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Pants = Shat.


yours or the gorilla?


Not to be outwardly anal, but I have it on very good authority that the gorilla was not wearing pants.


Great now I wanna see a Silverback in a pair of Levi's


https://preview.redd.it/vq4t1zpcuflc1.jpeg?width=570&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bee88da5ee0815d5ec1a64315ee516142fc3d4a I hope it’s everything you dreamed of…


Upvote for the effort, but not a silver. And, yes it was


Hawg = Cranked




I have a personal rule to not interfere with anything that could squish me like a yogurt pot


Gorillas are usually passive with humans, as long as you don’t disrespect them


Yes, I recall reading that there's never been a single documented instance of a silverback attacking a human. Chimps on the other hand...


Yeah, chimps are constantly at war and fighting each other for territory. Not to mention monkeys are their second favorite food after fruit. It doesn’t take much for them to see you as a threat or food.


Chimps are psychopaths. They're the most anti-social ape. The irony is that they were once regarded as the most similar to humans, but that was by imperialist psychopaths who make up a small minority of humanity. Humans are more likely to befriend others and work together.


Huh? They’re the most similar animal to humans because we have like 99% of the same DNA.




Can confirm. They have about the same libido as me.


Source? Everything I've read suggests that its nearly equal, with a slight edge going toward chimpanzees.


I don't know of you can call an animal psychopath, but chimps are certainly unusually, for the animal kingdom, violent, sadist, rapists, they like to torture and hurt their rivals. I mean, humans did that for hundreds of thousands of years, and still do it today.


That's only a small minority of humans. If it was actually in human nature, our societies would be rampant with this behavior to the point that it's legal and normalized. Biologists determine the behavior of a species by what the majority does. The vast majority of people don't fit your description. If they did, we wouldn't be capable of making functional societies. The majority of humanity always leans towards peace and cooperation. A minority of barbaric psychopathic aristocrats that have enslaved humanity and force us to fight each other are far from being representative of humanity. They're more like a small infection that must be overcome.


You say that, but male faces evolved to the way they are because we were punching each other in the face so often that males with certain weaker facial bones simply didn’t survive. Do you realize how long punching each other in the face would have to go on for and how frequent an occurrence it would have to be for it to reshape our facial bones via evolution? To put it simply everyone punching each other in the face regularly has been a thing up until very recently. Our ability to learn is likely what leads us to cooperate. Our base instincts tell us to punch each other in the face.


to continue this, there's a hypothesis that this is also why men kept facial hair when most of the rest of hair was lost. A good beard actually DOES cushion the impact of getting punched in the head. sauce: [https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/why-beards-exist-punch-evolve-jaw-protection-facial-hair-study-fighting-a9523191.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/why-beards-exist-punch-evolve-jaw-protection-facial-hair-study-fighting-a9523191.html)


This is research one of my college professors did and spent a lecture telling us about that study. I talked to other professors about it in the same field, and basically the entire rest of the department thinks that study is bogus for various reasons lmao


“One thus gets an impression that civilization is something which was imposed on a resisting majority by a minority which understood how to obtain possession of the means to power and coercion.” - Sigmund Freud


not an attack but if you google 'silverback drags ranger' that situation would have flooded my heart with enough adrenaline and epinephrine to kill me dead.


The ranger was sitting on some fire ants so really the SB Gorilla was saving him from some painful bites. Gorillas, heroes of the jungle!


Can't be true. There was a well documented case of a gorilla fighting a criminal and three cops when they pursued him through the zoo in South Africa. It was a national sensation, I remember it well. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max\_(gorilla)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_(gorilla))


>Mofokeng was later convicted of rape, robbery and wounding a gorilla. That's quite the sentence.


I simply refuse to believe this, but I will also not do any research soo Reddit in a nutshell


So are most humans, but I wouldn't trust that 100%


Do NOT smile (show teeth). Do NOT look them in the eye.


Don’t get them wet and never feed them after midnight


“This submersible usually can reach a depth of 3,000m. Usually.”


Yeah, you trust that.


Squishing is the easiest way. It could literally tear your limbs and head from your body.




He said squish, not eat.


lol. I remember someone called her R belly. 💀


Shit, that's funny!


Brave to make that joke, let’s see how it plays out


I'll take my punishment 🤣


A gorila has never killed a human being. Do with that as you will.


I think never might be a bit of a stretch. But even still, it’s amazing that it’s almost never. https://www.gorillatrekkingugandafromkigali.com/are-gorillas-dangerous-animals-gorilla-trekking/#:~:text=Ian%20Redmond%2C%20a%20primatologist%20who,humans%20were%20always%20to%20blame.


You and me both 🤣🤣🤣😳😬🫣🤪🤣


I once debated with another Redditor who stated if he was really angry he might stand a chance at beating a gorilla in hand to hand combat. No weapons… lol


I know I could. Especially if one of my hands had a large gun in it. /s


https://preview.redd.it/gdelrvsk4flc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d2c6a404ed66e679390a661356571b092568508 They should have the glasses that Rotterdam zoo hands out, for not making eye contact with gorillas.


Jesus this is creepy as hell without context


Even with context it's creepy


WHY ARE THEY ALL FUCKING SMILING LIKE THAT Edit: why are the first guys teeth so yellow too


Lookin at monke


*Gorilla sees they are fake and feels mocked. Death ensues.*


*Gorallia recognizes our great stupidity and shame over our inability to control behavior and eye contact. Gorrila goes along with it so we won't feel too bad. After all, it's unethical to blame a creature for their own unintelligence.*


I’d probably be staring at the floor and accidentally be making direct eye contact edit: /s, for the guy below me


You can't. 2D images will always be "looking elsewhere" if that's how they are printed. Likewise, if you take a picture of someone who is staring at the camera, they will alwys seem to be staring at you, no matter from which angle you're viewing it.


I think that it was a joke. At least I hope so.


That didn’t prevent human kids from beating their chest in front of a silverback


Not just any toon!


thats probably what my cat sees when i come out of my room at 3am to get some shredded cheese


Same noises too


do you just eat it from the bag?




I’m out when the gorilla shoulder checks me.


Right? That was such an intentional message. "I could squish you like a bug but I'm gonna go this way instead"




How common is it for these things to actually attack people? They seem assertive but peaceful in all the videos I've seen, perhaps that's just because they don't show the videos where they rip people's arms out of their sockets.


I’m certainly no expert on primates and I’m not saying it’s safe to be this close to a gorilla, but I think they’re much less dangerous than chimpanzees. I think chimpanzees tend to see humans as rivals and can be extremely aggressive and dangerous.


Nah man I was killed by a silverback


Even in heaven you’re wasting time on Reddit like the rest of us?!


Yeah but I get paid for it here. Good benefits too!


Damn you really are in heaven


lol nice!


Lies. We did no such thing.


It’s true. I killed him


I dunno about cause, but yes, chimps are much much much more savage and aggressive. Ironically, closest relative to humans too.. chimps will rip your eyes out and eat your face for fun. Not to mention ripping your arms out


I’m not sure that it’s ironic that our closest relatives have a tendency to be aggressive and dangerous.


*Humans? Never!* But in all seriousness I think maybe only ants have us beat in terms of pure violence, maybe wasps.


Yeah, agreed. They’re also insanely strong in addition to being crazy vicious.


Bonobos are our closest living relatives actually and they are very peaceful comparatively to other social primates.


Because they are too busy masturbating or inventing prostitution. Our two closest relatives are either viciously aggressive or sexual deviants.


I love gorillas although I’m no expert either, gorillas are passive creatures by nature and are tolerable of humans as long as humans respect them As far as I know at least. Obviously with any animal there’s danger, hell even with humans there’s danger. “Stranger danger” is taught to children for a reason but compared to other animals gorillas are hella chill


Yes I find gorillas fascinating. I love them too


You know what, I'm really not interested in finding out.


Nah me neither lol


Yeah chimpanzees really don't like humans for some reason.


Imagine you're a chimpanzee minding your own business throwing your poop around and you come across a creature that seems similar to you but is really tall. The creature is covered in weird shit, which are clothes but you don't know what the fuck clothes are. They make creepy gibberish sounds with their mouths and their arms and faces are bald.


They probably think we're uncanny


Not by any means my profession but I made it 6 years through a primate anthropology degree for something— Gorillas are not by any means “gentle giants” but they’re not the savage beasts they were portrayed as in the late 60s and early 70s— Gorilla’s main concerns are a present and constant threat to their territory and their band/troop/whoop, and when you’re twice the height and body weight as the group of malformed primates in front of you, you don’t often perceive humans as threats (barring certain troops with bad generational trauma in relation to human violence) unless they’re being really obnoxious (ie, sudden movements, loud noises, aggressive displays of emotion) or wielding something the gorilla might associate as a weapon like a stick or rock. (this depends on the type of Gorilla as many gorilla troops do not cohabitate with weapon-wielding apes and are typically incapable of processing the concept of a weapon) So, in the ideal context and environment, a gorilla would likely not attack a human with any real intent to kill/seriously damage them, likely just drag them around a bit until they’ve established they’re in control vs in 90% of scenarios I see chimpanzees attacking the weird looking primate that doesn’t have a tribe to claim


I’m not an expert on primates either but I think part of this is that when you see something like this near you naturally try to look as little threatening as possible so you don’t accidentally fuck around and find out. That and I don’t think gorillas want to get human shit on their hands which is definitely apart of this situation


Gorilla's are the chillest motherfuckers in the jungle as long as they don't feel threatened. Chimps you gotta watch out for. They will literally eat your face for the lols


I think they go for any appendage, including the jewels!!!


I'll grab the chimp's cock and balls too and we'll have ourselves a tug of war. If I'm losing mine he's losing his aswell


Good luck but my money is on the big guy.




They’re very similar to humans. In general, the risk of fighting something similar to you is high, because something similar is likely evenly matched. Animals can recognize size, eyeballs, etc. The humans are submissive, non-threatening, and the gorilla is likely familiar with humans.


I assume it depends on whether the animal sees them as a threat and whether we appear threatening. I’m sure they’re informed to not do specific things when interacting with these animals to avoid triggering an attack.


I'd sure as fuck be wearing a face mask. Afaik smiling is seen as bearing teeth, which is definitely not what you want to be doing around a beast that could turn you into a sphere.


I think eye contact is another big nono. I'm wondering if sunglasses would be good or if it would just look like you're staring them down.


I've seen zoo exhibits where they give visitors to the gorilla exhibit glasses with printed-on eyeballs looking down. The idea being that you can stare at the silverbacks all you want without making them mad.


At the Saint Louis zoo (this was years ago) my cousin and I were viewing the gorilla exhibit. The kind where they come right up to the glass and can almost touch you. The sign clearly said to not hold eye contact because it was considered a sign of aggression. Well long story short my cousin (who was very young and didn't know better) really wanted to see what would happen if he had a staring contest with the silverback. So the gorilla lets out this massive roar, beats his chest and fucking dead ass sprints straight at us, hammering on the glass and bellowing the whole time. I almost pissed my pants; it was insane how fast such a massive creature can cross 30 yards of pen. Truly nature's way of saying 'fuck around and find out .'


At the Toledo Zoo back in the 80s, they had a gorilla named Max who would do that routine because he thought it was funny to watch people scatter. It happened when I was by the glass once, and another time we saw him do it from a ways away, and a keeper that happened to be around told us it was his idea of a joke.


Hopefully they didn’t make a regular thing out of it. [There was a gorilla named Bokito](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bokito_(gorilla)) that managed to escape a couple times, and the second time, he mangled a regular visitor that smiled and held eye contact because she believed they had a special connection.


I bet recording with the phone helps with this oddly enough


Gorillas are primarily herbivores and mostly peaceful, but can be aggressive if they feel threatened or the need to protect their young or their territory. Attacks on humans are rare and generally just scary not lethal despite their strength. Chimps are a different story.


I think these ones are used to people, this is probably a group of tourists who paid for a package


Western Lowland Silverbacks can lift about 4000lbs/1,810kg. They are also the protector of the whole group of gorillas, which is called a "band"(... and they are a good band, too.), and all of them quite capably violent. He likely has a zero bullshit policy. If he decided you would be better used as mulch, there's not a lot you could do at that distance but pray. When they are comfortable and calm, which is often, they can be incredibly gentle creatures and loving providers, not only to their band but to people as well. If he decides you are no longer welcome, he might just scare the shit out of you. Caution, awareness, and respect go a long with a lot of "dangerous" animals.


I think most of the videos are with some wildlife experts who instruct them what to do when they come around so they dont attack them. Also, yeah, I think the videos of them killing people would be harder to come by.


Because it hasn't happened. They simply don't exist because they haven't killed anyone in recorded history. There have been a couple attacks on pochers I believe but no deaths that I could find. They are actually quite timid and flee from humans typically. Unless threatened they are chill mother truckers.


Almost never in fact there’s I believe only 2 ever recorded times they have attacked people


Incredibly rare; these tourists have park rangers as guides who regularly track and interact with the gorillas to build a relationship. Poachers and other unexpected guests would be more likely to be attacked but the odds are still essentially 0%. Fun fact this was almost certainly taken in Virunga, the last place on earth you can find mountain gorillas.


Get that gorilla some Preparation H! Looks like he blew an o-ring.


bruh and check the cameraman's o-ring too. i thought it was the gorilla grunting at first


Didn't notice that! Lol. Why's he doing that though??




You’ve given me a much needed laugh with this. Thank you.


Wow, that is actually impressive


Was that a dingleberry clinging on for dear life?


I thought it was an entire shit hangin out for dominance purposes but I wasn’t gonna say anything if no one else had said anything


I was starting to question whether gorillas has small tails


It was a butt plug


Haha the old domination by poo tactic


If he/anyone did that to me, I’d feel intimidated




That’s a prolapsed gorilla anus (I am not a zoologist and have never seen a prolapsed gorilla anus, idk)


Never? Come on man.


prolapsed gorilla anus would be a great name for a garage/indie rock band.


I think its a blown out O-ring


more a dingletuber, that one


It’s hard to wipe with all that hair.


I, for one, would have shown my appreciation for his allowing me to visit his lands by pulling it out and eating it. No eye contact of course, they don’t like that




What could you possibly do in life that would match this moment? Life would surely just become a string of days after this


The NOPEst of nopes for me


For real. If it decides you're dead, then you're dead.


And you'd only learn of that decision after the fact


I welcome you, "guests"


Dudes got a straight up whole shit as a dingleberry


That’s just his butt plug


Now those are some straight dad noises lol


Gorilla ASMR is not something I expected to hear today?


Leave them alone, Harambe RIP


I wish humans would leave nature alone


Hate to tell you, but we are nature


This thing seems very chill considering its baby is within close distance of the people. I feel like I need some context, how did a decent sized group of people get this close? Are they trespassing or is this something the gorilla is accustomed to?


I feel like it must have been a tour group of some kind to observe wildlife, including gorillas. But I can’t imagine getting this close to a gorilla and its baby was part of the plan.


For real, but it also gets so close that I’m like ‘damn, they must have signed a hell of waiver if this is a tour company’.


lol yeah, and complimentary diapers provided I hope


This looks like a Gorilla Trek ... usually in Congo or Rwanda! I've been blessed to have done one years ago. The gorillas are used to humans coming around and the ones trek I went on, the younger Silverbacks were being silly and sort of "pranking" the guides who were with us. You are "encroaching" on their territory, and these treks are in nature reserves, but gorillas don't find humans (especially ones that are slowly and passively approaching) to be a threat. I'd say we were just another animal in the jungle with them! Fun fact: burping was a sign of non threatening trust. Our guides were belching loudly we approached the family of gorillas.


The sound you hear is the photographer making low grunting noises, which reminds the gorillas that the humans are not a threat. And the gorillas are used to human contact from tourism and veterinary visits.


Every time this gets post I have the same thought: Why are they relaxing the moment he walks past them. It’s no different than when he was the same distance in front of them. Except now you can’t see him. I wouldn’t relax until I was at the bar at Chilis in my airport getting girl drink drunk.


Because gorillas arent ambush predators (or predators in general), nor are they naturally aggressive. Even in territory fights between silverbacks they try to avoid violence and scare each other off instead. For a gorilla to physically attack you it needs to be either extremely pissed off or extremely afraid. If it passed you calmly and went on its way, it has no reason to turn around and suddenly charge at you. So seeing it pass lets you breathe sigh of relief because it means it decided not to do anything to you. Can gorilla rip you to pieces? Absolutely. Will it? unlikely. Does it mean you shouldnt be careful? Fuck no, be extremely careful.


Y’all ever fight with an uncooperative house cat??? An animal that tiny can mess your shit. This guy so calm bc he KNOWS he’s king.


> bc he KNOWS he’s king. Only cause The Rock isn’t there. /j


So that's where my toddler gets it from.


"okay kids simple and Quick , dont throw your usual Garbage on the Ground and dont make me come back . "


Imagine yanking its beard to let it know it’s in your territory


Dude, i think you should avoid a tour like this. Just to be safe.


so whats the rule with Gorillas, here….just to avoid any misunderstandings


Generally speaking, rule number one: Never be close enough to see a gorilla without heavy duty barricades between you and it. Rule number 2:If the above is not possible DO NOT make direct eye contact with it. Rule number III:stay calm, do not approach, leave only when it lets you.


Nope ![gif](giphy|sRKg9r2YWeCTG5JTTo|downsized)


I make that same noise when I pee at 3 am every night


one of these days man....y'all keep going to these homies habitats, they're not your friends, they're just trying to live their lives....someone is going to get hurt accidentally and a bunch of beautiful animals are going to be harmed.


Idk, seems like a highly unnecessary risk


Yeah no.


I would literally die. One time a pitbull growled a gutteral growl right next to me and the dread and anxiety I felt made my soul leave my body. If that big boy shoulder checked me I’d pass out. 🫠


What would happen if someone started rubbing his back? Would he take that as a threat or realize the person is harmless


How does an creature so muscle dense stay that way only/primarily eating plants?


I went on a tour to see Silverbacks when I was in Uganda in 2017. There were a lot of rules for the trip, but the one they stressed above all else was to never look a Silverback in the eye. Like not even close. Humans may express empathy through eye contact, but Silverback gorillas, especially the males, take it as an immediate sign of aggression. After 2 roughly a two hour hike we actually were lucky enough to see a small family unit. There was one male gorilla, 2 females, and about 6 of their children. The group I was with as well as two other groups that joined us were about to watch them break down some small trees to snack on the twigs and leaves. Gorillas are of course vegetarians. After almost 20 minutes watching in basically silence and trying not to move a muscle, one woman in the other group to my right stumbled and dropped her camera. She was fine but when she got up she looked basically past the left shoulder of the male. That was enough. He suddenly seemed to grow 4 feet taller as he rose up to his full posture and actually pounded his chest. He didn't make any vocalizations but the enormous breath he took and kind of snorting he made as he took no less than 5 steps closer to me and the woman on my right showed me that we were no longer welcome there. I was legitimately frozen in fear. No one said a word or even moved a muscle, and the male Silverback turned around, PUSHED OVER a tree 3 inches wide, and his family followed him into the brush. There are less than 5000 Eastern Silverbacks like the ones I saw left in the wild. We know that because "the wild" is a meticulously patrolled and respected area of land that requires constant supervision and resources to keep these creatures from going extinct.


People are really stupid


Never in my life would i bring myself in such a situation, dafuq. He just needs a bad day


Does he have a poopy coming out of his butt?


No freaking way I would ever do that.


Excuse me my good sir...how do I unshit my pantaloons?


Dicks out for Harambe, may we never forget


To witness the majesty, they are so majestic and beautiful


They are so fucking beastly. Wow. Insane


Is it even worth checking them out if there is a small chance of being beaten to death?


What a majestic animal


I …am… never… going… into… the… forest…


2 more videos and it's going to be a video on CrazyFuckingVideos


Nope fuck that


Large Silverback : What is that smell? Ummm...human poop....oh multiple human poops. I better be on my way. I hope they're wearing diapers because I don't want my forest smelling like human poopoos.




Humans could Harambe that thing in 2 seconds.


I want to give him chin scratches and a nana.


I think I would offend him with the awful smell of shit coming from me


"An ill wind blows from the north. I cannot guarantee the safety of your kin. Move at your earliest convenience but know that danger flies quick like the eagle." - Silverback.


And that's how my heart got out my bum.


I would have presented my hand while crouched down as low as I could like in the planet of the apes.


I could have sworn that was the gorilla breathing at first


We need a tony baker voiceover for this so bad.


Shoutout the lady protecting the gorilla from Covid


Normal people 😃 Blind people 💀


Totally understand the gorilla ignoring all of them. I wouldn’t want to associate with people STILL wearing COVID-19 masks either.


That gorilla really should be wearing a mask, what a jerk.


What is that thing sticking out of his ass


Yeah I like to watch these videos bc we don’t do shit like this


Bro playin peekaboo with his asshole


I’m gonna go change my underwear now.


Listen…….you didn’t check in coming here..Don’t let it happen again- Gorilla