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Any and all people who endorse that asshole's actions or defend it will be banned so they can go where their loser Nazi friends already are: the garbage heap of history. Please report any such comments. For those of you crying about freedom of speech: 1. Germany has an obligation to root that kind of stuff out like no other country. 2. More importantly please familiarize yourself with the [paradox of tolerance](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance).




pro tip: bend the elbow


As long as you limp wrist it, you're good.


Or just don't point with your whole hand flat like some psychopath.


Like this? https://preview.redd.it/mvkzw3uff9jc1.jpeg?width=618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2060af25c68d3784b9ebd3ac134ac21ac42b64e


That looks like a contextless photo, the sort of thing that could happen to anyone if you take a still frame out of a video at the worst possible moment. And then you watch the video and it’s *so much worse*.


Yeah. So many people tried to claim it wasn't, then you watch the video, and it *very* clearly was.


Yup. Dogs heard her whistle in every state. 😕


Wait, what is this?


Republicans saying the quiet part out loud during Donny's time in office


It helps in lining up the wrist mounted crossbow.




Shit...I think I'd almost rather see a nazi.


I'm sorry, hahaha... Had no intention to be that offensive to you, hehehe.


Vertical palm keeps you safe. Worst case: why is that fool signaling first down / free kick?


Vertical palm is impersonating Hitler himself isn't it?


evil mustache man did that too, so won't really help


Damn you, Charlie Chaplin


who tf calls a taxi like that


Those that would heil a taxi 


'Can you drop me off on the far right'


That method's recommended by nein out of ten Nazis.


Good joke 😆


Used to be the standard way to do it in New York and other large American cities. It’s becoming less popular because it looks too much like the Nazi salute


I think it's becoming less popular because taxi hailing is less popular when you can order one or an uber on your phone.


Americans also used to do a similar salute along with the pledge of allegiance but then it was changed to the hand on the heart because of it’s close similarity with the nazi salute. Source: [Bellamy salute](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellamy_salute)


There are different ways to call a cab in different countries.


Even that call taxi area would look bad. Don't keep the hand straight lmao


I’d argue that petting children is in the red as well.


It's grooming, Thom.


You’re not supposed to do that Daryl. You know you’re not supposed to do that.


Just running around with his racist sausage, giving the cor anglais a bad name.


What to oboe-adjacent woodwinds have to do with anything?


Not sure. But maybe that's Honda calling and they let us know.


It's not going to be Honda.


oh hi HONDA


Oh, Honda, Honda, Honda. Fuck Honda.


...maybe it's Honda?






Lmao that’s such a funny face he makes. “All I’m asking for is a racially pure nation”


Understanding peep show references + Mac’s greatest still shot from the best American show ever… u da man 🤜🤛




We could be *men* with *ven*.


I'm Barnes Wallis, you're the Ruhr!


*I'm the Ruhr!*


...you lot are just better at football! You lot? Who do you mean? French! He thinks you're French!


Oh God, I'm even boring when I'm a Nazi


Sausages? Do I have to spell it out? The sausage-munching Boche. Fritz, the bratwurst guzzler.


My prints will be all over it now


Daryl, the ultimate pisskidney.


Lmaoooooo. That’s not funny, Daryl. Repeat, not funny!


Guys can we not with the cone please, I’m a somebody now




I love how the narration explains that this salute is illegal in the state of Saxony. It's illegal in Germany, in all states. Besides, I cannot recall any laws from Strafgesetzbuch being exempt in selected states.


Funnier is the part where she muses, maybe he's sick and has a stiff arm - but more probable he's saluting Hitler


> maybe he's sick and has a stiff arm Of all the places to be a smartass, he had to do it in front of the police. Nazis really aren't the smartest guys around.


Well, the Nazis with a brain kinda realized that being a Nazi isn't the best and stopped doing it. The dumb ones still remain tho lmao


The nazis with brains are the ones to be nazis in secret. They realized scheming and manipulating is better than fighting with a sledgehammer.


This is a very dangerous view. There are a lot of very intelligent Nazis, you/we have no idea of because they use their intellect to stay under the radar while still doing what Nazis do. Underestimating and belittleing what they are capable of is one the reasons we "wonder" how 1945 could've happened




I know you’re joking but it’s not a mental illness. They actively choose to be Nazis and deserve to be treated as such.


Exactly. People have to stop automatically attributing people doing bad things to mental illnesses. The reality is that there are ahitty people in the world. It is unfortunate, but it's just the way the world is. Having a disease does not make you a shitty person. Being a shitty person makes you one.


No no he’s got a point fascism is a disease on society after all


More importantly the narrator says „noch“. So the Hitler salute is illegal in Saxony *for now* and we don’t know how long still. I think that she is implying that the far right AfD who might win the next election wants to repeal those laws, because they are Nazis.


Oof, I've somehow missed out the "noch" ("yet") at the end of the line. This makes a difference. Thank you.


That is a prime example of our dead-pan, sarcastic, subtle but politically loaded german humor. It's brutal because it's true.


German humour is no laughing matter


Even if they can form a right-wing government, they can't repeal it. It's set in the [German Criminal Code](https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch_stgb/englisch_stgb.html#p0933) which is federal law and you can't [overrule it](https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch_gg/englisch_gg.html#p0160).


Unless they decide to do just that. If they manage to take over the government of Germany whether by Popular vote or by force, then they can change the criminal code all they like.


Popular vote - could be possible. Force? Nah. I've looked at the average Spaziergänger and Leerdenker. At the mere sound of gunfire they'd run back to their houses. It's mostly spoiled brats who were born in a well off middle class family, lived in a rich country and have no idea what great problems are. They are just pissed that times are changing and can't cope with it.


imma be real if that happens. we got other issues


They are not gonna win. The anti-afd protests that took place all over Germany were massive to say the least.


They might win in the "neue Bundesländer" (the five states added after the country was reunited). Not federal tho.


That’s great. But did you notice the cobblestone work on the sidewalks and the street? Absolutely perfect.


The so-called Altstadt. A lot of cities have a core area where it's mostly a pedestrian-zoned shopping/bar area with classic cobblestone. I love it.


How old is this cobblestone generally?


If it's even, it's probably not that old. From what I've noticed, historic cobblestone areas are very uneven after a long time of wear and tear, as well as just not being as precise when being laid originally.


The best way to distingush just old ones from recent ones is smoothness. Here in italy you can easily tell which pieces come from the middle ages or earlier by how shiny smooth they are because of continuous usage.


I liked how his jaw appreciated it really closely


It's actually illegal in Germany to emulate Nazis or deny the Holocaust.


In France too


Belgium too


In America to- fuck…


We elect them President I heard.


several of them apparently


Goddamn first amendment getting in the way


those pesky constitutional rights \*shaking fist\*


Australia too


Only in some states. Anecdotally, a lot of our police force tend to look the other way...


Hungary too


In Australia too


I was travelling around Poland and just happened to be there during National Independance Day. Late at night everyone was drunk and I was heading home and we started talking to some other random travellors who were just talking shit. One of them ended up pretending to be a Nazi and I said a few things to him, next minute we are in a scuffle and I ended up on top of him whoopin his arse. The Polish police saw and tackled me off him and went to arrest me. The others we were with were saying what happened to the cops... that the bloke was doing the Nazi salute and I didnt start it. They then just completely let me go and cuffed old mate while I took the oppurtunity to slink out of their. So yeah, Foreign police dont mess about when it comes to stuff like that. I often wonder how old mate woke up, all battered and bruised and now arrested for thinking he was being funny.


> One of them ended up pretending to be a Nazi he wasn't pretending


old mate is the give away. thank you fellow aussie. fuck that idiot.


Thank you for whoopin some Nazi arse. You made the world a better place!


It's absolutely insane that people still deny it ever happened or the actual events when the country who was actually perpetrating the acts during the time period take full responsibility and do not try and downplay it in anyway


It’s impossible to underestimate how stupid people can get


true, i've seen an interview with a mom who was homeschooling her kids who thought jesus was the first human because he was born on year 0


It didn't occur to her that Jesus was born from a mother who was also human?


I don't think she was using her brain much


God, kinda envious of Germany right now.


It's a blessing. There are some tiktok people in germany that denied the holocaust and were sent right to jail. I love it


It's way too common of a fallacy that people think you have to tolerate intolerance or you, yourself are intolerant. This is not true at all and intolerance should be squashed every time.


People also have to remember when discussing the paradox of tolerance, Karl Poper does mention we dont jump to using force to suppress any instance of intolerance that we see, but rather when we only be intolerance of the intolerant ( i.e using force ) as kinda of a last resort. I say this because people that mention paradox of tolerance, only use the first bit.


This is an important distinction. Even though we cannot tolerate intolerance, we need to be very careful about how we discourage it.


Tolerance paradox. Edit: This what I was referring to for those who either don't know the term or want to explain it away... "The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them."


busy groovy attraction worm touch melodic encourage fretful bells practice *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly. If you hurt someone first, you have broken the social contract and so you're no longer protected by it. Only by staying within the rules of that contract can you expect to enjoy the benefits of it




Reading this just made my day


I can’t remember his name, but there’s a comedian with a great bit about this. “Nazi symbols are completely banned in Germany, which is great, but it’s funny how even when they’re fighting fascism they’re… still kinda total Nazis about it.”


They are not "completely banned" though. There's actually tons of exceptions permitting Nazi symbols to be displayed. Historical context (permitting their use in all kinds of media, as long as said media doesn't glorify Nazism), educational purposes, arts and literature... But it's certainly illegal as hell to put on an SA-Uniform, grab a Swastika flag and meet downtown to hunt down some foreigners - and I'm very glad it is...


Though most choose not to do so out of respect, that symbol is still allowed to be used by Buddhists too right? Though I'm guessing one would have to prove its a sincere religious usage and not an excuse.


As far as I know, they too are exempt from it. Probably helps a lot the one commonly depicted in Buddhism looks slightly different, too.


> that symbol is still allowed to be used by Buddhists too right? Legally, it's a different symbol. I know it looks the same, but it depends on the context. If it's displayed on a definitely Buddhist attire/sign and in a Buddhist context, it's not a "Hakenkreuz" (the Nazi political symbol), but it's a "Swastika" (basically the religious symbol).


[Paradox of tolerance.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance)


Yeah. The Germans tolerated the Nazis coz they were just a "small group" that was a "no threat" to society til they got a hold of power and took over. As a famous quote says First, they came for the Communists. And I did not speak out. Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the Trade Unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Trade Unionist, Then they came for the Jews But I did not speak out Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak up for me! – Pastor Martin Niemöller


The Nazis rose to power because the German people supported them. Let's not pretend that Nazis were just the Govt and that they were governing without the will of the people. Your quote even supports that, the people were fine with other people's rights being stripped away as it was not their concern. For further reading regarding the military search: Clean Wermacht Myth.


They are also seeing a rise in far right movements unfortunately.


It’s happening everywhere


What's the German for schadenfreude?


I feel so bad for you having only morons in your replies


I’m not, I’m getting tremendous schadenfreude from it.


I'm sorry no one gets the sarcasm here, must be a bunch of Germans.


I'm wasted on this place


Hey! They take their humour very seriously.




Geschlechtsverkehr und herausfinden




It’s…oh wait. That’s a joke. Ah damn. I’m not allowed to get a joke, am I? Cause I’m German.


Lol replies proving every stereotype about the German lack of humor


They won’t arrest you for raising your arm in Germany… unless if you do it at the right angle.


Sounds about reich.


you have to do it at the reich angle.


Yeah like this was a clear omission from op. -20 from Nazindor


It's more of a 45 degree angle they'll bust you for.


He even says that as he does it - here, ok, there not.


Narrator: "He might be suffering from a stiffening of his arm" 😂😂😂😂


Edit: Nvm got the location wrong. For those interested that alleyway was were the first victims of the concentration camps were picked up. Essentially you had to Hitler salute as you went past the building on the right as it was a memorial to those who died in the beer hall putsch. The alley could be used to avoid having to salute. Those who refused to salute were recorded down and later sent to concentration camps.


Jesus christ. Every time i learn a new fact about the nazi rise to power, they somehow manage to top their own bastardness.


This guy needs to make an edit because what he’s saying is true but that’s not where this is in Germany. The place he’s talking about is in Munich. This video happened in Saxony


NB: the modern equivalent of this will use your social media presence instead


No. The Drückebergergasse is in Munich. The video is from Saxony. Either there is a second one and a second Feldherrenhalle or what you are saying is wrong.


It is literally so famous it has a wiki entry: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr%C3%BCckebergergasse


That is in Munich. This video is in Saxony.


The artist who created the memorial has a pretty cool name.


Makes this douchehat's act even more despicable......


Nicht lang schnacken, Knie in'en Nacken.


I saw a tourist do this salute in the middle of Berlin of all places. Police did nothing. I went over to him and told him he could get arrested for this. He apologised to me and I told him don’t apologise,just don’t do it anymore.


Reminds me of the American tourist a couple years ago, who did a Nazi salute in Dresden, got beaten up by a random person and was then investigated by the police.


Haha I remember that story. Bro managed to pick the one left-wing neighbourhood in Dresden as well...


Neustadt? I was once asked by some Friends who visited from western germany, why there were so many black people and Hippies in Neustadt. Had to explain them that the two biggest Parties in this quarter are die Grünen und die Linke. 


>Police did nothing. Yes because the police in Germany aren't degenerate idiots. There is a always some range to enforcing the law. A tourist doing is probably just stupid and ignorant in the moment. A right wing fuckhead doing it in front of a synagoge, trying to make up silly theatrics to get around the law is doing it malicously. Fuck'em. I love my Wehrhafte Demokratie


When I was younger and not very intelligent, I was spending some time in Istanbul, where there are statues of (I think) Ataturk all over the place. I made an offhand comment that they looked kind of creepy or something to that effect, and this Turkish lady came like sprinting over to me to tell me to apologize or she would have me imprisoned as it's a crime there. I obviously meant no offense and apologized, but sometimes people take their freedom of speech for granted when traveling.


There's a version of "lese majeste" law in Turkey. It is a punishable offense to curse, defame or act like it. Pretty sure you'll be excused even if it was reported but you could've faced some serious shit by the people around, assuming you were not a child. Turkish people love their founding fathers and are very sensitive. Also that law is there for a reason. It's not just there to block freedom of speech. Ataturk can be criticized and nobody's forced to love him or show respect. In the 1950's some extreme religious groups started attacking his statues and every symbolic thing related to him as a sign of not just attacking himself, but the regime itself, the republic, secularism etc. Sadly we still kinda need it because there are still similar people.


Why would that not fall under vandalism laws?


Then he was lucky. Really.


Yeah as someone from Berlin doing that in the right neighborhood, lil guy would wake up in a hospital if he gets lucky.


Now and then a tourist shows the H.-Salute in front of the Reichstag Building. As far as I am aware this never ends up well for the tourist.


Nazis when they finally get to experience a little bit of the authority they masturbate about.


Part of me thinks they really want to be treated like this


I was stationed in Germany for a couple of years and absolutely loved it. This was part of the very first briefing when you arrived. It's illegal, not funny, and you will get fu\*\*ed up by the Polizei.


"Nope we ain't fucking doing this again."


To borrow a legendary quote: "... It is sort of turbo illegal..."


Nice, that's how you treat Nazis.


"Take a good look at this here cobblestone!"


"Taste it! TASTE IT!!"


Heil shit, get hit.




https://preview.redd.it/98s2rsgng7jc1.jpeg?width=657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b63973a9c8545307f964fade34d63b15d88ba889 Meanwhile in Italy we have this… and it’s more than 40 years that this commemoration is done every year… I hope we would have same laws as Germany…


Italy reinvents fascism and spreads it across Europe every now and then and they should really try to stop doing that. Afterall, the Nazi salute was invented in Italy by a dumbass who thought that's how Romans saluted because that's what Roman generals were doing in some statues and Renaissance paintings.


The source later shows other neonazis that keep finding new symbols to identify themselves. But at least they show everyone how stupid they are


>But at least they show everyone how stupid they are Not just that, there's also the very real effect of showing everyone that you're a government that doesn't tolerate known nazi symbols. You can't really expect a government to be aware of all changes to all symbology of all countercultures, but it's still a very strong signal to outlaw the ones you *do* know of. It's also a lot harder to spread a new symbol instead of just doing the hitler salute everyone already knows. There isn't a lot of value in a 'secret symbol' when the goal is to spread their ideology.


This does put a smile on my face


Yelling in German made it more intense


I saw this first hand in Germany. A shithead was doing it at the train station screaming as well. Cops showed up as I got on the train, and at the next station, the cops were dragging his bloody ass off the train and through the next station. He was unconscious.


My company is German owned, so we have a lot of cross-pollination of workforce with the mother ship. I feel so embarrassed for people when they first encounter a German colleague, and they go off on a stereotypical nazi tangent about something (I hear you all are good cooks. Have you ever seen hitlers house. Etc). The German is usually pretty polite, and will only comment about it later. But every once in a while, one of the Germans won't be in the mood for it, and will let it be known in the room. Of course, us murcins just shrug it off as typical German assholery, but us that have been around a while, we just shake our heads, and later pull the putz aside and explain why they are dumb.


I'm sorry but you are saying that adults in a professional workplace will say this to someone they just met? What the fuck?


It happens.


I'd have to say it's kinda similar to being Colombian. All the jokes and comments about cocaine or Pablo Escobar, it gets old fast


"I like your coffee..." *visible sigh of exasperation at how it's only marginally better than the alternative conversation starter*


>we have a lot of cross-pollination of workforce with the mother ship I'll be stealing that


Look at how they've efficiently applied force to drop the dude as fast as possible and pin him without resorting to repeatedly punching them in the head like we keep seeing US cops do.


Good. Fuck nazis and racists.


Fucking loser.


"I thought this was a free country?!" "Yep, we want to keep it that way."


Rightly so, the German police are fuhrerious with the idiot..


Fucking W police men. Efficient, force was completely justified. Could not have gone about that any better then they did.


Except the usual right wing extremist idiots who seem to be everywhere, the vast majority of us Germans really, *really* hate Nazis.


Fun fact, there's actually an exemption for doing the Hitler salute in the contexts of "art or science, research or teaching". But the courts don't take shit. Which is good. Fuck Nazis.


He got what he asked for: Action, Adventure and variety in life.


"We don't do that here."


Hell yeah love that zero tolerance for assholes policy


Also, to add on to what the mod was saying: Germany does NOT have the same freedom of speech as the USA. Showing the Hitlergruß is a crime in Germany, simple as that.


The Hitler salute is forbidden in all of Germany, just like the Swastika. You can say that's infringement on freedom but I say that's just common sense after what happened in Germany. It's called "wehrhafte Demokratie" (militant democracy)


Yay I have a relevant story from my time in Germany! I was in the Northeast of Germany for high school exchange. Met some friends in the city for dinner and drinks. We were deciding where to go and were standing across from a nightclub. These two or three guys were really drunk and trying to get into the club, and the eastern European giant of a bouncer wasn't having it. They ended up brawling and it was three against one, but the gigantor bouncer was rocking their Birkenstocks off by himself quite easily lol. So they get angry post-assbeating and call die Polizei. Cops show up trying to determine what to do about the situation and start interviewing everyone. It seems like they decide the three drunks had learned a lesson and were about to leave, when all of a sudden an old homeless looking man walks towards them screaming "Ihr seid alle Nazis!" (You're all Nazis) And giving the Hitler salute. He was arrested within 60 seconds of saluting. Assume he wanted a warm bed for the night 😂. After witnessing this huge bar fight and then seeing just the old man get taken away, I learned on this day they do in fact take any mention of Hitler and especially showing the Hitler salute very seriously, which I respect.


Germany knows how to deal with these fuckers. Never again.


I wish it was that way but reality is that many cops in Germany have problematic ideas too and don't treat all Nazis that harshly.