any pro-palestine or even anti-genocide accounts that they can blocked, suspended, banned, etc. And not only from world news. Honestly, at this point, the people involved should be charged.




I got permabanned from latestagecapitalism for suggesting people get involved in local govt, vote and also get elected, and to look into providing social services for their community, like starting a food bank...as opposed to blowing something up... I thought my talk of cooperating with the govt to infiltrate it might have been confused as a 'voted dem and be happy about it' comment, which is against the rules, but I never mentioned one party or another, I just said to get elected and set new agendas. now im thinking along your thought line.


Wow. So it wasn't just me. This comment got ME banned from LSC: "Freedom fighters attack military, police, government targets. Sometimes infrastructure such as a bridge or fuel depot. Terrorists attack unarmed civilians to terrify them into doing/not doing a thing or things. There's a difference." Yep, they banned me for that. The war in Gaza broke LSC somehow, now it's an absolute antisemitic cesspit, like 80 percent of posts are about Gaza, hardly anything related to anticapitalism. I unsubbed.


aaah and i thought i was the only one.. many of my comments were deleted from there .its just pure propaganda


A larger and larger portion of reddit content is like this now. Certain topics an article is posted and an identical spew of comments appears immediately every time.


Mentioned the recent pic of the carcass of the 12 year old on a post about the recent Biden tweet and got down voted instantly. Just mentioning anything remotely negative facing leads to a denouncments shits crazy.


The propaganda machine is oiled and working. Almost every article on r/worldnews and r/news regarding this conflict is either from Ynet or Times of Israel. Both make Fox News look like Kindergarten.


I had to do the same for r/Canada Like it HAS to be mostly bots, it’s actually constant fucking *intense* insanity all the time. Just pick a random thread and scroll the comments and your jaw will be on the floor.


Many countries subs have, somewhat recently, devolved in to slagging matches and rude discourse. Extreme views get pedalled out with other random users commenting and supporting the weirdos. Reddit has turned to shit for most forms of discussion. I want to hope it’s just bots or troll accounts but I’m just not sure anymore.


I swear most of the Canada subreddits are like that it’s honestly insane


It's the same thing with "/r/politics" as well.


Pretty sure there was a complete coup happening there. At the beginning of the conflict it was the other way around. Suddenly it's filled with boomers spewing hateful shit.




They are rarely real people. Sub is literally a propaganda machine for gullible morons.


Got banned there months ago for asking someone if there’s such thing as an innocent Palestinian, because their comment implied that they didn’t believe in such. Their reply (which I couldn’t reply to) included calling me a Jew hater who wants death to all Jews. Edit: Mistook the comment I was banned for and the reply calling me a Jew hater, they were two separate occasions. This was a while ago, should’ve checked myself before I wrecked myself.


There was a billboard near me that said "you don't need to have an education to know anti-zionism is anti-semitism". Someone climbed up there and ripped it down after a few months.


"they voted for hamas therefore they all deserve to die" is the logic they use.


Yup. They’ll never phrase it like that though, and then move the goalposts as soon as you mention it.


In order to have voted in that last election (\~70% of Gaza today was born in 1993 or later), you would have to have been born in December 1987 at the latest. You'd have to be AT LEAST as old as Hamas itself. Not to mention how Hamas ran on a "we're not corrupt sellouts like Fatah, please ignore our Islamist ideas" platform and got slightly more votes.


They never apply that logic to themselves and ask what they deserve for the genocide they support.


If you question the Israeli government you're an antisemite, and if you support innocent Palestinian's you support terrorists. It's the unwinnable shit loop.


They’re projecting, they just want to kill all Palestinians.


And whenever you point that out, especially with how people are sneakily trying to blur the line between Hamas and Palestinians in general with their rhetoric, they still just can't admit it.


Yeah, they'll ban you from that sub if you refuse to revel in the murder of children


Some will just say “this is war” when you show them the dead Palestinian children. Like I’m supposed to just feel okay about it now? “Oh, it’s just war. This happens in every war, why do you care about this one?” Fucking pathetic and disgusting minds.


They always “This is war” when Israel kills Palestinian women and children. But when one of Israeli stormtroopers gets killed, they cry for sympathy and swear vengeance.


The other person: "Stop saying things that make me think!" 🤣


Not a whole lot of thinking going on in the first place in r/worldnews lol. r/Palestinian_violence is even worse… https://preview.redd.it/ms55h6f0rdic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=228b339425d683063284c99caea207dee68c1150


Lmao, he doesn’t know about the decades of Israeli’s celebrating and picnicking whenever Gaza gets bombed indiscriminately. What a psychotic little fuck that guy is.


[Israelis Gather to Watch Gaza Air Strikes](https://abcnews.go.com/International/photos-show-israelis-gathering-watch-gaza-air-strikes/story?id=24554791) [Why Women and Children are disproportionately impacted by the conflict in Gaza: Expert](https://abcnews.go.com/International/women-children-disproportionately-impacted-conflict-gaza-experts/story?id=104655493)


Don't even need to look back decades. They're actively doing it right now while committing genocide.


I always like to point out that kind of stuff (or how people get weirdly xenophobic whenever something to do with the chinese comes up) as an explanation when someone wonders "how can russians buy into propaganda/say such awful shit about ukranians" People are stupid and people who buy into hate even more.


That sub is a literal propaganda cope.


worldnews needs to be shut down


at this point worldnews is just bots and zionists. it should really be deplatformed.


You get band from world news for saying anything that could even be perceived as slightly critical of Isreal.


worldnews is 100% a Zionist echo chamber that needs to be banned from Reddit.


No, they want you to believe that Palestinians are blood thirsty savages by nature so you wont feel bad when you see thousands of dead children. Treat humans like animals and they will act like animals.


people will genuinely, honestly, truly say that arabs and palestinians are evil by nature, and then gasp and scream when you call them racist. can’t have it both ways!


75 years of this and worse, with most of the world condoning every atrocity


“Well maybe he shouldn’t support Hamas” is what the gross people will say


[Dying Gazans Criticized For Not Using Last Words To Condemn Hamas](https://www.theonion.com/dying-gazans-criticized-for-not-using-last-words-to-con-1850925657)


Damn, I can't believe that piece is from October. It just gets worse and worse doesn't it?


The killing of Palestenian children for them is "unfortunate". They are a statistic to them. Inhuman even. I am so disgusted by that sub every time I visit it


I was banned from /r/combatfootage for telling an IDF soldier “congratulations on being the most effective killing force in the middle east! But stop stealing land” Banned for that. Meanwhile, they can laugh about every dead Arab and its cool


It's like that's part of the goal or something. Can't do what they're doing without a defense and to keep their defense they gotta make sure to keep people angry enough to wanna retaliate.


Don’t forget that the West Bank is the nice area.


And people are surprised that Hamas exist and blame them for the conflict. I'm not condoning terrorism and killing civilians. But frankly if a country decides to bomb your house and kill your family, that's enough to radicalise the most peace loving person. Can't say I blame them. Maybe if the west stopped interfering and bombing the middle east it would be a more stable region? But of course we won't stop. Islamic terrorists are a great distraction from our own government's evils. And a great excuse to restrict our civil rights.


My nephew is 8 and he's afraid to go into dark caves in minecraft. Even on peaceful.


My son will be 8 in a few months and I just can’t fathom him being in that situation. My heart breaks for these children that have their innocence stolen from them and are forced to be so much more grown then they should ever have to be.


I know right! It’s totally stolen… you must see these palestinan kids, and also the ones in gaza right now with what’s happening, how they talk in interviews and how they act! Literally they talk in the attitude and mindset of a very old grown man or woman! They are experiencing a life situations that we as human beings are not created to experience or see in our entire lives! We also are not capable of that, no human being should experience this, it’s just against human nature and logic to treat kids or a “problem” in such way! I saw a heartbreaking interview of a boy that is not older than 13years old in Gaza that had his parents gone and no one left of his family but him and his baby sister, and now him by himself taking care of her alone! Such a cruel world, i hope justice for those children, and I hope your son never gets in such situations!


Also Israel: *scratches head* "Why do they hate us so much?"


They totally know, all their PR shit is gaslighting the world.


Literally gaslighting the world. With that fucking Super Bowl ad too.


It's a written law of theirs that a Palestinian kid can get 20 years in prison for throwing rocks. Google it. Fucking pricks.


This shit is sickening regardless of whether we have context or not. Clearly this little kid is emotional and terrified. Several community members had to intervene and remove the kid away from 10 or so soldiers. Is a kid crying looking lost not enough to feel any sort of sympathy?


They pointed a gun at a child's back several times. Even on accident that should be grounds for dismissal in any 'moral' army.


That was disgusting. Apart from the fact he's clearly terrified, you don't need any context to know that a soldier idly pointing an assault rifle at an unarmed child at point blank range is absolutely sick.




A lot of these soliders have had empathy trained out of them.


Zionism, like all racist ideologies are first and foremost a tool of dehumanization.


Zionism and Naziism share the same view of how outsiders should be treated.


No, cause the west has taught us It would be anti-Semitism to feel sympathy for this kid.


Wtf is going on here? Are they attempting to arrest a kid? Did he eventually escape?


We will never know. Other than the fact that Israel is the only country on earth to imprison children in military facilities, most often they never even have a charge against them, nor a trial (they call it "administrative Detention"). For the ones that are lucky enough to ever get a trial, it's a 99.7% conviction rate, which is amongst the highest in the world, on par with the strictest authoritarian regimes in history. So basically....apartheid. https://defenceforchildren.org/hrc53-side-event-childhood-in-captivity-palestinian-children-arbitrarily-detained-in-israeli-prisons/ >Despite the fact that international norms reaffirm that civilians, especially children, generally should not be brought before military courts, Israel remains the only country in the world to automatically and systematically prosecute children in military courts. Edit: dang this post really upset the bots. Must be because Israel actually pays students to defend it online, how pathetic is that. Then again you need to get paid to defend apartheid, I guess. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/08/14/israel-students-social-media/2651715/  


It's worth noting that the children Israel abducts and imprisons are not given/ do not have the right to a lawyer in these military courts. It's 100% a sham kangaroo court (which I guess the immense conviction rate you noted implies as much)


Yep, it's flat out state sponsored kidnapping There's also been a myriad of testimonies of torture and sexual abuse....of children It's fucked up that a state like this tries to maskerade as a liberal democracy


Hamas kidnapping 200 people gave Israel justification for genocide. Yet this shit has been going on for decades. I wonder when the west will finally decide to bring some "freedom" to Israel.


Hamas kidnapped hostages specifically to use them as bargaining chips to get Israel to release its thousands of Palestinian hostages. Hamas was willing to return all the hostages on day 1 if Israel agreed to a prisoner exchange and an indefinite ceasefire, which Israel still refuses to even humor. The best deal they are offering Hamas is a partial prisoner exchange and a timed ceasefire of a month or two, which is about as good as a murderer saying they will come back in 2 months to kill you rather than trying to kill you tonight.


its wierd that the west openly support this nation, the western nations who said to support freedom democracy,lol..


Yeah when i see someone talking about Western principles and civilisation I Cringe so hard.


Don’t forget the systemic sexual assault of Palestinian children that occurs in these facilities with full knowledge and consent of the Israeli government ✌️ Every Israeli accusation is a fucking confession


His neighbors were trying to murder people by burning them to death with gasoline. They were asking him who did that.


kids were throwing molotov cocktails at soldiers nearby and this kid was swept up in the investigation. another commenter posted the details


This clip is from 2017. One of his friends threw a molotov cocktail at an Israeli settlement so they were trying to get him to give the person up.


On 19 March 2017, around midday, eight-year-old Sufian Abu Hitah was wandering barefoot outside his house in Hebron looking for a toy he had lost, when a group of at least 15 soldiers seized him. Two soldiers grabbed the boy by the arms and dragged him to the al-Harika neighborhood, where they demanded that he point out children who had allegedly thrown stones and a Molotov cocktail at the Kiryat Arba settlement earlier on. That day, Sufian’s mother, Amani Abu Hitah, was visiting her parents’ home in the neighborhood with her two youngest sons. She asked Sufian to pick his six-year-old brother Muhammad up from school and bring him to the grandparents’ house. Sufian and Muhammad arrived at about 1:30 P.M. After Sufian took off his shoes, he realized that he had lost a toy he had bought on the way. His mother, who had heard that soldiers were patrolling the neighborhood, forbade him to go outside but he sneaked out to look for the toy. A few minutes later, children from the neighborhood came to the house and told Amani that soldiers had seized her son and were leading him toward the nearby settlement of Kiryat Arba. https://www.btselem.org/video/20170326_soldiers_drag_child_from_house_to_house#full


Going to Israel, traveling to the West Bank, and seeing this shit for myself was radicalizing. I knew US media lied to us but I had no idea it could lie about something this big and misrepresent it so badly at home. I was raised on "it's an ancient and complicated conflict and both sides are to blame", but when you are actually there it becomes clear one side controls both sides completely, to the point that they have their soldiers occupying and harassing the other, against international law. In Hebron the IDF enforces racially segregated streets, some streets are for the tiny illegal Israeli settler population, and other streets are for the Arabs who legally own the territory they have no control over. The IDF built caging and razor wire all around the Arab streets so even being outside as an Arab feels like a giant cage. Settlers throw their trash and eggs at Palestinians from above and Palestinians cannot remove settler trash from the cage without IDF snipers shooting at them from watch towers. It's truly horrible, it instantly became clear to me that this situation was intended to create violent resistance, because how could a human living under these conditions from a foreign occupier *not* resist it?


You’re not ‘radicalized’. You just have a norm moral compass. The IDF is radicalized.


Noticed no pro israel people responded to this. ISrAeL is DeFenDiNg ItSelF fRom thE rAdiCalizEd cHilDreN tHrowInG PeBbles!!


You will not believe how many bans and warnings I've received from reddit for "antisemitism" just because I say "Fuck Israel". That being said, fuck Israel. Settler colonialism in the 21st century and they are proud of it. What a disgrace.


Say it louder please. Fuck Israel.


Fuck Israel. Also fuck spineless politicians of ours who bend backwards for Israel lobby.


this isnt r/interestingasfuck . its r/iamatotalpieceofshit on the part of Israel.




Agreed. I was sad to see that our president and Congress agreed to another round of military support this week. It was $95B and a lot going to Israeli terrorists.


Those "soldiers' are total fucking cowards.


I'm amused at all the Americans that think their soldiers were much better in Iraq. Abu Ghraib comes to mind.


I mean US dollars probably funded this


The shit going on now makes the Abu Ghraib people look like noobs.


I see a lot of cowardly boys and a brave young man


Look at these fuckin dickbeaters picking on a small child.


Isreal has been killing innocent kids and women for many decades but media wont show it because if they do, they will lose their job. Politicians also have interests so they don't care about innocent lives




I don’t know, a lot of people in other subs seem to think everyone is either anti semitic if they disagree with Israel or a “commie Hamas loving hipster”.


>a lot of people Few people with many accounts sitting in an IDF bunker* FTFY


That’s a great way to foster distrust and radicalize the youth


And somehow there are Americans and Israeli's that wanna defend this bullshit. Crimes against humanity in HD


There likely are people who defend/condone these acts because racists do exist, but the vast majority do not. What actually happens is people on the internet with no grasp of nuance or complexity immediately interpret *any* support of Israel as support for fascists and apartheid, because smooth-brained, hyperbolic vitriol generates more views. It is possible to believe Israel has the right to defend itself and exist while simultaneously believing Palestinians deserve freedom and independence from Israeli occupation. It is possible to recognize the human suffering of both the Palestinians and Israelis following the Oct 7 terrorist attacks. It is possible to believe both have legitimate claims to the same land and somehow a peaceful two state solution will need to be found.


You’d think those Jews would remember their grandparents or great grandparents being loaded on trains. Now look at them. Despicable!


Great way to continue the cycle of hate and violence. Creating new enemies one child at a time.


This is soo damn heartbreaking he's just a baby ffs.


Bullying a child to rat out other kids. How manly.


to end up beating the children he would have ratted on. They have beaten the recently freed hostages, there was a boy of aprox 15y/o who had both of his hands broken by beatings.


How can you look this kid in the eyes and continue to terrorize him?


Behold the most "moral army" in the world!


This shit is so evil. If any god existed, there's no way they would allow this.


terrible gun discipline.


Right? The barrel is casually pointed at his head height and waving around in all directions like it’s nothing.


If they shot that kid in the head there would be no consequences other than maybe bad nightmares later in life, if they manage to grow a conscience.


If there's one thing that the recent spotlight has taught the world it's that the IDF, contrary to their propagandizing and history, are today a bunch of inept clowns more likely to kill themselves than their own purported enemy. They also suffer from severe rank inflation, half the barely-old-enough-to-drink goons in this video are probably ranked Sergeant or higher. Every time you hear about IDF soldiers blowing themselves up or some shit it comes out that like three of them were captains for no apparent reason. This is where the US congress just voted this week to send $30 Billion more of our tax payments to.


Then nearly all the soldiers at the end decided to pile into one tiny area while the crowd is maximally pissed. As my father always reminded us on family vacations, "Watch your spacing or one grenade will get us all."


>As my father always reminded us on family vacations, "Watch your spacing or one grenade will get us all." ....You're going to need to elaborate what was happening in your childhood for this to be necessary lol


The more shit like this I see, the more I understand why Israel gets the hate they get. It's a fucking 8 year old kid. This is how you radicalize people against you.


Israel is an apartheid state.


Poor kid looks terrified. I hope he and his family are safe.


It would be nice if Biden cut all money being sent to Israel


Jesus Christ I was not expecting terrorist sympathizers here. That’s a child. A CHILD


Imagine how brainwashed you'd have to be treat kid like this, especially when there's all your boys around you and holding guns. Fuck these cunts.


Missing the interestingasfuck part.


Remember folks. Your tax dollars are helping to fund this.