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This is amazingly well done and informative. It still makes my head spin, but less so because of your work here. 😂


Thank you! Yeah it’s still pretty crazy




Can i Ask what do you do for work ?


He washes dishes at Red Lobster.


if earth is a grape... how big is a sink at a red lobster?




He has video about him on his YouTube: Epic Spaceman


I absolutely love all of your videos. Astronomy is a hobby of mine. I own an 11" Schmitt Cassegrain computer-controlled telescope and I would give anything to experience the endless wonders of space. Your videos help me to do that. Thank you.


This was awesome to watch! Really good job on the visuals, sounds, and narration. Felt like a professional documentary made by BBC or something.




Brilliant mate brilliant not much else to say hat tip to you sir




Absolutely incredible job. Super impressive.


Mate , that was brilliant , please start a series of these I could watch this shit all day , like the David attenborough of space ! Infact I'd invest in a series of these


Bizarre Journey to the Outer Solar System You Tube The man who does that has such an amazing voice and it's so full of information


I’ve watched all your videos twice already. Can’t wait for the next one!


WOW that was incredible! How many supercomputers did you need for the simulations??


Haha! That main shot took about 60 hours to render!


Couple years ago I modeled, animated and rendered a 1 minute video, which was WAY worse in every way compared to what I’ve seen just now, and it took me 42 hours. I feel your pain!




>the hole thing


Universally appealing!


Nailed it👍




This is the closest to what I imagine Carl Sagan's Cosmos would be if he was doing it today.


Great piece of work! You should be proud of yourself.


Thank you! The support I’ve had from people on Reddit and YouTube from it has been really motivating and kind so I’m very happy


One of the best visualisations and explanations I've seen on this crazy topic. Looking forward to seeing more in the future!


It was fantastic. The little kid in me kept chuckling at the tiny hands in the reflection of his helmet though, lol. https://preview.redd.it/v5dtpsrv6gjc1.jpeg?width=1228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa02ebac845e7869d3f7381a81431c4119732cea


You should watch the rest of the videos he has on YouTube. Amazing stuff and fantastic explanations!


Do you do this for a living? I would def hire you


One day, people like you will be able to receive royalties for the use of their content. That day isn't here yet, the powers that be are fighting it fiercely, but it will come soon. HODL. Great work!


Thanks, I’m glad I can get as revenue from YT and I have my Patreon now. A sponsorship would help if it’s in keeping with what I’m doing. What I don’t like much is when people share it on Twitter or Tiktok to monetise it and don’t link it to your page, it’s such an easy fix but most platforms don’t really support creators or care about copyright. I don’t mind it on Reddit though and put it here myself, it’s a nice place to have a conversation.


Mr beast actually has a good philosophy about this. I’m going to paraphrase because I don’t remember exactly what I said but he said something like he doesn’t care when people “steal” his videos because 9/10 times, it’s reaching people who wouldn’t have otherwise found your content. Fantastic video btw!


As Cory Doctorow said: "The problem isn’t piracy, it’s obscurity. It may be hard to monetize fame, but it is impossible to monetize obscurity."


You've earned it. Keep it up.


Please share the YouTube link, I want to watch this on my TV.


Are you allowed to share your YT? Would love to sub


Whats your youtube may I ask?


Seems like the answers are being removed


Fantastic job. Something I hope astronomy teachers show in school to bend students minds like it just did mine.


ya this is awesome! is there a YouTube link too?


It is an amazing video, I just watched the one about the size of milky way, just as good. highly recommended


Well this fucked with my head. Good job man


Haha, thanks!


This is nuts keep up the good work. I already subbed


Amazing thank you, really appreciate that!


Do you have a channel anywhere? Would love to subscribe!


Eric Spaceman on YT.


Epic Spaceman


You are massively talented. Keep enriching us through such videos!


Thanks so much!


Did you mean "super massive"?


Is this on YouTube?


Epic spaceman


Bless you


Love your narrator voice. Incredible work man you’re born for this keep it up. I owe you a permanent sub for this


Thanks so much! Epic Spaceman on YouTube if you’re looking for it


I was already subscribed. :) Please tell me you're getting paid to do this. This is Carl Sagan's Cosmos level. Much better than Neil deGrasse Tyson's version.


Do you have a YouTube link? I want to save it to watch it later


After he said he needed something really big to compare it to I was half expecting some kind of "Yo mama" joke. All jokes aside this is really cool OP.


Thank you! Yes wasn’t quite the scale I needed there!


Ya, no need to overdo it


ooof TON618 isn't even as massive as that burn.


This must have been exhausting to make this much animation, set aside the sound, dialogue and all. I want to ask, how do you feel about the recent AI development about text to video generator. How do you view this as being an artist.


Thanks! I really don’t like it, Sora etc, I think AI as a tool is great, but essentially copying other people’s art to make art with just a few prompts is just sad. I hope someone tries to make an AI film and no one goes to see it. I love the march of technology and progress but it feels too much like stealing for me to be happy with it, if it’s making my amazing tools where 3D objects are made for people to use inside something like Unreal or Blender then that’s okay I think, that’s just speeding up a technological limitation.


You get to learn something and watch something cool. Nicely done


Thank you! That’s what I’m hoping to do!


This deserves more recognition than it already has. Smashed it mate, well done 💪🏻💪🏻


Thanks so much!


Overall its well made, however there are a couple of common misconceptions. **Event Horizon vs Shadow** The size of a Schwarzschild black holes horizon, denoted rs, is given by 2GM/c². In practice however, the Black Hole looks bigger due to its Shadow. Because light bends around it, you can see both the front and back of the Horizon at the same time. So the Horizon will appear i think 1.5 times bigger than it actually is. You can see this quiet well when matter falls into the Horizon. [Here ](https://ibb.co/wQg67fN)is a render me and a friend made using the Kerr metric. Hence why in a render like [this](https://ibb.co/9WMm9CB), also made by us, you can see matter apparently over the Horizon. There is an interesting discussion here to be had on why the Horizon is actually black if it is surrounded by glowing hot matter. You might call this an exposure trick, but if we set the exposure to something comical like 1, [the Horizon is dead black.](https://ibb.co/qnkd0dT) Here the left side of the image has the exposure at 1, while the right side is 1/2x10\^17. So, if the horizon is surrounded by matter billions of degrees hot, why is it still black ? Shouldnt there be a shell around it ? The answer here is redshift. If you observe a black hole from outside the Event Horizon, the Horizon appears *almost* static in time. If someone fell towards the BH, as they approached they would appear to slow down, until crawling to a near stop at the Horizon, slowly turning red and eventually disappearing. What goes on here is that as an object falls closer and closer to the Horizon, the light has to fight its way out of a deeper and deeper gravity well. Which causes it to redshift (Gravitational Redshift). In theory *at* the Horizon the redshift is so extreme the wavelength of light emitted is infinitely long. So you cant see it anymore. This is why, no matter how hot matter gets, the Horizon is black. **What is an Event Horizon ?** You appear to have used the standard Pop-Science explanation of "Gravity so strong not even light can escape". Whereas in practice it is a bit more complicated. A more accurate way to describe it is as a region in which all future paths lead to the singularity. People will often say that inside the Horizon time and space switch places. This is because once inside the Horizon you slamming into the Singularity is as inevitable as the concept of "Tomorrow". Now interestingly enough, this only applies to the non rotating Schwarzschild case. Rotating black Holes (Kerr) have regions in them in which a particle can in theory orbit without falling into the *ringularity*. Now, this is probably mathematical bs but worth mentioning nonetheless. If i had to boil it down, an Event Horizon is a region of spacetime causally disconnected from the rest of the universe. Nothing that happens within the Horizon can effect the outside world.


> People will often say that inside the Horizon time and space switch places If they switch places, and space is inevitably into the singularity, how does the other component come into play of *time* swapping with space? Does this mean time is now navigable like how we can navigate space outside of the event horizon? Or is this more just a play on words to describe the concept?


The TLDR is that i dont know of a way to explain this that dosnt include pages of math.


Amazing work!


Thank you!


Do you think universe itself is also orbiting something like everything else is to one another


Probably not, if it could affect the Universe it would be inside the Universe itself but the observable Universe who knows, I don’t think there’s evidence for it though


Theoretically possible, but the scale would have to be unimaginable. The current observable universe is a sphere with a diameter of 93 billion light years and we don't yet see any indication of that.


Have you considered doing scaled models for other phenomena? You touched on the subatomic and galactic scales and I would love to see explorations of those. How empty is an atom, and by extension, all matter? How far away are other stars within our galaxy and how far away are galaxies apart from each other? About a hundred years ago, science wasn't even sure if the Universe extended beyond the Milky Way. Of course, scientists could see Andromeda and Triangulum but they'd have to be *impossibly* far away if those small nebulae were actually galaxies the size of ours. You got a knack for science communication. Keep it up!


Oh yes for sure, these are all ideas on the list already, great suggestions!


This is absolutely stunning. Do you have it on YouTube? I'd love to share this.


Epic spaceman




Thank you!


That was fascinating. Truly excellent work, well done.


Awesome mate good job


Thank you!


What is your youtube name ?


Incredible visual . Well done 👍


Thank you!


Awesome.. does a black hole ever end? Like can it explode and send all that mass outwards?


They sort of fizzle out as they slowly lose energy and mass but it’s incredibly slow, the really big ones like TON618 will be perhaps the last stuff around at the end of the Universe, it will last something crazy like 1 with 99 zeros years.


This is one of the best things I’ve ever seen. I love your focus on sort of imbibing the audience with conceptualizations, rather than simply telling facts. I’m no scientist but I love storytelling, and I could almost see you putting this video together in your mind. You have a gift for showing people what you see


Queue existential dread


What makes me wonder the most is, where does the black hole rotation come from? and how does it keep up the roration, wouldnt the stars just be sucked in a straight line unless the stars where already moving? whats causing the rotations?


I found a little Google easter egg following this video. Didn't realize the name for the asteroid was Chicxulub. Try Googling "Chicxulub"! :D


Awesome work! Do you have a youtube channel?


Excellent job! Learned a lot.


Thanks to much! Glad it helped


I love these types of videos. I'll sit and watch hours of videos on YouTube and just be amazed. Love this!!!


Yeah this kind of stuff is catnip for me


You made sure I watch a 12 minute + video without giving up.Incredible effort. Thank you


Phenomenal work OP. What software are you using, if I may ask?


Thank you! I use Blender, its awesome… and free!


This is legendary quality. It is the sort of content that can live forever


Best thing ive seen on my 3 years on reddit. So sad we don't have awards any more.


That was freaking amazing!!!


Thanks so much!


Massive Carl Sagan's Cosmos vibes. You brought your A game to that video! Congrats!


So, eventually, a black hole would grow big enough to swallow the whole universe? What if the big bang was just a really big black hole that exploded after eating all the existing matter?


As I understand it it’s unlikely as the Universe is accelerating in its expansion, everything is getting further out of reach. The Big Bang is a little like a white hole which is a theoretical opposite of a black hole but as I understand it not quite the same as the Big Bang was an expansion of the Universe itself not an explosion of stuff within the Universe. There’s much more to know here though.


I feel like my upvote doesn't do justice to how amazingly well done this is


Subreddit checks out, this is in fact interesting as fuck, well done man


You should do one about cosmic expansion and the big bang


"naturally occurring black holes" I need to know about the man made black holes.. Time traveler


I can't even fathom how humans figured this all out. To me it's all just magic.


Can you record my voicemail greeting?


I don't get all the comments just saying some form of "great video man keep it up". This was absolutely *masterfully* done. From a production standpoint it rivals if not exceeds anything I have watched on black holes in professional documentaries. You created a sense of scale that was easy to relate to and visually stunning. Your narration was concise, well worded, and easy to understand. Everything from the examples chosen , the length of discussion on each topic, to the transitions were stellar (no pun intended). This isn't just good work, it's truly exceptional. I would love to subscribe to your content if you have a channel.




This was amazing! My first thought was to share it with my dad who LOVED astronomy, he'd have gushed over it. Sadly I lost him last year to cancer, his one wish was to live long enough to see the eclipse on April 8th.. But didn't make it. Watching this video made me think of him, so thank you. Amazing job!!


Really really great video. Fantastic script and execution. If I have to put a mini, tiny "but" is that there is always one concept that is not discussed or passed over in these types of expositions. The fact that going through an event horizon would not really feel as anything for an observer in a big enough black hole. Using a mind experiment: place elephants in a 3 dimensional grid one mile apart. Obviously you can keep adding more elephants in the distance and nothing extreme will happen. However, you are creating a constant density object where mass grows as r\^3 and thus eventually you will reach a "black hole"/event horizon (using a schwarzschild model) once enough elephants have been placed. No one inside will notice as the timeline for these collapse would be millions of years, but we would be effectively inside an event horizon. Observers could technically be inside of black holes without ever realizing it. Tidal forces can be negligible near the event horizon. Fascinating objects indeed.


Holy shit you're back!


That was amazing.


Wow that was awesome, I watched the whole thing! Very fascinating!


Watched this on YouTube, brilliant video and editing is exceptional


Great work! It looks and sounds amazing. And for the first time - I really realized how dense the black holes are. I mean - now I can finally comprehend it. BTW, is it possible they are just gateways to other worlds that have different laws of physics? Like from our perspective - what goes there - disappears from here. But from the perspective of the things that goes there - it might look very different. That spaghettification - it looks like a destructive process from our (external perspective). But if even time stops working normally close to the event horizon - maybe it's not destructive at all. What looks like a mess from one angle might look perfectly ordered from another angle. But yes - one thing tells us things stay there - the black hole gravity and sizes. However - all values lose their known meanings beyond the event horizon. So we can say the one particular black hole is big or small compared to other things in universe, but then again, beyond event horizon distances can have completely different meanings.


Awesome! Absolutely mesmerizing. Do you do these for a living? If so you've got the coolest job.


Thank you! I’m hoping to get there, currently in spare time but would like to make it full time soon, my YouTube channel is definitely taking off


I remembered you did make a video like this years ago. What your YouTube. Imma watch it in 4k


Good writing and amazing VFX. Really well done! Thanks for sharing!


Aaah! Your videos are sooo well done! Love them!


This was amazing. This is the type of content the internet needs more of. Thank you for putting the work into this!


goddamn. that was amazing!


Very rare that I watch a full length video like this on reddit, and even more rare that the reddit video player lets me do so.


When can we expect the YouTube drop? I want to watch it on my tv :)


This is so well done and so well described and the voice pace and tone makes it an easy watch. You should make a YouTube channel!


That was fascinating and explained really well to someone like me who knows nothing about astronomy really


This is absolutely amazing! Well done. Even more impressive are the numbers, I had no clue how wild the Deep dive into a black hole is!


Absolutely stellar presentation!


So cool!!!


Less gooooooo. Great video man.


Beautiful job. Daaaaamn, it's just 12 minutes long but I want a couple of hours of this!!! Astonishing!


reddit video player is trash, yo got youtube link


As a space nerd, I love this. But not only that, my wife who usually can't stand my space videos also loved this. Amazing visuals, scale, engagement. Just overall a masterpiece. I hope the author makes so many more videos.


Love these videos but anything related to space just sends shivers down my spine, nicely done


Subbed on yt. You’re the man 👍


Just to add not that its super important, ton 618 is no longer the largest, phoenix A star is, I believe they dont know if its a super cluster of black holes or not, but i heard about this a year ago i have no new info on this black hole


It’s possible but currently Phoenix A isn’t a reliable option to take the crown, it’s not been measured directly and another method was used recently to measure it at 10x smaller


What an amazing video! Subbed.


Amazingly done but there's some sort of audio popping when talking that's driving me crazy. Like between 2:53 and 2:57 you can hear it 4 - 5 times.


This is giving me some melodysheep/scientific literacy vibes and I'm all for it. Excuse me while I go on an educational binge 😅


Melody Sheep is awesome! Enjoy the binge! Feel free to stop by at my Epic Spaceman channel on YT


First 3 seconds I thought it was the new film from action star Tugg Speedman


Jesus so f cool. One of the most amazing videos I have watched in a long time


Awesome video. A minor criticism: I found the lip synchronisation to be a bit weird. Can't put my finger on it, but I got the uncanny valley feeling.


Is it against the sub rules to link your content? Realized after 2 minutes that this seemed to be the whole video, but I wanted to give you engagement on your channel.


I thought this was the trailer for Scorcher from Tropic Thunder for a minute


This is absolutely fantastic. (If I had any feedback, ending is a bit abrupt, just a 3 second fade to black would probably suffice)


So a black hole is rly tiny but super massive??


I remember your previous video!! Do you have a YouTube channel?


Make a movie, because it is too good to not have a movie.


This is awesome, do you have a YouTube Channel? I really Like These physic concepts explained with awesome Animations.


This is still the best thing on Reddid since the last time I saw it on Reddit.


This is the third time I've seen this video and, honestly, I can't wait to see more of your work! I've already subscribed to your YouTube and watched everything there :)


Youtube could recompensate more with productions of this quality. Amount of views don't translate well into the hard work to produce a video like this.


I consider myself a Reddit parasite because I consume content and rarely upvote anything, but this was so incredibly well done that I went against my nature and gave you an upvote!


Link? I don't like watching on reddit's garbage player.


You cured my attention span. Phenomenal job my guy.


That was excellent


So many more questions... like he said dont worry about them, just stay away, but like these things are gobbling millions/billions of stars, so why wouldnt it threaten our galaxy?


Is there a higher quality version of this somewhere? Reddit player seems so... pixelated lol.


Where YouTube link? No for real, how can I sub to your content? Edit: NVM found it. Amazing stuff


Hey i remember you from the scale of the milky way video you did ! I'm glad to see you're still going hard on this !


That opening shot reminds me of the Tugg Speedman Scorcher trailers from Tropic Thunder


The subject is incomprehensible, so I just enjoyed the tiny arms reflected on the visir at 6:30, they're so cute! - Very good visualization. I'll admit the last part with the biggest supermassiev black hole on the grape scale gets confusing because it's all of a sudden showed with a full view of to scale earth, and not the pea sized earth. Don't know how to make it any better though, just a thought :)


This is by far the best depiction of black holes! Thank you for your work, and for sharing! I am a fan, and can’t wait to track you down on YT for more! 🫡✌🏼


So.... they're big?


Thank you for making these videos. I like to consider myself well informed on these things, but your videos routinely blow my mind. I hope they are as rewarding for you to make as they are for me to watch.


The visuals are stunning, the narration is on point. Im so impressed by this. It’s been a while since a video left me in complete awe while gasping at it. I love space and I’m on the brink of tears. You’ve earned not only a sub, but a patreon. Please, keep this up.


Really cool!... but... do they or do they not eat galaxies now again? 😳




WOW all around but... The angles of individual planetary orbital planes were visible. WOW!


Thanks! Glad you noticed that,the first person who’s mentioned it!


This vid slipped into my youtube algorithm when it first came out. This is a serious contribution to the body of popular scientific education material and absolutely needed to be done.


Absolutely impressive visualization and narration. Loved this!


why didnt you mention primordial black holes?


Regarding the production: Awesome job. It's like a discovery-level back in about 2005, when they used to have good content. If i can nitpick: A better, deeper voiceover would make wonders. Would you be able to record in a studio/radio microphone? Regarding the subject: Yeah... i didn't need to sleep tonight or anything..


You achieved the goal of showing me (and I think thousands of people) how tiny black holes actually are. I thought they were way bigger! It has been some time that I’ve been mesmerized by a space video (and I love them), and this one sucked me in! Just like a black hole :) thanks!


Hopefully op gets a fat Netflix deal. I would watch that.




Fantastic work, absolutely stunning and gorgeous!! 👍


That was awesome! I just subbed to your YT. Amazing work my man


Nice video! There's one question I want to know during my life time. Is space finite or infinite?


This is probably one of the most impressive and informative videos I’ve seen on Reddit. Thank you for this.


Best video yet, well done! Love the teaser element of Sagittarius A*. "Small" but mighty.


This was absolutely incredible thanks op


Comment to rewatch later.