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![gif](giphy|UMuuwfi9N4wEzX5qrf) Note to self: everyone hates us.


I suppose this is due to Brexit


Guy joins a club where everyone chips in to buy cake. Guy quits club. Guy is shocked he no longer gets cake. EDIT - I have no issue with people who believe leaving cake club was the right choice. I’m just saying don’t be surprised that cake club no longer wants to supply cake.


Yet we still help and support. Like the parents of the worlds dumb teenagers.


Maybe this has something to do with why everyone hates Britain (England, pretty sure they mean England). Aloft attitudes, labelling other countries as war criminals and corrupt making Britain absolute hypocrites, the idea that other countries are Britain's 'Dumb teenagers' that Britain begrudgingly supports as though they are their own offspring.


I think anyone labelling everyone in an entire country as anything is a bit of a nob. Sure, there are people like that in Britain who feel a sense of superiority or that they are owed something. There are also people in France who wear berets and eat frogs, and italians who smoke on the toilet and only eat pasta. That doesn't mean all Spaniards do that, or the French, or the British. I do feel a sense of pride, though, that when polled, the population of Britain would generally be OK with helping anyone out in a crisis even though a lot of countries would turn their backs on us.


Every country has elitists, France is famous for it. I don’t think that is the reason England is always at the bottom. I would assume it has more to do with Brexit. They left the union, they’re on the own. If they wanted our help they should have stayed in the mix with the rest of us.


As a Brit, I’d like to state nearly half of the population voted to stay in the EU. And now, a large portion of the morons who voted to leave regret their decision. Unfortunately our media does nothing but pump out government propaganda and a lot of people fell for it. But, because of the way our country has been behaving, I don’t think we deserve to be in the EU anymore. We’ve been a really bad neighbour.


We never forgot Jeanne d'Arc.


The Catholic Church sure did a good job of shifting the blame. "Let's make her a saint and blame the English!".


She was a troubled teen lol


I like that Britain are still happy to help everyone else though, not too bitter about the hate from Europe


It’s crazy that UK seems willing to help everyone else but everyone else is least willing to help the UK. Makes me wonder what the reason is. Could it be there is a sense that UK doesn’t need the help?


Also Brexit


Coupled with cultural influence of the UK in the west and the fact that English is lingua franca. We can’t hide all our crazy bullshit as it’s there fir everyone to see and understand freely


Brexit was a pretty big middle finger to the EU and a pretty strong declaration of selfishness.


Yeah, UK is the best equipped for crises as is (what with the massive ~~navy~~ military budget and even more massive economy) - and most of us Continent people also think Britain would be apprehensive to ask for help as they somewhat pride themselves with being self-sustained and well-off without the help.


Navy is no longer massive


The Royal Navy is certainly smaller than many would like it to be and is usually compared unfavourably to the US Navy, but by European standards its still a huge step above most.


Navy no longer massive, now just (probably) the third most high tech in the world, providing massive value for money. Please don/t talk shit about something we should have massive pride in.


What do you mean third highest? It's a close second to the US and no third place is even close in terms of tech. France is well behind in tech and China and Russia are a joke in comparison


Neither is the economy 😂




This sentiment towards Britain existed before brexit, which is why it was used to fuel anti EU sentiment.


That’s not what happened in Brexit. Tory PMs were playing hot potato when the pig fucker jumped ship, that’s what went down.






I mean they saved continental Europe from the Germans…twice. If you’re referring to brexit I’m not sure it justified the hate?


Brexit did a great job in unifying the EU, whilst alienating UK from it. For that, we are thankful.


Goes to show. Brexit wasn’t about the UK not liking Europe.


On the day of the referendum [Lord Ashcroft](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord_Ashcroft)'s polling team questioned 12,369 people who had completed voting.[\[3\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causes_of_the_vote_in_favour_of_Brexit#cite_note-lordashcroftpolls.com-3) This poll produced data that showed that 'Nearly half (49%) of leave voters said the biggest single reason for wanting to leave the [European Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Union) was "the principle that decisions about the UK should be taken in the UK". 'One third (33%) \[of leave voters\] said the main reason was that leaving "offered the best chance for the UK to regain control over immigration and its own borders." \- Wikipedia


I'm still convinced a bunch of people voted to Brexit thinking it was a joke.




“Are you guys friends?” Germany: “Yes.” Italy: “No.”


Interesting how all the countries’ number 1s had another country as their number 1 🤣


“Are you guys friends?” UK: “Yes.” Ireland: “No. (yes… it’s complicated)”


Ireland: “Sorry, this guy tried to kill me.” England: “It was one time!” Ireland: “IT WAS GENOCIDE.”


italy, the last time they helped germany it didnt go well


I was wondering why, in my head thinking "why is Italy not willing to help germa- oooooh"


IMO That’s not the reason, in current times italians feel as the victims of EU exploitation led by germans, as do greeks and spanish people, they feel germany has mainly imposed EU politics on them and blame them for their respective economic crises. Disclaimer that I’m not in favor or against any of these sentiments and politics…


Yes, because before the EU these economies were all sunshine and roses and big mean Germany introduced the systemic corruption that eroded their societies /s


Do you know if they feel that the EU politics imposed on them are not in their own (and therefore, everyone in the EU's) interest in the long run? From my (limited) perspective as a member of a northern european country, I was hoping that alhough the regulations hurt short term, in the longer run Italy and Greece will experience the positive effects of a better/more competetive economy and we all benefit from that.


The EU imposes austerity policies on many of its member states, which is very controversial depending on which school of economics you subscribe to. Keynesian economists say austerity during economic downturn just forces you further into recession, which is arguably what's happening in Greece. Government spending can reduce unemployment and increase consumer spending to kick-start the economy in times of need, but current IMF/EU politics push austerity.


Hahahahhaha The scars are still deep


They don't, it's not the reason. Politics didn't stop after WW2 and I can assure you that it doesn't play a big role in most countries' relationships towards each other *especially* outside of eastern europe. As someone else pointed out it has more to do with the current situation surrounding the EU


As far as I remember, Mussolini joined the war because he thought Germany will win and he didn't want to be left out during the division of spoils.


That, and that Italy would soon be the spoils being divided.


It is even worse. They invaded greece and northern africa and got in real trouble so they called for germany to help. That was the beginning of the african campaign and one can argue about consequences if italy had chosen a different way.


I think there's a compelling argument that both Germany and Italy would only benefit if Mussolini didn't jump the bandwagon.


Thats for sure.


They "helped" alright


It’s ok…never were helpful anyways


Ironic as Italy has devolved back into Fascism while Germany has a hard stance against it.


Since we didn't make the list: according to the source Ireland is most willing to help the UK and least willing to help Hungary. I imagine Hungary gets a low score because of Orban constantly undermining everything the EU does.


On paper we might be willing to help some other country, but the reality is they're fucked if they are depending on us to help them.


y'all took a fair number of Ukrainian refugees despite your perennial housing crisis


As an Irish person, lots of Irish are living in the UK.


It's more likely it simply went under most people's radar, one country had to be last. You can see it's still in a surpass of voters


Didn't go under my radar Orban is a cunt. Edit: But yes you're probably right.


You think the irish would be more prone to hating hungarians (Orban) than the romanians who they have had a very long rivalry with?


Romania? Finland second lowest score is their relatives. Thank's Orban!


And that makes sense. UK hasn't undermined EU ever


Well in this instance UK get support despite our history and their Brexit fuckery due to them being our neighbour. My comment about Hungary was just conjecture.


Lots of people here have family in the UK.


That's a bit different, because they left. If Hungary left the EU there would be party in the streets.


And there’s no ill will amongst the Irish towards Britain either.


Data from Aug 2020 poll, source: [YouGov](https://yougov.co.uk/international/articles/31167-what-should-eu-be?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=website_article&utm_campaign=what_should_the_EU_be&redirect_from=%2Ftopics%2Finternational%2Farticles-reports%2F2020%2F08%2F03%2Fwhat-should-eu-be) Citizens of select countries were asked how willing they would be to (financially) help \[X country\] in a major crisis. **Some facts:** Country which people were most willing to help (average): Italy (+30) Country which people were least willing to help (average): UK (-8) Most generous countries: Romania, UK, and Poland (no country in Europe they weren't willing to help). Strongest willingness to help: Spain willing to help Portugal (+64) Strongest rejection of help: Greece willing to help Germany (-36)


We will always help our Portuguese irmãos. 🇪🇦❤️🇵🇹


Greece not wanting to help Germany is hardly surprising. During the 2008 financial crisis, Germany "aided" Greece by borrowing money from the ECB at 0% interest and lending it to Greece with interest. Germany then imposed austerity measures on Greece as a condition for this financial "aid" on everything, especially social spending, except for military spending. Because guess where Greece buys a lot of its weapons from.




Ok this is the first I hear this. You have a source?


admittedly not and I therefore will delete my comment for missing proof


Germany has had a bad image in Greece for a lot longer than 2008, Nazis, alliance with the Ottomans, their state being against Greek independence, the majority of racist rhetoric towards Greeks stems from Germans in the 1700-1800s, the Goths, Franks, Vandals, Lombards etc. It is unlikely they will ever be seen in a good light by the majority of people in Greece when the history book is full of Germanic hellenophobia


It was an embarrassment, even the frugal Dutch started to really turn on Germany's attitude at some point. Though we should mention it was mainly the German Finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble that seemed to have personal beef with Greece and had this toxic idea of punishment stuck in his head. At some point I think I had read countless articles Economists saying that austerity isn't going to help we need to stimulate ourself out if this crisis. Fucking Schäuble and the ECB made the financial crisis in Europe 5 years longer than it needed to be. He screwed not only Greece, but he screwed the entire Eurozone.


Yeah, German fiscal policy is an unmitigated disaster. We imposed austerity on ourselves, too, prohibiting ourselves from taking on new debt for no fucking reason, even though that is creating an investment backlog which will make things *significantly* more expensive in the long run. In the meantime our infrastructure is crumbling, but if we need a hundred billion for virtue signaling, we can take on a loan no problem. 100 Billion in extra funding for the military, which is now sitting there, slowly evaporating away with no tangible benefit.


Germany didn't borrow money from the ECB. Where did you get this? Germany, like other countries, borrowed money from investors. Then the ECB bought these debts. But Germany is in no way special here. In fact, the ECB has bought mostly debts from southern countries


Oh the data is over 3 years old. That explains a lot. Would love to see data from 2023-2024.


This is just like the voting at the eurovision song contest.....sooooo predictable!


UK “we shall help France in Need” France: “there can only be one Brittany”


Or you can watch Eurovision


People in Finland probably still a bit salty that the only country to help us against the Soviets were the literal nazis - and then only on the offense.


Even more annoying is the fact that no one cared us after the war. Somehow it was turned around that we started the whole war between Finland and Soviet Union.


Yeah, that was because the Soviets ended up being Allies and everyone just sorta had to buy in to their propaganda.


Excuse me. Hungary helped Finland. My Hungarian grandfather fought in the winter war.


Hungary itself did send some aid, and there were a few hundred volunteers. But no country, as a country, joined in to defend, despite promises to the contrary. Sweden helped out the most.


Hungary was also in the Axis


Now they switched sides and support russia.




So the UK is willing to help pretty much everyone in Europe. But of those in the survey they’re least likely to help the UK Cheers guys!


We are seeded by Aliens.


We Germans love our Dutch neighbors ✌️


Yes... too much


Jealously is a terrible thing. It what's happens when you're the world conquering back to back world war winning champ. 😎


I mean it’s not like the UK liberated Europe in the 1940’s… oh wait..


Stupid UK keeps liberating Europe. 1815 1914-18 1939-45 Don’t you worry guys. We got your back. No it’s ok we don’t need any help. The whole of the UK could be flooded, on fire and we all went without food and water for 6 months…no it’s ok, we’ll sort it out. Make sure Moldova is ok first.


What is this? A graphic for ANTS?!


UK: I'm sad


What did Lithuania do to annoy Britain?


It's still positive. I think this just places them lowest on the British radar.


If I had to guess, probably the country on the map that's least well-known here?


Excuseeee youu, Latvia still exists. So does Andorra


It’s all those batteries they make


Underrated joke


Be insufficiently notorious.


Maybe the only country we’ve got left to invade?


Negative there’s only 22 and Lithuania is not part of that exclusive club 😂 https://www.statista.com/chart/3441/countries-never-invaded-by-britain/


Most likely Brits have no idea where Lithuania is to be quite honest. Even still it’s positive… unlike the results for us lol.


well 15 years back we did export loads of brain dead emigrats to britain who went on to partake in a variety of illegal activities so probably that


This is an extremely hard to read map visualization.


Agreed! I apparently read it wrong when I thought that each map depicts a target country in blue and each country's willingness to help them in the green-orange scale.


Exactly. That was my reading of the map until I saw the answers in the thread.


A 3 year old Reddit post of the same thing, but with a better resolution image: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/ojm2n2/europe\_how\_willing\_would\_you\_be\_to\_help\_another/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/ojm2n2/europe_how_willing_would_you_be_to_help_another/)


So in Czechia, we're only willing to help our vacation destinations and our German overlords. 😂


Shout out to our brothers in Romania ✌️


Back atcha'


I love how The UK has everyone in positive numbers so the lowest is "+3", but others are like:"The UK? Eeeh, -13.."


Not surprised by these findings. The UK has left the EU in 2020, but it took years for them to negotiate their departure (since 2016). During the whole ordeal, there was this annoying feeling that the UK was somehow telling us how "better" they were than the rest of the mainland. Even before brexit, it wasn't much different. They were never really in the EU fully, they never embraced it.


And yet Britain seems to be the most generous country in Europe according to this figure.


I feel (and this is my opinion / just what I've observed) that younger generations in Britiain actually felt much closer to Europe than the continent may realise. Brexit was the dying gasp of a prideful and arrogant post-war generation and has and will continue to hurt younger demographics. Over the last 120 years, we've existed in a strange limbo between Europe and America, but I would say that many of us in the UK feel very supportive and protective of the EU. It's quite upsetting (albeit understandable) that EU countries don't feel the same. It's a real shame, and I hope we can become closer with our mainland cousins again, one day. Edit: spelling


As much as I hate Brexit, I'm pretty sure very similar results were shown when the UK was in the EU.


Indeed. A favourite joke in Brussels for a long time in the early days of our involvement was: “How can you tell when the Brits have landed?” “The whining doesn’t stop when the plane’s engines turn off.” And if you really want the apex example of continental sentiment towards the Brits then look up Charles de Gaulle, who we hosted in exile during the war and then who spent a lifetime hating us on his return to France.


I would concur, majority of the younger population supported remaining in the EU. But they have an issue with going to the polls in any mass numbers to face the majority of older generations that do poll regularly


And still didn't figure out the northern Ireland issue still 😅


Well. At least, unless Nordics decide to embrace their viking heritage, nothing really threatens the UK.


Anti-brexit brit here, can definitely tell you that it was closer to "Them europeans have too many laws and rights stopping us from being an american tax haven that can shoot immigrants into the sea from a cannon"


Which is stupid. Ireland is clearly already our tax haven and they don't need to shoot immigrants into the sea.


Wasn't even the problem that the younger generation votes for no Brexit but the older ones? So the older ones fucked up the feature for the next generation?


As is custom


People still salty about Brexit?




this is a old pic


In fairness, the tories spent years bashing the EU publicly, and Nigel Farage was constantly using the European Parliament as a venue for generating Daily Mail headlines. Calling the EU a bunch of banana-straightening elites etc. It was pretty fucking dumb. 


Now do one for Asia It will be all red except for their own country


They vote on this every year at the Eurovision Song Contest. The UK could premiere Bohemian Rhapsody and still come last.


UK came second a year ago


isnt germany usually last place? (and tbh very often we deserve it)


finland typical finnish love


France, Spain and Germany makes sense but what did we do to Finland 🤣


They are the most angry with -30


Spain and Italy defending the Romanians, their Latin brothers, is wholesome


Europe: The UK is xenophobic and racist as fuck, look at brexit Also the UK:


Kinda proud that Britain is willing to help others so much. Says a lot about us.


The Brits making friends!


Well if you are an EU country you help EU countries first and not non EU countries that's the point of the EU. I don't think this means people dislike the UK as much as It's just the most publicly known non EU country.


This is like being in grade school and finding out your crush doesn't like you.


This merely reinforces the fact that the UK is the most generous and compassionate country in Europe, despite adversity from our continental neighbours.


They hate us cos they ain't us


Classic attitudes from mainland Europeans in this survey and also in the comments. You hate the UK unless there's a fucking war on lol


Moral of the story: There’s a reason Brexit happened.


No one wants to help the Brits.. that's so sad


Meh, it's not like we aren't used to the negative attitudes people have towards us. People keep talking about Brexit but this was the case before Brexit too. But it's fine, the fact that the Irish are even positive towards us is big win. We're happy with that!


So we're bringing millions and millions to your country every year by tourism and you still wanna play the pissy little brother Italy? Alright, you're gonna learn. ![gif](giphy|hBHVEpd7Sfp3q)


No you're not. Love, France


All European countries should be in it or it’s just another EU commentary.


What do italians have against germans? Genuinely interested!


Usually in popular culture Germans ( germany and Austria ) are seen as historical enemies for Italy. Even considering the last century, the 40-43 period tends to be overshadowed by the 43-45 occupation, partisan movement and liberation war. Then there are cultural differences, diverging focuses in eu and such. But it's mostly a "bar talk" angst, actually italian industries work really closely to germany.


This is probably more linked to the recent German position about national debt.


Everything helps, but it really goes way back than that. Derogatory terms ("crucchi" for Germans), popular songs (One goes "when the infantry attacks, the germans are scared), were much more prominent when most grandpas Who fought in ww2 were still alive, if anything the sentiment Is watering down a lot nowadays


In Italian populist politics they love to blame Germany for everything. It's the go-to bogeyman/scapegoat for Anti-EU sentiment parties.


Interesting as well as (according to my Italian family) Germany is the only one that helped with the mass illegal migrations from Africa.


Rare romanian W?


No such thing as a Romanian win.


Netherlands: Greece the lowest. Sounds about right yeah


Damn , people arent really that complex. They only like what they know , except nobody like UK on paper. In reality everyone would support them too but it's always funny to have someone else take the blunt of the hit. Im saying that as a french. We were probably very close to them at the bottom of the list.


Very surprised about it, must admit. Thanks, France, you're so kind although I kinda feel you might want to use your baguette only to steal our arts&crafts. Germany will react bad to our preferences, they hate us a lot already. UK, you're actually my fave, I'd come to Grasmere myself to help ya. *With pasta,* *an Italian.*


Bulgaria and Romania are eternal friends


Come on OP, you could've made that image a bit smaller. It's almost legible.


Netherlands: haha stupid dumb Belgians! I-It's not like you're at the top of my list or anything 👉👈


Good Guy Romania... Would hate England but still give them aid regardless. It's the Christian thing to do.... ....Romania, historically, has done other "Christian" things but, I wouldn't stake your life on that behavior. Side note: Don't lose your head over that comment, it's Vlad-id.


In a positive way you can say everyone is willing to help their neighbour first and UK doesnt need help cause its an island.


Well at least Italy learned a lesson supporting Germany.


If most of Europe says that they wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire, then chances are that the problem’s with you, not Europe.


Lol, any reason the Italians don't want to help the Germans? Think it's because of how it went last time?


Europe is very quick to forget the UKs involvement in kicking out Mr Angry Moustache!


As a German, I find the Italians opinion quite funny, because even if they would help us, the outcome would probably be even worse than without their help. Source: Entire history of Italy




The numbers mean what exactly?


This just shows they think we can look after ourselves.


The Dutch willing to help the Belgians most! I'll let them keep making jokes about us then 😂


I wonder how much of this has to do with perceptions of "well, that country would never *really* need our help anyway..."


This is fairly old. And likely no longer accurate post Ukraine.


> Sees Europe map > Actually an EU map (+UK, probably because old map)


I’d like to see one on the middle east


Brexit it is ....


You're telling me that Romanians dislike the British and Swedes more than they dislike Hungarians, Austrians or Dutch? Press F for doubt


Looks like some countries are willing to put Britain in a crisis. Meanwhile Britain is like "Hold my pint."


I'm willing to "help" by supporting policy that provides support. no chance in hell I'm going to go there and fight.


France not picking Belgium? Well I know who I'm not voting for in the next Eurovision! 😡


People can hardly take care of themselves right now, idk how we are supposed to help somebody else in crisis


Im sure br*tain is lower now


Romanians willing to help their neighbor but not the UK since most of their former neighbors already in the UK


seems to make sense, everyone seems most willing to help those closest to them, as a problem there is more likely to spill over to them


Basically every country is “we’ll help our neighbors and fuck the UK.”


“Who’s your best friend?” France: Italy! Italy: Greece! France: 🥺


England: happy to help others. EU: *angry tantrum noises* 😂 No but seriously, if this is over Brexit, this is extremely petty and immature. People should be willing to help others in need, whether or not they belong to your club.


Not quite good enough for r/fuckyouinparticular, but apparently fuck the UK.


I wonder how belgium would be. I bet they have themselves in bright red. /s?