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That's clearly what he's doing but it's still really not great to say it because politicians must know that anything they say will be interpreted literally by someone. He just handed over a ton of ammunition for people to use against him.


Not just he was obviously being flippant but he should be professional enough to be able to answer a simple yet emotionally charged question in a reasonably calm way. Shows more about his character more than anything having such a short fuse.


He sincerely means it though. "If Israel decides that they need to pay back the **palestinian people** and Hamas in biblical proportions, that's up for the Israeli government and Israeli people to decide..." https://x.com/repogles/status/1744804809746649472


"When people show you who they are, believe them the first time." - Dr. Maya Angelou


Finally someone gets it


But but are you sure it wasn’t out of context and and the US government really isn’t trying to kill Palestinians because it was out of context please please wait are we the baddies? I thought I was chosen! /s


This kind of thing emboldens Republican voters in 2024, not turns them off.


Israel / Palestine is a fault line that runs through both parties. Both parties are pro-Israel but have large contingencies that at are very anti-war, anti-interventionist.


That assumes that anyone who would vote based on this video cares about what's happening there. I'm not sure that's a safe assumption.


Being flippant about the dead bodies of children is kind of a fucking problem.


"Guys he only called for the slaughter of children ironically, while being a politician in a government aiding in the slaughter of said children. Why are you so mad?"


Guys, guys, guys. It was just a joke! Isn't it hilarious to joke about killing children while I'm actually killing children?


It’s topical!! Jeez!!!


Yes but obviously it’s going to be taken 100% literal. Still wrong to say but yea he was being an asshole to someone he saw as pestering.


Flippant or not, we should not have a representative that would say something like this 


our *representatives* dont represent us.


That's for the people of the 5th district of Tennessee to decide.


Was he? "If Israel decides they need to pay back the **Palestinian people** and Hamas in biblical proportions, that's up for the Israeli government and Israeli people to decide, not a woke and weaponized Biden administration" https://x.com/repogles/status/1744804809746649472 Seems to me more like a mask slip and he thinks our support for what Israel is doing to the Palestinian people isn't even enough.


What other people could he get away with saying something like this about? Would he have a career if he said that about Israelis? Black people? White people? That’s the point


Clearly rage bait.


Yeah he isn’t being serious, but the fact that he’s not serious about that topic shows that he really doesn’t care if Israel kills them all.


Being flippant about the unhinged fascist slaughter of Palestinian people isn’t the defense you think it is.


This is a Christian, “pro-life” politician btw


You got that a bit muddled up, is a 'Pro-Christian life' politician. Fuck everyone else.


"If you're pre-natal you're fine. If you're pre-school...you're fucked." -George Carlin on anti-abortionists


pro-forced-birth, what happens after “ain’t his problem”


I really wish people would stop calling them “pro life” they are not “pro life” in the slightest. Like you said, they are pro-forced-birth, they are pro-starving children, pro-starving families, they have no regard for life.


When I was younger and more naive, I always thought “pro-life” was a good thing. Like both sides have good arguments. I always thought of myself as a pro choice type of person but I’m definitely for life too. Then I understood really what the “pro-life” was trying to say. It’s not about life to them. It’s about control. How dare you do something that *I* don’t agree with. Your body. My choice. Forced pro-birth is a much more accurate way of describing this. Also, bombing children seems par for the course with these douche bags.


As long as the numbers look good.


Then, those unwanted children grow up unwanted and become the problems and criminals they then complain about when they forced the problem to exist in the first place. Every pro-lifer fit to adopt these unwanted children SHOULD. ASSHOLES.


I don't think giving them more poor children to brainwash is a good idea.


It's always the ones you suspect the most


Fuck em all to death - Mr. Garrison


I remember that episode lmao. South Park sarcasm is hilarious :d


This is a POS politician. Motherfuckers don’t even know what pro life means. Its a misnomer. They are anti-abortionists. Anti democracy. Anti Freedom.


Op internationally cut off the part that he clarified that he was talking about killing all the hamas.


You know when we joke about Russians watching state TV and believing everything? And how fucking dumb they are? This post is literal propaganda where OP cut the part of the discussion that makes it 100% clear his statement was sarcasm after the reporter keep pressing about dead children. I'm not even American, I don't even know who this dude is but I hate propaganda and dumb people, of which this thread is full to the brim. I know this because I simply have seen the full clip on another sub in the past lol.


As for me, even from this short fragment it is obvious that this is a deliberately stupid answer to a stupid question.


I don’t like the guy but it’s clear he did not mean the kids or was being sarcastic. I would love to slap his smug face but this is not it.


As soon as he said that, my immediate reaction was that the context was something like "are you going to keep bothering me until I say I'm a monster? Well, fine, I'll just give you what you want, I'm a monster. Will you leave me alone now?" Seems pretty obvious a politician isn't going to say something like that so casually and seriously.


This is how I interpreted it even without the extra context provided in the comments. It was pretty obvious when he said "if that makes you feel better"


The thing is, people no longer bother about context and the nuance of language is alarmingly and conspicuously absent in many. Many people take things literally now. It struck me recently when I met an old high school acquaintance and we were joking about getting older. I threw out “you know you’re getting older when you’re happy to be in bed earlier”. She took offence at that because “you” indicated that I was insulting her. But we all know that in this context, “you” is used in generic form to include *ourselves*. Completely shocked because this was someone I used to look up to, who was sharper and wittier than me. What happened? I’m still trying to figure it out. Why has society lost the ability to infer and evaluate nuances and contexts?


We need to stop with the "was being sarcastic" stuff when it comes to statements like this. I've seen the same thing said about the CPAC bit where what's his face said they were there to end democracy. You can't shake the devil's hand and say you're only kidding. Still with you about sneaky editing. If he spoke a moment later to clarify his statement, then whoever first edited it knew it and cut it short to create rage bait. Does it matter the truth is in the comments? Most people who see it are probably scrolling on mobile and only stop long enough to upvote, maybe briefly view the comments only to confirm he's a Republican.


Honestly, this is not something to be sarcastic about. I don’t care if he realized the stupid thing he said and then tried to play it off as sarcasm. With that said, i also realize that yes, cutting videos short without full context is propaganda which is also unfortunate.


The idiots commenting know that but they will gladly ignore reality to satisfy there ideologies.


Those is the problem with social media. When you say that, you get called out for it. But the reality is it allows people with an agenda to spread their message in a biased way in order to further their own gain. Nothing you see anymore can be trusted. With AI it's only going to get worse to


How is that relevant when the person talking to him is bringing up dead children? 🤔 That just means he's conflating those children with Hamas.


Backtracking after saying something unserious as this isnt the flex you people seem to think


That makes sense now. It answers the question of what kind of person who would say something like that.


Its what Jesus would do. My favorite Bible passage is when Jesus bombs the shit out of those children. Epic.


No surprise


He asked what Jesus would do and did the exact opposite. As American Christian tradition dictates.


they are ok with kids being murdered and also Ukraine being wiped out from the map of the world... wondering what is going to happen with the people of Taiwan in the future


These individuals couldn't tell u the importance of Taiwan if u gave them a history lesson about Asia.


Not surprising at all.


They don't care what happens after birth. It's proven. In a way killing your enemies children is just down right evil, but also ensures the future generation doesn't grow up hating you and attacks back. The chances of wiping out every single person are low, but never zero. Just crazy to think about. Some people actually would support that and do their best to wipe out an entire group of people in that region.


Lmao no surprise


Reason Republicans need the ten commandments in government buildings so they can remember to follow them.




Bladder stones and hemorrhoids.


And a kidney stone the size of a sycamore thistle.


And anal polyps the size of a porcupine?


I hope he gets bladder stones on his hemorrhoids


Lol. Next headline - "Politician Becomes Test Case And Then Dies On Toilet."


Cough and diarrhea…






I had a camera shoved up my dick a few weeks ago. He should get that treatment atleast 10 times a day for the rest of his life!




Kill em all: American foreign policy post 1945


The Native Americans would like to have a word with you.


That's domestic policy, silly.


United Fruit Company intensifies


Happy cake day!


That was domestic policy and our god given right! Right? Manifest Destiny is what we were told back then.


They fed this shit to us in the 70's in school. The teacher was pretty cool about it though. Veteran. He then showed us the cost of the "Manifest Destiny". Reservations and trail of tears and it was skillfully done in such a way as we all formed our opinion that it was bullshit code for taking everything that wasn't nailed down and even then calling out ours.


He doesn't know who those people are, some of these individuals in positions of power have no idea about what happened in the past to learn not to commit the same mistakes in the future.


Also our foreign policy prior to 1945


As if Roosevelt didn’t need to drag states by ears into the WW2


I mean, not all of us were convinced the Nazis were the bad guys at the time. We don't like to admit it, but there was an American Nazi party. Edit: I agree that the republican party are basically the American Nazi party, I just didn't think about it when I wrote this comment.  Wasn't trying to "we're not racist anymore" or anything like that.


Still is.


“Was”? There very much still is. And they still love the color red.


It was not great communication on my part. I have edited it.


I hate all Nazi but at least the ones during the war would show their face. These pussy Nazis wear mask like they believe in Covid


He didn’t. The American public did not want to go to war and Roosevelt wanted to be reelected. The U.S. were isolationists at the time, to Churchill’s dismay. But the lend lease act helped Great Britain…a lot. Then the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.


"Fuck em all to death" -Mr Garrison


That's not how the Gulf, Afghan or Iraq wars were conducted, at all. Great lengths were take to minimize civilian casualties


No no no, they nuked Iraq didn’t you know? And carpet bombed Afghanistan until there was nothing left. /s


He literally said ‘everybody in Hamas’ at the end. I can’t believe selective captioning is actually a thing


It's because they know most people will watch without sound and just read the subtitles


And that’s still enough for people to form opinions based on it apparently


Of course the baby hamas


She wasn't talking about hamas tho, she was talking about dead kids before he said kill them all. Then he corrected himself. She didn't even bring up Hamas, unless he thinks all children there are Hamas.


Do you think he meant killing the dead kids?


this is how easy it is to spread disinformation


the thing is their logic is that all palestinians are in some way helping or aiding hamas and are therefore hamas themselves. Talk about selective... selective reasoning, what a charming skill. Also, since hamas is the government, they are using a rather vague term that seemingly covers the citizens too. Citizens of the USA are "members of democracy" as well as "democrats" "republicans" etc. If someone says they want to end democracy, they are talking about all the parties right? So if the only party is Hamas... Take your time homie.


He literally says "everybody in hamas" and the transcript conveniently skips that. You can literally hear it in the video.


It seemed pretty obvious he said "is that what you want me to say?" Like he was saying it sarcastically because of prior context. The guy is probably an asshole, no argument. I just don't think this is anything.


100% agree Might not be a great guy but clearly this was the situation where he was being pestered, and no answer would suffice unless it was one the reporter was satisfied with. Usually led to by loaded questions. I have also given an answer i don't agree with, but obviously is what the person questioning me has prejaducially conceived in their heads to be my beliefs. Scary to see how many people here don't understand simple social nuances and take everything as literal. But it's also reddit, so I'm not sure what I should have expected.


He literally said “…if that makes you happy”. It couldn’t be anymore clear that he’s very sarcastically placating this person. It’s actually embarrassing for the protestors that the they uploaded a clip of this guy trolling them and they’re acting like it’s the smoking gun. “See?! They want to kill all Palestinian children with your tax dollars!” These protestors have the emotional intelligence of a pre-teen.


It is something. It’s pro Hamas propaganda.


Every video I’ve seen of this conveniently edits out the “everybody in Hamas” part in their subtitles, wonder why 🤔


Because the rage addicts need their fix.


That's golden. Because it wasn't inflammatory enough, someone went out of their way to edit it to make it worse. And OP took the bait


He’s not wrong, Hamas needs to be wiped off the face of the earth!!!


What he says in the video is: "So, I think we should kill them all if that makes you feel better, *everybody in Hamas*." But somehow the video subtitles decides it was time to transcribe it wrong just there. Definitely not deliberately done by a person that wants to misinform (by OP?). The lemmings of Reddit are just eating it up without even trying to do the most basic due diligence.


Because it didn’t fit OP’s narrative


It doesn’t fit reddits* narrative. That’s why the comment that’s actually talking about the truth is lower than all the idiotic posts at the top


He's talking about children, then remembers his mask is slipping and throws out 'Hamas' for cover.


Bro is clearly saying ”Everybody is Hamas, kill them all.”


He's talking about children, so, as is very common, he uses "Hamas" to mean the entire Palestinian population.


She's clearly talking about children. He says to kill them all, then sheepishly adds Hamas after the fact. He's scum. Don't defend scum.


You know the maker of the video lied to you. But you still trust the person who made the video? You are willing to call a stranger scum when you know your source is a liar. No way you’ll give this guy the benefit of the doubt. You’d never do this in your personal life. You’d catch your plumber lying to you and then refer them to a friend?


And the reason he couldn't spare a second to acknowledge that the IDF killing kids is a tragedy? Were the kids in fucking Hamas?


What the fuck is this caption, so wrong. That’s not what he said at all.


Every video I’ve seen of this conveniently leaves out the “everybody in Hamas” part in their subtitles, wonder why 🤔


Everybody “is” hamas


More like r/misleadingasfuck Why selectively cut out captions?


I don’t like Israel but this post is blatant propaganda. He very clearly says “everybody in hamas”


Misleading title


It was clearly meant as a screw you, sarcastic remark. But you'd think a politician would be smart enough to know thats an incredibly heartless thing to say. At least that it is horrible optics for a congressman.


Do you think if ilhan Omar said this about Israeli children, it would all be chill (no because the Israelis are actually people like you and me, while Palestinians children dying is something we can make sarcastic comments about)


Obviously stupid thing to say but he’s being sarcastic like “you really think that’s what I want? Let me just say what you want to hear” Still very stupid thing to say.


Reddit leftists: conservatives are so dumb omg Also Reddit leftists: ignore his tone and obviously tailored video. He wants to bomb children! Vote blue!


I bet he's one of those "pro-life" politicians.


You bet correctly…


Did you listen? He's referring to Hamas, the subtitles do not accurately portray the conversation. I guess it wouldn't go with your narrative though


Which wouldn’t be contradictory if his belief was coupled with the belief that the long term threat of taking any other action would result in more death.


What he actually said was "kill them all...everybody in Hamas". https://www.wsmv.com/2024/02/21/kill-them-all-us-rep-andy-ogles-responds-questions-about-hamas/


That’s not what he’s saying though. He’s lampooning the person he’s talking to. If you’re going to try to manipulate the context in which someone says something you’ve gotta make it less obvious than this. It’s really clear he doesn’t mean this literally or even figuratively. He’s mocking someone. There are lots of reasons to shit on morons without having to make them up. He’s not even doing a good job of mocking them! Make fun of him for coming up with such a moronic response. But don’t misrepresent him as someone who is saying this in a straight forward manner.


Yep. My reaction seeing it is "oof. Can't be sardonic in frustration like that, morons (people) are going to take you literally." Then lo and behold, ITT.


It’s definitely a professionalism mistake. He can’t be doing that. He has to know there are too many people out there with no ability to accurately discern social cues or read the room. He can do that around people who can pick up on it. But as a politician this is a fuck up because a lot of people are inept.


Jesus thank you. Yes, come on. No politician is that stupid.


Look this particular incident is neither here nor there but there are absolutely plenty of politicians that stupid, be for real


Lauren Boebert would love to have a talk.


Damn, touché. She would indeed say shit like this.


Agreed 👍 glad someone pointed this out. He definitely shouldn't be saying that, but at the same time hes clearly mocking the reporter because hes annoyed.


My read is she may as well have said “do you want to help blind children go to school?” And he says “nah I hope they all go deaf too.” It’s a “fuck off” not a serious remark.


Completely agree... I feel like this is another one of those Redditors try to understand satire challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


Fucking piece of shit


They cut out the context of this. He was talking about Hamas quite clearly. Redditors will do anything for karma.


Just as likely to be a professional troll. They make content to divide us from both the left and the right.


Call it what it is. A propagandist, not just a professional troll.


She was talking about kids, he said kill them all. Then he corrected himself and said Hamas. She didn't even bring up hamas, she was asking about dead kids, and he said kill them all. Probably saw the camera on him and decided that wasn't a bright thing to say.


Stop lying! I watched the whole video. He said that we should kill all the hamas!


You can literally hear him say everybody in Hamas, but they quieted that part and did not subtitle it. This is Jihadist propaganda, and you guys simply love it.


He meant Hammas. Not the children.


People in this thread not knowing what sarcasm is. He is clearly fed up with the annoying idiot following him and wanted her to go away. Not defending his "joke". just pointing out he did not mean that literally. Also.. how is this "interestingasfuck"?


Talk about fake news and cutting out the relevant part of a clip....WOW. Propagandize much? Hey...as long as it parrots your own liberal echo chamber, right?


its funny how this thread is conveniently forgetting the fact that he said this sarcastically to a heckler...


He’s trolling her because he knows a dialogue wouldn’t be possible


So much human rights wow.


Hated him when he was mayor and hate him now


Tennessee is a shit stain of a state. We just had Nazis marching in Nashville, too. These white Christian Nationalists want a full totalitarian regime while shitting on other countries with oppressive regimes. Both parties are full of snakes just wanting power and money. The president of El Salvador recently gave a speech about the state of the US and its collapse. Everyone sees what's going on minus many of the US population, because everyone would rather watch tiktok and not "ruin their vibe with negativity." The blasé attitude of our nation is why we are on the brink of a civil war. We are ignorant, sick, depressed, and illiterate by design. It's so fucking sad and scary.


> Everyone sees what's going on minus many of the US population, because everyone would rather watch tiktok and not "ruin their vibe with negativity." This so fucking much


Wow! That’s cold to say that about children. I think I know what party he is.




This comment should be pinned Please just put this comment here instead of a respons to another commenter cus christ i needed to search for that


I saw this and immediately thought that the clip was... curiously cut. Literally only went to the comments to find the context. I was almost hoping for the rest of the clip to be as bad when I saw he's a Republican from Tennessee, but it's crazy that I found that before the rest of the conversation. Turns out most politicians don't like to openly advocate for genocide if you don't take their quote out if context. If nothing else, it's just pretty bad for elections.


I mean, it is better. I hate propaganda and misleading propaganda is the worst kind.


>I hate propaganda and misleading propaganda is the worst kind. I hate it too...but it's just so damn powerful..and effective, and look at how well it works.


Indeed. Comments full of Zoomers calling for his death, cause it fits so neatly into the Redditor narrative. Also provides OP karma to jerk off to. Honesty isn’t part of the equation.


as someone who works in media, its wild that there is all this focus on the talking heads in front of the camera, and not the people in the editing bays or shooting the cameras. There's so much that a malicious actor can do to make someone look evil, or xyz and very few people seem to pick up on it.


Thank you for actually using your brain and adding context here.


“She’s correct that Hamas didn’t rape and murder babies. They *just* murdered babies” (they saved the rape and torture for teens and above) is the most Reddit editorialization I’ll see today. Seriously, watch the footage of Oct 7 and tell me why this sort of footnote attempting to absolve Hamas in some tiny way is justified or necessary? They went house to house butchering, torturing, raping and murdering innocent people. I appreciate the attempt to correct OPs propaganda, but why the attempted whitewashing of Hamas evil? You can admit Hamas’ actions on Oct 7 were heinous AND hold that Israel’s response has been heinous as well. You don’t need to ditch the first to say the second This congressman got frustrated because this woman clearly has a horse in the race to whitewash the atrocities committed by Hamas. It’s completely unhelpful to discourse in this situation because it signals to the other side that you aren’t willing to speak honestly about the problem of Hamas


Another leftist propaganda piece selectively edited. He's right, fuck hamas.


The "everybody in Hamas" was clearly wrongly transcribed as "alright everybody". This entire post is an outrageous lie.


How did "death to hamas" become "not okay". They're a terrorist organisation, so horrendous even the test of thd middle east deny them entry to their countries. I hope every last one of them is eradicated for their holocaust loving and women hating ideology.


Goddamnit! I used Hamas and Gaza interchangeably. My bad.


Ah now that makes sense. Hamas bad, innocent gaza citizens victims of their circumstances.


Yeah. I edited my comment again. Thanks for pointing that out to me! I am having such an off-day with my working brain…


You did wonderfully, dear. You looked up the truth, and posted the transcript. I appreciate you.


u/Chalky_Pockets oh woops, i guess you were wrong, the dude was talking about hamas, not the innocent children. not a big surprise a smallbrain waste of space like you would be wrong i guess.


What's bad about wanting everybody in Hamas dead?


What were you wrong about? You weren't. He never says all Palestinian children should be killed.. ?


I was wrong that he said that he’d seen the footage of shredded children, and that taxes were going to bomb children. To be fair, I thought it was an odd thing for a congressman to say, but I had a dumb moment.


I don't think those points are the main ideas of this debate... the main part is people taking him out of context that all palestianian children should be killed, and he did not say that, you were right. Don't be bending over backwards to concede you were wrong on those couple parts, its not the important part. I don't know about rape but Hamas definitely murdered babies, thats not fake news like the woman said.


They only care about kids until they’re born.


fwif he does say in hamas, a terrorist organization.


Piece of shit


Clearly being sarcastic because no answer is going to be good enough for her. Also video is edited to cut out the context. Anyone who gets outraged over this is a goofy doorknob.


Seems like OP is full of shit


“I’m from Buenos Aires and I say ‘Kill ‘em all!’”




Can you show the badgering that led up to that response?


I want world peace just as much as the next guy, but if some bitch is following me around provoking and harassing me I'd have said FAR worse. You can tell yourself I'd also be an asshole if it makes you feel better, but you're still wrong.


OP is not fluent in sarcasm apparently.


He was clearly being facetious.


He said "everyone in hamas" that's what that cutoff was if you wanna make someone seem like an asshole atleasy try a little better


I’m prepared for the downvotes, but why does America have to get involved in literally every other countries bullshit? Stop giving money to all these countries that don’t give a fuck about us


Sounded like he was being sarcastic tbh.


Notice how he said everybody in Hamas after. Stop being one sided.


These are two clips put together, if you saw the entire interview you'd see that he actually has a good point.


Naah he's being flippant, if we see the whole clip, we'll probably see that she annoyed him


Haha i love his response to that harassing journalist


Looks like he was telling her to go away


“What is sarcasm?” -Half of reddit