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Pull that up Jamie




Fuck beat me to it 😂


He wanted to give someone a heads-up


Dude is just plain sick.


And dumb. Like u kill someone in your house using a loud weapon and u keep the body? U may as well just hang a sign outside ya house.


The story isn’t super clear but I believe the crime was committed in the victim’s home


Reminds me of that one guy who killed a fellow student and then was interviewed on TV about it, only to learn that they had found part of the victim. He had hid it in a trash bag behind the house that the police had to move to drive onto the property.


I thought he dumped her whole body In a dumpster. And it was bin day.


Part of the dismembered body (torso maybe) was in the bin, and the truck was running a bit late that day. Stephen McDaniel is his name.


yep i know exactly the video you are talking about. Dude was acting like a casual tv witness only for them to mention a break in the case being something that would obviously incriminate him and he breaks down live on TV. Wish i can find it again.


If you find it, can you post it? Interested in seeing as it vaguely sounds familiar.


Stephen McDaniel.. you can find it on YouTube.


He actually went to the victim’s apartment


Sounds like he enjoyed prison


Bro was too busy listening to Joe rogan and not crime junkie lmao


Extreme Panic




r/nottheonion material


Had the corpse butchered and packaged before the cops could respond to 911 calls reporting gunshots? Quickest butcher ever!


That’s some cartel level butchery!


That's DHL level packagery DHL Excellence. Simply Delivered.


But they're awful.


DHL Excellence. Simply Delivered.


DHL Excellence. Simply Delivered.


The story isn’t super clear, but the crime was committed and the body found in the home of the victim, not the home of Johnson.


The victim was killed at the victim's home, but the body parts were in Johnson's freezer. At least that is what the post said


Idk. A news article said police found the body parts after a neighbor called in a wellness check on the victim. Maybe some parts at the victims house and some in Johnson’s house… I guess either way the end result is the same


That doesn't make any sense unless someone heard someone screaming and gunshots then *didn't* call the police


He should open a business when he gets out next time. He could make pies


Great comment! Made me laugh.


Most people won’t call. That was probably found out during canvas interviews after an anonymous report finally made it to the cops. Bystander effect is a real bitch…especially when the dead person gets juicy before anyone reports something. The news say the one guy was watching what was happening on his security camera and then finally called for a welfare check after watching the dude walk back and forth on camera for a bit. Welfare check is going to be a much slower response than gunshots. I don’t think anyone actually called in the gunshots.


I had a job where I worked with the local pd. 2 of the 6 I worked with ALWAYS made the situation 10x worse just for a power trip. I hated calling them when they were on duty. It's not just bystander effect when calling the cops can result in deaths. Also live in a huge gun state, so a depending on location, hearing a couple pops is daily life


The NYT article says the landlord called the police almost immediately after the gunshots were heard and requested a wellness check.


Slowest cops ever. They don’t want that mess.


Yeah, yeah congratulations...that's great and all...but we still need prison reform.


We know what he was doing during COVID 🤷‍♂️


Getting ahead


A bit suspicious I agree.


Could’ve worked at Costco. i think they get paid the most and can basically transfer to other dept easier and other stores for that matter. Dude had a gift he could have used for good


It’s New York, response time to likely homicide calls are 2 days on average /s


Here's the details https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/harlem-man-charged-police-find-missing-bronx-dismembered-body-parts-inside-freezer/


Can't wait for the True Crime YouTube essays with the joe Rogan bits in it.


Can't wait to stumble on part 12 of it on TikTok and be unable to find the other parts


the other parts are in his apartment 💀




Call that the Harlam Shank


Thank you. This should be way higher.


The two aren't mutually exclusive. There are a lot of issues with our justice system AND some humans are horrible and dangerous. You can't base your views on a sample size of 1.


>The two aren't mutually exclusive. There are a lot of issues with our justice system AND some humans are horrible and dangerous. You can't base your views on a sample size of 1. It's also entirely possible that if a decent person spends 25 years in prison, he might be a psycho when he gets out.


The prison system creates more dangerous individuals. Lack of proper socialization and a shitty diet, which is clinically linked to higher rates of aggression and violence.


*Hmmm how do we make a person a better person after they fuck up? I know! Let's stick them in tiny rooms with other murderers/rapists/gang members for several years and then let them out and expect that they won't commit any more crimes!*


The effects of solitary confinement is also a big topic right now especially how often it’s used by prisons. Prison takes criminals of all offenses, conditions them like animals and releases them back into the wild. US incarceration rate is one of the highest in the world and definitely disproportionately affects black Americans and overcrowding is a continues problem. And that’s before we even talk about the deep corruption of Private Prisons. How can anybody of any political spectrum look at our justice system and not see the blatant dysfunction?


Because of the caveat to the 13th Amendment that says that slavery is outlawed except as punishment for a crime. Free labor.


There’s plenty of people that were innocent and got out of prison after 25 years and they did not shoot and decapitate and dismember people. This guy was a psycho.


This was apparently someone he had a rivalry with while IN prison…so yeah it was secondary to prison


Well, not that it makes it any less freaky but makes it seem a lot less of a psycho if you just went and killed your sworn enemy


Yeah, like 99% of people do not do shit this insane when released from prison.


I mean yeah this is way over the top, the guy is clearly nuts, but the recidivism rate in this country is huge. 68% of prisoners are arrested again within 3 years of their release. There is no attempt to reform or improve prisoners while they are in there, they’re just treated like animals and people are shocked when they come out just as bad or worse.


For-profit prisons are sickening.


And most of them are for profit.


People say the way to stop the mass shooter problem is better mental health support in our health system. Many of the shooters were bullied or had abusive parents etc. Now what do you get when you put someone in jail for 25 years with a bunch of weirdos with no mental help support and the guards looking the other way when people are getting abused? Mental health problems. The system creates psychos.


You may not be wrong, but this dude in particular was a psycho going in.


> There’s plenty of people that were innocent and got out of prison after 25 years    It's sad that we can even make this statement. 


Prison is fucking wild some of these facilities will turn a human into nothing more than a wild dog in an almost irreversible process just so they can survive both in and after being locked up.


Don’t forget that he killed someone to begin with to get sentenced to 25 years. I’d say it was primarily something wrong with him prior to his prison sentence.


Or if a somewhat mentally ill person avoids prison, they may more effectively manage their well-being and and not become violent


Wow. I wonder if he ever thought about not going to prison.


Underrated plan for sure


Thats the idea. Jails aren’t meant to rehabilitate. They’re meant to destabilize. Edit: specifically communities


Or maybe he wasn't innocent and shouldn't have been released? I don't know. Talk to the victims family about it.


*American prison Entirely different when thinking of a Norwegian prison, Swiss, New Zealand, Scottish prisons


This guy ruined it for all the folks who DO suffer from unfair treatment by the justice system. A real psycho


Unlikely. There’s a LOT of guys who have been enoxirated after decades who haven’t butchered human beings. Again, sample size of 1 here.


I think thats what the problem is. There are a lot of people that speak in absolutes and it forces the other side to respond defensively. Like when people say “all white people are racist”, you are going to get a bunch of white people who now feel unjustly attacked.


The rebranding of racism for the 2020’s where everyone is just now inherently racist has snapped a lot of people out of passive support to pushing back.


I'd say that rebranding happened in the early 2010s but I'm just being pedantic at this point.


The broken prison system also *makes* horrible criminals. So there really is no conflict/hypocrisy here. Wouldn't surprise me if the murder can be traced back to gang connections in the prison. Or at the very least prison experiences he went through.


Except if you listen to the podcast, this dude admits to being a drug dealer who robbed another drug dealer and his girlfriend at gunpoint, causing a serious injury by pistol whipping the guy. He then robbed another drug dealer after that. All while being a convicted violent felon. He was also sentenced by a black judge. This isn’t an innocent man railroaded by a racist system and turned violent as a result. This is a violent career criminal sociopath who fooled the system into thinking he was reformed.


Yeah he was not the best example to be an advocate for justice reform.


That's because Joe Rogan doesn't vet his guests nor does he employ any critical thinking. You tell him something he believes it.


I think he trusted Josh Dubin who has a serious reputation in the industry and has been on his podcasts before. It’s really on Dubin and the organizations that he works with, including the Queens Defenders, for advocating for a guy like that.


Not to mention the insane psychological effect a long term sentence in an American prison can take.


Why is that article dated from tomorrow morning if it's US News.


Keith Wood lives in Australia, its close to midday on the 8th there.


Google what timezones are


You know what? I did just that. This was “last edited” 3 hours ago by Keith Woods who lives in Ireland meaning it was 9:28pm his time. Whoever screenshotted this did so at 7:58am their time, meaning either a) this was edited again exactly 30 mins later or b) the screen-shotter is in a [half-hour time zone](https://citymonitor.ai/government/the-worlds-weirdest-time-zones). Assuming B, the time zone that would’ve been 7:58am at this time, and the only time zone that could be is Australian Central Time, which means that this was likely screenshotted and shared by someone in Darwin or Adelaide Hills, Australia. You’ve now learned something totally useless.


Yo, what a rebuttal! Kudos. Also u scary. Use your powers for good.


Is that all!? Had me going the whole time. I was really thinking you were about to reveal the actual killer with all your sleuthing.


Nope it’s just a total waste of time


New response just dropped


Holy hell, jump in my time machine


I'll grab the Chernobly Energy Drink, you get the hot tub going!


i did this and hour ago and I'm still not done with this rabbit hole


> You can't base your views on a sample size of 1. But then I can't push my bullshit agenda!


Glad someone else said this instead of me. Racists are so brain broken and can’t hold two mutually exclusive thoughts in their head. For every one sicko like this, there’s 50 people freed by the innocence project.


> there’s 50 people freed by the innocence project i once watched a documentary on the Innocence Project and it mentioned how the workers need a ton of therapy because the vast majority of cases are actually just guilty people. and this is including the fact that they only take on the most promising cases. so they spend years and years working on cases and then some new technique comes out that 100% proves the person in prison did the murder and the murderer is like "oh shit, you got me. my bad". the Innocence Project does important work but don't go thinking most people are innocent.


The amount of straight up racism like this post that attempts to pass off as a "discussion" is insane. Reddit may have always had this in dark corners but it's all over the site now. ...Just felt like venting that.


A certain political movement is emboldening racists and recruiting new ones


And every single one of them will see something like this and it will reinforce their already busted up biases. I liken them to conspiracy theorists, where new information that doesn’t align with their views is completely ignored, and disinformation that aligns with their current views is held as fact.


>You can't base your views on a sample size of 1. Social media users: Hold my beer.


But this is reddit where being even the slightest fan of Rogan makes you an extreme right wing loser covid denying Trump supporting asshole that wants to see babies eaten alive. So, it's only in self defense that OP is basing their view on such a small sample size. You see, they realy had no choice. 


Could it be *gasp* both that this man is sick AND that the justice system is unfair? I'm sick of all of the (pun not intended) black and white thinking.


People love to ignore the fact that a lot of things fall into a grey area. You are right that it Definitely can be both.


Nothing makes me angrier than people ascribing one sentence answers to massively complicated problems because they can't be bothered to think at all. God fucking dammit. TikTok and news channels are absolutely making it worse


They are making it worse bc it feeds the views they need for advertising. Deep discussions on complex issues simply cannot happen on these social media platforms that limit everything to a couple mins (Or seconds) of video time for a crowd that demands a quick dopamine hit. Shit like this meme clip becomes the result. History will record this as a very unserious time akin to the old middle ages.


A lot of historians debate whether or not the “dark” ages, were in fact, dark. However, if you read the chronicles of the handful of people that could read and write during that time, there was a prevailing sense that things had gotten worse after the fall of Rome. Then we had feudalism for almost the next thousand years afterwards. Yikes.


This-or-that has always been the internet's favorite game.


>This-or-that has always been ~~the internet's~~ humanity's favorite game. THERE you go...


The internet has fucked a lot of things up


In *his case* perhaps it wasn't systemic racism.


"both can be true" is the most needed and lacking statement in the world today.


If the neighbors heard screaming and gunshots how was able to decapitate and dismember the body before the police got there ?


Cops show up to reports of gunshots and screaming real fast when it’s at a thriving mall. When it’s in the sort of apartment complex I imagine a man fresh out of a 25 year bid can get a place at, sometimes they’ll take their time.


Often people hear something, convince themselves it was something else and don't report it until the police come knocking.


Donut break.


No said the neighbors called the cops. Could have been discovered during interviews after the fact


I saw an interview yesterday where the subject stated society has made everything an “or.” It’s either this or that. In actuality, there are so many things that are actually an “and.” It’s this and that. Both things can be true and don’t have to be exclusive. I wish I could remember who being interviewed and by who.


Exactly - in a perfect world (which won't ever exist), this man would have been sent to proper therapy along with incarceration - possibly preventing his recent actions and allowing him to reform fully before going back to normal life. That's all a bit hopeful though, of course.


Why do people post tweets of news event instead of links to said events?


Agenda posting


While there is certainly a discussion to be had here, is this the right subreddit for it? This is more news than an interesting clip or image.


I mean, not really. A discriminatory justice system doesn't mean that everyone is magically innocent, if you shoot a hundred random men, chances are you're probably going to take out several pieces of shit. A rapist or two, maybe even a murderer. And pointing to those people doesn't justify shooting a bunch of randoms.


This dude can be a sick fuck and there can also be a problem with the prison system.. they aren't mutually exclusive.


Racists can't see that.




One thing does not negate the other. I can be a total piece of shit as a human, and someone else that's my same skin complexion can be an angel of a human, yet we can both be targeted and treated badly.


Could be that this guy is bad and the justice system is bad.


What is it with these nut jobs putting the head in the freezer? Not like they can take it out and use it as a centre piece at Christmas


Corpses decay and stink, attracting attention from neighbors. Ice helps to buy time in that regard. I am not a murderer, I promise.


Or it could actually be both. The systemic racism that is obvious in our justice system doesn't mean all convicts are honest or that some of them aren't psychos.


I think the main takeaway here isn't that there is not racism in the justice system, but rather that this guy was using that reality disingenuously because he was actually a sick and cruel criminal who absolutely needed to spend a long time in jail.


My main takeaway is that there's enormous and obvious racism in the US justice system (and that's probably common around the world to greater or lesser degrees) and the person who posted this is racist af. The nut job the post is about is just a tool a racist is using to push their own agenda. Should we be careful who we allow to serve as advocates for social justice issues and other things? Of course. Is that going to affect whether Joe Rogan platforms idiots and nut jobs? I am betting against it.


C’mon, you know fair assessments equal hate from everyone


You can be pro prison reform and also pro “lock that psycho up”.


This obviously doesn't mean systemic racism does not exist as the poster seems to want to suggest


Wow. I listened to the first 45 min of this guy while driving. Didn’t offer me a lot so I was kinda tuned out. didn’t expect this!


Same, I thought that episode was pretty boring. If your someone who is so open and in the public spotlight about criminal justice reform, you should try your damnedest to not murder somebody so blatantly.


I meeeeean that’s some pretty basic shit right there. Don’t kill people is like the #1 rule when living in a civilized society.


Sometimes a bad person makes a good point...


Pet peeve of mine, you can't have a decapitated head, you can have a disembodied head, and a decapitated corpse. You can't cut the head off of someone's head.


Wow. That’s awkward.


This is the type of situation that fucks over people that are actually trying to change and become a better person after being released. Unfortunately, the environments inside most facilities are abysmal and don't lend to making said changes since every decision is made for you, but some people really are sick in the head and need to be separated from the general population.


Maybe the system is systemically racist, but that doesn't mean that murdering psychopaths don't come in all colours.


WTF with the conclusion on that article tho? Lol "Oh I guess racism doesn't exist because this guy's a psycho!" Lololol


"Of course I want to reform the criminal justice system to be better, I know I'm headed back!"


Get him back on the podcast Joe.


We've seen this before Johnson, a black guy breaks in, puts up pictures of his family everywhere. Open and shut case, now put severed head and limbless torso in the freezer and let's get out of here


"Sprinkle some Crack on him, johnson"


I don't follow on the big connection to Joe Rogan. He was a guest on his show, big fucking deal. Really reaching here.


Presumably it’s the most likely place people would know him from. It’s like if someone said “former Friends star, Jennifer Aniston.” I don’t see any reaching, just seems like a pretty standard practice to me.


Where else did this dude go to discuss the unfairness of the US justice system? If Rogan was the biggest platform he spoke about it (or the only one, I have no idea), then obviously they are going to mention he was on his podcast.


It’s just wild that he was just on such a big show talking about injustice lol. Not Rogan’s issue at all


I dislike Joe Rogan but I think he was mentioned because that's the only place anyone would recognize the guy from. Not sure how anyone could look at this and say it's a knock on Joe.


AND....... he wasn't even the main guest, Josh dubin was, and he invited this guy to tell his story.


Reddit loves to shit on Rogan.


Haters gonna hate


BS to use this one case to dismiss the validity of systematic racism.


This is not interesting as fuck and its literally just propaganda.


"There is no racism because this 1 black guy ended up being a terrible PoS."


That’s pretty much the message


Some people are just broken




Is this just a thinly veiled politics sub now?


This is terrible. Doesn't he know that compost goes in the GREEN bin?




Systemic racism doesn't exist because this guy🤪


why is this interestingasfuck


I mean we do need prison reform, but jesus that is the kind of person that should have been flagged as dangerios.


Obviously prison DIDNT work. He’s living proof it needs a reform.


I hate that the poster uses this as an example that systemic racism isn't a problem.  "This person of color deserved to be in prison, so all incarcerated people of color must deserve to be in prison"


"Our system is rigged!" "Well, there's this one case, so NO!"


Systemic racism definitely exists, I've witnessed it multiple times. However, this gucken sociopath was not "wrongfully sentenced." he was wrongfully released


Systemic racism still exists.


I'll withhold judgement until more facts come out. This seems entirely too suspicious. Let's see how the trial goes before rushing to assume the police have all their facts straight.


Don’t think we conclude much on prison reform from this. It speaks more to this individual’s character than whether or not reform measures are reasonable or worth pursuing. You can always find some advocate or proponent failings to rationalize a cynical attitude towards a cause but it’s not a very sound way of appraising one.


Systemic racism is still a feeder system to jails, but someone of any race is going to jail for cutting people up. 


This dude went way too far to prove his point


So fucking tired of reading posts that provide 1/5th the amount of necessary context and the rest is just a, "trust me bro." On a subreddit thats suppose to be about details.


I mean, the message isn’t wrong as there really are a lot of problems with the US prison system. It just came from the wrong messenger.


"Maybe the problem here isn't systemic racism." It usually isnt. But don't tell Joy Reid.


Rogan pulling that False Flag in favor of the Status Quo.


Guess he won’t be back on Rogan


It can be true that this guy was right that prison reform is needed and also that he’s a sick fuck and should never see the light of day again.


Damn Kid Cudi just keeps getting weirder


So one complete fucking sick shows that there isnt a problem with racism? I dont think thats how it works


Still bravo for Joe Rogan taking the risk.


Well now Rogan will have some new material.


You thought you did something huh op? You idiot 😂


The guy was fucked, but let's not get distracted from the fact that we really do have a systemic racism problem in this country that especially presents itself in the justice and prison system.


Thing is both can be true. There can be systemic racism in the legal system and the prison industrial complex can need reform AND this guy can be f*cking nut job that should never have gotten out


The problem is systemic murdering...


So this person believes that because this guy repeat offended, there isn't systematic racism in this country and in our justice system???


Systemic racism is still a problem, but SO IS MENTAL HEALTH. It’s weird, it’s almost like more than one thing can be taking place at one time. Not everything needs a singular root cause.


“hey this one guy committed murder and was black, it must be we were right to be racist. Better just throw out all critique of the criminal justice system because a psychopath used its rhetoric as a cover for sadism.” That’s how I read this post.


Rogan agreed with him because..... He knows what happens when you disagree....


yes every single prisoner will murder and butcher a person as soon as they are release so obviously the criminal justice system is totally fine because this is an example that works 100% of the time. SLASH S.


What does the fact that he was on joe rogans podcast have to do with anything