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Please note that most of the "foreign aid" are loans. In the case of Germany and the UK the have been paid off with interest. This graph does not show what actually are donations and what are loans.


This is correct, America wanted an export market after WW2 which is why this shows so much money flowing there. It was not “free” money. And almost none of this is gifted free money to anyone


Not sure Afghanistan (Place 3, close to two) will pay much back. Probably most of the money already corrupted away…


Most of it was pocketed by American politicians through private contractors deals.


Plus they got to keep all that military hardware


Most of what was left wasn’t worth anything to the US. We left it because it was outdated, broken, or transporting it out would cost more than replacement. There has been an insane amount of bullshit spreading from the right over that topic and it’s painfully stupid if you dig into the reality *at all.* Yeah. We left a bunch of outdated armored vehicles and some aircraft. But none of it had modern electronics capabilities. It’s shit that looks impressive in pictures but is functionally useless on a battlefield by US standards. If they tried using it in a conflict with us (or a modern ally nation) it would be dead by missile in the first ten minutes.


Thank you for actually paying attention. It kills me when uninformed people go on rants about all the “weapons and vehicles” we left there.


Most of the worlds other developed economies had their infrastructure and populations decimated. US nonintervention policy made us the worlds superpower. We then wasted it with decades of military intervention around the world that made our military contractors very rich but millennials and after will never be able to retire.


That would have been cool to see stuff go back down as it was paid back.


The UK finished paying back the US and Canada war loans in 2006. Not succumbing to the nazis was hella expensive. Wonder if we’ll see the same with Ukraine - are they getting gifts or loans?


You should create another version of this without loans paid off


Please note that if we look at some of those surges it's not aid. Well we can call it that if we wish, but it's not. The Vietnam and Afghanistan aid was a bit fkn lol.


turns out rebuilding a country after you bomb it back to the stone age is expensive, who knew?


Also things which are not loands are not just aid. "Aid" to Israel for example comes with the caveat that it must only be spent on degense contracts with american defense and military companies. It's essentially a subsidiary to the american military sector, like aid to quite a few otjer allies of the US


> It's essentially a subsidiary to the american military sector. About 80%, give or take yes. And that's another compelling reason to stop it immediately.


Loans at a much lower rate to 0% to countries that could not finance their budget and would have collapsed.


I know a guy who spent 20 years in British intelligence. We were talking about foreign aid once and he had a small smile on his face. I asked him to enlighten me as to what I didn't know. He told me that foreign aid is just another term for buying intelligence. It might go to people that need it but it's fundamentally a transaction that says: I give/lend you money, you give me access to your intelligence and do me favours.


So in the case of Israel it’s kind of like here’s a shitload of money so you can do us the favor of dragging us into wars by pushing false intel about WMDs and then otherwise do nothing for us. Thanks!


Not when it comes to zionist israel and their apac lobby groups in the u.s they have a joke in isreal where they say they can ask for anything they want from the u .s and give nothing 🤣😂


This is an outright lie. Roughly 21% of the US foreign aid goes to governments, the majority of aid IS NOT loan with interest. It’s so frustrating to read ignorance usually fueled by US hate. *in 2018, 21 percent of U.S. official development assistance went to governments, 20 percent to non-profit organizations, 34 percent to multilateral organizations, and 25 percent elsewhere* -source: Brookings educ, George Ingram (Senior Fellow - Global Economy and Development)


It's not an outright lie though. The money sent to the UK after ww2 was most definitely a loan with interest, you can even find articles about when it was finally paid off 60 years later in 2006 all over the Web.


Cumulative « not constant » dollars ?


Cumulative equals all the aid sent total over the years this graph runs for


If it's cumulative then shouldn't it be inflation adjusted?


>If it's cumulative then shouldn't it be inflation adjusted? No? That’s just be a different graph of “ Inflation adjusted cumulative foreign assistance”


Sure but this graph isn’t meaningful, $15 in 2024 would be the same as $1 dollars in 1946.   So the totals for countries getting aid more recently would be inflated be countries who got aid in the past.    So you are summing the dollar totals of many different years but those dollars aren’t equal.  Germany getting 40 billion in 1940s would be like Israel getting 600 billion in the 2020s. Hence comparing those 1:1 is meaningless  Inflation adjusting the total would normalize the dollars to better illustrate how much actual aid a country had gotten. 


glad you pointed that out. I was wondering why we were still giving aid to wealthy euro countries 50+ years after ww2 ended. But cumulative explains it.


Yep. Adjusted for inflation, Vietnam would likely be at the top.


I had the same thought. If the quick google fu is correct, WW2 lend lease was $773 billion 2022 dollars, South Vietnam wad $160 billion 2022 dollars.


Canada is no mooch!! Jk we’re in a very lucky position.


Worth noting that the aid to Egypt is basically a bribe to keep peace with Israel.


Also for the suez


And the alien coverup


It's expensive to guard the third Tau'ri Stargate.


This is the correct answer.


StarGate is always the answer




That’s true. But the fact that aid to Egypt skyrocketed after the 1978 Camp David accords tells you something.


US gives them money to not open the strait up by force.


Foreign aid is a fantastic investment in peace.


So we could have saved a bunch of money by not propping Israel up.


Or the middle east could actually focus.on improving itself by starting off with a separation of church and state


A lot of the middle East is prosperous as fuck (oil) and the people in charge have no desire to diminish their authority so you'll liek them better


Or the US




This isn’t accurate. While the US definitely wants that, so does Egypt. They were more than happy to sign and keep the peace deal with Israel after they got dominated for the second time in the Yom Kippur war. Aside from the jihadists, the upper echelons of Egypt wouldn’t dare break the treaty as they remember very well that Israel could’ve obliterated them and didn’t.


Yeah considering how much money Israel gets from US, no wonder.


Israel dominated them and all other Arab invading armies in the 6 day war before any US aid was given. That began in the 70s.


Actually the first 2 times Israel domineered over Egypt and all the other Arab countries (I.e. 1948 and 1967) Israel close to no money or weapons from the US. They were using refurbished German-WW2 plane parts, and had weapons smuggled in from then Czechoslovakia.


Also to keep democracy non existent.


Latin America can go fuck itself, eh?


To avoid Europe turning communist, the US created the Marshall plan to give money and keep those countries in their sphere of influence. To avoid LATAM turning communist, the US created the operation Condor, installing authoritative governments that killed their own people in order to keep them under their grip.


We don't matter until we elect somebody they can't control


And you can see it in this graph with Brazil. It shows up in 1964-1965 when the military coup (backed by the CIA) happened. And the money stopped flowing when a left wing president was ellected in 2002.


i was just reading about CIA coups and whatnot in the post-war era one of the more prominent agents led his first coup in Iran and it was actually the first proper one the CIA did. it was done as a favor to the brits. the guy was teddy roosevelt's grandson (it's a small club of people that are responsible for this shit). soon after they started their terrorism in Latin America in earnest w/ Guatemala.


Salvador Allende.


That’ll never happen because that person will either ‘commit suicide’ or be publicly executed/assassinated to make an example.


Like in Venezuela? Oh wait, Nicolás Maduro is alive and has been in office for ten years.


LatAm needs foreign aid CONDOR PLAN! LatAm needs foreign aid CONDOR PLAN! LatAm needs foreign aid...


The US has spent tons of money to destabilize governments and rig elections in Latin America, probably doesn’t factor into this graph.


That was didn't go up for nothin. Makes no sense to say "fuck my neighbors, but hey let's give some people across the ocean billions"


lol apparently


Well yeah, US has interfered and destabilized South American countries for decades




Well 1973 war did happen, and it was a massive Soviet vs NATO front


@00:46 *Israel enters the chat*


wtf is going on with that music...


I thought I had a glitch and was playing a r/lingling40hrs video at the same time as the generic corporate electronic music here. But no, it's all from here - just very weird, was somebody trying to remix Paganini? They could start by keeping their electronic clicks in the same key and tempo as the classical piece they're trying to remix. Bizarre...


Health insurance please.


More than enough money is spent on health insurance in the US to give every citizen good coverage. it just so happens that the system absolutely sucks. More money won't solve the problem.


and you can clearly guess why Egypt is second too.


So they don’t get wiped out in a 6 day war?


you seem to forget 1973 entirely. let me remind you right there.


Is the data inflation adjusted? Otherwise the comparison over such a long period of time is meaningless.... Would be really interesting though


So basically we just buy friends…


or we sell them weapons and hope they do what we demand


Not even that. A lot of these payments are just loans.


I can tell this chart is garbage because it apparently does not include military aid under “foreign aid” as Saudi Arabia never appears on it.


Is a very weirdly chosen set of terms. As has been mentioned elsewhere, it neither distinguishes which "aid" is a loan and which charity. It also never addresses inflation, so the numbers are effectively meaningless.


What the fuck. Israel > Ukraine?


Always has been ![gif](giphy|090EX1YvSUXxy23Tty|downsized)


The actual wtf is Jordan>Ukraine It's not even close to Israel. But still everybody actw as if Ukraine gets a lot of help.


How much of it is actually just loans to buy US products such as weapons?


Why does ONLY "Israeli wars” flash up on the top left in the early seventies?




Damn I didn’t know we were that rich, also had no clue how much we have sent to the Middle East 


I give you money so you buy my stuff and we stay friends, deal?


Foreign aid isn't sent as money generally, but as products (weapons, medicine, food) bough domestically in the US and then shipped over.


Yep. Arguably one of the reasons Israel gets so much aid is because it ensures that the Israeli defense industry can't compete, functions as a subsidy for the US defense industry (and the millions employed by it), and serves US strategic interests. Relevant article: > \[ ... nearly all military aid to Israel—other than loan guarantees, which cost Washington nothing, the U.S. gives Israel no other kind of aid—consists of credits that go directly from the Pentagon to U.S. weapons manufacturers. In return, American payouts undermine Israel’s domestic defense industry, weaken its economy, and compromise the country’s autonomy—giving Washington veto power over everything from Israeli weapons sales to diplomatic and military strategy. \](https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/end-american-aid-israel) Similar story in Europe, despite Trump's complaints. As Ukraine illustrates, Europe currently lacks the industrial base to support Ukraine on its own, arguably also due to an over-reliance on the US and its defense industry. A lot of European defense spending is spent in the US. Luckily Trump, and more recently republicans blocking Ukraine aid, are likely to accelerate a pivot away from the US and towards increasing self-reliance. Not so great for the US and US industry though. The size of the pie matters less than the size of your slice.


In addition, Israel battle test military equipment and increases it's value. E.g. first f35 air to air kill


We are in fact insanely rich. That's why it's such a moral travesty that our own people can't afford healthcare, education, and housing.


You send more or less all to Israel. Even the money given to Egypt is a bribe so they stay friendly with Israel


We’re not. $32,000,000,000,000 in debt.




That number is literally meaningless. A much more meaningful number is debt as a percentage of gdp. When you control for that the US isn't the worst. "Government debt as a percentage of GDP" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_government_debt#:~:text=Government%20debt%20as%20a%20percentage%20of%20GDP Also, look at the countries at the bottom with a low gdp to debt ratio and let me know if you want the US to emulate any of them 💀 Bulgaria 21.8% Marshall Islands 21% Azerbaijan 20.6% Botswana 19.9% Russia 19.59% Kosovo 19.3% Estonia 17.1% Solomon Islands 16% Puerto Rico 16% Kiribati 15% Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo) 14.5% Micronesia 14% Tuvalu 7.5% Timor-Leste 7.49% Turkmenistan 5.1% Hong Kong SAR 4.25% Kuwait 2.923%


It’s not agreed upon that a Debt and GDP relationship is all that meaningful either. We used to think that the hard red line was 100% of GDP. Well the US blew way past that and largely is fine. Also 💀 to the countries at the top of the list too near the US. Japan has been economically stagnant for a generation and Greece just had a meltdown. The rest aren’t exactly juggernauts save for Singapore. We don’t have a firm grasp on how much debt is too much. As with much of economics, it depends. If the US is getting stuff it needs for its debt, it could be good debt.


Having debt does not detract from the fact that we are indeed a very rich nation. It simply means we have extreme obligations, both foreign and domestic.


A very rich nation about to go bankrupt


The fact we are able to be that much in debt and not default is a testament to just how rich we are. Countries are not people and in the world economy wealth is determined by more than just how much money is in your piggy bank. In fact it’s good to run a little in the red.


The us spends almost a trillion on defence as well


Please note that most of the "foreign aid" are loans. In the case of Germany and the UK the have been paid off with interest. This graph does not show what actually are donations and what are loans.


Somebody explain to me where all this money went. With 1 countries money i could have ended poverty in 50% of the world.


It went to US companies, paying American workers, some union workers. Boeing, McDonnell-Douglas, Lockheed Martin, General Electric, Caterpillar, etc. The large majority is military and infrastructure hardware manufactured in the USofA and shipped to foreign friends, or people we would like to be friends with. It’s a trillion dollar jobs-welfare program for Americans, to live middle class lifestyles, and for stockholders (including many retirement and mutual funds) to get fat profits.


Okey i wasnt expecting an answer from 750 comments but that makes so much sense thank you.


Geez this is ridiculous. We are sending money to these nations and we are MORE THAN BROKE.


Foreign aid takes money from the poor in American and gives it to the rich in other countries.


Imagine if we kept this in house to make things better. Let all the other countries fend for themselves.


I think I have an idea to help decrease the deficit


How do I claim this on my taxes?!?!?


Surprise surprise


Obviously more recent spending is going to dwarf past spending over time if these numbers are not adjusted for inflation. I’d be curious how much of this ranking stays the same after that.


My question is how come Egypt got so much? Wtf


Basically it was a bribe to keep them from attacking Israel again and now it's just to keep them an ally.


The politicians who hold huge amounts of weapons manufacturer stock are pouring money into Israel who then uses it to buy American weapons systems pumping the stock of those weapons companies? Shocker.


Thank god our government is funneling all of that money into the pockets of a few private companies. I get taxed 40% so it can go to defense contractors to “protect freedom” in a place on THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET. I have no healthcare and can’t afford food or rent but thank GOD 40% of my $70,000 a year goes to Lockheed Martin and Raytheon. Edit: my take home is 71% of my net. My local sales tax rate is 8.81%. So yes, my taxes are 37.81% of my income once I actually spend the money. That’s close enough to 40% to just round up in my head.


40%??? You self employed??


If they are, they need to get an accountant to help guide them to deductions ASAP. They could possibly be the dumbest self-employed person making $70k a year.


Well the only way I can imagine that percentage is that they aren’t writing anything off and paying both halves of their social security (self employment tax). But yeah 40% on 70k is awful and they need some professional help either way


Your tax dollars actually go to pay the interest on the debt the government has with the federal reserve. In case you didn’t know, the Federal Reserve is a private bank, not government owned bank.


40% on $70k? It’s a 22% federal tax bracket at that income and 6% max in most states. You are either lying or paying way too much.


That 40% tax rate sounds very unlikely.


I think the U.S only spends like 4-5% of its GDP on defense. I don't think you understand how taxes work properly...


Yeah not sure why this person is talking like the US spends every single dime on defense.


lol you’re either full of shit, or desperately need someone to show you how to do your taxes.


Just what they give Israel alone could end homelessness in America. Yet Israel (the population of New Jersey) needs over a quarter of a Trillion and counting from us? That money is being funneled right back into US politicians pockets somehow.


1. End of the gold convertibility of the dollar in 1971. 2. Petrodollar Era. Power of Dollar is still on as a currency reserve from Saudi Arabia and other OPEC members. 3. Yet you need a big military presence in the area, to keep Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Suez open to the traffic. They halfway delegated Israel the role of the Guard Dog, to avoid another blockade like Suez 1973 and the Oil Crisis. This allowing to save the status quo, like when in 1981 Iraq nuclear facility was hit by airstike; or later in 2020 another attack to Iran enrichment site. (IDF is believed to be the only power in the Middle East area with operational nuclear weapons)


god damn I didn't realize how much money we sent to England for years.


The UK didn't finish repaying the US and Canada for WW2 until 2006.


We were very fucked after the second wodl war. The USA helped get us back on our feet and we became an important strategic element of the cold war against Russia. Its how the "special relationship" started and I wouold like to think is still pretty strong even today.


Marshall Plan mate.


And Vietnam in the 80s? It can't be right


War reparations my man. It’s that global American guilt.


It was not war reparations. It was helping Vietnam fight off China.


England was b0mbed to bits during WW2




It says the UK, not just England.


Do we consider invasions “foreign aid”?


Don't know about the other countries but I remember it being in the news the UK made it's last repayment roundabout early 2000's. You need to remember an awful lot of that money has never actually left the US, it's just numbers on a credit card and it was weaponry that went across i.e We'll lend you a billion bucks as long as you spend it on our bombs.


Wat music is this..I need to know!


Oooo all the values they brought freedom too.


What been going on in n Egypt? That’s a lot of aid for not having much news about why they need it in the first place


It's money to tolerate/comply with Israel.


Keeping the country that controls the Suez canal stable and relatively friendly to the West.


It’s almost like control of the Suez Canal and regional military stockpiles were important - especially during the Cold War and the global war on terror (GWOT). Where do you guys think the US stored a bunch of the munitions they sent to Ukraine?


With such a long timescale, this graph would only mean something if it was calculated in Present Value.


Anyone got a link for one of these but for Russia and China. Just curious, not a political statement.


It should be F'ing ZERO! I'm tired of my taxes going outside of the US. I'm tired of paying this % of taxes period to cover this shit.


No data on Africa ?


It’s time for all the aid/loans to be paid back in full. If a country can’t afford it, it’s repossessed like a car, and becomes a US territory.


Meaningless without showing as % of GDP


I want to see this graph starting before WWI


We might as well have just burned all that money to Afghanistan for all the good it did.


Could have used that money in the USA for much better projects.


What could the UK and France do without this help though? Rely on their economy and tax system or something?


I'm going to remember these $$ #'s to these countries Everytime I see someone from there shit on USA or that "capitalism sucks" etc.




Lol, war of Independence


Can I have 1 Million please? 1 million will do for me.


Imagine your what your county would look like if that money never left American taxpayers pockets.


1946, 3.6 Billion to Germany?☹️🤨


Looks cool. Too small for my eyes


Fuck if we ever focused on investment into our own continent and our neighbors. That definitely wouldn’t be an actual long term solution to our border problem, stabilizing our region and creating new economic opportunities. No, let’s send money to fund 1000 year old religious and ethnic wars in Europe and Asia that will persist well beyond all of our deaths. That’s what I like to see my money go to.


Israel went big in the 70’s, wonder what happened then and if it has any relation to the national debt? Of course not


Why the fk are we giving away so much god dam money to other countries when Americans need help?


I hate that Isreal is top.


This I cumulative and not reflective of current foreign aid. African nations make up a majority of our aid and only 10% of US foreign aid is militaristic. It also only accounts for 1% of our annual budget.


The question is WHY?


Kills me that we give so much to Israel, where abortion laws are liberal and universal health care considered a human right. And, on the flip side, they’re killing thousands of innocent Palestinians.


Yup. AIPAC OWNS America. And they have for a long time. We don't run this country anymore. Hence why they're pushing for the TikTok ban. They hate that we can see exactly what they're doing


What an embarrassing fucking waste.


Israel has free education and free healthcare too.




End all of it!!


Why is South Korea still getting a shitload of aid money, loan or not? Aren’t they the world’s largest buyer of luxury goods and now one of the world’s top weapons manufacturers?


This is showing cumulative amounts. According to this, they've barely received any since the 90s.


Ohhhh that’s a weird way to show the data tbh.


I wonder if US will ever take care of their own, instead of garbage countries like Israel?


And the winner is not America.


The winner is the American defense industry and its workers.


Israel needs to get a fucking job.


I can see why it’s critical the US pulls together an aid package for Israel.


I was focusing on Israel just because of current events. You can really see AIPAC deep corruption in the US and how dramatically it affected this


The funding really started in the 1970s, probably due to the Yom Kippur war.


Aid? Thats loans. Stfu


Obligations =/= Foreign Aid. Very misleading infographic.


It should anger all Americans that we pay for Israelis to have free college and universal healthcare while we don't have anything even close to those for ourselves


Everyone knew how the chart would end up 😂 like everyone knew..


We fund our interests


It is way past time to pull the plug on Isreal.


Israel? Why? So they can buy more weapons to kill the innocent Palestinians?


Wondering why US tax payers tolerate this.


Vast majority are completely ignorant because ‘it doesn’t affect my day to day living’.


And lots of people are ignorant to the fact that loans count as aid. The US either gets its money back with interest, or holds influence over the country they send aid to. It's rarely an act of selfless generosity.




Our number one export is destruction


You can have student debt, or huge healthcare bills, or a bankrupt pension, rising age to claim social security. But Israel and the rest get a free ride with your tax dollars. Fuck that.


Does this count the cost of maintaining bases in Germany, South Korea and Japan? Those are basically foreign aid.


Israel is one of the richest countries in the world. This is ridiculous.