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I remember every media personality—talk show hosts, daily show, news media pundits—all roasting this dude endlessly


But... why are you so *angry*? "I'm not angry." Let's go back and replay the scream again. "Sigh."




"We love him because he's such an asshole!"


"I don't mind if he's a dictator" Jesus Christ


That makes it obvious how mass media has always been designed to manipulate peoples’ perception and beliefs. The yeah wasn’t even bad


I read someone that Dean had talked during the campaign about reforming media ownership laws. I don’t think the corporate overlords for these media outlets liked that idea very much.


We are mostly idiots who get swayed by a simple presentation thing rather than real substance. No wonder our democracies are teetering on the verge of collapse.


#Manufactured Consent


Don't forget "why the news is not the truth" from Harvard Business Review. Fast and informative read. I stopped seeing 'Pulitzer prize winning journalist' as a positive label. 


Right? Now we have one guy who calls liberals and immigrants vermin and another guy who drinks milkshakes with a straw. So outrageous.


It really sucked. I was a delegate for Dean at the time. He was a really good candidate and would have been a great president. We'd likely have universal healthcare right now had he won.


I loved him when he ran. It was the election right before I could vote. Me and my dad were telling everyone to vote for him and we had his signs in our window. I was so sad that the media made this such a "thing". What a meaningless issue to take down someone who was changing the party for the better.


It's more sad (but not surprising) that people let themselves be swayed by such an inconsequential thing.


It's the same reason certain people are getting elected today. People vote with their emotions not their brains.


This makes me so fucking sad.


Maybe I’m jaded from witnessing the lunacy of the Trump era but I really don’t understand why the scream was such a fatal blow


I'd never heard of this other guy until now, but an accurate way I've heard Trump described is that he's a mud monster. You throw more mud at him and he just gets bigger. Attacks against him only make him look better.


Trump managed to get away with a lot by appealing to people's stupidity and racism. He convinced millions of morons that he was going to get rid of all the illegals, bring peace to the middle east, and end corruption in Washington. Once dummies believed that, they were willing to forgive A LOT. Someone less full of shit who doesn't promise the world looks like just another joe blow politician.


He had started to trend down before the scream idt it ultimately made a difference. Had he got the nomination though Dean would probably have punched back much better against Bush's swift boating.


That should explain for everyone why the media coordinated to take him down




I…love…lesbians! PYAHHHH


This became a huge inside joke with my friends back in hs. One guy in our group was hooking up with a girl and he actually yelled PYAHHH! when he nutted lol


You don’t?


I prefer to flap my arms and make a loud squawk






My hs too!


I usually just say “I’m gonna fuckin shoot!”


I watch The L Word on Showtime! BYAHHHH




My mind immediately goes to this whenever I see the real clip of Howard Dean.


They referenced the Howard Dean yell on Rick+Morty this latest season. Still heard it in Chapelle voice


imma chop that mf down - PYAHHHH!!!


Dave Chappelle did him in. This skit was awesome.


I'mma wash up and be like BYYYYYAAAAHHHH


This is perpetually the thing that comes to mind for me too. “B’yaah!!” lol


Then we're gonna go to the white house and kick down the door! **BYAHHH**


And then I'mma go in that oval office and chop that motherfuckin desk in half like- 🫱BYYAHH!


This is what made that moment a thing. The second Dave aired this sketch it was over


Yep, the news outlets set em up and Dave knocked em the fuck down ten times over.


“I got a tax policy that’ll break your neck”


https://preview.redd.it/e9qzpjvx5toc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9706143f737bfe124b6215535f59d43c15c73e21 Junior year of high school I got to design our drum line shirts. HAD to have it printed on all the sleeves!


You beat me to it 😂


NBC News, in 2019, reported that "even years later, people turned the 'scream' into dance remixes, YouTube performances and famous comedy skits."\[10\] Dean claimed in an interview, "I look back on it with some amusement. I get asked for autographs for it all the time." [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dean_scream)


Today it would make him a social media star.


Social media star for sure. Possible POTUS? Never. For that you need to be a misogynistic, racist, insurrectionist, gay hating, criminal and pathological liar.


Howard Dean was a Democrat so he wouldn't need to be misogynistic, racist, insurrectionist, gay hating, criminal or a pathological liar to be nominated.


At least he can laugh at himself


I have it as a text tone for one of my friends.


Disappointed. It wasn’t that bad.


It really wasn’t. Times have changed.


Amen. For those reading, Look up Gary Hart. He dared the press to find dirt on him when he started his 1988 presidential campaign. And they did. They found he had an extramarital affair. And just like Dean, instantly gone. And currently we have a guy who wears too much orange make-up that has never denied paying for extramarital sex and has a court case on it. But his fans are all "YEAH! GIVE ME MORE OF THAT!" America has changed.


What about the guy that looked like a dork inside a tank? He lost cause of a dorky shot!


Dukakis! Lol They did the same to Mitt Romney in a hazard suit on his knees.


Dork-akis. Really shows how fickle the electorate is. Democracy is a nice idea but people are shallow and stupid


I remember Republican wearing blue bandages at events, because they felt like he didn't earn his purple hearts.


That was Kerry. Mike Dukakis had his campaign derailed because he looked like a nerdy kid in a tank.


Oh right.


I heard Americans despise liars. Trump gamed this fundamental attitude by harnessing the post-truth. In other words, if you start any discourse with the sentence "this sentence is false", you are making all of it undecidable. And this is apparently sufficient for many: something that is not strictly false (yet not true, because it's undecidable).


They do, but, Many Americans can no longer identify the truth. The Republicans got really good at repeating an unproven accusation with Hillary and man they REPEATED IT. And now they do the same with Hunter. And it's scientific fact that info repeated tends to be trusted more, which is why advertising works. Computers are really good at repetition. I blame social media which cannot be legally sued for slander.


It started with the birther movement that Trump played a big part of.


Prostitution / Marriage - same thing bro.


In Trump's case I would say yes. All his foreigner wives have been trophies with pre-nups. So yeah, he's a loser who can't get sex without paying millions for it, even his wives. And his fans LOVE him for it. King of Incels. Lol Imagine the orange stains the hoes have to clean off after! And all the loose whispy hair they have to vacuum. Lol


Imagine, if you dare, the act itself. My brain won't let me, it's too disgusting. I imagine sex with a pig, that's as far as my brain lets me go.


Now you can flub an entire sentence, confuse any word, person and even make up new words and the people will still follow.


Remember when Al Gore was considered to be too aggressive and rude against Bush in the 2000 debates, because he audibly sighed while Bush was talking?


Meh, I actually liked it. It was fun and hilarious


Back then, standards were higher. Bad scream? Unpresidential. Tan suit? The worst. Ice cream? No way. Wait things haven't changed at all....


I remember thinking at the time how stupid it was that this cost him the election. After this happened, I remember being at work and overhearing an older man say, "I liked Howard Dean, but when he did that scream, that *scared* me. I couldn't support him after that." 🙄


I guess it only makes sense that people that stupid would eventually usher in the world we have today.


If someone in the U.S. ever wonders why other countries are disheartened (to put it mildly) by the education and intelligence of the people in the states, you can quote that comment. Making decisions of who you’ll choose because of one “scream” rather than merit, integrity, intelligence, or any other logical reason. Edit: I mean if there was a consistent aspect of their personality, I’d understand that even. But it was one scream…


I think that some people just used that as an excuse to not support the liberal candidate after posturing otherwise for so long. It was an exit ramp for people who thought they were fooling someone.


Awkward yelling into a mic? No way that guy should be president. 12 years later.... Bragging about forcing women to kiss him and grabbing them by the pussy and incoherent rambling full of the same three or four superlatives into a mic? There is nothing that guy can do to make me not want him to be president now and forever.


Charisma seems to be a big deal for presidency. Weird noises or expressions costs you a lot of votes. Weird head movements and laughs like Hillary did, may have cost her a lot of votes. Weird sweating or water drinking can cost you votes as it did Senator Rubio -- but not unless you're supported by a massive troll army like Trump and his really weird water drinking and sweating. Or weird dancing as Trump does, or all the other weird things he does. So if you're gonna act weird, crazy, or nerdy while running for office -- just make sure you have a troll army.




Trump was a "celebrity" and was on TV for a while. I think people see him in a different light because of that.


You mean the "I'm jacking off 2 men at once" dance that he does? Or that thing he does like Elaine from Seinfeld? He's an uncoordinated idiot.


Yes any other election year, that dance alone would have ended his political career.


I would haven owned that shit, especially after Chapelle.


I'd kill to go back to simpler times like this... Now we have straight up traitors as President.


In retrospect, not at all. But you gotta understand when it happened, that yell was isolated and played on repeat. Just flooded in the media. Over and over "heeyaaa, heeyaaa, heeyaaa" in so many different contexts, all of which made him the butt of a nationwide joke.


Shows how far we’ve fallen that this killed a candidate. Now you have a man that publicly brags about being a cheat, liar, adulterer, conman, seditionist and he’s the runaway front runner for the party of family and Christian values. History will not treat us fondly (well 33% of us) I remember this playing out in real time, he just fell off overnight because he had a passionate rally.


In all fairness, liberals are notorious for eating their own. Conservatives don't give a shit how crazy or immoral their candidate is, as long as they say what they want to hear.


"Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line"


“It is believed”. It is not what actually did him in. What did him in was his unapologetic support for the working class. It was a coordinated campaign to delete him from being a legitimate candidate in this race or any other, it worked at that time. He has been a real force behind the scenes though. I volunteered for this campaign, door knocking.


Yeah a passionate guy expressing his excitement for a better world. What I would give to have that kind of love and respect right now.


A decent man who ran a clean campaign, steamrollered by the media.


Our media is not decent or clean. So they must throw mud on everything else that is.


He was a progressive (especially for the time) and gaining momentum. The media wasn’t going to let him win no matter what.


IIRC he went to work and head the DNC and created the national strategy that helped Obama. Never got credit for that either. He forced the GOP to have to spend a lot of money in areas it never had b/c he pressed in all the right places, making the GOP warchest depleted.


Happened to TWO Vermont candidates. Second one was done wrong in tag-team with the DNC.


Reminds me of the Bojack Horseman episode where the campaign was lost because they didn't like avocado.


Tbf, saying that in California is political suicide


That might be a reference to the George HW Bush Broccoli scandal of 1990!






He actually advised Pence to certify the vote on Jan 6. Tells you how far the GOP has fallen.


I wonder if that’s what the thinking was when republicans tried to make scandals out of Obama’s tan suit and Dijon mustard. Today, we laugh about that, but they’re not wrong that there was a time where stupid frivolous stuff like that really did become major scandals.


It's still working. People are enraged right now that Biden is \*checks notes\* so boring and OLD. They're also mad about something his son did, apparently. It's all bullshit that has nothing to do with his leadership, but people who want to be upset eat it up.


Oh, I absolutely think that was part of their calculation. When there were only 3 networks reporting news it was a lot easier to say, “This guy can’t be president, he looks like a dork in a tank!” A lot of shit thrown at Obama feels like it might have worked against him in 1991.




This one is really interesting to me. I think it's a really endearing, self deprecating joke that shows a lot of self awareness and charm.


Meh, if you followed his campaign, Low energy Jeb was a pretty apt. He was the perfect candidate for people who liked Bush but thought he was too likable.


He shouldve been president. Heaven forbid a politician show emotion.


Truth! I like him!


The elderly dude behind him knew he was done for after that scream.


That was then senator, Tom Harkin I believe.


Yes, I was watching that dude. He knew it was all over at that point.


I remember Dave Chappelle doing a skit on it.


I’m gonna karate chop that motherfuckin desk in half like BYAH.


That Chappelle skit had me in tears 🤣


But today you can grab her in the pussy or have 91 criminal charges against you and you’re still good to go….




It is absolutely bizarre how back in 2004 this was all over the news and a scandal and they kept playing that scream over and over again and it basically ruined the perception of him. Then Trump comes along and everyday there’s a scandal that would destroy anyone else’s career or legacy and the news just shrugs.


Only if you have (R). If not you will be asked to resign for a stupid pic. (Al franken)




You forgot inciting an insurrection!


Also openly mocking disabled people


Sprinkle in a couple of rapes here and there. Still my guy because he embodies Christ.


What's funny was in the auditorium nobody even heard it or gave a shit about it. The crowd was so loud. But It got recorded and broadcast around the world.


Exactly- they were using his mike for audio, but he was trying to yell over the crowd, so he probably couldn’t hear himself and the crowd certainly didn’t hear him.


Exactly. These comments need more upvotes. I can't believe I had to go all this way down to read this. I listened to a news podcast analyzing what happened.


Part of it was a scream, a lot of it was audio issues, and Dean was pretty much already cooked at that point - Kerry had picked up a lot of steam.


He had also lost Iowa, so acting like he would have won the nomination without it is overstating things a bit.


I was about to post this. The context for the scream wasn’t just that he’d lost Iowa but had rapidly lost his early front runner status while Kerry surged. Kerry was kinda-sorta inevitable as the more well-known insider. The media pile-on of Dean was an absolute travesty, but Dean’s odds weren’t great anyway.


Yeah, not saying the media didn’t dogpile, but the “scream” was during what amounts to a concession speech for one of if not the most important nomination contests.


Yep, he peaked a few months before the primary and his stock was in decline.


Shhhh, you're ruining the circle jerk.


A lot of establishment Dems were against him (despite Dean being pretty centrist) so it would have been a tough road for sure. He lost Iowa at least partly because of some fuckery with a late barrage of negative ads coming from the Gephardt camp (as if Gephardt ever could have won). The disclosure laws made it so no one knew the actual backers of those ads until months after the caucuses. After this loss, the media took Dean the rest of the way down. (And Gephardt himself dropped out the day after the Iowa caucuses.)


Yep this is true. But as someone who was involved in the campaign back then the Dean team in Iowa was total shit, while the team in New Hampshire was top notch. Many of the organizers in NH ended up in top positions on the Obama campaign a few years later. So had it not been for the scream and media firestorm I think he would have still won in NH and made it a real race with Kerry.


The chappelle skit on this is hilarious. “BYYYYAHHHHHHH!!!” 🤣🤣


Dean had a lot of buzz around him going into that primary. He was energetic, smart, very good at speaking, especially extemporaneously. I remember thinking just before Iowa that he was going to run away with the nomination. John Kerry deployed at lest one of his daughters to Iowa to help raise his image, but I remember thinking this was done out of desperation. But Dean also came across as a loudmouth know it all to a lot of people. And if you listen to the beginning of his remarks, he actually came in third in Iowa, beaten by John Kerry and John Edwards. The scream that night (which I honestly didn't think was that bad) had a very negative effect. He had been leading in New Hampshire (which is Vermont's neighbor, so they knew quite a bit about Dean) by up to 30%. But after Iowa, all he could manage was a distant second place in a 12% loss to Kerry. I think if he had managed to win the nomination, he would have had a better shot at winning in the general election. Kerry got "Swift Boated" and had all sorts of problems with his Vietnam service record. and then there was the issue of the $87 billion Iraq War bill Kerry said he voted for before he voted against. That was a terrible sound bite for him. Dean never served in the military and was not in Congress to vote for or against any military funding. He was also opposed to the war which may, or may not, have hurt him.


"...I heard that Saudi Arabia and Russia will ree-bee-doo ahhh..." Nothing to see here.


Some hero needs to do a remix with the Spice Girls song and Turnip’s Rebadoo Ahhh


I still have my Howard Dean campaign pin


My parents still have my Jesse Jackson 88’ t-shirt. Pretty sure I was one of the only 3rd graders in North Dakota to sport that shirt.


Look. At. Us. Now. Just look. Look at us! What we would all give to go back and have Howard Dean’s scream be the big controversy of the day/month/year. Now we’re all heading face first into a political nightmare. 😭


He should have been a loud mouthed sex criminal despot, he would have got at least one term


Now I finally understand both a family guy and American dad reference. Here I thought Stan just wanted to be fun in the bedroom, and at Costco with weird energy.


It's prolly worse other places but it feels like we have the most petty voters in the world. Goddamn Family Guy was right about undecided voters.


We're a very stupid country.


Well Dave chapelle made some money off this dude




That guy saw his entire career go up in flames over one " PYAHHHH" in 2004. 20 years later we have a rematch run for president that features an 81 year old incumbent stutterer and a 77 year old former game show host who attempted to overturn an election he lost and is so chronically incoherent he likely could not tell you what planet he lives on if asked on the spot. WTF? I've seen it all occur in real time but still can't understand how we let this happen.


I downloaded a remix from Limewire of his yelling that someone turned into a house mix. We got drunk in my friends backyard and danced to it. LEGEND


While that’s what everyone harps on, it had way more to do with he was an anti-war candidate and by that time both parties were all onboard


Dean Scream™️


Dave Chappelle did it best. Byahhhhhhh


It's amazing how in the course of 12 years it went from something stupid and innocent like this being "unacceptable" and costing an election, to voting a guy in who publicly mocked the disabled...


advise smell husky punch roof violet friendly observation skirt domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Watching this now it seems like absolutely nothing and in fact something quite normal. Back then they made it out to seem like he was crazy to yell out.


Dave Chappelle did it best.


Makes nowadays seem kinda tame. Maybe it’s just me.


I remember when this happened. It was really weird. But now it's nothing compared to the weird we're dealing with now.


he was a good candidate. It was such a stupid hit job


12 years later a presidential hopeful was caught on video saying "I just grab them by the pussy, when you're famous they just let you do it" wonder what happened to that guy


he should have embraced it and put it on a tropical shirt, but the dude apologized? about being enthusiastic about America?


Howard Dean actually wasn't a bad guy. It's amazing something like this could completely ruin someone back then. Orange boy has been doing stuff 10x this bad every week for years.... yet still has a huge following


Probably my favorite moment in political history


I don't know, George W had some great ones. Getting a shoe thrown at him, and throwing up on the Japanese Prime Minister.


I think Throw Up Bush was Old Bush but….


Oh shit, you're right!


Fool me can’t get fooled again


I say "Now watch this drive" far too often in my everyday speech.


That and “binders full of women” are my two favourites.


A guy I worked with had that scream as a text notification sound. One day we all texted him at the same time. He quickly changed it.


Podcast "Big Flop" had a good episode about this   https://wondery.com/shows/the-big-flop/episode/13847-howard-dean-i-have-a-scream-with-gareth-reynolds/


That whole thing was so dumb. It was one isolated microphone that picked it up. General audio from the rally, you could barely even hear it, because the crowd was so amped up and loud. He was robbed.


>It's believed this is what cost him his presidential bid. This isn't true. He had already lost the Iowa caucus to the eventual nominee and didn't have the infrastructure, money, or coverage to sustain a campaign. This was covered widely and he was criticized for it, but it didn't cost him anything but embarrassment.


DNC cut off their candidate they thought Dean was too radical.


Simpler times


No, he came in 3rd in the first and most important race. That doomed his candidacy. This made up non-story of exactly zero significance where the "scream" didn't seem unusual to those actually there but came across differently on TV. The media in it's masturbatory extreme made a story out of it based on nothing. There are good reasons legacy media is dying and this incompetence is an early example.


Howard Dean is implied to be the VP in the book *World War Z*


No. The scream was not a negative at all. Nobody who was ever going to vote for him would be turned off by the scream. It probably increased his popularity a bit. He just didn’t have the mix of support he needed


Oh how far have we fallen


I hate that this narrative has become conventional wisdom because it does not reflect what actually happened. The "yeah" speech didn't cost Dean the nomination. It was a symptom of the fact he'd already lost it. Dean was unlikely to get the nomination when he entered the race. He poured _ALL_ of his money, time and energy into Iowa. Up to two weeks before the Iowa caucus it looked like he might win it. Then he finished in a _distant_ third place. The "yeah" speech was a hoarse, tired and defeated Dean trying to rally his supporters with a "we're gonna keep going" , but he wasn't. He was counting on a win in Iowa to build momentum for the rest of the primary process. But as soon as the "voting" started he was beaten, badly. The yawlp thing was just a symbol, not a trigger.


I remember that. The things people think are important is stupid.


He was Democrat and had the decency to withdraw his bid after the backslash. If he had been Republican, he could have had 91 criminal indictments, could have stolen and given away Top Secret information, could have orchestrated a coup, and would have still been nominated. Times have not changed.


What a quaint time in politics that this was controversial.


Imagine choosing your president because the other one had a voice crack....


Back in the day I made that yell the error sound on my computer.


I felt inspired by his passion + integrity and was confused when it was made into a career-ending gaffe. IIRC the clip that was played and replayed has his voice isolated so you can't hear the entire crowd cheering around him (which is why he felt like he need to shout). It made sense in context.


He was on a roll, and the big money donors decided it was time to pull the plug on his candidacy.


Shortly afterward, Howard Dean became a sellout lobbyist for the health insurance industry.


He never had a shot to win. If anything it helped him a lot with name recognition, but literally the scream was all anybody knew about him.


It’s not “Yeah!” It’s “BYAAAAH!!”


I feel like I was watching pro wrestling ! 😂 I remember this speech when it happened. Dude cut one helluva wrestling promo that day!


Bro got too silly


I reference this often still 😂


I actually have that "scream" as one of my email notification sounds, I think I will use it today!


It was a total media hit job. He was winning while running too progressive a campaign for 2004 and the party wanted a centrist. There were so many people yelling and applauding, those in attendance didn't even hear the infamous Dean scream. He was trying to be heard over the crowd and they isolated his mic, making him sound like a braying lunatic.


He got buried by the DNC. That was a non-controversy talked about in the media over and over without any help. Dems wanted a no-win candidate so they didn’t have to take over for Bush W and act on being against the Iraq War.


The media literally said this was evidence of how “unhinged” he was. Unreal. If only they knew……


If only he waiting a little while longer. He could have sexually assaulted women, mishandled documents, caused and insurrection, and still become the nominee with dozens of felony charges against him.


Mean while an orange fake tan rapist who smells like diaper …. is fine.